BUSN64 Strategic Cost Management

Lund University, School of Economics & Management
Department of Business Administration
Course Curriculum for BUSN64 Strategic Cost Management
Business Administration, Master level, 7.5 University Credit Points (UCP) or ECTS-credits
Main Field of Study: Business Administration
Progression level: A1N
Approved by the director of studies on delegation from the department board of the Business Administration, 201105-20
1. Course level and placement within the educational system
The course is a master level course and an elective part of the masters programmes, Corporate and Financial
Management, and Accounting and Management Control. It can also be an elective course in Business Administration
at masters’ level. The course can be studied within the Business Administration and Economics programme, the
International Business Administration and Economics programme, the Degree of Master of Science in Business and
Economics – Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet) as well as an independent-subject course.
The course is offered in English. Students must therefore be able to communicate in both spoken and written English.
2. Learning outcomes
A passing grade on the course will be awarded to students who:
Knowledge and understanding
Have acquired a deepened knowledge of investment planning in different contexts, in companies as well
as in public sector enterprises.
Have acquired a deepened knowledge about costing with a focus on the determination of capital cost in
different settings.
Skills and abilities
Have developed the ability to critically examine and discuss how economic theories and methods can be
applied in different situations within business companies as well as in public sector enterprises.
Have developed the ability to independently and critically handle quantitative and qualitative empirical
material and to be able to use scientific methods to analyze such material.
Have acquired, developed and deepened the ability to present their own and others results in a clear,
pedagogic and interesting manner.
Are able to present results orally, in written form and through the use of IT-media for both experts and
non-specialist audiences.
Are able to search for, collect and evaluate information from various sources, in particular from both the
theoretical and empirical literature within a specified area of Business Administration.
Are be able to create and use advanced models for investment analyses and costing by means of Excel.
Are able to undertake further studies in Business Administration with a high degree of autonomy.
Judgement and approach
Are able to independently formulate and demarcate relevant business investment and costing problems.
To be able to choose adequate theoretical and empirical methods to analyze these problems.
3. Course content
The course aims to provide students with a deepened and thorough knowledge of investment analysis, credit analysis
and costing within a strategic framework. Important objectives are to give students the basic tools necessary at this
level to investigate business problems, to give them specialized knowledge about investment planning and costing on
an aggregate level as well as detailed knowledge about model building, to familiarize them with major and recent
literature in their field, and to introduce important research techniques.
Investment planning, theoretical methods and empirical observations from different contexts, i.e. public
private companies as well as public sector enterprises.
Application of investment calculation methods in complex business situations.
Costing and pricing of products and services in companies and in technical infrastructure.
Capital costs in whole operations.
Different principles for valuations of companies.
Strategic Cost Management
Value creation and profitability analysis
4. Teaching and assessment
The course includes lectures and two case assignments which are solved in groups with 2-3 students. The case
assignments are graded and each group will receive detailed feedback on each assignment. The two cases
constitute 40% of the credits that are the basis for the grades. At the end of the course there is an individual final
examination in the form of a written test covering the additional 60% of the credits. About one month after the final
examination there is a re-examination.
Lund University, School of Economics & Management
Department of Business Administration
Grading scale
At the School of Economics and Management grades are awarded in accordance with a criterion-based grading
scale A-U (A-F). Students have to receive a grade of E or higher in order to pass a course.
Very good
U (F)
A distinguished result that is excellent with regard
to the following aspects – theoretical depth,
practical relevance, analytical ability and
independent thought.
A very good result with regard to the above
mentioned aspects.
The result is of a good standard with regard to the
above mentioned aspects and lives up to
The result is of a satisfactory standard with regard
to the above mentioned aspects and lives up to
The result satisfies the minimum requirements with
regard to the above mentioned aspects, but not
The result does not meet the minimum
requirements with regard to the above mentioned
Plagiarism is considered to be a very serious academic offence. The University will take disciplinary actions
against any kind of attempted malpractice in examinations and assessments. The penalty that may be imposed
for this, and other improper practices in examinations or assessments, includes suspension from the University
for a specific period of time.
5. Prerequisites
Students admitted to a Master Programme where this course is either a compulsory or elective part, are qualified for
the course. For other students, at least 60 UCP or ECTS-cr in Business Administration is required. These must
include a course in basic Business Administration, (e.g. FEK502 Business Administration: General Course, FEKA01
Business Administration: Introductory Course, or the equivalent).
6. Miscellaneous
The course BUSN64 Strategic Cost Management cannot be combined with BUSM32, FEK524 or FEKM12 in a
7. Literature
See separate literature list.
8. Further information