Spring 2016 First Day Assignments course lastname assignments Advanced Legal Research McGovern Advanced Legal Research Friday, January 15, 2016 12:12:57 PM Spring 2016 First Day Assignment: Due January 20, 2016 Instructor: Matthew McGovern There is no required textbook for this course. However, there will be reading assignments. Readings assigned for class will be available electronically unless otherwise specified. Future weekly readings and writing assignments will be posted to Blackboard. There are two reading assignments for our first class. When you have finished them, complete the Blackboard quiz labeled “First-Day Assignment Quiz.” Here are the reading assignments: 1.The folks who create the Multi-State Bar Exam conducted a survey of what new lawyers do in practice in 2012. A 5-page overview of the results is available here: http://ncbex.org/assets/media_files/BarExaminer/articles/2013/820113testingcolumn.pdf I think you will be interested to see the list of skills new lawyers need and the tasks they perform. Read the text and charts and come to class ready to comment on them. 2.Also in 2012, a task force of the American Association of Law Libraries surveyed the research practices of attorneys. A report from the AALL task force is available here: http://www.aallnet.org/sections/all/storage/committees/pract icetf/final-report-07102013.pdf This is a long document. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THE WHOLE REPORT. Take a look at pages 4-20 (7-23 of PDF) concerning demographics and sources for beginning research. Also review pages 76-94 (7997 of PDF) concerning attorneys’ opinions about the skills of new graduates. There are two writing assignments for our first class: 1.In preparation for classroom visits by our Bloomberg, Lexis & Westlaw (“Wexberg”) representatives at the beginning of the Course write at least one question about the way these research systems are used in practice. I will ask the presenters to address as many of these as they can. Please create your own original question rather than submitting one that another student shared with you. course lastname assignments 2.Write a brief description (1-2 pages) of the kinds of legal research you have done since you completed your first-year “Legal Analysis, Research and Writing” course. If there are particular resources you want to see covered in Advanced Legal Research, please mention them. Also, if you want to learn about additional areas of law, not included in the syllabus, please let me know. The syllabus will be posted in Blackboard. The writing portion of this assignment will be due at the beginning of class, Wednesday January 20, 2016. Be prepared to hand in a hard-copy at that time. Advanced Separation of Powers Samahon Please read pp. 472-516 in PETER M. SHANE & HAROLD H. BRUFF, SEPARATION OF POWERS LAW (3d ed. 2011) (discussing the President’s role in the regulatory process and presidential administration). Antitrust (CRN 32252) 7007 Norman In the course book, Morgan, Modern Antitrust Law and Its Origins (5th Ed. 2014), please read pages 1 - 33. Because of Sex: Sex Discrimination Juliano 1) Find an article discussing a current issue in the area of sex discrimination. Post the article on the discussion board of the course Blackboard site. (You need not agree that the event at issue should be recognized or labeled as sex discrimination). 2) Read the material posted on the Blackboard. Civil Pretrial Practice Kaplan Please read the first chapter. of the Mauet, Pretrial textbook Civil Pretrial Practice Sabatino Please read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, Sections 2.1-2.4 Constitutional Convention & The Bill of Rights Sirico Welcome to our course on the drafting of the Constitution and the Billl of Rights. I promise that you will learn a lot. You need to make two purchases now. (1) My Supplement, Part I, available in January. It includes the assignment for the first class. (2) "Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787" by James Madison. If you are purchasing a copy at an online source, please make sure that you purchase an edition with an introduction by Adrienne Koch. We all need to have copies with the same pagination. That's all for now. Again, welcome to the course. Constitutional Law I Brennan The assignment for Class One