A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ICT USAGE AT FACULTY OFFERING QUANTITATIVE SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COURSES IN NORTHERN REGION PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTION INSTITUT PENYELIDlKAN, PEMBANGUNAN DAN PENGKOMERSILAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA 40450 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA BY: WAN SITI ESAH BT CHE HUSSAIN KAMARUL ARIFFIN BIN MANSOR SITI RAFIDAH BT MUHAMAT DAWAM DECEMBER 2006 COPYRIGHT © UiTM A Descriptive Analysis of ICT Usage at Faculty Offering Quantitative Science and Information Technology Courses in Northern Region Public Higher Learning Institution BY: WAN SITI ESAH BT CHE HUSSAIN KAMARUL ARIFFIN BIN MANSOR SITI RAFIDAH BT MUHAMAT DAWAM DECEMBER 2006 COPYRIGHT © UiTM lauyah Abd Razak Pengarah No. Tel: 04-4562233 nmb~an Nor Haftza Ayob Jurutrengkas No. Tel.: 04-4562244 Khairunila Khalid Penolong Pendaltar N~ T~: 04-4562082 Roslimi Aliflin Pegawai Eksekulif No. Tel: 04-4562083 Nurul A'in Mohamed Peg. Sistem M~umal No. Tel: 04-4562114 ,,"zah Ismail PiPeg. Sisiem Maklumat No.Tel:04-456211312104 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) CAWANGAN KEDAH Surat Kami Tarikh 100-UiTMSP(HEA.9/19) 4 April 2004 Sahagian Hal Ehwal Akademik Kampus Sungai Pelani Peli Sural 187 08400 Merbok Kedah Darul Aman Tel 04-4562233 04-4562000 - 2233 No. Fax 04-4562223 E-mail lpheakdh@kedah.itm.edu.my Puan Wan Siti Esah Che Hussain Pensyarah Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Kedah P uan PejabalAm No. Tel: samb. 2084/2085 Zurai,,; Yaacob Koordinator DIA No. T~: 04-4562095 CADANGAN PROJEK PENYELlDIKAN Ju Soon Yew Koordinator DPA No. Tel: 04-4562096 Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, dimaklumkan bahawa Jawatankuasa Teknikal Penyelidikan pada dasarnya telah membuat persetujuan pada 28 Mac 2004 meluluskan projek penyelidikan kumpulan puan yang bertajuk 'A Descriptive Analysis of ICT usage at faculties offering Quantitative Science and Information Technology Course in Nothern Region Public Higher Learning Institution' dengan beberapa pindaan / penarnbahbaikan. Projek ini akan dijalankan secara berkumpulan dan puan dengan ini bertanggungjawab sebagai Ketua Projek. Tempoh penyelidikan yang diluluskan adalah selama satu (1) tahun mulai 1 April 2004 hingga 31 Mac 2005. Peruntukan penyelidikan yang diluluskan adalah berjumlah RM19,004.60. " ~adya Fatimah ~o. ,nator 08S rei:04-4562097 Mohd Saman ~aryaAhmad (oordinator DIB ~o. Tel: 04-4562116 lahadi Mahmood :oordinator DIM 10. Tel: 04-4562118 Iazlan Abd Majid oordinator DIOE ~. Tel: 04-4562119 Iohd Sabri Yusoh @ Yusof ~nyelaras Pra-Ijazah ~ana Muda Udang-undang ~. Tel. :04-4562120 Sehubungan dengan itu, puan bolehlah menghubungi Koordinator Unit Penyelidikan, Pembangunan dan Pengkormesilan untuk urusan selanjutnya. ulkafli Md Yusof oordinator PPI ,. Tel: 04-4562094 Sekian, Selamat Maju Jaya. auyah Johari lOrdinator Bahasa I.Tel: 04-4562098 I Saimah Abu Bakar IOrdinator IROC I. Tel: 04-4562076 1Ahmad ,alorTMSK I. Tel: 04-4562123 JIlamad Fuad AbduUah IOrdinalor Usahasama I.Tel: 04-4562074 yan9blL tfr e::-- fiah Molek Lope Aman Shah adinator e-PJJ L Tel: 04-4562072 P~OF. MADYA DR. ZALiHA HJ HUSSIN Pengarah Kampus mFaizah Wan Abdullah "dinator UPENA Tel: 04-4562075 s.k 1. 2. Ierisang Mohamed .dinator USPP T~. : 04-4562122 3. Hwei Choo (dinator Ekonami Tel.: 04-4562144 4. 5. Penolong Naib Canse/or (Penyelidikan) Timbalan Pengarah Kampus HEA Koordinator UPP Penolong Bendahari Fail Peribadi i Hassan rdinatorPLK Tel.: 04-4562078 Iadi Mohamed Ghazali rdinalor Pemubungan Korperal T~: 04-4562056 Ina... Fungsi Utama : Pengurusan Pendaftaran Pelajar. Pendaftaran Kursus. M~umat Pelajar dan Peperiksaan II COPYRIGHT © UiTM Tarikh No. Fail Projek 11 Disember 2006 600-IRDC/SSP.5/3/1102 Penolong Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan) Institut Penyelidikan, Pembangunan dan Pengkomersilan Universiti Teknologi MARA 40450 Shah Alam Ybhg. Prof., LAPORAN AKHIR PENYELIDlKAN "A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ICT USAGE AT FACULTY OFFERING QUANTITATIVE SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COURSES IN NORTHERN REGION PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTION" Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, bersama-sama ini disertakan 3 (tiga) naskah Laporan Akhir Penyelidikan bertajuk "A Descriptive Analysis OfICT Usage At Faculty Offering Quantitative Science And Information Technology Courses In Northern Region Public Higher Learning Institution". Sekian, terima kasih. Yang benar, .» WAN ESAH BT CHE HUSSAIN Ketua Projek Penyelidikan 111 COPYRIGHT © UiTM PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS WAN SITI ESAH CHE HUSSAIN Project Leader ................. ~ . Tandatangan KAMARUL ARIFFIN MANSOR Project Member . . . . . . . . . ~:z: Tandatangan SITI RAFIDAH MUHAMAT DAWAM Project Member IV COPYRIGHT © UiTM . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, we would like to express our greatest gratitude towards Allah S.W.T, With His Most Gracious and Most Merciful; we are able to complete this research. The process of preparing this research, like any other project, requires the help of many people and this is certainly not an exception. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to Associate Professor Dr. Zaliha Hj Hussin and other Northern region higher institution authories (UiTM in Pedis, Pulau Pinang and Kedah, Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)) for giving their permission to distribute our questionnaires in their campuses. Our appreciation goes to our husband/wife for being very understanding and supportive, our parent for their encouragement and care, and our beloved children who bring us joy and happiness. Finally, we would like to thank those who were involved directly or indirectly in giving their numerous suggestions, comments, and ideas. v COPYRIGHT © UiTM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page RESEARCH OFFER LETTER REPORT SUBMISSION LETTER LIST OF MEMBER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF APPENDICES ABSTRACT Chapter 1: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Chapter 2: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chapter 3: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 11 111 IV V VI V111 IX Xl X11 INTRODUCTION Introduction Research Background Research Significance Research Objective Definitions of terms used Problem Statement Scope Limitation of Study 1 3 4 4 5 6 8 8 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction ICT: Definition and Its Components Effectiveness ofICT Usage Barrier to ICT Usage 9 9 12 13 METHODOLOGY Introduction Questionnaire Design Pilot study Sampling Data analysis VI COPYRIGHT © UiTM 15 16 17 17 18 Chapter 4: FINDINGS 4.0 Introduction 19 4.1 Respondent's Demographic Profile 19 4.2 Professional Views on ICT Utilization in Classroom 4.3 Level of ICT Resources Available 24 26 4.4 Types and Extent ofICT Usage 31 4.5 ICT Related Competencies 35 4.6 Extend of Staff Development / Training Available 38 4.7 Barriers to ICT Usage 38 Chapter 5: 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 40 5.1 Introduction Conclusion 5.2 Recommendations 43 5.3 Suggestion for Future Research 46 40 REFERENCE 47 APPENDICES VB COPYRIGHT © UiTM LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 4.1 Histogram on the distribution of numbers of peripherals available for faculty members' usage. 30 Figure 4.2 Hours spend per day accessing internet 34 Vlll COPYRIGHT © UiTM LIST OF TABLES Page Table 4.1 Respondent's origin based on lPTA 20 Table 4.2 Two-way frequency table between Gender and lPT A 20 Table 4.3 Two-way frequency table between Race and lPTA 21 Table 4.4 Two-way frequency table between Age and lPTA 21 Table 4.5 Three-way frequency table between Education level, Position and lPTA 22 Table 4.6 Frequency distribution on years of teaching and working experience in current institution 23 Table 4.7 Office and Home Computer Ownerships 24 Table 4.8 Mean score ofProfesional views on lCT utilization in classroom 25 Table 4.9 Mean score oflevel ofICT reasources 27 Table 4.10 Percentage availability of teaching/educational software 28 Table 4.11 Computer peripherals available at faculty / institutions. 29 Table 4.12 Frequency distribution on number of peripherals available at faculty / institution 30 Table 4.13 Time spent daily on computers to perform various activities 31 Table 4.14 Example of Usage oflCT in Daily Activities 32 Table 4.15 Mean Score for the Example of Usage ofICT in Daily Activities 33 Table 4.16 Mean score indicating the purpose of accessing internet based on categories specified 35 Table 4.17 Proficiency level related to computer technologies. 36 Table 4.18 Level in the process of integrating computer technology in teaching activities. 