CELEBRATEthe GIFTS - Redstone Highlands

MESSAGE from the
Celebrate the Gifts! It is a fitting theme for this Annual Report, just as it is a fitting theme for the past year in the life of
Redstone Highlands. The year will long be remembered as one in which many milestones were achieved. Chief among these
accomplishments was the successful refinance of Redstone’s debt. With our previous financing set to expire in 2014, we learned
that the bank that was financing our debt was looking to leave the senior care industry. Because of our strength, Redstone
was able to secure a new fixed-rate eight-year commitment, financed 100% by three banks: Huntington, S&T, and First Niagara.
Because this refinance was executed in a favorable rate environment, it will provide long-term financial stability for Redstone and
an expected savings of $700,000 per year in interest fees.
Our affiliate organization, Senior Independence of Southwestern Pennsylvania (SI), continues to grow and provide increased
services to Redstone residents and those in the broader community. SI received its hospice license in 2013 and is providing
quality end-of-life care to residents and families in need of these services. Additionally, home health and home care provided by SI
make it possible for our residents to “age in place,” often resulting in financial savings and increased quality of life for residents and
their families. For the first time, SI witnessed 30 home health admissions in just one month’s time, and revenue rose to over
1 million dollars.
Occupancy rates throughout our Redstone communities also improved during 2013 with an average daily rate of 94% compared
to the industry average of 89%. Maintaining a high level of occupancy is critical to Redstone’s financial success and enables us
to minimize rate increases that must be passed on to residents when occupancy rates fall. The past fiscal year saw three existing
villas occupied or re-occupied, the construction and move-in of one new villa home, and the construction start of another villa
home at Redstone Colonial Estates in North Huntingdon. Veranda Apartments (Independent Living) welcomed 71 new residents,
and 26 persons moved into Courtyard and Terrace Units (Supportive and Memory care) across our three campuses.
The pace in Redstone’s Harbor (Skilled Nursing Facility) at our Greensburg campus continues to increase. The past fiscal year
brought 329 admissions and 307 discharges to this 77-bed facility. Improved communications through electronic medical records
and stronger collaboration with our local hospitals and physician practices successfully reduced hospital readmission rates from
31% to 8.8% in 2013.
Redstone’s commitment to capital improvements also continues. Enhancements made during the past year include the
construction of a Highlanders Gathering Space in North Huntingdon, improvements to the elevators in Greensburg, and the
purchase of new carpeting in Murrysville. All campuses received technology
upgrades and new security cameras. These and other projects were part of the $1.7
million capital budget. As we move along in 2014, we look forward to construction
on the first phase of improvements resulting from gifts to Redstone’s Promises Kept
Campaign. Planned enhancements to the public spaces of the Harbor in Greensburg
will be underway soon.
We are grateful to you for your continued support which makes all that we are able to
do possible. Our commitment to being the premier provider of aging services to this
region is unwavering.
James P. Gallagher
Board Chair
John R. Dickson IV
President & CEO
Redstone Highlands
served 837 seniors
during the
2013 fiscal year.
Row 1: Jim Hodge, John Dickson, Mark Celigoi, Frank King,
Row 2: Kathie Brean, Lisa Dormire, Vicki Loucks.
Not pictured: Geoff Gehring
Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare
277 volunteers
helped to enhance
the lives of residents.
425 total people
were employed at
Redstone during
this fiscal year.
Mayor Robert J. Brooks, Mary Ann Petrillo, Esq.,
Rev. J. Charles MacPherson III
Rebecca Davidson,
Dennis Diffenderfe
860 generous souls
made donations
in support of the
mission and vision
at Redstone Highlands.
Charles West, Dr. Linda
Not pictured: James P. Gallagher,
Gary Hayden, Jo Ann Lightcap,
Dr. John S. Parker, Dr. Carey T. Vinson
Ann Pauly, Michael Passalinqua,
Martha Zatezalo, Esq.
Christmas Open House
Fiscal Year Ended
Christmas Open House
Respect For AllCulinary C.A.R.E. Program
Life Balance
Lifelong Learninge Norwin Art League
Our Mission Statement
Our Vision Statement
Our Mission Statement
Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare is a
Christian, non-profit organization open
to all faiths, that is dedicated to providing
nt t
services that help to meet the
needs of the community.
Our Vision Statement
Redstone Highlands will be recognized as
the premier provider of dynamic senior
care services and programs in its service
area. Redstone Highlands will earn this
position of trust and respect by consistent
achievement of financially viable, wellmanaged facilities and services that
insure high quality, healthy and caring
environments in which to live, work and
June 30, 2013
Christmas Open House ($,000’s omitted)
Culinary C.A.R.E. Program$ 8,416
Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment
Bond Trust Funds
Donor Designations and
Gift Annuities
inary C.A.R.E. Program
Other Assets
Total Assets e Nor win Ar t League $ 71,585
Current Liabilities
Long-Term Debt
Deferred Income
Net Assets he Nor win Ar t
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Residential & Nursing Services
Ancillary Services
Gross Revenue
Allowances for Governmental
Payment Limitations
Benevolent Care
Net Residential Revenue
Gifts and Bequests
Investment Income
Total Revenue
Residential and Nursing Care
Other Operating Expense
Depreciation and Amortization
Total Expenses
Revenues (Less than)/
Greater than Expenses
Valuation (Loss) on
Derivative Financial Instrument
Net (Loss)/Income
$ 71,585
$ 28,763
$ 30,926
$ 27,455
$ 28,893
$ 15,647
$ 28,318
$ 567
2 0 1 3 C H A I R M A N ’ S AWA R D E E
“Redstone felt
not long after her children were born,
Jean found herself a single parent. She
like home from the
decided to move back in with her parents
day I moved in,”
and gained the courage she needed to
says Jean George.
Jean resides at our Greensburg
campus and is no stranger to its staff
and residents. Before she decided to
call Redstone her home, Jean lived
a wonderful life in Greensburg, PA.
She was born on October 9, 1929
and is the youngest child of her late
parents, Edward and Mary Robb of
While in high school, Jean met a young
man named Robert, and they wed in
1951. Robert joined the navy, and Jean
traveled with him for the next few years.
While they resided in California, Jean and
Robert were blessed with two beautiful
daughters, Anne and Mary. However,
join the work force. Jean began work
at First National Bank as a secretary and
was later promoted to Assistant Vice
President of the Trust Department, a
position she held until her retirement
in 1982. While she worked at the bank,
Jean met John George. They married in
Jean and John lived a happy life together
in Greensburg and loved traveling to
Canada every summer. After they were
both retired, the couple decided they
wanted to move into Redstone, but
unfortunately John was diagnosed
with cancer and passed away in 1995.
Although it was a difficult step for her,
Jean still decided to make Redstone her
home and moved in on July 29, 1999
without even seeing her apartment.
Prior to coming to
Redstone as a resident, Jean volunteered
at the Greensburg campus and continues
to be an active member of its campus
community today. She calls Bingo and
Pokeno weekly and provides get well
cards for others to sign and send when
their fellow residents are hospitalized.
She has also served on the Spirit of
Giving Gala Committee and is a current
member of the Strategy Committee.
Jean is a special gift to the Redstone
community, and we are proud to have her
as one of our residents! She has also been
a generous financial supporter of
Benevolent Care.
elderly. Continuing to see their beauty,
In January 1980, a young
“It has been my good
being able to provide a laugh, sharing a
woman named Karen Stock
fortune to have met so
memory, and making new ones are her
was hired into the Activities
favorite aspects of her career. Whether it
Department at the Greensburg Home
many residents on their
means holding someone’s hand or being
of the Redstone
there when their journey is ending, Karen life’s journey...
Presbytery. The
Steelers had
just won the
Super Bowl,
and Karen had
recently made
her home. She
found her
purpose and
mission of
life when she
began working
at Redstone.
Karen found it to be very comfortable,
fun, challenging, and gratifying to be
a part of this community. Karen has
always had a special bond with the
will stay with her residents through
the good times and the bad. Karen’s
coworker for many years, Brenda Sobota,
had these kind words to say about her,
“She is simply a gift to Redstone. I always
think about how Karen can maintain the
ability to be committed and continue to
care so much after so many years. She is
unflagging in her commitment of serving
the people here. She is the continuing
dedication of quality that we can offer to
our staff. She is very talented and we are
blessed to have such an amazing person
like Karen.”
It is a privilege to work here, where lives
intertwine to benefit all in love, peace,
mutual trust, and understanding. I have
truly been blessed over these past 34
years, and I take a degree of satisfaction
in the sure knowledge that my presence
has made a difference in so many lives,”
Karen explains.
Karen, throughout your 34 years of
employment with us, you have been and
continue to be an amazing gift to Redstone
Highlands Communities. Thank you for
your never-ending commitment and the
gifts that you bring to our residents, staff,
friends, and families every day.
Redstone Gives Back in a Variety of Ways
provide a home for life for
that resident. Last year,
Redstone provided nearly
$2.5 million in free care to
residents in need.
Christmas Open House
In December 2013, the Greensburg
campus held a wonderful Christmas
Open House for friends, family,
employees, and residents.
Culinary C.A.R.E. Program
As a non-profit organization,
Redstone’s responsibility to serve
the larger good is one that is taken
seriously. During the past fiscal year,
Redstone has provided care and
service in a variety of ways.
The Norwin Art League
Redstone’s commitment to providing
Benevolent Care to residents in
need is central to our non-profit
commitment. When through no
fault of his or her own a resident’s
personal financial assets are
depleted, Redstone continues to
Benevolent Care is
provided for residents in
two distinct categories.
Direct Benevolent Care is
provided to those residents
living in Independent and
Supportive levels of care
on our Redstone campuses.
This assistance comes
in the form of a reduced
monthly service charge
based on the resident’s
current ability to pay.
Indirect Benevolent Care
is provided to residents
in the Harbor (Skilled Nursing
Facility) in Greensburg.
When residents are unable
to pay the private pay daily
rate, the difference between the
reimbursement paid by Medicaid
and the full cost of care is forgiven.
