Response to Dell Assessment

Executive Summary
Key Challenges
University of New Brunswick is currently performing below industry average
and can improve to provide cost savings and higher levels of service.
Performance improvement opportunities center around four critical areas:
Processes and Documentation
Tools and Automation
Employee Care and Training
Enterprise Risk
By addressing these key challenges, University of New Brunswick will
be better positioned to provide the types of services needed to
optimize enterprise-wide service delivery.
IT Simplification Assessment
Executive Summary
Processes and Documentation
The technology department lacks a significant tool to document formal processes for delivering services.
Even though a “wiki” is provided, the use is limited.
The use of performance metrics as a tool to drive continuous improvement is virtually non-exist.
No formalized change management process that is universally applied. Limited understanding of the
need for formalized change management was found.
The use of problem management to operationalize root cause analysis is ad hoc at best and not part of
any formal process.
Standardized Enterprise Architecture is not being utilized to identify and document important processes.
Even though the University has embarked upon a Disaster/Recovery planning process, implementation
should be escalated.
Performance monitoring against service level objectives are not in evidence.
Formal planning and communication sessions with the business units are rare.
There is no IT service catalog available that documents available IT services, service levels and standard
There is limited asset management processes defined. Inventories of University-owned technology may
not be accurate.
There is limited self-help knowledge available for staff such as an FAQ.
Improving processes and controls is one of the best ways to
improve IT operation with little cost
IT Simplification Assessment
Executive Summary
Tools and Automation
Wide use of open-source toolsets that are unsupported.
Many of the current tools are not used to the full capacity.
Training on open source products is limited to internal training efforts and has been lacking in the past.
Satisfactory service desk tool is in use but not leveraged to full capabilities.
Tivoli Storage Manager toolsets are fully operational but not current.
Toolsets to provide dynamic performance indicators are not in place. These should be implemented to
report to Numera Footprints for documentation and route to appropriate technical support for
Image and patch management is obsolete.
Level of virtualization of server environment is not at 75%.
Limited system monitoring tools that are integrated with Incident Management practices.
Identity management tools are limited with dual authentication to LDAP and Active directory.
Significant numbers of service requests are not captured by Numera Footprints obscuring overall IT
workloads/costs and customer satisfaction.
Significant opportunities exist for leveraging existing technology to
improve service and increase operational efficiencies.
IT Simplification Assessment
Executive Summary
Employee Care and Training
Limited formal opportunities exist for IT staff to enhance operational effectiveness through continuous
Communication and feedback channels between management and employees needs improvement.
The current service desk model demonstrates inadequate processes, tools, training and skill-sets.
The use of operational personnel for project activities impacts the team’s ability to manage day-to-day
The use of customer satisfaction surveys is not being used to monitor and adjust performance and
provide appropriate feedback.
Several key processes are supported by a single resource with limited cross-training.
Job performance metrics are not provided to staff to drive continuous improvement.
End-User training is minimal.
Enhancing University of New Brunswick’s best asset, its people, will
help the organization mature to allow for the technology rich
environment needed to support the organization.
IT Simplification Assessment
Executive Summary
Enterprise Risk
Data center enhancements are needed:
 Cooling capability through the raised floor is impaired
 Structured cable is inconsistent.
Security practices are limited.
 No formal review of security logs
 The organization does not have a single person responsible for managing the security practice.
There is no email or data retention policy in place putting the organization at legal risk.
IT security disciplines, tools and resources are lacking.
 The use of Windows XP provides an avenue to vulnerability that is unacceptable.
 No intrusion monitoring is taking place
 Even through virus protection is “pushed” to student machines, faculty machines may or may not
have the latest virus definition files unless those definitions are “pushed”.
Disaster Recovery, contingency planning and business continuity capabilities are severely lacking.
 Backups are kept on-site within the IBM tape library and not removed off-site to a fire-proof facility.
 Even though the DR planning process is evident, the process should be escalated.
