On structures of certain -we11-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems of first order L^{2} By Toshio OHKUBO and Taira SHIROTA \S 1. Introduction and results. Let P be an -strictly hyperbolic 2m\cross 2m -system of differential opera-cylinder . Let B be an tors of first order defined over a m\cross 2m -system of functions defined on the boundary . We of consider the following mixed problem: x_{0} C^{\infty} R^{1}\cross\Omega\subset R^{n+1} R^{1}\cross\Omega \Gamma u(x)=f(x) B(x)u(x)=g(x) u(x)=h(x) p\{x, D) (P, B) where x=(x_{0}, x_{1}, \cdots, .x_{n}) , x\in R^{1}\cross\Omega (x_{0}>0) , x\in\Gamma (x_{0}>0) , x\in R^{1}\cross\Omega (x_{0}=O) , D_{j}=-^{1} \frac{\partial}{\partial x_{j}}=\frac{1}{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{j}}\sqrt{-1} and D=(D_{0}, \cdots, D_{n}) . We consider -well-posedness of (P, B) in the follwing sense: DEFINITION 1. 1. The problem (P, B) is said to be -well-posed if there exist positive constants C, T such that for every f\in H_{1}((-\infty, T)\cross\Omega) with f=0(x_{0}<0) , g=0 and h=O , there exists a unique solution u\in H_{1}((-\infty, T) with u=O(x_{0}<0) which satisfifies the inequality: L^{2} L^{2} \cross\Omega) \int_{0}^{T}||u||_{0}^{2} , \Omega dt\leqq C\int_{0}^{T}||f||_{0,12}^{2} dt, where H_{k}(G) is the Sobolev space with its norm . , G . The aim of the present article is, under somewhat strong but general restriction on the operator P, to describe, in terms of the cotangent space , the relations among the coefficients of boundary operator of problem (P, B) . These relations are useful for the B for investigation of the propagation of singularities of solutions for our pr0blems. For example they determine whether there exist lateral waves or not. Applying the relations we prove the existance of the solution of our problem. But in contrast with the recent development of the Cauchy pr0blems, we must essentially use the energy estimate, because of the existance of glancing rays with the associated non-vanishing reflection coefficients in these cases || R^{1}\cross\partial\Omega=\Gamma L^{2}- we11-\overline{p}osed ||_{k} On structures of certain Put L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 83 respectively and let be the prinx=(x_{0}, x’, x_{n}) . cipal part of P (x, ), where By is a covector of virture of localization and certain coordinate transformations, we may restrict ourselves to the case where C_{\pm}=\{\tau\in C^{1} ; {\rm Im}<>0\} (\tau, \sigma, \lambda) \lambda \tau, \Omega P^{0}(x, \tau, \sigma, \lambda) \sigma, , =R_{+}^{n}=\{(x’, x_{n});x_{n}>0 x’\in R^{n-1}\} R^{1}\cross\Omega =R_{+}^{n+1}=\{(x_{0}, x’, x_{n});x_{n}>0 \Gamma=R^{n}=\{x’\in R^{n+1} ; x_{n}’=O\} , , n\geqq 2 , (x_{0}, x’)\in R^{n}\} , . Then our assumptions are the following: (I) The coefficients of and B are real, belong to and are constant outside some compact set of . multiplicity The of the real roots of the characteristic equation is at most double and there is at most one real double root, for every . (P, B) is normal, that is, (i) for every (x’ , , , (ii) rank B(x’)=m for every x’\in I (II) Let be the Lopatinskii determinant of (P^{0}, B) (for definition, see \S 4.) If for a point such that there are no real double roots of , it holds for small \gamma>0 that P^{0} \alpha) C^{\infty}(R^{1}\cross\overline{\Omega}) R^{1}\cross\overline{\Omega} \beta) \lambda(xd, \tau, \sigma) \det P^{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma, \lambda)=O (x’, \tau, \sigma)\in\Gamma\cross(R^{n}\backslash \langle O\}) \det P^{0}(x’, O, \sigma, \lambda)\neq O \gamma) \sigma \lambda)\in I \cross (R^{n}\backslash \{O\}) R(x’, \tau, \sigma) R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O \alpha) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \lambda \cross(R^{n}\backslash \{O\}) \det P^{0}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda)=O |R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{0})|\geq C^{\gamma}- with some constant one real simple root some neighborhood If is a real double root . Furthermore if there is at least , R(x’, \tau, \sigma) vanishes only for {\rm Im}\tau=O in C=C(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>O \lambda(xd, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) U(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\subset\Gamma\cross C^{1}\cross R^{n-1} R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O \beta) \lambda of for a point . (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \det P^{0}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda)=O \cross(R^{n}\backslash \{O\}) , for small such that there \gamma>0 \frac{1}{2} |R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{0})|\geq C with some constant . Furthermore if there is at least eal simple root , the rank of one r at the zeros of in some neighborhood is equal to co\dim of \{(x’, \sigma);R(x’, \theta(xd, \sigma), \sigma)=O\} in R^{2n-1} , where denotes a real valued function such that has only a real double root on the surface with (see Corollary 3. 1.) Here the zero set \{(x’, \sigma);R(x’, \theta(xd, \sigma), \sigma)=O\} in some is preassumed to be a regular submanifold of R^{2n- 1} . C=C(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>0 \lambda He” ss(x\sigma)R(x’, \theta(xd, \sigma), \sigma) R(x’, \theta(x’ \sigma), \sigma) U(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \theta(xd, \sigma) \in C^{\infty} P^{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma, \lambda)=O \lambda U(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \tau=\theta(xd, \sigma) \tau^{0}=\theta(xd, \sigma^{0}) T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 84 satisfying the first condition of ), if there In the point , then the reflection is at least one non-real root of whenever , is real in some coefficient II and reflection coefare real and R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq O (for definitions of ficients see \S 3 and \S 4, respectively). (Ill) Any constant coefficients problems (P, B)_{x’} resulting from freezing the coefficients at boundary points x’ are -well-posed. The main result in this article is the following MAIN THEOREM. Assume the conditions (/), (II) and (III), then the variable coeffiffifficients problem (P, B) is also -well-posed. To prove Main theorem, we use the following THEOREM 1. 1. Under the conditions (/), (II) and (III) the following , r_{k}>0 : a priori estimate holds with some constants (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \gamma) \beta \det P^{0}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda)=O \lambda b_{II}^{-} U(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{\rho}’) (x’, \tau, \sigma) \tau \lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x’, \tau, \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x’, \tau, \sigma) L^{2} L^{2} C_{k} (1. 1) || for every defifined \gamma\geq\gamma_{k} , Pu ||_{k,T}+|Bu|_{k+\frac{1}{2}} u\in H_{k,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) ,r \geq C_{k}\gamma||u||_{k,\gamma} and integer k\geq O {the norms used here are in \S 2.) Our method deriving Main theorem is applicable to the case where the boundary operator B(x’) is complex. Main theorem is also valid if we and ) instead of the conditions (II) assume the following conditions (II) and ): such that for a point (II) If , for small \gamma>0 there is a double root of \mathcal{T}’ \beta’) \beta) \gamma \beta’) (x^{0}, \tau^{\mathfrak{y}}, \sigma^{0})\in I R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O \cross(R^{n}\backslash \{O\}) \det P^{0}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda)=O \lambda |R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{()})|\geq C\gamma^{\frac{1}{2}} . Let us consider R as a funcwith some come constant . Then by the implicit function theorem we can tion of decompose R as C=C(x^{9}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>0 (x’, \sqrt{\tau-\theta(x’,\sigma)}, \sigma) R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=r(x’, where \sqrt{1}=-1 and for some constant , \sqrt{\tau-\theta(x’,\sigma)} r(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 and \sigma ) (\sqrt{\tau-\theta(x’,\sigma)}-D(x’, \sigma) D(x^{0}, \sigma^{0})=0. ) Now we assume that C=C(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>0 {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma)\geq C({\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma) (1. 2) ) 2 in the case (a), or -{\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma)\geq C in some neighborhood ma 3. 1 respectively. (Re U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) D(x’, \sigma))^{2} , according to in the case (b) the case (a) or (b) in Lem- On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic 85 systems In the point satisfying the first condition of ), if there is at least one real simple root , the zero set of {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma) (or {\rm Im} D ( x’ , )) in some is preassumed to be a regular submanifold of R^{2n-1} and the (or {\rm Im} D ( x’ , )) at the zeros of {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma) (or rank of (II) \mathcal{T}’) \beta’ \lambda \sigma U(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \sigma He” ss(x\sigma){\rm Re} D(x’,, \sigma) is equal to {\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma)) co\dim of or { (x’, \sigma) ; {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma)=O\} \{(x’, \sigma) ; {\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma)=O\} in R^{2n-1} in the case (a) or (&), respectively. Here we remark that the conditions (II) and ) imply the conditions (II) and ) when we are restricted to the real case (see subsection 10.2), and that the last condition of (II) and (II) are omitted, if (6. 5) and (10. 6) are satisfied, respectively. It should also be noted that the conditions (I), (II) and (III) are invariant for certain coordinate transformations, hence Main theorem is applicable to problems defined on any smooth . Throughout this article we assume the condition (I). Section 2 and section 3 are a summary of elementary facts which are used in later sections. In section 4, a necessary and sufficient condition for -well-posedness of the constant coefficients problem is shown in terms of ‘coupling’ coefficients. Using it we investigate, in section 5 and 6, the structure of variable coefficients problem under the condition (III). Section 7 is devoted to the estimates of the problems for first order systems. The ideas used there play an essential role in the proof of Theorem 1. 1 which is shown in section 8. Section 9 is concerned with a dual problem to (P, B) . In subsection 10. 1 an example showing the necessity of the condition (II) is presented, and in subsection 10. 2 the generalization to the case where the boundary operator B(x’) is complex valued is considered. Second author lectured the outline about this theme ([12]) and first author gave the proof in detail. Authors are indebted to Dr. R. Agemi for a number of helpful discussion of these problems and for revises of the manuscript. \beta) \beta’) \gamma \gamma’ \gamma’) \beta) R^{1}\cross\Omega L^{2} 2\cross 2 \beta) \S 2. Preliminaries. 2. 1. The following spaces are used in this paper. ([6], [8]) Let us define for and real numbers p , q the Hilbert spaces of functions: \mathcal{T}\neq 0 H_{p,q;f}(R^{n+1})=\{u\in\sigma\Delta’(R_{n+1}) H_{q,\}}(Il^{n})=\{v\in c\overline{\Lambda}’(R^{n}) ; ; e^{-\gamma x_{0}}u\in H_{p} , Q(R_{n+1})\} e^{-\gamma x_{0}}v\in H_{q}(R^{n})\} , T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 86 with their norms defined by ||u||_{p} , q; \gamma,R^{n+1}=\int_{R^{n+1}}(\mathcal{T}^{2}+|\xi|^{2})^{p}(\mathcal{T}^{2}+|\xi’|^{2})^{q}|e^{\hat{-\gamma x_{0}}}u(\xi)|^{2}d\xi |v|_{q} ,r , = \int_{R^{n}}(\gamma 2+|\xi’|^{2})^{q}|\hat{e^{-\gamma x_{0}}}v(\xi’)|9.d\xi’ , ., and their inner products , , respectively, where H_{p,q}(R^{n+1}) , H_{q}(R^{n}) are Sobolev spaces, \xi= is a covector of x=(x’ , , a nd , are the Fourier transforms H_{p.q;\gamma}(Rn+1+) respectively. Moreover, let u, be the set of all of such that there exist distributions U\in H_{p,q;f}(R^{n+1}) with U=u . The norm of u is defined by in (\cdot \cdot)_{p,q;\gamma,R^{n+1}} \langle \cdot\rangle_{q} \gamma (\xi’, \xi_{n})= \hat{e^{-\gamma x_{0}}}u(\xi) x_{n})=(x_{0}, x’, x_{n})\in R^{1}\cross\Omega (\tau, \sigma, \lambda)\in R^{n+1} e^{\hat{-\gamma x_{0}}}\grave{v}(\xi’) e^{-*x_{0}}v e^{-\gamma x_{0}} u\in 6\overline{\Lambda}’(R_{+}^{n+1}) R_{+}^{n+1} ||u||_{p,q}j\gamma,R_{+}^{n+1} = || \inf_{U} U||_{p} From now on, for simplicity we denote by and by , by . the norm . Note that || || ||_{p,\gamma} ||_{p,0;r},R_{+}^{n+1} H_{p,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) and ||u||_{k} ,f k\geq 0 =\{u ; , the space the inner product respectively. H_{p,0;r}(R_{+}^{n+1}) H_{p,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) \cdot)_{p,\gamma} e^{-\gamma x_{0}}u\in H_{p}(R_{+}^{n+1})\} is equivalent to ( if (\cdot , q ; r ,Rn+1 \sum_{j+l=k}\int_{0}^{\infty}|D_{n}^{j}u(\cdot, x_{n})|_{l,f}^{2}dx_{n})- is an integer. 2. 2. We consider the following pseud0-differential operator with pa. Let be rameters \gamma>0 and . a function which is independent of x outside some compact set of ( k : real) means that for every , there exists That such that a constant x_{n} a(x’, x_{n}, \xi’, \gamma)\in C^{\infty}(\overline{R^{n+1}}\cross((R^{n}\cross\overline{R_{+}^{1}})\backslash \{O\}) \overline{R_{+}^{n+1}} a(x’, x_{n}, \xi’, \gamma)\in S_{+}^{k} \beta \alpha C_{a,\beta}>O |D_{x}^{\alpha} , D_{\xi}^{\beta},a(x’, x_{n}, \xi’, \gamma)|\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}(\gamma^{2}+|\xi’|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}(k-|\beta|)} . Matrix functions in are defined for every called a symbol we associate similarly. With a matrix function , a pseud0-differential operator A (x, D’, ) defined for any vector , by the formula which means that the components of v belong to (x, \xi’, \gamma)\in R_{+}^{n+1}\cross R^{n}\cross R_{+}^{1} S_{+}^{k} A\in S_{+}^{k} v\in H_{s,\gamma}(R^{n}) \gamma H_{s},\cdot(R^{n}) A(x, D’, \gamma)v(x’) = where \tau=\eta-i\gamma and (2 \pi)^{-n}e^{\gamma x_{0}}\int R^{n}e^{ir’ x_{0}+i\sigma x’}A(x, \eta, \sigma, \gamma)\hat{v}(\tau, \sigma)d\eta \xi’=(\eta, \sigma) . Note that if da On strvatures of certai n L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems A(x, \eta, \sigma, \gamma)=A then it holds that if A (x, \tau, \sigma ( x, r, \eta-i \sigma ) 87 =A(x, \tau, \sigma) ) is analytic with respect to \tau , A(x, D’, \gamma)v(x’)=A(x, D’)v(x’) where and A(x, D’) is a usual pseud0-differential operator. The basic properties of usual pseud0-differential operators hold anal0gously for this case : Lemma 2. 1. ([9], [5]) For every real s there exist positive constants and C_{s}ind\varphi endmt it holds that of v such that for every and (i) for real k, v\in H_{s,\gamma}(R^{n}) \alpha) \gamma_{s} \gamma\geq\gamma_{s} v\in H_{s+k,\gamma}(R^{n}) A\in S_{+}^{k} |A(x, D’, \gamma)v|_{s,\gamma}\leq C_{s}|v|_{s+k,f} (ii) adjoint for real of A\in S_{+}^{k} for ( , A^{*}(x, \xi’, \gamma) with respect to A(x, D’, \gamma) | (iii) k, \langle ., A^{*}(x, D’, \gamma)-A^{\#}(x, D’, \gamma) A_{i}\in S_{+}^{k_{t}} , k_{i} , the adjoint matrix, , r and \cdot ) : real, i=1,2, A^{\#} the fo real v\in H_{s+k,\gamma}(R^{n}) \rangle_{0} v|_{s+1,\gamma}\leq C_{s}|v|_{s+k} , \gamma,\cdot A_{3}(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A_{1}A_{2}\in S_{+}^{k_{1}+k_{2}} and v\in H_{s+k_{1}+k_{2},\gamma}(R^{n}) | ( A_{3}(x, D’, \gamma)-A_{1}(x, D’, \gamma)\cdot A_{2}(x, D’, \gamma) \leq C_{s}|v|_{s+k_{1}+k_{2}} (iv) Let , and \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} {\rm Im} v|_{s+1,\gamma} r^{\iota} A(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A^{*}(x, \xi’, \gamma)\in S_{+}^{k} such that for every ) , k : real. Then there exist C, \gamma_{0}>0 v\in H_{k,\gamma}(R^{n}) \langle A(x, D’, \gamma)v, v\rangle_{0,f}\leq C|v|_{k-1}^{2} . \overline{z}’\gamma \beta) exist C, Let and A(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A^{*}(x, \xi’, \gamma)\geq 0 such that for for A\in S_{+}^{0} \gamma_{1}>O \gamma\geq\gamma_{0}>O . Then there \gamma\geq\gamma_{1} {\rm Re} \langle A(x, D’, \gamma)v, v\rangle_{0,\gamma}\geq-C|v|_{-\frac{1}{2},r}^{2} . This is a Garding s sharp form . From this the following hold. (i) Let ) =A^{*}\geq C with C>0 . Thm there exists and A (x, a such that for A\in S_{+}^{J}| \xi’, \mathcal{T}_{1}>0 \gamma \gamma\geq\gamma_{1} {\rm Re} (ii) Let real s there exist and A\in S_{+}^{\theta} C_{s} , . with C>O . \langle A(x, D’, \gamma)v, v\rangle_{I),f}\geq 2^{-1}C|v|_{0,r}^{2} |\det A(x, \xi’, \gamma)|\geq C T_{s}>0 such that for \gamma\geq\gamma_{s} |A(x, D’, \gamma)v|_{s,\gamma}\geq C_{s}|v|s,\gamma . Thm for every T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 88 Let A (x, (iii) \xi’, \gamma ) and \in S_{+}^{0} A^{-1} such that for \gamma)^{-1}=A^{-1}(x, D’, \gamma)+T in which there exist C_{s} , \gamma_{s}>0 (x, \xi’, ) . Then for every real s (x, D’, ) has an inverse A (x, D’ , \in S_{+}^{0} \gamma \gamma\geq\gamma_{s}A \gamma satisfifies H_{s,\gamma} |A^{-1}x|_{s,\gamma}\leq C_{s}|v|_{s} | for every v\in H_{s,\gamma}(R^{n}) Let Then there exist (iv) A\in S_{+}^{1} C_{1} , Let C_{0} , \gamma_{c}>0 , there exist A\in S_{+}^{1} and , \gamma_{1}>0 ) (vi) Let a (x, , where \xi’, \gamma , where and C_{0} , \mathcal{T}_{0}>0 . \gamma\geq\gamma_{1} . , where for sme for every A_{2}(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A_{2}^{*} \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} . Then \gamma\geq\gamma_{1} \langle A(x, D’, \gamma)v, v\rangle_{0,f}\geq c_{1}r |v|_{0}^{2} ,r . be a scalar fu nction such that . Then there exists a constant \in S_{+}^{Q} \epsilon>0 \gamma\geq\gamma_{0}>O \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} A(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A_{1}(x, \xi’, \gamma)+iA_{2}(x, \xi’, \gamma) such that for {\rm Re} for such that for for \langle A(x, D’, \gamma)v, v\rangle_{0,r}\geq C_{1}\gamma|v|_{0,f}^{2} and \gamma_{1}>0 \gamma A(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A^{*}\geq C_{0}\gamma A_{1}(x, \xi’, \gamma)=A_{1}^{*}\geq C_{0}\gamma C_{1} , , . {\rm Re} (v) Tv|_{s,\gamma}\leq C_{s}|v|_{s-1} ,f |A(x, \xi’, \gamma)|\leq C_{0}-\epsilon \gamma_{1}>0 such that for \gamma\geq\gamma_{1} |a(x, D’, \gamma) v|_{0,\gamma}\leq C_{0}|v|_{0,\gamma} . In the present paper, our process of proofs of Main theorem are rging’s sharp carried somewhat long and classically, in order to use the form directly and decompose the original problem into boundary value and R^{n} in which we are interested. problems well defined over Furthermore for the sake of simplicity of description we denote by ) and by operators a (x, D’ ) on H_{r}., the ) the symbols a (x, a (x, corresponding pseud0-differential operators a(x, D’, \gamma) respectivevely. 2. 3. We reduce the global estimate (1. 1) into the micr0-local one as usual ([5]). Since lower order terms of the operator P do not affect the validity of the estimate (1. 1), we have only to consider the boundary value problem : G[mathring]_{a} R_{+}^{n+1} \gamma \eta-i\gamma, \eta, \sigma \sigma, P^{0}(x, D)u(x)=(ED_{n}-A(x, D’))u=f, in R_{+}^{n+1} B(x’)u(x’, 0)=q(x’) , in R^{n} , (P^{0}, B)\{ ) = A( x\} A A(x} and |.E is where the symbol of A(x, D’) is A (x, the 2m\cross 2m identity matrix. be the compact set outside which A_{i}(x)i=O , , First, let n- 1 and B(x’) are constant. Let us take a finite number of points \tau, K\subset R^{n+1} \sigma \tau+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \sigma_{i} \cdots On structures of certain L^{2} such that the spheres , where j=1, , j_{0}-1 are a covering of Take a finite partition of unity such that , ., \{x^{j}\}_{j=1} , \cdots 89 -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems K\cap\Gamma \cdots ; }, is sufficiently small. S_{2\epsilon_{0}}(x^{j})=\langle x\in R^{n+1} , j_{0}-1\subset\Gamma \epsilon_{0}>O |x-xf|<2\epsilon_{0} \{\phi^{j}\}_{j=0} j_{0} \cdot supp\phi^{j}\subset S_{2\cdot 0} j=1 , (x^{j}) , j_{0}-1 \cdots , j_{0} on \sum\phi^{f}(x)=1 \overline{R_{+}^{n+1},} f=0 \phi^{j}\in C^{\infty}(R_{+}^{n+1}) j=O , 1, for 0, for \cdots , x_{n}\geq_{E}^{g}\epsilon_{0} \phi^{j_{0}}(x)=\phi^{j_{0}}(x_{n})=\{ x_{n}\leq\epsilon_{0} for \phi^{0}(x)=O A_{i}(x) , i=O , \cdots n-1 , , , x_{n}\geq_{Z^{6}0}^{3} , , j_{0} and B(x’) are constant in supp\phi^{0}(x) . (x, we construct the corresponding operators B^{j}(x’) and =A_{0}^{j}(x)\tau+ D)=ED_{n}-A^{j}(x, D’) where the symbol of ) (x, (x, D’ ) i s n-l A ji(x) , which have the following properties: For P^{f} 1\leq j\leq j_{0}-1 A^{j} A^{f} \tau, \sigma \sigma_{i} \sum_{\dot{\iota}=1} (2. 1) (i) A^{j} (ii) A^{j} (iii) A^{j} (x, (x, (x, \tau, \sigma \tau, \sigma \tau, \sigma and ) \in S_{+}^{1} ) =A (x, B^{j}(x’)\in S_{+}^{0},\cdot ) and B^{j}(x’)=B(x’) ) =A(x^{j}, \tau, \sigma) and B^{j}(x’)=B(x^{j}) \tau, \sigma for every for every x\in S_{2\cdot 0}(x^{j}) . x\not\in , S_{\Sigma^{5}0},.(x^{j}) . , is done as follows: Choose a function The construction of , O<\beta_{1}(t)<1 for 1< such that equals 1 for t\leq 1, O for P^{j} B^{j} \beta_{1}(t)\in C^{\infty}(\overline{R_{+}^{1}}) t< \frac{5}{4} . For x\in\overline{R_{+}^{n+1}} t \geq\frac{5}{4} put \overline{x}^{j}(x)=x^{j} \dagger \beta_{1}(|x-x^{j}|/2\epsilon_{0})(x-x^{j}) and let A^{f} (x, \tau, \sigma ) =A(\tilde{x}^{j}(x), , \tau \sigma) ), B^{j}(x’)=B(\overline{x^{j}}(x’)) Then it is seen that these operators satisfy the required properties (2. 1). Now we have the following LEMMA 2. 2. Suppose the condition (III) and that there are constants, the inequalities and C, T_{0}>0 such that for every \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} (2. 2) ||Pj\phi^{j}u||_{0,\gamma}+|B^{j}\phi^{j}u . |_{z}1 ,r u\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) \geq C\gamma ||\phi^{j}u||_{0} ,f ’ j=1, \cdots , j_{0}-1 , hold. Then the estimate (1. 1) holds for k=O. PROOF. The strict hyperbolicity of P^{J}(x, D) implies that there exist and constants , C>0 such that for every \gamma_{\bigcap_{1}} \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} u\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 90 (2. 2. 1) ||P0(x, D)\phi^{j_{0}}u||_{0,r}\geq C\gamma||\phi^{f_{0}}u||_{0,f} From property (2. 1) (ii), it follows that for j=1, P^{j}(\phi^{j}u)=P^{0}(\phi^{j}u)=\phi^{j}P^{0}u+[P^{0}, \phi^{j}] \cdots . , j_{0}-1 u B^{j}(\phi^{j}u)=B(\phi^{j}u)=\phi^{j}Bu in R_{+}^{n+1} on \Gamma . . Furthermore from the condition (III), (1. 1) holds for constant coefficients problems. Hence it follows from (2. 2) and (2. 2. 1) that C\gamma||\phi^{j}u||_{0,f}\leq||\phi^{j}P^{0}u+[P0, \phi^{j}] u||_{0,\tau}+|\phi^{j}Bu|_{z}1 \leq||P^{0}u||_{0,\gamma}+|Bu|_{\frac{1}{2}} for j=O , \cdots , j_{0} . ,r ,r +||u||_{0,\gamma} Summing up these, we have C \gamma||u||_{0,r}=C\gamma||\sum_{j=0}^{j_{0}}\phi^{j}u||_{0,\gamma} \leq C’(||P^{0}u||_{0,\gamma}+|Bu|_{\frac{1}{2},r}+||u||_{0},f) is taken sufficiently large we obtain (1. 1). Secondly, let closure. Let us take a finite number of points , for for , where is a covering of -functions on -such that be Let If 1 \gamma and \Sigma_{-}=\{\tau’, \sigma’)\in C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} ; |\tau’|^{2}+|\sigma’|^{2}= 1\} \{(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’)\}_{k=1} k\leq k_{0} {\rm Im}\tau_{k}=O \overline{\Sigma_{-}} supp\psi_{k}’\subset S_{2*_{0}}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’) k_{1}\subset\overline{\Sigma} \{S_{2\cdot 0}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’)\}_{k=1} ,..., k_{1} . on \overline{\Sigma_{-}} . Put \psi_{k}(\tau, \sigma)=\psi_{k}’(\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}\tau, \Lambda_{f}^{-1}\sigma) where .., \overline{\Sigma} \sum_{k=1}^{k_{1}}(\psi_{k}’(\tau’, \sigma’))^{2}=1 and and \cdot S.(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’)= \{(\tau’, \sigma’)\in\overline{\Sigma_{-}};|\tau’-\tau_{k}’|^{2}+|\sigma’-\sigma k’|^{2}<\epsilon^{2}\} C^{\infty} \{\psi_{k}’(\tau’, \sigma’)\} k_{0}+1\leq k\leq k_{1} {\rm Im}\tau_{k}’\leq-3\epsilon_{0} , be its -such that \overline{\Sigma_{-}} \Lambda_{\gamma}^{2}=|\tau|^{2}+|\sigma|^{2}=\gamma^{2}+|\xi’|^{2} for (\tau, \sigma)\in\overline{C_{-}}\cross R^{n-1} . Then we have \psi_{k}\in S_{+}^{J} . For each j=1, , j_{0}-1, it is possible to construct the corresponding (x, D) =ED_{n}-A_{k}^{j}(x, D’) for k=1, operators , , such that the symbols (x, D’ ) fulfill the following properties: ) of (x, \cdots P_{k}^{j} A_{k}^{j} \tau, (2. 