Normative Multi-Agent Organizations

Normative Multi-Agent Organizations
A Programming Language and its Interpreter
Mehdi Dastani
Utrecht University
The Netherlands
Abstract. Multi-agent systems are viewed as consisting of individual
agents whose behaviors are regulated by organization artifacts. This abstract presents a programming language, which is designed to implement
norm-based organization artifacts, by means of an example and explains
the execution behavior of the language interpreter.
In order to achieve the overall objectives of multi-agent systems, the behavior
of individual agents and their interactions should be regulated/coordinated. Existing approaches advocate the use of organizational models, normative systems,
and electronic institutions to regulate the agents’ behaviors and interactions [3,
4, 6]. Norm-based artifacts regulate the behavior of individual agents in terms
of norms being enforced by monitoring, regimenting and sanctioning mechanisms. Generally speaking, the social and normative perspective is conceived as
a way to make the development and maintenance of multi-agent systems easier
to manage, e.g., OperA [2], AMELI [3], and Moise+ [5].
A declarative programming language to implement norm-based organization
artifacts is presented in [1]. It provides programming constructs to specify 1)
the initial state of an artifact, 2) the effects of the agents’ actions that can
be monitored by the artifact, and 3) the applicable norms and sanctions1 . The
interpreter of the programming language is based on a cyclic process. At each
cycle, the observable actions of the individual agents are monitored, the effects
of the actions are determined, and norms and sanction are imposed if necessary.
Below we give a brief presentation of the programming language by means of a
simple example, discuss the data types for specifying norms and sanctions, and
finally describe the execution behavior of the built interpreter.
The (initial) state of a normative organization artifact is constituted by two
disjoint sets of facts: brute and institutional facts. Brute facts specify the brute
state of the artifact (e.g., “John has submitted a paper with 18 pages.”), which
may for example be the state of the environment shared by the agents. Institutional facts specify the normative state of the artifact (e.g., “John’s submission
violates the 15 page limit.”). The brute facts are initially set by the programmer
by means of a Prolog program. As a consequence of an agent’s action, the atomic
The individual agents are assumed to be implemented in a programming language,
not necessarily known to the artifact programmer. However, it is required that the
observable actions of the agents can be monitored by the artifact.
brute facts can change during the artifact’s execution. The institutional facts are
only created and modified during the artifact execution since no initial institutional facts can be specified. They are created and modified based on the (brute
and normative) state of the artifact and the applicable norms. The effect of an
agent’s observable action is specified by means of a pre- and a post-condition,
each considered as a set of brute literals (positive or negative brute facts). A
precondition is evaluated with respect to the brute state of the artifact and the
postcondition is used to update the brute state of the artifact. Norms are represented by counts-as rules [4], which ascribe “institutional facts” to “brute facts”.
For example, in a paper submission system, a counts-as rule may express the
norm “a submission with more than 15 pages counts-as a violation”. Institutional facts are used with the explicit aim of triggering system’s reactions (e.g.,
sanctions). Sanctions are implemented as rules too, but follow the opposite direction of counts-as rules. A sanction rule determines which brute facts will be
brought about by the system as a consequence of the institutional facts. Typically, changing the brute state of an artifact (e.g., an agent’s environment) by
adding brute facts to it corresponds to imposing sanctions (e.g., issuing fines).
The example in Figure 1 illustrates the implementation of a small part of a paper submission system. The initial brute facts represent the facts that virginia
is one of the workshop chairs and that there are four registered authors. The rest
of the facts declare the lists of submitted papers and the reviewers that are assigned to papers (both lists are initially empty). We also have some background
knowledge, represented by Prolog rules, used to determine if the assignment of
papers to reviewers are conflicting (e.g., if an author should review its own paper). The declaration of the initial brute facts is followed by the specification of
two actions to monitor: uploadPaper and assignReviewers. The execution of
the first action adds a paper to the list of submitted papers, and the execution of
the second assigns one reviewer to each paper. The first action is assumed to be
performed by an author and the second by the chair. Action specifications are
followed by counts-as and sanction rules. The first counts-as rule states that a
submitted paper with more than 15 pages is a violation and the second rule indicates that conflicting assignments should be regimented. The special atom viol
indicates a regimented state that cannot be reached. A counts-as rule with viol
in its consequent means therefore that a state satisfying its antecedent should
be avoided. This is done by not realizing the effect of the observed action and
thereby preventing the application of the counts-as rule. Finally, the sanction
rule indicates that a page limit violation should be sanctioned by issuing a fine
of 25 euro.
The execution of this artifact program monitors possible actions performed
by either a registered author or the workshop chair. In particular, performing the action uploadPaper(john, p1, 18) by the author john adds paper p1
to the list of the received submissions (initially empty) resulting in the brute
fact submittedPapers([ [john,p1,18] ]). The result is evaluated with respect to the counts-as rules causing the generation of the page limit violation
and adding viol pageLimit(john) to the normative state of the artifact. Fi-
registeredAuthors([john, mary, eva, peter]).
conflict([(A, Id, Pages)|T], Rs, [A|R]):- member((A, Id), Rs), conflict(T,Rs,R).
conflict([(A, Id, Pages)|T], Rs, B):- conflict(T, Rs, B).
{ submittedPapers(Rs), registeredAuthors(As), member(A,As) }
uploadPaper(A, Id, Pages)
{ not submittedPapers(Rs), submittedPapers([(A,Id,Pages)|Rs]) }
{ workshopChair(A), reviewersPapers(OldPRs) }
{ not reviewersPapers(OldPRs), reviewersPapers(PRs) }
Counts-as rules:
submittedPapers(As) and member((A,Id,Pages), As) and Pages > 15
=> viol_pageLimit(A).
submittedPapers(Rs) and reviewersPapers(Res) and conflict(Rs, Res, X) and not empty(X) => viol.
Sanction rules:
=> fined(A,25).
Fig. 1. An example of norm-based organization artifact program.
nally, the interpreter evaluates the normative state of the artifact with respect
to the sanction rule adding the brute fact fined(john,25) to the brute state of
the artifact. This brute fact indicates that a fine of 25 euro is issued for john.
Suppose mary and peter upload their papers as well resulting in the brute fact
submittedPapers([[peter,p3,12], [mary,p2,14], [john,p1,18]] ). Also
assume that the workshop chairs decide to assign papers to reviewers by performing the action assignReviewers( virginia,[ [peter,p1], [john,p3],
[mary,p2]]), indicating that papers p1, p2, and p3 should be reviewed by peter,
mary and john, respectively. The performance of this action, however, will be
prevented since otherwise the second counts-as rule can be applied causing the
generation of the special regimentation atom viol.
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