Herman Jiesamfoek, Ed.D.

Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
MARCH, 2012
Herman Jiesamfoek, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education and Art Education
School of Education
Brooklyn College/CUNY
2401 James Hall
2900 Bedford Avenue, New York, Brooklyn 11210-2889
Telephone 718-951-5000 ext. 3762
Fax 718-951-4816
Ed. D.
Art and Art Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2003.
Dissertation: The arts of the Bush Negro of Suriname: A qualitative field study
of the impact of continuity and change on culture, village community and
artistic heritage.
M. A.
Dance and Dance Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1998.
History of Fine Arts, Architecture, Applied Arts and Iconography, State
University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 1995.
B. A.
Fine Art Painter and Graphic Artist, Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1993.
B. A.
Dance Education, Rotterdam Dance Academy, The Netherlands, 1990.
B. A.
Fine Arts Drawing, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium, 1989.
Meditation Teacher certification, 2001
Hatha and Yoga Advanced teaching level certifications, 2000
Stress Management teacher certification, 1999
Intermediate Yoga teacher certification, 1999
Prevention of dance injuries, Nederlands Instituut voor de Dans, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Prevention of dance injuries; Dance Academy Brabant, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1993
Ballet Instructor Certificate, Vaganova Choreographic Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1991
Methodic of Classical Ballet; Palucca Schule, Dresden, Germany, 1989
Methodic of Classical Ballet, Tarasov/ Puttke; State Ballet School Berlin, Formerly East Berlin,
Germany, 1989
Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
School of Education, Brooklyn College
Assistant Professor, Art Education
Responsibilities: teaching, advising, research, and service.
Spring 2009 & 2010 Acting Program Head, Art Education Program
Responsibilities: Student advisement; new student interviewing and
recruitment, evaluation of application folders and art portfolios;
scheduling; training and coordinating adjunct instructors; studio material
Fall 2011 to present Research Liaison with Lincoln Center Institute (LCI)
New York City Department of Education, Region 9; Project Arts
Administration Office
Education Officer
Responsibilities: Arts administration; planning, organizing and
implementing professional development for K – 12 public school visual
art, dance, music, and theater teachers; Arts programming.
Teachers College, Columbia University; Arts and Humanities, Art
and Art Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Responsibilities: teaching and advising.
Faculty Fellowship Publication Program, spring 2012
PSC CUNY Grant 41, The Artistic Traditions of the Surinamese Bush Negro People, 2010-11
PSC CUNY Grant 40, The Artistic Traditions of the Surinamese Bush Negro People, 2009-10
PSC CUNY Grant 39,: The Artistic Traditions of the Surinamese Bush Negro People, 2008-09
Dow Scholarship Award, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2002
Partial International Tuition, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1998
Partial International Tuition, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1996
Fellowship from the Netherlands Ministry of Education for studies at the Vaganova
Coreographic Institute, St. Petersburg Russia, 1990
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (2012). Indigenous Non-Western Arts, Cultural Identity and Social Cohesion in New
Social Settings. The International Journal of the Arts in Society.
Jiesamfoek, H. (2011). Globalization and Shifting Indigenous Arts Practices of the Surinamese
Bush Negro People. The Global Studies Journal, 3(4).
Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (2004). Art Making, Aesthetic Considerations and the Formation of Social and
Cultural Homogeneity with the Changing Bush Negro Society of Suriname. Journal of
Intercultural Studies, 25(1), 8-20.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. Associate Editor (2011). Global Studies Journal, Volume 3; Champaign, IL:
Common Ground Publishing LLC.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. Associate Editor (2010). The International Journal of the Arts in Society,
Volume 4, issue 1: Common Ground Publishing LLC.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. Associate Editor (2010). The International Journal of the Arts in Society,
Volume 6, issue 5: Common Ground Publishing LLC.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (2012). Dance and Play. In C. Korn-Burstyn (Ed). Young Children and the
Arts: Nurturing Imagination and Creativity. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (2009). The Arts Practices of the Bush Negro People of Suriname. In E.