3) k_{1} A_{k}^{j} \sigma (i) (ii) \cdots A_{k}^{j}(x, \tau, \sigma)\in S_{+}^{1} , A_{k}^{j}(x, \tau, \sigma)=A^{f}(x, \tau, \sigma) hence A_{k}^{f}(x, \tau, \sigma)=A(x, \tau, \sigma) The way of construction of Case 1. k\geq k_{0}+1 . put For (\tau’, \sigma’)\in\overline{\Sigma_{-}} for for A_{k}^{j} (x, (x, \tau\Lambda_{f}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1})\in R_{+}^{n+1}\cross S_{2\text{\’{e}}_{0}}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’) (x, \tau\Lambda_{\gamma}1, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1})\in \tau, \sigma ) is as S2.0 , and (x^{j})\cross S_{2*_{0}}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’) follows: . On structures of certain (2. 4) L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems \tilde{\tau}_{k}(\tau’, \sigma’)=[\tau_{k}’+\beta_{1}((|\tau’-\tau_{k}’|^{2}+|\sigma’-\sigma k’|^{2})^{-}/2\epsilon_{0} ) 91 (\tau’-\tau_{k}’)]\cdot\delta^{-1} \tilde{\sigma}_{k}(\tau’, \sigma’)=[\sigma_{k}’+\beta_{1}((|\tau’-\tau_{k}’|^{2}+|\sigma’-\sigma_{k}’|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}/2\epsilon_{0})(\sigma’-\sigma_{k}’)]\cdot.\delta^{-1} where (2. 5) for of ( 2. is chosen such that \delta(=\delta(\tau’, \sigma’)) A_{k}^{j}(x, \tau, \sigma)=A^{f}(x,\tilde{\tau}_{k}(\tau\Lambda_{f}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{f}^{1}) , \tilde{\sigma}_{k}(\tau\Lambda_{f}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1})) . \Lambda_{r} . The n fulfill (2. 3), by virture of the homogeneity . Remark that of order 1 in (\tau, \sigma)\in\overline{C_{-}}\cross Jt^{n-1} A^{j} . Put (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k})\in\overline{\Sigma_{-}} A_{k}^{f} (\tau, \sigma) (i) 4)’ mapps (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k}) \Sigma -into S_{\frac{\epsilon}{2}}.(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’)0 (ii) S_{\frac{5}{2}0}.(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’)\subset\{(\tau’, \sigma’)\in\Sigma_{-}; (iii) (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k})= Case 2. Let t\geq 2 and k\leq k_{0} {\rm Im}\tau’\leq-_{Z}^{1}\epsilon_{0}\} for every (\tau’, \sigma’) ’ , (\tau’, \sigma’)\in S_{2\cdot 0}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’) . . be a function such that equals to for 1<t<2 . For \beta_{2}(t)\in C^{\infty}(\overline{R_{+}^{1}}) 1\leq\beta_{2}(t)\leq 2 t for t\leq 1,1 for -put (\tau’, \sigma’)=(\eta’-i\mathcal{T}’, \sigma’)\in\overline{\Sigma} (2. 6) \rho_{k}=(|\eta’-\tau_{k}’|^{2}+|\sigma’-\sigma k’|^{2})^{-} , \tilde{\sigma}_{k}=[\sigma_{k}’+\beta_{1}(\rho_{k}/2\epsilon_{0})(\sigma’-\sigma_{k}’)]\delta^{-1} \overline{\eta}_{k}=[\tau_{k}’+\beta_{1}(\rho_{k}/2\epsilon_{0})(\eta’-\tau_{k}’)]\delta^{-1} \tilde{\mathcal{T}}_{k}=2\epsilon_{0}\beta_{2}(\gamma’/2\epsilon_{0}) , , , \tilde{\tau}_{k}=\tilde{\eta}_{k}-i\tilde{\mathcal{T}}_{k} where Then ( 2. 6)’ is chosen to be \delta A_{k}^{j} (\tilde{\tau}_{k}(\tau’, \sigma’),\tilde{\sigma}_{k}(\tau’, \sigma’))\in\overline{\Sigma_{-r}} Define A_{k}^{j} also by (2. 5). fulfill (2. 3). Remark that mapps (i) (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k}) (ii) \tilde{\gamma}_{k}\leq 4\epsilon_{0} (iii) \tilde{\mathcal{T}}_{k}=T’ (iv) (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k})= -into \overline{\Sigma} S_{8*_{0}}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’) , , for and for every \gamma’\leq 2\epsilon_{0} (\tau’, \sigma’) \tilde{\gamma}_{k}\geq 2\epsilon_{0} for \gamma’\geq 2\epsilon_{0} (\tau’, \sigma’)\in S_{2\cdot 0}(\tau_{k}’, \sigma_{k}’) , . according to k are The reasons of different constructions of elucidated in \S 5 and \S 7\Gamma By Corollary 2. 3 of [8] (or c.f . (8. 2)) we obtain the following such that for LEMMA 2. 3. Suppose that there exist constants, C, every the inequalities and (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k}) \mathcal{T}_{0}>0 \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} (2. 7) u\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) ||P_{k}^{j}\psi_{k}(D’)u||_{0,\gamma}+|B^{j}\psi_{k}(D’)u|_{z’ r}1\geq C\gamma||\psi_{k}(D’)u||_{0,\gamma} T. Ohkuho and T. Shirota 92 . Then the estimates (2. 2) are valid. From Lemma 2. 2 and 2. 3 it is seen that in order to prove (1. 1) for k=O we have only to obtain the estimate (2. 7) for the localized operators , and . Hereafter let -be one of the points ) and be its sufficiently small neighborhood. If a (x, is a smooth function of homogeneous degree k in , , then we denote by a (x, D’ ) the operator constructed as above, whose . symbol . is hold for k=1, \cdots , k_{1} B^{j} P_{k}^{j} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \cross\overline{\Sigma} \{(x^{j}, U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \sigma_{k}’)\} \tau_{\acute{k}} \tau, (C^{\infty}(U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}))) \sigma (\tau \sigma) \tilde{a}(x, \sigma 1 \tau, a(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\cdot \Lambda_{\gamma}^{k}=a(\tilde{x}(x),\tilde{\tau}(\tau\Lambda_{f}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1}),\tilde{\sigma}(\tau\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{f}^{-1})) \Lambda_{r}^{k}\in S_{+}^{k} \S 3. Decompositions of the problem (P, B) . into more simple ones, we In order to decompose the operators , by a non-singular and consider the transformations of the operators , m\cross 2m the eigenvalues of A(x, matrix. We denote by smooth 2 (i=1, \cdots, m) the ones with positive and negative , and by , respectively. imaginary parts for . Because of the condition (I), in Let us fix a point , we can rearrange the eigenvalues a neighborhood into the following three sets I=I_{+}\cup I-, II and III = III III-: (i= 1, \cdots, l-1) are real and simple at , : , , are real and double at II : are not real at to the corresponding sets of Hereafter we will also identify , II and indeces \{1,2, \cdots, m\} . It should be noted that some of the sets I , II and -being considered. III may be empty according to the point If the set II is empty, we denote by l the number of elements of the set P_{k}^{j} B^{j} P_{k}^{j} \lambda \tau B^{j} (x, \tau, \sigma) \lambda_{i}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) \sigma) (\tau, \sigma)\in C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \cross\overline{\Sigma_{-}} U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \{\lambda_{\dot{\sqrt}}^{\pm}(x, \tau +\cup \sigma)\} I_{\pm} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \lambda_{i}^{\pm} \lambda_{l}^{+} III_{\pm}: (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \lambda_{l}^{-} \lambda_{i}^{\pm}(i\geq l+1) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) I_{\pm} III_{\pm} \subset \cross\overline{\Sigma} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I I_{+}(I_{-}) . As is shown below, we can take a smooth and non-singular matrix ) defined in which is homogeneous of degree O in S (x, and satisfies \sigma, \tau U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}, \tau^{0}) (\sigma, \tau) S^{-1}P^{0}(x, \tau, \sigma, \lambda) S=E\lambda-M(x, \tau, \sigma) where M=\{\begin{array}{llllll}\lambda_{I}^{+} 0 \lambda_{I}^{-} M_{II} 0 M_{III}^{+} M_{III}^{-}\end{array}\} , , On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed pr oblems for hyperbolic systems 93 \lambda_{1}^{\pm}=\{\begin{array}{lll}\lambda_{1}^{\pm} 0 \ddots 0 \lambda_{l-1}^{\pm}\end{array}\} , is a matrix defined below in Lemma 3. 2 and are (m-l)\cross respectively. m-l) matrices whose eigenvalues are Here we define the above matrix S. Let be ) which are homogeneous of degree O in the eigenvectors of A (x, , respectively. Then the and correspond to the eigenvalues { , , . smooth 2 m\cross(l-1) matrices are analytic in III_{+} , , , first take all the generalized eigenvectors As for the set corresponding to an eigenvalue with j\in III_{+} . Put 2\cross 2 M_{II} M_{III}^{\pm} \{\lambda_{t}^{\pm}\}_{\nu}j\in 1II\pm ’ \{h_{1}^{\pm}, \cdots, h_{l-1}^{\pm}\}=h_{I}^{\pm} \tau, (x, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) \sigma \lambda_{1}^{\pm} \cdots \lambda_{l-1}^{\pm}\rangle (\tau, \sigma) h_{I}^{\pm} h_{1}^{+} \lambda_{j}^{+} h_{p_{j}}^{+} \cdots (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) h_{fk}^{+}(x, \tau, \sigma)=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint cj+(E\lambda-A(x, \tau, \sigma))^{-1}d\lambda\cdot h_{k}^{+} , k=1, \cdots , p_{f} . Rearrange the above is a small circle enclosing only (x, linearly independent vectors and let them be , . By the same method as above we can choose vectors where c_{j}^{+} \lambda j (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \{h_{l+1}^{+}, \cdots, h_{m}^{+}\}=h_{III}^{+} \{h_{fk}^{+}\}_{j,k} \tau \{h_{l+1}^{-}, \cdots, h_{m}^{-}\} \sigma) for III-. Then homogeneous of degree For the set II , we with 2 m components) =h_{III}^{-} are the smooth 2 m\cross(m-l) matrices 0 and analytic in . take the smooth 2 m vectors ( i.e . column vectors h_{III}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) and are such that ,wcseneeow in hih i dfid bl h omogeneousoegreeananaycn f d d lti i 0 Lemma 3. 2. has the required . Then Put properties, by virture of the linear independence of the column vectors. Now we describe on the set II in detail. and be a double root in of Lemma 3. 1. Let and . Then there exist a neighborhood such that continuous in fu nctions h_{l}’ , h_{II}’(x, \tau, \sigma)=h_{l}’ h_{II}’(x, \tau, \sigma)=h_{l}’ h_{l}’ () \tau, \sigma S(x, \tau, \sigma) S(x, \tau, \sigma)=(h_{I}^{+}, h_{I}^{-}, h_{II}’, h_{II}’, h_{III}^{+}, h_{III}^{-}) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{\mathfrak{n}})\in I \cross (\overline{\Sigma_{-}}-\Sigma_{-}) \lambda^{0} U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) detP^{0}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda)=O U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap(C_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) \lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) (i) \lambda {\rm Im}\lambda_{11}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma)>0< if {\rm Im}\tau<0 respectively, and (ii) \det P^{0}(x, \tau, \sigma, \lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma))=O if {\rm Im}\tau\leqq 0 . Furthermore, they are represented by (a) (b) \lambda_{11}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma)=\lambda_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)\pm\sqrt{\mu}\lambda_{2}(x, \mu, \sigma) or \lambda_{11}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma)=\lambda_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)\mp i\sqrt{\mu}\lambda_{2}’(x, \mu, \sigma) according as the normal surface cut by x=x^{0} and , respectively. Here cave with respect to at \tau (\tau^{0}, \lambda^{0}) \sigma=\sigma^{0} is convex or con- T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 94 \mu=\mu(x, \tau, \sigma) =\tau-\theta(x, \sigma) is neighborhood \theta(x, \sigma) in S^{1} of (x, \sigma) (x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) , analytic and real , for \sigma contained in a conical , \theta(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) =\tau^{0} , and and in in a conical neighborhood of \lambda_{1}\in S^{1} , \lambda_{2}’\in S21_{-} (x, \mu, \sigma) \lambda_{2} , analytic and real (x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0}) whenever \lambda_{1}(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=\lambda_{0} , \lambda_{2}(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})>O , \mu for (\mu, \sigma) containd is real, \lambda_{2}’(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})>0 and \sqrt{\mu} denotes a branch with positive imaginary part when \sqrt{1}=-1) {\rm Im}\mu<0 (i.e. , . COROLLARY 3. 1. In the small neighborhood of is equivalent to \mu=O , that is, . PROOF OF Lemma 3. 1. The strict hyperbolicity implies that (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \tau=\theta(x, \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{-}(x, \tau, \sigma) \det P^{0}(x, \tau, \sigma, \lambda)=A_{0}(x)\prod_{f=1}^{2m}(\tau-\tau_{j}(x, \sigma, \lambda) where is for every assume C^{\infty} \tau_{j} \tau_{k} \lambda_{I1}^{+}(x, \tau, \sigma)= in (x, \sigma, \lambda)\in R^{2n+1} and j\neq k , analytic and real for (x, \sigma, \lambda)\in R^{2n+1} ) and . Without loss of generality we may (\sigma, \lambda)\in R^{n} \tau_{j}\neq \tau_{0}=\tau_{1}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0}) 1 Since \lambda_{0} is a double root it holds that and \frac{\partial\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0})=O \frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0})\neq O . Therefore from the implicit function theorem there exists a function er) which is C^{\infty} in (x, \sigma) \frac{\partial\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda} ( x, and real analytic in \sigma , and \lambda(x, \sigma))=O \sigma such that \lambda(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) =\lambda^{0} . Hence by Taylor’s expansion we have \tau_{1}(x, \sigma, \lambda)=\tau_{1}(x, + \frac{1}{2} Since the equation in \sigma . , \lambda(x, \sigma) \frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}} ( x, (y-\lambda(x, \sigma)) : ) \sigma , \lambda(x, \sigma) ) (\lambda-\lambda(x, \sigma) ) 2+\cdot .. , \lambda(x On structures of certain \tau-\tau_{1}(x, \sigma , L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems \lambda(x, \sigma) = \frac{1}{2} . 95 ) \frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}} ( x, \sigma , \lambda(x, \sigma) ) ) (y-\lambda(x, \sigma) 2+\cdot .. has real coefficients, it has solutions of the following type: y-\lambda(x, \sigma)=\zeta^{\frac{1}{2}}+a_{1}(x, \sigma)\zeta^{2}\Sigma+a_{2}(x, \sigma) where a_{i} (x, ) is \sigma C^{\infty} in \zeta=(\tau-\tau_{1} Put (x, \sigma) ( x, \sigma , and real analytic in \lambda(x, \sigma) and let Then note that \sqrt{\zeta} (a) if 2( \frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x, \sigma \lambda(x, \sigma) ))-1 \frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0})>O , \lambda(x, \sigma))^{-1} }-, \frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0})<0 } \Sigma 1 \pm\sqrt{\zeta}=\mp i\sqrt{\mu}\{-2(\frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x, \sigma For {\rm Im}\tau<0 , \lambda(x, \sigma))^{-1} put y^{\pm}=\lambda(x, \sigma)+(\pm\sqrt{\zeta})+a_{1}(x, \sigma) (\pm.\sqrt{\zeta})^{2}+\cdots Then {\rm Im} y^{\pm}={\rm Im}(\pm\sqrt{\zeta})+a_{1}(x, \sigma) for small |\zeta| , respectively. {\rm Im}(\pm\sqrt{\zeta})^{2}+\cdots<>0 Hence we see \lambda^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma)\equiv y^{\pm}=(\lambda(x, \sigma)+a_{1}(x, \sigma)\zeta+\cdot \pm\sqrt{\zeta}(1+a_{2}(x, \sigma)\zeta+\cdot fulfill (_{\backslash }i) ..) ..) and (ii). Setting \theta(x, \sigma) =\tau_{1}(x, \sigma we obtain the desired representation of , \lambda(x, \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{\pm} ), with \lambda_{2}(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=\{2(\frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0}))^{-1}\}^{1}2>0 or \zeta when {\rm Im}\zeta\leqq 0 \sigma if , \zeta^{1}\Sigma \pm\sqrt{\zeta}=\pm\sqrt{\mu}\{2(\frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x, (b) , \sigma .. and let be the positive square root of be the negative one and its extension when \mu=\tau-\tau_{1}(x, \sigma, \lambda(x, \sigma)) \zeta>0 )) \zeta^{3}\tau+\cdot . T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 96 \lambda_{2}’(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{\Gamma}’)=\{-2(\frac{\partial^{2}\tau_{1}}{\partial\lambda^{2}}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}, \lambda^{0}))^{-1}\}^{\frac{1}{2}}>0 according to the case (a) or (b) respectively. Thus the proof is completed. Hereafter, we will consider mainly only the case (a) of Lemma 3. 1, because in the case (b) we can treat by the analogous way. Furthermore , then we denote c (x, be a function defined in let c ) with some definition domain U(x^{0})\cross U (O, ). , also by c (x, . Then there exist a neighLemma 3. 2. Let ), (x, and a 2\cross 2 and 2m -vectors borhood such and analytic in ) which are smooth in matrix M_{II} (x, the following hold: that for every are the eigenvector and the (i) and corresponding to generalized eigenvector of U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (x, \tau, \sigma) \mu+\theta(x, \sigma) \sigma^{0} \sigma) \mu, \sigma (x^{0}, \tau^{\phi}, \sigma^{0})\in I \cross (\overline{\Sigma_{-}}-\Sigma-) h_{II}’ U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \tau, \tau, h_{II}’(x, \tau, \sigma) \sigma (\tau, \sigma) (x, \tau, \sigma) \sigma (x, \tau, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) h_{II}’(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) h_{II}’(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) M(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{-}(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) (ii) (ii) , respectively. A(h_{II}’, h_{II}’)=(h_{II}’, h_{II}’)M_{II} (3. 1) . M_{II}(x, \mu, \sigma) = where \lambda_{II}^{+}(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma)= p_{ij} (’O, are smooth in \sigma ) \lambda_{1}\Lambda(x,O, \sigma 0(O\sigma)))+\mu (x, \mu, \sigma) (\begin{array}{ll}p_{11} p_{12}p_{21} p_{22}\end{array}) , analytic and real (x, \mu, \sigma) for real (\mu, \sigma) and for \mu=O (3. 2) \Lambda_{\gamma}p_{21} in the case (a), or in the case (b). =\lambda_{2}(x, \mu, \sigma)2>0 \Lambda_{\gamma}p_{21}=-\lambda_{2}’(x, \mu, \sigma)2<0 Furthermore, let \lambda_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)=\lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma)+\lambda_{1}^{(1)}(x, \mu, \sigma)\mu (3. 3) \lambda_{1}^{(1)}(x, \mu, \sigma)=2^{-1}(p_{11}+p_{22}) , then . is -strictly hyperbolic, there exist PROOF. Since \det and a real generalized eigenvector h_{1}(x, a real eigenvector , corresponding to the real double eigenvalue , in and analytic , . Note that , are of . Put in , because so is (E\lambda-A(x, \tau, \sigma)) x_{0} h_{J}(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) \theta (x, \sigma) \theta(x, \sigma) \lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma)=\lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x \sigma) \sigma) A(x, \theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) h_{0} h_{1} S^{0} (x, \sigma) \lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma) \sigma h’(x, \tau, \sigma) = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint_{c_{II}} where c_{II} ( E\lambda-A(x, \tau, \sigma) )-1h1 (x, \theta(x, \sigma) , is a small circle enclosing only the eigenvalues \sigma ) d\lambda \lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) . Then On structures of cer tain L^{2} 97 -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems it holds that h_{II}’ ( x, \theta(x, \sigma) , \sigma)=h_{1} (x, \theta(x, \sigma) , \sigma ) Hence if we set \Lambda_{r}h_{II}’(x, \tau, \sigma)=(\lambda_{II}^{\pm} ( x, \theta(x, \sigma) , \sigma)-A(x, \tau, \sigma) ) h_{II}’(x, \tau, \sigma) , (i) is fulfilled. Here we remark that are linearly independent . Since (x, ) and analytic in vectors which are smooth in \{h_{II}’, h_{II}’\} (x, \tau, \sigma) and h_{II}’(x, \tau, \sigma) h_{II}’ (\tau, \sigma) are invariant by the projection operator \tau, \frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint_{c_{II}}(E\lambda-A \sigma (x, we see that (ii) is valid. are real . Hence is real if From Lemma 3. 1 , implies if . This together with the analyticity in of . that they are always real when is real and Therefore it follows from (ii) that is real. Since (i) and (ii) implies that defining ) \tau , \sigma))^{-1} dX , \tau\geq\theta(x, \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) \{h_{II}’, h_{II}’\} \tau\geq\theta(x, \sigma) \{h_{II}’, h_{II}’\} \tau (x, \tau, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \tau M_{II} \Lambda_{0}^{(0} \equiv\Lambda_{0}(O, \sigma)= (\theta(x, \sigma)^{2}+|\sigma|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}} M_{II}= (’ \sigma OO, ) \lambda_{1}(x,O, \sigma)\Lambda_{0}^{(0)} ) on \mu=\tau-\theta(x, \sigma)=O , we see that (3. 1) is valid. Hence noting that eigenvalues of we have \lambda_{II}^{\pm} are M_{II} \det (\begin{array}{ll}\lambda-\lambda_{1}(x,O,\sigma)-p_{11}\mu, -\Lambda_{0}^{(0)}-p_{12}\mu-p_{21}\mu, \lambda-\lambda_{1}(x,O,\sigma)-p_{22}\mu\end{array}) =(\lambda-\lambda_{II}^{+}(x, \mu, \sigma) ) (\lambda-\lambda_{II}^{-}(x, \mu, \sigma) ) in the above equation. Then (3. 2) follows from comparing Put in the the coefficient of . Write left hand side. Then (3. 3) follows from comparing the coefficient of \lambda=\lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma) \lambda-\lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma)=\lambda-\lambda_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)+\mu\lambda_{1}^{(1)}(x, \mu, \sigma) \mu (\lambda-\lambda_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)) . be the extention Now let , which is ob) such that is non-singular and belongs to of S (x, tained by the method of \S 2. With fixed j and k put \tilde{S}(x, \tau, \sigma)=S(\tilde{x}(x),\tilde{\tau}(\tau\Lambda^{-1}\vee’ \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}),\tilde{\sigma}(\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1})) \tilde{S} \tau, S_{+}^{J} \sigma P_{1}(x, \tau, \sigma, \lambda)=S^{-1}(x, \tau, \sigma) P_{k}^{j}(x, \tau, \sigma, \lambda) B_{1}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=B_{j}(x’)\tilde{S}(x’, O, \tau, \sigma) \tilde{S}(x, \tau, \sigma) , , F(x)=S^{-1}(x, D’)f(x),\cdot U(x)=S^{-1}(x, D’)u(x) , where S^{-1} (x, D’ ) is the operator with its symbol S^{\prime-1}(x, \tau, \sigma)\in S_{+}^{0} . Then 98 T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota the problem (P^{0}, B) is reduced to the problem ’ (P_{1}, B_{1})J^{P_{1}(x,D)U(x)=F(x)}|B_{1}(x’,D)U(x’, O)=g(x’) Noting that the following Lemma 3. 3. \tilde{S},\tilde{S}^{-1}\in S_{+}^{0} inR_{+}^{n+1}onR^{n}. , we have from corollary 2. 3 of [8] and Lemma 2. 1 (\alpha) C_{1} , \gamma_{1}>0 Let \psi(\tau, \sigma) such that for every (3. 4) || P_{1} \psi(D’) be \psi_{k} \gamma\geq\gamma_{1} in Lemma 2. 3. and If there exist constants U\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) U||_{0,f}+|B_{1}\psi(D’)U|_{\frac{1}{2}r},\geq C_{1}\gamma||\psi(D’)U||_{0,\gamma},\cdot then there exist C, T_{0}>O such that (2. 7) holds. , M_{II}(x, D’) and be the operators of order 1 with Let , , . Then we their symbols and M_{III}^{\pm}(x, D’) \lambda_{I}^{\pm}(x, D’) \tilde{\lambda}_{I}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) \overline{M}_{II}(x, \tau, \sigma) \overline{M}_{II1}^{\pm}(x, \tau, \sigma) respective,ly\grave{\lrcorner} see from (P_{1}, B_{1}) P_{1}(x, D)U=[ED_{n_{\backslash }}-[_{M_{III}^{+}(x,D)}^{\lambda_{I}^{-}(x,D’)}\lambda_{I}^{+}(x,D’),00M_{III}^{-}(x,D’)M_{II}(x,D’) ] U=F Hence putting U(x)={}^{t}(^{t}u_{I}^{+t},u_{I}^{-},\cdot u\text{\’{I}}_{I}, u_{II}^{\prime\prime t},uIII+, tu_{III}^{-}) F(x)=t(fI+, {}^{t}f_{I}^{-}, f_{i_{\acute{I}}}, f_{\acute{I}_{I}’},{}^{t}f_{III}^{+}, f_{III}^{-}) we have for (x) (x) , x\in R_{+}^{n+1} , (P_{I}^{\pm}) P_{I}^{\pm}(x, D)u_{I}^{\pm}=(E_{I}D_{n}-\lambda_{I}^{\pm}(x, D’))u_{I}^{\pm}(x)=f_{I}^{\pm}(x) (P_{II}) P_{II}(x, D)u_{II}=(E_{II}D_{n}-M_{II}(x, D’)) (P_{III}^{\pm}) P_{III}^{\pm}(x, D)u_{III}^{f}=(E_{III}D_{n}-M_{III}^{\pm}(x, D’))u_{III}^{\pm}=f_{III}^{\pm}(x) furthermore for (\begin{array}{l}u_{\acute{I}I}u_{I},\acute{I}\end{array})=(\begin{array}{l}f_{II}’(x)f_{II},,(x)\end{array}) , , x’\in R^{n} B_{1}U=B^{j}(x’)S(x’, O, D’)U(x’, O)=g(x’) , (B_{1}) ., are the unit matrices of order l-1,2 and m-l, respectively. For each above problem we show a priori estimates in \S 5 and \S 7. Using them we show in \S 8 that the assumptions of Lemma 3. 3 are fulfilled where F_{I} E_{II} , E_{III} On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for 99 hyperbolic systems \S 4. Lopatinskii determinant, coupling coefficients and reflection coeficients. 4. 1. Let ) be the matrix defined it some -and S (x, which is defined in \S 3. Put (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \cross\overline{\Sigma} \tau, \sigma (V_{I}^{+}, V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}’, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-})(x’, \tau, \sigma)=B(x’)S(x’, O, \tau, \sigma) , are m -vectors and wher e are m\cross(l-1) matrices, (m-l) matrices. , where Let V_{I1}’ V_{II}’ 1^{\gamma_{I}\pm} S_{II}(x, \mu, \sigma)=(_{s_{21}(x,\mu}^{1} , (\overline{C}_{-}\cross Jl^{n-1})) , because so is eigenvector of M_{1I} \alpha(x, \mu, \sigma) m\cross \sigma) . Then is continuous in . Furthermore the first column of U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap S_{II} S_{II} is an \mu=O . Put \lambda_{II}^{+} corresponding to \lambda_{II}^{+} , hence we see that S_{II}^{-1}M_{II}S_{II}=(\begin{array}{ll}\lambda_{II}^{+} \alpha O \lambda_{1I}^{-}\end{array}) with some are s_{21}=(\lambda_{II}^{+}(x, \mu, \sigma)-p_{11}(x, \mu, \sigma)\mu- o_{1}) \lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma)) (\Lambda_{0}^{(0)}+p_{12}(x, \mu, \sigma)\mu)^{-1} V_{III}^{\pm} which is real for \mu\geq 0 (x, \mu, \sigma) and equal to \Lambda_{0}^{(0} ) for S_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{lll}E_{I} 00 S_{II} E_{III}\end{array}) where are the 2 (l-1)\cross 2(l-1) , 2 (m-l)\cross respectively. Then we have from Lemma 3. 