In addition to providing care for
those in need within our Redstone
communities, our residents and
employees are committed to
serving the needs of the larger
community too. Through the
“Redstone Gives” program, residents
and staff members work together
to raise funds for several selected
charities. In 2013, our charities
of choice included the American
Heart Association, American Cancer
Society, the Alzheimer’s Association,
the Westmoreland County Food
Bank, and the Humane Society of
Westmoreland County. Bingos,
bake sales, daffodil sales, and other
activities raise money for these
charities. In addition, employees pay
$1.00 to one of these charities every
Friday in exchange for the privilege
of wearing jeans to work. Two food
drives annually collect hundreds of
items for the Westmoreland County
Food Bank. During the 2012-2013
fiscal year, over $7,600 in support
(along with food items) were raised
for these community charities.
Redstone has also forged a
relationship with the Brother’s
Brother Foundation in Pittsburgh.
As an example, Redstone recently
replaced a number of old-style
mechanical beds with beds that have
electric controls. Brother’s Brother
is happy to come to collect the old
beds, and through their efforts ships
them to countries where these beds
are much-needed. Over the past
year, Redstone has made a number of
donations of furnishings and medical
equipment which Brother’s Brother
has used in its healthcare ministries
around the world.
Opening our doors to the
community is another cornerstone
of the Redstone commitment to
service. Many outside groups enjoy
hosting events in Redstone facilities.
Highlights this year included an art
exhibition by a local high school
student, monthly retirees clubs, card
clubs, art clubs, etc. Additional clubs,
programs, and fitness opportunities
are open to the public and help
Redstone serve the community in
creative ways.
Culinary C.A.R.E. Program
Redstone employees accepted into the
Redstone Culinary C.A.R.E. program
learning new skills (all food was for
training purposes only).
The Norwin Art League
Redstone’s commitment to
education is another way in which
Our Mission Statement
we serve the larger community.
Each year, Redstone conducts
classes that prepare participants to
become Certified Nursing Assistants
(CNA). This often leads to a full-time
career and job stability for those
Our Vision Statement
desiring to enter the healthcare
workforce. Many Redstone
our gift shops, visit residents,
employees take advantage of a
lead worship, bring pets
tuition reimbursement program
for pet therapy, assist with
which allows them to advance
activities and transportation,
their education in ways that might
etc. These hours of
not otherwise be affordable. In
community service impact
cooperation with Goodwill Industries
the lives of our residents in
of Southwestern Pennsylvania,
many ways. We are especially
Redstone participates in the
grateful for the community leaders
“Transition WORKS!” program which
who give very freely of their time
allows qualified high school
and knowledge by serving as
students to work with a job coach ur Mmembers
ission Sof
ent of Directors
to prepare for a transition into the
and on a variety of committees. In
workforce. Redstone continually
addition, nurtured in Redstone’s core
offers its leaders ongoing
values, our employees are active in
educational opportunities related
the local community in a myriad
to management. CPR and First
ion Sastascout
Our Vofisways
Responder classes prepare our
school teachers, school volunteers,
employees to handle emergencies
Habitat for Humanity builders, choir
on our campuses and have also
members, mission volunteers, etc.
created community servants
The commitment of our employees
better equipped to assist others in
to care and serve extends in broad
emergency situations.
ripples throughout the region.
Last, but certainly not least,
A commitment to volunteerism
Redstone’s economic impact on the
provides an additional element
region is significant. Approximately
of Redstone’s community service.
90% of our employees live in
Where would we be without the
Westmoreland County, adding
hundreds of volunteers who work in
significant dollars to the economy
Christmas Open House
Culinary C.A.R.E. Program
The Norwin Art League
The Norwin Art League displayed art work
from 100 artists from September 4-8, 2013
at the Redstone Colonial Estates.
with their buying power and through
taxes paid to local municipalities.
Through generous programs
of Benevolent Care, support of
external charities, utilization of
facilities, commitment to a variety of
educational programs, a dedicated
corps of volunteers both within and
outside of the Redstone walls, and
a strong base of employees who
live in this region, we live out our
commitment to care and service.
Thank you for all that YOU do to
make our work possible!
Bernie and Joan (Megrey) Haertjens, both residents of
Redstone Highlands Greensburg, were married on October
19, 2013. They wanted to share their special day with their
friends at Redstone Highlands so the Dining Services staff
held a wedding reception for them at the Greensburg
campus on November 7, 2013. Congratulations Bernie and
2 A group of Redstone staff members and other friends of
Redstone Highlands enjoyed a bus trip to New York City in
September 2013. The Fund Development staff organized
this wonderful trip to the Big Apple to raise funds for
Benevolent Care at Redstone. The weekend getaway
included amazing shows, restaurants, and other fun!
3 Redstone staff members Brittany McGuire and Julie
Weishorn took a chance to “pilot” the fighter jet prop at
the 2013 Big Event. The Big Event is held on each of our
Redstone campuses in the springtime. Every year the
theme is kept secret until invitations are distributed to
residents. The theme for the 2013 event was a World War II
era USO show that included live entertainment, food, and
4 Redstone Gives hosted a “Go Orange for Hunger” food
drive in October 2013. Over $1,000 were raised from this
and other food drives held throughout the year, and all
proceeds benefited the Westmoreland County Food Bank.
5 Members from the community enjoyed the Annual Parade
on August 22, 2013. The parade marches through the
Greensburg Campus while residents, staff, family members,
and friends line the pathway to enjoy the sights and sounds.
6 Our Murrysville Community celebrated the Naturalization
of Dietary Manager Nicky Heller. This was a special moment
for Nicky and her family, and she decided to share it with
her extended family here at Redstone Highlands. Nicky was
born in the United Kingdom and came to the United States
when she was in second grade. It has always been a dream
of hers to officially become a US citizen. This dream finally
came true on July 30, 2013. Congratulations to Nicky! We
were honored to have shared this special day with her.
7 Two of our three campuses welcomed “Highlanders” this
year. Highlanders is a social area where residents, family,
and friends can come to gather. Highlanders opened in
Murrysville on March 16, 2013 and in North Huntingdon on
August 23, 2013.
8 Residents and staff of the
Murrysville campus teamed
up with the Murrysville Police
Department to host a Drug
Take-Back Day in conjunction
with the Westmoreland
County Drug Take-Back Day
in April 2013. Chief of Police
Thomas Seefeld and his Deputy
collected pills from residents for
safe disposal.
10 Several Murrysville residents took
a break from exercising to show
support for their Senior FITness
program. A variety of classes
and opportunities are available
to residents on each campus,
including fitness classes, brain
games, educational seminars,
and nutritional counseling.
11 On November 16, 2013, the 11th Annual Highlands Fling:
Spirit of Giving Gala was hosted by Honorary Chair, Sally
Wiggin. The event was held at the Greensburg Country
Club and raised over $60,000 for Benevolent Care. Raffle
baskets, silent and live auction items, a trip for two to
Sedona, Arizona, and $1,000 cash were among the prizes
that evening.
12 Redstone employees enjoying the DOVE Recognition
Banquet. The banquet was held for Redstone Highlands and
Senior Independence employees at the Delmont Fire Hall
on October 10, 2013. The event included dinner, prizes, and
recognition of all the great things that our employees do
day in and day out.
9 Redstone Highlands employees and residents participated
in Homecoming festivities in May 2013. This fun week is
endorsed and encouraged by Leading Age, an association
of not-for-profit organizations dedicated to making
America a better place to grow old. Leading Age invites
organizations like Redstone to host events and activities
on our campuses during the last week of May. These
celebrations are an opportunity to highlight the positive
contributions that Redstone makes to our surrounding
Dear Friends:
Every day is a special day in the Office of Fund Development. Rarely does a day go by that
we do not receive at least one envelope containing a gift. Some days, the pile of envelopes is
quite thick! And every gift, no matter what its size or form, is celebrated. Whenever we open
an envelope containing a check, get emails notifying us that a gift has been made online, or
learn of a generous bequest that has been made to Redstone, we celebrate that so many
people want to support our residents.
Within the pages of this publication we celebrate many gifts: gifts of the people who
make Redstone Highlands a very special place, the gifts of our residents whom we are
privileged to serve, and the gifts of support that are offered so generously by our donors.
Our promise to you is that we will use your gifts wisely and for the purpose intended—
whether that is for Benevolent Care for residents in need, renovations to our facilities, staff
appreciation programs, or other designations.
The needs here at Redstone continue to grow. Thanks to the long lives lived by many of our residents, the need for
Benevolent Care for those who have outlived their personal financial resources is significant. Last year alone, Redstone
provided nearly $2.5 million in free care. Your gifts of annual support help to make this possible. We know that the
renovations that we want to do in the Harbor Nursing Facility in Greensburg will improve the quality of life of our residents,
their families and loved ones, and our staff. Your gifts designated for these renovations will help to make this vision a reality.
Last, but certainly not least, estate gifts and bequests designated for the Benevolent Care Endowment Fund are helping us
to realize the very important goal of providing a permanent source of funding to help meet the Benevolent Care need.
Your gifts have the power to make a real difference. And we celebrate that. Thank you for your continued generosity and
The Rev. Lisa Dormire
VP Fund Development
Benevolent Care is a central value
of the Redstone Presbyterian
SeniorCare tradition and holds that
no resident who has appropriately
stewarded his or her assets should be
asked to leave because of depleted
financial resources.
Prospective Redstone residents
applying for independent living
or supported levels of care must
qualify financially based on income,
assets, debt, age, and life expectancy.
Yet even with the best planning,
it is possible that a person may
outlive their assets. But thanks to
the promise of Benevolent Care, a
resident who faces these difficulties
need not be afraid of losing the
home that they have come to love.
The Redstone promise is a promise
for life.
If the resources of a resident in
the skilled nursing facility are fully
depleted, the resident may qualify for
Medicaid. Medicaid payments, while
very important, do not pay for the full
cost of care and services at Redstone.
In the case of these nursing care
residents who have depleted
their financial resources, Redstone
forgives the difference between the
full cost of care and the Medicaid
reimbursement. Benevolent Care
helps to ensure that residents
continue to live at Redstone and
receive needed services regardless
of their ability to pay. Last year,
Redstone provided $2.5 million in
Benevolent Care to our residents in
Today’s seniors have given their lives
to provide us with the wonderful
world in which we live today. We
consider it an honor and a privilege
to care for them in their final years
of life. Gifts given to Redstone
Highlands to support benevolent
care express gratitude for all that
they have done. Your gifts help us
to provide exceptional care to those
who truly deserve it.
Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare takes the promise that it has made to its residents very seriously.
In order to continue improving the quality of services delivered to our residents and to strengthen our long-term position as the
region’s premier senior living community, Redstone has undertaken a comprehensive capital and endowment campaign.
The campaign focuses on
three key project areas:
you will be hearing much more about
Phase II of the campaign, which will
relate to the next steps of enhancements
for the Harbor.
■ Build an Endowment for Benevolent
Care, providing a permanent funding
source to help meet the critical need
for free care
■ Provide funding for major renovations
to the Harbor (Skilled Nursing Facility)
in Greensburg, creating a more homelike neighborhood environment for
■ Obtain Annual Fund support that
provides critical unrestricted funding
for Redstone’s operations and ongoing
Benevolent Care
Thanks to the earliest stages of the
campaign, we are preparing to begin
construction on renovations related to
Phase I of the projects in Greensburg.
Improvements to the front entrance
area will soon be underway, including
a new bistro, wellness center, and more
welcoming lobby space. As we move
forward with these initial improvements,
A gift to the Promises Kept Campaign
gives you an opportunity to make a
gift that will truly change the lives of
residents at Redstone. Please plan to
join us with your gifts as we provide our
residents with an exceptionally caring,
secure, and lovely home in which to
live out the rest of their lives. To discuss
naming opportunities or how you might
support the projects of the campaign,
please contact Lisa Dormire at 724-8328400, Ext. 353.
Rev. Chuck MacPherson’s relationship
with Redstone Highlands began in
the early 90s when he was a volunteer
Chaplain. His love for Redstone grew
fast, and he soon began serving on the
Board of Directors. Over the years, he
has volunteered many hours of his time
in leading daily worship services and
ministering to individual residents on
our campuses. His faithfulness in service
to the Redstone communities has been
constant, a gift to many.
“I have had the honor to be associated
with some extremely talented and gifted
community leaders. Our administrators
and board members have largely been
people who have had wonderful vision
for providing a safe, secure, and dignified
life for those facing their future. In
everything, there has been a personal
touch,” said Rev. MacPherson.
“Over the years, we have become more
and more sophisticated in offering
care. Our leadership developed ways of
allowing people in our ‘family’ to remain
in place in spite of health changes
brought on by the process of aging. I
was around when we added apartments
and then later, the two new campuses.
As we added structure and enhanced
care in order to increase our ability to
serve, we were still in business for the
residents. Our staff redefined skill and
dedication, and I gained a new respect
for their willingness to serve. Thanks to
the faithfulness and creativity of board
and administration, we have become
the standard for Westmoreland County
against which everyone else is measured.
All I can say is in light of the end results,
we have been blessed,” explains Rev.
Rev. MacPherson leads chapel services
at Redstone Highlands every month,
and this allows him to meet and get
to know many Redstone residents
and employees. He refers to those
people as “the best folks in the world”
and considers many of them to be
“friendships that will last forever.”
Rev. MacPherson’s family has also been
part of the Redstone family in a very
personal way. His wife Melinda’s aunt,
Stellamae Cramer, was in Personal
Care where she was able to finish her
days with dignity. She was one of the
early recipients
of Benevolent
Care, Redstone’s
commitment to
residents that even
if they should
expend all of their
personal financial
resources, they
will never be asked
to leave their home
in a Redstone Highlands
Currently, Rev. MacPherson has many
loved ones in the Redstone Highlands
Communities. His mother currently
resides at the North Huntingdon Colonial
Estates community. Additionally,
his aunt, Hope, is presently at the
Greensburg campus along with several
of his church members and dear friends.
He also has friends and church members
at the Murrysville Campus. Rev.
MacPherson said, “Looking ahead, I have
made the request of my friends that they
should take care of the place. Someday,
Melinda and I will be up the hall.”
Current Residents:
We are grateful to all those current residents who give above and beyond to support Benevolent Care,
Staff Appreciation, the special projects of the Promises Kept Campaign, and other initiatives.
Your lives and your generosity inspire us.
Ms. Joyce B. Adams
Ms. Lois K. Albrecht
Ms. Helen E. Allen
Ms. Kathryn A. Altman
Ms. Lois D. Alworth
Mr. Charles W. Ammer
Ms. Dolores M. Ammer
Ms. Bess C. Anderson †
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Mrs. Eva H. Andrews †
Mr. and Mrs. John Bales
Mr. and Mrs. James Baney
Ms. Lois A. Barger
Miss Agnes Barkley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Ms. Judith R. Barry
Ms. Barbara L. Bartolomucci
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A.
Ms. Evelyn C. Baughman
Ms. Mildred E. Baughman †
Ms. Peggy Beasley †
Ms. Elva Beatty †
Ms. Grace E. Berriker
Ms. Mary Biasucci
Mr. Robert J. Bilott
Ms. Janet B. Blaho
Ms. Hertha F. Boggs †
Mrs. Audrey R. Bohlin
Ms. Alice M. Bones
Ms. Virginia T. Born
Mr. and Mrs. Aksel A.
Mrs. Jeny I. Boyd
Ms. Mercedes H. Boyer
Ms. Louise H. Boyle
Mrs. Margaret O. Brophy †
Ms. Irene M. Brunclik
Miss Edith M. Bryen
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Burk
Mrs. Isabelle Busan
Ms. Eleanora Carfang
Ms. Mabel A. Carlin
Mrs. Elinor L. Casedy †
Mrs. Shirlene C. Casteel
Mr. Walter K. Christoff
Ms. Helen M. Ciavarra
Mrs. Pauline Cicotello
Mrs. Eileen A. Clark
Mr. † and Mrs. James Clark
Mr. Charles E. Claspy †
Mrs. Katherine M. Clohessy
Ms. Mary Jane Coldren †
Mrs. Dolores B. Conley
Ms. Shirley E. Cousins
Ms. Shirley Craddock
Mr. Calvin D. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Crouse, Sr.
Mrs. Joy T. Dahlmann
Mrs. Sylvia R. Dennison
Mr. Angelo E. DeSantis
Mr. † and Mrs. William C.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Dixon
Mr. Robert R. Dixon †
Mrs. Mae M. Doban
Ms. Judith Downing
Mrs. Mary H. Dull †
Mr. Robert W. Eakin
Ms. Jane C. Earnest
Mr. Robert F. Edwards †
Ms. Ethel M. Engelbrecht
Ms. Johanna Esch †
Ms. Opal V. Evans
Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig
Mrs. Evelyn L. Farmer †
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Ms. Ruth S. Floyd
Ms. Margaret W. Forbes †
Mrs. Avis E. Freeman
Miss Eleanor J. Fulton
Ms. Stefina Garcia
Mr. † and Mrs. † James P.
Mr. Dominic Gavatorta
Ms. Elizabeth R. George
Mrs. Jean R. George
Ms. Hope L. Gettemy
Mr. Charles G. Geyer
Mrs. Gabriela Gialloreto
Ms. Jennie A. Gillis
Ms. Marilyn E. Giron
Mr. Robert Glarner †
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Glaser
Mrs. Dolores E. Griffith
Mrs. Lois B. Groomes
Ms. Dorothy F. Gruskiewicz
Ms. Christina Gudzan
Ms. Jane Guerrieri
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Mr. † and Mrs. Kirk E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. George S.
Mr. Samuel B. Hampton
Mrs. Leona K. Hanks
Mr. Harold N. Hauger †
Mrs. Mary Louise Heilman
Mr. Richard D. Hileman
Mrs. Lucille Hilliard
Ms. Dorothy Hoffman
Ms. Lois R. Hollenbeck †
Ms. Ruth A. Holtzer †
Mr. Michael Holupka, Sr.
Ms. Alice Hoover
Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson
Ms. Dolores Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Ms. Mary Ivancin
Mrs. Carol W. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Ms. Jean L. Jeffries †
Mr. Thomas F. Jodon
Mrs. Jean L. Johnson †
Mrs. Ruth M. Johnson
Ms. Helen F. Kanach
Ms. Jean F. Keys
Mrs. Murrell M. Klotzbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Ms. Zora Kurp
Ms. Doris J. Lakatosh
Ms. Mary K. Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Rev. and Mrs. Mark H.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ms. Carol H. Langston
Wolfe †
Ms. Ada L. Lape
Mrs. Luella E. Larimer
Ms. Eva Jean Larson †
Mrs. Eleanor B. Lashley
Ms. Marion I. Laughner
Ms. Davida Leshock
Ms. Edith L. Letham
Mrs. Virginia J. Lucini
Ms. Dorothy J. Luke
Mrs. Emma H. Lyons
Mrs. Betty B. Maclay
Ms. Anna Mae Mansfield
As you read through the names of the donors listed in this publication, you will see a “ ” beside some of those names.
This symbol indicates that the donor has made a special gift to the efforts of the Promises Kept Campaign.
We remember with gratitude those donors who passed away after making their gifts. Their names are marked with a “ †” in the listing of donors.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. N.
Mrs. Madge S. Mansour
Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion
Ms. Marie M. Martahus
Mrs. Frances Martin
Mrs. Margaret A. Martin
Ms. Janet R. Matchett
Mrs. Janet R. Matteucci
Ms. Mary Mattis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCann
Mrs. Helen S. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Ms. Zellamarie McDougall
Mrs. Marguerite E.
