1 La ng Sp a r rin a C ar g o ch 20 lle iv 10 ge ed - Psyc 2324-001 Fall, 2010, Dr. Antonia Henderson Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office Hours: Text: PSYCHOLOGY 2324: Section 001 Spring 2010 Developmental Psychology: Early Childhood Dr. Antonia Henderson B252k 604-323-5874 ahenderson@langara.bc.ca Mon & Tues 10:30 AM to Noon Cook, G., & Cook, J.L. (2010). The world of children (2nd Ed.) Boston MA: Allan & Bacon, Pearson. COURSE DESCRIPTION Welcome to the Developmental Psychology of Early Childhood. We will focus on the normal development of childhood from the prenatal environment through infancy, the first years, and early childhood, up to the age of six. Throughout these various developmental stages we will explore physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development and learn how these various components interact with one another in the process of development. Assigned readings from the text will serve as our base. Lectures will be integrated with case studies, film, class discussion, interactive exercises, and online exercises. COURSE OBJECTIVES My primary objective is to encourage students to explore the world of child development at both an academic and practical level. At the academic level, students will study historical and contemporary research to understand how scientific inquiry has provided the base of our knowledge about child development. However, I am also interested in students taking this knowledge and applying it at a practical level. How does this science relate to decisions one might make about raising one’s own child, to real people facing real issues? To this end, students will be required to put theory and research to practice in the raising of their own “Virtual Child”, and to be able to discuss their thoughts both orally and in a written format. Students will be encouraged to think critically, to challenge their assumptions, and the assumptions of the discipline and to formulate their own perspectives on child development. Students will discover that there are no universal truths about one “correct” child-rearing method. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Demonstrate their understanding of the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development of children from the prenatal environment through to six years of age Apply this knowledge at a practical level in the raising of their own “Virtual Child” Bring thoughtful and thought provoking practical and intellectual issues to class discussions Psyc 2324-001 Fall, 2010, Dr. Antonia Henderson La ng Sp a r rin a C ar g o ch 20 lle iv 10 ge ed - Become more proficient writers – expressing ideas convincingly, knowledgeably, and compellingly. Synthesize information presented in both lecture and the text, and become proficient in the dying art of note taking! 2 Psyc 2324-001 Fall, 2010, Dr. Antonia Henderson EVALUATION PERCENTAGE DUE DATE La ng Sp a r rin a C ar g o ch 20 lle iv 10 ge ed - ASSIGNMENT 3 Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Participation & Parent Forums Virtual Child Assignment 1 Virtual Child Assignment 2 Virtual Child Assignment 3 Final 15% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 25% Jan 27th Mar 10th Continuing Mar 3rd Mar 24th Apr 7th TBA Lecture/Text Integration • There will be considerable overlap between lecture and text. However, there will be material discussed in lecture that is not in your text, and material covered in your text that is not covered in lecture. ALL of this material is fair game on exams. Note Taking • • Exams • • • • In the age of electronics, the art of effective note-taking seems to be coming to a demise. However, taking notes in class is an essential component of studying, absorbing, and integrating material. The provided slide outlines alone will not be sufficient for study purposes. The slides are intended as an OUTLINE only; they will not replace coming to class. If you miss a class, you will need to check in with a classmate. I do not provide copies of my lecture notes. Exams will be made up of multiple choice and short answer questions You are responsible for knowing and understanding ALL the material from: • Assigned chapter readings • Lectures • Class Exercises & Discussions • Films ANYTHING that happens in this class is fair game on the exam. Be prepared! Exams will focus on students’ understanding of concepts and the ability to transfer this knowledge into varied contexts. Participation • • • Students are expected to come to class on time, having done the assigned reading for that week, and prepared to actively participate. If you have other