SASS WASHINGTON STATE BLACKPOWDER SHOOTOUT The Rattlesnake Gulch Rangers and Tri-Cities Shooting Association Present A DARK DAY AT RATTLESNAKE GULCH April 27-28, 2013 Benton City, Washington – 10 Main Stages Frontier Cartridge Division Cowboy , Cowgirl1, Wrangler (L), Forty-Niner (L), Frontier Cartridge Duelist (L), Duelist1 (L), Senior Duelist (L) Gunfighter (L), Classic Cowboy, Classic Cowgirl, B-Western (L), Senior (L), Silver Senior (L), Elder Statesman, Grand Dame, Cattle Baron (75+), Frontier Cartridge (L), Junior (B/G), Buckaroos (B/G) 1 Frontiersman Frontiersman Division Cowboy , Cowgirl , Wrangler (L), Forty-Niner (L), Duelist1 (L), Senior Duelist (L) Gunfighter (L), Classic Cowboy, Classic Cowgirl, B-Western (L), Senior (L), Silver Senior (L), Elder Statesman, Grand Dame, Cattle Baron (75+), Frontiersman (L), Plainsman (L), Junior (B/G), Buckaroos (B/G) 1 1 All ammunition must utilize black powder, Pyrodex, 777, APP, or comparable propellants intended for muzzle loading firearms. Propellants containing nitrocellulose are prohibited, even in combination with black powder. 1 Same as FC, FCD, and F respectively except for use of a pump shotgun Name: Category: Alias: Sass No. Spouse’s Name: Category: Spouse’s Alias: Sass No. Address: Phone No. City, State, Zip E-Mail: I will require a dry camp site: Yes___ No ___ RV size: ____ _____ Are you interested in attending Cowboy Church if available? available? Yes __ No __ Camp sites are limited and assigned first come, first served. I share equipment with: Please Please posse me with: Total Shooter’s Fee (includes lunch Saturday and Sunday, dinner Saturday night) Spouse’s Fee (includes lunch Saturday and Sunday, dinner Saturday night) Juniors and Buckaroos shoot free when accompanied by parent parent or guardian Extra Meal Package (2 lunches and 1 dinner) $65.00 $55.00 FREE $30.00 $30.00 Total Enclosed Mail Entry with Check to Rattlesnake Gulch Rangers, P. O. Box 842, Richland, WA 99352. No refunds after March 25, 25, 2013. 2013. All shooters must attend mandatory mandatory safety briefing prior to shooting. We reserve the right to refuse any entry. SASS rules apply. Must be a SASS member. The range operated by Tri-Cities Shooting Association and the Rattlesnake Gulch Rangers is a Benton County Park which does not allow alcohol. For more information go to Questions? Contact Ricochet Robbie at 509-628-0889 or e-mail