Eitan Shamir- CV Contacts DepDepartment of Political Studies, Bar Ilan University TheBegin Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University,Ramat Gan, 52900 Israel Mobile Phone : 972 (0)50-6932-555 Tel: +972-3-531-8959 Fax: +972-3-535-9195 Current Positions Lecturer (tenure track), Department of Political Studies, Bar Ilan University, (October 2012-Present). Senior Researcher, BESA Centre for Strategic Studies, (May 2010 –Present). Education ● Post Doctorate, Kreitman Fellow, University of Ben Gurion, Government and Politics Department, 2011- 2012. Kreitman Foundation Post Doc Fellowship (2011-2012), Ben Gurion University. ● Ph.D, King's College London, University of London, War Studies Department, 2009 Thesis title: Mission Command and Military Culture: A Case of Adoption and Adaptation ● ● Master in Organizational Behavior, Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Management, Provo, Utah, USA, 1992. B.A, Political Science and Sociology, Tel Aviv University, Israel Grants and Fellowships ● ● ● Kreitman Foundation Post Doc Fellowship (2011-2012), Ben Gurion University. BESA Center Research Grant, 2010, ($7000). Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Neubauer Research Fellowships, 2008. Fellowship declined from personal reasons. 1 Eitan Shamir- CV ● ● ● ● ● University of London Central Research Fund Travel Grant ,2006,($ 1000) King's College School for Public Policy Research Travel Grant 2006, ($1000) Kenneth Lindsay Scholarship Grant, 2005, ($1500) King’s College War Studies Student Small Research Fund 2004-05, ($1500) Marriott School Scholarship for International Students, Brigham Young University. Books (as author) 1. Eitan Shamir, Transforming Command: The Pursuit of Mission Command in the US, UK and Israeli Armies, (Stanford CA: Stanford University Press, 2011). Reviewed in: Armed Forces & Society, Small Wars Journals, Military Review, Journal of Military History, Australian Army Journal, H-War, Foreign Policy Internet Edition, Defense View Point. The book was endorsed by General Martin Dempsey, US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is a required reading in the US Army Staff and Command College and British High Command Course. A Hebrew translation is about to be published during 2014 by Ma’arachot - Modan . Articles in Refreed Perodicals 1. Efraim Inbar and Eitan Shamir, "Mowing the Grass: Israel’s Strategy for Protracted Intractable Conflict." Journal of Strategic Studies ahead-of-print (2014): 1-26. 2. Eitan Shamir, "From Retaliation to Open Bridges: Moshe Dayan's Evolving Approach towards the Population in Counter Insurgency", Civil Wars, Vol. 14 No. 1, (March 2012), pp. 63-79. 3. Eitan Shamir, "Israel’s Future Wars: Universal Lessons of a Peculiar Case", Strategic Insights, Vol. 10 Issue 3, (October 2011), pp. 164 -171. 4. Eitan,Shamir, "Coping with Non State Rivals", Infinity Journal, Issue 1 No. 2, (Spring 2011), pp. 8-11. 2 Eitan Shamir- CV 5. Uzi Ben Shalom and Eitan Shamir, "Mission Command between Theory and Practice: The IDF Case", Defense & Security Analysis, Vol. 27, No.2, (June 2011), pp.119-134. 6. Eitan,Shamir, "The Long and Winding Road: The US Army Managerial Approach to Command and the Adoption of Auftragstaktik (Mission Command)", Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 33, No. 5, (October 2010), 647-674,. Chapters in Books 1. Eitan Shamir, " A Very Sharp Eye: Moshe Dayan’s Counterinsurgency Legacy in Israel", Andrew Mumford and Bruno C. Reis (eds.) The Theory and Practice of Counter-Insurgency: WarriorScholarship in Irregular Warfare (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013). 2. Eitan Shamir, "Peace Support Operations and the “Strategic Corporal": Implications for Military Organization and Culture", In Kobi Michael, Eyal Ben-Ari and David Kellen (Eds.), The Transformation of the World of Warfare and Peace Support Operations, (West Port, CT: Praeger Security International, 2008). 