Without mitigating enterprise risk, technology changes aimed at
improving efficiency may not produce the desired result.
IT Simplification Assessment
Executive Summary
Recommended Approach & Initiatives
Strategic Approach: Resolve serious risks issues immediately; accelerate the implementation
and adoption of standard “back to basics” IT governance disciplines; address technology
weaknesses to enhance the ability to deliver IT services
Recommended Future Mode of Operations Initiatives:
Leverage policy and process to drive performance and standardization
2. Develop comprehensive service catalog including formalized SLA management.
3. Enhance the data center environment.
a) Flooring
b) Heating/cooling/air flow
c) Electrical
4. Implement service management disciplines.
Change management
Asset management
Problem/incident management
5. Enhance security policies and practices.
6. Enhance employee care & optimization
7. Document enterprise architecture.
8. Escalate development and implementation of formal disaster recovery program
9. Enhance the use of metrics and measurements
10. Enhance communication strategies
11. Rationalize the use of tools and automation
IT Simplification Assessment
Executive Summary
Initiative Difficulty And Impact
IT Simplification Assessment
DELL Recommended Major Initiatives
Leverage policy and process to drive performance and standardization
Balanced Scorecard methodology will be integrated into ITS planning. See strategic goals and objectives, 2013‐2014.
Develop comprehensive service catalog including formalized SLA management
See strategic goals and objectives, 2013‐2014
Enhance the data center environment: 1. Flooring. 2. Heating/cooling/air flow. 3. Electrical
Implement service management disciplines: 1. Change management. 2. Asset management. 3. Problem/incident management
Enhance security policies and practices
Enhance employee care & optimization
Document enterprise architecture
Escalate development and implementation of formal disaster recovery program
Enhance the use of metrics and measurements
Enhance communication strategies
Rationalize the use of tools and automation
Planning is well underway to renovate Head Hall data centre. Project is fully funded. Will be started after DR 2014
site is operational
This is an ongoing activity of the QA and Process Management Director, along with appropriate 2013 ‐ 2014
departmental resources. See also ITS strategic goals and objectives, 2013 ‐ 2014
Ongoing improvements are being implemented
2013 ‐ 2014
Training plans will be incorporated into ITS 2014
performance management processes.
See strategic goals and objectives, 2013‐2014.
A DR facility will be established this year, and an IT DR 2013 ‐ 2014
plan will be written and tested.
Balanced Scorecard methodology will be integrated into ITS planning. See strategic goals and objectives, 2014
Both internal and external communication strategies are reviewed frequently, and will be enhanced when 2013
opportunities arise.
This is an ongoing activity of several groups within ITS; we are shifting to industry best‐practice/standard 2013 ‐ 2014
tools and methodologies.
Processes and Documentation
Agree: Yes/No
The technology department lacks a significant tool to document formal processes for delivering services. Even though a “wiki” is provided, the use is limited.
The use of performance metrics as a tool to drive continuous improvement is virtually non‐exist.
Quality Assurance and Process Management resource is dedicated to documenting and improving internal processes. Sharepoint has been identified as a Medium
potential repository for all ITS process documentation. Sharepoint is being deployed later this year
ITS will be implementing Balanced Scorecard to complement the COBIT framework (see Strategic High
Goals and Objectives 2013 ‐ 2014)
No formalized change management process that is universally applied. Limited understanding of the need for formalized change management was found.
Quality Assurance and Process Management resource is dedicated to documenting and improving internal Medium
processes. Change management will become a focus in 2014.
The use of problem management to operationalize root cause analysis is ad hoc at best and not part of any formal process.
Quality Assurance and Process Management resource is dedicated to documenting and improving internal processes. Standardized Enterprise Architecture is not being utilized to identify and document important processes.
The Enterprise Architecture will be developed and articulated (see Strategic Goals and Objectives 2013 ‐ Medium
Even though the University has embarked upon a Disaster/Recovery planning process, implementation should be escalated.
