Societe Generale Notes - Prime Capital Services, Inc.

SG Structured Notes Offerings – March 2016
Pricing Date
Issue Date
Offering Closes
4Yr Autocall Twin Win Note on Oil
• 10% p.a. early call premium or contingent return at maturity
• 45% Downside Max Return
• 55% Maturity Principal Barrier
31–Mar– 2016
at 11:00 AM EST
3yr Autocallable Note with Guaranteed Coupons Linked to a Basket of Equities
• Lesser of XOM Equity / KMI Equity / SLB Equity
• [9.00-11.00]% p.a. guaranteed coupon paid quarterly;
• 60% Maturity Principal Barrier on the Worst performer
at 3:00 PM EST
15yr Callable Range Accrual Note linked to SPX & RTY
• [7.25-8.00]% p.a. guaranteed coupon paid qtrly from year 1 to 5; then daily range
accrual subject to RTY & SPX above 50% of initial
• 50% Maturity Principal Barrier on the Worst performer
at 3:00 PM EST
Product Description
Societe Generale Rating
S&P: A | Moody’s: A2 | Fitch: A
For Broker/Dealer Use Only
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