September 2010 - St. James Lodge #47


St. James Lodge No. 47 F. & A.M.

Timothy Hilary Atkins, W.M.

Cell: 225-772-1111

David Dodge, Secy., P.M.

Home: 225-924-1565

315 Convention Street, Post Office Box 444, Baton Rouge, LA 70821


Web Site:

Stated Communications: 1 st

& 3 rd

Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.



Charity is THE cornerstone of Masonry .

Do you like doing a good deed every day?

Do you DO one?

Perhaps you do more than the average

Boy Scout, but one deed would be an excellent start.

When did we last pay a brother’s overdue dues?

But we are expected to help our Brothers!

How about helping people that you can help, in your everyday life??

One afternoon, one of our members was coming to the Lodge and noticed a woman distressed about a flat tire on her car. He asked her if she needed help to change it.

No spare. She said she had called her son and he was on his way. Our member talked with her as she waited. The son arrived, picked up the tire, and was leaving his mother with the car to safeguard it.

Our member told them that they could come in and wash up when finished. He told them that the mother was welcome to sit in the lobby to watch and wait. They declined, but thanked him. During the conversation, she realized that he was a


She told him that she would be ok; there was no need for him to be late to his meeting as no one would bother her in front of a Masonic Lodge.

She told him that she is one of the lawyers working on the first floor of our building.

Her son arrived with the fixed tire, put it on and they left.

What our Brother did was but duty done.

I hope YOU are as proud to have such a brother in our Lodge as I am. What have

YOU done today to make us proud?

Making Good Men Better.

Timothy H. Atkins

Monthly Newsletter September 2010 – October 2010

Message from our secretary:

“2010 DUES are now OVERDUE!”

Invite worthy guests!

It is NOT too early nor too late to invite a guest: 6:00/6:30 P.M

October 7



Dec 2 nd

Invitations and Envelopes are available on the "sign-in" desk.


Sept. 2 - Guest Night (Open/Meal 6:30 PM) bi-annual

Guest Night with 47 attending, including six guest prospects. There were three requests for Petitions. A gift was made by St. James Lodge to a group of members from Acacia Shrine for the Children's Hospitals. The group of Shriners included Potentate Gerard Ruth and others from St. James Lodge and one from Fairfields Lodge.

Sept. 9 – 6:00 PM Special to Initiate 3 Entered Apprentices

Sept. 16 – 7:30 PM Rededication ceremony.

Sept. 23 – 6:00 PM Special to Raise 4 Master Masons.

Sept. 30 – 6:00 PM Special to pass a new Fellow Craft.


Practice every Monday at 5:30 pm at the Lodge.

All officers are requested to attend practice.

------END Casual Summer Attire-------

Oct. 7 - Past Masters’, Widows& 25/50 Yr. (Open/Meal


Oct. 21 - Tyler’s Annual Report

Nov. 4 - St. John the Evangelist & Election of 2011 Officers



Dec. 2 - Installation of 2011 Officers (Open/Meal


Sickness and Relief

Bro. Chris Dalton continues recovering from an emergency appendectomy.

Eddie Coleman's father continues to suffer the effects of the stroke. We pray for speedy recovery and for Eddie and his mom, that they maybe given strength and be able to provide care.


JoeR P.M.

Message from the Acacia Shrine Center:

The check given by St. James Lodge for the

Shreveport Shiners’ Children’s hospital was delivered and your generosity is greatly appreciated.

I want to invite all members of Lodge Members to my Potentates Party , October 30 th

at the Acacia

Shrine Center from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm.

Please call me, at 926-0250, at least 1 week in advance to let me know that you are coming. Any donations to help cover the meal will be gratefully accepted.

Gerard Ruth, Potentate, Acacia Shrine

St. James Lodge No. 47

Post Office Box 444

Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0444



September 2010 -- October 2010









FORKED RIVER, NJ 08731-4302



PLEASE notify our Secretary, W.Bro. David Dodge and W.Bro. Joe Richard whenever your address, email address or telephone number changes.


Other Masonic Events

A c a c i i a S h r r i i n e m e e t t s a t t 6 : : 0 0 / / 7 : : 0 0 P M e v e r r y 3 r d

W e d n e s d a y a t t 7 9 9 1 S .