37 IX COPYRIGHT © UiTM Table 4.19 Types of computer training offered in selected institutions 38 Table 4.20 Mean score and standard deviation of barriers in leT usage 39 x COPYRIGHT © UiTM LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Questionnaire Appendix B: Descriptive Statistics Appendix C: Reliability Tests Xl COPYRIGHT © UiTM ABSTRACT This study is about the utilization of ICT in preparing the teaching materials and integrating them in delivering lecture. It focuses on finding out the ICT resources available for academic staffand to what extend do the lecturers used the ICTfacilities available at their institutions. It will also look into the programs or workshops regarding ICT that are in demand among lecturers to upgrade their knowledge in ICT. Lastly the study would like to find out what are the factors that hindered lecturers from using ICT in their field. The software used to analyze the data is SPSS v. 12.0.1. From the finding, we discovered that the utilization of ICT among the faculty members were at the average level that still need rooms for improvement. The result also showed that the level ofICT resources is inadequate with a mean score of 3.79. Consequently, this factor becomes a major reason for educators not extensively utilizing ICT in teaching. Even though there is no significant barrier on ICT utilization found from the survey, many still under utilized the ICT facilities provided in their institution for unknown reasons. The recommendations for this study are also includedfor further research and use. XlI COPYRIGHT © UiTM Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Through Internet and accredited technology journals, it is widely discussed and known that higher institutions and schools in America and other developed countries had been integrating the technology into their classrooms. The benefits of it are undoubtedly very significant. Students are said to be more eager and highly motivated because they can access their learning anywhere and at anytime provided they have a computer. A study conducted by Chris Rother, a vice president of Education of CDW.G found that 86% of their respondents who are students said inclass computers improve their academic performance and 74% said it increase their attention in class. In fact, 65% of the teacher respondents who responded to the survey said that computers can be more effective than teachers in conveying certain types of information to the students. (Rother, 2003) To facilitate teaching with technology, universities are building electronic classrooms at increasing rates. Technology can play various instructional roles--and it is the responsibility of the instructors to decide how to best use technology to support student learning. Having a complete infrastructure of the ICT will go meaningless if it is not utilize to fullest capacity. A study was done at University of Southern Mississippi to determine extend of the ICT usage at various faculties levels. Through the findings, it can be concluded that on the average, the staffs were using more technology now that they did two years ago. However, there was significant difference in the attitude on ICT utilization based on gender. Females are found to be 1 COPYRIGHT © UiTM more receptive towards the usage of ICT. They indicated greater desire to use technology in their classes. (William, Malone & Harper, 2001) The positive side effect of computer usage is that they bring a psychological satisfaction to the users. As information technology moved into advanced level, it becomes more transparent that it is a tool which can enhance human achievement and communication. Technology in the classroom should play a similar role; as an everyday tool that empowers students to explore and master important ideas besides developing valuable skills. While most schools and higher institutions now have computer and Internet access, many teachers and instructors still have difficulty with incorporating this new technology into instruction. There are various reasons why this happen. One possible reason could be because funding and time for teacher technology training are often lacking. In reality, most instructors have some familiarity with computers and are able to use a variety of computer software as found in one study done by the National Education Association (2000); it was found out that 94% of all respondents in the survey are able to search the Internet (James M., 2001). However, they do not know how to fuse computer skills into classroom instruction. Therefore, the relevant authorities have to take pro-active steps in order to ensure the full usage of the technology infrastructure installed, where millions of ringgit had been spend on it so that it will not go waste less. They have to instill commitment among the instructors to willingly incorporate these technologies into their classes. As another findings from a survey on 'Survey of ICT utilization in Philippines Public High School' stated that 92% of the respondents who are teachers of the public school said that there is a need for more information given to them on how to use ICT to 2 COPYRIGHT © UiTM support the curriculum and 96% of the respondent needs to develop skills to hands on activity to shared with their students. (Tinio, 2002) This shows that the relevant authorities should work hand in hand with the instructors and educators to integrate technology into curriculum a success by providing teachers with extensive support, tools, and professional development. 