University of the Philippines National University of the Philippines

University of the Philippines
National University of the Philippines
The University of the Philippines has eight constituent units- UP Diliman, UP Los
Baños, UP Manila, UP Baguio, UP Visayas (with campuses in Iloilo/Miagao and
Tacloban), UP Mindanao, UP Open University and UP Cebu College. UP Diliman
offers the largest number of degree programs. Other campuses are known for
specific areas of specialization. For example, UP Manila is the country's center of
excellence in the health sciences; UP Los Baños is a distinguished center of
academic excellence in agriculture, forestry and related sciences in Asia; UP Visayas
is noted for its program in fisheries which is recognized as one of the best in Asia;
UP Baguio is noted for its Cordillera Studies program; and UP Open University
provides education opportunities beyond the boundaries of a conventional
university (i.e. through distance learning). The UP Cebu College promotes excellent
courses in the Central Visayas.
Courses in the University of the Philippines are all generally taught in English
Agricultural Sciences
UP Los Baños
1. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Chemistry
Master of Agriculture
MS Agricultural Chemistry
Ph.D. Agricultural Chemistry
Architecture and Urban Regional Planning
UP Diliman
1. Certificate in Building Technology
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Master of Architecture
Master of Tropical Landscape Architecture
Diploma in Urban & Regional Planning
Master of Science in Regional Development
8. Master of Arts (Urban & Regional Planning)
9. Doctor of Philosophy (Urban & Regional Planning
UP Visayas
1. Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning
Art Design/Art History
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art Education)
2. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art History)
3. Certificate in Fine Arts (Painting)
4. Certificate in Fine Arts (Sculpture)
5. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting)
6. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture)
7. Certificate in Fine Arts (Industrial Design)
8. Certificate in Fine Arts (Visual Communication)
9. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Industrial Design)
10. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Communication)
11. Master of Fine Arts
UP Baguio
1. Certificate in Fine Arts
2. Bachelor of Fine Arts
Business Studies, Management Science
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Science in Tourism
2. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
3. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Accountancy
Master of Business Administration
Master of Science in Finance
Master of Science in Management
Doctor of Philosophy (Business Administration)
Bachelor of Science in Business Economics
Bachelor of Science in Economics
10. Master in Development Economics
11. Master of Arts (Economics)
12. Doctor of Philosophy (Economics)
13. Bachelor of Arts (Public Administration)
14. Diploma in Public Management
15. Diploma in Voluntary Sector Management
16. Master of Public Administration
17. Doctor of Public Administration
18. Diploma in Technology Management
19. Master of Technology Management
20. Bachelor of Arts (Business Economics)
21. Bachelor of Science in Business Management
22. Master of Management
UP Manila
1. MA in Health Policy Studies (Health Social Science track)
2. Master of Management
3. Business Management
4. Public Management
UP Los Baños
1. BS in Agribusiness Management
2. BS in Agricultural Economics
3. BS in Economics
4. MM Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship
5. MM Business Management
6. Ph.D. Agricultural Economics
7. MS Economics
8. Diploma in Environmental Science
9. MS in Environmental Science
10. PhD in Environmental Science
11. Diploma in Home Technology and Management
12. BS Human Ecology
13. Master of Development Management and Governance
14. Master in Public Affairs
UP Visayas
1. BS Accountancy
2. BS Business Administration (Marketing)
3. BS Management
4. Master of Management
5. BS Management
6. Master of Management in Business Management
7. Master of Management in Public Management
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor of Science in Management Economics
2. Master of Management
UP Mindanao
1. BS Agribusiness Economics
2. Master in Management
3. BS Agribusiness Economics
4. Diploma and Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning
UP Open University
1. Diploma in International Health
2. Diploma in Land Valuation & Management
3. Diploma in Social Work
4. Diploma in Research and Development Management
5. Master of International Health
6. Master of Land Valuation & Management
7. Master of Public Management
8. Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management
UP Cebu
1. Master of Business Administration
2. Bachelor of Science in Management
3. Master of Science in Environmental Studies
Education, Teachers Training
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Elementary Education
2. Bachelor of Secondary Education
3. Master of Arts in Education
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Education
UP Manila
1. Certificate in Health Professions Education
2. Diploma in Health Professions Education
3. Master of Health Professions Education
