Greek Mythology - westerncenteracademy

Greek Mythology
Steps you will be taking...
By yourself...
As a group...
Step 1
research the stories
Step 3
write your own myth
Step 2
research the gods
Step 4
create a movie poster
Ancient Greek myths are wonderful stories that teach a lesson or
explain an event in the universe. Today, science can explain where rain
comes from or why the seasons change. But, many thousands of years
ago humans wanted to understand the world around them, so they
created gods and goddesses who ruled the universe, and invented
stories that answered their questions....
Why does the sun rise and set
How do plants grow?
Who placed the stars in the sky?
What is love, war, and jealousy?
What is lightning and thunder?
Why does the moon change shape?
Why are some things beautiful?
How do families work?
Where does fire come from?
How did the world form?
What makes a volcano erupt?
How do birds fly?
Where does snow come from?
Why is there evil in the world?
Who makes the waves?
Why do humans have different
Your job is to gain a good understanding of the
different Greek myths, gods, and goddesses on
your own. Then, with your group, invent an
original myth to teach a lesson or explain an
event in the natural world. Your group will be
responsible for creating the story, writing the
script, performing the scenes, and making an
exciting "movie" poster to advertise your
Step 1
Research the stories:
Winged Sandals
Short versions of lots of
Read and listen to some
Greek myths
Animated stories and
information on gods
Greek myths, legends, and
gods for children
History for Kids
Mr. Donn
Click on Greek Gods for
Greek Myths
Read and hear many Greek
Read through at least 4 different myths. Choose 2 that you think are interesting. On your notes
worksheet, write down the myth title, a summary, and why you think it is an interesting myth.
Step 2
Research the gods and goddesses:
Greek myths, legends, and
Click on the different people
to see who they are
Easy to understand
Dr. Donn
Includes links to each god
Overview of the 12 most
common gods with links
The Olympian Gods
Use Greek Mythology Webquest Notes # 1-7 during step 2. You must use a different god or goddess
that you used for your god project for Mrs. Devore. These notes will help you with the google docs
assignment that you must complete before you move onto step 3.
Google Docs Activity
You must complete the following activity
before you begin working with your group for
steps 3 and 4.
Greek Mythology Research Sheet
Step 3
Write your own myth:
1. common characteristics of myths (you must include at
least 3 in your story - click on link to see what they are.
2. brainstorm your ideas together (everyone participates)
3. write the story
4. transform your story into a script
5. edit and revise your rough draft
6. rehearse your play
7. get ready for the final production
Use these questions to guide your script creation. If you can answer yes
to all of these questions, your group should earn the full 25 points on
the project rubric.
1. Does your piece follow the structure of a story? Does it
have characters, setting, problem, and a solution?
2. Do your characters' use the correct information that you
researched and act in a way that would be true to their
3. Does your script create a myth that explains something in
4. Does your script have everyone's names and roles on it?
Is it set up like a script?
5. Do you use appropriate spelling and punctuation when
called for?
Step 4
Create a movie poster:
Look at examples of famous movie posters.
What do you like about them? Create your own
poster with dramatic images, a great
slogan, plus any appropriate credits.
Poster Rubric
Use these questions to guide your poster creation. If you can answer yes
to all of these questions, your group should earn 25 full points on the
project rubric.
1. Do you have a title that is attention getting and has to do
with your myth?
2. Does your poster have a tag line to get the reader's
3. Is your poster colorful, neat, and show effort from all
4. Does your poster have other aspects of movie posters and
Greek mythology to make it interesting and appealing?
Project Evaluation
In this assignment your group will be performing a Greek
myth. Your group will need to produce a finished script, a
movie poster, and perform the myth in front of the class.
Each member will be judged by their contributions in all
three pieces of this project.
See the following slide for project rubric...
1. SCRIPT Your script must have a list of your group members and their
roles. Your script must also have correct spelling, grammar, and by
typed. 25 points
2. POSTER You must create a movie poster for your myth. You must
have a new title, a fully colored illustration, and an interesting "tag
line." 25 points
3. PERFORMANCE All members of your group must perform the myth.
You must follow your script. You must make the myth your own and be
creative. 25 points
4. GROUP CONTRIBUTION How well did you work with your group?
Did you help complete the project? Did you give ideas and were you
respectful of others' ideas? 25 points