1.1 Research Background. The world is flourished with new technologies almost every second. The technologies are always in the directions of making life easier and easier. Information is spread faster and faster through these advanced technologies. Besides, conveying information, technologies can be used in hundreds other areas particularly, education. If educator were to ignore the fact that technology can enhance our knowledge and teaching skill as well as upgrading students understanding our lesson more easily, then we are actually stepping backwards. Even young children as young as three years old have starts playing game and interactive lessons on computer. It makes learning more exciting and easier to comprehend. This should make us rethink of our involvement in the utilization and integration of information technologies into our teaching and learning process. Besides that, institution authorities have spent millions of ringgit in investment to equip their centers with educational technologies such as computer lab, LCD projector, networking or other computer peripherals like printers and modems to assist teaching and preparations of teaching materials. Moreover, some have engaged professionals to give computer courses to their academic staffs in preparation to step 3 COPYRIGHT © UiTM up as world-class university. As indicated and found in a few studies cited above, this survey would like to look into the Malaysian Higher Institution scenario of ICT utilization among their educators. 1.2 Research Significance Due to these reasons, we would like to find out to what extend educatorlinstructor in higher learning centers grab the opportunity to use the facilities in their course preparations and incorporating the technology into the classroom in order to enhanced learning to get utmost benefits. We would also wish to find out what kinds of barriers if any that hindered educators from using the ICT. From the information gathered, we hope to differentiate the types of barriers, were it due to lack of skills and information to utilize the technologies or was it phobia to the technology itself that prevent educators from ICT. It could also be, due to lack of facilities provided by institutions. All these questions are hopefully is answered through this humble survey. It is also our hope that the information gathered through this survey can be a big help to the institution authorities to know the extent of their respective staff usage of ICT and give ideas to plan or for offering relevant workshop, administered grant and funds for upgrading facilities. 1.3 Research Objective The general objective ofthis survey is to study the extent ofICT utilizations in higher learning institution in northern region. The objective is further divided into six sub-objectives that focus on: 4 COPYRIGHT © UiTM 1. The user background 2. Level of ICT resources available 3. Types and extent ofICT usage 4. The ICT-related competencies of faculty members 5. The extent of staff development on ICT 6. Barrier to the usage of ICT 1.4 Definitions of terms used: ICT - integrated of computers and communications facilities such as the Internet, email, CD ROMs and video conferencing within the curriculum to support teaching and learning. Usage or utilization - a function of attitude and availability of help for learning using the available technologies and willingness to adopt those tools and techniques in the teaching process. TRC (Technology Rich Classroom) or TEC (Technology Enable Classroom) Classrooms with multimedia computer and audiovisual facilities integrated into regular teaching and learning activities. ICT resources - ICT infrastructure available at the respective faculties and institutions, for example video conferencing, Point/presentations and WWW. 5 COPYRIGHT © UiTM e-mail, chat rooms, Power 1.5 Problem Statements Malaysia is envisioned to be a regional hub for a world-class education. Various steps have been taken to achieve this goal. Many private universities and colleges have been established over the last few years. English has been re-introduced as a medium of instruction for the teaching of science and mathematics in schools and higher education. Investment in ICT saw a generous growth of 9.2% per annum from RM3.8 billion in 1995 to RM5.9 billion in 2000. The growth in manufacturing, ICT and education was encouraging. (Abdul Wahab, 2004) The demand for ICT workers in Malaysia also has increased from 88,160 in 1998 to 108,200 