to the Full Brochure

Paul Westermeyer, Professor of Church Music,
Luther Seminary, Minneapolis, MN
David Eicher, Past President of PAM, Editor of the
Presbyterian Hymnal Project, Louisville, KY
Gerre Hancock, Organist and Master of the Choirs
Emeritus, St. Thomas Church, New York and
Professor of Organ, University of Texas, Austin
Hal Hopson, Composer, West Plano, TX
Sylvia Maddox, Retreat and Spiritual Workshop
Leader, San Antonio, TX
Ted Wardlaw, President, Austin Seminary, TX
Ara Carapetyan, Director of Music, University
Presbyterian Church, Austin, TX
Scott McNulty, Organist, University Presbyterian
Church, Austin, TX
San Williams, Pastor, University Presbyterian
Church, Austin, TX
Jennifer Lord, Professor of Preaching, Austin
Seminary, TX
Kevin McClure, Director of Music, Austin Seminary,
Cynthia Rigby, Professor of Theology, Austin
Seminary, TX
John Wurster, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church,
Kerrville, TX
Jane Van Valkenburg, Director of Music, First
Presbyterian Church Byran, TX
Gail Snodgrass, Pastor, Genesis Presbyterian
Church, Austin, TX
Neeta Nichols, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Detroit, MI
PAM invites all of its “professional” members (those
who are responsible for a music program, directing
a choir or instrumental ensemble) their pastors
and members of the worship committee to join us
in Austin, Texas to deepen our partnership in the
Ministry of Worship that leads to the formation of
faithful disciples.
Dear Colleagues in Ministry,
Conference Committee:
Alan Barthel, Scott Miller, Karl Zinsmeister, Sue
Mitchell Wallace
For those who feel
the need for healing
and renewal, we are
offering for a small
additional fee, a day of
seclusion, meditation
and inspiration on
Thursday from 8:30
am until 3:00 pm.
Lunch will be included.
Sylvia Maddox from
San Antonio will be the
spiritual director for the
Association of
Grace and Peace,
J. Scott Miller, PAM President
Retreat for Spiritual
Healing and Renewal
On behalf of the PAM Executive Board, I would
like to invite you to the third Gathering of PAM
Professionals, to be held at University Presbyterian
Church in Austin, TX. As musicians and pastors, we
know that corporate worship forms us as disciples of
Jesus Christ. The question is, What kind of disciples
are we forming? Come join us as we explore this
question together through workshops, presentations,
and worship experiences. One of our keynote
speakers, Paul Westermeyer, will also be delivering
one of the Midwinter Lectures at Austin Seminary
earlier in the week. For further information on the
Midwinter Lectures, contact Austin Presbyterian
Theological Seminary at (512) 472-6736. I hope to
see you in Austin in 2009!
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
An Invitation for You
February 5-8, 2009
University Presbyterian
Austin, TX
Worship as Formation. There is little doubt that what
we do and how we live in our environment forms us
as human beings. By extension therefore we can
posit that how we worship, where we worship with
whom we worship and what we do in worship forms
us as Christians. During our time together we will
explore the notion of Worship as Disciple Making
and begin to raise questions of about what kinds
of disciples are we forming as a way of reflecting
on worship. How does worship help us to bear the
name of Jesus in a broken world? Is it important that
our worship be centered on the triune God? How
does worship impart a language of faith? God calls
us to Baptism, we promise to be faithful disciples,
we are nourished at the table so that we can nourish
the world. How does our worship help us to become
the living bread, sent out to be the body of Christ in
the world so that our lives may proclaim the mystery
of faith? What we sing, what we dance, what we
proclaim, how we pray and how we listen all play a
major part in this formative activity.
Worship as Formation:
Forming Faithful
Conference Leaders
Non-profit Org.
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Conference Overview
Professionals Gathering
FRIDAY, February 6
Breakfast on your own
8:45-9:30am - Morning Worship, UPC
9:45-10:30 - Reflections on worship and
architecture for worship with the UPC Staff
10:30-11:00 - Break
11:00-12:15 - Plenary Address Paul Westermeyer;
Themes Too Hot to Handle
Joseph Sittler once said that “many things may be
permitted chorally which are not proper prosaically
-- that themes too hot to handle from the pulpit may
be elaborated from the choir loft.” What kind of
disciples are being formed in our worship? Could
it be that through the sung doxology of choir and
congregation God forms disciples who know that
Jesus is Lord and work for justice and peace?
