Effect of Alternative Diesel Fuels on Heat Release Curves for Cummins N14-410 Diesel Engine’ Yusuf Ali, Milford A. Hanna and Joseph E. Borg’ SNDENT MEM8ER MEMBER ABSTRACT A Cummins N14-410 engine was operated on twelve fuels produced by blending methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and fuel ethanol with No.2 diesel fuel. Engine in-cylinder pressure data were collected and used to evaluate the rate of heat release, mass fraction of fuel burned and charge temperature with respect to crank angle. It was observed that the rate of heat release decreased with increasing engine speed. Peak rates of heat release for a// fuel blends were less than for No.2 diesel fuel. When methyl tallowate was blended with No.2 diesel fuel, the shift in the location of peak heat release was away from top dead center (TDC) whereas the addition of ethanol to the blend shifted the location towards TDC. Ignition delay sltghtly decreased when methyl tallowate was blended with diesel fuel. However, ignition delays were not Acted by the methyl tallowate content of the blend. The addition of ethanol to the fuel blends did not affect ignition delay. The charge temperature decreased with decrease in diesel content of the fuel blends. A reduction in charge temperature can reduce NO, emissions. KEYWORDS: Methyl tallowate, methyl soyate, biodiesel, ethanol, Cummins engine, peak pressure, indicated mean effective pressure, rate of pressure change. ‘Journal Series Number 11128 of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division. ‘The authors are: Yusuf Ali. Graduate Research Assistant, Milford A. Hanna. Professor and Director, Industrial Agricultural Products Center. and Joseph E. Borg, Graduate Research Assistant. Department Of Gnlogical Systems Engineering. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 685830726. 2 INTRODUCTION The use of alternative fuels in compression ignition (Cl) engines to reduce exhaust gas emissions has, in the past few years, become a popular topic of research. Much of this research has centered on minimizing exhaust gas emissions while at the same time optimizing power output. Most Cl engines are designed to operate on diesel fuel and therefore, perform best while operating on that fuel. During the engine design and optimization process, an engine manufacturer will perform in-cylinder pressure measurements to determine cylinder pressure, rate of change in pressure, estimated rate of heat release, mass-burned fraction and charge temperature. High speed data acquisition systems are used by performance development engineers and are found to be of practical value. Algorithms and techniques that provide for an accurate representation of heat transfer and a means of very accurately determining top dead center (TDC) have been developed. Engine cycle analysis (ECA) and fuel injection analysis (FIA) software can be used to obtain steady state engine performance characteristics (Gill, 1988). The combustion process in a diesel engine is usually considered to occur in four phases according to heat release rate (Barbell et al., 1989). Those phases are the ignition delay period, premixed burning phase, diffusion burning phase and oxidation phase. These phases are used to follow the transformation of fuel in the combustion cycle. Kittelson et al. (1988) observed that soot concentration, heat release and fuel injection data were related to one another. There was a longer delay between the start of combustion and the start of soot formation for high equivalence ratio which was due to a 3 slightly longer premixed burning phase at high load. The increase in length of the premixed burning period was much smaller than the increase in the formation lag time. Shundoh et al. (1991) observed that low (1000 rev/min) and high (2000 rev/min) engine speeds had no effect on heat release rate because the injection rates were the same, and heat release closely followed the injection rate in type C combustion. The gas temperature in the case of the low speed condition was higher than that at high speed and was the reason for higher NOx and lower smoke levels at low speeds. Alternative fuels also have been tried in direct injection compression ignition engines and have been found to work satisfactorily. In-cylinder pressure measurements have been performed using alternative fuels to compare with diesel fuel. Niehaus et al. (1986) observed that diesel fuel produced more premixed burning than thermally cracked soybean oil (TCSBO) at brake mean effective pressures (BMEP) of 100 kPa and 300 kPa. However, premixed burning for TCSBO was greater than that for diesel fuel at a higher BMEP of 500 kPa Czerwinski (1994) used a rapeseed oil, ethanol and diesel fuel blend and compared the heat release curves with diesel fuel. He observed that the addition of ethanol caused longer ignition lag at all operating conditions. At higher and full loads, the combustion speeds were high with strong premixed phases. The addition of rapeseed oil gave a little lower combustion speed and lower combustion temperature