* Chapter Sixteen * Using Effective Promotions McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. * LAUREL RICHIE Girl Scouts of America Profile * • Joined the Girl Scouts after developing campaigns for American Express and Campbell’s Soup. • Her biggest challenge is to communicate with girls through channels unheard of when the organization was formed. 16-2 PROMOTION in an ORGANIZATION * Promotion and the Promotion Mix LG1 * • Promotion Mix -- The combination of promotional tools an organization uses; the traditional mix includes: 16-3 INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (IMC) * Promotion and the Promotion Mix LG1 * • Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) -Combines the promotional tools into one comprehensive strategy. IMC is used to: - Create a positive brand image. - Meet the needs of consumers. - Meet the strategic marketing and promotional goals of the firm. 16-4 STEPS in a PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN * Promotion and the Promotion Mix LG1 * 1. Identify a target market 2. Define objectives 3. Determine a promotional budget 4. Develop a unifying message 5. Implement the plan 6. Evaluate the plan 16-5 * DEAR MR. POSTMAN… Steps in Launching a Direct-Mail Campaign Promotion and the Promotion Mix * LG1 1. Plan: What should your mailing accomplish? 2. Get the Right List: The better the list, the better your chance of success. 3. Stand Out: Make your ad like no other. 4. Get Help: Contact a marketing firm with direct mail experience. 5. Follow Up: One mailing is not enough. 16-6 * ADVERTISING in the FIRM Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding LG2 * • Advertising -- Paid, non-personal communication through various media by organizations and individuals who are in some way indentified in the message. • Major goals of advertising: - Inform - Persuade - Remind 16-7 * IMPACT of ADVERTISING Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding LG2 * • Total advertising expenditures exceed $294 billion yearly. • Consumers benefit because production costs of TV programs, radio programs, newspapers and magazines are paid for by advertisers. • Marketers choose ad media that will reach the target market. 16-8 * I’LL SPONSOR YOU The Price of Sports Endorsements Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding * LG2 Athlete Sport Amount per Deal Companies Tiger Woods Golf $ Several Million Nike, Gatorade, AT&T Yao Ming Basketball $1 - $4 Million McDonald’s Visa, Apple Michael Phelps Swimming $1 - $4 Million AT&T, PowerBar Lebron James Basketball $ Several Million Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Nike Gymnastics $100,000 $500,000 Adidas, McDonalds, Longines Shawn Johnson Source: Conde Nast Portfolio. 16-9 MAJOR CATEGORIES of ADVERTISING * Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding LG2 Category What it is Retail From retail stores to consumers Trade From manufacturers to wholesalers and retailers c B2B From manufacturers to other manufacturers Institutional Creates a desirable image for an organization Product Creates a desirable image for a product or service * 16-10 MAJOR CATEGORIES of ADVERTISING * Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding LG2 (Continued) Category What it is Advocacy Supports a particular view of an issue Comparative Compares competing products Interactive Customer-oriented ads that allows customers to choose information to receive Online Computer ads featured on different sites Mobile Ads that reach consumers on cell phones * 16-11 * ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE by MEDIA in $ MILLIONS Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding Rank Media Projected 2008 Spending 1 Direct Mail $63,732 21.6 2 Broadcast TV 48,300 16.4 3 Newspaper 42,147 14.3 4 Cable TV 21,718 7.4 5 Radio 18,635 6.3 6 Yellow Pages 14,705 5.0 7 Consumer Magazine 14,106 4.8 8 Internet 12,722 4.3 Other 58,311 19.8 Total 294,376 100.0 LG2 % of Total Ad Spending * 16-12 * MATCH GAME Match the Company with the Slogan Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding * LG2 • “Everybody doesn’t like something, but nobody doesn’t like ___________.” • “We bring good things to life.” • “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.” • “With a name like _________, it has to be good.” • “Good to the last drop.” • “Betcha can’t eat just one!” • “Because you’re worth it.” 16-13 * IT’S a DOG’S LIFE Famous and Not-so-Famous Dogs in Advertising Advertising: Informing, Persuading and Reminding Pooch Company Nipper RCA Tige Buster Brown Shoes Chihuahua Taco Bell Spuds McKenzie Bud Light McGruff The Crime Dog Duke Bush’s Beans Bullseye Target LG2 * 16-14 * POPULAR ADVERTISING MEDIA Television Advertising LG2 * • TV advertising is still the dominant media. • Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) challenge TV advertising because viewers can skip them. • Product Placement -- Advertisers pay to put their products into TV shows and movies where the audience will see them. 16-15 INFOMERCIALS and ONLINE ADVERTISING *Infomercials and Online Advertising * LG2 • Infomercial -- A full length TV program devoted exclusively to promote a particular product. • Online ads are attempts to get potential customers to a website to learn about a product. • Interactive Promotion -- Allows marketers to open a dialogue between buyers and sellers and let them work together to create a beneficial exchange. 16-16 * INFOMERCIAL HALL of FAME The Biggest Hits Over the Past 40 Years Infomercials LG2 * • Veg-O-Matic • Ginsu Knives • The Clapper • Thigh Master • George Foreman Grill • Bowflex Source: Fortune Magazine, April 13, 2009. 16-17 * GLOBAL ADVERTISING Global Advertising LG2 * • Requires marketers to develop a single product and promotional strategy to implement worldwide. • Problems can arise in global markets with using one advertising campaign in all countries - especially bad translations. 16-18 * FINDING a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE in SUSTAINABILITY * Thinking Green • Marketers are gaining a competitive advantage by touting their efforts for the environment. • Mars Drinks promotes its efforts to use less water, send less waste to landfills and help customers reduce their own energy waste. • First Global Direct competes with large rivals because of their efforts to make operations more eco-friendly. 