Course Title Author Book Title Year/Edition Publisher ISBN Notes Supplies Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Please bring a check for $75 payable to SDJA. Books will be purchased from SDJA on the first day of class. Hebrew 1-3, 5H Hebrew 4 and 6H Course Title Humanities ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 Author Humanities CREECH COWLEY TWAIN SPARKNOTES WHELAN KEMPER Book Title Humanities WALK TWO MOONS DAR+THE SPEAR-THROWER ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER JULIUS CAESAR-NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE HOMELESS BIRD Write Source Skills Book Grade 6 Year/Edition Humanities 94 96 4 4 0 69 Publisher Humanities HARP PUB HM B+N PUB SPARKNOTES HARP PUB HARP PUB ISBN Humanities 0064405176 039579725X 1593080689 1586638475 0064408191 ENGLISH 6 KEMPER Write SOURCE Grade 6 5 HM HS 9780669006308 HISTORY 6 HISTORY 6 ENGLISH 7 FREY FREY HINTON HISTORY ALIVE!:ANCIENT WORLD-NOTEBOOK HISTORY ALIVE!:ANCIENT WORLD THE OUTSIDERS 4 4 PLATINUM (2006) TEACH CURR TEACH CURR SPEAK 1583713581 1583713514 ENGLISH 7 LOWRY THE GIVER REP MTI EDITION (2014) HMH 0544336267 ENGLISH 7 SPINELLI MILKWEED 1 REPRINT (2010) EMBER 0375861475 Please bring a check for $60 payable to SDJA. Books will be purchased from SDJA on the first day of class. Notes Humanities 9780547484587 MUST BE NEW Please make sure the cover does NOT have "Design your own cover" on the front. Double check the ISBN # please! USED OKAY FREY HISTORY ALIVE!:MEDIEVAL...-NOTEBOOK 4 TEACH CURR 1583713824 HISTORY 7 FREY HISTORY ALIVE!:MEDIEVAL WORLD... 4 TEACH CURR 158371376X USED OKAY ENGLISH 8 LEE TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 60 Grand Central Publishing 0446310786 ENGLISH 8 ALEXIE THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIAN 2007 LITTLE, BROWN 0316013692 ENGLISH 8 GOLDING LORD OF THE FLIES 54 PENG USA 0399501487 JS 6 - Torah Marble composition book, pencils, paper, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks Marble composition book, pencils, pens, colored pens for editing, sticky notes, highlighter, scissors, glue stick, binder, notebook paper without the plastic reinforced margin HISTORY 7 DAVIDSON Author Judaic Studies Paper, pencil, pen, highlighter, marbled composition book 014240733X MUST BE NEW Please make sure the cover does NOT have "Design your own cover" on the front. Double check the ISBN # please! HISTORY 8 Course Title Judaic Studies 1” Binder with lined paper and 5 dividers, pencils, 2 Highlighters, Flash cards 1” Binder with lined paper and 5 dividers, pencils, 2 Highlighters, Flash cards AMERICAN NATION Book Title Judaic Studies 9TH 05 Year/Edition Judaic Studies PH SCHOOL Publisher Judaic Studies 0131817159 ISBN Judaic Studies Tanakh 2nd edition JPS 0-8276-0697-4 Please purchase this edition so we are all on the same page. Marble composition book, pencils, paper, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks Binder, tabbed dividers, notebook paper (without plastic reinforced holes, please—need to write in margin), pencil, colored pen for editing, highlighter, sticky notes, glue stick, marbled composition book PLEASE PURCHASE THIS EDITION SO WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE. USED OKAY Notes Judaic Studies Marble composition book, binder, highlighter, paper, pencil and pens. Supplies Judaic Studies Binder, loose leaf paper, pencils/pens Pens, pencils, three subject spiral notebook, pack of 10 colored pencils, pack of 10 thin colored markers 3-ring binder (1 1/2" or 2"), headphones, loose leaf paper, pens/pencils JS 7 - Values/Holidays Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed 2001 Holt 978-0312626686 JS 8 - Mishnah Course Title Mathematics Hillel Gamoran Author Mathematics Jewish Law Review Volume 2 Book Title