The DR planning process is well underway, and will be completed within 2 years (see Strategic Goals and Very high
Objectives 2013 ‐ 2014)
ITS will be implementing Balanced Scorecard to complement the COBIT framework. A Service Catalog Medium is being defined and will be published this year (see high
Strategic Goals and Objectives 2013 ‐ 2014).
Formal planning and communication sessions with the business units are rare.
Portofolio management and project management methodologies and processes require appropriate interaction with business units. This is well understood and carefully applied.
There is no IT service catalog available that documents available IT services, service levels and standard product.
A Service Catalog is being defined and will be published this year (see Strategic Goals and Objectives 2013 ‐ 2014).
There is limited asset management processes defined. Inventories of University‐owned technology may not be accurate.
Asset management software and systems are being investigated and deployed. (see Strategic Goals and Objectives 2013 ‐ 2014)
There is limited self‐help knowledge available for staff such as an FAQ.
Our communications team will continue to build FAQ Medium
and Tips and Hints resources as time permits.
Performance monitoring against service level objectives are not in evidence.
Priority levels:
Very high
Medium high
Very low
Medium high
Tools and Automation
Agree: Yes/No
Wide use of open‐source toolsets that are unsupported.
This is typical of enterprises like UNB. ITS is slowly moving to standardization in its tools and applications, using industry standards and best practices as a model
Many of the current tools are not used to the full capacity.
Emphasis is being placed on growth of awareness of the full capabilities of tools that are deployed
Training on open source products is limited to internal training efforts and has been lacking in the past.
Many developers are 'self‐taught', for reasons of Medium time, budget, and interest. ITS is shifting emphasis to high
sustainable practices and processes
Satisfactory service desk tool is in use but not leveraged to full capabilities.
New version is being implemented, will be production within 4 months. New features will be investigated and used where appropriate
Tivoli Storage Manager toolsets are fully operational but not current.
This has been corrected
Toolsets to provide dynamic performance indicators are not in place. These should be implemented to report to Numera Footprints for documentation and route to appropriate technical support for remediation.
No action is planned at this time. Will be investigated Very low
in the future
Image and patch management is obsolete.
This is being corrected with ConnectEd project
Level of virtualization of server environment is not at 75%.
Servers are being virtualized as they become due for renewal. Target of 80% virtualization will be met in 2‐
3 years
Medium high
Limited system monitoring tools that are integrated with Incident Management practices.
Our monitoring and reporting tools and practices are maturing as resource availability dictates. Progress is being made, but it is slow
Identity management tools are limited with dual authentication to LDAP and Active directory.
UNB has a very complex environment that makes change a very slow process. Identity management is recognized as a critical component of many systems
Significant numbers of service requests are not captured by Numera Footprints obscuring overall IT workloads/costs and customer satisfaction.
More rigorous tracking is being encouraged. Will be helped by the new version of Footprints being deployed.
Employee Care and Training
Agree: Yes/No
The ITS performance management process has been defined within the last year, and will mature to include specific training objectives for each staff member
There is always room for improvement in communication channels. Management is continuously seeking and trying out ways to ensure good communications
Limited formal opportunities exist for IT staff to enhance operational effectiveness through continuous training.
Communication and feedback channels between management and employees needs improvement.
The current service desk model demonstrates inadequate processes, tools, training and skill‐sets.
ITS does not intend to change the model, but does expect continuous improvement arising from metric‐
driven processes.
The use of operational personnel for project activities impacts the team’s ability to manage day‐to‐day operations.
This is unavoidable given constraints on budgets and project expertise.
The use of customer satisfaction surveys is not being used to monitor and adjust performance and provide appropriate feedback.
ITS will increase engagement with users, particularly in freqency and depth of requests for feedback
This is unavoidable given constraints on budgets, but Medium is slowly being corrected under the guidance of the high
QA and Process Management resource. Cross training is occurring regularly.