2 (4. 1) E_{I} , E_{III} 2(m-l) identity matrices, (SS_{1})^{-1}P(SS_{1})=E\lambda-\{\begin{array}{lllll}\lambda_{I}^{+} 0 \lambda_{I}^{-} ----------|\mathfrak{l} \underline{|tOI\lambda_{II}^{-I}|\lambda_{II}^{+}\mathfrak{l}I\alpha|||l}||il|l|I| 0 lt/I_{III}^{+} M_{III}^{-}\end{array}) , is the eigenvector This means that the (2l-1) th column of . Hence and is homogeneous of degree O in which corresponds to putting we have SS_{1} h_{II}^{+} (\tau, \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{+} V_{II}^{+}=Bh_{II}^{+} BSS_{1}= B^{+} DEFINITION 4. 1. Let , then and B^{+} (x’, \tau, \sigma) (V_{I}^{+}, V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-}) and R(x’, \tau, \sigma)= \det are called Lopatinskii matrix and B^{+} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) R(x’, \tau, \sigma) . T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 100 Lopatinskii determinant of the problem (P, B) for respectively. in are and REMARK 4. 1. and continuous in , analytic in . Moreover, if the set II is empty they are and analytic in DEFINITION 4. 2. Whm R\neq 0 let us defifine a matrix (x’, \tau, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \cap (\overline{C}_{-}\cross 1^{\supset n-1}\iota)) B^{+} (x’, \tau, \sigma) R(x’, \tau, \sigma) U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap S_{+}^{0} (\tau, \sigma)\in C_{-}\cross-R^{n-1} (C_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) \sigma^{0})\cap(\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n})) (U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0} S_{+}^{0} in (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n-1}) , U(x^{0})\cross . (b_{ij})=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+})^{-1}(V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{-}) and call the elements Let b_{if} coupling coeffiffifficients with T_{II}(x, \mu, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{ll}1 \alpha^{-1}(\lambda_{II}^{-}-\lambda_{II}^{+})O 1\end{array}) respect to a matrix =(T_{II}^{+}, T_{II}^{-}) (SS_{1}) . . Then it holds that T_{II}^{-1}S_{1I}^{-1}M_{II}S_{II}T_{II}=T_{II}^{-1} (\begin{array}{ll}\lambda_{II}^{+} \alpha O \lambda_{II}^{-}\end{array}) T_{II}=(\begin{array}{ll}\lambda_{II}^{+} OO \lambda_{II}^{-}\end{array}) c Hence putting S_{2}(x, \mu, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{ll}E_{I} 0 T_{II}0 E_{III}\end{array}) , \cdot we have that (SS_{1}S_{2})^{-1}P(SS_{1}S_{2}) is the matrix (4. 1) with \alpha=O . which is the eigenvector This means that the 2l -th column of . Hence if we corresponds to and is homogeneous of degree 0 in put it holds that SS_{1}S_{2} h_{II}^{-} (\tau, \sigma) \lambda_{II}^{-} V_{II}^{-}=Bh_{II}^{-} BSS_{1}S_{2}= Let (V_{I}^{+}, V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{II}^{-}, V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-})1 (\tilde{b_{if}})=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+})^{-1}(V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}^{-}, V_{III}^{-}) respect to a matrix SS_{1}S_{2} be the coupling coefficients with . Then we have the is called (generalized) refiection coeffiffifficients with DEFINITION 4. 3. , by which A is similar to a generalized diagonal respect to a matrix matrix such as (4. 1) with \alpha=O ([3]) . The reflection coefficients depend, in general, on matrices S, and . may be considered the column vectors of But since for fixed ), for another (generalized) as eigenvectors or generalised those of A (x, , there exist non-zero numbers and corresponding eigenvectors and a non-singular matrix T such that \tilde{b_{ij}} SS_{1}S_{2} S_{1} SS_{1}S_{2} (x, \tau, \sigma) \tau, \langle \{a_{k}^{\pm}\} h_{k}^{\pm}\} \{V_{k}^{\pm}\} \sigma S_{2} On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for V_{j}^{\pm}=a_{j}^{\pm}\overline{V}_{j}^{\pm} j\in I\cup for hyperbolic systems 101 II and , (V_{l+1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})=(\tilde{V}_{l+1}^{+}, \cdots,\tilde{V}_{m}^{+})T where are real if and are real. Therefore the invariance of the reflection coefficients in the following sense is derived from the definition. depends , LEMMA4.1. For fifixed i, j\in I\cup II and only on the vectors . In , where SS_{1}S_{2}= and particular, if for some point are restricted the vectors to be real, then is determined excep t real factor for every i , j\in a_{j}^{\pm} \tilde{V}_{f}^{\pm} V_{j}^{\pm} (x’, \tau, \sigma) h_{i}^{+} b_{ij}^{-}(x’, \tau, \sigma) (h_{I}^{+}, h_{I}^{-}, h_{II}^{+}, h_{II}^{-}, h_{III}^{+}, h_{III}^{-}) h_{j}^{-} (x’, \tau, \sigma) \{h_{1}^{\pm}, \cdots, h_{l}^{\pm}\} \tilde{b_{ij}}(x’, \tau, \sigma) IUII REMARK 4. 2. From the same consideration as in Lemma 4. 1 we see that the zeroes of Lopatinskii determinant are not depend on the choice of S and . Hereafter, taking account of Lemma 4. 1 we choose real vectors and consider only real . whenever are real, i.e. , 4. 2. In this subsection we give necessary conditions for the condition (III) in terms of coupling coefficients. Note that these conditions are also -well-posed. sufficient for the constant coefficients problem to be THEOREM 4. 1. The condition (III) is equivalent to the following con: ditions and For any there exist a positive constant C and a neighborhood such that for every (i) for i, j=1, , l S_{1} \{h_{I}^{\pm}\} h_{II}^{\pm} \mu\geqq 0 \lambda_{II}^{\pm} (P, B)_{x^{0}} (\alpha) L^{2} (\beta) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{c})\in\Gamma\cross \alpha) (\overline{\Sigma_{-}}-\Sigma_{-}) (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma_{-} U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \cdots |b_{j} ‘ (ii) (x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|\leq C\gamma^{-1}|{\rm Im}\lambda_{i}^{+}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma) for i=1, \cdots , l and \cdot{\rm Im}\lambda_{j}^{-}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|^{\frac{1}{2}} j\in III_{-} |b_{ij}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|\leq C\gamma^{-1}|{\rm Im}\lambda_{i}^{+}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|^{\frac{1}{2}} (iii) for i\in III_{+} and j=1, \cdots for i\in III_{+} for every , and j\in III_{-} |b_{ij}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|\leq C\gamma^{-1} \beta) , ,l |bij(xf, \tau, \sigma)|\leq C\gamma-1|{\rm Im}\lambda_{j}^{-}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|^{\frac{1}{2}} (iv) , r (x’, \tau, \sigma)\in\Gamma\cross C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq Oo To show our assertion, first of all we recall a characterization of L^{2}- T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 102 well posedness for constant coefficients case [3], [4]. Let us consider the constant coefficients problem resulting from freezing the coefficients of P(x, D) and B(x’) at boundary points x=x^{0} : n-l P(D)u(x)=(ED_{n}- \sum_{f=0}A_{f}D_{j}-C)u(x)=f(x) for x\in Ii_{+}^{n+1}(x_{i)}>0) , for x’\in R^{n}(x_{0}>0) , for (x’, x_{n})\in R_{+}^{n}(x_{0}=O) , (P, B)_{x^{0}}\{ Bu(x’, 0)=0 u (O, x’, x_{n} ) =O and the associated problem by Fourier-Laplace transformation with respect to (x’, x_{0}) : P^{0}(\tau, \sigma, D_{n}) \^u (\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) = ( ED_{n}-A_{0} \tau-\sum_{f=1}^{n-1} A j a j ) (P^{0}, B)_{x^{0}}\{ =\hat{f}(x_{n}) \theta for x_{n}>0 , B\^u (\tau, \sigma, O)=O . -well-posed, if and only if is Then the problem that is, there exists a constant C>0 such that for every has a unique solution and \hat{f}(x_{n})\in H_{1}(x_{n}>0) , which satisfies (P, B)_{x^{0}} L^{2} (P^{0}, B)_{x^{0}} is so, (\tau, \sigma)\in C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} \theta(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})\in H_{1}(x_{n}>0) (P^{0}, B)_{x^{0}} (4. 2) ||\theta(\tau, \sigma, \cdot)||\leq C\gamma^{-1}||\hat{f}(\cdot)|| where || \^u ( \tau, \sigma, \cdot)||^{2}=\int_{0}^{\infty}|\hat{u}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})|^{2}dx_{n} Next to obtain its more concrete characterization, let -and the solution arbitrary point. For (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma B)_{x^{0}} -be an , of (\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in\overline{\Sigma} \theta(\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) set W(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=(SS_{1})^{-1}(\tau, \sigma) \^u (\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) , where (SS_{1})(\tau, \sigma)=(h_{I}^{+}, h_{I}^{-}, h_{II}^{+}, h_{II}’, h_{III}^{+}, h_{III}^{-})(\tau, \sigma) \det SS_{1}(\tau, \sigma)\neq 0 for , (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}} If we put W(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})={}^{t}(^{t}W_{I}^{+},{}^{t}W_{I}^{-}, W_{II}^{+}, W_{II}’,{}^{t}W_{III}^{+},{}^{t}W_{III}^{-}) F(x_{n})=(SS_{1})^{-1}\hat{f}={}^{t}(^{t}f^{++},{}^{t}f_{I}^{-}, fi_{1}+, f_{I}’, f_{III}^{+}, f_{i_{II}^{-}}) (P^{\gamma}(, B)_{x^{0}} is reduced to problem as follows; for , , (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma_{-} (P^{J} On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for ] (\tau, \sigma) P_{2}W=[ED_{7l}-\{\begin{array}{lllll}\lambda_{I}^{+} 0 \lambda_{I}^{-} |\lambda II_{I}\alpha_{\mathfrak{l}}^{l}|l--------------- IO\lambda_{II_{l}^{I}}^{I}+^{I}-|||||I|1 0 M_{III}^{+} M_{III}^{-}\end{array}\} (4. 3) \{ = F(xn), x_{n}>0 hyperbolic systems 103 W(\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) . B_{2}W=(BSS_{1})W = (V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) + (Vt, V_{II}’ , \cdot (\tau, \sigma, O) {}^{t}(^{t}W_{I}^{+}, W_{II}^{+},{}^{t}W_{III}^{+}) V_{III}^{-} ) \cdot (\tau, \sigma, O)=O t(tW_{I}^{-}, W_{II}’,{}^{t}W_{III}^{-}) . Setting W(\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) = ( W_{1,I}^{+},{}^{t}W_{1,I}^{-} , W_{1,II}^{+} , W_{1,II}’,{}^{t}W_{1}^{+} ,III, \ell W_{1,III}^{-} ) +{}^{t}(^{t}W_{2,I}^{+}, O, W_{2,II}^{+}, O,{}^{t}W_{2,III}^{+}, O) =(W_{1}+W_{2}) (\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) and W_{1}^{+} (\tau, \sigma, x_{n})={}^{t}(^{t}W_{1,1}^{+}, W_{1,II}^{+},{}^{t}W_{1,III}) W_{1}^{-} (\tau, \sigma, x_{n})= ( W_{1,1}^{-} , , ,III), W_{1,II}’,{}^{t}W_{1}^{-} W_{2}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})={}^{t}(^{t}W_{2,1}^{+}, W_{2,II}^{+},{}^{t}W_{2,III}^{+}) , W_{2}^{-}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O , we consider the following two problems: \int P_{2}(\tau, \sigma, D_{n})W_{1}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=F(x_{n}) (4. 4) |x_{n}>0 , W_{1}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, 0)=0 , , and P_{2}(\tau, \sigma, D_{n})W_{2}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O,\cdot (4. 5) x_{n}>O . \{ W_{2}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, O)+(b_{ij})(\tau, \sigma)W_{1}^{-}(\tau, \sigma, O)=O Then we see from the uniqueness of the solution of (4. 3) that satisfying the solution W of (4. 3) for From (4. 4) we have \det(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+})(\tau, \sigma)=R\neq O (\tau, \sigma) (4. 6) [ED_{n}-(\begin{array}{lll}\lambda_{I}^{-} 00 \lambda_{II}^{-} M_{III}^{-}\end{array}) W_{1}+W_{2} (\tau, \sigma) W_{1}^{-}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=(\begin{array}{l}f_{I}^{-}f_{I},\acute{I}\backslash f_{III}^{-}\end{array}) r is . T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 104 Since W_{2}^{-} (\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O [ED_{n}- (4. 7) \{ ( we have from (4. 5) \lambda_{I}^{+}O \lambda_{II}^{+} ) M_{III}^{+}]0W_{2}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O , x_{n}>0 , W_{2}^{+}+(b_{ij})W_{1}^{-})(\tau, \sigma, O)=O From (4. 6) the problem (4. 7) has a unique tempered solution for {\rm Im}\tau<0 : W_{2}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) =-\exp =-\exp (4. 8) (iM^{+}(\tau, \sigma)x_{n})\cdot (b_{if})(\tau, \sigma)\cdot W_{1}^{-}(\tau, \sigma, O) (iM^{+}(\tau, \sigma)x_{n}) \int_{0}^{\infty}\exp . (b_{ij})(\tau, \sigma) (-iM^{-}(\tau, \sigma)x_{n})f’(x_{n})dx_{n} , where M^{\pm}(\tau, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{lll}\lambda_{I}^{\pm} OO \lambda_{11} M_{III}^{\pm}\end{array}) , f’=(\begin{array}{l}f_{I}^{-}f_{II}’’’\backslash f_{II}^{-}\end{array}) On the other hand, let us put \tilde{W_{1,II}}=(\begin{array}{l}W_{1,II}^{+}\overline{W_{1},},,II\end{array})\sim g_{II}=S_{II}^{-1}f_{II} Then using the relation becomes for S_{II} , =S_{II} (\begin{array}{l}W_{1,II}^{+}W_{1}’,\prime II\end{array})=(\begin{array}{l}W_{1,II}^{+}s_{21}W_{1,II}^{+}+W_{1,II}’\end{array}) f_{II}={}^{t}(f_{II}^{+}, f_{II}’) (\begin{array}{ll}\lambda_{II}^{+} \alpha O \lambda_{II}^{-}\end{array}) S_{II}^{-1}=M_{II} , . , we see that the problem (4. 4) x_{n}>0 , (P_{I}^{+})_{x^{0}} P_{I}^{+}W_{1.I}^{+}=f_{I}^{+} , (P_{I}^{-})_{x^{0}} P_{I}^{-}W_{1,I}^{-}=f_{I}^{-} , (P_{II})_{x^{0}} P_{II}\cdot t(\overline{W}_{II}^{+},, \tilde{W}_{1,II}’.) (P_{III}^{+})_{x^{0}} P_{III}^{+}W_{1}^{+} (P_{III}^{-})_{x^{0}} P_{III}^{-}W_{1}^{-} ,III ,III =f_{III}^{+} = f_{III}^{-} =g_{II} , , , and W_{1,I}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, O)=\tilde{W}_{1}^{+} ,II ,III (\tau, \sigma, O)=O (\tau, \sigma, O)=W_{1}^{+} . Hence from Corollary 5. 1 and 7. 1 (ii) described later we have On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems ||f^{++}||\geq C\gamma||W_{1,1}^{+}|| , ||fI^{-}||\geq C\gamma||W_{1,1}^{-}|| ||g_{II}||\geq C\gamma||\overline{W_{1,II}}|| , i.e. , ||f_{II}||\geq C\gamma(||W_{1,II}^{+}||+||W_{1,II}’||) ||f_{III}^{+}||\geq C\gamma||W_{1,III}^{+}|| , 105 , ||f_{III}^{-}||\geq C\gamma||W_{1,III}^{-}|| , , and hence ||W_{1}(\tau, \sigma, \cdot)||\leq C\gamma-1||F(\cdot)||\leq C\gamma-1||\hat{f}(\cdot)|| for follows that for (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma Therefore from (4. 2) and -such that -. (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}. (4. 9) W_{I}+W_{2}=SS_{I}^{-1} R(\tau, \sigma)\neq 0 \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma ||W_{2}(\tau, \sigma, \cdot)||\leq C\gamma^{-1}||\hat{f}(\cdot)|| \mbox{\boldmath$\thea$} it , . We see from the proof that (4. 9) is also sufficient for of . Put L^{2} -well-posedness (P, B)_{x^{0}} G_{c} (x, y;\tau, \sigma ) ’/ =e^{iM^{+}(\tau,\sigma)x}(b_{ij})(\tau, \sigma)e^{-iM^{-}(\tau,\sigma)y} and note that ||f” (\cdot)||^{2}\leq C||\hat{f}(\cdot)||^{2} =C(||f’(\cdot)||^{2}+||f_{I}^{+}(\cdot)||^{2}+||f_{II}^{+}(\cdot)|^{2}+||f_{III}^{+}(\cdot)||^{2}) . Then, from (4. 8) and (4. 9) we obtain the following LEMMA 4. 2. The problem is -well-posed if and only if the following )’ and )’ are fulfifilled : ’ For every there exist a constant C>O and a neighborhood such that for every L^{2} (P, B)_{x^{0}} \alpha \beta (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \alpha) \cross (\overline{\Sigma_{-}}-\Sigma_{-}) (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma_{-} U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \int_{0}^{\infty}|\int_{0}^{\infty}G_{c}(x, y;\tau, \sigma) f’(y)dy|^{2}dx \leq C^{2}\gamma^{-2}\int_{0}^{\infty}|f’(x)|^{2}dx , i.e ., (4. 10) \beta) ||G_{c}(x, y;\tau, \sigma)||_{\mathscr{H}(L^{2}} L^{2})\leq C\gamma- 1 , ’ It holds for every (\tau, \sigma)\in C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} R(\tau, \sigma)\neq 0 that . Thus, in order to prove Theorem 4. 1 we have only to show the equivalence of the conditions ) and )’. We use the same technique as in [10]. First note that it holds that \alpha (4. 11) Put ||G,||_{g(L^{2}\cross} L2,C1) \alpha \leq||G_{C}||_{t(L^{2}}\sim L^{2} ’ ) \leq||G_{c}(x, y)||_{x,y} . T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 106 N_{\pm}=\{\begin{array}{lllll}|Im \lambda_{I}^{\pm}|^{-\frac{1}{2}} 00 |Im \lambda_{II}^{\pm}|^{-_{\tau}^{1}} E_{III}^{\pm}\end{array}\} ., L_{+}(x)=N_{+}^{-1}\exp(i^{t}(M^{+})x) L_{-}(x)=N_{-}^{-1}\exp(-iM^{-}x) S_{+}= \int_{0}^{\infty}\overline{L_{+}(x)}\cdot {}^{t}L_{+}(x) , , dx , S_{-}= \int_{0}^{\infty}L_{-}(y)\cdot\overline{{}^{t}L_{-}(y)}dy Then we have S_{+}N_{+}(b_{ij})N_{-}S_{-} = \int_{0}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}\overline{L_{+}(x)} . {}^{t}L_{+}(x) ( N_{+}(b_{ij}) N-) L_{-}(y)\cdot \overline{{}^{t}L_{-}(y)} dxdy = \int_{0}^{\infty}\overline{L_{+}(x)}G_{c}(x, y)\cdot\overline{{}^{t}L_{-}(y)}dxdy Hence |S_{+}N_{+} (b_{ij}) N_{-}S_{-}| (4. 12) \leq\sup_{f,g\epsilon}|2\int_{0}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}\langle f(x) \leq C , ||G_{c}||_{g(L^{2}\cross}L^{2},C^{1}) G_{c}(x, y)g(y)\rangle dxdy| , where . denotes matrix norm and C>0 . that | On the other hand it holds | S_{+}=N_{+}^{-1} \int_{0}^{\infty}\exp\{i((M^{+})-((M^{+}))^{*})x\} dxN_{+}^{-1} 0 (2 {\rm Im}\lambda_{I}^{+})^{-1} =N_{+}^{-1}\{ (2 {\rm Im} \lambda_{II}^{+})^{-1}\int_{0}^{\infty}\exp (-2{\rm Im} M_{III}^{+}\cdot x)dx\backslash )^{N_{+}^{-1}} . 0 Since we may assume that such that for {\rm Im}(M_{III}^{+})\geq C>0 , there exist constants C_{1} , C_{2}>0 (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma - C_{1}\leq\overline{S}_{+}=S_{+}\leq C_{2} (4. 13) C_{1}\leq S_{-}\leq C_{2} , , where the lower inequalities follow from the same calculation. Combining (4. 12) and (4. 13) we obtai On structures of certain (4. 14) |N_{+} L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems (bij) for hyperbolic N_{-}|\leq C||G_{c}||_{4(L^{2}\cross}L^{2},C^{1}) 107 systems . On the other hand we have the estimates: ||G_{c}(x, y)||_{x,y} = \int|\exp (iM^{+}x)(b_{ij}) \exp (-iM^{-}y)|^{2}dxdy \leq\int|\exp (iM^{+}x)N_{+}^{-1}|^{2}dx\cdot \leq C|N_{+} (b_{if}) \int|N_{-}^{-1} \exp . (-iM^{-}y)|^{2}dy\cdot |N_{+}(b_{if}) N_{-}|^{2} , N_{-}|^{2},\cdot where the last inequality holds for every with some C>0 . Combining this with (4. 11) and (4. 14) we see that there exist con, C_{2}>0 such that for every stants (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma_{-} C_{1} (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma_{-} C_{1}|N_{+}(b_{ij})N_{-}|\leq||G_{r}||_{\mathscr{H}(}|L^{2},L^{2}),\leq C_{2}|N_{+}(b_{ij})N_{-}|( Hence (4. 10) is equivalent to |N_{+} (b_{ij}) N_{-}|\leq C\gamma^{-1} , which is equivalent to ). Thus the theorem is proved. \alpha \S 5. A Priori estimates for the case where the set II is empty. In this section we discuss the decomposed problem in \S 3 in the case where the set II is empty for the point being considered. In subsection 5. 1 a priori estimates for the problem and are given and subsection 5. 2 is devoted to that for the boundary . condition 5. 1. For the sake of completeness of our proof of (3. 4) we prove the following usual Lemma 5. 1. There exist constants C, r_{0}>0 such that for every it holds that (P_{1}, B_{1}) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \cross R^{n} (P_{I}^{\pm}) (P_{III}^{\pm}) (B_{1}) \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} for every u_{I}^{\pm} , , (P_{I}^{+}) ||PIu^{+}I+||_{0,r}+r^{\neq}|uI+|_{0,r}\geq C\gamma||uI+||_{0} (P_{I}^{-}) ||PI-u_{I}^{-}||_{0,r}\geq C(\sqrt{2}^{1}|u_{I}^{-}|_{0,r}+\gamma||u_{I}^{-}||_{0,r}) ,r (P_{III}^{+}) ||P_{III}^{+}u_{III}^{+}||_{0,\gamma}+\gamma|u_{II}^{+} (P_{III}^{-}) ||P_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}||_{0,\gamma}\geq C(|u_{III}^{-}|_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma}+||u_{1II}^{-}||1 u_{III}^{\pm}\in H_{1,7}(B_{+}^{n+1}) . I I |_{-_{\tau_{d}}^{1}},\gamma\geq C\gamma||u_{II}^{+} , ||0 \gamma) , ,f , , T. Ohkuho and T. Shirota 108 Now we define the norms ||u( . ||u( . )||^{2}= \int_{0}^{\infty}|u(x_{n})|^{2}dx_{n} and )|| , |u| for u(x_{u})\in H_{1}(B_{+}^{1},) by |u|=|u (0)| with their inner products denoted by ( , ) and ., , respectively. Then we have the following estimates for constant coefficients problems, which are direct consequences of the proof of Lemma 5. 1. and will be used in the proofs of Theorem 4. 1 and Lemma 6. 3. and a neighborhood COROLLARY 5. 1. There exist constants C, -and such that for every \cdot \langle \cdot \cdot\rangle \gamma_{0}>0 U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1})\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} (P_{I}^{+})_{x^{0}} ||PI+(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma, D_{n}) \theta_{I}^{+} ( . (P_{I}^{-})_{x^{0}} ||P_{I}^{-}(x, \tau, \sigma, D_{n}) \theta_{I}^{-} ( . (P_{III}^{+})_{x^{0}} ||P_{III}^{+}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma, D_{n})\theta_{III}^{+}(\cdot)||+\mathcal{T}\Lambda_{t^{2}}^{-^{1}}|u_{III}^{+}|\geq C\gamma||u_{II}^{+} (P_{III}^{-})_{x^{0}} ||P_{III}^{-}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma, D_{n})\theta_{III}^{-}(\cdot)||\geq C(\Lambda_{f}^{1}\tau|u_{III}^{-}|+\Lambda r||u_{III}^{-}(\cdot)||) for every \theta_{I} (x_{n}) , \theta_{11I}^{\pm}(x_{n})\in H_{1}(R^{1}\mp) )||+\gamma^{1}r|\theta_{I}^{+}|\geq Cr||\theta_{I}^{+} . , ( )|| )||\geq C(\gamma^{\frac{1}{2}}|uI-|+\gamma||\theta_{I}^{-} . ), ( )|| I (\cdot)|| LEMMA 5. 1. OF , . First we prove the estimates consider the bilinear form for j\in I and PROOF , (P_{I}^{\pm}) . Let us u=u_{j}^{\pm}: 2 {\rm Re} ((D_{n}-\lambda_{f}^{\pm}(x, D’))u, = {\rm Re} \mp iu)_{0,\gamma} \langle\mp u, u\rangle_{0,r}+2 There exists a constant C_{1}>0 {\rm Re} (\mp i\lambda_{j}^{\pm}(x, D’)u such that for any , u) r (x, \tau’, \sigma’)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0} \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}}) \mp Hence from ( 2. 6)’ {\rm Re} i\lambda_{j}^{\pm} (x, \tau’, \sigma’)\geq C_{1}\gamma ’ this is also valid for the symbol of \mp {\rm Re} i\lambda_{j}^{\pm} (\tilde{x},\tilde{\eta}-iT,\tilde{\sigma}) . \mp i\lambda_{j}^{\neq}.(x, D’) : 4_{f}\geq C_{1}\tilde{\gamma}\Lambda_{r} for , for =C_{1}(\gamma\Lambda_{f}^{-1})\Lambda_{r}=Clr, \gamma\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}\leq 2\epsilon_{0} , \geq C_{1}2\epsilon_{0}\Lambda_{\gamma}\geq 2\epsilon_{0}C_{1}\gamma \mathcal{T}\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}\geq 2\epsilon_{0} , \{ \geq C\gamma for every (x, \tau, \sigma)\in\overline{R_{+}^{n+1}}\cross C_{-}\cross || ( D_{n}-\lambda_{j}^{\pm}(x, D’) ) R^{n-1} Using Lemma 2. 1 u||_{0,r}\cdot||u||_{0} for large . Accordingly for any \gamma . , \delta>O \beta ) (v) \geq C(\mp|u|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\gamma||u||_{0,r}^{2}) \tau we have we have , On structures of certain \frac{1}{\delta\gamma}|| L^{2} ( -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems D_{n}-\lambda_{i}^{\pm}(x, D’) ) 109 u||_{0,r}^{2}+\delta\gamma||u||_{0,r}^{2} \geq C(\overline{\perp}|u|_{0,r}^{2}+\gamma||u||_{0,r}^{2}) Choosing sufficiently small we obtain the inequalities . Next we prove the estimates . Consider the bilinear form for : (P_{III}^{\pm}(x, D)u, 2 \delta (P_{I}^{\pm}) (P_{III}^{\pm}) u=u_{III}^{\pm} {\rm Re} \mp i\Lambda u)_{0,r} =\mp where \Lambda^{s}u= {\rm Re} \langle u, \Lambda u\rangle_{0,r}+ (2 \pi)^{-n}\int_{R^{n}}e^{i.x’}\underline{.}’|\xi’|^{s} \mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(x, D’) 2{\rm Re} (\mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(x, D’)u , \Lambda u and the symbol \^u (\xi’, x_{n})d\xi’ ) ,f \mp i\overline{M_{III}^{\pm}}(x, \tau, \sigma) of is \mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\hat{\sigma}.) Since assume or {\rm Im}\tau^{0}\leq-3\epsilon_{0} {\rm Im}\tau^{0}=O . \Lambda_{r} . , taking sufficiently small we may with C>O , \pm i(M_{III}^{\pm}-(M_{III}^{\pm})^{*})(x, \tau’, \sigma’)\geq C for every \{x, . If we are considering such a point then the Hermite part of is \tau’, U(\tau_{0}, \sigma_{0}) \sigma’)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}}) -that (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in\Gamma\cross\overline{\Sigma} {\rm Im}\tau_{0}\leq-3\epsilon_{0} , \mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma}) (5. 1. 1) \overline{\perp}i(M_{III}^{\pm}-(M_{III}^{\pm})^{*})(\tilde{x}(x),\tilde{\tau}(\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1}) for every { x, \sigma)\in\overline{B_{+}^{n+1}\prime}\cross\overline{C_{+}’}\cross \tau, R^{n-1} , \tilde{\sigma}(\tau\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}))\geq C , because from 2. we have , which is one reason for dif( 4)^{\ell} (\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\in and then ferent constructions of i n \S 2. If a point with is being considered, then (5. 