Mathematics Any Year/Edition Mathematics Torah Aura Publisher Mathematics 0-933873-64-6 ISBN Mathematics Notes Mathematics MATH 6 Marshal Cavendish Math in Focus: Singapore Math Set Course 1 (Volumes A and B) 2012 HMH 9780547618098 Includes two textbooks: Vol. A and Vol. B. MATH 6 HONORS Marshal Cavendish Math in Focus: Singapore Math Set Course 1 (Volumes A and B) 2012 HMH 9780547618098 Includes two textbooks: Vol.A and Vol. B. Supplies Mathematics Teacher will provide supply list first day of class. Teacher will provide supply list first day of class. MATH 7 MATH 7 HONORS MATH 8 ALGEBRA I HONORS Burger, Dixon, Kanold, Go Math! CA Student Resource Package 1 year access Grade 7 (includes Larson, Leinwand, etc. Personal Math Trainer) Burger, Dixon, Kanold, Go Math! CA Student Resource Package 1 year access Accelerated 7 Larson, Leinwand, etc. (includes Personal Math Trainer) Burger, Dixon, Kanold, Go Math! CA Student Resource Package 1 year access Grade 8 (includes Larson, Leinwand, etc. Personal Math Trainer) Burger, Dixon, Kanold, CA Algebra 1: Analyze, Connect, Explore (interactive worktext 1 - year Larson, Leinwand, etc. print/digital subscription) Kanold, Burger, Dixon, Geometry (California version) GEOMETRY HONORS Larson, Leinwand Course Title Author Book Title Science Science Science 2015 2015 2015 2015 HMH Includes online access and worktext. Course materials can be purchased through: Books available for purchase on July 10 and MUST BE PURCHASED BETWEEN JULY 10 AND JULY 30. Student materials will be shipped to the school and will be distributed on first day of class. Includes online access and worktext. Course materials can be purchased through: Books available for purchase on July 10 and MUST BE PURCHASED BETWEEN JULY 10 AND JULY 30. Student materials will be shipped to the school and will be distributed on first day of class. Includes online access and worktext. Course materials can be purchased through: Books available for purchase on July 10 and MUST BE PURCHASED BETWEEN JULY 10 AND JULY 30. Student materials will be shipped to the school and will be distributed on first day of class. HMH Includes online access and worktext. Course materials can be purchased through: Books available for purchase on July 10 and MUST BE PURCHASED BETWEEN JULY 10 AND JULY 30. Student materials will be shipped to the school and will be distributed on first day of class. HMH HMH 2015 Year/Edition Science HMH Publisher Science ISBN Science Year/Edition Spanish Publisher Spanish ISBN Spanish SCIENCE 6 SCIENCE 7 SCIENCE 8 Course Title Spanish SPANISH 1 Author Spanish Book Title Spanish Includes online access and worktext. Course materials can be purchased through: Books available for purchase on July 10 and MUST BE PURCHASED BETWEEN JULY 10 AND JULY 30. Student materials will be shipped to the school and will be distributed on first day of class. Notes Science Please bring a check for $12 payable to SDJA. Books will be purchased from SDJA on the first day of class. Please bring a check for $12 payable to SDJA. Books will be purchased from SDJA on the first day of class. Please bring a check for $12 payable to SDJA. Books will be purchased from SDJA on the first day of class. Notes Spanish Please bring a check for $X payable to SDJA. Books will be purchased from SDJA on the first day of class. Teacher will provide supply list first day of class. Teacher will provide supply list first day of class. Teacher will provide supply list first day of class. TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator; Teacher will provide supply list first day of class. Binder with divider tabs, lined paper, graph paper, pencils, pens, highlighters, TI-84 C+ or CE graphing calculator, protractor, compass with plastic tip Supplies Science Supplies Spanish