The culture and philosophy of the ITS unit is slowly shifting to more metric‐driven decision making and strategic planning. The ITS performance management Medium
system is young, but will eventually provide data to inform improvement
Several key processes are supported by a single resource with limited cross‐training.
Job performance metrics are not provided to staff to drive continuous improvement.
End‐User training is minimal.
ITS provides end user training in applications such as the web content management system, but we do not provide training in productivity applications such as MS Office. We do however provide FAQs and Tips and Hints, as well as links and references to alternate online training resources. We also manage limited seats at, an online training provider.
Enterprise Risk
Data center enhancements are needed: 1. Cooling capability through the raised floor is impaired 2. Structured cable is inconsistent
Security practices are limited: 1. No formal review of security logs. 2. The organization does not have a single person responsible for managing the security practice
There is no email or data retention policy in place putting the organization at legal risk.
IT security disciplines, tools and resources are lacking: 1. The use of Windows XP provides an avenue to vulnerability that is unacceptable. 2. No intrusion monitoring is taking place. 3. Even though virus protection is “pushed” to student machines, faculty machines may or may not have the latest virus definition files unless those definitions are “pushed”.
Disaster Recovery, contingency planning and business continuity capabilities are severely lacking: 1. Backups are kept on‐site within the IBM tape library and not removed off‐site to a fire‐proof facility. 2. Even though the DR planning process is evident, the process should be escalated.
Agree: Yes/No
A data centre renovation project will begin early 2014 Very high
to address these and other issues.
A comprehensive IT security review was undertaken in late 2012. Issues identified were prioritized and many have been addressed already. A Security Action Team has been established, and is responsible for issue management, policy formulation, and security awareness.
Retention policies and schedules will be defined after an Enterprise information/data governance and management framework is established. Work towards this has begun.
A comprehensive IT security review was undertaken in late 2012. Issues identified were prioritized and many have been addressed already. Windows XP will be replaced over the Spring/Summer 2013. Intrusion monitoring is now being conducted. High
DR planning is well underway; a DR site will be established that will provide essential IT services in case of a disaster in the Head Hall data centre. An IT DR plan will be completed and tested by mid‐2014.
Very high
ITS strategic goals and objectives: 2013 ‐ 2014
Student experience
Financial responsibility/resilience
Better university
Better province
Office 365
Mobile app
Web refresh/mobile web
U Card expansion
New wireless
DR site installation
VOIP completion
Mobility resource centre opening
Service catalog
Share print analysis results
Security awareness course
Deploy Sharepoint
Deploy Lync
Initial deployment of access control via
card system
Share expertise and best practices
Strategic planning for ECN
from Dell assessments
Joint ECN initiatives/shared
New wireless in selected exterior areas
Improve customer experience
DR Plan
Data centre renovation
Enterprise architecture definition
Incorporate BSC into ITS planning Data warehouse
Asset management ‐ SCCM
Review portal platform
Security website and resource kit with policies and best practices
ITS staff training plans
Potential DR site for ECN partners
This is a rolling 2‐year plan that will be updated every January (coinciding with budget cycle)
Initiatives are generally enterprise in scale, though several Fredericton‐specific projects are included
Internal goals and objectives are reflected in ITS departmental plans
Did you know?
