Career Management FAQ's for Robinson Faculty & Staff

Career Management FAQ’s for
Robinson Faculty & Staff
Robinson Faculty & Staff often field career-related questions from students, alumni and employers. Our goal
in developing these FAQ’s is to help Robinson Faculty & Staff efficiently and effectively provide students,
alumni and employers with the most accurate information possible regarding our services. We hope you find
the following information helpful. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Q1 – Does Robinson have a Career Management Center? Where is it located and who do they
A – The Robinson Career Management Center is located in Suite 605 and we serve as a “one-stop shop” for
all ROBINSON Undergraduates, Graduate Students & Alumni. In addition, we support employers and alumni
interested in recruiting ROBINSON Students. Our direct phone is 404-413-7155 and website
Q2 – How do I help students who say they need help with resumes, interviewing and job search
A – For undergraduate students, encourage them to utilize our Walk-in Career Advice Hours held every
Monday from 12 noon-2pm, and Thursdays 3-5pm during fall and spring semester.
For Graduate students, encourage them to schedule an appointment with their career counselor.
Q3 – If a company or alum calls about posting a job or internship, how should I refer them?
A – To post for ROBINSON undergraduates, graduates or alumni, please refer them to Sharry Conroy,
Associate Director,
Q4 – What is RCC–Robinson Career Connection and why is it important?
A – RCC is our 24/7 on-line career information management system. This is the only place we post jobs,
internships and career information from employers and alumni who are specifically seeking Robinson talent. In
addition, it is the only database we use to store and refer student resumes. We also use RCC to manage all
Campus Interviews. To gain access, students simply send a RCC Login Request to Brent Winner, our
Recruiting Coordinator at
Q5 – How can I help students who ask “When should I start looking for an internship or a job?”
A – Students should begin at least one full semester before they want to start the internship and two full
semesters before they’re seeking full-time employment. However, it’s never too early!
Q6 – How can I help a company who says they want to “get more involved in recruiting at
A – Please refer them to Jason Aldrich, Director of Robinson Career Management. Jason can be reached via
email or phone at 404-413-7156. Jason will assess their needs and coordinate Robinson’s
efforts to support them.
Q7 – How can I help students who say “I don’t know what to do with my major?
A – In addition to offering individual career counseling, we help students assess their skills by offering a wide
variety of assessment tools and help them find opportunities that match their abilities and interests. These are
best handled as one-on-one appointments in person or via phone.
Q8 – How can I help a student seeking part-time off-campus jobs while attending GSU?
A – We list all part-time jobs and short-term project opportunities on the RCC throughout the year.
Students will need to get access to and check RCC regularly.
Q9 – What services does Robinson’s Career Management offer undergraduates vs. graduate
A – We work with undergraduates who have accumulated 42 or more credit hours and with all graduate
students from the time they are enrolled. Our baseline services include Undergraduate Walk-In Hours (Mon.
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and Thurs. 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.), our RCM Weekly Communication, and access to
RCC. In addition, we also offer programs, panel discussions and career fairs. Graduate students have access
to more Individual Career Coaching, specialized resources, and programs specifically tailored to their needs.
Q10 – How can I help Robinson Career Management engage more Students, Alumni, and
A – The best way to help is to regularly refer students, alumni and employers to our office. In addition, it is
very helpful when faculty & staff highlight our upcoming programs and events by displaying the posters and
flyers we distribute. We also appreciate the opportunity to speak in class, with student organizations and at
any other meeting Robinson Faculty & Staff think might be a good opportunity. Please contact Jason Aldrich,
Director—Robinson Career Management via email at or directly at 404-413-7156 if you
have an opportunity you’d like to share with us.
Q11 – What services does RCM—Robinson Career Mgmt. offer vs. UCS—University Career
A – RCM provides undergraduates with Undergraduate Walk-In Resume Critiques, our RCM Weekly Update
Email which highlights Full & Part-Time Jobs, Internships, Campus Interviews and Upcoming Career Events,
Access to RCC-Robinson Career Connection – GSU’s on-line, 24/7 career management system, and
Robinson’s Fall & Spring Career EXPO. UCS hosts campus interviews for undergraduates, provides individual
career advising, mock interviews, and offers career workshops, panel discussions & events. We are working in
partnership with UCS to engage more Robinson undergraduates in the career management process and serve
as a central point of contact for all Robinson students seeking career services.
Q12 – What services does RCM Alumni vs. ACS (Alumni Career Services)?
A – We offer Robinson Alumni less than one year past graduation, the same level of support we offer current
students. Once students have been out of school for more than a year, we refer them to GSU’s Alumni
Career Services office where they can continue to access PCN and receive additional support by joining GSU’s
Alumni Association.
Q13 – How do students make one-on-one appointments with a career counselor?
A – We encourage students seeking individual assistance to contact our staff directly via email to schedule
individual appointments. Since Robinson has multiple campuses and our population is highly mobile we offer
telephone appointments or in-office appointments by scheduling a convenient day, time, and location that best
fits the student’s schedule. Below is the contact information students and alumni can use to schedule
individual appointments.
Flex MBA Students
Dirk Duran Smith,, 404-413-7158
Global Partners MBA &
Professional MBA Students
Sharon Cohen,, 404-413-7166
Graduate Counselor
Marilyn Santiago,, 404-413-7165
Graduate Counselor
Kenneth Lee,, 404-413-7109
Undergraduate Students
Roslyn Davis,, 404-413-7164
Career Counselor for students majoring in Accounting, Actuarial
Sciences, Business Economics, Finance, Real Estate, and Risk
Management and Insurance
Jennifer Hopkins,, 404-413-7161
Career Counselor for students majoring in Computer Information
Systems, Hospitality, Managerial Sciences and Marketing