C o m m e r r c e A v e .


Downtown York Rite Bodies meet regularly on the 1 st

Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. with breakfast at 7:30 a.m.


F l l c o o r t i t i t t d i s a h


R o i t u l l e e

B v a a r t t o d .


n R o u g e V a l l e y m e e t t s o n t t h e 2 n d

T h e A d v i s o r y C o u n c i i l w i i l l l l m e e t a

M t t t o h n e d a

C y o o n f f s i i e s t t a o c r r h y m a t o n

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e r r o a n t t t t

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, n m d e a e y t t i i o n f g t t h a e t 7 m

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M , , a t t t t h e C o n s i i s t o r r y o n

Livingston Certificate Association meets at 6:00 P.M with dinner, on the first Friday of each month at Hurd Merrill Lodge # 454 in

Livingston, LA and Baton Rouge Certificate Association meets at 6:30 P.M. with dinner on the third Friday of each month at Trinity

Union Lodge # 372.

L o d g e o f t h e N i n e M u s e s # 9 , , F & A M , m e e t s o n t h e 2 n d

W e d n e s d a y o f f e a c h m o n t t h .


T h e m e e t i n g o n W e d n e s d a y , , O c t t o b e r 1 3 t h w i l l b e a

S t t a t t e d C o m m u n i i c a t t i i o n .


W e g a t t h e r r a t t 6 : : 0 0 P M .


T h e m e e t t i i n g s t t a r r t t s a t t 6 : : 3 0 P M a n d w i i l l l l b e h e l l d w i i l l l l b e h e l l d i i n t t h e R e d R o o m a t t S t t .


J a m e s L o d g e .


A t a l k w i l l b e g i v e n b y D r r .

D a r r i u s S p i e t t h o f L S U o n t h e e f f e c t s o f f M a s o n r y o n A r r c h i t t e c t t u r r e .


I f f y o u a r r e i n t t e r r e s t t e d i n v i s i i t t i i n g , , c o n t t a c t t o n e o f f t t h e m e m b e r r s f f o r r d r r e s s c o d e a n d o t t h e r r d e t t a i i l l s .


Brethren All:

We received an appeal for BLOOD from Olive, Lodge No. 52 for Bro John Wilfred Wells. I contacted OLOL and had 5 pts transferred at the LADY OF THE LAKE HOSPITAL to Bro Wells Account. This depleted our blood bank supply for Trinity Union Lodge No. 372. Hurd

Merrill Lodge No. 454 is completing this need for our Bro. Wells and it is in excess of 18 pts so far, he has PANKHURST CANCER and while undergoing treatment, each procedure requires blood.

Brethren we need to resupply this blood for future use of our families and ones in need. It has been drawn on several times this year and has proven to be something we should all support. Brethren if you can give blood, go to the Lady Of the Lake, Blood bank and give in the name of either lodge; TRINITY UNION No.372 or HURD MERRILL No. 454. This is an urgent appeal TRINITY UNION HAS NO

MORE TO GIVE. It is your BLOOD BANK and you have seen it does work and our people do have a need for it.

Jimmie Dean Dunkin


Dear Brothers:

The Lodge of the Nine Muses No. 9 will host their annual Table Lodge on Friday, October 29, 2010 at the Camelot Club at

7:00 P.M. The social hour starts at 6:00 P.M. Underground parking, for a normal charge, is available as well as on street parking. Your check, at $75 per attendee, may be made out to “The Lodge of Nine Muses No. 9, F&AM” and mailed to:

Naresh Sharma

19414 Creek Round Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70817

We have arranged a lunch with Bro. Tom Jackson, speaker at the Table Lodge, at Masnur’s on the Boulevard, 5720

Corporate Boulevard, Baton Rouge, on Friday, October 29 th

, at 11:30 A.M. in a private room. This will give us an opportunity to visit with him in an informal setting. The lunches (separate tickets) in the past have been very informative and facilitated an exchange of ideas with our guest speaker. I hope your time and schedule will permit you to join us on the 29 th

for lunch.

Do please let me know if you can attend so I may notify the restaurant accordingly.

With fraternal regards, I remain,

Cordially and fraternally,

Naresh Sharma, Master, Lodge of Nine Muses #9, PM St. James Lodge #47

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