1. 1) is also valid, because from ( 2. 6’) we have S_{\frac{6}{2}\epsilon_{0}} (\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\subset U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) {\rm Im}\tilde{\tau}\leq-_{\mathfrak{T}}^{1}\epsilon_{0} A_{k}^{f} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{c})\in I {\rm Im}\tau^{0}=O \cross\overline{\Sigma_{+}} (\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\in S_{8\epsilon_{0}}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\subset U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) for small . Since \epsilon_{0} \mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\in S_{+}^{0} we obtain from Lemma 2. 1 ) (i) \beta with C>0 \frac{1}{\delta}||P_{III}^{\pm}u||_{0,r}^{2}\geq\mp|u|_{1}^{2},r+C||\Lambda u||_{0,r}^{2}\tilde{2} if \delta>0 is chosen sufficiently small. On the other hand D_{n}u=P_{III}^{\pm}u+M_{III}^{\pm}u Hence it holds that ||D_{n}u||_{0,r}^{2}\leq C Thus we obtain ( ||P_{III}^{\pm}u||_{0,r}^{2}+||\Lambda u ||_{0}^{2} ,r ). T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 110 ||P_{III}^{+}u||_{0}^{2} , \gamma+|u|_{\frac{21}{2}} , f\geq C ||u||_{1}^{2} ,r and ||P_{III}^{-}u||_{0,r}^{2}\geq C(||u||_{1,\gamma}^{2}+|u|_{\tau}^{2}1,\gamma) . This proves Let us show the inequality (P_{III}^{-}) . .4 2{\rm Re}(P_{III}^{\pm}(x, D)u, (P_{III}^{+}) . Consider the bilinear form \overline{\perp}i\Lambda^{-1}u)_{c,r} = {\rm Re} \langle u, \overline{\perp}\Lambda^{-1}u\rangle_{0,f}+2{\rm Re}(\mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(x, D’)u, = {\rm Re} \langle u, --_{I}-\Lambda^{-1}u\rangle_{0,r}+2{\rm Re}(\mp iM_{III}^{\pm}(x, D’)\Lambda_{\mathfrak{l}}^{-1}u + 2{\rm Re} ( u, u [\mp iM_{III}^{\pm}, \Lambda^{-1}] 4^{-1}u)_{0,f} , u)_{0,\gamma} ). Then by the same way as in the proof of (P_{III}^{-}) , we see that \delta^{-1}\gamma^{-2}||P_{III}^{\pm}u||_{0,r}^{2}+\delta T^{2}||\Lambda^{-1}u||_{0,\gamma}^{2} \geq\mp|u|_{-\frac{1}{2}}^{2} , \gamma+C ||u||_{0}^{2} with C<0 . ,f and complete the proof of Lemma we obtain Since , 5. 1. 5. 2. Let us consider a priori estimates for the boundary condition in the case where the set II is empty. If we use the notations in \S 4 is rewritten by \mathcal{T}^{2}||\Lambda^{-1}u||_{0}^{2} (P_{III}^{+}) \gamma\leq||u||_{0,/}^{2} (B_{1}) (B_{1}) (B_{1}) (V_{I}^{+}, V_{I}^{-}, V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-})(x’, D’)\cdot t(tu_{I}, {}^{t}u_{I}^{-t},u_{III}^{+}, tu_{III}^{-}) =g (x’) in R^{n} (x’, O) , where the symbol of . Note that in this case it holds that (V_{I}^{+}, V_{I}^{-},\cdot V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-})(x’, D’) is (V_{I}^{+},\cdot V_{I}^{-}, V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-})(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau} , \tilde{\sigma}) B^{+} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) R(x’, \tau, \sigma)= hence (V_{I}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) and R(x’, \tau, \sigma) S_{+}^{0}(U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})) (B_{1}) the following THEOREM 5. 1. Assume the conditions (II) is empty, there exist constants C, \gamma_{0}>0 and (III). If the set II such that for every and |B^{+}(x’, D’) \geq C ( v^{+}(x’)|_{\tau}1,r \gamma^{1}z|v_{I}^{+}|_{0,\gamma}+\gamma |vIII+|_{-\frac{1}{2}} \alpha) \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} v^{+}(x’)={}^{t}(^{t}v_{I}^{+},{}^{t}v_{III}^{+})\in H\tau l,r(R^{n}) (B^{+}) , and analytic in are in (C-\cross R^{n-1}) . Then an a priori estimate for is given by B^{+} (x’, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap \det ,r ) r On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hypei’bolic systems 111 PROOF OF THEOREM 5. 1. If the theorem is a direct consequence of Lemma 2. 1 ) (ii) . Hence we may assume from the condition (III) and Theorem 4. 1 that . for Since is analytic in , the condition (II) implies R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 \beta R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O R(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma) \alpha) \tau (5. 1) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in\Gamma\cross’ R^{n} C\gamma\leq|R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{0})|\leq C’\gamma_{:} with some C, C’>0 . Hence we have (5. 2) \frac{\partial R}{\partial\tau}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 Since degree 0 in R(x’, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) (5. 3) in some is in . and homogenous of , we have from the implicit function theorem C^{\infty} (x’, \tau, \sigma) , analytic in R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(\tau-\nu(x’, \sigma) ). (\tau, \sigma) c_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma) where and are smooth, O, and are homogeneous of degree 1 in and is homogeneous of degree -1 in . From Theorem 4. 1 it holds that R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq O for {\rm Im}\tau<O . Hence we have U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \nu_{1}(x, \sigma) , \nu=\nu_{1}+i\nu_{2} c_{0}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq c_{0} \nu_{2}(x, \sigma) \sigma c_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) (5. 4) \nu_{2}(x’, \sigma)\geq O . To complete the proof of the theorem we require the following two lemmas. LEMMA 5. 2. Under the same conditions as in Theorem 5. 1, there exists a neighborhood such that the following hold: (i) There exist indeces j\in III_{+} and k\in III-such that for any the vectors are linearly independent. Let j\in III_{+} in (i) be l+ l, for simplicity, and denote by the linear space spaned by the vectors in the parenthesis. Then we have for such that (ii) , and (iii) for every PROOF OF LEMMA 5. 2. (i) First of all we remark that U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (x, \tau, \sigma) \in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \{V_{I}^{+}. V_{l+1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{j-1}^{+}, V_{k}^{-}, V_{f+1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}\} L(\cdot) (\tau_{@}, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \tau=\nu(x^{0}, \sigma) V_{l+1}^{+}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)\in L(V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) V_{j}^{-}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)\in L(V_{I}^{+}, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) (5. 2. 1) for every j, \sum_{f=1}^{m}\det(V_{1}^{+} k\in I_{+}\cup III_{+} , \cdots , \frac{\partial V_{f}^{+}}{\partial\tau} , \cdots , \cdot j\in I_{-} V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 ., T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 112 (5. 2. 2) \det(V_{1}^{+}, \cdots,\check{V}^{++}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau f, \sigma)=O (5. 2. 3) rank , (V_{I}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}, V_{I}^{-}, V_{III}^{-})(x’, \tau, \sigma)=m in some which follow from (5. 2), (5. 3) and (I) Suppose that there exists an index (5. 2. 4) \tau=\nu(x^{0}, \sigma) on \det(V_{1}^{+}, \cdots , \frac{\partial V_{j}^{+}}{\partial\tau} , \cdots , \gamma)(ii) U(x^{\cap})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) , , respectively. such that j\in I_{+} V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau,\sigma)\neq 0 Then we first show it contradicts (5. 2. 3) under the condition (III). such that for From Theorem 4. 1 there exists a neighborhood U_{1}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (\tau’, \sigma’)\in U_{1}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\Sigma_{-} (5. 2. 5) |\det (V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, \grave{V}_{k}^{-}j\nearrow, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau’, \sigma’)| \leq C(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) for j\in I_{+} U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) . |{\rm Im} \lambda_{j}^{+}(x^{\eta}, \tau’, \sigma’)|^{\frac{1}{2}}\cdot|R(x’, \tau’, \sigma’)|\cdot(\mathcal{T}’)^{-1} . On the other hand, there exists a neighborhood and such that for any k\in I_{-}\cup III_{-} (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap(C_{-}\cross R^{n-1}) (\tau\Lambda_{f}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1})\in U_{1}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{\eta})\cap\Sigma_{-} . and R are homogeneous of order 0 and Since order 1, we have from (5. 2. 5) V_{t}^{\pm} \lambda_{j}^{\pm} homogeneous of j |\det (V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, \check{V}_{k}^{-}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)| \leq C(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})|{\rm Im}\lambda_{j}^{+}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|^{1}\tau \cross|R(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)|.\gamma^{-1}.(|\tau|^{2}+|\sigma|^{2})^{\frac{I}{2}} for it is seen that for every (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (C_{-}\cross R^{n-1}) . Note that in and small T>0 |\tau|^{2}+|\sigma|^{2}\leq C (\eta, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap R^{n} U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) . Then j (5. 2. 6) |\det (V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, \check{V}_{k}^{-}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)| \leq C . |{\rm Im} \lambda_{j}^{+}(x^{0}, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)|^{1}\tau with some C>0 . Since (5. 2. 7) |{\rm Im} ( \lambda_{f}^{+} . |R(x^{0}, r,-i\gamma, \sigma)|\gamma^{-1} is a simple root we have \lambda_{j}^{+}(x^{0}, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)|\leq C\gamma for j\in I_{+} in (5. 2. 6), (5. 2. 7) and make as with some C>0 . Take converge to zero. Then it follows from (5. 1) that (\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (5. 2. 8) (\eta, \sigma) \det(V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, \dot{V_{k}}^{-}j, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{9}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=0 \gamma>O On structures of certain L^{2} 113 -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems . and for every On the other hand (5. 2. 4) implies k\in I_{-}\cup III_{-} j\in I_{+} \{V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{j-1}^{+}, V_{j+1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}\}(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) are linearly independent. such that Hence from (5. 2. 8) there exist numbers V_{k}^{-} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=\sum_{i\neq j}^{m}a_{i}^{k}V_{i}^{+} for every k\in I_{-}\cup III_{-} \{a_{i}^{k},\} . This together with (5. 2. 2) contradicts (5. 2. 3). Hence we see from (5. 2. 1) that there exists an index j\in III_{+} satistying (5. 2. 4). Secondly, by the same method deriving (5. 2. 8) from (5. 2. 5), we see . from Theorem 4. 1 (iii) that (5. 2. 8) is valid for every j\in III_{+} and This together with (5. 2. 2) and (5. 2. 3) implies (i). (ii) If the set I is empty, the lemma follows immediately, because are linearly independent and from (5. 3) from (i) . Hence we are linearly dependent on , , are lineassume that the set I is not empty and show that { k\in I_{-} \{V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}\}(x’, \tau, \sigma) \{V_{l+1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}\} \tau^{=}1j(x^{0}, \sigma) (x’, \tau, \sigma) V_{l+1}^{+} . arly dependent on Here we use again (5. 2. 6). \cdots V_{m}^{+}\rangle \tau=\nu(x^{0}, \sigma) \nu_{1}(x^{0}, \sigma) Take , then it follows from (5. 3) and the condition (II) (5. 2. 9) (\eta, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap R^{n} \alpha) such that that \eta= |R(x^{0}, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)| \leq C|\nu_{1}(x^{0}, \sigma)-i\gamma-\nu(x^{0}, \sigma)|=C\gamma Making \gamma>0 converge to zero we obtain from (5. 2. 6), (5. 2. 7) and (5. 2. 9) \det(V_{1}^{+}, \cdots,\check{V}_{k}^{-}i, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \eta, \sigma)=O (5. 2. 10) for . such that -and In view of (5. 2. 3) we see from (5. 2. 10) and (5. 2. 2) that for every j\in I_{+} , k\in I_{-}\cup III \eta=\nu 1(x^{0}, \sigma)=\nu(x^{0}, \sigma) (\eta, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap R^{r_{u}} \{v_{i}\}\subset C^{m} \det(v_{1}, \cdots, v_{l}, V_{III}^{+})=O on \tau=\nu\{xf are linearly dependent on { xf, This means that (iii) As in (5. 2. 10) we see from Theorem 4. 1 (iii) \tau=\nu \{V_{III}^{+}\} (5. 2. 11) \det(V_{I}^{+}, \mathcal{V}_{i}^{-}, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)=O \sigma) , \sigma) \in R^{1} . and proves (ii). i\in I_{-} , , , such that { xf, . Since from (i) { , are lineafly independent, the statement (iii) follows from (5. 2. 11) directly. LEMMA 5. 3. Under the same conditions as in Theorm 5. 1 the fof- for V_{m}^{+}\} (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap R^{n} \tau=\nu \sigma) V_{I}^{+} V_{l+2}^{+} \cdots T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 114 lowing hold : (i) There exist smooth scalar fu nctions tor fu nction a(x’, \tau, \sigma) which are homogeneous respectively, and satisfy and a smooth vec, order O and -1 in a_{i}(x’, \tau, \sigma) of (\tau, \sigma) V_{l+1}^{+}-a_{l+2}V_{l+2}^{+}-\cdots-a_{m}V_{m}^{+}=(\tau-\nu(x’, \sigma) in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) ). a . There exists a smooth such that order 0 in (ii) m\cross l matrix C_{I}(x’, \tau, \sigma) homogeneous of (\tau, \sigma) V_{I}^{-} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=B^{+}\cdot C_{I} in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\downarrow LEMMA 5. 3. Before proving it should be noted that Lemma 5. 2 (ii), (iii) are valid if \tau= lj(x0, ) is replaced \tau= v\{x’ , ), because in their proofs we can take as an arbitrary point such that the condition (II) . holds for some (i) From Lemma 5. 2 (i) and (ii) it holds that PROOF OF \sigma \sigma x^{0} \alpha) (\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (5. 3. 1) rank (V_{l+1}^{+}, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots,\cdot V_{m}^{+})=m-l-1 rank (V_{l+2}^{+} on \tau=\nu\{xf , \sigma) and (5. 3. 2) To determine a_{f}(x’, \tau, \sigma) (5. 3. 3) , \cdots . in V_{m}^{+})=m-l-1 U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) . we consider the system of equations: (V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) (\begin{array}{l}a_{l+2}\vdots a_{m}\end{array})=V_{l+1}^{+}(x’, \tau, \sigma) . Since there is such a minor of order m l-1 of the matrix that is non-singular, let it be the upper part of that matrix and write it by (V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) – (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) C(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{llll}v_{l+}^{+}.2,1 \prime- \ldots, v_{m}^{+}.,1v_{l+}^{\dotplus}.2,m -l-1, \ldots, v_{m}^{\dotplus}..m-l-1\end{array}) where \det C\neq 0 in some U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (\begin{array}{l}a_{l+2}^{\backslash }\vdots a_{m}\end{array})=C^{-1} . (\begin{array}{l}v_{l+1,1}^{+}\vdots\backslash ^{v_{l+1,m-l-1}^{+}}\end{array}) , Put (x’, \tau, \sigma) . , analytic and homogeneous of degree 0, with in , and fulfill the upper m-l-l equations of (5. 3. 3). respect to Moreover, we see that they are also the solution of the system when by virture of (5. 3. 1) and (5. 3. 2) Then \{a_{i}\} are C^{\infty} (\tau, \sigma) \tau=\nu(x’, \sigma) (x’, \tau, \sigma) On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for 115 hyperbolic systems Put f(x’, \tau, \sigma)=V_{l+1}^{+}-a_{l+2}V_{l+2}^{+}-\cdots-a_{m}V_{m}^{+}={}^{t}(f_{1}, \cdots, f_{m}) Then and f is C^{\infty} in (x’\tau, \sigma) . , analytic and homogeneous of degree 0 in on f(x’, \tau, \sigma)=O U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\{\tau=\nu(x’, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) } f Apply Wierstrass preperation theorem to . Then there exist integers which are analytic and homogeneous and smooth functions and satisfy for j=1, , m of order -m_{f} i n g_{i}(x’, \tau, \sigma) \geq 1 (\tau, \sigma) m_{j} \cdots f_{j}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(\tau-\nu(x’, \sigma) ) mj . g_{j}(x’, \tau, \sigma) , in some U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) . If we put a(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(t(\tau-\nu)^{m_{1}-1}g_{1}, \cdots , (\tau-\nu)^{m_{m}-1}g_{m}) , the statement (i) is proved. (ii) By the same way as in the proof of (i) it follows from Lemma and smooth 5. 2 (iii) that there exist smooth scalar functions O and -1 in which are homogeneous of order vector functions respectively, and satisfy a_{Ij}(x’, \tau, \sigma) d_{t}(x’, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) (5. 3. 4) V_{i}^{-}-(a_{i,1}V_{1}^{+}+\cdots+a_{i} lV_{l}^{+}+a_{i,l+2}V_{l+2}^{+}+\cdots+a_{i} , mmV^{+} , =(\tau-(x’, \sigma) for i=1, \cdots , l. ) in some d_{i} U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) Put D_{1}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\{\begin{array}{lll}a_{1,1} \cdots a_{m,1}\vdots \vdots a_{1,l} a_{m,l}O \cdots Oa_{1,l+2} a_{m,l+2}\vdots \vdots a_{1,n} \cdots a_{m,m}\end{array}\} , D_{2}=(d_{1}, \cdots, d_{l}) . Then we have from (5. 3. 4) V_{I}^{-}=B^{+}D_{1}+(\tau-\nu(x’, \sigma) ) D_{2} , , are homogeneous of order O , -1 in where it holds that any non-singular m\cross m matrix D_{1} D_{2} C_{1} (\tau-\nu)D_{2} =C_{1}(\tau-\nu)C_{1}^{-1}D_{2} (\tau, \sigma) respectively. For T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 116 =C_{1}(\begin{array}{lll}E_{1}^{+} 00 (\tau-\nu)\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1} E’\end{array}) ( =C_{1} \{ E_{I}^{+}00E’(\tau-\nu)\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1} )( )’ E_{I}^{+}00E’(\tau-\nu)\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1})^{-1}(\tau-\nu) C_{1}^{-1}D_{2} (\tau-\nu)E_{I}^{+}0^{\backslash }0_{(\tau-\nu)E’}^{\Lambda_{\gamma})C_{1}^{-1}D_{2}} \backslash where , E’ E_{I}^{+} are the l\cross l, (m-l-1)\cross(m-l-1) identity matrices res- pectively. \tau , \sigma) We will choose in (i) and put C_{1} in order to show that C_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\{\begin{array}{lllllllllll}E_{I}^{+} | 0 | ---- --- ------- -\cdot-- -\cdot\cdot --- .--- \cdots ! V_{I}^{-}\in rangeB^{+} . Take a_{i}(x’,\cdot 1 0 I 0 ||| -a_{l+2} \vdots I -a_{m} 0 1\end{array}\} 1 Then with a(x’, \tau, \sigma) in (i) it holds that B^{+}C_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma) =(V_{I}^{+}, (\tau-\nu)a, V_{l+2}^{+} , \cdots , V_{m}^{+}) (5. 3. 5) =(V_{I}^{+}, a\Lambda_{\gamma}, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) (_{0}^{E_{I}^{+}}(\tau-\nu(x’, \sigma) Since \det C_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma)\equiv 1 ) \Lambda_{\gamma}^{1}E0 ,) 1 we have R=\det B^{+}=\det B^{+}C_{0} = ( \tau- l) ) \det(V_{I}^{+}, a, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) , where from (5. 2) \det (V_{I}^{+}, a, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+})\neq O . Hence if we put C_{1}=(V_{I}^{+}, a\Lambda_{f}, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) is homogeneous of order 0 in then we obtain from (5. 3. 5) C_{1}(x’, \tau, \sigma) (\tau, \sigma) V_{I}^{-}=B^{+}D_{1}+B^{+}C_{0}\{ (\tau-\nu)E_{I}^{+}0\Lambda_{r}(\tau-\nu)E^{\prime and \det C_{1}\neq 0 lC_{1}^{-1}D_{2}}0^{1} \cdot , . Thus T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 118 |q(x’, D’) v_{l+1}^{+}|_{\frac{1}{2},f}\geq C\gamma|v_{l+1}^{+}|_{-\frac{1}{2},f} with some C>O . Hence it holds for large |B^{+} . \gamma that C_{0}v^{+}|_{1}2’ f\geq C(\gamma^{1}\Sigma|v_{I}^{+}|_{0,\gamma}+\gamma|v_{III}^{+}|_{-\frac{1}{2},\gamma}) . On the other hand |B^{+} . C_{0}v^{+}|_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma}\leq|C_{0}\cdot B^{+}v^{+}|_{\frac{1}{2},f}+|[B^{+}, C_{0}]v^{+}|_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma} \leq C(|B^{+}v^{+}|_{\frac{1}{2},r},+|v^{+}|_{-_{\tau}^{1},\gamma}) . Thus Theorem 5. 1 is proved. structure of II is not empty. \S 6. The (P_{1}, B_{1}) for the case where the set and ) This section is devoted to the case where the conditions (II) and its neighare applied. We only consider the point for which the set II is not empty borhood . Note that in this case the boundary condition and may be replaced by \gamma \beta) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in\Gamma\cross R^{n} U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (C_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) (B_{1}) R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O (V_{I}^{+}, V_{I}^{-},\cdot V_{II}’, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}, V_{III}^{-})(x’, D’) (B_{1}) . t tuI+ ( , t VII, u_{\acute{I}I} , , u VII, u_{II}^{\prime\prime t} tu_{III}^{-} ) (x’, O)=g(x’) , in R^{n} and it holds that B^{+} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) , R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\det(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) , (C_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) , analytic in in (C_{-}\cross R^{n-1}) (C-\cross R^{n-1})) . and continuous in in \S 3 of 2m\cross We give some lemmas on the decomposed problem 2m system, which will be used in \S 8 for the proof of the estimate (1. 1). For the functions defined in \S 3 and \S 4 let us also use the following notations for simplicity in symbolic caluculations: Hence B^{+} and R are S_{+}^{0} U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\tau, \sigma) U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap \in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (P_{1}, B_{1}) B’ (x’, \mu, \sigma)=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}) (x’, \tau, \sigma) , B’ (x’, \mu, \sigma)=(V_{I:}^{+}V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})(x’, \tau, \sigma) , and (6. 1) where s_{21}(x, \mu, \sigma)=s_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)+\sqrt{\mu}s_{2}(x, \mu, \sigma) , On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 117 Let C_{I}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=D_{1}+C_{0} \{ (\tau-\nu)E_{I}^{+}0\Lambda_{\gamma}(\tau-\nu)E’0)C_{1}^{-1}D_{2} . \backslash Then C_{I} is homogeneous of order 0 in V_{I}^{-} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=B^{+}\cdot C_{I} in (\tau, \sigma) and U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) . Thus the proof of the lemma is completed. Now we must go back to the proof of Theorem 5. 1. Since . Take by (2. 6) as the extention and denote them by we take in the proof of Lemma 5. 3 (ii) and put and {\rm Im}\tau^{0}=O (\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma}) (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k}) C_{1}(x’, \tau, \sigma) C_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma) \tilde{C}_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=C_{0}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma}) \overline{C}_{1}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=C_{1}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})=(V_{I}^{+}, a, V_{l+2}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) \tilde{C}_{2}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\{\backslash E_{I}^{+}0\tilde{\tau}-\nu(x, \tilde{\sigma})E0,)=(\backslash E_{I}^{+}0 (\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma}) q(x’, \tau, \sigma)E0 ,) 1 Then we have with some C>O (5. 5) |\det \overline{C}_{1}(x’, \tau, \sigma)|\geq C for every \cross\overline{C}_{-}\cross (x’, \tau, \sigma)\in I R^{n-1} , and it follows from (5. 3. 5) that (5. 6) \tilde{B}^{+}\tilde{C}_{0}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\overline{C}_{1}\overline{C}_{2}(x’, \tau, \sigma) Furthermore, we see from ( 2. (5. 7) . and (5. 4) that 6)’ -{\rm Im}\tilde{q}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\tilde{\gamma}+\nu_{2}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\sigma})\geq\tilde{\gamma} =\tilde{Y}_{k}(\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{f}^{1})\geq C\gamma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1} with some C>O . Let B^{+} , C^{0} , C_{1} , respectively. it holds for large that \tilde{B}^{+},\tilde{C}_{0},\tilde{C}_{1},\overline{C_{2}^{\cdot}},\tilde{q}\in S_{+}^{0} \alpha) and \beta ) (ii) , q be the operators with their symbol Then from (5. 5), (5. 6) and Lemma 2. 1 C_{2} \gamma |B^{+}(x’, D’) \cdot C_{0}(x’, D’)v^{+}|_{\tau’ r}1 \geq C|C_{2}(x’, D’)v^{+}|_{\frac{1}{2},r} \geq C ( |v_{I}^{+}|_{\tau}1 , r^{+}|Q\{x , D’ ) v_{l+1}^{+}|_{\neq,r}+ \sum_{f=l+2}^{m}|v_{j}^{+}|_{\doteqdot,r}) If we consider the bilinear form -{\rm Im} and Lemma 2. 