3. Chris Schilling and Eitan Shamir ,"Cognitive Aspects of Business Innovation", , In I. Linkov, E. A. Ferguson and V. S. Magar (eds), Real Time Deliberative Decision Making, (Netherlands: Springer, 2008). 4. Sergio Catignani and Eitan Shamir," Mission Command and Bitsuisem in the Israeli Defence Forces: Complementary or Contradictory in Today’s Counter-Insurgency Campaign?"’, in Allister MacIntyre & Karen Davis (eds.), Dimensions of Military Leadership (Kingston, ON: Canadian Defense Academy Press, 2007) pp. 185- 217. 3 Eitan Shamir- CV Non Refereed Articles 1. Eitan Shamir and Eado Hecht, “Neglect of IDF Ground Forces: A Risk to Israel’s Security”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 225, December 4, 2013. 2. Eitan Shamir,"Coping with Non State Violent Actors", in Meytal Eran- Yona (ed,) Military Operations in Civilian Environments: Sociological and Psychological Perspectives, (IDF Behavioral Sciences Center, 2013), 100-106. [Heb.]. 3. Eitan Shamir, “Operation Pillar of Defense: An Initial Strategic and Military Assessment”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 189, December 4, 2012. 4. Eitan Shamir ,"Women in Combat Units: Trends in Western Militaries", BESA Center, BESA Colloquia on Strategy and Diplomacy, No. 26, June 2011. 5. Eitan Shamir, "Between Blitzkrieg and Operational Art", Ma’archot, No. 436 [Heb.]. 6. Meir Finakel and Eitan Shamir, "Learning from Foreign Militaries? Who Should the IDF learn from?" Ma’archot, No. 433 (October,2010 ) [Heb.]. 7. Eitan Shamir & Uzi ben Shalom ,”Whether Mission Command?” With Dr. Uzi en Shalom, Ma'arachot, No. 418, (April, 2008), [Heb.] The article Won the Chief of Staff Award for Military Writing. International Conference Papers and Invited Lectures 1. The Future of IDF Ground Forces, in The IDF Force Structure, Conference, BESA Center, December 2013. 2. Civil Military Israeli Association Foundation Conference, Kinneret College, December 2013: a. Coping with Non State Rival, Chair Dr. Eran Mytal Yona, in panel “Employing Military Force in Civilian Environment”. b. The Americanization of the IDF, Chair Prof. Yoram Peri, in panel “The IDF in American Uniform”. c. Visions of Future War in the US Military and Institutional Theory, Chair Dr. Uzi Ben Shalom in panel “The Future of Combat and the Role of Man”. 3. How to Improve Mission Command, Presentation to Maneuver Captains Career Course by invitation of Major General MacMaster, Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE), Fort Benning, Georgia, October 2013. 4 Eitan Shamir- CV 4. Panel Discussant, Chair Yagil Levy, “Recent Trends in Civil-Military Relations: A View from Israel”, At the 49th Anniversary Biennial International Conference of the Inter University Conference Seminar (IUS), Armed Forces and Society, October 2013, Chicago. 5. The IDF Future Doctrinal Development, BESA Center’s 20 Years Anniversary Conference, 2020 Vision: Israel’s Peril’s and Prospects, October 2013. 6. Civil Military Israeli Association Foundation Conference in Kinneret College, December 2011: a. National Way of War and Strategic Culture Comparative Perspective Chair Prof. Gabi Scheffer, in “Existential Threats and Civil Military Relations in Israel”. b. Chair, Round Table on the “Future of Israeli Military Academy”, panel included, Stuart Cohen, Arnon Sofer and Uzi Ben Shalom. 7. Strategic Culture and National Way of War: The Israeli Case, Presented at the ISSS/ISAC Annual Conference 2012, Hosted by TISS, Chappell Hill , NC, October 2012, in the “Grand Strategy and Strategic Culture” panel. 8. Better be Feared of Better be Loved, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Diego CA, In “The Informationalisation of Security Panel”, April , 2012. 9. Coping with Non State Rivals and the COIN Debate, in COIN, Past, Present Future Conference, BESA Center, February 2012. Chairing a panel on: Counterinsurgency: A Comparative View at the same conference. 