The Authenticity Report 2014 Executive Summary It’s where brand and reputation are managed together that real magic happens Just two years ago, FleishmanHillard set out on a journey to rethink our approach to reputation and brand management. A complex and evolving communications landscape demanded it, driven by powerful new connections between individuals, communities, organizations and businesses. These connections have shattered the walls that separated brand and reputation. Our approach focuses on this new space – the space where reputation and brand come together. That sweet spot, where what you say matches up with what you do – where the expectations of your stakeholders align with their actual experiences. It’s about being authentic, and it’s in this place where brand and reputation are managed together that real magic happens. Where authenticity is at its best. Because at the end of the day there is a difference between transactions and meaningful relationships, bluster and truth and promises and execution. And to succeed in the world today, alignment is everything. I invite you to read the global summary of our latest 2014 authenticity research on the pages that follow. The headlines reveal powerful information and illustrate why it is so critical for all brands to achieve authentic engagement. Dave Senay President, CEO FleishmanHillard FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. Contents page Authentic Engagement: The Intersection of Brand and Reputation2 The Power of Nine: The drivers of authenticity3 Part 1: The Authentic Company – A Broad Role4 Part 2: Be Authentic Globally9 Part 3: Momentum: An early indicator14 Part 4: Authenticity Experts16 Part 5: Company directories and study details18 Guiding management decisions29 Authenticity insights for more than 700 companies and brands in more than 50 categories in Canada, US, UK, Netherlands, Germany, China and Indonesia. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. Authentic Engagement: The Intersection of Brand and Reputation In a world where organizations and management are under increasing scrutiny, understanding expectations is fundamental. To succeed we must align what we say and how we behave (our brand) with the shared perceptions of others (our reputation). The pressure to bring brand and reputation together is driving a new narrative. Instant information and heightened interaction are exposing organizations where marketing and corporate communications continue to be managed in silos, often working with little reference to each other. A new model is evolving where the intersection of brand and reputation offers executives a new, single view of their organization. Authentic Engagement Drives organizational purpose, as well as products and profits Bra nd W say hat yo an u you d how beh ave ers oth ou t a y Wh bout ared a h say d on s e s s n ba ptio ce per n tio a t pu Re Authenticity Gap The gap between people’s expectations and experiences No firm is doing more than FleishmanHillard to help organizations understand this emerging model and to deliver actionable data and insights. In 2012 FleishmanHillard and Lepere Analytics partnered to create a new methodology to help companies understand and proactively manage the Authenticity Gap – the gap between stakeholder expectations and their actual experience of a company or brand. These insights create a path to deeper, more meaningful relationships with stakeholders. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 2 The Power of Nine: The drivers of authenticity While in the past different stakeholder groups might be addressed in isolation, in today’s interconnected world this is no longer the case. Companies can no longer succeed if they fail to align their behaviors and their messages with the interconnected expectations of their different stakeholder groups. Through our work and research, we have discovered nine drivers of authenticity that shape our perceptions and beliefs about an organization. These drivers provide the code of conduct to understanding and managing authentic engagement and map to the agendas of today’s stakeholders and how they engage with a company. The DNA of authenticity is made up of three interconnected strands: Management Behaviors, Customer Benefits and Society Outcomes. Each strand is made up of three individual drivers (see panel), identified and validated in separate studies. Expert Consumers rank both their expectations of the category and their experience of an individual organization or brand against these drivers. Man age me nt B Authenticity drivers (full statements) Doing right Customer Benefits –Offering products and services that are better value –Taking better care of customers –Innovating new and better products and services Society Outcomes –Taking better care of employees –Contributing to society in a way that has a better impact on my community –Taking better care of the environment Society Ou tco me s –More committed to doing the right thing –Having more consistent and stable financial and operational performance –Communicating more frequently and credibly Care of environment Consistent performance Community impact s ior av eh Management Behaviors Credible communications Employee care Better value Innovation Customer care C u sto m e FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary rB fi ene ts © FleishmanHillard Inc. 3 Part 1 The Authentic Company – A Broad Role What do you stand for? This year’s report shows audiences expect authentic companies to be about much more than the products and services they sell. In this section find insights on: – Corporate Behavior and Customer Benefits: Tell a complete story – Management Behaviors: Be as you wish to be seen – Customer Benefits: Innovation means more personalization, not more technology – Society Outcomes: The meaning of ‘my community’ FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. page 5 6 7 8 4 Tell a complete story Too often companies focus the vast majority of their resources and talent on telling a story about the benefits of the products and services they sell. These messages dominate the narrative. But it’s really only half the story. Expert Consumers across the globe say that only half (48%) of their perceptions and beliefs about a company are shaped by attributes related to companies’ products and services. Consideration: Shaping your corporate narrative Use the Nine Drivers as a framework for evaluating your current corporate brand messages or creating fresh ones. Which drivers matter most to achieving your business goals? Are you creating a balance in your narrative that reflects the expectations of your audiences? Expert Consumers rank both their expectations of the category and their experience of an individual organization or brand against the Nine Drivers of authenticity. The other half (52%) is shaped by information regarding how management behaves and how the company is having an impact on society. So when