1 ) (iv) and ) (iv) that for large \langle Q\{x, D’) v, v\rangle_{0,\gamma} \alpha \beta \gamma . , we see from (5. 7) On structures of certain s_{1}=( L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems -p_{11}\mu+\lambda_{1}(x, \mu, \sigma)-\lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma) =\mu s1(1)(x, \mu, \sigma) ) 119 (\Lambda_{0}^{(0)}+p_{12}\mu)^{-1} , s_{2}=\lambda_{2}(x, \mu, \sigma)(\Lambda_{0}^{(0)}+F_{12}\mu)^{-1} and , are real for real . (see Lemma 3. 1 and subsection 4. 1). Here note that B’ and B’ are smooth and it holds that in U(x^{0})\cross(U (O, s_{1} s_{2} \mu \sigma^{0})\cap R^{n}) (6. 2) |s_{1}^{(1)} (x, \mu, \sigma)|\leq C, and s_{2}(x, \mu, \sigma)>0 with some C>0 . Here after we consider only , with Then we have the following LEMMA 6. 1. For the fu nctions in \S 4 the relations (i), (ii) and (iii) rectly from their defifinitions: \tau {\rm Im}\tau={\rm Im}\mu\leqq O \mu \alpha) follow di- (i) h_{II}’=h_{II}^{+}-s_{21}h_{II}’ , h_{II}^{-}=h_{II}^{+}+\alpha^{-1}(\lambda_{II}^{-}-\lambda_{II}^{+})h_{II}’ , hence V_{II}’=V_{II}^{+}-s_{21}V_{II}’ , V_{II}^{-}=V_{II}^{+}+\alpha^{-1}(\lambda_{II}^{-}-\lambda_{II}^{+})V_{II}’ , (ii) b_{IIII}=R^{-1t} \det B’=\alpha(\overline{b_{IIII}}-1)(\lambda_{II}^{-}-\lambda_{II}^{+})^{-1} 1-s_{21}b_{IIII}=R^{-1} b_{ij}=\overline{b_{ij}} . \det B’ , , for every i and every j\not\in II , (iii) \det \beta) ( V_{I}^{+} , (1-s_{21}b_{IIII})V_{II}’-b_{II} The condition (II) \beta) II V_{II}’ , V_{III}^{\dashv-})=O . implies (i) \det B’(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O Now let Q(x’, \mu, \sigma)\in S_{+}^{0} be and \det B’(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 . defifined as follows: Q(x’, \mu, \sigma)=(\det B’)(\det B’)^{-1} in U(x^{0})\cross U Thm it holds that (ii) Q(x’, \mu, \sigma)=(1-s_{21}b_{IIII}) (b_{IIII})^{-1}=R(\det B’)^{-1}-s_{21} = (\lambda_{II}^{-}-\lambda II) (\alpha(b_{IIII}-1))^{-1}--s_{21} . (O, \sigma^{0} ). T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 120 (iii) \det in (V_{I}^{+}, QV_{II}’-V_{I1}’, V_{III}^{+})=O U(x^{0})\cross U(0, \sigma^{0}) . ) (i) follows from the fact that (h_{II}^{+}, h_{II}’)=(h_{II}’, h_{II}’)S_{II} and ) (i) and ) (ii) implies ) (ii) and ) (iii) , re. spectively. From ) and ) (i) it follows directly that ) (ii) and (iii) are valid. Therefore we only prove ) (i) . From ) (i) and (6. 1) we have PROOF. \alpha (h_{II}^{+}, h_{II}^{-})=(h_{II}’, h_{II}’)S_{II}T_{II} \beta \beta \alpha \alpha \alpha \alpha \alpha \beta R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{0})= \det \alpha (V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’+s_{21}V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}) = \det B’+s_{21} = (\det B’+s_{1} \det B’) \det B’ (x^{0}, -i\gamma, \sigma^{0}) +\sqrt{-i\gamma}(s_{2}\det B’)(x^{0}, -i\gamma, \sigma^{0}) Hence it follows from R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O . that (\det B’+s_{1}\det B’) (x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O which implies \det B’(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O . Since (\det analytic in , it follows from the condition (II) B’+s_{1}\det B’) \beta) \mu (s_{2}\cdot\det B’)(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 , (x^{0}, \mu, \sigma^{0}) is that , which together with (6. 2) implies ) (i) . be Lemma 6. 2. Assume the condition (II) . Let the equality . Then there exist a constant C>O and operasatisfified for independent of U such that for large , and tors \beta (B_{1}) \beta) U\in H_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) C_{1} C_{2}\in S_{+}^{-1} k_{JK}\in S_{+}^{0} \gamma |g-V_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}-C_{1}u_{I}^{-}-C_{2}u_{II}’|_{\frac{1}{2},r} \geq C(|u_{I}^{+}+k_{II}u_{I}^{-}+k_{I} II u_{II}’|_{1},f+2|u_{II}’+k_{III}u_{I}^{-}+Qu_{II}’|1 , f +| u I+II +k_{III} I u_{I}^{-}+k_{III} II Moreover, in and has the form : in u_{II}’|_{2}1,)f U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) , the symbol of (k_{JX}) is analytic (\tau’, \sigma’) (6. 3) (\begin{array}{lllll}k_{II} k_{III} k_{IIII} \backslash k_{III} k_{II} k_{IIIII} k_{III} I k_{IIIII}II k_{IIIIII} \end{array})=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})^{-1}(V_{I}^{-}jV_{II}’, V_{III}^{-})(x’,\tau’, \sigma’) matrices with m-,l-1,1 or (m-l) for J=I, II are . or III, respectively. In the constant coefficients case the analogous inequality holds, which follows directly from the proof of the above lemma: COROLLARY 6. 1. Assume the same condition as in Lmma 6. 2. where k_{JK} m_{J}\cross m_{K} On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems hyperbolic systems for 121 Let (B_{1})_{x^{0}} \hat{g}(\tau, \sigma)=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})\cdot t(t\theta_{I}, \hat{u}_{II}^{\prime t},\theta_{III}^{+}) + (Vt, V_{II}’ , V_{III}^{-} ) \cdot t(tu_{I}^{-}, \theta_{II}’,{}^{t}\theta_{III}^{-}) Thm there exist a constant C>Oind\psi mdent | g-V_{III}^{-}\theta_{III}^{-} +|\theta_{II}^{+} OF \theta . such that I +k_{III} I IIu^{\wedge}II’|+|\theta_{II}’+k_{II} \theta_{I}^{-}+k_{III} II I \theta_{I}^{-}+Q\theta_{II}’| u_{II}^{\wedge}|’) are fu nctions defifined by (6. 3). LEMMA 6. 2. Define by (6. 3). Then it holds that U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n-1}) PROOF of (\tau, \sigma, O) | \geq C (|u_{I}^{\wedge+}+k_{II}u_{I}^{\wedge-}+k_{I} in (\tau, \sigma, O) , where (k_{JK}) k_{JK} V_{I}^{-} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=V_{I}^{+}k_{II}+V_{II}’k_{III}+V_{III}^{+}k_{IIII} (6. 2. 1) , VI+II II Here we used the relation k_{IIII}=Q . Hence we have from V_{II}’(x’, \tau, \sigma)=V_{I}^{+}k_{III}+QV_{II}’+ k_{III} (B_{1}) g(x’)=V_{I}^{+}(x’, D’)u_{I}^{+}(x’, O)+V_{II}’(x’, D’)u_{II}’(x’, O) + VI+II (x’, D’)u_{III}^{+}(x’, O) +(V_{I}\cdot k_{II}+V_{II}’\cdot k_{III}+V_{III}^{+}\cdot k_{IIII}) u_{I}^{-}(x’, O) +(V_{I}\cdot k_{III}+V_{II}’\cdot Q+V_{III}^{+}\cdot k_{IIIII}) + u_{II}’(x’, O) V_{III}^{-}(x’, D’)(u_{III}^{-}(x’, O) +C_{1}(x’, D’)u_{I}^{-}(x’, O)+C_{2}(x’, D’)u_{II}’(x’, O) where C_{1} and C_{2}\in S_{+}^{-1} , arise from commutators. Hence we obtain g-V_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}-C_{1}u_{I}^{-}-C_{2}u_{II}’ u_{I}^{+}+k_{I1}u_{I}^{-}+k_{I} =(VI, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}) II u_{\acute{I}1} (x’, D’)\{u_{II}’+k_{II}1u_{I}^{-}+Qu_{I1}’ u_{III}^{+}+k_{III1}u_{I}^{-}+k_{III} u_{II}’)^{1}\backslash . II by Lemma 6. 1 ) (i) , the lemma follows from Since Lemma 2. 1 ) (ii) . Lemma 6. 3. Consider the constant coeffiffifficients problem of ) system in a suffiffifficiently small neighborhood : \det\tilde{B}’(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq O \beta \beta (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} 2\cross 2 (U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\Sigma - \prime P_{II}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma, D_{n})\theta_{II}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) =(E_{II}D_{n}-M_{II}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma) (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} =\hat{f}_{II}(x_{n}) . , for ). x_{n}>O t(\theta\text{\’{I}}_{I}, \theta_{II}’) , Q(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma)\theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, O)+\theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, O)=O . (\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) T Ohkubo and T. Shirota 122 the conditions (II) posed, that is, for any -), the problm satisfy ing If and (III) are assumed, then and any has a unique solution \beta) \hat{f}_{II}(x_{n})\in H_{1}(x_{n}>0) (6. 4) is L^{2} -well- (\tau, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap \theta_{II}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})\in H_{1}(x_{n}>0) (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} \Sigma (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} ||\theta II(\tau, \sigma, \cdot)||\leq C\gamma^{-1}||\hat{f}_{II}(\cdot)|| for sme C=C(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>0 . PROOF. Recall the proof of Theorem 4. 1. First we obtain from the . Transform condition (III) the -well-posedness of the problem it by a non-singular matrix L^{2} (P^{0}, B)_{x^{0}} S(\tau, \sigma)=(h_{I}^{+}, h_{I}^{-}, h_{II}’, h_{II}’, h_{III}^{+}, h_{III}^{-}) . Then we have the following constant coefficients problem equivalent to (P^{0}, B)_{x^{0}} : ] O=F, for (\tau, \sigma) (P_{1}, B_{1})_{x^{0}}| \int_{B_{1}O=BSO}^{P_{1}O=[ED_{n}-}=0 = (V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}){}^{t}(\theta_{I}^{+},\hat{u}_{II}’,{}^{t}\theta_{III}^{+}) + (VI-, V_{II}’ , V_{III}^{-} ) x_{n}>0 , (\tau, \sigma, 0) {}^{t}(^{t}\theta_{I}^{-}, \theta_{II}’,{}^{t}\theta_{III}^{-}) (\tau, \sigma, 0) , where O(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=S^{-1}\theta(\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) =t({}^{t}\theta_{I}, {}^{t}\theta_{I}^{-},\hat{u}_{II}’,\hat{u}_{II}’,{}^{t}\theta_{III}^{+},{}^{t}\theta_{III}^{-}) and F(x_{n})=S^{-1}\hat{f}(x_{n}) ={}^{t}(^{t}\hat{f}_{I}^{+},{}^{t}\hat{f}_{I}^{-},\hat{f}_{II}’,\hat{f}_{II}’,,{}^{t}\acute{\grave{f}}_{III}^{+},{}^{t}\hat{f}_{III}^{-}) Existance of a solution of for solution O of 1) (P_{1}, B_{1})_{x^{0}} (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} . From Corollary 5. 1 the \hat{F}(x_{n})={}^{t}(O, O,\hat{f}_{I}’,\hat{f}_{II}’, O, O) \hat{u}_{I}^{-}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=\hat{u}_{III}^{-}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O . Hence from Corollary 6. 1 it holds that .\theta_{I}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, O)+k_{I} (6. 3. 1) II \theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, 0)=O \theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, O)+Q\theta_{II}^{J}(\tau, \sigma, O)=O \theta_{III}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, O)+k_{III} II . , , \theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, O)=O . fufills On structures Therefore the {}^{t}(\hat{f}_{II}’,\hat{f}_{II}’) of certain t(u\text{\’{I}}_{I}, \hat{u}_{II}’) L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems (\tau, \sigma, x_{n}) is a solution of (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} for 123 \hat{f}_{II}(x_{n})= . The estimate (6. 4) for the above solution follows from the posedness of : 2) L^{2} -well- (P_{1}, B_{1})_{x^{0}} || O(\tau, \sigma, \cdot)||\leq C\gamma^{-1}||F(x_{n})|| Uniqueness of the solution of corresponding to solution of of the equations 3) (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} . Let be the . Take the bounded solutions (P_{II}, Q^{t})_{x^{0}} \hat{f}_{II}=O . \hat{u}_{II}={}^{t}(\theta_{II}’,\hat{u}_{II}’) \hat{u}_{I}^{+},\hat{u}_{III}^{+} \{ ( E_{I}^{+}D_{n}-\lambda_{I}^{+} (\tau, \sigma) ) \theta_{I}^{+} (\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O for x_{n}>0 for x_{n}>0,\cdot , , 4_{I}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, O)=-k_{III}\theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, 0) and \{ ( E_{III}^{+}D_{n}-M_{III}^{+}(\tau, \sigma) ) \theta_{III}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, O)=-k_{III} \hat{u}_{III}^{+}(\tau, \sigma, x_{n})=O II \theta_{II}’(\tau, \sigma, 0) . Put O={}^{t}(^{t}\theta_{I}^{+}, O, \theta_{II}’, \theta_{II}^{\prime\prime t},\theta_{III}^{+}, O) Then P_{1}O=O . and (6. 3. 1) is fulfilled. Hence it follows from (6. 2. 1) that B_{1}O=(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})\cdot =(VI, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+}) t(t\theta_{I}, \theta_{II}’,{}^{t}\thetaIII+) +V_{II} \cdot(\begin{array}{lll}\theta_{I}^{+}+k_{I} II \hat{u}_{II}’\theta_{II}’,+Q\theta_{I},I \theta_{III}^{+}+k_{III} IIu’II\end{array})=O \theta_{II}’ . with \hat{F}=O . From the -wellTherefore O i s a solution of . This proves posedness of we obtain O=O and hence the lemma. Lemma 6. 4. Assume the conditions (II) and ). (i) Then the fu nction Q(x’, \mu, \sigma) defifined in Lmma 6. 1 ) (i) takes real values in U(x^{0})\cross U (O, ) for real . (ii) Suppose, in addition, the condition (III). Then for L^{2} (P_{1}, B_{1})_{x^{0}} \theta_{II}’=\theta_{II}’=O (P_{1}, B_{1})_{x^{0}} \beta) \gamma \beta \sigma^{0} \mu (x’, \tau, \sigma)\in U(x^{0}) \cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) O, , R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=O for {\rm Im}\tau\leq O is equivalent to \tau=\theta(x’, \sigma) and Q(x’ , \sigma)=O. PROOF. Since, in the case (a), the choice of the vectors stricted to be real for \mu\geq 0 , Lemma 4. 1 and the condition (II) (i) that \{h_{I}^{f}, h_{II}^{\pm}\} \gamma) are reimply T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 124 b_{IIII}^{-}(x’, \tau, \sigma) = \det B(h_{I}^{+}, h_{II}^{-}, h_{III}^{+})\cdot (\det B(h_{I}^{+}, h_{II}^{+}, h_{III}^{+}))^{-1} is real for \mu\geq 0 and R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq 0 . Here note that which were defined in \S 4 by h_{II}^{\pm} are the eigenvectors (h_{II}^{+}, h_{II}^{-})=(h_{II}’, h_{II}’)S_{II}T_{II} and hence are real for \mu\leq 0 that \mu\geq 0 . From Lemma 6. 1 \beta ) (ii) it holds for {\rm Im} Q(x’, \mu, \sigma)=R(\det B’)^{-1}-s_{21} (6_{\tau}.4.1) = (\lambda_{II}^{-}-\lambda_{II}^{+}) (\alpha(b_{IIII}-1))^{-1}--s_{21} . is real If R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=O and \mu\geq O then Q is real at such points, because for \mu\geq 0 by virture of (6. 1). If R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq 0 , \mu\geq 0 and b_{IIII}^{-}\neq 1Q is also , , real, because are so. From Lemma 6. 1 ) (ii) we have II and S_{21} \overline{b_{II}} \lambda_{II}^{\pm} \tilde{b_{IIII}}(x^{0}, \alpha S_{21} \alpha \tau^{0}-i\gamma , \sigma^{0}\rangle-1 =-2\sqrt{-i\gamma}(\lambda_{2}\cdot\det B’\cdot\alpha^{-1}) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{0}) . R^{-1} ( , x^{0} \tau^{0}- -ir, \sigma^{0} ) \iota and the condition (II) Since . Thus we see that Q(x’, \mu, \sigma) tqkes real values imply II . Since Q is analytic in at \mu=O Q always takes real whenever values for real . (ii) Suppose and Q(x’, O, \sigma)=0. Then from (6. 1) and (6. 4. 1) we have R(x’, \theta(x’, \sigma), \sigma)=O . Hence we have only to prove the , then from Theorem converse. Suppose that R (x’, \tau, \sigma)=O and \mu=O . First if \mu<0 , it follows from (6. 1) that 4. 1 and from (i) that Q is real. This contradicts (6. 4. 1). We shall secondly show that R(x’\tau, \sigma)=0 for \mu>0 is also impossible under the condition . From (III). Let be a Lopatinskii determinant of Lemma 6. 3 and Theorem 3 of [11] we easily see the condition (III) implies that for every fixed x’\in U(x^{0}) (\lambda_{2}\cdot\det B’\cdot\alpha^{-1}) (x^{\phi}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 \beta) R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O (x^{0}, \check{\tau}^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 1 \tilde{b_{II}} \mu\not\geq O \mu \mu \tau=\theta(x’, \sigma) {\rm Im}\tau\leq 0 {\rm Im}\tau= {\rm Im} s_{21}\neq 0 {\rm Im} (P_{II}, Q)_{x^{0}} R_{II}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma) (6. 4. 2) R_{II}(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq O for \tau-\theta(x’, \tau) >O (for the case (a) in Lemma 3. 1.) On the other hand we see in \S 4 that M_{II}S_{II}=(\begin{array}{ll}\lambda_{II}^{+} \alpha 0 \lambda_{II}^{-}\end{array}) Hence letting S_{II}^{1} be the first column of S_{II} we obtai n On structures of certain L^{2} 125 -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems R_{II}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(Q, 1 (6. 4. 3) ) S_{II}^{1} =Q +s_{21}=R(\det B’)^{-1} where the last equality follows from (6. 4. 1). Thus (6. 4. 2) and (6. 4. 3) imply that R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq 0 for \mu=\tau-\theta(xf, \sigma)>0 from which we obtain If \mu=O and \mu=O . Q(x’, O, \sigma)\neq 0 R ( x’ , \theta(xf, \sigma) , \sigma)= then we have from (6. 1) and (6. 4. 1) Q(x’, O, \sigma)(\det B’)(x’, O, \sigma)\neq O . This is a contradiction, hence Q(x’, O, \sigma)=O holds. Thus the proof of (ii) is completed. LEMMA 6. 5. Assume the conditions (II) , and {III). Then there exists a neighborhood such that for every \gamma) \beta) (x’, \sigma)\in U(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) U(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) -Q(x’, O, \sigma)\geq 0 COROLLARY 6. 2. have gr,ad(x,\sigma) , in the case (a). Under the same conditions as in Lemma 6. 5 we Q(x’, O, \sigma)=O on \{(x’, \sigma)\in R^{2n-1} ; Q(x’, O, \sigma)=O\} PROOF OF Lemma 6. 5. The condition (III) together with Lemma 6. 3 implies (6. 4. 2). On the other hand we have from (6. 4. 3) and (6. 1) R_{II} (x’, \tau, \sigma)=Q+\mu s_{1}^{(1)}+\sqrt{\mu}s_{2} Regarding our convention Then we see (6. 5. 1) \sqrt{1}=-1 . we consider the equation R_{II}=O . \sqrt{\mu}S_{2}(x’, 0, \sigma)=-Q(x’, 0, \sigma)+r(x’, \sqrt{\mu}, \sigma)\mu is an analytic function in where such that exists a sequence r(x’, \sqrt{\mu}, \sigma) \sqrt{\mu} . Now suppose that there (x^{n}, \sigma^{n}) (x^{n}, \sigma^{n}) - (x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) , as narrow\infty,\cdot -Q(x^{n}, O, \sigma^{n})<0 with \mu^{n}>0 such that (6. 5. 1) holds for Then there exists a sequence R(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O , because from (6. 2) and we have a sequence from Lemma 6. 1 ) (ii) . Putting such that \mu^{n}>0 . and \{\sqrt{\mu^{n}}\} (x^{n}, \mu^{n}, \sigma^{n}) s_{2}(x^{n}, O, \sigma^{n})>0 \beta Q(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})= \tau^{n}=\mu^{n}+\theta(xn, \sigma^{n}) \{\tau^{n}\} R_{II}(x^{n}, \tau^{n}, \sigma^{n})=O T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 126 This contradicts (6. 4. 2) and proves the lemma. PROOF 0F COROLLARY 6. 2. Assume that gr” ad(x\sigma) Q(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 and for simplicity let \frac{\partial Q}{\partial x_{0}}(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 t Then from the implicit function theorem we have Q(x’, O, \sigma)=(x_{0}-c_{1}(x’, \sigma) ) c_{2}(x’, \sigma) and , are real, because Q(x’, O , in (x’, \sigma) , where is . is real. This contradicts Lemma 6. 5, hence such that Furthermore the same argument is valid for the points Q(x’, O, \sigma)=0. Hence the corollary is proved. REMARK 6. 1. In the case (b) in Lemma 3. 1 the discussions of Lemma 6. 4 and 6. 5 are also valid. In this case the conclusion of Lemma 6. 5 becomes -Q(x, O, \sigma)\leq 0 . REMARK 6. 2. If the coefficients of B are real and the set III is empty, is fulfilled automatically. Because it then holds that the condition (II) C^{\infty} c_{2}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 c_{1} c_{1} C_{2} \sigma) gr” ad(x\sigma)Q(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O (x’, \sigma) \gamma) \tilde{b_{IIII}}=\det B(h_{I}^{+}, h_{II}^{-})(\det B(h_{I}^{+}, h_{II}^{+}))^{-1} LEMMA 6. 6. Assume the conditions (II) and (III). \beta) Then it holds that (i) (ii) and V_{I}^{-}(x’, \tau, \sigma)\in L(V_{I}^{+}, V_{III}^{+}) V_{II}’(x’, \tau, \sigma)\in L(V_{III}^{+}) for such points O, . (x’, \eta, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap R^{n}) that \eta=\theta(x’, \sigma) and Q(x’ , \sigma)=O be the fixed real point satisfying the conditions PROOF. Let in Lemma 6. 6. (i) Then from Theorem 4. 1 it holds that for some C(x’, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>O (x’, \eta, \sigma) |\det (6. 6. 1) (V_{1}^{+}, V_{k}^{-}, V_{III}^{+})(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)| \leq C(x’, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})|{\rm Im} \lambda_{II}^{+}(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)|^{*} . for k\in I_{-} . From Lemma 6. 1 |R(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)| \beta . \gamma^{-z}1 ) (ii) and (6. 1) we have R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(Q +\sqrt{\mu}(\sqrt{\mu}s_{1}^{(1)}+s_{2}))\det B’ On structures Since of certain Q(x’, O, \sigma)=0 L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 127 we see that Q(x’, \mu, \sigma)=\mu c_{0}(x’, \mu, \sigma) with some function. c_{0} . Hence we have for such a point R(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\sqrt{\mu}(\sqrt{\mu}c_{0}+\sqrt{\mu}s_{1}^{(1)}+s_{2})\cdot\det B’ , Hence (6. 6. 2) |R(x’, \tau, \sigma)|\leq C|\tau-\theta(xf, \sigma)|^{1}z=C\gamma^{1}2 where C>0 and \tau=\eta-i\gamma (6. 6^{\theta}.3) , . On the other hand {\rm Im}\lambda_{II}^{+}(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)\leq C\gamma^{\frac{1}{2}} with some C>0 . Hence it follows from (6. 6. 1), (6. 6. 2) and (6. 6. 3) that \det(V_{I}^{+}, V_{k}^{-}, V_{III}^{+})(x’, \eta, \sigma)=O,\cdot k\in I_{-} , which implies our assersion (i). (ii) From Theorem 4. 1 it holds that |\det (V_{I}^{+}, \cdots,\check{V}_{I}’f,, \cdots, V_{l-1}^{+}, V_{I1}’, V_{III}^{+})(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)| \leq C\{x’ , . for j\in I_{+} j\in I_{+} . , \sigma^{0} ) |{\rm Im}\lambda_{II}^{-}(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)|^{\not\in} |R(x’, \eta-i\gamma, \sigma)| . Hence the same \det for \tau^{0} argument . \gamma^{-\not\equiv} , as in (i) leads us to (V_{I}^{+}, \cdots,\check{V}_{II}’f, \cdots, V_{l-1}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})(x’, \eta, \sigma)=O On the other hand for such points \det (x’, \eta, \sigma) we have (V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, \tilde{V}_{i}^{+}j, \cdots, V_{l-1}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})=O , because R(x’, \eta, \sigma)=O . Furthermore and , because of are linearly independent in \neq 0 . Hence we obtain for any vectors for j\in I_{+} i\in I_{+}\cup III_{+} V_{III}^{+}\} \{V_{I}^{+} , V_{II}’ , \det B’(x^{0}, \tau^{O}, \sigma^{0}) U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \{v_{i}\}\subset R^{n} \det (v_{1}, \cdots, v_{l-1}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})=O This implies that for such points V_{II}’\in L(V_{III}^{+}) by virture of the linear independence of , \{V_{III}^{+}\} the lemma. LEMMA 6. 7. Assume the conditions (II) Thm in (6. 3) are functions in and k_{III} k_{III} and completes the proof of \beta) , \gamma) and (III). T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 128 C^{\infty} ) and analytic in (x’, \sigma) belonging to some every ( U(x^{0})\cross U (O, and for (\mu, \sigma) \sigma^{0}) |kII1(x’, O, \sigma)|^{2} ({\rm Im}\mu\leq 0) , and neighborhood for some C>0 U(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) , and (6. 5) |k_{1} II(x’, O, \sigma)|^{2}\leq C|Q\{x’ , 0, ) . \sigma | From (6. 2. 1) and Lemma 6. 6 we have for every such that \mu=\tau-\theta(xf, \sigma)=O and Q(x’, O, \sigma)=O Proof. k_{I} II Hence it bolds for every (6. 7. 1) k_{I} (x’, \mu, \sigma)= (x’, \sigma) II kII 1 (x’. \mu, \sigma)=0 satisfying 1 Q(x’, O, \sigma)=0 that (x’, O, \sigma)=k_{II1}(x’, O, \sigma)=Ot On the other hand, from Lemma 6. 1 R (x’ , (x’, \mu, \sigma) \theta(xf, \sigma) , \sigma)= \beta ) we have that for . Q(x’, O, \sigma) \det B’(x’, O, \sigma) (x’, \sigma)\in U(x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) . Therefore from the condition (II) , Lemma 6. 5 and its corollary, we see of at that there exists a coordinate system { , , , , , such that \beta) y_{1} \cdots y_{N} z_{1} \cdots z_{2n-1-N}\rangle R^{2n- 1} (x^{0}, \sigma^{\Gamma_{1}}) Q(x’, O, \sigma)=F(Y, Z) = \sum_{i,f=1}^{N}\frac{\partial^{2}F(O,Z)}{\partial y_{i}\partial y_{j}}y_{i}y_{j}+G(Y, Z) where Y=Y(x’, \sigma)= Z(x^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O {yl9 \cdots , y_{N} ), Z=Z(x’, \sigma)=(z_{1}, \cdots, z_{2n-1-N}) , Y(x^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O, , \frac{\partial^{2}F(O,Z)}{\partial y_{i}\partial y_{J}}<0 and |G(Y, Z)|\leq C|Y|^{3} with some C>0 . Theorefore Q(x’, O, \sigma)=O on Y=O, where (6. 7. 1) is valid. Furthermore from the above form of Q(x’, O, \sigma) we see that it satisfies (6. 5). Thus we see our assertions. \S 7. Problems for 2\cross 2 system of first order. This section is devoted to problems for system which play an essential role for the proof of the estimate (1. 1), in the case where the set II is not empty. In subsection 7. 1 apriori estimates for the decomposed problem in \S 3 are given by the modification of Kreiss’ consideratio 2\cross 2 (P_{II}) On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed proble ms for hyperbolic systems 129 used for the opshould be noted that the symmetrizer is conin a neighborhood of the point structed along the ‘surface’ . In subsection 7. 