Raccoon Race

4th Grade Problem Solving Assessment
Directions to Teacher
Provide each student with a copy of the Problem Solving
Explain to students that they get credit for their answer, as well as
the process they used. It is very important that they show their
They can get partial credit if the process is correct, but they arrived
at the wrong answer. If they get the answer correct, but don’t show
their work or process, they will only receive partial credit.
Read each problem out loud as the students do the work. This
should be done the same as ISTEP Applied Skills-Math test, since
we are testing their math/problem solving skills, and not their
reading ability.
/dan/problem solving test/4th Grade.doc
#1 - Jesse bought a pack of cards for $1.25, two packs of gum for
$.95 each, and a baseball for $8.39. He has $5.36 left over. How
much money did he start with?
Answer #1
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #1
#2 - Jesse decided to buy one more item with the money left. He
spent 50% of his change back. How much money did he go
home with?
Answer #2
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #2
The track meet was held May 16. Joe was in line to take his turn
at the long jump. It was a sunny day with a light wind. There
were 13 people in line and he was in the middle. What was his
place in line?
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work
You want to go shopping. You have $1.36 in your piggybank.
Show this amount in two different combinations of coins. Draw
pictures to show your answers.
Answer #1
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #1
Answer #2
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #2
#1 - Tyson spent a total of $16.09 including sales tax on two items
from the store. What 2 items did he buy?
Answer #1
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #1
#2 - Sales tax was $1.28. He gave the cashier $20.00. What is
his change back?
Answer #2
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work
Kevin collects marbles. Half of his marbles are green. 4 are red,
5 are blue, and the rest are white. If Kevin has 32 marbles
altogether, how many white marbles does he have?
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work
#1 - Kim has 3 pieces of gum. Trevor and Kim together have 7
pieces of gum. Regina and Trevor together have 10 pieces of
gum. How many pieces of gum does Trevor have?
Answer #1
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #1
#2 - How many pieces does Regina have?
Answer #2
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #2
#1 - You buy 2 CDs for $15.95 each. The cashier tells you that
will be $49.90. Does that surprise you? Explain why.
Answer #1
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
#2 – How much should the CDs have cost? Show your work.
Answer #2
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work - #2
Mr. Jones is bringing pizza to a family gathering. There will be a
total of 18 people at the gathering. If each pizza has 10 slices,
how many pizzas will he have to bring so that every person can
have 2 slices?
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work
The table below shows the items sold at Ferguson’s Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Number Sold
One-scoop cone
Two-scoop cone
Banana split
Each sundae and banana split has 3 scoops of ice cream. How
many TOTAL SCOOPS of ice cream were served at Ferguson’s
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work
Mr. Green is organizing a field trip for all of the fourth-graders at
Fireside Elementary. He has to order the buses to transport all
106 students, 4 teachers, and 5 parents.
#1 - If a bus can hold no more than 30 people, how many buses
does Mr. Green need to order?
Answer #1
2 pts. Exemplary Response
1 pt. Correct Answer Only
-orCorrect complete process;
error in computation
0 pts.
Show All Work
common/dan/problem solving test/4th Grade.doc