companies fail to talk about these things with as much force and conviction as they do their products, they are creating a vacuum. And consumers are going elsewhere to fill it. Customer Benefits Society Outcomes – employee care – community impact – care of environment – better value – customer care – innovation Management Behaviors – doing right – consistent performance – credible communications FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 5 Be as you wish to be seen Today’s audiences are pretty skeptical when it comes to value and vision and purpose statements. In fact, only 21% of people wanted companies to say more about what they believed in when it came to their communications and marketing. While companies must be anchored in true values, what makes them authentic is how they expressed them with action. Of note, 44% of people want to know more about a company’s processes and practices. And 43% said they wanted to know more about how the company was making it easier to solve problems. Today they want to see your values in action. It’s your practices, not your philosophy, that make you authentic. “… make it easier to solve problems” “… say more about what they believe in” “… more open about company processes and practices” Consideration: Catch your beliefs in action Promise and performance have to work together each and every day to be authentic. How much time and resources did you spend doing your last vision exercise? Or creating a purpose statement? Did you spend that same amount of time walking the plant floor or sitting in the call center? Sitting with your QA people? Or with your sourcing team to understand their practices? Catching your beliefs in action – and communicating about that – is where brand and reputation come together in a way that is truly authentic. Expert Consumers in more than 50 different categories of products and services in seven countries were asked what ‘Communications from companies should do’. Percentages do not add to 100% as respondents selected the top two aspects of communications they would find most believable. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 6 Innovation means personalization, not more technology There is a voracious appetite for innovation across the globe. But innovation doesn’t necessarily mean more technology. In fact, greater personalization of goods and services was ranked the No.1 aspect of innovation consumers would most value in virtually every category in every one of the seven countries studied. Today expectations about innovation are all about new ways of doing things, fresh thinking, different ideas – many of which may be facilitated by technology but should not be confused with it. Greater personalization of products and services Consideration: Fresh thinking 30 % State-of-the-art design and technology Greater personalization of products and services 16% 28 % More transparency of production methods and sources 15% Greater personalization of products and services Today messages about innovation are almost ubiquitous. So when considering how to tell your innovation story, take a look at your strengths across the other eight drivers. What fresh thinking are you applying to the care of customers or your own employees? What new ways are you addressing customer service or taking care of the environment. Greater personalization of products and services Easier to use products and services 26 23 % % Greater rewards for loyalty 16% 17% Greater personalization of products and services 31 % Easier to use products and services Greater personalization of products and services Greater personalization of products and services State-of-the-art design and technology 30 27 % % State-of-the-art design and technology 17% 18% 16% Expert Consumers in more than 50 different categories of products and services in seven countries ranked seven aspects of innovation they would most value in each category. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 7 The meaning of ‘my community’ While much has been written about a corporation’s need to perform a broader role across both community and environment, the 2014 results show that companies may want to rethink some of their traditional corporate responsibility efforts to meet changing expectations following the global recession. Expert Consumers in 20 different categories of products and services in each of six countries were asked ‘what role they would like to see companies play’. Aspects of Community impact (full statements) Consideration: Shared values % En ines s 2 8% s uc ati sin me ci Fa ess nt nt e nm & % 46 rv. Se % 31 o vir En v. er s&S acilitie F 31% nt onme Envir 32% 39% es liti on % 47 ss ine Bu Ed Bu vir on Bus erv. &S 31 37% dge iron Env ities il Fac Kno wle 28% s ines % % Bus t men 30 36 37% iron Env Consider which priorities of local consumers today resonate with the organization. Which feel authentic, and which can the organization honestly uphold so that the experiences the stakeholders have with the company live up to their expectations? men 46% The Authenticity insights give organizations a roadmap toward finding shared value – the most meaningful and relevant connections between the needs of society and the economic needs of business. t 4 6% Business – Encourage a stable business environment (e.g. regulated, accountable, open) Environment – Protect and sustain the environment (e.g. locally, nationally, globally) Facilities & Services – Contribute to public facilities and services (e.g. charities, housing, public buildings) Education – Support education (e.g. schools, adult learning, job training) Knowledge – Facilitate learning of knowledge skills and best practices from around the world Facilit ie erv. nt 3 4% Know ledge ss e Busin s&S Envir onme 41% 32% Expert Consumers in 20 different categories of products and services in each of six countries were asked ‘what role they would like to see companies play’. Percentages do not add to 100% as respondents selected the top two roles companies play in making communities and society better. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 8 Part 2 Be Authentic Globally Consistent with last year’s report, the 2014 Authenticity Report shows that expectations of the Nine Drivers – even in the same industry – vary dramatically by country. So if expectations vary so widely, what does it mean to have a ‘global brand’? In this section, find insights on: page – How expectations vary by market 10 – Country guides to the industries with the widest Authenticity Gaps 12 – United expectations of innovation 13 FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 9 No such thing as a global brand One might think expectations of the Energy or Banking sector might be broadly consistent – at least within continents. But as the Authenticity Gaps below demonstrate, expectations and experience in the same industry vary widely. So while you may need a framework that works for you globally, executing against local expectations is key to an authentic relationship with local stakeholders. +3.0% Doing right Energy Authenticity Gap % 50 40 30 -3.1% 2013 – 2014 Care of environment Authenticity Gap: Category expectation minus Category experience equals 5 +1.0% Credible communications +4.9% -4.0% Employee care Better value -4.4% -0.1% +4.7% Doing right 50 40 30 +1.2% 50 40 30 -1.6% Consistent performance 20 Care of environment 5 +0.3% Credible communications +2.4% -4.3% Employee care Better value +3.9% Consistent performance 10 Community impact Innovation +1.2% 20 10 +1.5% Customer care +0.9% Doing right Care of environment -4.2% Community impact Innovation -1.4% Consistent performance 10 ±% gap Innovation leads expectations in the Netherlands, UK and US, but the measure differs dramatically country to country. Peoples’ experience in each country varies greatly too, falling short of expectations in the US and Netherlands but exceeding in the UK. The Netherlands has high expectations for better value; expectations of consistent performance is more important in the US and UK. +2.2% 20 -3.5% Customer care 5 +1.4% +1.1% Community impact Credible communications +1.1% -0.2% Employee care Better value -4.2% Innovation FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary +0.2% Customer care © FleishmanHillard Inc. 10 No such thing as a global brand (cont’d) Banking Authenticity Gap % 2014 Authenticity Gap: Category expectation minus Category experience equals ±% gap In Canada the category is falling short of expectations of customer care. In Germany, China and Indonesia, expectations of customer care are much lower; China and Indonesia experience are broadly meeting category expectations, but Germany is exceeding expectations. Expectations of consistent performance is broadly matching in Germany and Indonesia, leading in Canada, but lagging in China. +4.7% +0.5% Doing right Doing right 50 40 30 +3.8% Care of environment +2.4% Consistent performance 20 50 40 30 +4.3% Care of environment 10 +0.5% Community impact Credible communications +3.7% -8.7% Employee care Better value -2.5% 5 +5.6% Credible communications -0.6% -6.7% Employee care Better value -4.7% Customer care +4.8% -1.1% +0.5% 50 40 30 -1.9% Consistent performance 20 Care of environment Consistent performance 10 5 -2.5% Community impact Credible communications -2.0% -0.4% Employee care Better value -6.7% -0.2% 20 10 Innovation Customer care Doing right 50 40 30 +4.6% +0.6% Innovation Doing right Care of environment +3.3% Community impact -6.1% Innovation -0.4% Consistent performance 10 5 +2.1% -2.3% 20 +2.1% Customer care 5 -3.3% -2.7% Community impact Credible communications +3.7% +3.1% Employee care Better value +1.9% Innovation FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary +0.5% Customer care © FleishmanHillard Inc. 11 Industry Winners and Losers: The widest gaps by country The widest Authenticity Gaps are found in among numerous drivers in a variety of different industries studied in 2014. This breadth of drivers and industries underlines the fact that the Authenticity Gaps for every country and every company or brand are different. The three largest gaps where industries are falling short of expectations are around Innovation in various technology categories: US Electronics with an Innovation gap of -29.0%, UK Smartphones with a gap of -24.5% and Canadian Technology with an Innovation gap of -22.1%. By comparison the largest areas where industries are exceeding expectations are in UK Life, Property, Health Insurance with a Customer care gap of +11.0%, Indonesia Energy & Mining with an Innovation gap of +10.8% and US Software with a gap on Doing right of +10.7%. +% Driver Consistent performance Credible Doing right communications Innovation Consistent performance Customer care Doing right +15% Category +9.7 +10.1 Technology Energy +8.9 Chain Restaurants +10.8 Energy & Mining +8.4 Courier Services & Logistics +11.0 +10.7 Life, Property, Health Insurance Software +10 +5 0 The graphic details each country’s widest gaps between expectations and experience – both positive and negative. Country 0 -5 Real Estate Utilities -8.1 Enterprise Software Category -15.7 -10 -9.9 Beverages -13.9 -15 Technology -20 Smartphones -22.1 -24.5 -% Electronics -29.0 Driver Innovation Consistent performance Innovation Better value Innovation FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary Innovation -25 -30% Innovation © FleishmanHillard Inc. 12 United in expectations of innovation Expert Consumers in seven countries are united in citing innovation as their No.1 expectation of companies and brands. Expectations of innovation, averaged across the 20 categories studied in each country, divide the countries into three clear divisions. Expectations of innovation in the US average 49% and in the UK average 44%. These expectations are twice as high as the average expectations of innovation in Canada and Germany at 22% and the Netherlands at 20%. Expectations of innovation across the 20 categories studied in Asia are nearly three times lower with China averaging 17% and Indonesia 16%. If you haven’t already, check out the story on what innovation means in 2014 on page seven for more insights into how to meet these high expectations. 49 44 % % 22 22 20 % % 17 % % 16 % Expectations of innovation averaged across the 20 categories studied in each country. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 13 Part 3 Momentum: An early indicator Knowing how fast your organization is gaining or losing ground on competitors gives you an edge. While most corporate leaders will tell you they would rather be able to see where they are going than where they have been, the market research available doesn’t usually allow them to do this. To assess future challenges and strategic options, top management needs more forward-looking data and analytics, especially in relation to rapidly changing stakeholder expectations and competitive pressures. Momentum is an early indicator for executives to identify threats and opportunities on the horizon. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 14 Momentum: Stronger indicators in the East The top three industries in China and Indonesia have approximately twice as much Momentum™ as their equivalent in Western markets. Confirming the appeal of ‘badge brand’ categories in emerging markets, the top three categories in China are Luxury, Smartphones and Major Appliances and in Indonesia they are Automotive, Online Shopping and Tablets & E-Readers. Perhaps the growing availability and accessibility of global brands in emerging markets is a major factor driving higher levels of excitement and Momentum. Or conversely, perhaps it is the saturation of choice in established markets that is making Momentum and differentiation more difficult to achieve. 6 50. 8 41. 1 43. Industry Sectors 0 Technology 39. 5 38. Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare 2 28. 0 32. Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities 8 18. 