Mr. Donald McKee
Dr. and Mrs. Orison McLean
Mrs. Norma McNamara
Ms. Barbara A. Melvin
Ms. Evelyn R. Mennow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Micire
Ms. Jean M. Mignogna
Mrs. Mary M. Milburn †
Mr. Robert A. Miller
Dr. Thomas A. Miller
Ms. Mary Ann Mobley
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Ms. Jane Mudrak
Mrs. Helen E. Murray †
Ms. Irma C. Nath
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nehrig
Ms. Jeanette Neiman
Miss Marjorie Newcomer †
Mrs. Jean E. Nizinski †
Mrs. Nancy L. Noga
Ms. Mary M. Novotny
Ms. Alice G. Oberleitner
Mrs. Carol A. Ocheltree
Mrs. Carol C. O’Connell
Mr. Harry K. Oldham
Ms. Mary Ondish
Ms. Sara M. Palone
Mrs. Margaret J. Parsons
Mr. Edward H. Pechan †
Mr. Samuel A. Petracca
Mr. William S. Petrosky †
Mrs. Gloria L. Pfost
Ms. Josephine Ponsi
Mrs. Toni T. Posner
Ms. Mary J. Pottmeyer
Ms. Bernice L. Purnell †
Mrs. Muriel Quinto †
Ms. Jo Ann Rager
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.
Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
Ms. Annabelle S. Renquest
Mrs. Dolores Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mr. Arthur H. Rittenhouse †
Mr. Frank H. Rittenhouse
Mrs. Cynthia M. Robinson
Mrs. Izabel D. Roskosh †
Ms. Ruth Ruble
Mrs. Ellen A. Rudolph
Mr. John W. Russell †
Mrs. Nancy J. Russell
Mr. † and Mrs. John W.
Mrs. Rita Sapp †
Ms. Norma G.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Mrs. Vivian E. Schwing
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Mrs. Dorothy S. Sell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Senko
Ms. Carol R. Simmons
Rev. Andrew G. Slade
Mrs. Mary Louise Smith
Ms. Ruth I. Smith
Ms. Gertrude M. Smola
Ms. Sue A. Spahr
Mrs. Patricia A. Sperber
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Mrs. Nancy G. Sprenger
Ms. LaDorna L. Stephens
Mr. † and Mrs. Clarence E.
Ms. Twila H. Stevenson †
Mrs. Glenna M. Stewart
Mrs. Phyllis E. Stewart †
Mrs. Mildred Striner
Ms. Kathryn Taber
Mrs. Helen M. Taylor
Mr. Jack W. Thomas
Mrs. Nancy M. Thompson †
Ms. Rhea Thornton †
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B.
Ms. Anna L. Van Fleet
Ms. Clara M. Vana
Ms. Norma Vestrat
Ms. Marjorie A. Vrable
Mrs. Dorothy Vrudney
Mrs. Mary J. Wagner
Mrs. Ruth M. Weyman
Mrs. Pearl N. Whetzel
Mr. Charles W. White
Mrs. Mary Louise
Ms. Anne M. Wiley
Mrs. Goldie L. Wilson
Mrs. Doris F. Wood
Ms. Catherine E. Wray
Ms. Genevieve M. Yennerell
Ms. Margaret R. Zelezniak
The “Friends of Redstone” provide a backbone of support for all that we do. We are grateful to the former residents,
the family members of current and former residents, the community leaders, and all those who simply believe in the
Redstone mission, who have given generously. These gifts, along with your prayers and encouragement, sustain us.
Ms. Dolores M. Aber
Ms. Laura M. Aber
Mr. and Mrs. George Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Almes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Assard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mrs. Brenda L. Barth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A.
Mrs. Jean W. Blice
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Blick
Ms. Anna M. Bombulie
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonetti
Mr. Eric E. Bononi and The
Honorable Michele G.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. George F.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowers
Ms. Jamie Boyd
Ms. Donna Bozio
Mrs. Kathleen M. Brean
Ms. Abby Brentzel
Mr. and Mrs. John N.
Mrs. Emily L. Britt
Mayor and Mrs. Robert J.
The Estate of Ms. Martha
Anne Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Burkett
Mrs. Helen B. Bush
Mr. Jason Byerly
Ms. Mary Jane Bytheway
Ms. Emily Cameron
Ms. Jeanne Cameron
Mrs. Lynn M. Campus-Nallo
Mrs. Patty Capezzi
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Cass
Mr. Gordon A. Chaffee
Ms. Marilyn D. Chapla
Mr. and Mrs. James
Ms. Barbara J. Christner, Esq.
Mrs. Barbara K. Christner
Mr. Michael Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ciappa
Ms. Janice Ciotti
Mrs. Barbara L. Clarey
Mrs. Dorothy M. Come
Ms. Sue Anne Connors
Mrs. Jeanne M. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Cook
Ms. Aileen Cope
Ms. JoVone Corley
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Culbert
Ms. Amy L. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D.
Ms. Pamela C. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T.
Davidson, Jr.
Mrs. Beverley Davis
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. James Dennison
Ms. Marsha R. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Dillon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dils
Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Mrs. Patricia Dovie
Ms. Roxanne Dreher
Honorable and Mrs. John J.
Mrs. Louise M. Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Mrs. Kathy Duran
Ms. Theresa M. Durkin
Ms. Patricia A. Eberts
Mrs. Judy L. England
Mrs. Paula J. Errett
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey
The Estate of Mrs. Florence
M. Ewing
Ms. E. Irene Fennell
Mrs. Ann R. Fishell
Mr. Dale Flaherty
Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Duffy H.
Mr. William Z. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K.
Ms. Karen Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Furiga
Mrs. Ann C. Fyalkowski
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gallo
Ms. Helen Gara
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gasarch
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi
Mrs. Mary F. Gazze
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Gero, Jr.
Mrs. Sheryl Gibson
The Estate of Daniel and
Mae Gilmour
Ms. Paula Giron
Mr. Park R. Glass, Jr.
Ms. Sheri L. Gordon
The Estate of Ms. Anna Jane
Ms. Beverly Gould
Mr. Larry R. Graft
Mr. Michael Graft
Mr. Terence Graft
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S.
Graham, Jr.
Mrs. Marsha L. Green
Mr. Jeffrey Gruskiewicz
Ms. Linda Gruskiewicz
Ms. Mary M. Haines
Mrs. Carole J. Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. George T.
Mr. and Mrs. William N.
Ms. Erica C. Hartland
Mrs. Rachel A. Hatch
Ms. Cassandra Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hayden
Ms. Mary J. Helfrich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M.
Mrs. Evelyn W. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Vaun C. Hile
Mrs. Phyllis E. Hilty
Mr. Todd Hilty
Ms. Elizabeth B. Hoeldtke
Ms. Susan V. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hohn
Ms. Lorin Holtzman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G.
Dr. Robert H. Howland, M.D.
Mr. Daniel C. Hudock
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hyde
Ms. Lee S. Jamison
Mrs. Robin S. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Ms. Carolyn Kalina
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F.
Kave, Jr.
Ms. Nina M. Kemps
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Mrs. Lois M. Kerr
Ms. Karen Klim
Mr. and Mrs. Erskine W.
Klyce, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy C. Knepper
Mrs. Joy L. Kolenda
Dr. Kotayya Kondaveeti
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Ms. Renee Kress
Mrs. Patricia A. Kuntz
Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis R. Kuyat
Ms. Ann Labounsky
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Ms. Sarah J. Lamont
Mrs. Carolyn M. Laufer
Mr. James R. Lauffer
Mrs. Nancy J. Lazzaro
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Dr. Richard Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lindh
Mrs. Linda Locke
Ms. Melissa S. Logan
The Estate of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Long
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D.
The Estate of Misses Mary L.
and Marjorie S. Lord
Ms. Margaret R. Loya
Mrs. Kim M. Macalus
Mrs. Marjorie R. Machesney
Rev. and Mrs. J. Charles
MacPherson III
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J.
Mr. Nicholas T. Marquis, Jr.
Mr. William L. Marsh
Mr. Timothy J. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Martin
Ms. Diane Mattock
Mr. and Mrs. A. Earl Mays
Ms. Michelle Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. Mark McConnell
Mrs. Sylvia McCormick
Mrs. Mary E. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Ms. Ruth E. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Mellyn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Merrill
Ms. Nancy A. Metzger
Mr. John A. Mika
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller
Ms. Carol A. Mintus
Ms. Elizabeth Morris
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Morris
Rev. John R. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Merle R. Mull
Ms. Rosemary Murphy
Ms. Pamela Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus T.
Ms. Mary Namestka
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Neal
Ms. Martha S. Nizinski
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Jean Novotnak
Mr. Alan L. Obley
Ms. Chris O’Neill
Mrs. Donna J. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Ott
Ms. Sarah E. Ott
Mr. Thomas Owens
Mr. Jordan Pallitto
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Ms. Karen R. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pauly
Ms. Elizabeth Pechan
Mrs. Judith A. Pekich
Ms. Anna Peles
Ms. Sarah Perri
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Ms. Mary Ann Petrillo, Esq.
Ms. Lois E. Picking
Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Pifer
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G.
Pifferetti, Jr.
Ms. Dorrain Ponzetti
Ms. Geraldine S. Poole
Ms. Melinda L. Power
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prussia
Mrs. Marilyn B. Prybock
Ms. Paula G. Purnell
Mr. David A. Raimondo
Ms. Mary S. Rainforth
Mr. Timothy T. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mrs. Joan K. Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Ms. Cheryl Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C.
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roth
Ms. Janet M. Rugh
Mr. and Rev. Ronald Russell
Ms. Elaine Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G.
Saul III
Mrs. Barbara A. Schlirf
Ms. Marilyn A. Schroeder
Mr. Charles M. Seamens
Mrs. Louise J. Sheffler
Ms. Barbara J. Shepard
Ms. Kathleen Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J.
Skrgic, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack D. Smith
Ms. Kristie Smith
Dr. Sharon P. Smith, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Patricia A. Smiy
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Kent Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry W.
Speedy, MD
Mr. Jack Speer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N.
Ms. Katherine M. Stauffer
Mr. Joseph Stefano
Mrs. Arena E. Stevenson
Ms. Susan Stillitano
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stitt
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L.
Mr. Kenneth M. Strader
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D.
Ms. Christine Stromberg
Dr. Linda R. Stumpf
Ms. Lisa Stupar
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Mr. and Mrs. Regis J. Synan
Mr. Ronald W. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. Wallace Turner
Ms. Jacquelyn Ulyas
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Van Fleet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Ms. Donna Vasinko
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E.
Dr. and Mrs. Carey Vinson
Mrs. Bernice B. Visser
Ms. Jennie Voelker
Ms. Nell Voelker
Mrs. Jean H. Walker
Mr. John R. Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T.
