LUCIFER@ Solenoid valves for fluid contral =~~ Quality has now become the essential condition für the survival of a corporation. You know it. We know it. Your future depends on offering your customers ever more efficient, more reliable products. To do that, you have to be able to rely on first rate suppliers who share your vision of the future and are capable of understanding your needs. In order to better meet your demands and to ensure that we can otter you full guarantees of reliability, we have perfected a total quality program. At the same time, we are pursuing a strategy of innovating both our processes and functions and the safety aspect. In this way, we are already able to meet your needs and fhe ever tougher competition that our customers have to face means that they must constantly seek more efficient ways of designing and manufacturing their products. ;/'Jebecome involved in their jevelopment process as early as oossible because we want to help them find the best solution. fhat is why, für many years now, we have become Dur customers' partners. demandsfür the future. ~ Dur range of products has been developed by listening attentively to their needs and demands. At the same time, one of Dur strang points is that we develop specific solutions, worked out together with Dur customers and suppliers. Our quality standards permit us to meet the most stringent demands - The functional construction of DUr solenoidvalvesis such that eitherDC or AC coils can be usedwith the same basicvalve. The fact that the electricalcomponentscan be interchangedfacilitatesstock reduction. Parker Lucifer aims constantly to improve its products and services, backed by the methodological support of the Parker Group The modular design of all the solenoidvalvesin Durrangemakesfor almostunlimited flexibility. The manyvariants on the valveitself and the possible combinationof valve and electricalpart otter Durcustomersa considerable advantage. Fluid flow through the solenoidvalvesis optimized. Hencethe flow rates are very high for the nominalpipe diameter. Advanced manufacturing (laserwelding) and assembly techniquesprovide addedvalvelife and performance. By concentrating on this partnership we otter each of our customers aspect, the best solution tor its specific problem. Most of the pneumatic solenoid valves and many othersarefitted with a low-wattage power unit (1-2.5W) which resultsin considerableenergysavingsand allowstor pertectadaptationto modernelectronic control tAchnimlA~ A range 01 products thaI can be integrated into all areas 01 industry. 2-way solenoid valves for fluid transfer. Multi-purpose applicationswith dry or lubricatedair, gasesand neutral liquids.Specificrangesfür use with water, hot water/steam,oils (fueloil burners)and corrosivefluids. Parker Lucifer benefits from the rich and diversified technological experience of the Parker Group and is therefore in the vanguard 01 innovation. 3 and 4-way solenoid valves tor pneumatic applications. Usedmainlytor their reliability in controllingsingle or double-actingcylinder. Solenoid valves tor controlling pneumatic actuators. Especially designedto be directlyfitted to pipes or NAMURinterfaces. The electrical components meet the European CENELEC standards. Thereforethey coverall -the safetyregulations that haveto be met for use in dangerous environments. - - Integrated electronic controlled electropneumatic pressure regulators tor applicationson welding,paintingand other such robotswhereverinstantairpressureregulationis required. Gur customers can avail themselves of the skills and knowhow of the entire Parker Group. We have the very latest communications network whereby we can rapidly exchange unlimited amounts of know-how and information. That means that we are always very Glose to Dur customers. With Dur world-wide communications network, we are able, through time and space, virtually instantaneously to provide them with the information they need. We know what your customers want and we also know that one of the reasons für your success is your ability to react rapidly. Just-in-time is the key. For that, you can rely on us to help. We will facilitate your access to information and give you our technical support für as lang as you need it. Wherever you may be in the world, we will help you become more competitive and expand your market presence. As Gur markets opened up to encompass the whole world, we set up a highly efficient communications network over wh ich Gur information and know-how freely circulates. All Lucifer customers have direct access to the information they are looking for - and get an instant solution to their problems. Our customers' satisfaction is the logical result of a true partnership. Oil-drilling platforms. Gur stainless-steel solenoidvalves with non-flammable electrical componentshave beenfitted to manyof the mainvalveson the oil rigs in the NorthSea. All tuel oil burners tor domestic and industrial heating arefitted with safetysolenoid valvesto controlthe fuel feed to the injectionnozzleand tor closingthe pipe betweenthe storagetank and the burner. toffee Most - machines currently installedin restaurantsare fitted with solenoidvalves tor filling cups, -- controlling steamor automaticallyfilling the water heater. The Ariane launching pad is fitted with many solenoidvalves, especiallyin the redundantsafetv particularly tor in the of Gase interrupting -~ apower fuel tank filling failure. In the Pendolino high-speed trains the tilt of the carriages is permanently controlled by an EPPpressure Parker's Lucifer Valve Division, manufacturing fluid control solenoid valves and pressure regulators is located in CarougeGeneva, Switzerland with manufacturing sites both in Geneva and Gessate near Milan, Italy. Established für over 75 years in Geneva, we are members of the "OPI" or Office für Industrial Promotion ever sinGe it was set up in 1976. We were awarded the Credit Suisse ßank's prize für Technical and Industrial Creation in Geneva in 1991 and other prizes awarded by the same body in 1989 and 1993, all of which goes to show how deep Dur roots are in the Geneva industrial community. With the multinational structure of the Parker Group, we now have support that enables us to face the international market. To date, we are represented in over 50 countries with an established network of distributors on each industrial market available to uso =~~!:!~ Parker Lucifer is located in Geneva, Switzerland, a European communications traffic center. This situation hel ps us in and our policy of being close to our customers. Parker Lucifer SA Lucifer Valve Division 16, Ch. du Faubourg de Cruseilles CH-1227 Carouge-Geneva - Switzerland Tel. 022 3077 111 Fax 022 3077 110 Catalogue 1032/68 No~2001