2 we consider a boundary value problem (P_{II}, Q) for system, whose main purpose is to see how the essential part of the proof of (1. 1) is analyzed. It will , also be seen why the function Q was considered in \S 6. The point , considered in this section is only the one where the set II is not ). empty (and hence 7. 1. Let be the matrix defined in Lemma 3. 2 and as in [7]. It erator R_{0}(x, \tau, \sigma) P_{II} (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \tau=\theta(x, \sigma) 2\cross 2 (x^{0} \tau^{0} \sigma^{0}) \sigma^{0}\neq O M_{II}(x, \mu, \sigma) \S 6 put \tau=\eta-i\gamma , and \mu=\tau-\theta(x, \sigma)=e- ir \Lambda_{\gamma}= Expand (|\tau|^{2}+|\sigma|^{2}) -. in around the surface Then it is seen from Lemma 3. 2 that M_{II} U(x^{0})\cross U(O, \sigma^{0}) \tau=\theta(x, \sigma) , i.e ., \mu=O . M_{II}(x, \mu, \sigma) = (7. 1) Mu{x, \epsilon, \sigma ) +M_{II}(x, \epsilon-i\gamma, \sigma)-M_{II}(x, \epsilon, \sigma) =M_{II}(x, \tau,\sigma)+\epsilon E(x,\epsilon, \sigma)+(-i\gamma)H(x, \epsilon, \sigma)+O(r^{2}\Lambda_{f}^{1}) where E, H are real valued functions\in S_{+}^{0} ’ \overline{M_{II}}(x, \tau, \sigma)=(^{\lambda_{1}(x_{O}O,\sigma)} E (x, \epsilon, \sigma ) =(\begin{array}{ll}e_{11} e_{12}^{\backslash }e_{2}.1 e_{22}\end{array}) , .- in (\epsilon, \sigma) \lambda_{1}(x,O\Lambda_{r}, \sigma) , and ), H(x, \epsilon, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{ll}h_{11} h_{12}h_{21} h_{22}\end{array}) and consider the characteristic polynomial \det ( E_{II}\lambda-M_{II}(x, \mu, \sigma))=(\lambda-\lambda_{I1}^{+}(x, \mu, \sigma) we see from putting \lambda=\lambda_{1}(x, O, \sigma) (\Lambda_{f}e_{21})(x, O, \sigma)= (7. 2) ) (\lambda-\lambda_{II}^{-}(x, \mu, \sigma) ), in the above equation that (\Lambda_{f}h_{21}) (x, O, \sigma)=\lambda_{2}(x, O, \sigma)^{2}>O in the case (a), (\Lambda_{r}h_{21}) (x, O, \sigma)=-\lambda_{2}’(x, O, \sigma)^{2}<O in the case (b) or (\Lambda_{r}e_{21})(x, O, \sigma)= with the notations in Lemma 3. 1. As in [7] let us define in some of order 0 by symmetric matrix U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap (\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n-1})) 2\cross 2 R_{0} R_{0}(x, \tau, \sigma)=i (D (x, \tau, \sigma ) -i\gamma’ F+ eE\{x, , \tau \sigma )). a skew T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 130 where D(x, \tau, \sigma)=\{\begin{array}{ll}O d_{1}d1 d_{2}(x,\tau,\sigma)\end{array}\} , F=(\begin{array}{ll}O -ff O\end{array}) d_{1} Choose b , d_{2},f and b B(x, \tau, \sigma)=(^{b(x_{0}\tau,\sigma)}’ are real and in (D+\epsilon’B)(C+\epsilon’E) , . is a self-adjoint matrix, (\tau, \sigma)\in\overline{\Sigma_{-}} (7. 4) b(x, \tau, \sigma)=(1+\epsilon e_{12})^{-1}(d_{1}e_{11}-d_{1}e_{22}+d_{2}e_{21}) Let Then we obtain and E is the matrix defined above. C=(\begin{array}{ll}O 1O O\end{array}) that for S_{+}^{0} oO) so that (7. 3) where , (\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma}) be one of (\tilde{\tau}_{k},\tilde{\sigma}_{k}) . defined by (2. 6) and put \tilde{R}_{0}(x, \tau, \sigma)=R_{0}(\tilde{x}(x),\tilde{\tau}(\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}) , \tilde{\sigma}(\tau\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}))\in S_{+}^{0} Hereafter, in this section we consider only such functions where and with . Then we have the following so that there LEMMA 7. 1. ([7]). One can choose and u(x) such that for every exist constants C, C’ , H_{1.\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) that u(x)={}^{t}(u_{1}, u_{2})\in u=\psi(D’)\cdot t(v_{1}, v_{2}) , t(v_{1}, v_{2}) \in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) \psi(\tau, \sigma)= supp\psi’\subset S_{2*_{0}}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \psi’(\tau\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1})\in S_{+}^{0} R_{0}(i.e., d_{1}, d_{2}, f)\in S_{+}^{0} \gamma_{0}>0 (P_{II}) \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} ||P_{II}(x, D)u||_{0,\gamma}^{2}\geq C(T^{2}(1\cdot||u1||_{0,r}^{2}+C’||u_{2}||_{0,r}^{2}) +\gamma {\rm Im} \langle R_{0}(x’, D’)u, u\rangle_{0,\gamma}),\cdot where C’ can be taken however large and symbol of R_{0}(x, D’) is \tilde{R}_{0}(x, \tau, \sigma) {\rm Im} if f is taken large enough, and the \langle R_{0}(x’, D’)u, u\rangle_{0,\gamma} =2 {\rm Re} (d2u2, -2\gamma{\rm Im} u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}+{\rm Re} \langle d_{2}u2, u_{2}\rangle_{0,\gamma} \langle f\Lambda^{-1}u_{2}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}+{\rm Re} \langle(\epsilon b)u_{1}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma} . In order to avoid the ambiguity in the use of this lemma in what follows, we sketch the PROOF. Estimating the commutator, we have 2 {\rm Re}(P_{II}u, R_{0}u)_{0,\gamma} \geq {\rm Im} \langle R_{0}(x’, 1\mathcal{Y})u, u\rangle_{0,\gamma}+(((R_{0}M_{II})+(R_{0}M_{II})^{*})u, -C(||u||_{0,\gamma}+|u|_{-\frac{1}{2},\gamma}) u)_{0,\gamma} On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems with C>0 independent of . The symbol of \gamma R_{0} ( x\sim(x),\tilde{\tau} , \tilde{\sigma} ( -M_{II}^{*} ) M_{II}(\tilde{x}(x),\tilde{\tau} x\sim(x),\tilde{\tau} , \tilde{\sigma} ) , \tilde{\sigma} ). for hyperbolic systems ((R_{0}M_{II})+(R_{0}M_{II})^{*})(x, D’) is \Lambda_{\gamma} R_{0}(\tilde{x}(x),\tilde{\tau} , \tilde{\sigma} ). . \Lambda_{r} Using (7. 1) and (7. 3) to calculate the symbol, we obtain for any ) ) and for any constant vector U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap 131 (x, \tau’, \sigma’)\in u={}^{t}(u_{1}, u_{2}) (\overline{\Sigma} - u, \backslash /(R_{0}M_{II}-M_{II}^{*}R()) (x,\cdot\tau’, \sigma’) \geq- C_{1}\gamma +\gamma ’ ’ (\epsilon’+\gamma’) |u|^{2} {\rm Re}\{\langle d_{1}h_{21}u_{1}, u_{1}\rangle+\langle d_{1}h_{22}u_{2}, u_{1}\rangle +\backslash /(d_{1}h_{11}+ d_{2}h_{21}) u_{1} where u_{/}^{\backslash } , u_{2/}\backslash +(\backslash d_{1}/h_{12}+d_{2}h_{22}+f) u_{2} does not depend on { x, we have C_{1}=C_{1}(D, F)>0 \tau’, \sigma’) , u_{2} /} . For any \delta>0 and (x, \tau’, \sigma’)\in U(x^{0})\cross U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}}) |\langle d_{1}h_{22}u_{2}, u_{1}\rangle +\langle d_{1}h_{11}+d_{2}h_{21})u_{1}, u_{2}\rangle| \leq C_{2}(\delta|u_{1}|^{2}+\delta^{-1}|u_{2}|^{2}) with some C_{2}=C_{2}(D)>0 . Choose and f=const such that for , sufficiently small, and U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) d_{1}=const (x, \tau’, \sigma’)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}} (7. 1. 1) d_{1}h_{21}(x, \epsilon’, \sigma’)\geq 2 (7. 1. 2) d_{1}h_{12}+d_{2}h_{22}+f-\delta^{-1}C_{2},>Ot (We see from (7. 1. 2) that we can large enough.) Since (\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\in , choose d_{2} arbitrarily if choosing f>0 we see from ( 2. 6)’ that S_{-\epsilon_{0}}(x^{0})\cross S_{8*_{0}}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) for every (x, \tau, \sigma)\in R_{+}^{n+1}\cross\overline{C_{-}}\cross R^{n-1} \backslash /(R_{0}M_{II}-M_{II}^{*}R_{0}) (\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma}) \geq-\tilde{7}\Lambda_{\gamma}(\tilde{\epsilon}+\tilde{\gamma}) \Lambda_{\gamma}u , u_{/}^{\backslash } C_{1}|u|^{2}+ \tilde{\gamma}\Lambda_{\gamma}(\frac{3}{2}|u_{1}|^{2}+(C’ +1) \geq(_{\frac{3}{2}}-12\epsilon_{0}C_{1})\tilde{7}\Lambda_{\gamma}|u1|^{2}+(C’+1-12\epsilon_{0}C_{1}) |u_{2}|^{2}) \tilde{\gamma}\Lambda_{r}|u_{2}|^{2} , where C’>O is a constant such that C’+1 (7. 1. 3) Since . supp\psi’\subset S_{2- 0} \geq d_{1}h_{11}+d_{2}h_{22}+f-\delta^{-1}C_{2} it follows from ( 2. ) (v) that for large (\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) see from Lemma 2. 1 \beta \gamma 6)’ that . \tilde{\mathcal{T}}\Lambda_{\gamma}\psi’=\mathcal{T}\psi’ . Hence we T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 132 {\rm Re} ( ((R_{0}M_{II})+(R_{0}M_{II})^{*})(x, D’)u \geq\gamma(1\cdot||u1||_{0,r}^{2}+C’ ||u_{2}||_{0,\gamma}^{2} , u) ,v ) with some C’>0 . Hence from (7. 10) we obtain (\delta\gamma)^{-1}||P_{II}u||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta\gamma||u||_{0,\gamma}^{2}\geq\gamma(1\cdot||u1||_{0}^{2} + {\rm Im} \backslash / Q{x’, D’ ) u , u/0 , , \gamma+C’||u2||_{0}^{2} , \gamma ) . \gamma Choosing \delta>O small we complete the proof. In the above proof, choose with , satisfying (7. 1. 1), (7. 1. 2) and d_{2}=const>0 sufficiently large. Then we obtain the following COROLLARY 7. 1. (i) There exists a constant and C_{1}>0 such that for every there exist constants , C_{3}>0 satisfy ing R_{0} d_{1} f \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} \gamma_{0} C_{2} (P_{II})’ for every C_{2}||P_{II}u||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+C_{1}\gamma|u_{1}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}\geq C_{3}\mathcal{T}^{2}||u||_{0}^{2} , \gamma+1\cdot\gamma|u_{2}|_{0}^{2},\cdot u(x) . and a neighborhood There exist a constant , , C_{1}>0 and for every there exist constants , C_{3}>O satisfy ing (ii) \gamma_{0} \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \^u= (\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1})\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}} such that {}^{t}(\theta_{1}, \theta_{2})(x_{n})\in C_{2} H_{1}(R_{+}^{1}) C_{2}||P_{II}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma, D_{n}) (P_{II})_{x^{0}}’ \geq C_{3}\gamma^{2}|| \^u \^u (\cdot)||^{2}+C_{1}\gamma|\theta_{1}|^{2} (\cdot)||^{2}+1\cdot\gamma|\theta_{2}|^{2} . 7. 2. Let Q(x’, \mu, \sigma) be the function defined in Lemma 6. 1 ) (i) and assume the conditions (II) , . Then it follows from Lemmas 6. 4 (i), 6. 1 ) (i) and 6. 5 (or Remark 6. 1) that for (x, \mu, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross U (O, ) \beta \beta) \gamma) \sigma^{0} \beta is real valued for real (7. 5) Q(x’, \mu, \sigma) (7. 6) Q(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O (7. 7) , , -Q(x’, O, \sigma)\geq O or \mu \leq 0 in the case (a), in the case (b). Let Q(x’, D’) be the operator whose symbol is the extension . We consider the following boundary value problem of (P_{II}, Q) for system: Q(x’, \tau\neg,a)\in S_{+}^{0} Q(x’, \tau-\theta(x, \sigma), \sigma) 2\cross 2 P_{II}(x, D)u=(D_{n}-M_{II}(x, D’)).t(u_{1}, u_{2}) (7.9)(7.8) (P_{II}, Q)\{ =f(x) =t(f_{1}, f_{2}) Q(x’, D’)u_{1}(x’, O)+u_{2}(x’, O)=g(x’) in on R_{+}^{n+1} R^{n} . , On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 133 THEORE M7.1 . Assume the conditions (7. 5), (7. 6) and (7. 7). \cap Thm there exist constants C, such that for every and u(x) the following a priori estimate for the problem (P_{II}, Q) holds: \gamma_{0}>O (P_{II}, Q) \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} ||P_{II}u||_{0,\gamma}+ |Qu1+u_{2}|_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma}\geq C\gamma ||u||_{0,\gamma} . To prove this we need the following lemmas. The technique used in the proof is also used in \S 8 for the proof of (1. 1). Lemma 7. 2. Let (7. 8) be satisfified for u(x) . Then for every \delta>O one can choose {or the size of supp ) and a constant such that u(x) and for every \psi’ \epsilon_{0} \mathcal{T}_{0}>0 \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} (7. 10) |\Lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}}u_{1}|_{0}^{2},v\leq\delta||u_{1}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta^{-1}||u_{2}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta^{-1}||\Lambda^{-1}f_{1}||_{0,\gamma}^{2} consequmtly, let \gamma_{0}(D’) (7. 11) be the operator with its symbol \backslash ^{\gamma_{0}(D’)u_{1}}/ , \tilde{\mathcal{T}}_{0}(\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1})\in S_{+}^{0} , thm \leq\gamma\delta||u1||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\gamma\delta^{-1}||u_{2}||_{0,\gamma}^{2} u_{1}/0 v , +\gamma\delta^{-1}||\Lambda^{-1}f_{1}||_{0,\gamma}^{2} LEMMA 7. 3. Let R_{0}(x’, D’) be the one in Lemma 7. 1 and assume (7. 9). Thm there exist constants C>0 , such that for any \delta>0 , and u(x) \gamma_{0}>0 {\rm Im}/R_{0}(\backslash x’, D’)u , u/0 , \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} \gamma \geq-C((\delta\gamma)^{-1}|g|_{\frac{21}{2},r,\gamma}+\delta\gamma|u_{1}|_{-_{2}}^{2}\perp+|u_{1}|_{-\xi,r}^{2}) + {\rm where the symbol of R_{1}\in S_{+}^{0} Re} R_{1}(x’, D’)u_{1} , , u_{1/0}^{\backslash } , is represmted in \gamma U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}}) by R_{1}(x’, \tau’, \sigma’)=-2d_{1}{\rm Re} Q+d_{2}|Q|^{2}+\epsilon’b+2T’f{\rm Im} Q (7. 12) =d_{1} (-2{\rm Re} Q+(1+\epsilon’e_{12})^{-1}(e_{11}-e_{22})\epsilon’) +d_{2} (|Q|^{2}+(1+\epsilon’e_{12})^{-1}e_{21}\epsilon’)+2\mathcal{T}’f{\rm Im} Q ( Q is allowed to take complex values.) LEMMA 7. 4. Assume the same conditions as in Theorem 7. 1 and let (7. 9) be satisfified for u(x) . Then one can choose (especially and C , , constants exist that there such so that C’ and for every R_{1}\in S_{+}^{0} d_{1} \gamma_{0}>0 d_{2}) \gamma\geq\gamma_{0} u(x) {\rm Re}/R_{1}(\backslash x’, D’)u_{1} Here C’ depends only on , u_{1}/0 , \gamma\geq-C (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) |u1|_{1}^{2}-_{2},\gamma-C"/\gamma_{0}(\backslash D’)u_{1} f and , d_{1} , d_{2} u_{1}/0 , . \gamma but not on the size support of . Using these lemmas we first prove Theorem 7. 1. \psi’ , of the The proofs of T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 134 these lemmas are given after that. so that it satisfies (7. 1. 1) PROOF OF THEOREM 7. 1. First choose and (7. 4. 10) and the expression (7. 4. 7) are nonnegative. Secondly choose satisfying (7. 4. 5) and (7. 4. 6) with C_{0}>1 . We fix and . Then Lemma 7. 3 and 7. 4 are valid for every with their is chosen so that it satisfies constants depending on . Furthermore if (7. 1. 2), Lemma 7. 1 is valid and we obtain d_{1} d_{2}(x, \epsilon’, \sigma’)=d_{2}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’)+\epsilon’d_{2}^{(1)} f d_{2} d_{1} f f ||P_{II}u||_{0,\gamma}^{2} \geq C(r^{2}(||u_{1}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+C’||u_{2}||_{0,\gamma}^{2})+\gamma {\rm Im} \langle R_{0}u, u\rangle_{0,\gamma}) \geq C(\gamma^{2}(||u_{1}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+C’||u2||_{0}^{2},\gamma)-C" r^{/}r_{0}(D’)u_{1} , u_{1}/t) , \gamma -c_{1}(\delta_{1}^{-1}|g|_{1,}^{2}+\delta_{1}\mathcal{T}^{2}|u_{1}|_{-5^{\gamma}z\prime}^{2},+\mathcal{T}|u_{1}|_{-l_{\gamma}}^{2})2^{f} -C_{2}\gamma|u_{1}|_{-\perp}^{2}\gamma)2 ” f can be taken arbitrarily. whepe , , C’ and C’ depend on and Hence it follows from (7. 10) with fixed that C_{2} C_{1} \delta_{1}>0 \delta C(||P_{II}u||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+C_{1}\delta_{1}^{-1}|g|_{1}^{2},\gamma)2 \geq T^{2}(1-\delta_{1}C_{3}-C_{4}\gamma^{-1})||u1||_{0}^{2} , \gamma +r^{2}(C’-\delta_{1}C_{3}-C_{4}\gamma^{-1})||u2||_{0}^{2} -C’\gamma_{\backslash }\gamma_{0}(/D’)u_{1} and depending on where C_{4} C_{3} depend on f. , \gamma , u_{1/0}^{\backslash } , , \gamma Using (7. 11) we obtain for any \delta>0 S_{0} C(||P_{II}u||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+|g|_{1}^{2},\gamma)2 \geq \mathcal{T}^{2}(1-\delta_{1}C_{3}-C_{4}\mathcal{T}^{-1}-\delta C’)||u1||_{0,r}^{2} +\gamma 2(C’-\delta_{1}C_{3}-C_{4}\gamma^{-1}-\delta^{-1}C") \equiv\gamma^{2}(C_{5}||u_{1}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+C_{6}||u_{2}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}) ||u_{2}||_{0}^{2} , \gamma . are fixed we see from (7. 1. 3) and (7. 4. 11) that in order and positive it suffices to choose , and so that and to make Since d_{2} d_{1} f C_{6} C_{5} \delta \delta_{1} 1-\delta_{1}C_{3}-C_{4}\mathcal{T}^{-1}-\delta|2f{\rm Im} Q-2d_{2}{\rm Im} Q^{(1)}|>0,\cdot and f-\delta_{1}C_{3}-C_{4}\gamma^{-1}-\delta^{-1}|2f{\rm Im} Q-2d_{2}{\rm Im} Q^{(1)}| is sufficiently large. The process of the choice is as follows: (1) Choose \delta (hence ) such that \epsilon_{0} \delta . |2d_{2} {\rm Im} Q^{(1)}|< \frac{1}{4} and fix the \delta . On structures of certain L^{2} f -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems Choose so that is sufficiently large. (3) Since Q(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O we can choose such a small (2) 135 f-\delta^{-1}|2d_{2}{\rm Im} Q^{(1)}| \epsilon_{0} that in S_{8\text{\’{e}}_{0}}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \delta . |2f{\rm Im} Q|< \frac{1}{4} , remains large. f-\delta^{-1}|2f{\rm Im} Q|-\delta^{-1}|2d_{2}{\rm Im} Q^{(1)}| Choose (4) and \delta_{1} \gamma_{0} so that \delta_{1} C_{3}+C_{4} \gamma_{0}^{-1}<\frac{1}{4} . larger than -and complete the proof. and Thus we obtain PROOF OF LEMMA 7. 2. From integration by parts it holds that C_{5} C_{6} \frac{1}{4} |\Lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}}u_{1}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}=\langle\Lambda^{-1}u_{1}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\sim}=2{\rm Im}(\Lambda^{-1}D_{n}u_{1}, u_{1})_{0,\gamma}( It follows from Lemma 3. 2 and (7. 8) that D_{n}u_{1}=\lambda_{1}^{(0)}u_{1}+\Lambda_{0}^{(0)}u_{2}+(\epsilon’-i\gamma’)p_{11}\Lambda u_{1}+(\epsilon’-i\mathcal{T}’)p_{12}\Lambda u_{2}+f_{1} are of order O and the symbol of where ), , r’,p_{11} and and real. Hence we see from Lemma 2. 1 ) (iv) that \lambda_{1}^{(0} \epsilon’ p_{12} \lambda_{1}^{(0} ) , is \lambda_{1}(x, O,\tilde{\sigma}) \alpha |\Lambda^{z}-1u_{1}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}\leq 2{\rm Im} \{(\Lambda_{0}^{(0)}\Lambda^{-1} u2’ u_{1})_{0,\sqrt}+ (\Lambda^{-1} +((\epsilon’-i\gamma’)p_{11}u_{1} + C\gamma^{-1}||u||_{0}^{2} , \gamma , fl, u_{1})_{0,\gamma} u_{1})_{0,*}+((\epsilon’-i\gamma’)p_{12}u_{2}, u_{1})_{0,\gamma}\} , where the last term of the right arises from commutators and C>0 depend we see from ( 2. 6)’ that only on . Since M_{II} (\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\in S_{\epsilon,\tau^{*}0}(x^{0})\cross S_{8\text{\’{e}}_{0}}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) |\epsilon ’ (\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})|\leq 8\epsilon_{0} and 7’(\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})\leq 4e0 . is Consequently the first inequality follows from Lemma 2. 1 ) (vi) if taken sufficiently small. The second one follows from the first one because . of Proof 0F Lemma 7. 3. From (7. 9) we have \beta \epsilon_{0} \gamma_{0}(D’)\cdot\psi(D’)=\gamma_{0}(D’)\cdot\Lambda\cdot\Lambda^{-1}\cdot\psi(D’)=r\Lambda^{-1}\psi(D’) u_{2}(x’, O)=g(x’)-Q(x’, D’)u_{1}(x’, O)( Hence it follows from the definition of {\rm Im} R_{0}(x’, D’)u =2d_{1} , u/0 , R_{0} that \gamma {\rm Re}\langle g-Qu_{1}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}+{\rm Re}/d_{2}\backslash \cdot(g-Qu_{1}) -2\gamma f{\rm Im}\Lambda^{-1}\cdot(g-Qu_{1}) , , g-Qu_{1/0,\gamma}\backslash u_{1/0,\gamma}+R\backslash e_{\backslash }(/\epsilon b)u_{1} , u_{1}/0 , \gamma T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 136 =2d_{1} {\rm Re} \langle g, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}+{\rm Re} -{\rm Re} \langle d_{2}g, g\rangle_{0,\gamma}-2\gamma f{\rm Im}\langle\Lambda^{-1} g, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma} \langle d_{2}\cdot Qu_{1}, g\rangle_{0,\gamma}-{\rm Re} -2d_{1}{\rm Re} +2\gamma f \langle d_{2}g, Qu_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma} \langle d_{2}\cdot Qu_{1}, Qu_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma} \langle Qu_{1}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}+{\rm Re} {\rm Im} , \langle 4^{-1}\cdot Qu_{1}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}+{\rm Re}/(\backslash \epsilon b)u_{1} u_{1/0}^{\backslash } , \gamma , we have the following estimates with respect to the Noting that , first five terms of the right hand side of the above equality: d_{2} Q\in S_{+}^{0} |\langle g, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}|=|\langle\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}g, \Lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}}u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}| \leq |g| \frac{1}{2} , \gamma|u1|_{-\frac{1}{2}} , \leq\delta r |u1|_{-1}^{2}\gamma+2 \gamma (\delta\gamma)^{- 1}|g|_{1}^{2}2 ’ |\langle d_{2}g, g\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C|g|_{0,\gamma}^{2}\leq C\gamma^{-1}|g|_{z}^{2}\perp,\gamma , \gamma , , |\gamma\langle\Lambda^{-1} g, u_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}1\leq\gamma|g|_{-\frac{1}{2}\gamma},|u_{1}|_{-1}2’\gamma \leq\delta\gamma |u1|_{-_{2}}^{2}1 , \gamma+ . |\langle d_{2}\cdot Qu_{1},g\rangle_{0,\gamma}|’ \leq\delta r (\delta\gamma)^{-1} \geq- C(d_{1}, \gamma , ( r)-1lgl \delta |u1|_{-1}^{2}\gamma+2 Hence we obtain for large , , |\langle d_{2}g, Qu_{1}\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C|g|_{1}\gamma|u_{1}|_{-1}2’ 2’\gamma ’ {\rm Im} R_{0}(x’, D’)u |g| \frac{21}{2} 21_{\gamma}\tau 2 ’ \gamma u_{/0}^{\backslash } , \gamma d_{2}, f) \cdot(\delta\gamma|u_{1}|_{1}^{2}-_{2},r+(\delta\gamma)^{-1}|g|_{z}^{2}\perp,)r -2d_{1}{\rm Re} \langle Qu_{1}, u_{1}\rangle_{0,r}+{\rm Re}(d_{2}Q^{*}Q)u_{1} +2\gamma f {\rm Im}^{/}(Q\Lambda^{-1})u_{1} -C(d_{2}, f, Q)|u1|_{-\frac{1}{2}}^{2} , u_{1/_{0,r}}.+R\backslash e_{\backslash }(/\epsilon b)u_{1} , , u_{1/0,\gamma}^{\backslash } u_{1}/0 , \gamma ,r where the last term described above arises from the commutators. Thus the lemma follows from (7. 4). ProoF 0F Lemma 7. 4. For the sake of the generalization (see subsection 10. 2), assume that Q is complex valued. From Taylor’s expansion we have Q(x’, \mu’, \sigma’)=Q^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’)+\mu’Q^{(1)}(x’, \sigma’) + (\mu’)^{2}Q^{(2)}(x’, \mu’, \sigma’) e_{ij} ( where (x’, \epsilon’, \sigma’)=e_{ij}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’)+\epsilon’e_{ij}^{(1)}(x’, \epsilon’, \sigma’) 1+\epsilon’e_{12}(x’, \epsilon’, \sigma’) Q^{(0)}=Q(x’, O, \sigma’) , )- 1= , 1-\epsilon ’ e_{12}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’) +O((\epsilon’)^{2}) Q^{(1)}= \frac{\partial Q}{\partial\mu}(x’, O, \sigma’) and (i,j=1,2) , , , e_{ij}^{(0)}=e_{if}(x’,\cdot O, \sigma’) . Since \mu’ On structures = \epsilon’-i\gamma’ of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems , from the definition (7. 12) of R_{1} we see that for 137 (x’, \tau’, \sigma’)\in U(x^{0}) \cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}}) R_{1}(x’, \mu’, \sigma’)= (r’ f {\rm Im} Q -2d_{1}({\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+\epsilon’{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}+\gamma’{\rm Im} Q^{(1)} +((\epsilon’)^{2}-(\gamma’)^{2}) {\rm Re} Q^{(2)}+2\epsilon’\gamma’{\rm Im} Q^{(2)}) +d_{2}\{|Q^{(0)}|^{2}+((\epsilon’)^{2}+(r’)^{2})|Q^{(1)}|^{2}+((\epsilon’)^{2}+(r’)^{2})^{2}|Q^{(2)}|^{2} +\epsilon ’ +2 {\rm Re} (\epsilon’+i\gamma’) +2 {\rm Re}((\epsilon’)^{2}-(\gamma’)^{2}+i2\epsilon’\gamma’)\overline{Q^{(2)}}Q^{(0)} +2 {\rm Re}(\epsilon’-i\gamma’)((\epsilon’)^{2}-(\gamma’)^{2}+i2\epsilon’r’)\overline{Q^{(2)}}Q^{(1)}\} \overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)} (1-\epsilon’e_{12}^{(0)}+o((\epsilon’)^{2}))\{d_{1}(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)})+d_{2}e_{21}^{(0)} +d_{1}\epsilon’(e_{11}^{(1)}-e_{22}^{(1)}) +d_{2}\epsilon’ e_{21}^{(1)}\} Put Then the above equals to d_{2}(x, \epsilon’-i\gamma’, \sigma’)=d_{2}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’)+\epsilon’d_{2}^{(1)} =r’ . with some real d_{2}^{(0)} and C_{1}+(-2d_{1}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+d_{2}^{(0)}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}) +\epsilon’(d_{2}^{(1)}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}-d_{1}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)})) (7. 4. 1) +d_{2}^{(0)}(e_{21}^{(0)}+2{\rm Re}\overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)})) + (\epsilon’)^{2}(d_{2}^{(1)}(e_{21}^{(0)}+2{\rm Re}\overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)})+k_{1}d_{1}+k_{2}d_{2}^{(0)}) +O ( |\epsilon’|^{3} ), where C_{1}=2f{\rm Im} Q-2d_{1}({\rm Im} Q^{(1)}+2\epsilon’{\rm Im} Q^{(2)}-\gamma’{\rm Re} Q^{(2)}) +d_{2}\{-2 +\gamma ’ +2 and k_{1} , k_{2} (2 {\rm Im}\overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)}+2{\rm Re} (\epsilon’)^{2}+(\mathcal{T}’)^{2} {\rm Re} ) (-\gamma’+i2\epsilon’) |Q^{(2)}|^{2}+\mathcal{T}’|Q^{(1)}|^{2} (-i\overline{(\mu’)}^{2}-\epsilon’\mathcal{T}’+i2(\epsilon’)^{2} do not depend on d_{1} , \overline{Q^{(2)}}Q^{(0)} d_{2} and ) \overline{Q^{(2)}}Q^{(1)}\} , f: k_{1}=-2{\rm Re} Q^{(2)}-e_{12}^{(0)}(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)})+e_{11}^{(1)}-e_{22}^{(1)} k_{2}=|Q^{(1)}|^{2}+2{\rm Re}\overline{Q^{(2)}}Q^{(0\dot{)}}-e_{12}^{(0)}e_{21}^{(0)}+ Now we shall determine (7. 4. 2) d_{1} , d_{2}^{(0)} and d_{2}^{(1)} e_{21}^{(1)} as follows: -2d_{1}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+d_{2}^{(0)}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}\geq 0 , . , d_{2}^{(1)} const). T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 138 (7’. 