ITS receives an average of 130 service requests per day from students, staff and faculty
Of these, 75% are resolved and closed within 1 day
The rest are usually more complex, requiring escalation and/or investigation. Resolution time varies depending on resources required, but are usually closed within 2 days
Small projects are handled through the ticketing system, and do not appear on the major initiatives list
Our own surveys tell us, and the Dell simplification assessment confirmed, that ITS should focus on improving and tracking customer service
ITS strategic goals and objectives: 2013 ‐ 2014
To provide an exceptional and transformative student experience we will:
Short term ‐ 2013
Mid term ‐ 2014
1 Deploy Office 365‐the next generation of cloud‐based productivity tools from Microsoft
Office 365 deployed and in use by students and alumni, retired faculty/staff
Rationale: The next step in convergence of cloud (students) and self‐hosted (faculty/staff) ConnectEd services
2 Deploy at least one mobile app designed to deliver useful and valuable information directly to students via whatever device they choose
App deployed that integrates with an enterprise‐level system such as Datatel
Rationale: Apps should be more than just packages of links to websites‐‐an integrated app is convenient and saves a lot of time
3 The public UNB websites will be refreshed, and will incorporate responsive design, which formats webpages according to the needs of the device
UNB websites refreshed, with responsive design elements built in
Rationale: Part of the new mobility strategy; users will be able to access web services easily and without formatting problems
4 Features and fuctionality will continue to be added to the U Card, including new merchants and door access
U Card business plan developed and implemented, with new merchants added and door access systems deployed
Rationale: The new card services will make studying and working at UNB more convenient, safe, and efficient
5 Application and desktop virtualization will become a reality, allowing students to use university‐supplied applications anywhere, on‐campus or off
Virtualization project launched and solutions deployed as appropriate
Rationale: Users won't have to have special applications installed on their devices; they can simply access software anywhere, anytime
6 Install new wireless systems and services, ensuring reliable, high capacity connectivity
Wireless (802.11n) system designed, deployed, and in production on most of Fredericton campus, and all of Saint John campus
Rationale: The next generation of wireless will triple capacity, and greatly enhance reliability of the entire wireless network
7 Continue wireless deployment, and extend to selected exterior areas
Wireless system fully deployed on Fredericton campus, and exterior sites selected and covered
Rationale: Ubiquitous coverage is feasible, and will enhance the user experience, while fully utilizing wireless investments
Completes deployment of ConnectEd
Responding directly to user feedback
Carried forward from 2010‐2013 goals and objectives
Primarily Fredericton‐focussed
ITS strategic goals and objectives: 2013 ‐ 2014
To provide financial responsibility and resiliency we will:
Short term ‐ 2013
Install and commission an IT disaster recovery site, to reduce impact to the university in the event of a major incident in the primary data centre
DR site installed and operating
Risk mitigation and business continuity are best practices
Finish deploying VOIP system, to achieve dollar savings for all departments and units on Fredericton campus
VOIP fully deployed and savings tracked and reported
VOIP is on track to save the university more than $3 million over 10 years
Open the mobility resource centre in Head Hall, to assist faculty and staff members select, acquire, configure, and learn about mobile devices
Mobility resource centre open and resourced to respond to user needs
This centre will reduce costs by ensuring faculty and staff select the right device for the right purpose‐‐no more guessing
Develop and publish the ITS Service Catalog, specifying deliverables, setting user expectations, and describing issue resolution protocols
ITS Service Catalog published
This is a widely recognized IT best practice, ultimately ensuring the IT operation is efficient, transparent, and cost‐effective
Share Ricoh printer analysis results with departments and units, allowing them to take advantage of efficiency and optimization recommendations to save money
Ricoh printer analysis shared with deparments and units
Departments can make their own decisions on deploying printers; the Ricoh analysis shows how to save significant resources
Build on the work done to prepare the Service Catalog, by collecting data that will lead to improved user experience
Measure and report user experience results according to deliverables specified in the Service Catalog
By implementing specific, measureable targets, ITS will improve its overall performance and user satisfaction
7 Develop and test an IT disaster recovery plan
DR plan developed and tested
The DR plan is the final step in preparations to ensure risk mitigation and continuity in the event of a serious incident