DeLacruz, A. Arnold, A. Kuo, A.& M. Parsons (Editors), New Anthology: Globalization,
Art, and Education (pgs. 27 - 34). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (2007). The Arts of the Bush Negro of Suriname: A Qualitative Field Study of
the Impact of Continuity and Change on Culture, Village Community and Artistic
Heritage. Invited Chapter. Art Education Dissertation Monographs, Vol. 2. New York:
Teachers College, Columbia University.
International Conferences
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (May, 2011). Indigenous Arts and Relationships to Cultural Identity and Social
Cohesion with the Surinamese Bush Negro People. Presented at the Sixth International
Conference on the Arts in Society. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities,
Berlin, Germany.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (June, 2010). Globalization and the Arts of the Bush Negro People of Suriname.
Presented a the Third Annual Global Studies Conference, Pusan National University: Institute for
Social Science Research, Busan, South Korea.
National Conferences
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (October, 2011). Glare Project: With Liberty and Justice for All? Including
LGBTQ Voices in Democratic Practice. Presented at the National Network for
Educational Renewal (NNER) Annual Conference. Hartford, CT.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (July, 2011). Participant at National Network for Educational Renewal
(NNER) Summer 2011 Symposium. Session organized around the Agenda for Education
in a Democracy (AED), Seattle WA.
Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (May, 2011). Literacy: from Words to Dance Improvisations. Symposium
titled “Literacy through the Arts: Three Artistic Approaches to Improving Literacy in the
Classroom” presented at Brooklyn College Faculty Day, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn,
Arnold, A., Delacruz, E., Jiesamfoek, H. F., Kan, K. H., Kim, H., Kuo C., Riedler, M., & Wang,
L. (April, 2010). Revitalizing Art Education through a Global Studies Framework:
Hybridization, Globalization, & New Cultural Identities. Organized panel discussion and
presented at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Annual Convention,
Baltimore, MD.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (October, 2010). Globalization and the Arts Practices of the Bush Negro
People of Suriname. Presented at the Art Educators of New Jersey 2010 Conference
“Hands and Minds Strand, NJ.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. & Hughes, A., (May, 2010). The Teaching Portfolio: Documenting the Art
and Practice of Your Teaching. Roundtable discussion at Brooklyn College Faculty
Conference. Brooklyn, NY.
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (March, 2009). Keynote address to a group of visiting scholars from
Amersfoort at the Amersfoort Roundtable Discussion, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY.
Jiesamfoek, H.F. (April, 2009). Artistic Traditions of the Surinamese Bush Negro People:
Informal Art Education. Presented at the Inaugural CUNY Education Conference, NY,
Jiesamfoek, H. F. (September, 2009). Participant at the University Council for Art Education
Symposium. The Future of Arts Education in This Time of Economic & Political
Turmoil. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Uris Center for Education, NY, NY.
Florence, N., DeBey, M., & Jiesamfoek, H. F. (2008). How cultural identities influence classroom
interactions. Roundtable discussion at Brooklyn College Faculty Day Conference. Brooklyn,
Global Studies Journal
The International Journal of the Arts in Society
Attended the National Art Education Association Convention (NAEA): Baltimore, Maryland, 2010 Art Education and Social Justice.
Attended the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) conference (June, 2009) Focus on Dance
Education: Collaboration, Different Identities, Mutual Paths
Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
Attended University Council for Art Education Conference (UCAE): Using Technology to
Advance Museum and School-Based Learning, February 1, 2008.
Attended annual National Arts Education Association Convention (NAEA): New York, 2009 Blurring the Lines: Art Education and Culture in the Conceptual Age
Attended annual National Arts Education Association Convention (NAEA): New Orleans March
26 - 30, 2008 - Visual Arts Education: Innovations in Teaching, Learning, and Leading.
Brooklyn College, CUNY
Instructor and Field Supervisor:
Art Education Program, School of Education, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Responsibilities for course instructor include selecting texts and readings; designing
course syllabus; preparing and presenting lectures; creating and grading exams and
assignments; holding office hours; maintaining class records.
