English 126 Prof. DiToro Formal Essay #1 Draft #1 Due Mar. 3 (Hardcopy (3 copies) and Email copy via Blackboard) Draft #2 Due Mar. 5 (1 Hardcopy) Individual Conferences: Mar. 10 (A-J ) and Mar. 12 (K-Z) Final Version Due Mar. 17 (Hardcopy and Email copy via Blackboard) Write a 3-4 page comparative essay that discusses key similarities and/or differences between the following texts: “My Papa’s Waltz” Theodore Roethke “Those Winter Sundays” Robert Hayden, and “Digging,” Seamus Heaney “Death Be Not Proud” John Donne, “I heard a Fly buzz – when I died” Emily Dickinson, and ‘Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” Dylan Thomas “The Yellow Wallpaper” Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” Richard Wright “Araby,” James Joyce, “A&P,” John Updike, and “Eveline,” James Joyce *You will note that each grouping is made up of at least one reading that has been discussed in class and one reading that has not been assigned previously. The readings that have not been discussed in class are available on Blackboard under “Course Documents.” Your paper should be formatted according to MLA guidelines, which we will discuss. Important note: Your paper is not to be an objective presentation of major similarities and differences between the texts. Rather, your essay must have a thesis that expresses a central argument about the works. For each day a draft is submitted late, the final grade will be lowered by one full letter. Absences are not an excuse for late submissions.