16-19 * PERSONAL SELLING Personal Selling: Providing Personal Attention * LG3 • Personal Selling -- The face-to-face presentation and promotion of a product, including the salesperson’s search for new prospects and follow-up service. • Salespeople need to listen to customer needs, help reach a solution and do everything possible to make the transaction as simple as possible. 16-20 PROSPECTING and QUALIFYING in B2B SELLING *Steps in the Selling Process LG3 * • Prospecting -- Researching potential buyers and choosing those most likely to buy. • Qualifying -- Making sure customers have a need for a product, the authority to buy and the willingness to listen to a sales message. • Prospect -- A customer who meets the qualifying criteria. 16-21 STEPS in the B2B SELLING PROCESS *Steps in the Selling Process LG3 * 1. Pre-approach 2. Approach 3. Make a presentation 4. Answer objections 5. Close the sale • Trial Close -- A statement or question that moves the process toward the purchase. 6. Follow up 16-22 *Steps in the BUY THIS! Successful Selling Strategies Selling Process LG3 * • Know your competition • Understand your customer’s business • Differentiate your product or service • Sell to the people most likely to buy • Build relationships • Put the right people in the right selling spots 16-23 *Steps in the WHOOPS! Sales Slip-Ups Selling Process LG3 * • Not feeling the customer’s pain • Making money is the only goal • Seeing sales as just a job • Getting upset during the presentation • Failing to properly prepare or over-preparing • Not being yourself • Neglecting the relationship Source: Fortune Magazine. 16-24 STEPS in the B2C SELLING PROCESS *Steps in the Selling Process LG3 * 16-25 * PROGRESS ASSESSMENT Progress Assessment * • What are the four traditional elements of the promotion mix? • What are the three most important advertising media in order of dollars spent? • What are the seven steps in the B2B selling process? 16-26 USING PUBLIC RELATIONS in PROMOTION * Public Relations: Building Relationships LG4 * • Public Relations (PR) -- Evaluates public attitudes, changes policies and procedures in response to the public, and executes a program of action and information to earn public understanding and acceptance. • 3 steps of a good PR program: 1. Listen to the public 2. Change policies and procedures 3. Inform people you’re responsive to their needs 16-27 PUBLICITY *Publicity: The Talking Arm of PR * LG4 • Publicity -- Any information about an individual, product or organization that’s distributed to the public through the media and is not paid for or controlled by the seller. • Advantages of Publicity: • Free • Reaches people who would not look at an advertisement • More believable than advertising 16-28 DISADVANTAGES of PUBLICITY *Publicity: The Talking Arm of PR LG4 * • No control over whether the media will use a story or when they may release it. • It can be good or bad. • Once a story has been run, it isn’t likely to run again. 16-29 * SALES PROMOTIONS Sales Promotion: Giving Buyers Incentives LG5 * • Sales Promotion -- The promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of short-term activities. • Categories of Sales Promotions: 1. B2B Sales Promotions 2. Consumer Sales Promotions 16-30 SOME KEY CONSUMER PROMOTIONS * Sales Promotion: Giving Buyers Incentives LG5 * • Coupons • Demonstrations • Sampling • Sweepstakes • In-store Displays • Contests 16-31 * CLIP THESE Most Visited U.S. Coupon Clearing Sites Sales Promotion: Giving Buyers Incentives LG5 * • Coupons, Inc • EverSave • RetailMeNot • CouponCabin 16-32 * PROGRESS ASSESSMENT Progress Assessment * • What are the three steps in setting up a public relations program? • What are the sales promotion programs used to reach consumers? • What sales promotion programs are used to reach businesses? 16-33 USING WORD-of-MOUTH PROMOTION * Word of Mouth and Other Promotional Tools LG6 * • Word-of-Mouth Promotion -- People tell others about products they have purchased. • Word-of-Mouth is important for products like: - Restaurants - Daycare and Eldercare - Car Repair Shops - Hair Stylists - Hotels 16-34 EMERGING PROMOTIONAL TOOLS * Viral Marketing LG6 * • Viral Marketing -- Paying customers to say positive things on the Internet or setting up multiple selling schemes whereby consumers get commissions. • People who promote through viral marketing often receive SWAG which can include free tickets, shirts, and other merchandise. 16-35 * BLOGS, PODCASTS, and E-MAILS Blogging, Podcasting and E-mail Promotions LG6 * • Blog -- Short for web log; an online diary that looks like a webpage but is easier to create and update by posting text, photos, videos, or links. • Podcasting -- A way to distribute audio and video programs via the Internet. • Email promotions increase brand awareness among commercial suppliers. 16-36 * FRESH-BAKED PROMOTION Spotlight on Small Business * • Amy Scherber of Amy’s Bread can’t afford to outsource her promotions, so she needs to get creative. • She sends newspaper editors stories about her company and has an assortment of company shirts. • She builds strong word-of-mouth by keeping in touch with her community members. 16-37 PUSH, PULL, AND PICK PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES * Managing the Promotion Mix: Putting it All Together * LG6 • Push Strategy -- Producers use advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and other tools to get their products stocked on shelves. • Pull Strategy -- Directs heavy advertising and sales promotions efforts towards consumers and gets the public to request their products from retailers. • Pick Strategy -- Refers to consumers who pick out their products from online outlets. 16-38 * GOING DIGITAL Reaching Beyond Our Borders * • Agencies like Publicis Groupe knew they had to move forward into the digital age. • Publicis bought Digitas, an interactive ad agency, and tried to blend the firms. • Publicis created the Global Marketing Navigator and simplifies masses of data from clients and measures the program’s effectiveness. 16-39 * PROGRESS ASSESSMENT Progress Assessment * • What’s viral marketing? • What are blogging and podcasting? • Describe a push strategy, a pull strategy and the pick strategy. 16-40