Courses Taught:
ED 7105 Imagination, the Arts, and Multidisciplinary Learning
ED 7507 Critical Historical and Current Issues in Art Education: Social Values and
Individual Needs
ED 7526 Masters Thesis Seminar in Art Education
ED 3105 Arts in the Early Childhood Classroom
ED 3205 Teaching the Creative Arts
Teachers College, Columbia University
Courses Taught
A&HG Masters Thesis Seminar in Art Education
A&HG 4281 – 003 Field Observations in Art Education: Research Paper Seminar
Member, ECAE Search committee for two new faculty positions, 2011-2012
Alternate Delegate for Social Science Division, Faculty Council, 2010 - present
Member, Faculty Council Committee on Campus Planning, 2010 - present
Member, Appointments Committee, Department of Early Childhood Education and Art
Education, 2011 - present
Member, Search Committee for Senior Director for International Education and Global
Engagement, 2010
Acting Social Science Division Delegate, Faculty Council, 2009 - 2010
Member, Faculty Council Library Committee, 2009 - 2010.
Acting Member, Faculty Council Committee on Committees, 2009 - 2010
National Art Education Association (NAEA)
National Dance Education Association (NDEO)
University Council for Art Education (UCAE)
Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
Gay Lesbian Academic Research in Education (GLARE)
Dance Profession
State Theater, Innsbruck, Austria
State Theater, Salzburg, Austria
London Festival Ballet, London, England
Northern Ballet Theater, Manchester, England
Ballet Royale de Wallonie, Charleroi, Belgiumr
Deutsche Oper, Berlin, Germany
Music Theater im Revier, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Royal Ballet of Fanders, Antwerp, Belgium
Selection of Dance Roles:
Mother, Royal Ballet of Flanders, Choreography: Valery Panov
Ugly sister, Ballet im Review, Gelsenkirchen.
Sleeping Beauty
Cavalier in Aurora's Wedding. International Ballet Stars, Gala, Berlin,
Die Nacht aus Blei Gary, Berlin Ballet, Choreography: William Forsythe
Albrecht, National Ballet of Suriname
La Valse
Pas de Deux, Gelsenkirchen Ballet. Choreography: Berndt Schindovsky
The Nutcracker
Russian Dance, Berlin Ballet, Deutsche Oper Berlin. Choreography:
Rudolf Nurejev
Romeo and Juliet
Lord Capulet, Royal Ballet of Flanders, Choreography: Valery Panov
Salome's Dance
Dance of the seven veils, Salzburg Easter Festival. Choreography: Leo
Police agent, London Festival Ballet. Choreography: Leonid Massine
Sole survivor, Northern Ballet Theater, Choreography: Royston Maldoom
Selection of Choreographers I worked with:
London Festival Ballet: Leonid Massine; Dame Beryl Grey; Rudolf Nurejev
Northern Ballet Theater: Nicolas Beriozoff; Royston Maldoom; Andre Prokovsky; Robert de
Deutsche Oper Berlin: William Forsythe; Jiri Killian; Valerie Panov; Rudolf Nurejev; Heinz
Spoerli; Hans van Manen; Peter Schaufuss
Royal Ballet of Flanders: Valery Panov
Ballet Gelsenkirchen: Berndt Schindovsky
Ballet Nacional Classico de Madrid: Victor Ullate
Ballet Royal de Wallonie: Jaky Richard
Choreography, Costume & Set Design:
Ballet im Revier: Der Engel. Solo for a female dancer. Music Richard Strauss Die Vier Letzte
Ballet im Revier: Society. Ballet for two couples and one lady. Music: Dinah Washington
Curriculum Vitae. Herman Jiesamfoek
Visual Arts Exhibitions
Doctoral Solo Exhibition at Macy Gallery, Teachers College, New York. Works exhibited:
Graphic Arts, Paintings, Sculpture, Ceramics.
Group exhibition: College of Fine Arts and Architecture, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Works
exhibited: Drawings, Graphic art
Goup exhibition: Holland America Line Gallery, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Works exhibited:
Oil paintings, Graphic art
Exhibition at Arthotheek, Rotterdam Dance Academy. Works exhibited: Graphic art