8 14. In r te ne ge d ce ng ds n ra pi ™ and © Lepere Analytics s er ad es nc Re E- ia pl s& o Fo su op es vic ka er tS c Pa In Sh t le Ap s or ne aj ho b Ta tp e ar lin ive On ot ry m to xu Au Lu Sm M Category Momentum is the average score of the companies or brands making up the category. The score for each brand is a net score based on the percent of people who say a brand is gaining ground minus the percent who say it is losing ground. 0 27. 7 25. 2 5 25. 0 26. 26. 0 2 24. 4 22. 8.2 9 19. 17. 1 9 14. 8 10. lN cia Eq ks Ca r wo et ds s or ct ng s em st Sy du n ico o Fo m d Se ge ka ce er ki r wo et t en es ss Bu ls ity n o rc ctio &To rs te e In tru nt ur ns me act Co uip nuf a rM So c Pa m lN m y cs ni tro og ol y Pa hn ds o Fo ec -T cia d So ge ka m Co E- c Pa o Bi ec El FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 15 Part 4 Authenticity Experts Authenticity Gap studies are conducted among Expert Stakeholders because their opinions are insightful in strategic planning for brand and reputation. Expert Stakeholders are experts in specific categories or topics in which they have a higher level of interest, knowledge, engagement and influence than their peers. The studies referenced in this report were conducted amongst Expert Consumers. However, custom studies allow managers to study many different business-to-business and business-to-consumer audiences and stakeholders, not just consumers. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 16 Expert Consumers Expert Consumers™ are experts in specific categories or topics in which they have a higher level of interest, knowledge, engagement and influence than their peers. Lepere Analytics methodology ‘flips’ the traditional recruitment process by identifying Expert Consumers before category or brand engagement. Expert Consumers are consistently found to be only 5%-15% of the general population in the seven countries studied. We believe Expert Consumers are the best data source to understand and anticipate authentic engagement and momentum from the consumer perspective because their level of interest and engagement in a category or organization’s activity encompasses both brand and reputation. Identifying Expert Consumers General Population A representative sample of the general population is screened for: 1.Personality based on the Big 5 theory – the most widely accepted, empirical and data-driven model of personality psychology. ? lity ona s r e 1.P 2.Attitudes to, amongst other things, commercial culture, curiosity about new products and technologies, concept of value. es? tud i t t 2.A ? vior eha B . 3 Scoring Matrix 3.Behavioral characteristics such as media consumption, level of networking activities, willingness to share information and experiences with others. ert Expmers su Con The ability to identify Expert Consumers from the general population was developed by Lepere Analytics. The methodology is US Patent Pending. ry ego Cat lection f-se sel Proprietary algorithm | US Patent Pending | ™ and © Lepere Analytics FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 17 Part 5 Company directories and study details To reflect the reality of our clients’ needs FleishmanHillard selected categories, organizations and brands that were relevant and meaningful to the regions and clients we serve in 2014. – Company directories – Study details FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary page 19 26 © FleishmanHillard Inc. 18 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory Canada Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Electronics Internet Services Technology Wireless Carriers Sony Facebook Research in Motion Bell Samsung Twitter CGI Group Rogers Apple LinkedIn Cisco TELUS HP Amazon EMC Wind Dell Google Huawei Shaw Lenovo Netflix IBM Mobilicity LG eBay Intel Fido Toshiba HootSuite HP Koodo Airlines Athletic Apparel Luxury Retailers Pharmacy WestJet MEC Hudson’s Bay Co Shoppers Drug Mart Air Canada Lululemon Saks Fifth Avenue London Drugs Porter Running Room Lord & Taylor Rexall Air Transat Nike Holt Renfrew Pharmasave Canjet Adidas Nordstrom Guardian Sunwing Reebok Bloomingdale’s Costco Pharmacy American Airlines Under Armour Macy’s Walmart Pharmacy United Roots La Maison Simons Sobeys Pharmacy Retailers Medical Equipment & IT Pharmaceuticals Mining Canadian Tire GE Healthcare Bayer Teck Resources Walmart Philips Healthcare Pfizer Rio Tinto Alcan Inc Target TELUS Healthcare AstraZeneca BHP Billiton Costco Dell Health Roche Goldcorp Inc Future Shop Meditech Johnson & Johnson Silver Wheaton Best Buy Siemens Eli Lilly Barrick Gold Lowe’s J&J Sanofi Vale Canada Home Depot 3M Canada GlaxoSmithKline Sherritt International Banking Insurance Realtors Agriculture Royal Bank of Canada Great-West Lifeco Remax PotashCorp Toronto-Dominion Bank Manulife Financial Royal LePage Bayer Crop Science Bank of Nova Scotia Sun Life Financial Century 21 Dow AgroSciences Bank of Montreal Industrial Alliance Insurance Coldwell Banker Nufarm Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Desjardins Financial Security Life Sotheby’s Realty DuPont National Bank of Canada Standard Life Financial Chestnut Park Real Estate Syngenta HSBC Canadian Direct Insurance Sutton Group BASF ING Bank of Canada Aviva Keller Williams Monsanto Casual Dining Restaurants Grocers Packaged Foods Quick Service Restaurants Boston Pizza Metro Danone (Dannon, Activia, Evian) McDonald’s Swiss Chalet Loblaws (Super Centre/No Frills/T&T) PepsiCo (Frito Lay, Quaker, Gatorade) KFC Jack Astors Whole Foods Mars (Wrigley, Uncle Ben’s, M&Ms) Wendy’s Milestone’s Sobeys (Safeway/FreshCo) Kraft (Jell-O, Oscar Mayer, Planters) Tim Hortons Montana’s Walmart General Mills (Cheerios, Pillsbury, Yoplait) Subway The Keg Costco A&W East Side Marios Overwaitea (Save-on-Foods/Urban Fare/ PriceSmart Foods) Boulder Brands (Udi’s Gluten-Free, Smart Balance, Glutino) McCain’s Quiznos Earl’s Trader Joe’s Maple Leaf Foods (Dempster, Schneider’s, Natural Selections) FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary DQ © FleishmanHillard Inc. 19 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory China Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Smartphones Software Tablets & E-Readers Wireless Carriers Google Inc (Android) Microsoft Corp (Office, Windows) Apple Inc (iPad) China Mobile Ltd (China Mobile) Samsung Electronics (Samsung Galaxy) Global Tech Limited (Kingsoft) Lenovo Group Ltd (LePad) Lenovo Group Limited (LePhone), Inc (Sogou (search engine and pinyin method)) Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Galaxy) China Motion Telecom International Ltd (China Netcom) Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd (360 (Safe Guard & Anti-Virus)) Google Inc (Google Nexus) Vodafone Group PLC (Vodaphone) Newsmy Ideal Digital Technology Co Ltd (Newpad) AT&T KDDI Yuandaocn Corporation (Yuandao) Verizon HP NTT DoCoMo Huawei Technologies Co Ltd (Huawei) Yulong Computer and Telecommunications (China Wireless