as compared to diesel fuel. The inflammation lag with rapeseed oil was slightly shorter and the combustion duration was approximately equal to diesel fuel. The blend of diesel, rapeseed oil and ethanol had lower heat values which diminished the power output at full load as well as the available power during the transient operating conditions. The overall objective of this project was to perform in-cylinder pressure measurementson an engine to determine the rate of heat release, mass-burned fraction of fuel and charge temperature curves on fuels produced by blending diesel, methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and fuel ethanol in different ratios and comparing them with No.2 diesel fuel. It was expected that this study would help establish the fuel burning characteristics needed to control exhaust emissions and engine coking MATERIALS AND METHODS Engine and Instrumentation: A 1991 Cummins N14-410 direct injection diesel engine was used in this research. Specifications of the engine are presented in Table 1. The engine was coupled to an Eaton 522 kW (700 hp) dynamatic eddy current dry gap dynamometer. Engine torque was measured with a load cell and Daytronic system 10 integrator, and speed was measured using a 60 tooth sprocket and magnetic pickup. Engine torque and speed were controlled with an Eaton Dynamatic dynamometer controller in conjunction with a Jordan controls throttle controller. In-cylinder pressure measurement was accomplished using an AVL QH32C quartz pressure transducer connected to a KISTLER Model 5004 Dual Mode Charge Amplifier. The pressure transducer was mounted in the head of cylinder No.1 as close as possible to the center of the cylinder to minimize any induced measurement error. Crank angle was measured using a Gurley Precision instruments Model 82253600-CDSD-KZ rotary shaft encoder. The optical shaft encoder was rigidly mounted to the front of the engine and connected to the crank shaft with a flexible coupler. The encoder was connected to a 5 SuperFlow Corp. SF-1815 Engine Cycle Analyzer Power Supply that supplied both power and signal conditioning for the crank angle and top dead center signals. The charge amplifier and power supply outputs were connected to a SuperFlow Corp. DAB 500 high speed data acquisition board placed in a 66 MHZ 80486 based PC. The data were collected using a software package ECA911 obtained from SuperFlow Corp. Specifications for pressure transducer, charge amplifier and shaft encoder are presented in Table 2. Fuels : Blends of high sulfur (0.24 %) No.2 diesel fuel, methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and fuel ethanol were made and tested. Specific blend compositions are given in Table 3. The methyl tallowate and methyl soyate were produced by Proctor and Gamble Co. of Kansas Cii, KS and purchased from Interchem, Inc. of Kansas City, MO. Physical properties of methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and their blends with diesel fuel and ethanol were reported by Ali et al. (1995). Testing Procedures : The charge amplifier and the SuperFlow power supply were turned on two hours before collecting data to allow the instruments to stabilize. The engine was started and warmed-up, at low idle, long enough to establish correct oil pressure and was checked for any fuel, oil, water and air leaks. The speed was then increased to 1600 rev/min and sufficient load was applied to raise the coolant temperature to with normal operating range. After completion of the warm-up procedure, the intake and exhaust restrictions were fixed at rated engine speed (1800 rev/min) and full load and from then on were not adjusted for different speed or load changes. The test procedure consisted of an 6 eight mode steady state emissions test sequence followed by four full load test points at different speeds to complete a full load torque and power map. Table 4 presents the speed and load combinations used. The testing was done in the Nebraska Power Laboratory at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The engine was run at the specified speeds and loads for a minimum of 6 min and data were collected during the last 2 min of operation. Pressure data were collected for all speed and load combinations, but for the purpose of this paper, only data taken while the engine was at its maximum constant load at a given speed were used. The points were at engine speeds of 1100, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 and 1900 rev/min with full loads. Engine cycle data were collected over 450 cycles at each point and averaged for analysis. Pressure and volume data collected for each test were converted into rate of heat release, mass burned fraction and charge temperature with respect to crank angle using a software package EGA91 1 obtained from SuperFlow Corp. (Colorado Springs, CO). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Engine in-cylinder pressure data were analyzed for rates of heat release, massburned fractions and charge temperatures with respect to crank angle (CA) for different fuel blends. Rate of Heat Release vs. Crank Angle : This analysis shows the estimated rate of heat release during the combustion process. The results provide a quantified assessment of combustion rate and the means to diagnose combustion problems. The analysis was based on pressure and volume measurements. Therefore, some assumptions were made 7 to calculate rate of heat release. The first assumption was that the trapped charge remained in a uniform single zone of constant composition from intake valve closing to exhaust valve opening. In actuality, large temperature gradients existed in the charge during combustion and the chemical composition of the unburned gases was different from the burned gases. The second assumption was that leakage and heat transfer to the wall was negligible. The third assumption was that the charge mixture behaved as an ideal gas. Based on these assumptions, the rate of heat release with respect to CA and location of peak heat release for blends of diesel, methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and ethanol at different engine speeds were calculated using ECA911, a standard engine cycle data analysis package, and are presented in Table 5. Representative graphs showing the development of change in rate of heat release with CA are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. It was observed that peak rate of heat release decreased as engine speed increased from 1100 rev/min to 1900 revlmin (Table 5). The location of peak rate of heat release was delayed as the engine speed increased. Furthermore, as the diesel fuel content of the blended fuel was reduced, the peak rate of heat release also was reduced. The shapes of the rate of heat release curves for all fuel blends at all engine speeds were similar to that of No.2 diesel fuel. No.2 diesel fuel had a peak rate of heat release of 0.287 W’CA at the engine’s peak torque producing speed of 1200 revlmin and 0.250 kJ/“CA at the engine’s rated speed of 1800 rev/min. The trends of peak rates of heat release with CA for all fuel blends at engine speeds of 1200 and 1800 revlmin are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. 8 At 1200 rev/min engine speed, peak rates of heat release for 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 % (v/v) blends of dieseLmethyl tallowate were within 2% of that for No.2 diesel fuel. The locations of peak rates of heat release were within 10.6 and 11.2 “CA after top dead center (ATE) for the respective fuel blends as compared to 10.6 “CA ATDC for No.2 diesel fuel. When the methyl tallowate was replaced by fuel ethanol and methyl soyate the peak rates of heat release were reduced by as much as 3.14% without affecting their locations. A comparison of peak rate of heat release for No.2 diesel fuel with the 6535% (v/v) blend of methyl tallowate:ethanol showed an 8.71 % reduction in peak rate of heat release. A similar comparison for the 32.532.535 % (v/v) blend of methyl tallowate:methyl soyate:ethanol showed a 6.27 % reduction. The locations of the peak rates of heat release were 8.4 and 9.4 “CA ATDC for the respective fuel blends. At rated engine speed of 1800 rev/min, the peak rates of heat release for the 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 % (v/v) blends of diesel:methyl tallowate were within 1.2% Of that of No.2 diesel fuel. Locations of peak rates of heat release were within 0.4 “CA ATDC of that of No.2 diesel fuel. When the methyl tallowate was replaced by fuel ethanol and methyl soyate, the peak rates of heat release were reduced by as much as 2.8 % of that of No.2 diesel fuel and locations of peak rates of heat release were within 1 “CA ATDC of that of No.2 diesel fuel. A comparison of No.2 diesel fuel with the 6535% (v/v) methyl tallowate:ethanol showed an 11.2% reduction in peak rate of heat release. A similar comparison for the 32.5:32.5:35% (v/v) blend of methyl tallowate:methyl soyate:ethanol showed a 10.0% reduction. The locations of the peak rates of heat release were 15.8 and 16.8 “CA ATDC for the respective fuel blends. 9 A similar trend was observed at all other engine speeds. In general, as the amounts of methyl tallowate/methyl soyate and ethanol were increased there were reductions in the peak rates of heat release as compared to No.2 diesel fuel with the exception of the 70:30 and 60:40 % (v/v) blends of diesel:methyl tallowate blends, in which cases there were slight increases at 1200 rev/min. Reductions in the peak rates of heat release were expected as the energy contents of the blends were less than that of No.2 diesel fuel, (Ali et al., 1995). To understand the process of heat release in detail, one must know the mass-burned fraction of the fuel with respect to CA to determine the ignition delay and burn duration. Mass-Burned Fraction vs. Crank Angle : The mass burned fraction was obtained by integrating the rate of heat release. The curve of mass-burned fraction with respect to CA allowed for identification of ignition delay, the fully developed combustion period and the combustion