is pp. 19-42 in the required Paulsen, et al., casebook, The Constitution of the United States (2d ed.). Please note that no electronic devices may be used during class. Also, a seating chart will be distributed for signature at the first class. course lastname assignments Constitutional Law II Samahon Please read pp. 827-53 in MICHAEL STOKES PAULSEN, STEVEN G. CALABRESI, MICHAEL W. MCCONNELL, & SAMUEL L. BRAY, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES (Foundation Press 2d ed.) (discussing the Bill of Rights, a Map of the First Amendment, and Early Controversies and Interpretations). Contract Drafting A Hunter Please review and be prepared to discuss Chapters 2-3 (19 pages) of the text for the course, Tina L. Stark, Drafting Contracts - How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2014) ISBN: 978-0-7355-9477-7. [Don't buy or use the first edition of the book] The first chapter (6 pages) won't be discussed in class; just skim it. Contracts Law Risch First week readings are below. The a and b items refer to the two 55 minute blocks for each class. Both should be read for the specific class. Class 1.a. Introduction. Read pp. 1-5, 17-26 (Allen v. Bissinger, Feldman v. Google). Skim 5-17. Consider and be ready to discuss Problem 1-1, on pp. 4-5. b. The Objective Theory of Contract. Read pp. 31-43 (Ray v. Eurice Bros.). Study Restatement (Second) of Contracts (R.2d) §§1, 2, 21 (S138-140). Class 2.a. Offer & Acceptance in Bilateral Contracts. Read 4353 (Lonergan v. Scolnick, Izadi v. Machado Ford). Study R.2d §§22-27 (S140-141). b. Offer & Acceptance in Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts. Read 54-66 (Normile v. Miller, Petterson v. Pattberg). Study R.2d §§32, 36-50 (S141-143). Contracts Practicum Wertheimer Chapter One: Introduction in the Casebook Copyright Law Feliu Copyright Law – Ninth Edition by Joyce, Leaffer, Jaszi, and Ochoa, with the 2015 Cumulative Supplement. Class 1Chap. 1: The Landscape of Copyright -- 1-28, 28-52, 52-64. Samuel Clemens’ testimony 19 Jan 2016 before Congress: http://www.thecapitol.net/Publications/testifyingbeforecongr ess_Twain.html (In all chapters, always check for related materials in Cumulative Supplement Corporate Complaince and Risk Management Benjet Chapter 3 of The Law of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance The GM Valukas Report course lastname assignments Corporate Contests for Control Clauss You will receive by email the course syllabus, glossary of terms, and charts of acquisition structures well before our first class on January 19, 2016. Please review these, as well as sections 14(d) and (e) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and the SEC Rules pursuant to those sections, prior to the class. There is no prescribed casebook or text for this course. Crime and Emerging Technology Goldberg Kerr, Computer Crime, 3rd Edition, pages 1-29 and 137-143. Criminal Procedure: Investigation Poulin In Chemerinsky and Levenson, Criminal Procedure: Investigation (2d ed. 2013), read the Introduction to Criminal Procedure (pp. 1-30). Decedents' Estates and Trusts Maule Assignments are set forth in the Course Outline and Assignments document available on the Blackboard Classroom for the course. E-Business Lemonick Assignment for first class (1/21/2016) Due on 1/19/2016 at 3:00 pm Each of you is to prepare a brief memorandum/business plan outlining a proposed business that you (hypothetically) are planning to start and which will have an internet component. You should include in the memo: A brief description of the proposed business; Whether it will involve selling goods or providing services; Any cash investment that will be required at the outset and the possible source(s) thereof; Any equipment or other personal property that will be required at the outset; Any premises that would have to be leased; Any additional individuals that will join you in forming the business; and Anything else you think is appropriate to be included. The memo/plan is not to exceed 3 pages and will form the basis for our discussion during the first week of class. All assignments are to be emailed to Professor Lemonick at sherry@sherrylemonickllc.com Employment Law Juliano Please read pages 3-26 in the Casebook. Environmental Lawyering Franey Please read the following: 1. Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Scope section 14 to 17, Rules 1.6, 1.7, 1.10, and 1.18. 2. Restatement 14 3. Article entitled Prospective Client Interviews: Some Professional Responsibility Issues You can find these documents in the course pack available in the library or on Blackboard. course lastname assignments Evidence 7024 DeCaro Please read the first 5 Chapters of the text-"Learning Evidence,From The Fed.Rules To The Court Room" By Merritt and Simmons" Thanks Intensive Trial Advocacy B Ochal Read Lubet Chapter on Expert Testimony Interviewing and Counseling Rosengard Read chapters 1 and 2 in Cochran, et al., and be prepared to discuss. Introduction to the Maule Taxation of Business Entities Assignments are set forth in the Course Outline and Assignments document available on the Blackboard Classroom for the course. Justice and Rights Brennan The assignment for Class 1 is in the required Cahn, "Classics," book: Declaration of Independence (1179-81); Declaration of the Rights of Man (1195-97); A. Lincoln, Gettysburg Adddress and Second Inaugural (1197-98). Law of Investment Management Carroll 1). www.austrian-law-journal.at; Sprache: Drop box & click "English;" click Abschicken; click "Archives;" click "Nr.1 (2015)" Print: Observations on Judicial Approaches to Discerning Investment Adviser Status, etc.; Read pages 99-106; and 2) www.sec.gov-Divisions- Investment Management; Read: "About the Office" and click and read "Division of Investment Management" Legal and Compliance Issues in Amateur Athletics Nicastro Text – Sports Law and Regulation (Mitten, Davis, Smith, Duru); Chapter 1 – pages 1-22 Legal Writing II Section A Centeno Please see the assignment for week 1 and related materials posted on Blackboard. Legal Writing II Section C Baum • Read Persuasive Writing Chapters 1, 2A, and 2C. • Read the assignment, cases, and complaint posted on Blackboard under the Bauer motion folder. Be prepared to discuss potential arguments for Bauer and for the State using the legal authority provided. Legal Writing II Section F Centeno Please see the assignment for week one and related materials posted on Blackboard. Legal Writing II Section H Baum • Read Persuasive Writing Chapters 1, 2A, and 2C. • Read the assignment, cases, and complaint posted on Blackboard under the Bauer motion folder. Be prepared to discuss potential arguments for Bauer and for the State using the legal authority provided. Legal Writing Section B Nathanson Read chapters 1 and 6 in "Villanova Legal Writing II" Textbook. Legal Writing Section E Nathanson Read chapters 1 and 6 in "Villanova Legal Writing II" textbook. Legal Writing/Research II -C Spare The first day assignment and readings for the first class are on Blackboard under syllabus and first day assignment. Note that the first Legal Research class for Section C will meet on WEDNESDAY, January 20th at 3:10 in Room 302 (this is a makeup class). course lastname assignments Legal Writing/Research II -H Spare The first day assignment and readings for the first class are on Blackboard under syllabus and first day assignment. LW3 Transactional Robinson In Writing for Practice, please read the Introduction (pp. vii through xi) and ch. 1, pp. 3 – 21; and in Transactional Lawyering Skills, please read chs. 1 – 3. LW3-Litigation Webb In advance of our first class, please complete the following assignments: •In Making Your Case, read the Introduction and "General Principles of Argumentation.” •Read the Dilliplaine and Chapman cases and answer the accompanying questions. (The cases and questions are posted on Blackboard). •Complete the Background Questionnaire and upload your answers to Blackboard. Medical Malpractice Centeno Purchase text: Hall, Bobinski & Orentlicher’s Medical Liability and Treatment Relationships (Wolters Kluwer, 3rd Edition). Reading assignment for week one: 1) pages 1-8 and 26-37, and 2) syllabus (posted on Blackboard). Natural Resources Law Lundman Casebook pages 1-2, 10-31, 1047-49(Klein, Cheever, and Birdsong, Natural Resources Law: A Place-Based Book of Problems and Cases, Third Edition). Additional reading to be posted to Blackboard (National Audubon Society v. Hester and article about Half Dome). Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy (Both sections) Gafni Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Craver, Effective Legal Negotiation and Settlement (Seventh Edition) Patent Law Risch There are no prerequisites for this class. You do not need a science degree, nor do you need to be interested in taking the Patent Bar to enjoy or learn in this class. You do, however, have to be willing to learn about new areas of technology (simplified). Many students have done very well (and received As) without a science degree. Readings for each class session are below, with each number signifying one class period. Unless otherwise noted, all section references are to the Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. §101 et seq. 1. Introduction to Patents and Claims, Kewanee v. Bicron (separate handout, available on Blackboard); pp. 13-36, 49-55; Background pp. 1-13 (not required, but may be helpful) 2. Utility I, pp. 209-219 (note 1), 221-222 (note 1 only); §101; U.S. Const., Art. 1, Sec. 8, cl. 8; Required exercise: draft pencil claims as discussed on p. 36, bring to class to discuss Patent Litigation Bailey Ch. 1; Sections B, C & E Ch. 2; pp. 23-48; 56-63; 64-76; 78-84 course lastname assignments pr16_LAW_7034_02 (Introduction to Federal Taxati Book Class 1-Introduction to Federal Income Tax Read Chapter 1 and Appendix 1 (starting on page 1127) We will review the key concepts in Chapter 1 and the Appendix. Note that unlike other chapters, Chapter 1 contains a solution to the casebook problem. We will briefly review the problem in our first class, and I will lecture. Class Discussion Question (whole class be prepared to discuss) What are the purposes of the federal income tax? Consider that question in light of a wide range of issues, including housing, poverty relief, and promotion of charities, to name just some. Property Sirico Welcome to my Property Class! This is the course I most enjoy teaching. Please purchase my two supplements for the course. You do not have to purchase anything else—no books. (More supplements come later.) Part I of my supplement includes the assignment for the first class (Introduction; Fee Simple, Fee Tail). Please note that we always meet in Room 103. We meet at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. We meet at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. Property (practicum) Caudill Please read pages 1-25 of the casebook and be prepared to discuss those materials. Sec. Litg and Enf. Carroll www.sec.gov - Read: 1)Enforcement - How Investigations Work; 2)Divisions-Enforcement -About the Division of Enforcement; 3) News -Speeches -"Deploying the Full Enforcement Arsenal" by SEC Chair White, Council on Inst. Investor, Chicago, Ill. 9/26/13 Securities Regulation OHare Please read pages 1-51 of Cox, Hillman & Langevoort, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials (7th ed.). We'll be covering pages 1-25 in the first hour of class, and pages 27-51 in the second hour of class. Seminar on Selected Topics in Securities Regulation OHare Please read the book "After the Music Stopped: The Financial Crisis, the Response, and the Work Ahead," by Alan S. Blinder. Don't be alarmed; it's a quick read. And please come to class with a written list of the causes of the financial crisis. You can get the paperback version of this book on Amazon. Strategic Legal Analysis Carluzzo There is no assignment for the first day. I will provide details about the required text - BarBri's Multistate outline - on the first day of class. Trademark Law Homyk Please read pp. 5-52 of Beebe - Trademark Law: An OpenSource Casebook. Beebe is available for free at http://tmcasebook.org/. course lastname assignments Trial Advocacy Glazer The course syllabus, which is available in print form and on Blackboard,contains the first week reading assignments-the introductory material from the case which will comprise the course problem for the semester-Commonealth v. Burns and the specific sections of the Mauet text. If there are any problems, please contact me immediately. Trial Advocacy Poulin Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Lubet, Modern Trial Advocacy (3d Revised Law School Edition) Familiarize yourself with the Ground Rules for the course and with the Materials in the case of Charles v. Kay and Gold Fisheries (posted on Blackboard). Workers' Compensation Seelig Read Chapter 1 of Textbook.