10. Panel chair, The Military Profession and its Ethos: A Contemporary Assessment, with Eliott Cohen, Christopher Coker,and Cindy Jebb, Academies and the Military Profession: Israel in Comparative Perspective, BESA Center, in cooperation with the IDF Tactical Command College September , 2011 11. Israel’s Future Wars: Universal Lessons of a Peculiar Case, The Future of Warfare Seminar, Sponsored by the Navy Post-Graduate School in Monterey and the National Intelligence Council (NIC), May 2011, Monterey, CA. 12. The Americanization Process of the IDF, Presented at the Israeli Association for Political Science, University of Ben Gurion, May 2011. 13. When a Big Mac did become better than a Falafel: The Americanization Process of the IDF, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal March 2011 as part of 'The Strategic Consequences of Military Diffusion' panel. Chair - Pascal Vennesson, Discussant - Thomas Mahnken. 5 Eitan Shamir- CV 14. Women in Combat Units – Trends in Western Militaries, paper presented at the Women and Israeli National Security, BESA Center with the Center for International Communication, Bar Ilan University, November, 2010. 15. A very Sharp Eye: Moshe Dayan's Patterns of Learning on Counterinsurgency paper presented in Warrior-Scholars: Connecting Theory and Practice of Counter-Insurgency, Sponsored by IPRI/Oriente Foundation, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Working Seminar,, July 2010. 16. Command and Control and the Unresolved Tension between Centralization and Decentralization, in the Command and Control Conference Ground Forces Command IDF, June, 2010. 17. The Impact of the National Way of War and its Impact on Command and Control, Presented at the IDF Staff and Command College Conference, May 2010. 18. Mission Command or Mission Impossible, Unified Quest 2010, the US Army Title 10 Future Warfare Study, Leader Development Seminar, Virginia US, March 2010. 19. The Rise and Fall of the German Auftragstaktik in World War Two, Conference Commemorating Seventy Years for World War Two, Bar Ilan University , November 2009. 20. Mission Command in the IDF, Reality or Illusion? Leadership in the IDF Conference in Memory of Major Eitan Balachsan, Tel Hai College, June 2008. 21. Linking Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis with Military & Corporate Decision-making Processes, With Dr. Igor Linikov, 12th International C2 Research and Technology Symposium, NY, June 2007. 22. Support Operations and the “Strategic Corporal": Implications for Military Organization and Culture, Proceedings of "Military Transformations and Peace Support Operations: Current Experience, Future Developments and Possible Implications for the Israeli Palestinian Conflict" June 2007 Jerusalem , sponsored by the Swiss Center for Conflict Research, the Konrad-AdenauerStiftung and the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. 23. The Principles of Management in Volatile Environments- with Dr. Hanan Shai, in "Risk Uncertainty and Decision Analysis for Environmental Security", NATO Advanced Research Workshop, April 2007, Lisbon Portugal. 24. The Challenges of Mission Command in LIC Environment, ‘War and the Mind’ IDF International Psychology Conference, October 2006, Israel. 25. Mission Command and Bitsuism in the Israeli Defence Forces: Complementary or Contradictory in Today’s Counter-Insurgency Campaign? At the 45th Anniversary Biennial International 6 Eitan Shamir- CV Conference of the Inter University Conference Seminar (IUS), Armed Forces and Society, October 2005, Chicago. International Conference Organization “COIN, Past, Present Future”, Sponsored by the Anglo – Israeli Fund and BESA center, BESA Center February 23 2012. Teaching ● ● History of Wars, Bar Ilan University, Bar Ilan University 2013 -2014. Reforms in Military and Public Organizations, Bar Ilan University, 2012 -2014. Change and Transformation in Organizations, Bar Ilan University, 2012 -2014. Strategic Culture and National way of War: Comparative