Station #1: Dish – and – Clips Station #2: String It Along Station #3

Station #1: Dish – and – Clips
Materials: paper clip, petri dish, tweezers, water in a beaker, paper towels
1. Make a prediction of what will happen when you place the paperclip on the water.
2. After drying off the paperclip with a paper towel, use the tweezers to gently set the paperclip on the
3. Record your observations.
4. When finished, refill the dish if necessary; place the paperclip on the paper towel.
Station #2: String It Along
Materials: yarn, graduated cylinder, water in a beaker
1. Make a prediction of how the water will flow.
2. Pour water from the beaker along the yarn and down into the graduated cylinder.
3. Record your observations.
4. Pour the water back into the beaker.
Station #3:
Materials: dropper, penny, beaker of water
1. Make a prediction of how many drops of water will “fit” on the dime before it spills over.
2. Counting drops as you go, use the dropper to carefully add drops of water to the top of the dime.
3. Continue to add drops until the water spills over. Record the number of drops.
4. Record your observations.
5. Dry the penny off and return to the paper towel.
Station #4: To Wax Philosophic
Materials: wax paper, dropper, water in a beaker
1. Make a prediction of what will happen to the water as you drag the dropper.
2. Using the dropper, form a small puddle (about the size of a dime) on the wax paper.
3. Place the tip of the dropper in the center of the puddle and slowly drag the tip of the dropper around the
wax paper.
4. Record your observations.
5. When finished, dump the water back in the beaker.
Station #5: Anti-Gravity
Materials: capillary tube, shallow dish of colored water
1. Make a prediction of what will happen when you place the tube in the water.
2. Stand the capillary tube in the water.
3. Record your observations.
4. Blow air across the tube to empty (do not put your mouth on the tube).
Station #6: Dish – and – Clips
Materials: paper clips, petri dish, cup of water, paper towels
1. Make a prediction of how many paperclips you can place in the water before it spills.
2. Fill the petri dish completely to the top with water.
3. Slowly add paperclips to the full dish of water until it spills over.
4. Record your observations.
5. When finished, place the paper clips on the paper towel and pour the water back into the cup.
Write a complete lab report following the Lab Format posted online.