Formation of Contract A Comparative Study Under English, French, Islamic and Iranian Law by Parviz Owsia This major reference work compares the formation of contract in the legal systems of England, France, Iran and other Islamic systems. The Preliminary Part gives a historical sketch and describes the sources of law of the four legal systems. It then describes the development and general theory of contract law in the four systems. Part One then analyses in detail the basic notions of formation of contract including the range of psychological elements and their means of expression. The author then goes on to describe and compare the function and determination of offer and acceptance in the four legal systems. Part Two analyses the mechanism of formation and import of a contract in respect of both offer and acceptance. The book has been extensively researched and includes references to Roman law and other modern legal systems. The work has been meticulously indexed and crossreferenced. Contents Preliminary Part: Generalia. Section I: Historical Sketch of the Four Legal Systems. I: Outline of Each Legal System's History. II: Comparitive Observations on the Historical Developments of the Four Legal Systems Section II: Sources of the Law under the Four Legal Systems. I: Sources under Each Legal System. II: Summary, Assessment and Comparison on Sources under the Four Legal Systems Section III: Initiation to Contracts); Development and General Traits. I: Genesis and Evolution of the Law of Contract(s). II: Law of Contracts and General Theory of Contract. Ill: Purview of the Law of Contract(s); and Related Conceptualisation, Terminology and Classification Part One: Basic Notions Relating to the Formation of Contract(s) Section I: Legal Notion of Psychological Elements. I: Range of Psychological Elements. II: Exteriorisation of Psychological Elements; Objectivity versus Subjectivity. Ill: Means of Expression of Psychological Elements. IV: Silence; Question of Efficacy. Section II: Function and Determination of Offer and Acceptance. I: Offer and Acceptance in French and English Law. II: Offer and Acceptance in Islamic (Shi'ah) Law. Ill: Offer and Acceptance in Iranian Law. IV: Summary and Comparison of the Doctrine of Offer and Acceptance under the Four Legal Systems Part Two: Mechanism of Formation and Import of a Contract Section I: Offer. I: Definiteness and Communication of Offer. II: Duration and the Question of Revocation of Offer. Ill: Termination of Offer Section II: Acceptance. I: Certainty and Conformity of Acceptance. II: Correlation of Acceptance with the Offer, III: Communication of Acceptance; French and English Law Compared. IV: Communication of Acceptance under Islamic Law; Contrasted. V: Communication of Acceptance under Iranian Law; Compared with French and Islamic Law. VI: The Time and the Place of Acceptance and of Contract; Comparatively Treated Section III: Import of a Contract. I: Minimum Terms Required. II: Interpretation. Appendices. Index. 1994, 640 pp. ISBN 1 - 8 5 3 3 3 - 2 6 3 - 1 Hardbound $275.00/Dfl. 500.00/E 160.00 Graham & Trotman Limited, London P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands P.O. Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358, U.S.A. Ill New Publication KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS Mill Insurance and Legal Issues in the Oil Industry edited by David Dezhi Peng This work offers a thought-provoking overview of the oil and gas insurance market. It addresses market credits, how oil and gas insurance products developed and their function, and analyses the types of claims and litigation arising and alternative means of dispute resolution. Relevant EC Directives and their impact on placing oil and gas contracts are examined, as are approaches to mutual indemnities in North Sea Contracts. 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