MUSCULAR FITNESS Vocabulary - Define the following Muscular


Fit 9


Per. _____ Gr. __ Roll #


To look good and feel good, you must have adequate muscular fitness. Increased muscular fitness improves your appearance, since firm muscles make you look slimmer and trimmer. Muscular fitness includes two health-related components of physical fitness: strength and endurance. Muscular strength is the ability of a muscle group to apply a maximal force against a resistance one time. Muscular endurance is the ability to repeat muscle movement over a period of time.

Some of the major benefits of muscular fitness are increased strength and endurance, improved sports performance, decreased risk of injury and increased bone strength. People who participate in weight bearing exercises (walking, jogging, dancing and sports like basketball, tennis, soccer) and resistance training (also known as strength training) have a lower risk of osteoporosis , a condition where the bones become thin and fragile and tend to break easily.

A major misconception of weight training is that muscle will turn into fat when you stop lifting weights. Muscle does not turn into fat nor does fat turn into muscle. What really happens is that muscles atrophy (become smaller) when they are not used. Then since the individual is no longer doing exercise they may increase their fat percentage

The primary difference in muscular strength and muscular endurance training is in the amount of weight and the number of times it is lifted. Muscular endurance is developed with the use of light weights and many repetitions, whereas, muscular strength is developed with the use of heavy weights and few repetitions. Your muscles will need 48 hours to recover from a workout. It is important to use proper technique for lifting, start with light weights and gradually increase the resistance while maintaining good form. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down. An important point to remember is NEVER hold your breath while exercising.

Exhale when pushing against resistance (blow it up) and inhale when lowering the weight.

The standard Principles of Training are applied to muscular fitness. The Principle of

Overload (placing greater than normal demands on the body) means that you work the muscles harder than before. You can increase the number of repetitions (number of times you preform the movement) to develop more muscular endurance. The Principle of Progression means you increase the amount of weight lifted and/or the repetitions. A good base for muscular fitness is being able to lift your own body weight. Begin with a weight that you can lift between 6 and 10 times. If you cannot lift it 6 times it’s too heavy. If you can lift it 15 times you are ready to add from 1 to 5 pounds more. The Principle of Specificity means that to build strength or endurance in a muscle you must perform exercises for that muscle. The Principle of

Regularity says that exercises must be performed on a regular schedule (usually 2 to 3 times per week) to maintain or improve fitness levels. The Principle of Individuality says that your progress will depend on how your body responds to training and the amount of effort you put into it. These factors include things like your age, heredity and motivation.

Recommended Guidelines for Muscular Fitness Training

Frequency – 2 to 3 days per week, a minimum of 48 hours between workouts of a muscle or muscle group

Intensity – Light weight (add 1 to 5 pounds to increase intensity)

Time – 1 to 3 sets of 6 to 15 repetitions, each rep should be 6 sec., 2 to 3 min. rest between sets for strength,

90 sec between sets for endurance. Minimum of 20 – 30 minutes for the session.

Type – Free weights, machines, body weight, partner exercises, medicine ball, etc.

Sources: “Get Active! Get Fit!” (Stokes & Schultz) & “Personal Fitness” (Williams, Harageones, Johnson & Smith)

Vocabulary - Define the following

Muscular Strength

Muscular Endurance



Study Questions



Circle “T” for all correct statements and “F” for all incorrect ones.







F 1. Muscle turns into fat when you stop a weight training program.

F 2. You should lift heavy weights with your upper body every day for the best results.

F 3. Resistance training is the same as strength training.

F 4. To develop muscular strength lift heavy weights a few times.

F 5. Muscles become smaller when they are not used.

F 6. You should hold you breathe when lifting the weight.

Multiple Choice: Place the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

______ 7) Which Principle means that, to build a muscle you must perform exercises for that muscle? a) Principle of Overload b) Principle of Progression c) Principle of Specificity d) Principle of Regularity

______ 8) The minimum amount of time muscles need to recover between workouts is a) 24 hours

b) 48 hours c) 72 hours d) 12 hours

______ 9) The primary difference in muscular strength and endurance training is in the a) Amount of weight lifted b) Number of times a weight is lifted c) Number of days per week you do the exercise d) Both “A” and “B” are correct

Discussion: Answer in complete sentences.

1. What benefits are gained through muscular fitness? (3pts)

2. Explain the primary difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance training? (2pts)

3. Explain proper breath control to reduce injury during weight training. (2pts)