priorities for that day (Facebook, emailing or texting friends, watching movies, sleeping etc.), please DO NOT do them in this class. Student participation (including Parent Forums) will be worth 10% of your grade Parent Forums • • Students will take part in four seminars throughout the semester discussing issues related to the raising of their Virtual Child The purpose of the forums is for students to: o Experience the variation in personality and intellectual skills found in a typical Psyc 2324-001 Fall, 2010, Dr. Antonia Henderson 4 sample of children Explore various effects of different parenting styles and experiences on the child Gain exposure to some more rarely occurring problems such as dyslexia, ADHD, depression and externalizing behavior problems. In order to ensure students come prepared, you will be required to bring a one-page typed summary of issues relevant to your virtual child – issues that you will bring to the discussion table in the parent forum (Bring one copy for your reference, and one copy for me handed in at the beginning of class. NO EXCEPTIONS. Forum Notes will be worth 2% each, and constitute a proportion of your participation grade. Notes are not accepted late under any circumstances. There will be no “makeup forums”. To make group discussions manageable, students will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. On Forum days (Jan 25th, Mar 8th, Mar 29th, and Apr 12th - see schedule) students from group “Early” will come to class from 8:30 to 9:20; students from group “Later” will come to class from 9:30 to 10:20. La ng Sp a r rin a C ar g o ch 20 lle iv 10 ge ed - o o • • Virtual Child Assignments • • • • • • Students will run the Virtual Child program available through the Pearson Publishing website After filling out some initial questionnaires concerning your own demographics, personality, and cognitive abilities, you will be “assigned” a virtual child who will arrive with his or her own set of abilities, and challenges. Students will be required to run the program outside of class time, and hand in three written reports throughout the semester based on a set of reflective questions provided ahead of time. We will also use your experiences with your Virtual Child as the basis of four “Parent Forums” conducted throughout the semester. Students will integrate diverse aspects of development (physical, social and cognitive), within a given age range, and see how these domains of development were related LETTER GRADES The following percentage grades will ensure the corresponding letter grade. 96 – 100 90 – 95 85 – 89 80 – 84 75 – 79 70 – 74 A+ A A– B+ B B– 65 – 69 60 – 64 55 – 59 50 – 54 Below 50 COURSE POLICIES C+ C C– D F There is a separate handout on course policies, discussing issues such as appropriate behaviour in class, use of electronics, missed exams, etc. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these policies. Psyc 2324-001 Fall, 2010, Dr. Antonia Henderson La ng Sp a r rin a C ar g o ch 20 lle iv 10 ge ed - PSYC 2324 –001: WEEKLY COURSE TOPICS & ASSIGNED READINGS 5 WEEK Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 WEEK 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 WEEK 8 Week 9 Week 10 WEEK 11 Week 12 WEEK 13 DATE Jan 4 Jan 6 Jan 11 Jan 13 Jan 18 Jan 20 JAN 25 TOPIC READINGS Infants & Toddlers: Physical Infants & Toddlers: Physical Infants & Toddlers: Cognitive Infants & Toddlers: Cognitive CHAPTERS 1, 2, & 3 & Syllabus Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 JAN 27 Introduction to Course Exploring Child Development Heredity & Environment Heredity & Environment Prenatal Development & Birth Prenatal Development & Birth PARENT FORUM 1 Group “Early”: 8:30-9:20; Group “Later” 9:30-10:20 MIDTERM 1 Feb12-28th OLYMPIC BREAK: CLASSES SUSPENDED Feb 1 Feb 3 Feb 8 Feb 10 Mar 1 Mar 3 MAR 3 MAR 8 MAR 10 Mar 15 Mar 17 Mar 22 Mar 24 MAR 24 MAR 29 Mar 31 Apr 5 Apr 7 APR 7 APR 12 Apr 14 TBA Infants & Toddlers: Socioemotional Infants & Toddlers: Socioemotional VIRTUAL CHILD ASSIGNMENT 1: DUE PARENT FORUM 2 Group “Early”: 8:30-9:20; Group “Later” 9:30-10:20 MIDTERM 2 Early Childhood (EC): Physical EC: Physical EC: Cognitive EC: Cognitive VIRTUAL CHILD ASSIGNMENT 2: DUE PARENT FORUM 3 Group “Early”: 8:30-9:20; Group “Later” 9:30-10:20 EC: Socioemotional Development EASTER MONDAY: COLLEGE CLOSED EC: Socioemotional VIRTUAL CHILD ASSIGNMENT 3: DUE PARENT FORUM 4 Group “Early”: 8:30-9:20; Group “Later” 9:30-10:20 Consolidation, Conclusions, & Catch-up FINAL EXAM Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 6 Chapter 6 CHAPTERS 4, 5, & 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9 ALL