A wonderful illustrated book about the fantastic world of container

Delight your family and friends
with this illustrated book
A wonderful illustrated book
about the fantastic world of container shipping
Illustrated book
Maritime Container Shipping
143 pages, more than 120 photos,
bound edition
Available only in limited numbers.
Container shipping and globalisation are mutually dependent: without the success
of the shipping container, there would be much less international exchange of
goods, but for years the growth of global trade and the trend towards the division
of labour has been fuelling the demand for international container transport.
At least 90% of goods traded globally are transported via the
seven seas. This book paints a picture of the international network of container transport chains, describing the infrastructure
of container liner shipping and explaining just how little cargo
does not undertake a container ship journey between the ports
of this planet. The reader is introduced to the key roles allocated
to the crew, the goings-on inside container terminals, the nature
of inland logistics and some of the essential facts about shipbuilding, environmental protection and safety in container shipping.
· A highlight in this book are the so-called widescreen shots.
These are 6 fantastic shots in landscape format, which are
realised with a very seldom 6 x 17 cm camera and covering
three pages.
· The unique photos originate from internationally famous photographers as well as many shipping companies and from private
· The book in the extraordinary landscape format 32 x 25,8 cm
with more than 120 photos or illustrations and 144 pages is
printed in a special technique to generate spatial depth
· The book is available in German or English.
This book provides readers enthused by container shipping with
a consummate blend between fascinating photography and
well-rounded information. The publisher of the book is the
Hanseatic Lloyd Reederei GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen.
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by fax +49-(0)421-24 338 28) to
Hanseatic Lloyd Reederei GmbH & Co. KG
Contrescarpe 45
28195 Bremen
Maritime Container Shipping, 143 pages, bound edition, more than 120 illustrations, 49.90 EUR incl. 7 % VAT
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Price per unit incl. VAT: 49.90 EUR
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