Sales & Customer Service PPT

Sales & Customer Service
Marketing Terms
• Marketing: all business activity undertaken to
encourage the moving of goods from the grower
or producer to the final consumer, including
selling, advertising, promotions, and packaging.
• Advertising: the presentation of a product, idea,
or service for the purpose of inducing others to
buy, support, or approve of it.
• Media: collectively, channels of communication,
either electronic or print, that serve mass or
targeted audiences; e.g., newspapers, magazines,
radio, television, etc.
Marketing Terms
• Promotion: all advertising, publicity, and
personal selling activities leading to the public
recognition of a business and the generation of
• Publicity: collectively, acts or devices intended to
attract public interest, especially information with
news value.
• Open house: a promotional effort intended to
bring customers into a business establishment,
often in advance of a major floral holiday, such as
Marketing Terms
• Loss leader: a promotional tool whereby a
retail article is sold at a loss in order to attract
• Turnover: the number of times merchandise is
sold and re-stocked for sale in a given time
Marketing Terms
• Target market: a defined group of customers
whom a retailer attempts to attract.
• Niche market: a special area of demand for a
product or service.
Marketing Terms
• Circulation area: the geographic area where
product is delivered and advertising is done,
particularly with respect to printed media.
• Demographics: the statistical characteristics of a
population, such as age, income, gender, and
education level that are used to develop targeted
marketing efforts.
• Psychographics: the behavioral and cultural
characteristics of consumers, such as lifestyle,
attitudes, values, and buying patterns, that
influence purchasing habits.
Marketing Terms
• Customer: one that purchases a commodity or
• Customer service: the manner in which a vendor
accommodates the needs and demands of the
customer or client, which may enhance the
perceived value of a product or service.
• Customer base: a group of individuals and
commercial clients who regularly patronize a
Types of Customers
• Decided customer: has a definite floral need,
may already know exactly what he or she wants
to buy.
• Undecided customer: has a floral need, but has
not determined exactly what he or she wants.
• Browser: may be looking for an idea or a bargain,
not interested in pressure for a sale, may be a
potential customer, hardest to sell to.
Types of Customers
• Foot traffic: collectively, the people who come
into a retail store who may or may not make a
• Walk-in: a colloquial term describing a
customer who enters a business
establishment, without an appointment, to
make a purchase or place an order, rather
than using the telephone or internet.
Selling Terms
• Selling: the process of influencing a buying
• Impulse sale: an unplanned purchase. Such as
a greeting card, etc.
• Up-sell: to suggest or show to the customer
one or more premium options rather than a
less expensive choice. Up-selling may also
encourage the sale of additional goods or
Telephone Etiquette
• Confident, happy voice
• Answer every call
• Friendly greeting
• Include name of shop
• Include name of person
• Offer assistance
• “ Good Morning. Sally’s
Flowers. Samantha
speaking. How may I
assist you?”
• Aware of products and
• Obtain all information on
order form—date,
payment, delivery, items,
• Clarify name spelling
• Clarify any items
• Ask for questions
• Thank customer
• Invite further purchase
• Let customer hang up first