8 Renovate the primary data centre, to ensure reliability and to extend facility useful life by 10 years
Data centre renovated and fully operational
The data centre is an essential facility that must be maintained appropriately for normal university operations
Mid term ‐ 9 Define the Enterprise Architecture, to provide context for technology planning 2014
Enterprise architecture defined
This industry best practice ensures coherent technology selection, deployment, analysis, and usability
10 Incorporate Balanced ScoreCard methodology into ITS planning and quality assurance processes; the 4 BSC dimensions include Financial, Customer, Internal, and Learning and Growth
BSC methodology incorporated into ITS planning and QA, with regular reports categorized by BSC dimension
BSC ensures that initiatives align with major objectives, which in turn align with strategy
11 Design and deploy a data warehouse, to allow business functions to easily and independently use enterprise data for discovery and analysis
Data warehouse deployed, along with applications and middleware to allow business users to interact with it effectively
Accessible and usable data is required for organization decision‐making, understanding trends, and forecasting results
12 Develop and deploy asset management strategies and processes to ensure appropriate management of university‐owned computers and mobile devices
Microsoft SCCM used to track and manage university‐owned assets
Asset management will reduce overall costs by ensuring inventories are up‐to‐date, and less effort is needed to manage assets
Based on Dell assessment recommendations
Responding directly to user feedback
Carried forward from 2010‐2013 goals and objectives
Primarily Fredericton‐focussed
ITS strategic goals and objectives: 2013 ‐ 2014
To help build a better university we wi
Short term ‐ 2013
1 Design and launch an online security awareness course for use by all students, staff and faculty
Security course launched and in use by students, staff and faculty
The impact of phishing, malware, data breaches, etc. on productivity and resource allocation will be reduced
2 Deploy Sharepoint platform for building university communities, file and calendar sharing, and document management
Sharepoint deployed and in production
Sharepoint will become a key application for university‐wide collaboration and will enhance efficiency
3 Deploy Lync product from Microsoft to provide enhanced communication capabilities through Exchange, VOIP, and video
Lync deployed and integrated with Exchange and VOIP services
Lync will directly improve integration and convergence of ConnectEd and VOIP technologies
4 Begin installing door access systems that use new card system, to provide highly customizable access control wherever needed
New electronic door access systems installed, using central application
Centralized, standardized door access systems will make the university a safer place while reducing overalldoor access costs
5 Share internal expertise and specialized knowledge across the enterprise through workshops, tutorials, and by example
Workshops, tutorials, consultations, tickets tracked and reported
ITS is a leader in developing, proving, and deploying new methodologies like project management and process improvement
6 Review portal platform to begin planning for the next portal version
Portal reviewed and roadmap defined, including new recommendations
Portal technology changes rapidly, and ITS intends to keep up, ensuring UNB has the best tools possible
Mid term ‐ 7 Design and deploy a comprehensive IT security website, complete with IT security policies and best practices
Security website designed and in production
Better security and security awareness mean that everyone can focus on their own priorities and productivity
8 Enhance and expand current performance management processes by incorporating formal training plans as necessary
Formal training plans incorporated into performance management processes
ITS is an organization that supports and encourages its staff to grow and learn on the job
Based on Dell assessment recommendations
Completes deployment of ConnectEd
Primarily Fredericton‐focussed
ITS strategic goals and objectives: 2013 ‐ 2014
To help build a better province we will
1 Participate in strategic planning with ECN partners, basing discussions on individual and consortial Dell assessment results
ECN strategic plan finalized
Short term Rationale: The ECN has worked well for over 40 years, and is ready to increase and enhance collaboration
‐ 2013
2 Particpate in joint initiatives with ECN partners, as defined in the strategic plan
Participation documented in various reports, e.g. ECN annual report
Rationale: ECN members will collectively benefit from continued collaboration, while fully utilizing shrinking resources
Mid term ‐ 3 Evaluate feasibility of offering space in renovated UNB primary data centre to ECN partners for disaster recovery and/or backup
Needs assessment conducted among ECN partners, mapping requirements to space availability
Rationale: The ECN consortium is investing $150,000 in the data centre project; it is a key project for consortial sustainability
The Dell assessments are financed by an ECN strategic investment