4.3) the coefficient of (7. 4. 4) the coefficient of \epsilon’ is zero, (\epsilon’)^{2}\equiv C_{0}>1 From (7. 4. 3) we obtain (7. 4. 5) d_{2}^{(0)}=-k_{3}^{-1}(d_{2}^{(1)}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}-d_{1}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)}))) where does not vanish because of Insert this into , then k_{3}\equiv e_{21}^{(0)}+2{\rm Re}\overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)} Q^{(0)}(x^{0}, \sigma^{0})=0. e_{21}^{(0} , ) \neq 0 and ((7.2)) C_{0} (7. 4. 6) C_{0}=d_{2}^{(1)}(k_{3}-k_{2}k_{3}^{-1}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}) +d_{1}(k_{1}+k_{2}k_{3}^{-1}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)}))) . so that (7. 4. 2) is fulfilled. Let us show that it is possible to choose From (7. 4. 5) and (7. 4. 6) we have for some fixed C_{0}>1 d_{1} -2d_{1}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+d_{2}^{(0)}|Q^{(0)}|^{2} (7. 4. 7) =d_{1}(-2{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+k_{3}^{-1}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)}))) -k_{3}^{-1}|Q^{(0)}|^{4}d_{2}^{(1)} =k_{3}^{-2} (1-k_{3}^{-2}k_{2}|Q^{(0)}|^{2})^{-1}(k_{4}d_{1}-C_{0}|Q^{(0)}|^{4}) , where k_{4}=-2k_{3}^{2}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+|Q^{(0)}|^{2}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)}))k_{3} +|Q^{(0)}|^{2}(2k_{2}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+k_{1}|Q^{(0)}|^{2}) The condition (7. 5) implies that for any small such that borhood \delta>O . there exists a neigh- U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) (7. 4. 8) \delta|{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}|\geq|Q^{(0)}|^{2}\geq|Q^{(0)}|^{4} in U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) . in U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) . Hence it holds for some C>0 that (7. 4. 9) Note that for (7. 4. 10) C_{0}|Q^{(0)}|^{4}\leq C|k_{4}| d_{1} satifying (7. 1. 1) we have from (7. 2) and (7. 7) k_{4}d_{1}\geq-Cd_{1}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}\geq 0 with some C>O , because of ) = and (7. 4. 10) there exists a real number e_{12}^{(0} h_{21}(x, O, \sigma) k_{4}d_{1}-C_{0}|Q^{(0)}|^{4}\geq 0 Since (7. 4. 2.) k_{3}^{-2}(1-k_{3}^{-2}k_{2}|Q^{(0)}|^{2})^{-1} d_{1} . Then it is seen from (7. 4. 9) (satisfying (7. 1. 1)) such that in U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) in (7. 4. 7) is positive, we thus obtain d_{1} . satisfying On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 139 Since and Q(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})=O , a real number.d_{2}^{(1)} i s determined by (7. 4. 6) so that (7. 4. 4) is valid. Take satisfying (7. 4. 5), then (7. 4. 2), (7. 4. 3) and (7. 4. 4) hold. Furthermore does not depend on . Thus we see from (7. 4. 1) that k_{3}\neq 0 d_{2}^{(0)} -2d_{1}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+d_{2}^{(0)}|Q^{(0)}|^{2} \epsilon’ R_{1}(x’, \mu’, \sigma’)-\gamma\prime c_{1}\geq O in a sufficiently small neighborhood Finally choose so that \sigma)\in R (O, S_{8\cdot 0}(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\subset U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \epsilon_{0} R_{1}(x’D’) , U(x^{0})\cross U R_{1}(\tilde{x}(x’),\tilde{\tau}(\tau\Lambda_{f}^{-1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1}),\tilde{\sigma}(\tau\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1}, \sigma\Lambda_{\gamma}^{1})) \sigma^{0} ). . Then for the symbol of , it holds that for every (x’, , \tau \cross C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} R_{1}(\tilde{x},\tilde{\tau},\tilde{\sigma})+C"\tilde{\mathcal{T}}\geq 0 , where C’>0 is a constant such that for all (7.4.11) C’\geq|C_{1}| (x’, \tau^{j}, \sigma’)\in S_{5}.(x^{0})\cross S_{8}.(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\pi 00 =|C_{1}(x’, \tau,\sigma’’ ; f, d_{1}, d_{2})| . Hence the assertion of Lemma 7. 4 follows from Lemma 2. 1 ). REMARK 7. 1. It is seen from the above proof and (7. 12) that the assertion of Theorem 7. 1 is also valid if it satisfies (7. 1. 1) and \beta d_{1}(-2{\rm Re} Q+(1+\epsilon’e_{12})^{-1}(e_{11}-e_{22})\epsilon’)+d_{2}(|Q|^{2}+(1+\epsilon’e_{12})^{-1}e_{21}\epsilon’)\geq O for any (x’, \epsilon’, \mathcal{T}’) in a real neighborhood U of (x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0}) such that (\epsilon’+\theta\{xf , \gamma’))^{2}+|\sigma’|^{2}\leq 1. over U, we see Furthermore using with some that the above condition is equivalent to that on U if |Q|^{2}+ in the case (a), which follow on U. from that k\in S_{+}^{0} (\begin{array}{ll}1 kO 1\end{array})M_{II}(\begin{array}{ll}1 kO 1\end{array}) {\rm Re} Q\leq 0 (1 + \epsilon’ e_{12})^{-1}e_{21} \epsilon’=O {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma’)\geq O \S 8. The proof of Theorem 1. 1 In \S 6 and the latter part of \S 5 we have tried to analyse how the -well-posedness of the freezing problem dominates the relations among the coefficients of the boundary operator. In this section we prove (1. 1) on the base of that analysis in three subsections. In order to prove (1. 1) for k=0 we have only to show (3. 4) whether the set II is empty or not. In subsection 8. 1 we prove (3. 4) by the consideration in \S 5, for the case where the set II is empty. In subsection 8. 2 we do so by that in \S 6 together with the methods used in \S 7, for the case where the set II is in (3. 4) on support of does not empty. Note that the dependence of not affect the validity of Lemma 3. 3. The proof of (1. 1) for k\geq 1 is given in subsection 8. 3. 8. 1. We prove (3. 4) in the case where the set II is empty, using the L^{2} C_{1} \psi T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 140 estimates From (P_{I}^{\pm}) , (P_{I}^{\pm}) and (P_{III}^{\pm}) and in \S 5. it holds for (B^{+}) (P_{III}^{\pm}) that U\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) C\gamma||U||_{0,\gamma} \leq C\gamma(||u_{I}^{+}||_{0,\gamma}+||u_{I}^{-}||_{0,\gamma}+ lluI+II ||0 , r+||u_{III}^{-}||_{0,\gamma}) (8. 1) \leq||P_{I} u_{I}||0 +\gamma^{\frac{1}{2}}|u_{I} , \gamma+||P_{III}^{+}u_{III}^{+}||_{0,r}+||P_{I}^{-}u_{I}^{-}||_{0,\gamma}+||P_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}||_{0,f} |0 , r+\gamma|u_{II}^{+} |_{-1},r I On the other hand it follows from . (B_{1}) and Lemma 5. 3 (ii) that g=V_{I}^{+}(x’, D’)u_{I}^{+}(x’, O)+V_{III}^{+}(x’, D’)u_{III}^{+}(x’, O) +B^{+} (x’, D’) C_{I}(x’, D’)u_{I}^{-}(x’, O) \cdot +K_{I}(x’, D’)u_{I}^{-}(x’, O)+V_{III}^{-}(x’, D’)u_{III}^{-}(x’, O) , that is, (V_{I}^{+}, V_{III}^{+})[ = (\begin{array}{l}u_{I}^{+}(O)u_{III}^{+}(O)\end{array})+C_{I}u_{I}^{-}(O)] , g-V_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}(0)-K_{I}u_{I}^{-}(O) where K_{I}(x’, D’) =(B^{+}C_{1}) (x’, D’)-B^{+}(x’, D’)\cdot C_{I}(x’, D’)\in S_{+}^{-1} matrix : (m-l)\cross l matrix. : C_{I}^{1} C_{I}(x’, D’)=(\begin{array}{l}C_{I}^{1}C_{I}^{3}\end{array}) with \in S_{+}^{0} \{ C_{I}^{3} Using the estimates (B^{+}) and (P_{III}^{-}) , l\cross l we have C(\gamma^{1}2|u_{I} +C_{I}u_{I}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}+\gamma|u_{III}^{+} +C_{I}u_{I}^{-}|_{-\perp}.2,f) \leq|g|_{\frac{1}{2}} \leq|g|1 Hence for large \gamma , \gamma+|V_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}|_{1}+|K_{I}u_{I}^{-}|_{1}z , r^{+||P_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}||_{0,\gamma}+|u_{I}^{-}|_{-_{2}^{1},r}} ” 2 ,r . it follows from the estimate C(\gamma 3_{1}u_{I} |0 , r^{+\gamma|} \leq|g|1 \leq|g|1 , , uI+II |_{-}1 , (P_{I}^{-}) that f) r+||P_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}||_{0,\gamma}+\gamma^{\frac{1}{2}}|uI-|0 ,r \tau^{+||P_{I}^{-}u_{I}^{-}||_{0,r}+||P_{III}u_{III}}--||_{0,\gamma} . Combining this with (8. 1) we obtain (3. 4). 8. 2. In this subsection we prove (3. 4) in the case where the set II the proof is the same as that in [7], is not empty. If , , and the that is, (3. 4) is obtained by using the estimates R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0, (P_{I}^{\pm}) (P_{III}^{\pm}) (P_{II})’ On structures relation of certai n L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 141 together with Lemma 2. 1 ) (ii) and taking the constant in suitably. Therefore we prove it in the case where by using the estimates , , and Lemmas in \S 6 (especially Lemma 6. 2 and 6. 7). From Lemma 6. 2 it holds that for small (B_{1}) C_{1} \beta (P_{II})’ R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O, (P_{I}^{\pm}) (P_{II}) (P_{III}^{\pm}) \delta_{1}>0 |g-V_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-} -Cl u_{I}^{-}-C_{2}u_{\acute{I}}I|_{\frac{z_{1}}{2}.\gamma} \geq C\{\gamma(|g_{1}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+|g_{2}|_{0,f}^{2})+\delta_{1}r^{2} where C_{1} , |g_{3}|_{-1}^{2}2 \gamma\} , , and C_{2}\in S_{+}^{-1} |0 |g_{1}|_{0,r}^{2}\geq|u_{I} , \gamma-|k_{I} 1 u_{I}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}-|k_{I} |g_{2}|_{0,r}^{2}=|u_{II}’+QuII +k_{II} 1u_{I}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}^{2} II , u_{II}’|_{0,r}^{2} , |g_{3}|_{-_{2}}^{2}z,\geq|ru_{III}^{+}|_{-\frac{1}{2}}^{2},r-|k_{III1}u_{I}^{-}|_{-1}^{2}rz’-|k_{III} Since the symbols of II u_{II}’|_{-\not\equiv,\gamma}^{2} . , k_{JK}\in S_{+}^{0} C(|g|_{\frac{21}{2},r}+|u_{III}^{-}|_{\frac{21}{2},r}) \geq\gamma |u_{I} |_{0}^{2} , r^{+\delta_{1}\gamma|}2 -C(\gamma|uI-|_{0}^{z} , uI+II (P_{I}^{\pm}) , (P_{III}^{\pm}) ’ r \gamma+\delta 1\mathcal{T}^{2}|uI-|_{-\frac{1}{2}}^{2} -\gamma|k_{I}IIu_{II}’|_{0,f}^{2} Using the estimates |^{2}-z , r+\delta_{1}\gamma^{2}|u_{II}|_{-\not\in}^{2} , \gamma ) . we have for large \gamma C(||P_{I}^{+}u_{I}^{+}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+||P_{I}^{-}u_{I}^{-}||_{0,f}^{2}+||P_{III}^{+}u_{III}^{+}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+||P_{III}^{-}u_{III}^{-}||_{0,r}^{2}+|g|_{\S,r}^{2}) \geq\gamma 2(||u_{I}^{+}||_{0,r}^{2}+||uI-||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta 1 -\gamma|k_{I}IIu’II|_{0}^{2} , ||u_{III}^{+}||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+||u_{III}^{-}||_{0}^{2} \gamma-C\delta 1\gamma^{2} |u_{II}|_{-1}^{2}2’\gamma , r) . From Lemma 7. 2 we have (8. 2) ,\gamma\leq C^{2}(\gamma^{-2}||f_{II}’||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+||u_{II}||_{0,r}^{2}) |u_{II}|_{-}^{2} - Since \delta_{1} is small it follows from the estimate ||P_{1} (8. 3) . (P_{II}) that U||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+|g|_{\not\equiv,\gamma}^{2} \geq cr^{2}|| U||_{0}^{2} +C\gamma ,f \{{\rm Im} (Ro uu , u_{II}\rangle_{0,r}-|k_{I} II u_{II}’|_{0,r}^{2}\} On the other hand from the boundary condition (V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{II}^{+})(x’, D’)\cdot t(tuI+, u_{II}^{\prime\prime t},uIII+) =g (x’)-(V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{-})(x’, D’)\cdot Since \det(V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{II}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 (B_{1}) . we have (x’) t(tu_{I}^{-}, u_{II}^{\prime t},u_{III}^{-}) (x’) . it follows from Lemma 2. 1 \beta ) (iii) that 142 T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota t(tuI+, u_{II}^{\prime\prime t},uIII+) =C’ g-((V_{I}^{+}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{+})^{-1}(x’, D’)+T’(x’, D’)) . where C’\in S_{+}^{0} (8. 4) and (V_{I}^{-}, V_{II}’, V_{III}^{-})(x’, D’)\cdot T’\in S_{+}^{-1} t(tu_{I}^{-}, u_{II}’ , tu_{III}^{-}) . Hence from Lemma 6. 2 we have u_{II}’(x’)=C_{1}g- Tu’-kIII u_{I}^{-}-k_{II} II u_{II}’-k_{II} u_{III}^{-} III , where T= (T_{I}, T_{II}, T_{III})\in S_{+}^{-1} u’=t(tu_{I}^{-}, u_{II}^{\prime t},u_{III}^{-}) , , . Q(x’, \tau, \sigma) k_{IIII}^{\sim}(x’, \tau, \sigma)= As in the proof of Lemma 7. 3, let us delete we have {\rm Im} , C_{1}\in S_{+}^{0} by using (8. 4). u_{II}’ Then \langle R_{0}u_{II}, u_{II}\rangle_{0,\gamma} =2d_{1} \langle C_{1}g-Tu’-k_{II1} {\rm Re} + {\rm Re} \langle d_{2} .( uI–QuI’ I^{-k_{II}} , III u_{III}^{-} C_{1}g-Tu-\prime k_{II1}u_{I}^{-}-Qu_{II}’-k_{II} , ( C_{1}g- Tu’-kIII u_{I}^{-}-Qu_{II}’-k_{II} III III u_{III}^{-} ) u_{II}’\rangle_{0,r} u_{III}^{-} ) \rangle_{0,\gamma} -2\gamma f{\rm Im} \langle 4^{-1}.(C_{1}g-Tu’-k_{II1}u_{I}^{-}-Qu_{II}’-k_{IIIII}u_{III}^{-}), u_{II}’\rangle_{0.\gamma} + {\rm Re} \langle(\epsilon b)u_{II}’, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma} . , the estimates of the right hand terms of the Since , and above are as follows: for some constant C>O C_{1} T\in S_{+}^{-1} k_{JX}\in S_{+}^{0} |2d_{1} \langle C_{1}g, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C(\delta\gamma|u_{II}’|_{-\frac{1}{2},r^{+(\delta r)^{-1}|g|_{z}^{2}},\gamma}^{2}\perp) |2d_{1} \langle Tu’, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C|u’|_{-_{\vec{2}}^{1},\gamma}\cdot|uII’|_{-\frac{1}{2}} , , \gamma \leq C(|u_{I}^{-}|_{-\frac{1}{2},f}+|u_{II}’|_{-\frac{1}{2}.\gamma}+|u_{III}^{-}|_{-\not\in,\gamma})|u_{II}’|_{-z’ r}1 \leq C |2d_{1} \langle k_{II} III u_{III}^{-} , ( u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C. \leq C 2d_{1}{\rm Re} \gamma+|uII’|_{\frac{21}{2}} |uI-|_{-\lrcorner}^{2}2 ’ |u_{III}^{-}|_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma}\cdot ( , r^{+1}uIII-|_{-z}^{2}1 |u_{II}|_{-\frac{1}{2}} \delta\gamma|u_{II}|_{-\not\in}^{2} , \gamma+ , {\rm Re} \langle (\delta\gamma)^{-1} \leq 2d_{1} {\rm Re} \langle \leq 1 . |k11* 1 uI-, k_{II1}^{\#}u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma} uI-, k_{III}^{*}u_{II}’\rangle_{0,r}+C|u_{I}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}\cdot |u_{III}^{-}| |uII’|_{-1} u_{II}’|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+C(|u_{I}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+|u_{II}’|_{-1,\gamma}^{2}) ), \gamma \langle k_{II1}u_{I}^{-}, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,r} =2d_{1} ,r , ,f \S , f ), On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems |\langle d_{2}\cdot k_{III}u_{I}^{-}, k_{III1I}u_{III}^{-}\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C(|u_{I}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+|u_{III}^{-1_{0,\gamma)}^{2}} |\langle d_{2}\cdot k_{II1}u_{I}^{-}, Qu_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq|d_{2} . 143 , k_{II1}u_{I}^{-}|_{0,r}^{2}+1\cdot|Qu_{II}’|_{0,\gamma}^{2} \leq C |uI-|0 f+1\cdot|Qu_{II}’|_{0.r}^{2} , , |2\gamma f\langle\Lambda^{-1}\cdot C_{1}g, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq Cr((\delta\gamma)^{-1}|g|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta \mathcal{T}|u_{II}’|_{-1,\gamma}^{2}) , \leq C(\delta^{-1}|g|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta\gamma|u_{II}’|_{-\xi,r}^{2}) |2\gamma f\langle 4^{-1}. ’ Iu’, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}| - 1| \leq C\gamma\{(\delta\gamma) Tu’ |_{0}^{2} , r+\delta\gamma |uII’|_{-1}^{2} , \gamma } \leq C\{\delta^{-1}(|u_{I}^{-}|_{-1,\gamma}^{2}+|u_{II}’|_{-1,\gamma}^{2}+|u_{III}^{-}|_{-1,\gamma}^{2})+\delta\gamma|u_{II}’|_{-zr}^{2}1,\} |2\gamma f\langle\Lambda^{-1}\cdot k_{II1}u_{I}^{-\prime}, u_{II}\rangle_{0,\gamma}|\leq C\gamma((\delta\gamma)^{-1}|u_{I}^{-}|_{0,r}^{2}+\delta \leq C ( \delta^{-1}|uI-|_{0}^{2} , \gamma+\delta r r |uII’|_{-1}^{2} , .) \gamma |uII’|_{-\not\equiv,\gamma}^{2} ), |2\gamma f\langle\Lambda^{-1}\cdot k_{IIIII}, u_{III}^{-}, u_{II}’\rangle_{0.\gamma}|\leq Cr((\delta \mathcal{T})^{-1}|u_{III}^{-}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}+\delta \mathcal{T}|u_{II}’|_{-1,\gamma}^{2}) \leq C ( \delta^{-1}|uI-II|_{0}^{2} \gamma+\delta\gamma |uII’|_{-p}^{2}2 , ’ \gamma ). The other terms are estimated by the same way as above. Thus we obtain for large \gamma {\rm Im} \langle R_{0}u_{II}, u_{II}\rangle_{0,\gamma} \geq-C(d_{2}, Q)((\delta\gamma)^{-1}|g|_{\S,r}^{2}+\delta^{-1}|u_{I}^{-}|_{0,r}^{2}+(\delta r)^{-1}|u_{III}^{-}|_{\xi,\gamma}^{2}+\delta T|u_{II}’|_{-i^{f}}^{2},) -|k_{II1}^{*}u_{II}’|_{0,\gamma}^{2}-2d_{1}{\rm Re} -2|Qu_{II}’|_{0,f}^{2}+{\rm Re} \langle Qu\text{\’{I}}_{I}, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma} \backslash /(d_{2}Q^{*}Q) u_{II}’ +2\gamma f{\rm Im}^{/}(\backslash Q\Lambda^{-1})u_{II}’ -C(d_{2},f, Q)|u\prime II|_{-\frac{1}{2}}^{2} , , u_{II/0,\gamma}^{\prime\backslash } u_{II/0,\gamma}^{\prime\backslash }+{\rm Re}(\epsilon b)u_{II}’ , u_{II/0,\gamma}^{\prime\backslash } ,r’ where the last term of the right arises from the commutators. , using the above inquality, From (8. 3) and the estimates and we see that (P_{I}^{-}) (P_{III}^{-}) ||P_{1} U||_{0,\gamma}^{2}+|g|_{\frac{21}{z},\gamma}\geq CT^{2}||U||_{0,r}^{2} +C_{1}\gamma \{-|k_{III}u_{II}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}’-|k_{III}^{*}u_{II}|_{0,\gamma}^{2}’-2|Qu_{II}’|_{0,\gamma}^{2} -2d_{1}{\rm Re} \langle Qu\text{\’{I}}_{I}, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}+ {\rm Re} \backslash /(d_{2}Q^{*}Q) u_{\acute{I}I} , u_{II/0,\gamma}^{\prime\backslash } (8. 5) + =C2 {\rm Re} \backslash /(\epsilon b) || U||_{0}^{2} , u_{II}’ , u_{II/0,\gamma}^{\prime\backslash }+2 \gamma+C_{1}\gamma\{-|k_{I} II rf {\rm Im}/(Q\Lambda^{-1})u_{II}’ u_{II}’|_{0,\gamma}^{2}-|k_{i_{1}}Iu’II|_{0,f}^{2} -2|Qu_{II}’|_{0,r}^{2}+\langle R_{1}u_{II}’, u_{II}’\rangle_{0,\gamma}\} , , u_{II/0,r}^{\prime\backslash }\} T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 144 with in Lemma 7. 3. From Lemma 6. 7 we have for R_{1}\in S_{+}^{0} (x’, \tau’, \sigma’)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap\overline{\Sigma_{-}}) k_{1II}(x’, \tau’\sigma’)=\mu’k_{1II}^{(1)}(x’, \mu’\sigma’)+k_{III}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’) k_{II1}(x’, \tau’\sigma’)=\mu’k_{III}^{(1)}(x’, \mu’\sigma’)+ where (6. 5) is valid for k_{III}^{(0)} and k_{III}^{(0)} |\mu’|^{2}= k_{I11}^{0)}(x’, \sigma’) . Furthermore (\epsilon’)^{2}+ (\gamma’)^{2} ; , note that , and that the Q satisfies the conditions (7. 5), (7. 6) and (7. 7) in Theorem 7. 1 by virture of Lemmas 6. 4 (i), 6. 1 ) (i) and 6. 5. Then by the same method as in the proof of Lemma 7. 4, changing (7. 4. 2) slightly one can is sufficiently (in this case must be chosen so that choose large) and so that the bracket of the second term of the right hand of (8. 5): \beta d_{1}e_{21}^{(0)}(x_{0}, \sigma_{0}) d_{1} d_{1} d_{2}(x, \tau’, \sigma’)=d_{2}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma’)+ \{ \epsilon’ d_{2}^{\iota 1)} \}\geq-C|u_{II}’|_{1}^{2}-_{2},\gamma-C_{\backslash }\prime\prime/\gamma_{0}(D’)u_{II}’, u_{II/0,\gamma}’\backslash , where C and C’ with for every are some constants corresponding to those in Lemma 7. 4. Thus by the same way as in the proof of Theorem 7. 1 we obtain for u_{II}=\psi(D’)v_{II}\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) v_{II}\in H_{1,\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) U={}^{t}(^{t}u_{I}^{+t},u_{I}^{-}, \psi(D’) v_{II}, tuIII+, tu_{III}^{-})\in H_{1} \gamma(Rn+1+) , ||P_{1} U||_{0,r}^{2}+|g|_{1}^{2},r\geq C_{1}\mathcal{T}^{2}||U||_{0,\gamma}^{2}2 for large \gamma>0 , where is a positive constant depending only on the support of , which implies (3. 4). Thus Theorem 1. 1 is proved for k=O . to the equations 8. 3. To obtain (1. 1) for k\geq 1, apply the operator . We obtain , and of (P^{0}, B) and put C_{1} \psi \Lambda^{k} u_{k}=\Lambda^{k}u g_{k}=\Lambda^{k}g f_{k}=\Lambda^{k}f D_{n}u_{k}=Au_{k}+T_{1}\Lambda^{-k}u_{k}+f_{k} , Bu_{k}=T_{2}\Lambda^{-k}u_{k}(x’, 0)+g_{k} , (8. 6) where by virture of Lemma 2. 1 || | \alpha ) (iii) T_{1}A^{-k} u_{k}||_{0,r}\leq C ||uk||_{0,r} T_{2}\Lambda^{-k}u_{k}|_{z}1,r\leq C|u_{k}|_{-1} 2’ r . Hence from (1. 1) for k=O we obtain C\gamma||u_{k}||_{0,\gamma}\leq||u_{k}||_{0,\gamma}+|uk|_{-\not\in} \gamma+ ||f_{k}||_{0} , , \gamma+|gk|1 , r . On the other hand it follows from the same method as in the proof of Lemma 7. 2 that |uk|_{-z}1,\leq C\gamma ( ||u_{k}||_{0,r}+\gamma^{-1}||f_{k}||_{0} ,r ). On structul\wedge es of certain Thus we obtain for large L^{2} 145 -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems \gamma C\gamma||\Lambda^{k}u||_{0,r}\leq||\Lambda^{k}f||_{0,\gamma}+|\Lambda^{k}g|_{\frac{1}{2},\gamma} . Use this for k=1. Then we have \mathcal{T}||D_{n}u||_{0,\gamma}\leq r(||Au||_{0,\gamma}+||f||_{0,\gamma}) \leq r(C||\Lambda u||_{0,\gamma}+||f||_{0,\gamma}) \leq c(||f||_{1,\gamma}+|g|_{\frac{3}{2},r}) . From this the theorem follows for k=1 : cr||u||_{1,\gamma}\leq||f||_{1,\gamma}+|g|_{s}\tau’ f^{1} To obtain (1. 1) for k=2 , we differentiate (8. 6) with respect to and use the fact that D_{n}A (x, D’ ) =AD_{n}+A_{1} , where is the pseud0-differential operator with symbol . Thus (1. 1) holds for any integer k\geq 0 and the proof of Theorem 1. 1 is completed. x_{n} A_{1} (D_{n}A)(x, \tau, \sigma) \S 9. Adjoint problems. Let b_{i}’(x’)={}^{t}(b_{i,1}’, \cdots, b_{i,2m}’)(x’)(i= 1, \cdots, m) be a certain real base of the space of null B(x’) whose elements are and constant outside some compact set of R^{n} (here we may assume the existance of such a base.) Set C^{\infty}(R^{n}) T(x’)=(b_{1}, \cdots, b_{m}, b_{1}’, \cdots, b_{m}’) where b_{i}(x’)={}^{t}(b_{i.1}, \cdots, b_{i,2m}) and B^{*}(x’)=(b_{1}, \cdots, b_{m}) B(x’)T=(B(b_{1}, \cdots, b_{m}) , Since rank B=m , \det BB^{*}\neq O O, \cdots , E_{1} is the m\cross m . Then it holds that O ) =(BB^{*}, O) . . Hence we have (BB^{*})^{-1}BT=(E_{1}, O) where , . identity matrix. Therefore the problem (P^{0}, B) in R_{+}^{n+1} is equivalent to \tilde{P}^{0}\tilde{u}=(ED_{n}-\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}(T^{-1}A_{j}T)D_{j})\overline{u}=T^{-1}f , (\tilde{P}^{0}, E_{1})\{ (E_{1}, O)\tilde{u}=(BB^{*})^{-1}g where \overline{?1}(x)=T^{-1}(x’)u(x) . Let have the Green’s formula: (9. 1) for \tilde{p}\# on R^{n} , be the formal adjoint of \tilde{P}^{0} . Then we (\tilde{P}^{0}\tilde{u},\tilde{v})_{L^{2}(R^{n+1})}-(\tilde{\iota x},\tilde{P}^{\#}\tilde{v})_{L^{}(R^{n+1})}=i\langle?l,\tilde{\tau r}\rangle++L^{2}(R^{n}) \tilde{u},\hat{v}\in C_{0}^{\infty}(\overline{R_{+}^{n+1}}) . Let us consider the adjoint boundary value problem: T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 146 in on \tilde{P}’\tilde{v}=\overline{\phi} (\tilde{P}’, E_{2})\{ (O, E_{2})v\sim=\psi where \tilde{P}’ is the principal part of R_{+}^{n+1} R^{n} \tilde{p}\# , , and E_{2}=E_{1} . Then this is equivalent to P’(x, D)v=(ED_{n}- \sum_{-,j-,0}^{n-1}A_{j}^{*}(x)D_{j})v (P’, B’)\{ ) in =(ED_{n}-tA (x, D’) v=\phi on B’(x’)v=\psi R^{n} R_{+}^{n+1} , , where we put v=(T^{*})^{-1}\tilde{v} (9. 2) , \phi=(T^{*})^{-1}\tilde{\phi}r ’ B’(x’)= ( O , E2) T^{*}=(b_{1}’, \cdots, b_{m}’)^{*} . Now we have the following THEOREM 9. 1. Under the conditions (I), (II) and (III), the following , : a priori estimate holds with some constants C_{k} (9. 3) ||P’ v||_{k,-\gamma}+|B’ v|_{k+\frac{1}{2}} \gamma_{k}>0 f\geq C_{k}\gamma ||v||_{k,-\gamma} ,- and integer k\geq O . PROOF of THEOREM 9. 1. Putting x_{0}=-x_{0} in following problem : for every \gamma\geq\gamma_{k} , v\in H_{k,-r}(R_{+}^{n+1}) P^{(*)}(x, D)v=\phi (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)})\{ B^{(*)}(x’)v(x’, 0)=\psi (P’, B’) in on we consider the R_{+}^{n+1} R^{n} , , where we put P^{(*)}(x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; D_{0}, D’, D_{n})=P’(-x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; -D_{0}, D’, D_{n}) (9. 4) = \{ B^{(*)}(x_{0}, x’)=B’(-x_{0}, x’) EDn-tA (-x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; -D_{0}, D’) , . From (9. 4) and the proof of Theorem 1. 1 it suffices to show that each of the assumptions (I), (II) and (III) for (P^{0}, B) implies the same for (P^{(*)} , B^{(*)}) respectively. Note that the characteristic equation is \det P^{(*)}(x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; \tau, \sigma, \lambda) (9. 5) ) ) = \det = \det (E\lambda-A(-x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; -\tau, \sigma) = \det (E\lambda-A_{0}(-x_{0}, x’, x_{n})(-\eta+i\gamma) (E\lambda-{}^{t}A(-x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; -\tau, \sigma) - \sum_{f=1}^{n-1}A_{f}(-x_{0}, x’, x_{n})\sigma_{j} =O . ) On structures of certain -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems L^{2} 147 Then it is easy to show that the condition (I) is fulfilled for (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) . Since (P^{0}, B) , are so, the condition are equivalent and (P’, B’) , (P^{0}, B) (III) for together with (9. 1) and (9. 4) implies the same for (P^{(*)} , (Theorem 2 of [8].) Therefore we have only to show that the condition (II) is fulfilled for (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) . First we seek the Lopatinskii determinant and coupling coefficients for (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) . Put (\tilde{P}^{0}, E_{1}) (\tilde{P}’, E_{2}) B^{(*)}) S_{0}(x, \tau, \sigma)=(h_{I}^{+}, h_{II}^{+}, h_{III}^{+}, h_{I}^{-}, h_{II}’, h_{III}^{-}),\cdot (9. 