Technologies Ltd) (Coolpad) Xiaomi ZTE Corporation Tencent Holdings Ltd (QQ, wechat) China Mobile Ltd (JEGO (instant messaging)) Huawei Technologies Co Ltd (MediaPad) China Unicom Limited (China Unicom) Apple Inc (iPhone) SAP Discount Retail Luxury Major Appliances On-line Shopping Wal-Mart Stores Inc (Wal-Mart) Cie Financiere Richemont SA (Cartier) LG Electronics (LG) Inc ( Carrefour S.A. (Carrefour) Tiffany & Co Philips eBay Inc (eBay, PayPal) Chia Tai Group (Lotus) Li Ning Company Ltd (Li Ning, Lotto, Aigle) Siemens AG alibaba Group (Alipay, Taobao & Tmall) Beijing Jingkelong Co Ltd (Jingkelong) Burberry Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (Samsung) 360buy Jingdong Mall ( China Resources Enterprise Ltd (Vanguard) LVMH TCL Corporation (TCL) Beijing Hualian Group (Hualian) Prada Haier Group (Haier) Fan Ke Cheng Pin (Beijing) Technology Ltd (凡客诚品 (北京) 科技有限公司) (VANCL) Ruentex Group (Rt-Mart International Co Ltd) Chanel Hisense (58同城网) Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Co Limited Rolex Gome Electrical Appliances Holdings Ltd (Gome) Tencent Holdings Ltd ( Vacation & Travel Women’s Care Pharmaceuticals Automobiles Hilton P&G (Rejoice, Pantene) AbbVie Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) Marriott International Inc (Marriott, Ritz Carlton) Estée Lauder (Estée Lauder) AstraZeneca PLC GM (Buick) Hyatt Hotel Group (Grand Hyatt, Park Hyatt, Andaz) Unilever (Dove) GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK) Honda Motor Co Ltd (Honda) Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogena, Johnson & Johnson) Johnson & Johnson Daimler AG (Mercedes-Benz) Avon Naturals Novartis AG Nissan Motor Co Ltd (Nissan) Pfizer Inc Toyota Motor Corp (Toyota) Tongrentang Volkswagen AG (Audi, VW) Baiyunshan Volvo Car & Volvo Group 7 Days Group Holding Ltd (7 Days Inn) Homeinns Co Ltd (Home Inns) China Lodging Group, Ltd (Hanting Inns & Hotels) Air China L’Oréal (Garnier, L’Oréal) Beiersdorf (NIVEA) Shanghai Herborist Cosmetics Co, Ltd Cathay Pacific Shipping & Logistics Banking & Investing Life, Property, Health Insurance Payment Systems COSCO Group Agricultural Bank of China China Unionpay ChinaPost Bank of China American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (AIA) CMA CGM Group (CMA) Citigroup MasterCard Orient Overseas (International) Limited (Orient Overseas Container Line) China Construction Bank Ping An Insurance (Group) Company (Ping An Insurance) The A.P. Moller – Maersk Group (Maersk) HSBC Holdings plc (HSBC) UPS Deutsche Post AG (DHL) S. F. Express Deutsche Bank Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) JP Morgan Prudential Financial, Inc (Prudential) The China Life Insurance Company Limited People’s Insurance Company of China Holdings Company (PICC) CIGNA Visa American Express Paypal Alipay Tenpay Western Union China Pacific Insurance Group (CPIC) New China Life (NCI) Real Estate Fast Food Restaurants Packaged Food & Beverages Energy Wanda McDonald’s Corp The Coca-Cola Co (Coke, Minute Maid) CNOOC Venke Papa John’s International Inc PepsiCo Inc (Pepsi, Gatorade) Sinopec Soho China Yum! Brands Inc (KFC, Pizza Hut) Nestlé SA (Perrier) CNPC New World Jollibee Foods Corp. (Yonghe King) Danone (Evian) ChinaCoal Hongkong Land Beijing Hehegu Restaurant Management Ltd (北京和合谷餐饮管理有限公司) (Hehegu) (Jiaheyipin) Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd (Wahaha) PetrolChina Lukoil Ting Hsin International Group (dicos) Tingyu (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp (Master Kang) C’estbon Sinochem Group Poly Real Estate Gemdale Corp Evergrande Group Ajisen (China) Holding Ltd Nongfu Spring FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary State Grid Corporation of China © FleishmanHillard Inc. 20 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory Germany Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Consumer Electronics/Smartphones Enterprise Software Semiconductors E-Commerce Samsung Adobe ARM Zalando LG Autodesk Cree Amazon Huawei Citrix Intel E-Bay Apple Oracle Infineon Windows Phone (Microsoft/Nokia) Sage Nvidia Weltbild-Verlag HTC SAP Qualcomm Quelle Sony Software AG NXP Redcoon Nexus Vmware Fujitsu Semiconductor Tchibo Fashion Intercity Busses Kitchen Supply Medical Devices & Diagnostics Frankonia - Brigitte von Schönfels MeinFernbus KitchenAid Zimmer Lands’ End FlixBus Miele DePuy S.Oliver Eurolines Viking Siemens Street One DeinBus AEG Philips C&A ADAC Postbus Siemens Edwards Brax Aldi Fernbus Gaggenau Boston Scientific Benetton berlinlinienbus Grundig Medtronic Tom Tailor city2city Philips Novo-Nordisk Pharmaceuticals (OTC) Pharmaceuticals (RX) Car Manufacturers Chemicals Roche Novartis Infiniti Akzo Nobel Bayer Vital Roche Lexus BASF GSK GlaxoSmithKline Bayer Pharma Porsche Bayer Procter & Gamble Janssen Mercedes (Daimler) Eastman Johnson & Johnson Medical Boehringer Ingelheim BMW Huntsman Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Bristol-Myers Squibb Audi Linde Novartis Consumer Health Eli Lilly & Company Opel (General Motors) LyondellBasell Galderma AbbVie Nissan Wacker Chemie Construction Equipment & Tools Banking & Investment Private Wealth & Asset Management Regional Banks Caterpillar Deutsche Bank Deka-Gruppe Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) Husqvarna Commerzbank Union Investment Bremer Landesbank John Deere Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management HSH Nordbank AG Kärcher DZ Bank Merck Finck Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) Kubota Deutsche Postbank Sal. Oppenheim Liebherr HSBC Holdings plc Morgan Stanley Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen - Girozentrale (Helaba) Metabo ING Group Credit Suisse Claas KGaA mbH Morgan Stanley UBS AG Alcoholic Beverages Chain Restaurants Food & Snacks Energy Pernod Ricard (Absolut, Havana Club, Beefeater) Vapiano Bahlsen E.ON Diageo (Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker, Baileys) Nordsee Griesson – de Beukelaer RWE Joey’s Nestlé (Kit Kat, Smarties, After Eight) OMV McDonald’s Intersnack (Chio, funny frisch, Ültje) BP Maredo Lorenz Snack-World (Crunchips, Saltletts, NicNac’s) Shell Mars Incorporated (Mars, Snickers, M&Ms) Exxon Mobile Mast-Jägermeister (Jägermeister) Bacardi (Bacardi, Martini, Bombay Sapphire) LVMH (Moet, Hennessy, Veuve Cliquot) Brown Foreman (Jack Daniel’s, Southern Comfort, Finlandia Vodka) Beam Global (Jim Beam, Bols, Canadian Club) Davide Campari-Milano (Campari, Aperol, Ouzo 12) Block House Kentucky Fried Chicken Burger King Lambertz Mondelēz International (Milka, Toblerone, Daim) FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary Norddeutsche Landesbank - Girozentrale (NORD/LB) Landesbank Saar (SaarLB) Gazprom Primagas © FleishmanHillard Inc. 21 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory Indonesia Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Cellular Operators Internet Service Providers Smartphones Software Telkomsel FirstMedia Samsung Microsoft XL Axiata Biznet