UP Visayas
1. Master of Education
UP Los Baños
1. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Science Training
UP Open University
1. Associate in Arts
2. Bachelor of Education Studies (BES)
3. Post-baccalaureate
4. Graduate Certificate in Distance Education
5. Diploma in Science Teaching
6. Diploma in Mathematics Teaching
7. Diploma in Language and Literacy Education
8. Diploma in Social Studies Education
9. Master of Distance Education
10. Master of Arts in Language and Literacy Education
11. Master of Arts in Social Studies Education
12. Doctor of Philosophy in Education
UP Open University
1. Master of Education
Engineering, Technology
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
2. Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
3. Doctor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
4. Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering)
5. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
6. Master of Science in Civil Engineering
7. Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering)
8. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
9. Master of Science in Computer Science
10. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
11. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute
12. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
13. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
14. Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Communications Engineering
15. Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
16. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
17. Doctor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
18. Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
19. Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering
20. Master of Science in Geomatics Engineering
21. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
22. Diploma in Industrial Engineering
23. Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering
24. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
25. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
26. Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering
27. Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering
28. Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering
29. Master of Science (Materials Science & Engineering)
30. Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering
31. Doctor of Philosophy (Materials Science &Engineering)
32. Master of Science in Energy Engineering
33. Doctor of Philosophy (Energy Engineering)
34. Environmental Engineering Program
35. Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
36. Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering)
37. Bachelor of Interior Design
38. Bachelor of Science in Clothing Technology
39. Master of Interior Design
40. Bachelor of Science in Community Nutrition
41. Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
42. Master of Food Service Administration
43. Master of Science (Food Science)
44. Master of Science (Nutrition)
45. Doctor of Philosophy (Food Science)
46. Doctor of Philosophy (Nutrition)
47. Bachelor of Science in Home Economics
48. Master of Home Economics
49. Bachelor of Science in Hotel, Restaurant & Institution
UP Los Baños
1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
2. Diploma in Electrical Engineering
3. Diploma in Power Electronics
4. Diploma in Computer Science (distance and residential modes)
5. BS in Agricultural Engineering
6. BS in Chemical Engineering
7. MS Computer Science
8. MS Information Technology Computer Science
9. BS Nutrition
10. MS Applied Nutrition/Master of Professional Studies in Food and Nutrition
11. MS Family Resource Management
12. PhD in Human Nutrition
UP Visayas
1. BS Food Technology
2. BS Chemical Engineering
3. BS Computer Science
UP Mindanao
1. BS Computer Science
2. BS Food Technology
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor Science in Computer Science
UP Cebu
1. Master of Science in Computer Science
2. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Arts and Humanities
UP Diliman
1. Certificate in Music
2. Diploma in Creative & Performing Musical Arts
3. Bachelor of Music
4. Diploma in Ethnomusicology
5. Master of Music
6. Doctor of Philosophy in Music
7. Master of Arts (Art Studies)
8. Bachelor of Arts (Comparative Literature)
9. Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
10. Bachelor of Arts (English Studies)
11. Master of Arts (Comparative Literature)
12. Master of Arts (Creative Writing)
13. Master of Arts (English Studies)
14. Doctor of Philosophy (Comparative Literature)
15. Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Writing)
16. Doctor of Philosophy (English Studies)
17. Bachelor of Arts (European Languages)
18. Master of Arts (French Language)
19. Master of Arts (German)
20. Master of Arts (Spanish)
21. Doctor of Philosophy (Hispanic Literature)
22. Sertipiko sa Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino
23. Bachelor of Arts (Araling Pilipino)
24. Bachelor of Arts (Filipino)
25. Bachelor of Arts (Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino)
26. Master of Arts (Araling Pilipino)
27. Master of Arts (Filipino)
28. Doctor of Philosophy (Filipino)
29. Doctor of Philosophy (Philippine Studies)
30. Certificate in Theatre Arts
31. Bachelor of Arts (Speech Communication)
32. Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Arts)
33. Master of Arts (Speech Communication)
34. Master of Arts (Theatre Arts)
35. Master in Philippine Studies
36. Master in Asian Studies
37. Master of Arts in Asian Studies
38. Master of Arts in Philippine Studies
39. Doctor of Philosophy (Philippine Studies)
UP Manila
1. BS Computer Science
2. BA Development Studies
BA Organizational Communication
BA Philippine Arts
BA Political Science
BA Behavioral Studies
BA Social Sciences (Area Studies)
UP Los Baños
1. Diploma in Physical Education
2. Diploma in Statistics
3. Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts
4. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
5. Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
6. Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
7. Bachelor of Science in Biology
8. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
9. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Chemistry
10. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
UP Visayas
1. Bachelor of Arts
2. Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies
3. BS Applied Mathematics
4. BS Economics
5. BS Public Health
BS Statistics
Master of Chemistry
Master of Education
MS Biology
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor of Arts in Language & Literature
2. Master of Arts in Language and Literature
UP Mindanao
BA Anthropology
BS Architecture
BA Communication Arts
BA English (Creative Writing)
UP Cebu
1. Certificate in Fine Arts (Studio Arts
2. Certificate in Fine Arts (Product Design)
3. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
4. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Product Design)
5. Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication)
6. Master of Science in Environmental Studies
UP Cebu
1. Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
2. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
UP Open University
1. Master of Social Work
UP Diliman
1. Diploma in Industrial Relations
2. Master of Industrial Relations
3. Juris Doctor
Medical Sciences
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Physical Education
2. Certificate in Sports Studies
3. Bachelor of Sports Science
4. Diploma in Exercise & Sports Science
5. Master of Science in Human Movement Science
UP Manila
1. BS Basic Medical Sciences
Doctor of Medicine
Master in Basic Medical Sciences
Master in Clinical Audiology
Master in Orthopedics
Master of Science in Biochemistry
Master of Science in Clinical Medicine
8. Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology
9. Master of Science in Health Informatics
10. Master of Science in Pharmacology
11. Master of Science in Physiology
12. Certificate in Biochemistry
13. Diploma in Bioethics
14. Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology
15. Diploma in Clinical Medicine
16. Diploma in Physiology
17. Certificate in Toxicology
18. Doctor of Dental Medicine
19. Master of Science in Dentistry (Orthodontics)
20. Certificate of Proficiency in Orthodontics
21. BS Nursing
22. Master of Arts in Nursing
23. BS Public Health
24. Master of Science in Epidemiology (Public Health)
25. Master of Hospital Administration (residential and distance education
26. Master of Occupational Health
27. Master of Public Health (residential and distance education modes)
28. Master of Science in Public Health:
29. Doctor of Public Health
30. Certificate in Hospital Administration Certificate in Health Professions
31. Diploma in Health Professions Education
32. Master of Health Professions Education
33. BS Occupational Therapy
34. BS Physical Therapy
35. BS Speech Pathology
36. Master of Rehabilitation Science
37. Master of Rehabilitation Science (Speech Pathology)
38. Master of Clinical Audiology (jointly offered with UPCM)
39. Certificate in Community Health Nursing
40. Certificate in Community Health Work
41. BS Industrial Pharmacy
42. BS Pharmacy
UP Los Baños
1. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
2. MS in Veterinary Medicine
3. Master in Veterinary Epidemiology
UP Open University
1. Master of Arts in Nursing
Natural Sciences
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Science in Biology
2. Diploma in Biology
3. Master of Science (Biology)
4. Doctor of Philosophy (Biology)
5. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
6. Diploma in Chemistry
7. Master of Science (Chemical Education)
8. Master of Science (Chemistry)
9. Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)
10. Diploma in Environmental Science
11. Diploma in Meteorology
12. Master of Science (Environmental Science)
13. Master of Science (Meteorology)
14. Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Science)
15. Doctor of Philosophy (Meteorology)
16. National Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
17. Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology & Biotechenology
18. Master of Science (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)
19. Master of Science (Microbiology)
20. Doctor of Philosophy (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)
21. Master of Science (Marine Science)
22. Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Science)
23. Bachelor of Science in Geology
24. Master of Science (Geology)
25. Doctor of Philosophy (Geology)
26. Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