in 2000. By the year 2005, Malaysia will need 181,600 ICT-based workers. This represents a sharp increase of 10.7% per annum as compared to the overall employment growth of 3.7% during the same period. The public universities are expected to output about 20,260 ICT-based graduated per year. However, the supply is far from meeting the demands. Thus, efforts are being made to bridge the supply-demand gap. Universities and colleges will be required to start various ICT programs via e-leaming mode. The demand for ICT literate graduates in the job market is so great that the government has implemented ICT courses in their Unemployed Graduate Reskilling Programs. Studies also show a lot of improvement in classes where the technology is corporate in the teaching and leaming. One study on students of a school in Nebraska shows that after a computer was placed in each classroom besides having a computer laboratory for about two and a half years, the students' achievement in reading and 6 COPYRIGHT © UiTM mathematics test shows a significance improvement. The study also shows that usage of ICT in learning over an extended period have a positive effect on the students' achievement. (lsernhagen, 1999) The impact of a TRC (Technology Rich Classroom) can be seen in the student's response during the class meeting. Students with learning difficulties were found to be more eager to learn and participate in the learning process as justified by a study conducted by Chris Rother, a vice president of Education ofCDW.G who found that 86% of their students respondents who used inclass computers had improve their academic performance while 74% said it do increase their attention in class. (Rother, 2003) Since ICT focuses on individual assessment, it will make the teaching and learning enterprise more outcome-oriented. This change has important implications for learning productivity. Barbara Nanney pointed out that student-centered learning when used in a proper way will be able to produce a long life learning effect on the students. They will be ever ready to seek solution to problem encountered without depending too much on the instructor. They will be able to reason out on their own to solve the problems thus it creates an environment of satisfaction in them and appreciation on the knowledge acquired. (Nanney, Barbara) In year 2000, Malaysian had been ranked 17th in the top 25 countries of internet users. (Belawati, 2004). The number of users is expected to be increasing over the years. Moreover with the commitment of the Malaysian government who had spend approximately RM4.2 billion through the Ministry of Education to furnished schools with internet, the literacy of computers among the citizens will increased thus increased the internet users. Furthermore, in the upcoming RMK 9 plan, the amount 7 COPYRIGHT © UiTM allocated for internet infrastructures was huge, with the hope that information could be reached by anybody, anywhere, anytime. Hence a question anses on the extent of uses of ICT among the faculty members in higher institution grab this opportunity and how far will the utilization of ICT enhance academic productivity. 1.6 Scope. The target populations are public university instructors in northern region of Malaysia, which includes Pedis Indera Kayangan, Pulau Pinang and Kedah Darul Aman. The higher institutions are UiTM Pedis in Arau, UiTM Pulau Pinang in Permatang Pauh and UiTM Kedah in Merbok, Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The lecturers are those who are teaching Quantitative Science and Information Technology courses. They are the target population because, as one teaching subjects connected directly to the technology, they are supposed to be the one who will be pioneer and initiator in using the technology. 1.7 Limitation. This study focus only on the northern region area and the respondents are limited to those teaching Quantitative Science and Information Technology only. Even though lecturers teaching engineering courses are also likely to be using software in delegating their subject matter, we did not include them because not all IPTA in northern region has engineering courses offered at their institutions. Further study might look into the case of engineering instructors utilizing the ICT. 8 COPYRIGHT © UiTM Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction The role of ICT in facilitating the process of teaching and learning has made the education no longer be confining to the four walls of the classroom. Now, students are able to engage in learning anytime, anywhere because they could access the lecture materials via the Internet. Even the lecture materials can be supported by audio and video files so that the