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R.
Mrs. Doris M. Weinert
Mrs. Carolyn L. Weiss
Mr. Charles E. West
Ms. Tamara Wetmore
Karen Weyman-Mann
Mr. Mark L. White
Ms. Viola Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams
Mr. and Mrs. D. Alan
Ms. Erin Wolff
Ms. Victoria Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright
Mrs. Jean I. Zellers
Board of Directors:
Redstone Highlands is blessed by the completely voluntary service of a creative and concerned Board of Directors. In
addition to their time, members of the Board also make generous gifts to support Redstone’s mission. Our thanks for
all that they do cannot be expressed strongly enough.
Mayor Robert J. Brooks
Mrs. Rebecca L. Davidson
Mr. Dennis Diffenderfer
Mr. James P. Gallagher
Mr. Gary Hayden
Mrs. Jo Ann Lightcap
Rev. J. Charles MacPherson III
Mr. Nicholas T. Marquis, Jr.
Dr. John S. Parker
Mr. Michael J. Passalinqua
Mrs. Ann Pauly
Ms. Mary Ann Petrillo, Esq.
Mr. Robert P. Schweikert
Dr. Linda R. Stumpf
Dr. Carey Vinson
Mr. Charles E. West
Honor Gifts:
Throughout the year, Redstone receives many gifts “In Honor” of special persons who have touched lives in meaningful
ways. We celebrate their recognition and thank the donors who have chosen to honor them in such a way.
Printed in bold is the name of the person being honored; donors are listed below the name.
In Honor of Ms. Helen Allen
Round Hill Presbyterian Church
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
West Newton Presbyterian Women
In Honor of Ms. Mary M. Betz
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dillon, Jr.
In Honor of Ms. Dorothy F.
Mr. Jeffrey Gruskiewicz
Ms. Linda Gruskiewicz
In Honor of Mrs. Annetta P. Hall
Mrs. Helen S. McConnell
In Honor of Redstone Nurses
and CNAs
Mr. Michael Christopher
In Honor of Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ayres
In Honor of Ms. Dorothy Beveridge
Ms. Tameria J. Greenawalt
In Honor of Mr. † & Mrs. Kirk E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bowers
Round Hill Presbyterian Church
In Honor of Mr. † and Mrs. Ed Renn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi
In Honor of Ms. Alice M. Bones
Ms. Helen Gara
In Honor of Mrs. Rachel A. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Davidson, Jr.
In Honor of Ms. Evelyn Richter
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
In Honor of Mrs. Ruth D. Dailey †
Round Hill Presbyterian Church
In Honor of Mrs. Ruth M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fritsche
In Honor of Mr. David Simmons
Ms. Carol R. Simmons
In Honor of Mrs. Mary H. Dull †
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
In Honor of Dr. James Jordan
Ms. Alice M. Bones
In Honor of Rev. Andrew G. Slade
West Newton Presbyterian Women
In Honor of Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig
Ms. Mary M. Haines
In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mr. and Dr. Richard Levitt
In Honor of Ms. Gertude Smola
Mr. † and Mrs. Kirk E. Hall
Mrs. Muriel Quinto †
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
West Newton Presbyterian Women
In Honor of Mrs. Ruth Speer †
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Barnett
In Honor of Mrs. Jean R. George
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Beard
Mrs. Ann R. Fishell
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prussia
In Honor of Mrs. Johanna Gillis †
Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Pifer
In Honor of Mrs. Luella E. Larimer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hohn
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.
West Newton Presbyterian Women
In Honor of Ms. Geraldine Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ciappa
In Honor of Ms. Donna Graham
Ms. Carol R. Simmons
In Honor of Mrs. Helen Murray †
Ms. Pamela Murray
In Honor of Ms. Marian Pallitto
Mr. Jordan Pallitto
In Honor of Ms. Josephine Ponsi
Mr. † and Mrs. Kirk E. Hall
In Honor of Mrs. Ruth M. Weyman
Karen Weyman-Mann
In Honor of Ms. Myrtle Worthy †
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Henry
Billboards expressing the active
lifestyle enjoyed at Redstone are found
throughout Westmoreland County.
Current Employees:
Choosing to work in a non-profit setting is choosing a life of service. In addition to giving of themselves with the
highest level of professionalism and compassion, many employees also make financial gifts in support of Redstone’s
residents and mission. Your service and your giving are inspiring to us all.
Ms. Patricia A. Acita
Ms. Amber Ammann
Ms. Nicole Arnold
Ms. Leigh Bach
Mrs. Barbara Barozzini
Ms. Marjorie Bauer
Ms. Trina Benko
Mr. Joshua Bergman
Mrs. Denise Bert
Ms. Emily Bippus
Mr. Junes Bos
Mrs. Katherine O. Brean
Ms. Patricia Y. Butter
Mrs. Jennifer L. Caretti
Ms. Gloria Cavada
Mr. Mark J. Celigoi
Ms. Linda Dalzell
Mr. Dominic D’Amico
Mrs. Kathleen Del Cotto
Mr. John R. Dickson IV
Ms. Lisa M. Dormire
Ms. Amy L. Dovie
Mr. Timothy Dunlevy
Mrs. Phyllis L. Eichner
Ms. Marsha Ellig
Ms. Kathleen Ferry
Ms. Phyllis E. Frye
Mr. Geoffrey E. Gehring
Ms. Heather Goughnour
Ms. Tameria J. Greenawalt
Ms. Michaela Grieco
Ms. Annabell Gross
Mr. Joseph A. Hajas
Ms. Barbara Hall
Mrs. Nichola M. Heller
Ms. Megan L. Henninger
Ms. Catherine M. Hill
Ms. Diane M. Himes
Mrs. Linda Hodge
Ms. Donna Ickes
Ms. Jennifer Kablach
Ms. Sandra Kemerer
Mr. Brandon D. Kerr
Mr. Francis J. King
Ms. Megan King
Mrs. Tarra Klingensmith
Mrs. Malerie Krepps
Mrs. Connie L. Landis
Mrs. Wendy Lieberum
Mrs. Vicki L. Loucks
Mrs. Vanessa M. Mangery
Ms. Monica Massari
Ms. Misty Mazon
Ms. Carrie McClurg
Ms. Brittany McGuire
Ms. Patricia A. Monroe
Mr. Daniel Morelli
Mr. Andrew Morgan
Mrs. Rebecca A. Nallo-Macalus
Ms. Toni Oslosky
Ms. Jennifer M. Pachesky
Mrs. Cindie L. Palko
Ms. Cathy Pavlovic
Mr. Michael Peltz
Ms. Alison Porreca
Ms. Jennifer Posgay
Ms. KateLynn Recklein
Ms. Delilah Ressler
Ms. Rebecca Roberts
Mrs. Therese Saunders
Ms. Sheryl Shevchik
Ms. Nancy J. Sickenberger
Ms. Linda Siefert
Ms. Helena Snyder
Mrs. Brenda Sobota
Ms. Lucy Sphon
Mrs. Karen L. Sprumont
Ms. Glenna Storey
Ms. Lisa Szalanczy
Mrs. Flordeliz Tiberio
Mrs. Judith Ungvarsky
Ms. Connie Williams
Mrs. Pamela J. Williams
Ms. Virginia Wilson
Ms. Justine Wisyanski
Ms. Cathleen M. Wood
Ms. Jo Ellen Youst
Ms. Janet E. Zambanini
Foundations, Corporations, and Organizations:
“It takes a village” to carry out the mission of Redstone Highlands. Support from churches, local organizations,
businesses, and foundations help to make Redstone’s mission possible in many ways. For this, we thank you.
Businesses & Foundations
Connellsville Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Belle
First Presbyterian Church of
First Presbyterian Church of Irwin
Grace Community Presbyterian
Latrobe Presbyterian Church
Latrobe United Presbyterian Church
Maplewood United Presbyterian
McClellandtown Presbyterian Church
Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church
Poke Run Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women of First
Presbyterian Church, Greensburg
Round Hill Presbyterian Church
West Newton Presbyterian Women
Women’s Association of Community
United Presbyterian Church
Women’s Association of Grace
Community Presbyterian Church
Women’s Association of Springhill
Furnace Presbyterian Church
1st Fire Protection, Inc.
Adelphoi Village
Alexander J. Graham, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Alliance Rehab HVA, LLC
Bill Rethage Roofing & Remodelers
Brown Calabretta Architects
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Cabin Hill Maytag
Commercial Bank & Trust of PA
Community Foundation of
Westmoreland County
Dahar Orthodontics PC
Daniels & Miller, Inc.
Delisi & Associates, P.C.
Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote
Dunkin’ Donuts
Efficient Energy Solutions, LLC
Erzen Associates, Inc.
Excela Health - Westmoreland
Ferri Supermarkets, Inc.
First National Bank of Pennsylvania
Giant Eagle Inc.
Hampton Office Products
Health Sciences Information
Technology - University of
Heartland Home Health and Hospice
Highmark Matching Funds
Holiday Inn Express - Mount Pleasant
HomeTown Medical Equipment
Indiana County Technology Center
Integral Ballroom
Irwin Family Care
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Jeannette Public Library
Katherine Mabis McKenna
Kepple-Graft Funeral Home, Inc.
L. F. Hollingsworth Trust
Lawn Sense, Inc.
Luehm Candy Company
McDonald, Snyder & Lightcap, P.C.
Metzgar Elementary School
Michael Baker Corporation
Mitchell Power Station
Molyneaux Tile and Carpet
Norwin Art League
ParenteBeard LLC
Phyllis’ Fashions
Pitt Chemical and Sanitary Supply
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Prism Response, Inc.
Raimondo Construction Co., Inc.
Ranier’s Pharmacy
Re/Max Realty Access
Redstone Highlanders - Greensburg
Redstone Highlands Volunteer
Redstone North Huntingdon
Activities Fund
Renal & Electrolyte Associates, Inc.
Ridge Road Women’s Club
River City Brass
S&T Bank
Sampson Family Foundation
Senior Helpers
Senior Independence of
Southwestern PA
Shrader’s Dairy Queen
Standard Bank
Strategy Solutions, Inc.
Thaddeus S. Stasiak, D.M.D.