Sony SAP Indosat CBN Lenovo Adobe Esia Telkom Nokia Autodesk Smartfren Telkomsel BlackBerry Symantec Telkom Flexi IndosatM2 iPhone Opera Bakrie Telecom XL Axiata Smartfren Apple Axis 3Gnet Cross Intuit Tablets & E-Readers Airlines Beauty & Wellness Home Appliances iPad Apple Garuda P&G (Rejoice, Pantene, Gillette) Philips Samsung Lion Air L’Oréal (Garnier, L’Oréal) Electrolux Acer Mandala Estée Lauder (Estée Lauder) Sharp Asus AirAsia Avon Naturals Samsung SpeedUp Singapore Airlines LG Kindle Cathay Pacific Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogena, Johnson & Johnson) Google Virgin Unilever (Dove) SilkAir Natasha Skin Care Toshiba Sony Online Shopping Vacation & Travel Hospitals Pharmaceuticals Zalora Marriott (Ritz-Carlton, Courtyard, JW Marriott) Medistra Bayer Groupon Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Park Hyatt) MMC Novartis LivingSocial Mulia Siloam GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Rakuten Santika (Amaris, Santika) Mayapada Pfizer Lazada Plataran Pondok Indah AbbVie Blibli Accor (Sofitel, Pullman, Ibis) Bintaro International Merck Kaskus Harris Hotel Rumah Sakit Keluarga Johnson & Johnson Tokobagus Tugu Hotels Group Bali International Centre Sanofi Automotive Banking & Investing Life, Property, Health Insurance Property Developers Nissan CIMB Niaga Manulife Agung Sedayu Mazda Citibank AIA Agung Podomoro Honda ANZ Prudential Pakuwon Toyota Bank Mandiri Zurich Ciputra Daihatsu Bank BNI AXA Sinar Mas Suzuki Bank BRI Bumiputera Jaya Property Chevrolet HSBC Cigna Wika Realty Ford JP Morgan Avrist Mah Sing Group Agribusiness Beverages Fast Food Restaurants Energy & Mining APP CocaCola Pizza Hut Exxon Asian Agri Nestlé (Milo, Nescafe, Dancow) KFC Chevron APRIL (RAPP) Danone (Aqua, Mizone) McDonalds Pertamina Wilmar Sosro (The Botol) Burger King Indika Golden Agri-Resources Suntory Garuda (Mirai Ocha) Hoka Turki Baba Rafi Adaro Salim Ivomas Pratama Indofood (Indomilk, Cap Enaak) Dunkin’ Donuts Newmont DuPont Susu Bendera Domino’s Pizza Freeport Rose Brand Pepsi Es Teller 77 Perusahaan Gas Shinzui FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary Siemens AG Sanyo © FleishmanHillard Inc. 22 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory Netherlands Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Consumer Electronic Devices Enterprise Software Semiconductors Social Networking Blackberry Adobe AMD Facebook HP Amazon ASML Google HTC Cisco Intel Instagram Huawei IBM NXP LinkedIn iPhone Microsoft Qualcomm Pinterest Lenovo Oracle Samsung Electronics Snapchat Nokia Salesforce Texas Instruments Twitter Samsung SAP Toshiba WhatsApp Telecom & Data Providers E-Commerce Health & Beauty/Personal care Pharmaceuticals KPN Albert Beiersdorff (Nivea, Eucerin, Labelo) AbbVie Lebara Amazon Baxter Skype Colgate Palmolive (Colgate, tandpasta, Palmolive) Tele2 Coolblue Henkel (Schwarzkopf, Syoss) BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb) T-Mobile Marktplaats UPC Neckermann Vodafone Wehkamp Ziggo Zalando Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogena, Roc, Listerine) L'Oréal (Lancôme, Garnier, Elvive) P&G (Olay, Pantene, OralB) Reckitt Benckiser (Veet, Dettol, Nurofen) Bayer Novartis Pfizer Roche Genentech Sanofi Unilever (Dove, Axe, Andrelon) Chemicals Construction & Engineering Courier Services & Logistics Banking Akzo Nobel Ballast Nedam DHL ABN AMRO BASF Boskalis DPD ASN Bank Bayer Grontmij FedEx Deutsche Bank Dow Heijmans Kiala ING Eastman Chemicals Imtech PostNL Rabobank Huntsman Royal BAM Sandd RBS Royal DSM Royal Haskoning TNT SNS Royal Shell Chemicals Royal Volker Wessels (VolkerInfra) UPS Triodos Health Insurance Payment Systems Agribusiness Beer Agis Adyen BASF (Crop Protection) Amstel CZ AMEX Bayer CropScience Bavaria DITZO GlobalCollect Cargill Brand Menzis iDeal Dow AgroSciences Grolsch OHRA MasterCard DuPont Gulpener ONVZ PayPal Groupe Limagrain Heineken VGZ Visa Monsanto Hertog Jan Zilveren Kruis Western Union Syngenta Jupiler Packaged Foods Supermarkets Gas & Oil Utilities Danone (Actimel, Danoontje, Vitalinea) Albert Heijn (Ahold) BP E.ON Friesland Campina (Chocomel, Friesche Vlag, Optimel) Aldi Chevron Electrabel Mars (Snickers, Twix, Balisto) C1000 (Jumbo) ExxonMobil Eneco Coop (Superunie) Gazprom Essent Dirk (Detailresult Groep) Q8 Greenchoice Jumbo Shell Nederlandse Energie Maatschappij/NLE Lidl TAQA Nuon Plus Total Oxxio Mondelēz (Côte d'Or, LU, Oreo) Nestlé (Nescafé, Maggi, KitKat) PepsiCo (Lays, Duyvis, 7-Up) Unilever (Unox, Lipton, Calve) Wessanen (Zonnatura, De Rit, Ekoland) FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 23 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory United Kingdom Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Electronic Gaming Enterprise Software Semiconductors Smartphones Turtle Beach Salesforce Intel Huawei Capcom SAP AMD iPhone 2K Games Oracle Qualcomm Nokia Microsoft Xbox Microsoft ARM Samsung EA Sport Sage Texas Instruments Blackberry Warner Bros Interactive IBM Samsung Electronics htc Ubisoft VMware Nvidia Android Sony Playstation Citrix Toshiba Sony Social Networks Tablets & E-Readers Home Improvement Hotels Twitter NOOK Dulux Decorator Centre Hilton Hotels and Resorts Facebook iPad B&Q Hyatt Google+ Kobo Wickes Marriott Hotels and Resorts YouTube Kindle IKEA Holiday Inn LinkedIn Samsung Galaxy BHS Intercontinental Pinterest Google Nexus Homebase Crowne Plaza Tumblr Microsoft Surface Habitat Starwood (Le Meridien, W Hotels, Sheraton) Instagram HP Slate Robert Dyas Travelodge Online Shopping Spirits Supermarkets Travel Operators eBay Smirnoff Budgens Expedia Asos Johnnie Walker Sainsbury’s P&O Net-A-Porter Baileys M&S Amazon Gordon's Tesco Travelocity Groupon Bacardi Morrisons Trailfinders Argos Jack Daniel's Costcutter Thomas Cook Ocado Chivas Regal Coop Thomson John Lewis Beefeater Waitrose First Choice Bio-technology Medical Devices & Diagnostics Pharmaceuticals Banking & Investing Biogen Idec Roche Diagnostics Novartis HSBC Amgen Johnson & Johnson GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Santander Celgene Medtronic Bayer RBS (including NatWest) Gilead Baxter Merck / MSD Barclays UCB Covidien Abbott Lloyds (including Halifax) Actelion Boston Scientific Pfizer Standard Chartered Shire Abbott Eli Lilly & Company Nationwide Elan Edwards Lifesciences Janssen Virgin Investment Firms Life, Property, Health Insurance Packaged Foods Energy JP Morgan Aviva Kelloggs EDF Deutsche Bank AXA Nestlé RWE Citibank Legal & General Kraft British Gas Morgan Stanley Standard Life Unilever Scottish Power Bank of America Merrill Lynch Prudential United Biscuits SSE UBS Allianz Danone E.ON Credit Suisse BUPA Mars Shell Goldman Sachs RSA Walkers (PepsiCo) BP FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 24 Industry Sectors Technology Company directory United States Public Consumer Products & Services Healthcare Manufacturing & Industrials Financial & Professional Services Food & Agribusiness Energy & Utilities Computers & Computing Electronics Internet Services Software HP Huawei Amazon Adobe IBM Samsung Google Microsoft Apple Emerson Netflix Salesforce Lenovo Philips eBay Symantec EMC LG Yahoo Oracle Xerox Sony LinkedIn Electronic Arts Software Fujitsu Apple Facebook SAP Hitachi HTC Twitter Autodesk Airlines Health & Beauty Retailers Bio-technology US Airways L'Oréal (Lancôme, Garnier, Kiehl's) Wal-Mart Biogen Idec Air Canada Estée Lauder (Estée Lauder, Aveda, MAC) JCPenney Amgen American P & G (Olay, Pantene, Cover Girl) Ross Celgene JetBlue Kimberly Clark (Scott, Kleenex) Staples Gilead United Avon (Avon, SkinSoSoft, Advance Technologies) Best Buy UCB Southwest Unilever (Dove, AXE) Kohl's Novo Nordisk Delta Johnson & Johnson (Neutrogena, Aveeno) Target Shire Alaska Airlines Beiersdorf (Nivea) Macy's Genentech Managed Healthcare/Health Insurance Medical Devices & Diagnostics Pharmaceuticals Automobiles UnitedHealth Group Roche Diagnostics Novartis GM WellPoint Johnson & Johnson AbbVie Ford Humana Medtronic Bayer Chrysler Aetna Baxter Merck Mercedes Cigna Covidien Sanofi Nissan Coventry Health Care Boston Scientific Pfizer BMW Health Net Abbott Eli Lilly & Company Toyota Kaiser Permanente Edwards Lifesciences J&J/Janssen Volkswagen Chemicals Industrial Machinery Companies Auto, Property, Life Insurance Banking & Investing Dow Emerson Aflac JP Morgan Eastman GE Farmers Citi BASF Honeywell Zurich Bank of America Huntsman United Technologies USAA Wells Fargo Bayer ABB MetLife Schwab Exxon Siemens Travelers T. Rowe Price Akzo Nobel Lockheed Martin Allstate Fidelity Sabic Raytheon State Farm BlackRock Payments & Credit Card Companies Garden & Agricultural Equipment Packaged Foods Energy & Energy Services Western Union John Deere Danone (Dannon, Activia, Evian) BP PayPal Kubota Nestlé (Lean Cuisine, Dreyer’s, Stouffer’s) Chevron Visa Caterpillar PepsiCo (Frito Lay, Quaker, Gatorade) ExxonMobil American Express Cub Cadet Saudi Aramco MasterCard New Holland Blue Diamond (Blue Diamond Almonds, Almond Breeze, Nut-Thins) Capital One Financial Bobcat Tyson (Tyson, Wright Brands) Shell Discover Financial Services Case MoneyGram Kawasaki Kraft (Jell-O, Oscar Mayer, Planters) General Mills (Cheerios, Pillsbury, Yoplait) Boulder Brands (Udi’s Gluten-Free, Smart Balance, Glutino) FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary ConocoPhillips Halliburton Petrobras © FleishmanHillard Inc. 25 Study details Americas The ability to identify Expert Consumers from the general population was developed by Lepere Analytics. The methodology is US Patent Pending. Polling is conducted online for Lepere Analytics by Ipsos – the world’s third largest research company with operations in 84 countries. Online panels are in compliance with International quality standards ESOMAR and AIMRI and certified on key ISO standards. The following metrics and definitions were used in the analysis of the data: Authenticity Momentum A net score based on the percent of people who say a company is gaining ground minus the percent who say it is losing ground. Authenticity Gap The gap between peoples’ expectations of the category and their experience of the company (or brand). Expectations and experience Expectations are specific to the category and experience is specific to an individual company (or brand). Each is based on a separate ranking of the authenticity drivers from one to nine. Country Fieldwork dates Canada Total sample Category Agriculture Country Feb. 7 – 18, 2014 United States Fieldwork dates Oct. 22 – Nov. 11, 2013 Total sample 1000 1152 Category Sample % 100 10% Airlines Sample % 100 9% Airlines 100 10% Auto, Property, Life Insurance 100 9% Athletic Apparel 100 10% Automobiles 100 9% Banking 100 10% Banking & Investing 100 9% Casual Dining Restaurants 101 10% Bio-technology 144 13% Electronics 101 10% Chemicals 143 12% Grocers 100 10% Computers & Computing 100 9% Insurance 96 10% Electronics 100 9% Internet Services 101 10% Energy & Energy Services 194 17% Luxury Retailers 100 10% Garden & Agricultural Equipment 100 9% Medical Equipment & IT 101 10% Health & Beauty 100 9% Mining 100 10% Industrial Machinery Companies 142 12% Packaged Foods 100 10% Internet Services 100 9% Pharmaceuticals 91 9% Managed Healthcare/Health Ins. 100 9% Pharmacy 104 10% Medical Devices & Diagnostics 160 14% Quick Service Restaurants 100 10% Packaged Foods 100 9% Realtors 65 7% Payments & Credit Card Comp. 100 9% Retailers 100 10% Pharmaceuticals 100 9% Technology 100 10% Retailers 100 9% Wireless Carriers 100 10% Software 100 9% FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 26 Study details Europe The ability to identify Expert Consumers from the general population was developed by Lepere Analytics. The methodology is US Patent Pending. The following metrics and definitions were used in the analysis of the data: Polling is conducted online for Lepere Analytics by Ipsos – the world’s third largest research company with operations in 84 countries. Online panels are in compliance with International quality standards ESOMAR and AIMRI and certified on key ISO standards. Authenticity Momentum A net score based on the percent of people who say a company is gaining ground minus the percent who say it is losing ground. Authenticity Gap The gap between peoples’ expectations of the category and their experience of the company (or brand). Expectations and experience Expectations are specific to the category and experience is specific to an individual company (or brand). Each is based on a separate ranking of the authenticity drivers from one to nine. Country Fieldwork dates Germany Total sample Category Alcoholic Beverages Country Feb. 10 – 18, 2014 Fieldwork dates Netherlands Mar. 25 – Apr. 8, 2014 Total sample 1000 Category Sample % 100 10% Agribusiness Country United Kingdom Fieldwork dates July 23 – Aug. 5, 2013 Total sample 757 1000 Category Sample % 82 11% Banking & Investing Sample % 116 12% Banking & Investment 101 10% Banking 77 10% Bio-technology 96 10% Car Manufacturers 100 10% Beer 77 10% Electronic Gaming 117 12% Chain Restaurants 103 10% Chemicals 65 9% Energy 114 11% Chemicals 102 10% Construction & Engineering 87 11% Enterprise Software 57 6% Construction Equipment & Tools 101 10% Consumer Electronic Devices 77 10% Home Improvement 117 12% Consumer Elect./Smartphones 101 10% Courier Services & Logistics 71 9% Hotels 117 12% E-Commerce 97 10% E-Commerce 71 9% Investment Firms 32 3% Energy 104 10% Enterprise Software 93 12% Life, Property, Health Insurance 54 5% Enterprise Software 97 10% Gas & Oil 74 10% Medical Devices & Diagnostics 105 11% Fashion 103 10% Health & Beauty/Personal Care 77 10% Online Shopping 117 12% Food & Snacks 104 10% Health Insurance 76 10% Packaged Foods 101 10% Intercity Busses 104 10% Packaged Foods 74 10% Pharmaceuticals 99 10% Kitchen Supply 102 10% Payment Systems 75 10% Semiconductors 65 7% Medical Devices & Diagnostics 100 10% Pharmaceuticals 40 5% Smartphones 117 12% Pharmaceuticals (OTC) 102 