lessons are more engaging and multimedia-rich. Tutorials and discussions also can be conducted using discussion forums, chat or video conferencing tools with the advent of this technology. However, this does not mean that the face-to-face interaction between teachers and learners should be eliminated. A study conducted by the American Association for History and Computing suggests "that the most effective use of instructional technology is being made in small-class settings, where technology is being adopted not just to promote efficiency and ameliorate crowded classrooms, but to be integrated into classes that also provide face-to-face interaction". (Trinkle, 1999) 2.1 ICT: Definition and Its Components Before we discuss further on the utilization of ICT in the classroom, let's discover what it means by ICT and its components. ICT or Information and Communication Technology, comprises of two parts i.e. Information Technology as well as Communication Technology. According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, Information Technology is a broad subject concerned with technology and other 9 COPYRIGHT © UiTM aspects of managing and processing information, especially in large organization. The term is used to describe the items of equipment (hardware) and computer programs (software) that allow us to access, retrieve, store, organize, manipulate and present information by electronic means. Personal computers, scanners and digital cameras fit into the first category, which is hardware. There are four categories of hardware devices, namely system unit, which includes microprocessor and memory, input/output devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitors and printers, secondary storage including floppy, hard, and optical disks, and communication devices such as modem for connecting Internet. The second part of information technology is software or programs, which consists of system and application software. System software comprises of a variety of programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices, including operating system such as Windows XP, utilities (service programs), device drivers and language translators. Application software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or assist them with personal tasks. Application software includes basic and specialized applications. Basic (general-purpose) applications are widely used in nearly all career areas. Programs include browsers, word processors (e.g. MS Word), spreadsheets (e.g. MS Excel), database management systems (e.g. MS Access), and presentation graphics (e.g. MS PowerPoint). Specialized (special-purpose) applications focus on specific disciplines and occupations. These programs include graphics (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, and other desktop publishing programs), audio (e.g. Sony's ACID), video (e.g. Windows Movie Maker), multimedia (e.g. Macromedia Director), Web authoring (e.g. MS FrontPage), and artificial intelligence programs (e.g. VirtualReality, and Expert System). 10 COPYRIGHT © UiTM On the other hand, Communication Technology (CT) is the term used to describe telecommunications equipment, through which information can be sought and accessed, for example, phones, faxes, modems and computers. With the arrival of the internet and the broadband connections to all schools, the application of IT knowledge, skills and understanding in all subjects became a reality. This change in emphasis has resulted in a change of name from Information Technology (IT) to Information and Communication Technology (lCT). Thus, ICT in education can be understood as the application of digital equipment to all aspects of teaching and learning such as the Internet, e-mail, CD-ROMs and video conferencing within the curriculum to support teaching and learning. Many researches had been conducted in some countries, which include attainment and ICT impact as indicators for ICT usage in education. For instance, in Canada, the researches conducted include "obstacles to fuller use of information technologies" in its list of ICT usage indicators, whereas in Europe, "teacher confidence in the use ofICT, change in teaching methods and desirable ICT skills" is assessed. In South Africa, they attempt to measure practical, foundational and reflexive competencies of teachers, where in New Zealand, "obstacles· faced by teachers/teachers in using ICT, factors that encourage use of ICT, student's positive views about technology activities in school" are among the ICT indicators. Meanwhile, the UK looks at teachers' confidence in ICT use and the benefits of ICT in subjects, but in the US, most ICT indicators pertain to the teachers' 11 COPYRIGHT © UiTM