Turner Dairy Farms, Inc.
Unified Alerts LLC
Warren D. Corrie Electric
WordWrite Communications
Ziegler Capital Markets Group
Memorial Gifts:
Many of the gifts that Redstone receives are given “In Memory” of a loved one, friend, neighbor, or colleague. We give
thanks for the lives of all of those who have been remembered in this way. We also want to express our heartfelt
thanks to those donors who have chosen to remember in a way that touches the lives of our residents.
Printed in bold is the name of the person being remembered; donors are listed below the name.
In Memory of Ms. Nellie
M. Anderson
Mrs. Eileen A. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A.
In Memory of Ms. Betty G.
Ms. Helen E. Allen
Mrs. Mary H. Dull †
In Memory of Mr. Stephen
V. Arendas
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Mrs. Doris F. Wood
In Memory of Ms. Jenny K.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L.
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Auckerman
Ms. Gertrude M. Smola
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Benson
Miss Edith M. Bryen
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Bones
Ms. Alice M. Bones
In Memory of Mrs. Martha
P. Bonidy
Ms. Barbara J. Christner, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E.
In Memory of Mrs. Hazel
H. Booher
Adelphoi Village
Ms. Mary J. Helfrich
Mr. and Mrs. Vaun C. Hile
Mrs. Robin S. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Ms. Ruth E. McDonald
Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
Ms. Barbara J. Shepard
Thaddeus S. Stasiak, D.M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stitt
In Memory of Mrs. Mary J.
Mr. and Mrs. George F.
In Memory of Mr. Walter
R. Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
In Memory of Mr. Joseph
B. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
In Memory of Mrs.
Margaret O. Brophy
Mr. Robert F. Edwards †
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gasarch
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph A. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E.
In Memory of Mrs. Ola B.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Almes
In Memory of Mr. Walston
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
In Memory of Ms. Mary
Catherine Colinear
Ms. Patricia A. Smiy
In Memory of Mrs.
Doretta Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Rose
In Memory of Edith
Alberta Curry
Mrs. Dorothy C. Knepper
In Memory of Mrs. Edith L.
Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Norbert Degentesh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
In Memory of Ms.
Margaret Del Cotto
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
In Memory of Mr. Eugene
Mr. James Dennison
Mrs. Sylvia R. Dennison
Mrs. Linda Locke
Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion
Mrs. Sylvia McCormick
Mr. Wallace Turner
In Memory of Mr. William
C. Dickie
Ms. Louise H. Boyle
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Mrs. Helen E. Murray †
Ms. Pamela Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Ross
In Memory of Mrs. Martha
E. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C.
In Memory of Mr. Robert
R. Dixon
Ms. Lois K. Albrecht
Mr. Robert F. Edwards †
Rev. and Mrs. Mark H.
In Memory of Dr. James
A. Dull
Ms. Jamie Boyd
Mrs. Jeny I. Boyd
Ms. Louise H. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. † and Mrs. William C.
Mrs. Mary H. Dull †
Ms. Theresa M. Durkin
Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Foster
Mrs. Jean R. George
Mr. Charles G. Geyer
Mrs. Robin S. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F.
Kave, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Ms. Janet R. Matchett
Metzgar Elementary School
Mrs. Helen E. Murray †
Renal & Electrolyte
Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mrs. Dorothy S. Sell
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E.
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
D. L. Ensminger
Mrs. Avis E. Freeman
In Memory of Ms.
Johanna Esch
Mr. Robert F. Edwards †
Rev. and Mrs. Mark H.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
In Memory of Ms. Helen
Mr. and Mrs. George T.
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas George
Mrs. Lois B. Groomes
In Memory of Mr. Gordon
P. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T.
Davidson, Jr.
In Memory of Ms. Geneva
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dils
In Memory of Mr. Calvin
L. Ewig
Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig
In Memory of Mrs. Nancy
B. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S.
Graham, Jr.
In Memory of Mrs.
Marianne M. Flaherty
Mr. Dale Flaherty
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Griffiths
Ms. Janet B. Blaho
In Memory of Mr. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright
In Memory of Mr. Kirk E.
Ms. Helen E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A.
Mr. and Mrs. George F.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R.
Mr. Park R. Glass, Jr.
Mrs. Annetta P. Hall
Ms. Marion I. Laughner
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J.
Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion
Mrs. Helen S. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mitchell Power Station
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mrs. Toni T. Posner
Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
Redstone North
Huntingdon Activities
Ms. Jacquelyn Ulyas
Ms. Janet E. Zambanini
In Memory of Mrs.
Kathryn Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright
In Memory of Kathryn
and Curtis Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright
In Memory of Dr. James H.
Mrs. Avis E. Freeman
In Memory of Mrs. Doris
Ms. Elaine Ruth
In Memory of Mr. Francis
J. Genes
Ms. Elaine Ruth
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis J. Genes
Mrs. Kathy Duran
In Memory of Mr. Mario
Mrs. Ann C. Fyalkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi
Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roth
Title Abstractors Westmoreland County
In Memory of Mrs. Ruth
Mr. Harold N. Hauger †
In Memory of Mr. Charles
T. Hilton
Mr. Robert F. Edwards †
In Memory of Mr. Elmer
Mrs. Phyllis E. Hilty
Mr. Todd Hilty
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hixson
Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig
In Memory of Mr. Charles
F. Hoffman, Jr.
Ms. Alice M. Bones
In Memory of Ms. Ruth A.
Ms. Alice M. Bones
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D.
Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig
Ms. E. Irene Fennell
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Gero, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Mr. Mark McConnell
Ms. Zellamarie McDougall
Mr. and Mrs. Merle R. Mull
Mrs. Margaret J. Parsons
Ms. Janet M. Rugh
In Memory of Mrs. Angela
E. Holup
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G.
In Memory of Mr. Charles
Mrs. Dolores E. Griffith
In Memory of Charles and
Margaret Hommey
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Blick
In Memory of Ms.
Dorothea Imhoff
Mrs. Jean I. Zellers
In Memory of Mrs. Nina I.
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
In Memory of Mrs.
Patricia R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G.
Saul III
In Memory of Mrs. Anna
O. Jordan
Mrs. Dorothy M. Come
In Memory of Ms. Edna
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey
In Memory of Ms.
Elizabeth J. Kallie
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey
In Memory of Mrs. Mabel
L. Kiebler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Martin
In Memory of Mr. Robert
H. Kifer
Mrs. Jean R. George
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
In Memory of Mr. Ron
Rev. and Mrs. Mark H.
In Memory of Mrs.
Gretchen W. Lauffer
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Mellyn, Jr.
In Memory of Mrs. Carol
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
In Memory of Mr. Frank C.
Ms. Patricia A. Smiy
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Long
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D.
Ms. Margaret R. Loya
In Memory of Mrs. Mary
Lou Maddock
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F.
In Memory of Ms. Stella
M. Marron
Mrs. Louise M. Dugan
In Memory of Ms. Marion
S. Martin
Mrs. Louise J. Sheffler
In Memory of Ms. Harriet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
In Memory of Mrs. Jane
Mr. John A. Mika
In Memory of Mrs.
Dorothy Y. Miller
Ms. Nina M. Kemps
In Memory of Rev. and
Mrs. Frank H. Miller
Mr. Robert A. Miller
In Memory of Mr. Wendell
Rev. and Mrs. Mark H.
In Memory of Mrs.
Margaret J. Moose
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
In Memory of Mrs. Maria
H. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Morris
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Morris
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Morris
In Memory of Mrs.
Laureen Morrow
Rev. John R. Morrow
In Memory of Ms.
Christine D. Murphy
Ms. Mary Jane Bytheway
Mrs. Mary H. Dull †
In Memory of Mr. Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus T.
In Memory of Ms.
Marjorie Newcomer
Ms. Carol Matregrano
Mrs. Helen E. Murray †
In Memory of Mrs. Jean E.
Ms. Martha S. Nizinski
In Memory of Ms. Elis
Pearl Obley
Mr. Alan L. Obley
In Memory of Mrs.
Margaret Panzino
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gallo
In Memory of Mr. Robert
L. Parsons
Mrs. Margaret J. Parsons
In Memory of Mr. Edward
H. Pechan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D.
Ms. Marilyn D. Chapla
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davis
Health Sciences
Information Technology
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller
Ms. Elizabeth Pechan
Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
Ms. Marilyn A. Schroeder
In Memory of Dizre Ponsi
Ms. Josephine Ponsi
In Memory of Mrs.
Margaret Power
Ms. Melinda L. Power
In Memory of Mrs. Muriel
Mr. and Mrs. George F.
Mr. † and Mrs. Kirk E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Redstone North
Huntingdon Activities
Ms. Gertrude M. Smola
In Memory of Mr. John L.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T.
In Memory of Rocky the
Mrs. Helen M. Taylor
In Memory of Ms.
Samantha Rudzinski
Ms. Trina Benko
In Memory of Mr. John W.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kramer
In Memory of Mr. Myles D.
Sampson Family
In Memory of Mr. John
Mrs. Barbara A. Schlirf
In Memory of Mrs. Coral E.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
In Memory of Mr. Donald
L. Schwing
Mrs. Vivian E. Schwing
In Memory of Ms.
Margaret M. Seamens
Mr. Charles M. Seamens
In Memory of Ms. Arnetta
D. Shaffer
Mr. Gordon A. Chaffee
Ms. Pamela C. Davenport
In Memory of Mr. Peter J.
Skrgic, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J.
Skrgic, Jr.
In Memory of Mr. Frank
Dr. Robert H. Howland, M.D.
Ms. Lois E. Picking
Ms. Lisa Stupar
In Memory of Ms. Helen E.
Mrs. Judith A. Pekich
In Memory of Mrs. Ruth
W. Speer
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
In Memory of Ms. Ruth A.
Mr. Joseph Stefano
In Memory of Mr. Robert
H. Stevenson
Mrs. Arena E. Stevenson
In Memory of Mrs. Helen
H. Strader
Mr. Kenneth M. Strader
In Memory of Miss
Frances L. Thompson
Mrs. Toni T. Posner
Ms. Norma G.
