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Special to The Star
A modern wedding is all about
turning tradition on its ear and personalizing every element of the day
to suit the bride and groom, according to Nancy Campana, president
of Nouveau Event Planning.
Campana has spent the last quarter century producing wedding
exhibition shows in Windsor, so
she knows how
couples put into
their own.
Her company
puts together
and Campana
is putting the
Nancy Campana
finishing touches on the Fall
Wedding Event taking place at the
Caboto Club on September 19 and
The Fall Wedding Event features
over 100 vendors, and Campana offers up a preview on some trends
that are sure to make your wedding
day both modern and personal.
Light it up
Each year, the fall show features
theme rooms highlighting the latest
décor trends designed by Windsor
wedding decorators.
“This is where they can just really
show some wild ideas and new stuff
to couples,” says Campana.
Decorators are using more special effect lighting than ever before,
she says.
“If you’re paying for a decorator
these days, special effect lighting is
going to be part of that whole décor
You’ve got flowers, candles, table
linens, and chair covers checked off
your planning list — but why go
to the trouble if all of your design
efforts fade to black when the sun
goes down?
A few LED lights can transform
the look of a room, says Adam
Marz, owner of Marz Media.
“If you just turn on the house
lights, it really doesn’t pop,” says
Marz. “Even a dozen LEDs on the
backdrop really changes the whole
feel of the room.”
Marz says in addition to making
the walls a colourful canvas, lighting can be used to accent certain
elements, like the dessert or head
table. Small lights can also be hung
from the ceiling to add radiance to
floral centrepieces.
“It accents the centrepiece without creating this giant wash of
light throughout the whole room,”
says Marz.
Brides can also choose different
Where: Caboto Club, Windsor
When: Sept 19-20, 5:30-9 p.m.
each night
Tickets: $10 at the door. Preregister at weddingshows.com
for a free gift (valued at $35)
and a $2-off admission coupon.
What: More than 100 local vendors, wedding décor ideas and
mini- fashion shows
Click on: Facebook & Pinterest
websites under ‘Wedding shows
Windsor’ for show news, trends,
and vendor showcases
colour lights for different times
during the reception to enhance
the mood, he says.
Almost any colour lighting is
possible, so brides don’t have to
worry about finding linens that are
the perfect match for their colour
scheme, says Marketa Bondy, owner of Crystalove Designs.
“Many times brides use way too
much colour in their weddings, in
linen and in chair covers and all
that,” says Bondy.
Bondy prefers to use silver or
white linens let the lights make a
“It just makes a very, very big difference. It’s still a very soft look, but
your colour has come in through
the lighting which is very magical.”
Another decorative twist is the
gobo light — a picture or pattern is
projected onto a flat surface. Marz
describes an event where the whole
ceiling was lit up to make the room
look like it was under water. He has
even made it appear to be snowing
“There was a light flurry over the
guests as they walked in,” he recalls.
“We did an event where the girl
just wanted the entire ceiling to be
purple,” says Bondy. “The entire
ceiling was deep purple with stars
on it.’
Many wedding couples are asking to use the special effect to put
their names in lights on the wall or
dance floor, added Bondy.
Fabric draping is yet another way
to enhance the lighting effect. Bondy says one of her favourite designs
is her hand-made embroidered organza skirting.
“If you put a light on it … all
the beads shine right way. It looks
like million-dollar view,” she says.
“When you don’t put the light on it,
it still shines, but it’s no where near
as high-end and as out-there-beautiful looking.”
Documented love
The era of personal blogging and
Facebook has changed the face of
wedding photography in recent
“It’s becoming very cinegraphic,
very documentary — not your traditional shots anymore,” says Campana. “Everything is news nowadays, and photography has changed
to a format that’s more newsworthy.”
According to Frank Hupalo of
Frank Michael Photography, brides
don’t want as many traditional wedding poses these days.
“- and traditional meaning bride,
groom, mom, and dad standing in a
military line,” says Hupalo. “They
want more fun, more engagement
… more in the moment.”
The 18-year veteran prefers to
take pictures when no one’s looking to capture those real-life fam-
Joe and Christina Lepera dance the first dance at their Caboto Club reception, which was decorated by Milestone Weddings.
— Photos courtesy Marz Media
ily moments. But Hupalo says most
couples aren’t natural performers,
so to get the shot he sometimes
takes on the persona of a movie
director to stage pictures in natural
“I’ll say to a bride, ‘Just whisper
something into the groom’s ear that
he’s never heard you say before.’”
Hupalo says that usually brings
out natural laughter, or a look of
“It will bring out an emotion
that’s real, but yet I gave her a reason to give me that look.”
Hupalo says good photography
is a matter of trust — if wedding
couples are relaxed and enjoying
themselves, it goes a long way to
being able to capture the true emotion of the day.
“I really enjoy those ones where
it’s like, ‘Frank whatever you want
us to do, we’re yours that day,’” he
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Go Hollywood
There’s also a new calibre of wedding video in town, and it’s one
you’re more likely to find in a music
video or film than a home movie.
“It’s not just a recording of the
day’s events. It’s
become a love
story,” says Campana.
“Love Stories”
what the guys at
Perfect Shutter
are calling their
p r o d u c t i o n s.
Vi d e o g r a p h e r
Samson Tse says
Samson Tse
he wants his
wedding videos
to be more cinematic — something
your relatives with short attention
spans won’t roll their eyes at when
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