27. Bachelor of Science in Physics
28. Diploma in Physics
29. Master of Arts (Physics)
30. Master of Science (Materials Science & Engineering)
31. Master of Science (Physics)
32. Doctor of Philosophy (Physics)
33. Doctor of Philosophy (Materials Science & Engineering)
UP Manila
1. BS Biochemistry
2. BS Biology
UP Los Baños
1. MS Botany
2. MS Genetics
3. MS Microbiology
4. MS Zoology
5. MS Biochemistry
6. MS Chemistry
7. MS Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
8. MA Sociology
9. PhD Botany
10. PhD Genetics
11. PhD Microbiology
12. PhD Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
13. PhD Biochemistry
14. Certificate in Forestry
15. Diploma in Agroforestry
16. Bachelor of Science in Forestry
17. Master of Science in Forestry
18. Master of Forestry
19. Master of Science in Natural Resource Conservation
20. Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry
UP Visayas
1. BS Biology
2. MS Biology
2. BS Chemistry
Master of Chemistry
BS Fisheries
Master of Aquaculture
Master of Marine Affairs
MS Fisheries
MS Ocean Sciences
PhD Fisheries
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor of Science in Biology
2. Bachelor of Science in Physics
UP Mindanao
1. BS Biology
UP Cebu
1. Bachelor of Science in Biology
Social Sciences
UP Diliman
Diploma in Archeology
Master of Arts (Archeology)
Master of Science (Archeology)
Doctor of Philosophy in Archeology
Bachelor of Science in Family Life & Child Development
Diploma in Early Childhood Development
Master of Family Life & Child Development
8. Master of Arts (Islamic Studies)
9. Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)
10. Master of Arts (Anthropology)
11. Doctor of Philosophy (Anthropology)
12. Bachelor of Science (Geography)
13. Master of Science (Geography)
14. Bachelor of Arts (History)
15. Master of Arts (History)
16. Doctor of Philosophy (History)
17. Bachelor of Arts (Linguistics)
18. Master of Arts (Linguistics)
19. Doctor of Philosophy (Linguistics)
20. Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
21. Diploma in Bioethics
22. Master of Science in Bioethics
23. Master of Arts (Philosophy)
24. Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
25. Bachelor of Arts (Political Science)
26. Bachelor of Arts - Master of Arts Honors (Political Science)
27. Master in International Studies
28. Master of Arts (Political Science)
29. Doctor of Philosophy (Political Science)
30. Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
31. Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
32. Master of Arts (Psychology)
33. Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology)
34. Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
35. Master of Arts (Sociology)
36. Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology)
37. Master in Population Studies
38. Master of Arts (Demography)
39. Bachelor of Science in Community Development
40. Diploma in Community Development
41. Diploma in Community Organizing
42. Master of Community Development
43. Bachelor of Science in Social Work
44. Diploma in Social Work
45. Master of Social Work
46. Doctor in Social Development
47. Diploma in Women & Development
48. Master of Arts (Women & Development)
49. Bachelor of Arts (Applied Psychology)
UP Los Baños
1. Bachelor of Science in Development Communication (BSDC)
2. Master of Development Communication (MDC)
UP Visayas
1. BA Social Sciences
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
2. Master of Arts in Social and Development Studies
3. Master of Management
Mathematics and Informatics
UP Diliman
1. Bachelor of Science (Statistics)
2. Master of Statistics
3. Master of Science (Statistics)
4. Doctor of Philosophy (Statistics)
5. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
6. Diploma in Mathematics
7. Master of Arts (Mathematics)
8. Master of Science (Applied Mathematics)
9. Master of Science (Mathematics)
10. Professional Master's in Applied Mathematics
11. Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)
UP Los Baños
1. Bachelor of sciences in Applied Mathematics
2. Bachelor of Science in Statistics
3. MS Mathematics
4. PhD Statistics
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
2. Master of Science in Mathematics
UP Mindanao
1. BS Applied Mathematics
UP Cebu
1. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Communication and Informatics Sciences
UP Diliman
Bachelor of Library & Information Science
Diploma in Librarianship
Master of Library & Information Science
Department of Broadcast Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication
Department of Communication Research
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research
8. Bachelor of Arts in Film
9. Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
10. Master of Arts in Communication (Communication Research)
11. Master of Arts in Media Studies (Broadcasting)
12. Master of Arts in Media Studies (Film)
13. Master of Arts in Media Studies (Journalism)
14. Doctor of Philosophy (Communication)
UP Manila
1. MS Health Informatics (Bioinformatics track)
UP Los Baños
1. MA Communication Arts
UP Visayas
1. BA Communication Arts
UP Baguio
1. Bachelor of Arts in Communication
UP Open University
Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies
Diploma in Computer Science
Master of Development Communication
Master of Information Systems
Doctor of Communication