10% Semiconductors 81 11% Social Networks 118 12% Pharmaceuticals (RX) 100 10% Social Networking 78 10% Spirits 104 10% Private Wealth & Asset Mgmt. 59 6% Supermarkets 76 10% Supermarkets 116 12% Regional Banks 39 4% Telecom & Data Providers 73 10% Tablets & E-Readers 117 12% Semiconductors 105 11% Utilities 58 8% Travel Operators 116 12% FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 27 Study details Asia The ability to identify Expert Consumers from the general population was developed by Lepere Analytics. The methodology is US Patent Pending. Polling is conducted online for Lepere Analytics by Ipsos – the world’s third largest research company with operations in 84 countries. Online panels are in compliance with International quality standards ESOMAR and AIMRI and certified on key ISO standards. The following metrics and definitions were used in the analysis of the data: Authenticity Momentum A net score based on the percent of people who say a company is gaining ground minus the percent who say it is losing ground. Authenticity Gap The gap between peoples’ expectations of the category and their experience of the company (or brand). Expectations and experience Expectations are specific to the category and experience is specific to an individual company (or brand). Each is based on a separate ranking of the authenticity drivers from one to nine. Country Fieldwork dates China Total sample Category Country Feb. 10 – 17, 2014 Indonesia Fieldwork dates Feb. 7 – 17, 2014 Total sample 1000 500 Category Sample % Automobiles 100 10% Agribusiness Banking & Investing 101 10% Airlines 49 10% Discount Retail 97 10% Automotive 50 10% Energy 100 10% Banking & Investing 50 10% Fast Food Restaurants 94 9% Beauty & Wellness 50 10% Life, Property, Health Ins. 97 10% Beverages 51 10% Luxury 100 10% Cellular Operators 50 10% Major Appliances 97 10% Energy & Mining 50 10% On-line Shopping 100 10% Fast Food Restaurants 50 10% Packaged Food & Beverages 100 10% Home Appliances 50 10% Payment Systems 100 10% Hospitals 44 9% Pharmaceuticals 101 10% Internet Service Providers 50 10% Real Estate 100 10% Life, Property & Health Insurance 50 10% Shipping & Logistics 100 10% Online Shopping 50 10% Smartphones 100 10% Pharmaceuticals 50 10% Software 100 10% Property Developers 50 10% Tablets & E-Readers 100 10% Smartphones 50 10% Vacation & Travel 100 10% Software 50 10% Wireless Carriers 97 10% Tablets & E-Readers 50 10% Women’s Care 100 10% Vacation & Travel 50 10% FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary Sample % 50 10% © FleishmanHillard Inc. 28 Guiding management decisions Contact Us Authenticity Gap studies are very flexible. The methodology can be adapted to all kinds of organizational challenges and the FleishmanHillard and Lepere Analytics teams are on hand to help you. Contact the appropriate member of the Reputation Management team: There are four basic types of Authenticity study: Company Snapshot As it sounds, a glimpse of the Authenticity Gap for your company or brand. Competitive Snapshot Enables you to make a direct comparison, in a single graphic, between the Authenticity Gap for a key competitor and your own company. Company Guide The Authenticity Gap for key competitors and how your brand compares. It also reveals the Competitive Momentum – a leading indicator of reputation and revenue. Custom Study This is specifically designed to unlock the answers to critical company or brand questions by using a bespoke questionnaire and talking to your many different audiences and stakeholders (not just consumers). At a glance – what each Authenticity Gap study gives you Marjorie Benzkofer Global Leader of Reputation Management Nick Andrews EMEA Leader of Reputation Management Company Snapshot Competitive Snapshot Company Guide Custom Study Expert Consumer expectations of your category ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Authenticity Gap for your company or brand (expectations vs. experience) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Momentum of your company/brand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Authenticity Gap for key competitor(s) (expectations vs. experience) ✓(1) ✓(2) ✓(2) Authenticity Gap Overlay(s): Your company vs. selected competitor(s) ✓(1) ✓(2) ✓(2) ✓ ✓ Authenticity Momentum of category competitors Betsy Neville Americas Leader of Reputation Management Rachel Catanach APAC Leader of Reputation Management Customized samples of different Expert Stakeholder groups ✓ Consulting and design to customize the methodology for your issues ✓ Consulting and design of six to eight custom questions ✓ Customize the list of competitors you want to benchmark ✓ Customized polling (e.g. audiences, countries) ✓ Customized reporting Benchmark to monitor performance ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Figures in brackets indicate the number of key competitors compared to your company/brand. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 29 Fleishman Authenticity Guides are published bi-annually based on on-going online polling in seven sectors and in more than 50 categories. The methodology is proprietary to FleishmanHillard and Lepere Analytics. FleishmanHillard Inc., one of the world’s leading strategic communications firms, has built its reputation on creating integrated solutions that deliver what its clients value most: meaningful, positive and measurable impact on the performance of their organizations. The firm is widely recognized for excellent client service and a strong company culture founded on teamwork, integrity and personal commitment. Based in St. Louis, the firm operates throughout North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Latin America through more than 80 owned offices. For more information, visit the FleishmanHillard website at FleishmanHillard is a part of Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC) ( Omnicom is a leading global advertising, marketing and corporate communications company. Omnicom’s branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising, strategic media planning and buying, interactive, direct and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to more than 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries. Lepere Analytics is an independent research firm whose data forecasts company reputation and revenue. The methodology is US Patent Pending, is independently validated and is used by Wall Street investment analysts and portfolio managers. Lepere Analytics was founded in 2007. It is a privately held company, registered in the UK with partners based in London and New York. For more information, visit Polling is conducted for Lepere Analytics by Ipsos – the world’s third largest research company with operations in 84 countries. Online panels are in compliance with international quality standards ESOMAR and AIMRI and certified on key ISO standards. FleishmanHillard | The Authenticity Report 2014 – Executive Summary © FleishmanHillard Inc. 30