In Memory of Mrs. Rhea
Indiana County Technology
Ms. Anna Peles
Mr. Ronald W. Thornton
In Memory of Ms. Thelma
Mrs. Joy T. Dahlmann
In Memory of Miss Ada G.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Alan
In Memory of Ms. Anna
Ms. Patricia A. Eberts
In Memory of Mr. George
F. Weinert
Mrs. Doris M. Weinert
In Memory of Denzil
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright
In Memory of Mr. Zachary
J. Vlahos
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus T.
In Memory of Mr. David L.
Mrs. Carolyn L. Weiss
In Memory of Ms. Joyce
McFarlane Young
Mrs. Marguerite E.
In Memory of Mr. O. Lee
Mr. John R. Wallis
In Memory of Mr. Samuel
T. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hyde
In Memory of Mr. Harry B.
Mrs. Mary Louise
In Memory of Ms.
Margaret G. Zuri
Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley
In Memory of Mr. Jay Alan
Mrs. Mary Louise
Gift-In-Kind Donations:
Throughout the course of the year, many non-cash gifts are given to
Redstone. These gifts come in many forms, including:
■ Items donated for auctions or raffles at the Spirit of Giving Gala
■ Food products donated for various events
■ Lovingly made lap robes and blankets
■ Stocking stuffers for Harbor residents
■ Special snack items for the staff at the holidays
■ Furnishings of former residents
■ Services by a variety of vendors
Each of these, and the many other Gift-in-Kind donations, touch and enrich the lives of everyone within the
Redstone family. Thank you to all those who gave such gifts to support Redstone’s mission.
Mrs. Lindsey Abel
Ms. Aimee Adams
Advantage Waypoint
The Aerobic Center
Allanté Hair Designs & Spa Inc.
All-Kare Chiropractic
Altoona Curve Baseball Club
Mr. Charles W. Ammer
Ms. Dolores M. Ammer
Mrs. Eva H. Andrews †
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Armen, Jr.
Arnold Palmer’s Latrobe Country Club
Atria’s Restaurant & Tavern
Aw Else Boutique LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barozzini
Ms. Marjorie Bauer
Beeghly and Company Jewelers
Mrs. Regina Birchem
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Mrs. Katherine O. Brean
Mrs. Emily L. Britt
Mayor and Mrs. Robert J. Brooks
Miss Lorna J. Bryan †
Mr. Kurt Burkett
Ms. Phylis Caplan
Ms. Mabel A. Carlin
Carnegie Science Center
Mrs. Elinor L. Casedy †
Mrs. Gloria Cavada
Mr. Mark J. Celigoi
The Cheesecake Factory
Cherry Creek Golf Club
Chick-fil-A (Greengate Centre)
Ms. Mary Cirelli
City of Greensburg Recreation
Ms. Lisa Colarusso (Tastefully Simple)
Cold Stone Creamery
Complete Family Dentistry
The Cookie Store
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cooper
Ms. JoVone Corley
Ms. Marilyn Costic
Ms. Joan M. Coup
Ms. Shirley E. Cousins
The Cupcake Shoppe
Mrs. Melissa Delancey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Desantis
Ms. Susan DeWitt
Dino’s Sports Lounge
Ms. Michelle Dixon
Ms. Lisa M. Dormire
Dunkin’ Donuts
Export Floral
Fantastic Sam’s
Ms. Alberta M. Feightner
Mr. Dan Ferens
Ferrante’s Lakeview
Ms. Terri Filson
Five Guys Burgers & Fries - Murrysville
Fotorecord Print Center
Ms. Rosemary M. Fry
Ms. Hollie Geitner
Mrs. Jean R. George
Giant Eagle - Murrysville
Ms. Marilyn E. Giron
Glengarry Golf Links
Mrs. Mechtild E. Grapes
Green Mountain Coffee
Greensburg Country Club
Mr. James Grgurich
Mr. † and Mrs. Kirk E. Hall
Mr. Richard D. Hileman
Ms. Doris B. Hiller †
Mr. James W. Hodge
Ms. Dorothy Hoffman
Ms. Ruth A. Holtzer †
Ms. Debra Hopper
Hoss’s Family Restaurant
Ms. Donna Ickes
Integral Ballroom
J. Corks
Mrs. Lois J. Johnson †
Miss Betty J. Karan †
Mr. Brandon D. Kerr
Mr. Robert H. Kifer †
Ms. Michelle Kinzel
Ms. Mary K. Lamb
Rev. and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried
Mr. Gregory Lapina
Mrs. Luella E. Larimer
Mrs. Eleanor B. Lashley
Latrobe Area Chamber of Commerce
Latrobe Presbyterian Church
Laurel Caverns Geological Park
Laurel Highlands River Tours
Lavish Salon & Spa
Ms. Maxine Lenhart
Levin Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lightcap
Mr. Frank C. Lissy †
Mrs. Patricia Loutsenhizer
Maloberti Produce
Ms. Beverly Markin
Ms. Marguerite Matz
Ms. Terri Mauersberg
Ms. Clara McCabe
Ms. Carrie McClurg
Mrs. Margaret P. McCune
Meineke Care Center
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Merrill
Michelle’s Bella Boutique & Day Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Micire
Mrs. Mary M. Milburn †
National Aviary
Never Enough! Boutique, LLC
Miss Marjorie Newcomer †
Mr. Michael D. Nizinski
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Palko
Pat Catan’s
Ms. Janice Pechan
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Peckman
Penn-Franklin News
Philco Builders
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical
Gardens, Inc.
Pitt Chemical and Sanitary Supply
Pittsburgh CLO
Pittsburgh Public Theater
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Mrs. Carol G. Pollock
Ms. Deb Rago
Mr. Arthur H. Rittenhouse †
Rob’s Auto Detailing
Mr. John W. Russell †
Mrs. Nancy J. Russell
Sanibel Nail Spa
Seton Hill University
Communication Club
Seven Springs Mountain Resort
Ms. Arnetta D. Shaffer †
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Shogan
Dr. and Mrs. Sean Smarick
Mrs. Mary Louise Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Smitrovich
Ms. Gertrude M. Smola
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sobota
St. Emma Monastery
Stage Right!
Standard Textile
Mr. Terry Stentz
Mrs. Phyllis E. Stewart †
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart
Ms. Glenna Storey
Studio 2 Advertising
Sunset Café
Ten Fox Salon
Ms. Carolyn Thomson
Totteridge Golf Course
Ms. Anna Tragesser
Ms. Rita True
Turner Dairy Farms, Inc.
US Foodservice
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Van Fleet
Ms. Marjorie A. Vrable
Mrs. Deborah Walker
Walkers Shortbread
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wallace
Walmart - Delmont
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Walrath
Ward & Christner, P.C.
Mr. Charles E. West
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westmoreland Choral Society and
Children’s Chorus
Westmoreland Museum of
American Art
Ms. Tracey Wilkinson
Ms. Connie Williams
WordWrite Communications
In Memoriam:
The following is a list of Redstone residents and employees who died between July 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013.
We join with their families and friends in celebrating their lives and the memories that are cherished. It was our honor
and privilege to care for them all.
Robert Albert
Nellie M. Anderson
Eva H. Andrews
Betty G. Appleby
Stephen V. Arendas
Jessie K. Armen
Ida E. Balsley
Mildred E. Baughman
William R. Baumann
Marilyn C. Beatty
Rose Mary C. Bengel
Martha P. Bonidy
Hazel H. Booher
Margaret O. Brophy
Lorna J. Bryan
Elinor L. Casedy
Rudolph J. Celigoi
Marion W. Chambers
Donna Chanon
Walston Chubb
Anna E. Chute
Charles E. Claspy
Mary Jane Coldren
Maxine F. Cooper
Catherine L. Crise
Ruth D. Dailey
Joseph DelTorre
William C. Dickie
Joan M. DiMartino
Robert R. Dixon
James A. Dull
Mary H. Dull
Claire M. Ebner
Johanna Esch
Antonette Estok
Evelyn M. Evans
Sylvia Eve
Melvin D. Fletcher
Margaret W. Forbes
Dayle L. Gardner
Dorothy K. Garland
James P. Garrity
Mary L. Garrity
Mario R. Genta
Mary J. Gilchrist
Johanna K. Gillis
Dorothy E. Glancy
Robert Glarner
Eugene Grapes
Jane M. Green
Clarence Greene
Edith E. Guerinoni
Kirk E. Hall
Grace E. Hartman
Harold N. Hauger
George S. Hensberger
Louise O. Hill
Marlon A. Hilty
Lois R. Hollenbeck
Margaret Holsinger
Ruth A. Holtzer
Anna E. Holzer
Jean L. Johnson
Lois J. Johnson
Betty J. Karan
Stanley Kavel
Josephine D. Kemerer
Robert H. Kifer
Leonard Korhnak
Carol H. Langston Wolfe
Angeline G. Lapina
Eva Jean Larson
John V. Larson
Paul C. Lazor
Regina M. Leoni
Dorothy L. Lessman
Carol Lintelman
Frank C. Lissy
Donald F. Loutsenhizer
Albert D. Lovis
Virginia A. Madaras
Mary Lou Maddock
Twila Makarsky
Frank R. Markosky
LaVerne Marnell
Betty K. McGrew
Mary M. Milburn
Alfred F. Miller
Margaret J. Moose
Helen E. Murray
Elizabeth M. Murtha
Ronald G. Myers
S. M. Newcomer
Mary L. Nicholson
Jean E. Nizinski
Eleanor J. Oates
Francis X. O’Connell
Patricia Palmer
Edward H. Pechan
Harry R. Peoples
Catherine H. Petrisko
William S. Petrosky
Ida R. Pfeifer
Edith Pohley
Bernice L. Purnell
Muriel Quinto
Ronald H. Reeping
Arthur H. Rittenhouse
John W. Russell
William J. Russell
Blanche L. Saviski
Luciano C. Scala
Raymond Scheumann
Grayce T. Schroyer
Joanne M. Semach
Arnetta D. Shaffer
Kenneth B. Shaffer
Mary Lou Shaw
Roy B. Shaw
Andrew L. Shogan
Esther Silberblatt
Anne Sipe
Jean A. Skinner
Frank A. Smith
Robert E. Smith
Arlene E. Snyder
Ruth W. Speer
Bertha A. Stevens
Clarence E. Stevenson
Twila H. Stevenson
Phyllis E. Stewart
Clyde C. Sullenberger
Isabel G. Sweeney
Frances L. Thompson
Nelson C. Thompson
Rhea Thornton
Allen B. Tomb
Daniel A. Trumbetta
Eugene A. Valli
Mary S. Vigani
Michael Viscusi
Agnes T. Visser
Dorothy J. Wesling
Wilma B. White
Myrtle J. Worthy
Susan K. Yale
Mary Zimarowski
Peter A. Zur
Margaret G. Zuri
The Dorothy A. Toman Legacy Society
Dorothy Toman resided on the Greensburg campus from 1996 until the time of her death in 2001. Grateful for the care
that she received, Dorothy made a substantial legacy gift to Redstone Highlands. In 2006, the Toman Legacy Society
was established in her honor. Membership in the Society is open to anyone who has indicated that they have made a
Planned or Estate Gift to Redstone Highlands.
