Lasallian Prayer Guide: August 2015 - St. Benilde Romancon


Campus Ministry Office

August 2015

Saint Benilde Romancon

(18O5-1862 )

Lasallian Apostle for Vocation

Pierre Romancon was born in the small village of Thuret, near

Clermont, France, on June 14, 18O5.

When he joined the Institute of the

Brothers of the Christian Schools, he was given the name Brother

Benilde and was assigned to teach children in the primary grades. This was to be hi sole task throughout his career as a Brother. He took special pride in teaching catechism.

He was noted for his spirit of prayer and charity, and he also distinguished himself by showing great wisdom in leading his confreres, and counseling both students and their parents in Christian living. At Saugeus, where he lived for 21 years, he had joy of aiding in the development of numerous religious vocations. He died in Saugues, France, on

August 13, 1862. He was beatified on April 4, 1958, and canonized on October 28, 1967.

O God, who inspired Saint Benilde Romancon to be an excellent educator who carried out his daily work to perfection, graciously grant that through his intercession and example, we too may be faithful to our vocation and attain perfect charity.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.




Most loving and faithful God, we thank You for the gift of holiness You bestowed upon St. John Baptist de La Salle. Through the Holy Spirit, you have raised in the Church the wonderful charism of bringing about the salvation of Youth through the ministry of education.

Our founder’s holiness was characterized by great trust in

Your Divine Providence, as he started out his educative mission.

His faith assured him that You will never fail him especially if the work began was in accordance with Your holy will.

He gave himself to prayer and penance when he was not sure which course of action to take and sought the counsel of spiritual men and women to guide him. As such, constant prayer was his spiritual nourishment which flowed out into a life of charity and compassion for others.

Through his intercession, we beg You, almighty Father for the graces we need to live a holy and meaningful life. In a special way, we pray for this particular intention … Say your personal intention

Trusting in Your most powerful help and through the intercession of our holy founder, we pray that we may continue to do all things for the love of You, allowing Jesus Your Son to live always in our hearts, so that one in Spirit, we may adore in all things Your Holy will in our regard. Amen.

St. John Baptist De La Salle, pray for us.


(From the Short Quotes, St. John Baptist de la Salle by Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC)


“Thank God for the grace He has given you for your work”

MTR . ; Meditaio s .

“ Let us pray before starting whatever we need to do.”

Meditaio s . —Feast of St. Mathias, Apostle

When you encounter some difficulty in the guidance of your disciples, turn to God with confidence.”

MTR . ;Meditaio s .

Say to Jesus as the apostles did: ‘Lord, teach us to pray’.”

Leter —to a leter to a e er of a religious o u ity of o e

Show the great love you have for Jesus by being eager to talk with him in prayer

Meditaio s . —Feast of St Mary Magdale e.

“Often ask God for grace to touch hearts. ”

Meditaio s . —Feast of St. A rose

“ The more you devote yourself in prayer, the more you will do well in your work.”

Meditaio s .


Feast of St. Ge e ie e

1 Sat Mt 14:1-12 The Death of John the Baptist

2 Sun Jn 6:24-35 The Bread of Life Discourse

3 Mon Mt 14:13-21 The Feeding of the Five Thousand

4 Tue Mt 14:22-36 Jesus Walking on the Water

5 Wed Mt 15:21-28 The Canaanite Woman’s Faith

6 Thu Mt 9:2-1O The Transfiguration

7 Fri Mt 16:24-28 The Conditions of Discipleship

8 Sat Mt 17:14-2O The Healing of a Boy with a Demon

9 Sun Jn 6:41-51 The Bread of Life Discourse

10 Mon Jn 12:24-26 The Paradox of the Grain of Wheat

11 Tue Mt 18:1-5,1O,11-14 The Greatest in the Kingdom

12 Wed Mt 18:15-2O The Brother who Sins

13 Thu Mt 18:21-19:1 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

14 Fri Mt 19:3-12 Marriage and Divorce

15 Sat Lk 1:39-56 Mary Visits Elizabeth

16 Sun Jn 6:51-58 The Bread of Life Discourse

17 Mon Mt 19:16-22 The Rich Young Man

18 Tue Mt 19:23-3O The Rich and the Kingdom of Heaven

19 Wed Mt 2O:1-16 The Workers in the Vineyard

20 Thu Mt.22:1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Feast

21 Fri Mt. 22:34-4 The Greatest Commandment

22 Sat Lk 1:26-38 Announcement of the Birth Of Jesus

23 Sun Jn 6:6-69 The Words of Eternal Life

24 Mon Jn 1:45-51 The Call of Nathaniel

25 Tue Mt 23:23-26 Neglect for Weightier Things

26 Wed Mt 23:27-32 Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees



Thu Mt 24:42-51 The Unknown Day and Hour

Fri Mt 25:1-13 The Parable of the ten Virgins

29 Sat Mk 6:17-29 The Death of John the Baptist

30 Sun Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 The Tradition of the Elders

31 Mon Lk 4:16-3O The Rejection at Nazareth

Just like Christ, keep your work goals clear, so that Christ would bless you and lend grace to you and to all your works.”

St. John Baptist de la Salle

“Lasallian Prayer Bites” is a monthly prayer guide prepared by the Campus Ministry Office to assist our DLSU-D community in their growth in understanding of Lasallian spirituality, identity, and mission. This can be used in the different classes, offices and departments during prayer meetings and fellowships. May this humble effort help “create an atmosphere where the experience of God is lived and shared”. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!