View, Ben Gurion University, Politics and Government, 2011-2012. Issues in Modern Command, for graduate level students, Security Studies Program, Tel Aviv University, 2010-2011. Strategic Planning, The Interdisciplinary College, Hertzelia, 2010-2011 Military Command and Leadership, Bar Ilan University, Junior Command Program, 2010-2011. Command and Leadership – IDF Behavioral College, 2010. International Briefings and Presentations by Invitation RAND Corporation, US Military Academy (West Point), US Navy Postgraduate School, Swedish Defense Academy, US Army TRADOC, US Army Mission Command Center of Excellence, US Navy War College, Maneuver Captains Career Course, Fort Benning GA, US Army. Journal Articles and Book Manuscripts Referee Routledge, Military Strategic and Security Studies Series ● Palgrave Macmillan ● Journal of Strategic Studies ● Journal of Regulation & Governance ● Vallentine Mitchell Press, England ● 7 Eitan Shamir- CV ● Foreign Policy Analysis Memberships in Professional Association International: ISA, IUS, RUSI, Association of Military History. Israel: Political Science Association, Civil Military Association Professional History Head of National Security Doctrine, Office of Strategic Affairs (March 2011-October 2012). Senior Research Fellow, Dado Canter for Interdisciplinary Military Studies, IDF (May 2009 – March 2011). ● Conducted research on IDF strategic and operational environment ● Developed and facilitate seminars with foreign militaries and relevant institutions ● Lectured at the IDF Operational Art course, Staff and Command and Junior Command Colleges. ● Facilitated war games at Staff and Command College Academic Instructor, Center for Military Studies, IDF Staff & Command College, Israel (October 2007 – May 2009). Provided academic support to the program. Facilitated and teaches teams of cadets on military theory and military history. Developed course materials for the staff college. Independent Management Consultant and Researcher, USA, London, Brussels and Israel, (2004 - 2008) Engaged in various consulting and research projects on diverse subjects, most work was primarily for: Wal Mart Corporate Headquarters on the subject of reforms and leadership. Pfizer's World Wide Business Innovation Unit (BIU) in the area of management innovation, change, and leadership. Frost & Sullivan, London Office, Aerospace & Defense Group, Conducted work in the area of Defense Analysis. Media Analyst, Embassy of Israel, London (2002-2003) ● During PhD first year worked under Ambassador Dr. Zvi Shtauber. ● Covered the British press. 8 Eitan Shamir- CV Senior Manager, KPMG Consulting, Change Solutions Group, McLean VA, USA and Tel Aviv Israel (1999-2002) ● Led large and complex change and transformations projects for one of the leading consulting firms in the world for various multi national client corporations in Israel and the USA. ● Managed teams of consultants, budget and client relationships working vis a vis director levels. ● Worked in the firm's offices in Tel Aviv and was later relocated to its US headquarters, ● Established and led the firms practice in Teal Aviv in the area of Strategic Change. Senior Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Tel Aviv, Israel (1996- 1999). ● Designed and executed a major survey of human resources best practices in the Israeli high tech sector. ● Participated and led different change programs in diverse types of organizations. ● Represented the firm in a merger process with the European practice. Consultant, Tel Aviv - Israel (1993 – 1996). ● Conducted management training and seminars. Teaching and Research Assistant, Brigham Young University, Marriott Business School USA, 19911992. ● Taught introduction courses to Organizational Behavior. ● Assisted in Organizational Research. Military Service Army Reserve: An Armored Division Organizational Psychologists 1995-2001. ● Army Service: IDF Nachal Infantry and Paratroops Brigades 1983-1986. ● 9