tail. Further, it gave information about how much fuel was unburned at any point in the combustion cycle. Representative curves for mass-burned fraction of the fuel with respect to CA at 1200 and 1800 rev/min engine speeds are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The burn duration and ignition delay in terms of CA for No.2 diesel fuel are quantified in those figures. Three points defined in those curves are start of injection, start of combustion and end of combustion. Technically, ignition delay is defined as the interval between start of injection and start of combustion but to assess mass burned fraction from engine cycle analysis, the 0 to 10 % burned range is often defined as the ignition delay and the 10 to 90% range is the burn duration (Anon. 1994). The last 10 % burned is not usually carefully 10 considered due to errors associated with the assumptions made in the heat-release analysis. The quantification of these parameters is extremely useful in characterizing combustion chamber and ignition system performance. The quantified parameters related to ignition delay and burn duration are presented in Table 6. It was observed that the ignition delay increased with increasing engine speed (Table 6). The ignition delay at 1100 rev/min was in the range of 19 to 20 “CA and increased to 26 to 27 “CA at 1900 rev/min for all fuel blends. On the other hand, the burn duration decreased with increasing engine speed. Burn duration reduced from the range of 50 to 52 “CA at 1100 rev/min to the range of 41 to 43 “CA at 1900 rev/min. The ignition delay for No.2 diesel fuel was 20.8 “CA at 1200 rev/min and increased to 24.6 “CA at rated speed of 1800 rev/min. Similarly, the burn duration was 49.4 ‘CA and 42.6 “CA at 1200 and 1800 rev/min, respectively. At 1200 rev/min engine speed, the ignition delays for the 8020.70:30 and 60:40% (v/v) blends of diesel:methyl tallowate were all within 0.6 “CA of that of No.2 diesel fuel. When the engine speed was increased to 1800 rev/min, the ignition delays were found to be 24.6 “CA, the same as No.2 diesel fuel. The burn durations at 1200 rev/min engine speed were all within 1.8 “CA of that of No.2 diesel fuel. At 1800 rev/min the burn durations were all within 0.4 “CA of that of No.2 diesel fuel. Thus, from the standpoint of ignition delay and burn duration, the blends of diesel and methyl tallowate performed similarly to No.2 diesel fuel. When the methyl tallowate was replaced by fuel ethanol and methyl soyate, the ignition delays at 1200 rev/min engine speed were all within 0.4 “CA and at 1800 rev/min 11 they were all within 0.2 “CA of that of No.2 diesel fuel. The burn durations at 1200 revlmin engine speed were observed to be within 1 “CA and at a speed of 1800 rev/min the burn durations wars observed to be within 0.4 “CA of that of No.2 diesel fuel. A comparison of No.2 diesel fuel with the 65:35 % (v/v) blend of methyl tallowate:ethanol and 32.5:32.5:35 % ( V/ V) blend of methyl tallowate:methyl soyate:ethanol showed some reduction in ignition delay as compared to No.2 diesel fuel. The ignition delays at 1200 revlmin for the 6535 and 32532.535 blends were 19.6 and 20 “CA, respectively, as compared to 20.9 “CA for No.2 diesel fuel. At 1800 rev/min, the ignition delays were 23.6 “CA for both fuel blends as compared to 24.6 “CA for No.2 diesel fuel. When burn durations for both fuel blends were compared with that of No.2 diesel fuel it was observed that there were slight reductions in burn duration. At 1200 rev/min the burn durations for the 65:35 and 32.532.535 % (v/v) blends were 48.2 and 47.6 “CA, respectively, as compared to 49.4 “CA for No.2 diesel fuel. Similarly, at 1800 rev/min, the burn durations were 41.2 and 39.8 “CA as compared to 42.6 “CA for No.2 diesel fuel. The reductions in burn durations may have been caused by the presence of a high percentage of ethanol in the blends. Since both fuel blends contained 35 % (v/v) ethanol and the ethanol was highly flammable, the burn duration was reduced. From Fig. 4 it can be observed that these two fuel blends did not follow the same path as No.2 diesel fuel. These two fuel blends had an early start of combustion and an early end of combustion as compared to all other fuel blends. Fosseen et al. (1993) also observed a reduction in ignition delay and a shift in the peak pressure point towards TDC when they used blends of diesel fuel and methyl soyate (from 0 to 40 %) in a Detroit Diesel Corp. 6V-92 TA engine. 