12:30-1:30 - Lunch
1:30-2:20 - Plenary: A Conversation with Paul
2:30-3:20 - Workshops
3:30-4:20 - Workshops
4:20-5:00 Free time
5:00 - Dinner at UPC
6:30 - Hymn Festival Choir Rehearsal (UPC)
8:00 - Hymn Festival (led by David Eicher, Ara
Carapetyan, and Scott McNulty
SATURDAY, February 7
SUNDAY, February 8
Registration Form
The easiest way to register is through the
PAM website at
AT&T Executive Education
and Conference Center
1900 University Avenue
Austin, TX 78705
Name _________________________________
Conference Name for room block:
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
Email _________________________________
Church ________________________________
Daytime Phone__________________________
Early registration will close December 15, 2008.
The postmark date will be used for registrations
received by mail. You may still register after this
date with an added $25
late fee.
Refund Policy
Refund requests either
received or postmarked
by December 15, 2008
will be made with an
$85 cancellation fee per
person. No refunds will
be made for requests
received or postmarked
after this date. Changing
registrations from one
person to another, will
incur a $25 swap fee.
[ ] Visa
[ ] MC
Card # ________-________-________-________
Registration Information
Early Registration Deadline
(877) 744-8822 or (512) 475-7505
For Credit Card Payment:
There are three convenient ways to register for
the conference: online, by mail, or fax, but the
easiest method is through our interactive online
registration processor. For questions regarding
the conference and/or scholarship assistance,
visit the PAM website at,
or contact the PAM National Office at (888) 7287228 xt 5288, or by email at
Special arrangements for students: contact the
PAM Executive Director at the number above.
Address _______________________________
Name on Card ___________________________
Billing Zip Code __________ Exp.Date ___/___
Last 3 Digits on signature strip ___________
Room Rates
Standard King:
Single $119
Double $119
Run of the House:
Single $119
Double $119
Triple $149
Quad $179
Signature ______________________________
Special Diets or Needs____________________
Conference Fees
To make reservations, call the hotel directly at
(877) 744-8822. Reservation absolute deadline is
January 12, 2009.
Food and Meals
Meals included in the registration fee are Thursday
dinner, Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday
lunch catered at the church by John Haug owner
of Food Fusion.
Hymns and Faith Formation / We Become What
We Sing
David Eicher, Presenter
Scott McNulty, Organist
Conference Choir
It will be a glorious evening
of singing!
( includes most, but not all meals).
PAM Members
Pastor and PAM Musician
registering TOGETHER
Non-PAM Member $310
Pastor and Non-PAM Musician
registering TOGETHER
Sabbath Retreat
Late fee after Dec. 15, 2008
Hymn Festival
Breakfast on your own
10:15am - Warm up with the UPC Choir
11:00 - Worship at UPC
Following worship – go in peace! (“Go therefore
and make disciples …” –Mt 28:19)
Breakfast on your own
8:30am - Morning Prayer
9:00-10:15 - Plenary: David Eicher, editor of the
new PC(USA) hymnal
10:15 - Break
10:30-11:20 - Workshops
11:30-12:20 - Plenary: Hal Hopson on Psalmody
12:30 - Lunch
2:00-2:45 - PAM Annual Meeting
3:00-3:45 - Panel/reflection and Summary Dialogue
4:00 - Eucharist – Jennifer Lord, Preaching
5:30 - Dinner on your own
8:00 - Organ Recital – Gerre Hancock
A New Presbyterian Hymnal and Worship
Resources - David Eicher
Preaching that Arises from the Liturgy Jennifer Lord
Anthem Reading - TBA
The Trinity in Worship - Cynthia Rigby
Long and Short Range Worship Planning John Wurster and Jane Van Valkenburg
Pastors and Musicians Planning Worship
that Forms Faith - Gail Snodgrass
Organ Improvisation - Gerre Hancock
Composing and Arranging Music for “your
church situation” - Hal Hopson
Handbells - TBA
Polity for Musicians - Neeta Nichols
Reflection on Architecture for Worship - the
Staff of University Presbyterian Church
8:30-9:00am - Registration for Sabbath retreat
9:00am-3:00pm - Sabbath retreat
12:00 - Sandwich Lunch for Sabbath retreat
4:00-5:30 - Conference Registration
6:00 - Dinner at UPC a Texas BBQ
7:30 - Opening Liturgy – (Renewal of Baptismal
Faith) UPC Choir; Ted Wardlaw, preaching
Lodging, Meals, & Events
THURSDAY, February 5, 2009
Workshops to include
2009 Meeting Schedule
(includes PAM membership)
add $25
Total fees _________
If paying by check, make check payable to:
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
If registering by mail, send your registration to:
PAM Professionals Meeting
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396