6) (B_{+}, B_{2})(x’, \tau, \sigma)=B(x’)S_{0}(x’, O, \tau, \sigma) is a 2 m\cross 2m matrix and where holds that S_{0} B_{+} \lambda II+ 1 , B_{2} are . ..... .... \ldots , matrices. Then it m\cross m \alpha M_{III}^{+}..O\lambda_{I}^{-} (S_{0}^{-1}AS_{0})(x, \tau, \sigma)= \backslash \cdot\lambda_{I}^{+}0 \lambda_{II}^{-}..\cdot.\cdot..\cdot.M_{III}^{-]}0 , (b_{ij})(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(B_{+})^{-1}B_{2} Hence we have (S_{0}^{*}A^{*}(S_{0}^{*})^{-1})(x, \tau, \sigma)=(\begin{array}{llllll}\lambda_{I}^{+} 0 \overline{A_{II}^{\neg+}} \vdots (M_{III}^{+})^{*} \vdots O \overline{\lambda_{I}^{-}} 0 \overline{\alpha} \cdots \cdots \overline{\lambda_{II}^{-}} (M_{III}^{-})^{*}\end{array}\}- Put (9. 7) (B_{2}’, B_{+}’)(x’, \tau, \sigma)=B’(x’)(S_{0}^{*})^{-1}(x’, O, \tau, \sigma) , are m\cross m matrices. Then we see that the Lopatinskii where determinant and coupling coefficients of (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) are B_{+}’ B_{2}’ R^{(*)} (x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma)=\det B_{+}’(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) , (9. 8) (b_{ij}^{(*)})(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma)=((B_{+}’)^{-1}B_{2}’)(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) respectively. Now we show the following two lemmas. LEMMA 9. 1. For the quantities defifined above the following hold: T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 148 (i) \overline{R^{(*)}(x_{0},x’,\tau,\sigma)} . \det B_{2}(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) =-R( xO, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) (ii) \cdot\det\overline{B_{2}’(-x_{0},x’,-\overline{\tau},\sigma)} (b_{i}.(\begin{array}{l}*j\end{array}) )(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma)=-\overline{(b_{j_{\sigma}^{}})(-x_{0},x’,-\overline{\tau},\sigma)} , . ProoF. From (9. 2) we have B(B’)^{*}=Ot Hence it follows from (9. 6) and (9. 7) that O=(BS_{0}S_{0}^{-1}(B’)^{*})(-x_{0}, x’, O, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) = (B_{+}, B_{2}) (B’(S_{0}^{*})^{-1})^{*}=(B_{+}, B_{2}) =B_{+}(B_{2}’)^{*}+B_{2}(B_{+}’)^{*} (\begin{array}{l}(B_{2}’)^{*}(B_{+}’)^{*}\end{array}) . This implies (i). Furthermore we have (b_{\dot{\iota}f})(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma)=(B_{+})^{-1}B_{2}(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) =-((B_{+}’)^{-1} . ) B_{2}’ (-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) . =-(b_{ij}^{(*)}.)^{*}(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma) This shows (ii) and completes the proof of the lemma. and LEMMA9.2. The zeroes of . coincide in PROOF. Let us consider the following constant coefficients problems : with parameters R^{(*)} (x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma) R(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) \Gamma\cross\overline{C_{/}}-\cross R^{n-1} (\tau, \sigma)\in C_{-}\cross R^{n-1} (\tilde{P}^{0}, E_{1})_{x^{0}}\{ ( ED_{n}-\tilde{A}(x^{0}, \tau, \sigma) ) \tilde{u}=O (E_{1},0)\tilde{u}=\tilde{g} (ED_{n}-\overline{{}^{t}A}(x^{0}, \overline{\tau}, \sigma))v\sim=O (\tilde{P}’, E_{2})_{x^{0}}\{ (0, E2) v\sim=\psi in on in on x_{n}>0 , x_{n}=O , x_{n}>O , x_{n}=O , \cdot where \tilde{A}(x, \tau, \sigma)=T^{-1}(x’)A(x, \tau, \sigma)T(x’) , {}^{t}\tilde{A}(x, \overline{\tau}, \sigma)=T^{*}(x’)tA(x, \overline{\tau}, \sigma)(T^{*}(x’))^{-1} =T^{*}(x’) A^{*}(x, \tau, \sigma) (T^{*}(x’))^{-1} be exponentially decaying solutions of respectively. Then it holds that Let \tilde{u} and \tilde{v} (\tilde{P}^{0}, E_{1})_{x^{0}} O=((ED_{n}-\tilde{A})\tilde{u},\tilde{v})-(\tilde{?l}, (ED_{n}-\tilde{{}^{t}A})\tilde{v}) (9. 2. 1) =i/\backslash u(O) , \tilde{v}(O)_{/}^{\backslash }=i(_{\backslash }^{/}\tilde{g},\tilde{v}_{1}(O)_{/}^{\backslash }+\tilde{u}_{2}(/O)\backslash ’ \psi /). and (\tilde{P}’, E_{2})_{x^{0}} , On structures of certain L^{2} 149 -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems On the other hand we see that the fact (9. 2. 2) R(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 for some (\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in is equivalent to that there exist a constant such that for every solution of (\tau, \sigma)\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap C_{0} \overline{\overline{C}}_{-}\cross R^{n-1} and a neighborhood , and exponetially decaying U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (C_{-}\cross R^{n-1}) \tilde{g} (\tilde{P}^{0}, E_{1})_{x^{0}} \tilde{u} | . u_{2}(\tau, \sigma, O)|\leq C_{0}|\overline{g}| Hence if (9. 2. 2) is valid we have from (9. 2. 1) |v_{1}( \overline{\tau}, \sigma, 0)|=\sup_{\tilde{g}}\frac{|_{\backslash }^{/}\tilde{g},\tilde{v}_{1}(O)_{/}^{\backslash }|}{|\tilde{g}|} – \sup_{\tilde{g}}\frac{|_{\backslash }^{/}\tilde{u}_{2}(0),\psi_{/}^{\backslash }|}{|\tilde{g}|}\leq C_{0}|\psi| , and exponentially decaying is , where . This implies or (P’, B’)_{x^{0}} for determinant of , is arbitrary we see that R(x’, \tau, \sigma)\neq 0 , . The converse is also valid by the same discussion view of (9. 4) and for every \tau\in U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap(C_{-}\cross R^{n}) (\tilde{P}’, E_{2})_{x^{0}} (\tilde{P}’, E_{2})_{x^{0}} \tau^{0} \overline{\tau} \sigma^{0})\in I R’(x’,\overline{\tau}, \sigma) R’(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq O of solution a Lopatinskii , Since implies R’(x’ , as above. In \tilde{v} (x^{0} (x’, \overline{\tau}, \sigma)\in\Gamma\cross\overline{0_{y}}\cross R^{n-1}+\cdot \cross\overline{C}_{-}\cross R^{n-1} \sigma)\neq 0 R’(-x_{0}, x’, -\tau, \sigma)=R^{(*)}(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma) , we obtain the lemma. Now we show the condition (II) for (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) . If the characteristic , then in equation (9. 5) has a double root at only on the a neighborhood of the point (9. 5) has a real double root surface \lambda (x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in\Gamma\cross R^{n} \lambda (9. 9) \tau=-\theta(-x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; \sigma) . i s empty for the point If the set II fo r . is so for the point then that for (II) : Let be a point for which the set II for i s empty. From Lemma 9. 1 we have for every j, k\leq m P^{(*)} (x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I P^{0} \alpha) \cross Rn, (-x_{0}, x’, x_{n} ; -\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \cross R^{n} P^{(*)} R^{(*)} (x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma) (9. 10) . \frac{k}{\det(V_{1}^{+},\cdots,V_{j}^{-},\cdots,V_{m}^{+})}(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) – =-\overline{R(-x_{0},x’,-\overline{\tau},\sigma)} . \det j (W_{1}^{+}, \cdots,\check{W}_{k}^{-}, \cdots, W_{m}^{+})(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma) where (V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}, V_{1}^{-}, \cdots, V_{m}^{-})(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) =(BS) (-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) , T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 150 (W_{1}^{-}, \cdots, W_{m}^{-}, W_{1}^{+}, \cdots, W_{m}^{+})(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma) =(B’ (S*) -1) (-x_{0}, x’, -’\overline{\tau}, \sigma)\uparrow Assume that for all j, k\leq m \det (W_{1}^{+}, \cdots,\check{W}_{k}^{-}j, \cdot.., W_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O . Note that it holds that for all j, i\leq m \det (W_{1}^{+}, \cdots,\check{W}_{i}^{+}j, \cdots, W_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=0 . Since rank we obtain for every v_{i}\in R^{m} \det (v_{1}, \cdots, v_{m})=O . This is a contradiction. Hence there exist indeces \det Since , (W_{1}^{+}, \cdots, W_{m}^{+}, W_{1}^{-}, \cdots, W_{m}^{-})(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=m j_{0} , k_{0}(\leq m) such that (W_{1}^{+}, \cdots,\check{W}_{k_{0}}^{-}j_{0}, \cdots, W_{m}^{+})(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 01 R(-x_{0}, x’, -\overline{\tau}, \sigma) is not identically zero, (9. 10) for (j_{0}, k_{0}) implies k_{0} that \det small \gamma>O (V_{1}^{+}, \cdots, \check{V}_{j_{0}}^{-}, \cdots, V_{m}^{+}) i s not identically ze ro . Hence w e obtain for |R(*)(x_{0},x’,\tau^{0}-i\gamma,\sigma^{0})|\geq C|R(-x_{0},x’, -\tau^{0}-ir,\sigma^{0})|\geq Cr with some C=C(x_{0}, x’, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})>0 , where the last inequality follows from for (P^{0}, B) . the condition (II) (II) : Let be a point for which the set II for . is not empty. By the same method as in the proof of (II) we have (P^{0}, B) for the order relation : from (II) \alpha) \beta) (x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\in I \cross R^{n} P^{(*)} \alpha) \beta) |R(*)(x^{0}, \tau^{0}-i\gamma, \sigma^{0})|\geq C\mathcal{T}^{1}z1 Hence it follows from Lemma 6. 1 \beta ) (i) that \det(B^{(*)})’(x^{0}, \tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 . On the other hand we see from Lemma 9. 1 b_{IIII}^{(*)}(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma)=\frac{\det(B^{(*)})’}{R^{(*)}}=-(\overline{\frac{\det B’}{R}}) Since from Lemma 6. 1 \beta ) (i) \det B’(-x^{0}, -\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 , \cdot . On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 151 we obtain (9. 11) R^{(*)}(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma)=- C(x’, \tau, \sigma) \cdot\overline{R(-x_{0},x’,-\overline{\tau},\sigma)} , where C(x’, \tau, \sigma)=\det (B^{(*)})’(\det B’)^{-1}\neq 0 . Hence from (9. 9) we see that the second part of the condition (II) are valid for (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) . (II) : We can define the reflection coefficients for (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) by the same way as in (9. 8). Then we see that \beta) \gamma) \tilde{b_{i}} (b_{ij}^{\tilde{(*})})(x_{0}, x’, \tau, \sigma)=-(\overline{b_{fi}^{-})(-x_{0},x’,-\overline{\tau},\sigma)} as in Lemma 9. 1. Hence if is real then is real. This implies (II) . Thus Theorem 9. 1 is proved. From (9. 1), Theorem 1. 1 and Theorem 9. 1 w e obtain the -wellposedness of (P, B) in half space which is described in the following form (Theorem 1 and Remarks 1 of [8] applied to first order system.): THEOREM 9. 2. Assume the conditions (/), (//), and (III) for hdf space and \Gamma=R^{n} . Then for any integer k, s(k\geq O) there exist positive constants and such that for any and for any f\in H_{k,s} ; , the problm (P, B) has a unique solution u\in which satisfifies b_{IIII}^{-} b_{IIII}^{\overline{(}*)} \gamma) L^{2} R^{1}\cross\Omega=R_{+}^{n+1} C_{k,s} \gamma_{k,s} \gamma(R_{+}^{n+1}) \gamma\geq\gamma_{k,S} g\in H_{k+s+\frac{1}{2},\gamma}(R^{n}) H_{1+k,s-1;\gamma}(R_{+}^{n+1}) ||u||_{1+k} ,s-1; \gamma\leq Ck,s\gamma^{-1} (||f||_{k.s;\gamma}+|g|_{k+s+_{2}^{1},r}) Furthermore if s\geq 0 and f=g=O for x_{0}\leq T then u=O \S 10. Remarks on the conditions (I )\mbox{\boldmath $\beta$}) and . for x_{0}\leq T. (I )\mbox{\boldmath $\gamma$}). 10. 1. We remark in this subsection that the condition (II) -) is necessary for the case where (P, B) is a second order problem with real constant coefficients. This interesting fact is proved by R. Agemi using [2]. Let us consider the following second order problem of real constant coefficients : \beta in ( \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial t^{2}}-\Delta)u=(D_{n}^{2}-(D_{0}^{2}-\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}D_{f}^{2}))u(x)=f (\square , B) , \{ on Bu|_{\Gamma}=(D_{n}- \sum_{j=1}^{n-1}b_{f}D_{j}-cD_{0})u(x’, O)=g(x’) where R_{+}^{n+1} D_{0}=-i \frac{\partial}{\partial t} . By virture of the transformation: v_{1}(x)=\Lambda u we have the following equivalent and v_{2}(x)=D_{n}u 2\cross 2 system , (\square , Q) : \Gamma=R^{n} , T. Ohkubo and T. Shirota 152 P(D_{n})\hat{v}=[E_{II}D_{n}-\Lambda_{r}(\begin{array}{ll}0 1-(-\tau^{2}+|\sigma|^{2})\Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{2} 0\end{array})](\begin{array}{l}\hat{v}_{1}\hat{v}_{2}\end{array}) (\coprod, Q) =\{\begin{array}{l}0\hat{f}\end{array}\} (x_{n}) Q\partial_{1}(O)+\hat{v}_{2}(O)=\hat{g} where lem for , , , Q( \tau, \sigma)=-(j\sum_{-}^{n-1}b_{f}\sigma_{f}+c\tau)-1\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1} (\coprod, Q) x_{n}>0 (x_{n}) . Lopatinskii determinant R of the prob- is R(\tau, \sigma)=(Q, 1 ) \cdot{}^{t}(\Lambda_{\gamma}, \lambda_{II}^{+}) (10. 1) =( \lambda_{II}^{+}-(\sum_{j=1}^{n- 1} b . \Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1} j\sigma j+c\tau )) \Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1} . where (\sqrt{1}=-1.) \lambda_{11}^{\pm}(\tau, \sigma)=\pm\sqrt{\tau^{2}-|\sigma|^{2}} Apply \square to Lemma 3. 1 then we have (the case (a)), \mu=\mu(\tau, \sigma)=\tau-|\sigma| . Since the problem hence we have (I), we have the following \theta(\sigma)=|\sigma| LEMMA 10. 1. \mu(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=\tau^{0}-|\sigma^{0}|=O felfills the condition Assume the condition {III). Let . Then it holds that and R(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=O where \sigma^{0}\neq 0 (10. 2) ProoF. (\coprod, B) c^{2}= \sum_{f=1}^{n-1}b_{j}^{2} . Since we have from (10. 1) (10. 1. 1) R(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})=R(|\sigma^{0}|, \sigma^{0}) =-( \sum_{f=1}^{n-1}bj\sigma^{0}f+c |\sigma^{0}| ) \Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1}=O , we see from Corollary 6. 2 and (6. 7. 2) that grad R ( (10. 1. 2) \theta(\sigma^{0}) , \sigma^{0})= grad R(|\sigma^{0}|, \sigma^{0} ) =-((b_{1}+c \frac{\sigma_{1}^{0}}{|\sigma^{0}|}), \cdots , (b_{n-1}+c \frac{\sigma_{n-1}^{0}}{|\sigma^{0}|}))\Lambda_{f}^{-1} =O . Hence if c=O we have b_{j}=O for all j=1, from (10. 1. 1) and (10. 1. 2) that c^{2}= \sum_{j=1}^{n1}b_{f}^{2} . \cdots , n –1. If c\neq O , it follows On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 153 This proves the lemma. Next we show that the condition (II) is necessary for the problem (\coprod, Q) to be -well-posed: THEOREM 10. 1. Under the same assumptions as in Lmma 10. 1, we have \beta) L^{2} co\dim\{(x’, \sigma)\in R^{n}\cross R^{n-1} = rank ; R(\theta(\sigma), \sigma^{0} He,ss(x,\sigma)R(\theta(\sigma^{0}), \sigma)=O\} ) for c\neq 0 , for c=O . \int^{=n-2} , 1=0, ProoF. From (10. 1. 2) we have \frac{\partial^{2}R}{\partial\sigma_{j}\partial\sigma_{k}} ( \theta(\sigma) , \sigma)=-c\frac{\partial}{\partial\sigma_{f}}(\frac{\sigma_{k}}{|\sigma|})\Lambda_{f}^{1} c \sigma_{k}(\frac{+\sigma_{j}}{|\sigma|^{3}})\Lambda_{\gamma}^{-1} for j\neq k for j=k . , =\{ c( \frac{-1}{|\sigma|}+\frac{\sigma_{j}\sigma_{k}}{|\sigma|^{3}}) \Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1} Hence He_{Gss}R(\theta(\sigma), = \frac{+c}{|\sigma|^{3}} \sigma ) (\begin{array}{lllll} \sigma_{1}-|\sigma| \sigma_{1}\sigma_{2} \sigma_{1}\sigma_{n-1} \vdots \sigma_{2}^{2}-|a|^{2}. \sigma_{2}\cdot\sigma_{1} t \sigma \vdots\sigma \sigma^{2} -|\sigma|^{2}\end{array}) \Lambda_{\overline{r}}^{1} n-l If c=0 rank If c\neq 0 He” ss(x\sigma)(\theta(\sigma), \sigma)=O . this matrix has the eigenvalues \underline{-c|\sigma|^{-1},\cdots}\underline{-c|\sigma|^{-1}}, , O (see n-2 Hence rank Put He” ss(x\sigma)R(\theta(\sigma^{0}), \sigma^{0})=n-2 . \S 4 in [2].) T. Ohkuho and T. Shirota 154 M_{R}=\{(x’, \sigma)\in R^{n}\cross R^{n-1} ; =R^{n}\cross\{\sigma\in R^{n-1} we have from Lemma 10. 1 that It follows from If^{1}c=0 ; R(\theta(\sigma), \sigma)=O\} \sum_{j=1}^{n-1}b_{j}\sigma_{j}+c|\sigma|=O\}\uparrow b_{i}=O and hence M_{R}=R^{2n-1} . Let c\neq 0 . R(\theta(\sigma), \sigma)=0 c^{2}| \sigma|^{2}=(\sum_{f=1}^{n-1}b_{j}\sigma_{j})^{2} Hence from (10. 2) we have | \sigma|^{2}(\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}b_{j}^{2})=(\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}b_{j}\sigma_{j})^{2},\cdot i.e . |\sigma| where (10. 1. 1) that b={}^{t}(b_{1}, \cdots, b_{n-1}) . Lec . |b|=|\langle\sigma, b\rangle c>0 M_{R}=R^{n}\cross\{\sigma\in R^{n-1} ; for |\sigma| . | , simp1icit^{\acute{\iota}}y |b|=|\langle\sigma, b\rangle | , , then it follows from \sum b_{f}\sigma_{f}<0\} . Hence \dim M_{R}=n+1 (also, in the case c<0 ) for fixed b . Therefor we obtain co\dim M_{R}=n-2=rankHess\sigma R(\theta(\sigma^{0}), \sigma^{0}) , for c\neq 0 . Thus the proof is completed. 10. 2. This subsection is devoted to the generalization of our Main theorem to the case where the boundary operator B(x’) is complex. Since the condition (II) has an essential meaning in the case where B is real, and ) described in \S 1 instead of (II) we consider the conditions (II) and ). Throughout this subsection, we assume the condition (I) with complex valued B and assume all symbols are homogeneous of order 0. and (6. 4. 3) it follows that for From (II) , x’\in U\{X) \gamma) \gamma’ \beta’) \beta) \gamma (\tau, \sigma)\in\overline{\Sigma_{-\cap}}U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0}) \beta’) (10. 3) R_{II}(x’, \tau, \sigma)=(r_{1}(x’, \mu, \sigma)+\sqrt\overline{\mu}r_{2}(x’, \mu, \sigma) ) (\sqrt{\mu}-D(x’, \sigma) ), where and are smooth and . Furthermore let Q be the function defined in Lemma 6. 1 ) (i) . Then it follows from (6. 4. 3) and (6. 1) that is real if Q is real and is real or pure imaginary in the case (a) or (b), respectively. Applying implicit function theorem to (10. 3) we see from Lemma 6. 4 (i) that (II) and ) imply that |D is real or pure imaginary in the case (a) or (b), respectively. This shows that (II) is fulfilled. Since it follows from (6. 4. 3) that (II) and ) imply (II) , we see that (II) implies (II) and ). Hereafter we consider as . r_{1} r_{1}(x^{0}, O, \sigma^{0})\neq 0 r_{2} \beta R_{I1} \sqrt{\mu} \beta) \gamma \beta’) \gamma’) \beta) \beta) \beta’) (\tau, \sigma) \gamma’ vectors\in\overline{\Sigma_{-}} \beta’ On structures of certia n L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 155 LEMMA 10. 2. Using the notations in Lemma 3. 1 and (7.1) Q is written in the form : except terms with respect to \gamma Q(x’, \mu, \sigma)=(2^{-1}(1+e_{12}\epsilon)^{-1}(e_{11}-e_{22})+r_{2})\epsilon in the case (a), -((1+e_{12}\epsilon)^{-1}\lambda_{2}+r_{2}D)D \{ or -(-i(1+e_{12}\epsilon)^{-1}\lambda_{2}’+r_{2}D) D in the case (b) respectively. Proof. It follows from (6. 1), (6. 4. 3) and (10. 3) that Q=(r_{1}+\sqrt{\mu}r_{2})(\sqrt{\mu}-D)-(\mu s_{1}^{(1)}+\sqrt{\mu}s_{2}) s =-r_{1}D+\mu r_{2}-\mu 1(1)+ (r_{1}- Since Q is analytic in \mu \sqrt{\mu} . we have r_{1}-r_{2}D-s_{2}=0 Since r_{2}D-s_{2}) , Q=-r_{1}D+\mu r_{2}-\mu s_{1}^{(1)} =(r_{2}-s_{1}^{(1)})\mu-(r_{2}D+s_{2}) D. This together with (3. 1), (3. 3), (6. 1) and (7. 1) implies the lemma. Put Q^{(0)}=Q(x’, O, \sigma) and 7. 4. Then we see from Lemma 10. 2 that Q^{(1)}= \frac{\partial Q}{\partial\mu}(x’, O, \sigma) =-(\lambda_{2}^{(0)} (x’, \sigma)+r_{2}^{(0)}(x’., \sigma) Q^{(0)}\{ as in the proof of Lemma D(x’, \sigma) ) Dx’ , or =-(-i(\lambda_{2}’)^{(0)} (x’, \sigma)+r_{2}^{(0)}(x’, \sigma) D(x’, \sigma) (10. 4) \sigma) ) D(x’, \sigma) , Q^{(1)}=(2^{-1}(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)})+r_{2}^{(0)})(x’, \sigma) e_{12}^{(0)}-\lambda_{2}^{(1)}-r_{2}^{(1)}D)(x’, \sigma)\cdot D(x’, \sigma) \int_{or}^{+(\lambda_{2}^{(0)}} [ +(-i(\lambda_{2}’)^{(0)}e_{12}^{(0)}+i(\lambda_{2}’)^{(1)}-r_{2}^{(1)}D)(x’, \sigma)\cdot D(x’, \sigma) , in the case (a) and (6) with the same kind of notations as and respectively. Now Theorem 7. 1 is generalized in the following and (III). Thm the THEOREM 10. 2. Assume the conditions (II) , Q^{(0)} Q^{(1)} \alpha) \beta’) conclusion of Theorem 7. 1 is valid. PROOF. We have only to show that Lemma 7. 4 is valid under the conditions of this theorem. We see from the proof of Lemma 7. 4 that T. Ohhibo and T. Shirota 156 it Let us to show that the expression (7. 4. 7) is non-negative. in the right of (7. 4. 7): the coefficient of suffiffiffices_{arrow} consider d_{1} k_{4} \{-2k_{3}{\rm Re} Q^{(0)}+({\rm Im} Q^{(0)})^{2}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)})) (10. 5) + ({\rm Re} Q^{(0)})^{2}(2{\rm Re} Q^{(1)}-(e_{11}^{(0)}-e_{22}^{(0)}))\}k_{3}+O(|Q^{(0)}|^{3}) Use (10. 4), the relation case (a) to =k_{3} +2 k_{3}=e_{21}^{(0)}+2{\rm Re}\overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)} . , then the above equals in the \{2(\lambda_{2}^{(0)}{\rm Re} D+{\rm Re} r_{2}^{\prime 0)}D^{2})(e_{21}^{(0)}+2{\rm Re}\overline{Q^{(1)}}Q^{(0)}) (\lambda_{2}^{(0)}{\rm Im} D+{\rm Im} r_{2}^{(0)}D^{2})^{2}{\rm Re}(r_{2}^{(0)}+D(\lambda_{2}^{(0)}e_{12}^{(0)}-\lambda_{2}^{(1)}-r_{2}^{(1)}D))\} +0 (({\rm Re} D)^{2})+O(|D|^{3}) . Since e_{21}^{(0} ) =(\lambda_{2}^{(0)})^{2} e_{21}^{(0)} it holds that {\rm Re} r_{2}^{(0)}D^{2}+ (\lambda_{2}^{(0)} {\rm Im} D+{\rm Im} r_{2}^{(0)}D^{2})^{2}{\rm Re} r_{2}^{(0)} = (e_{21}^{(0)} {\rm Re} r_{2}^{(0}) {\rm Re} D-2e_{21}^{(0)}{\rm Im} r_{2}^{(0)} {\rm Im} D){\rm Re} D+O(|D|^{3}) . Hence (10. 5) equals to =2k_{3}^{2}\lambda_{2}^{(0)} {\rm Re} D+O(|D|){\rm Re} D+O(|D|^{3}) . In the case (b), we see by the same way that (10. 5) equals to =2k_{3}^{2}(\lambda_{2}’)^{(0)}{\rm Im} D+O(|D|){\rm Im} D+O(|D|^{3}) . Therefore it is non-negative (or non-positive in the case (b)) in a sufficiently . Moreover from , because of the condition (II) small U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) \beta’) (10. 4) we have |Q^{0}|^{4}=O(|D|^{4}) . Consequently, we see that there exist real such that (7. 4. 7) is satisfying (7. 1. 1) and a neighborhood U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) d_{1} non-negative. Thus the theorem is proved. Using the above theorem let us generalize Theorem 1. 1: and {III). Then THEOREM 10. 3. Assume the conditions (II) , , the conclusion of Theorem 1. 1 is valid for complex valued B(x’) . , it follows from the condition and PROOF. Since is equivalent to \mu=O and D(x’, \sigma) (II) that R(x’, \mu, \sigma)=O for =O . Hence we see from the proof of Lemma 6. 6 that Lemma 6. 6 is that \eta=\theta(II) and valid for such points D(x’, \sigma)=O . On the other hand, we see from (1. 2) that in some in Lemma 10.2 of a point \alpha) {\rm Im}\sqrt{\mu}\geq 0 \beta’) \gamma’) {\rm Re}\sqrt{\mu}\leq 0 {\rm Im}\mu\leq O \beta’) (x’, \eta, \sigma)\in U(x^{0})\cross(U(\tau^{0}, \sigma^{0})\cap R^{n}) \sigma) U(x^{0})\cross U(\sigma^{0}) (x^{0}, \sigma^{0}) {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma)\geq 0 or -{\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma)\geq 0 On structures of certain L^{2} -well-posed mixed problems for hyperbolic systems 157 in the case (a) and (b) respectively. Hence we obtain gr,ad(x,\sigma){\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma)=O or gr” ad(x\sigma){\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma)=O whenever {\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma)=O or {\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma)=O respectively. Consequently it is seen from the condition (II) inequalities (6. 5) are replaced by |k_{II}^{0)}(x’, \sigma)|2 , \mathcal{T}’) that the |k_{III}^{0)}(x’, \sigma)|^{2}\leq C{\rm Re} D(x’, \sigma) or (10. 6) |k_{II}^{0)}(x’, \sigma)|^{2} , |k_{III}^{0} (x’, \sigma)|^{2}\leq-C{\rm Im} D(x’, \sigma) in the case (a) and (b) respectively. In the proof of (1. 1) in subsection 8. 2, use these inequalities instead of (6. 5). Then we see from the proofs of Theorems 7. 1 and 10. 2 that (1. 1) is valid for our case. Thus we can generalize our Main theorem: and (III). Then THEOREM 10. 4. Assume the conditions (II) , , the conclusion of Main theorem is valid for complex valued B(x’) . PROOF. Follow the proof of Theorem 9. 1 and note the relation (9. 11) and ) are preserved especially. Then it is seen that the conditions (II) for the problem (P^{(*)}, B^{(*)}) . Therefore the assertions of Theorems 9. 1 and 9. 2 are valid under the conditions of this theorem. \alpha) \beta’) \beta’) \mathcal{T}’) \gamma’ Department of Mathematics S\={o}ka University. Department of Mathematics Hokkaido University. References [1] R. AGEMI: On energy inequalities of mixed problems for hyperbolic equations of second order, Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., Ser. I, Vol. 21, 221-236 (1971). [2] R. AGEMI: Iterated mixed problems for d’Alembertian, Hokkaido Math. J. Vol. 3* No. 1, 104-128 (1974) T, Ohkubo and T. Shirota 158 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] R. AGEMI and T. SHIROTA: On necessary and sufficient conditions for L^{2_{-}}we11posedness of mixed problems for hyperbolic equations, Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., Ser. I, Vol. 21, 133-151 (1970). R. AGEMI and T. 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