Legacy Gifts Received
The Estate of Mr. Elroy
The Estate of Ms. Lois J.
The Estate of Ms. Margaret
V. Baker
The Estate of Mrs. Marion
The Estate of Ms. Ruth
The Estate of Ms. Martha
Anne Brown
The Estate of Ms. Sara
Hunter Brown
The Estate of Ms. Mildred
The Estate of Donald and
Margaret Carroll
The Estate of Ms. Jennie
The Estate of Clarence R.
The Estate of Miss Florence
M. Ewing
The Estate of Clarence T.
The Estate of Ms. Elizabeth
The Estate of Mary Felton
The Estate of Daniel and
Mae Gilmour
The Estate of Ms. Maurine
The Estate of Ms. Anna Jane
The Estate of Daniel and
Virginia Graue
The Estate of Mr. Kirk E. Hall
The Estate of Mr. Raymond
P. Harrison
The Estate of Ms. Elva A.
The Estate of Mr. William
The Estate of Ms. L.F.
The Estate of Mrs. Esther
The Estate of Ms. Gertrude
The Estate of Ms. Kathryn
W. Hutchinson
The Estate of Herbert E.
The Estate of Mrs. Louise
The Estate of Mr. E. F.
The Estate of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Long
The Estate of Misses Mary L.
and Marjorie S. Lord
The Estate of Mr. R. Marshall
The Estate of Margaret R.
The Estate of Miss Harriet
M. McKee
The Estate of Ms. Mary
Sloan and Edward K.
The Estate of Misses Doris
E. and Ruth Nevin
The Estate of Mrs. Emily D.
The Estate of Mrs. Virginia
G. Noel
The Estate of Mr. Edward H.
The Estate of Ms. Helen
The Estate of Mr. Dale
The Estate of Ms. Muriel
The Estate of Mrs. Elsie H.
The Estate of Ms. Helen S.
The Estate of Mrs. Audrey A.
The Estate of Ms. Jane M.
The Estate of Ms. Elsie
The Estate of Mrs. Dorothy
The Estate of Mr. Jim
The Estate of Miss
Catherine S. Vaughn
The Estate of Mrs. Margaret
The Estate of Mrs. Helen W.
The Estate of R. Nelson
The Estate of Ms. Edith A.
The Estate of Ms. Grace E.
The Estate of Mrs. Dorothy
S. Yard
The Estate of Ms. Mable
Legacy Gifts Promised
Six Anonymous Gifts
Ms. Helen E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Brenzia
Ms. Mabel Carlin
Mrs. Sylvia Dennison
Mrs. Linda Feightner
Mrs. Jean R. George
Mrs. Annetta P. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Louise
Mrs. Donald Machesney
Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion
Ms. Dorothy Ruoff
Ms. Norma G.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Nancy Sprenger
Mrs. Helen M. Taylor
Legacy Gifts In Process
The Estate of Mr. Robert R.
The Estate of Ms. Doris B.
The Estate of Mrs. Evelyn L.
The previous lists include all Planned and Estate gifts of
which we have been notified. If we have inadvertently
omitted anyone who should have been included, we would
like to correct this. If you plan to include Redstone in your
legacy giving, please consider notifying us so that we can
include you in future listings and events for the Toman
Legacy Society. Please contact us at 724-832-8400, Ext. 353.
Touch the Future with Hope
Become a member of
the Toman Legacy Society
What kind of legacy do you want to leave… to those whom you love… to causes or
organizations that you hold dear...to the world? Thinking creatively about your estate
planning provides you with a meaningful way to express gratitude for what you have
been given and to invest in the future of those persons or organizations that are
important to you.
There are many ways to leave a Legacy gift. The easiest, is to have your attorney attach
a CODICIL to your will that indicates simply that you wish to make a gift to Redstone
Highlands. You may designate either a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate,
or the residual of your estate. The language should say,
eath to Redstone
“I give, devise, and bequ
Presbyterian SeniorCa
The sum of $_______
________% of my est
d remainder of my estate
All the rest, residue, an
Perhaps you would want to
consider the following possibilities as you think about your legacy:
■ Most of Redstone’s Legacy Gifts do come in the form of a simple bequest. Some will use
a codicil to indicate that they want to remember Redstone with a certain dollar amount
in their will, or that they want to give a certain percentage of the residual of their estate
once all of their obligations have been settled. Either way, this gift is a wonderful way to
provide support for Redstone’s residents.
your gift be
a double
If you or your spouse work
for a company that provides
matching gift opportunities,
your gift to Redstone Highlands
may be doubled or even
tripled! Some companies
even extend their matching
gift programs to retirees. The
following is a list of some
of the companies that may
provide such matching gift
opportunities: AT & T, AK
Steel, Allegheny Technologies,
Aramark, ALCOA, Equitable
Resources, Fisher Scientific,
H.J. Heinz, Merck, Merrill
Lynch, Peoples Gas, Prudential
Financial, Sprint, PNC, PPG,
Verizon, Westinghouse,
Highmark, and others.
For more information
contact Lisa Dormire,
VP for Fund Development
■ Although most Redstone residents live for many years after making their home here, some have unexpected health issues
and pass away while a portion of their initial deposit remains. You may simply add a letter to your records here at Redstone
indicating that if you pass away before your initial deposit has been depleted, that you would like to donate the residual.
■ Some residents have chosen to make a Legacy gift by naming Redstone as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or a
retirement account. This may also provide a positive tax benefit during your lifetime!
■ Another way to provide yourself with a benefit during your lifetime is to establish a Charitable Gift Annuity. This may provide
you with some tax savings, an income stream for the rest of your life, and an ongoing fund providing support to Redstone after
your death.
Sometimes, efforts to be a good steward and to preserve our assets stand in the way of our desires to be as generous and
charitable as possible to causes that we believe in. Planning for a Legacy Gift provides us with a wonderful opportunity to do
good with our resources once we no longer have need of them. How joyous it is to plan for a legacy that has the potential to
touch so many lives.
To talk more about the legacy that you want to leave, contact Lisa Dormire, VP for Fund Development at 724-832-8400 Ext. 353.
The names listed in this Celebration of Giving all made gifts between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. While we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this
publication, mistakes do occur. Please advise us of any error so that we may correct our records.
Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All contributions are deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The official registration and financial information for Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free, within
PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Redstone Highlands is operated by Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare.
Senior Apartments ................................... 75
Personal Care ............................................. 33
Personal Care Plus .................................... 16
Nursing ......................................................... 77
6 Garden Center Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone 724-832-8400
Fax 724-836-3710
Total ............................................................201
Senior Apartments ................................... 90
Personal Care ............................................. 24
Terrace (Memory Impairment)............. 20
4951 Cline Hollow Road
Murrysville, PA 15668
Phone 724-733-9494
Fax 724-733-9495
Total ............................................................134
North Huntingdon
Senior Apartments ................................... 94
Personal Care ............................................. 20
Terrace (Memory Impairment)............. 20
12921 Redstone Drive
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
Phone 724-864-5811
Fax 724-864-3618
Colonial Estates
Villa Homes ................................................. 18
772 Frontier Drive
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
Total ............................................................152
Phone 724-864-1429
Fax 724-864-3618
Senior Apartments .................................259
Personal Care ............................................. 77
Personal Care Plus .................................... 16
Terrace (Memory Impairment)............. 40
Nursing ......................................................... 77
Villa Homes ................................................. 18
Total ............................................................487
Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare serves all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion,
sex, national origin, age, familial status, handicap or disability.
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit #681
Greensburg PA
6 Garden Center Drive ■ Greensburg, PA 15601
Redstone’s Affiliate
Senior Independence of Southwestern PA:
Pictured (L-R) – Vanessa Mangery, Jacque Bell, Geoff Gehring,
Laura Malacki, and Joanie Faust
A part of the Redstone Highlands
mission is to help meet the changing
needs of the community. In pursuing this
mission, Redstone recognized a need for
services that would allow residents to
remain in their independent residences
longer. Therefore, Redstone Highlands
launched Senior Independence of
Southwestern Pennsylvania (SISWPA),
a non-profit community-based service
Since 2010, SISWPA has been expanding
steadily and obtaining necessary
licensures for a variety of services. Just
this year, SISWPA received its hospice
license and Medicare certification.
“The addition of hospice care to our
menu of services provides seniors the
opportunity to receive continuity of care
as they age in the place that they call
home,” says Geoff Gehring, Assistant Vice
President. The Hospice Care program
helps to ease pain and discomfort for
individuals while providing emotional
and spiritual support to their families.
Senior Independence also provides
affordable Home Care and Home Health
programs to seniors in Westmoreland
County. Home care services can be
appropriate and affordable for longterm care, respite care, and everything
in between. These services include
assistance with personal care tasks, light
housekeeping tasks, and companionship.
Home health services include skilled
nursing, physical therapy, occupational
therapy, speech therapy, social work, and
home health aides. These services must
be ordered by the individual’s physician
and are typically covered under
hospitalization insurance, including
It can be a difficult task to choose which
services will work best for you or your
loved ones, but the Senior Independence
team is here to help! Call 724-864-7388
today for more information.