Egg and Water Density

Egg and Water Density
Things You’ll Need:
Clear jar or container
Doing the Experiment:
This experiment will help you to determine the answer to the question, “Which
is more dense, salt water or tap water?” Before you make a hypothesis, gather a
little bit of information on what “density” is and what it means. Once you figure
out what it is, take a second to write down some of what you learned and which
kind of water you think will be more dense (your hypothesis).
Once you’ve made your hypothesis, it’s time to start performing the experiment.
Fill a clear jar or container with regular tap water and gently lower the egg into
the water. On the recording sheet, write down what happened to the egg.
Then take the egg out of the water and stir enough salt into the water to make it
cloudy (the amount of salt will depend on the size of your container). After the
salt has dissolved into the water, take the egg and gently place it into the salty
water. Record what happens to the egg in the salty water, and determine if your
findings matched your hypothesis!
You can take this experiment one step further by leaving the container about
half full of the salty water and VERY SLOWLY trickling tap water onto a spoon
positioned just above the salt water until the container is nearly full. Then
gently place the egg into the container again and record what happens this
time. Do the results from this final experiment reinforce your findings from the
previous tests?
At the bottom of your recording sheet, circle the density statement that is true…
and don’t forget to repeat the experiment to make sure you have the correct
To watch a video of this experiment, go to:
Egg and Water Density
About Density:
Egg in Tap Water
Egg in Salt Water
Egg in Salt and Tap Water
Don’t forget to repeat the experiment!