12 Charge Temperature vs. Crank Angle : Charge temperature was estimated from the measured pressure and volume data. This relationship estimated only the average temperature. Representative curves for charge temperature with CA at 1200 rev/min and 1800 rev/min engine speeds are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The trends of temperature change for all fuel blends were similar to that of No.2 diesel fuel. The locations of the peak charge temperatures also were in a narrow range. Peak charge temperatures and locations of peak charge temperatures for all fuels are presented in Table 7. No.2 diesel fuel had the maximum charge temperature(Table 7). At 1200 and 1800 rev/min, the charge temperatures were 1359 “K and 1284 “K, respectively. The respective locations of the peak charge temperatures were 28.8 and 34.8 “CA ATDC. At 1200 rev/min the peak charge temperatures for the 8020,70:30 and 60:40 % (viv) blends of aiesel:methyl tallowate were reduced by as much as 19 “K as compared to No.2 diesel fuel The locations of these peak charge temperatures were within 2.6 “CA of that of No.2 diesel fuel. The shifts in the locations of peak charge temperatures were consistent with the locations of peak rates of heat release. When engine speed was increased to 1800 rev/min, the peak charge temperatures were reduced by as much as 12 “K of that of No.2 diesel fuel and their locations were changed by as much as + 0.4 “CA. The reductions in peak charge temperatures were due to reductions in the total energy contents of the fuel blends which also resulted in reduction in peak rates of heat release. 13 When methyl tallowate was replaced by fuel ethanol and methyl soyate, the peak charge temperatures at 1200 revlmin were reduced by as much as 40 “K of that of No.2 diesel fuel with no change in their locations. At 1800 rev/min, the values of peak charge temperatures were reduced by as much as 38 “K, respectively with not much change in their locations. These results were in agreement with the results obtained for peak rates of heat release for similar fuel blends and engine speeds. A comparison of peak charge temperatures for the 65:35 % (v/v) blend of methyl tallowate:ethanol and the 32.5:32.5:35 % (v/v) blend of methyl tallowate:methyl soyate:ethanol with No.2 diesel fuel at 1200 revlmin engine speed showed temperature drops of as much as 100 “K. The locations of the peak charge temperatures were 30.2 “CA ATDC for both fuel blends as compared to 32.6 “CA ATDC for No.2 diesel fuel. Similarly, at 1800 revlmin the peak charge temperatures were reduced by as much as 110°K with their locations at 31.6 and 31.8 “CA ATDC as compared to 34.8 “CA ATDC for No.2 diesel fuel. A similar trend was observed when rates of heat release were analyzed Fosseen.et al. (1993) also observed steady reductions in exhaust gas temperatures at both rated speed and peak torque conditions when they used blends of diesel and methyl soyate (0 to 40 %) in a Detroit Diesel Corp. 6V-92 engine. Reductions in the charge temperatures with different fuel blends were expected as the energy contents of the methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and ethanol blends were less than that of No.2 diesel fuel (Ali et al., 1995). Reductions in charge temperature help reduce NO, emissions from the engine. 14 CONCLUSIONS A complete engine cycle analysis was conducted to analyze in-cylinder pressure data to estimate rate of heat release, mass-burned fraction and charge temperature with respect to crank angle. It was concluded that the rate of heat release was reduced with increases in the amounts of methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and ethanol in the fuel blends. There was a slight shift in the location of the peak rate of heat release away from top dead center (TDC) when only methyl tallowate was blended with No.2 diesel fuel. When 35 % of the methyl tallowate was replaced by ethanol, there was a further decrease in the rate of heat release and the location of peak rate of heat release was shifted towards TDC at both peak torque and rated engine speeds. Ignition delay and burn duration were determined from mass burned fraction data. There was a slight decrease in ignition delay when methyl tallowate was blended with diesel fuel. However, ignition delays were not affected by the amount of methyl tallowate in the blend. Further, replating 35 % of the methyl tallowate/methyl soyate by ethanol did not affect ignition delay at either peak torque or rated engine speeds. The burn duration was more or less the same for all fuel blends. The charge temperature decreased with increases in amounts of methyl tallowate, methyl soyate and ethanol of the fuel blends. Maximum charge temperature was observed for No.2 diesel fuel at both peak torque and rated engine speeds. The peak charge temperatures and their locations followed the same trends as the peak rates of heat release for all fuel blends. Therefore, looking at the results of rate of heat release, mass burned fraction, ignition delay, burn duration and charge temperature for all fuel blends it was concluded that since the performance of the engine with all fuel blends was similar to 15 that of No.2 diesel fuel, they should have no effect on long term engine performance. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Kevin G. Johnson, Lab Technician, Nebraska Power Laboratory, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with engine operations and data collection. 16 REFERENCES Anon. 1994. Engine cycle analyzer; Operator’s manual. SuperFlow Springs, CO. pp 3: 94-105. Corp. Colorado Ali, Y., Hanna, M.A. and Borg, J.E. 1996. In-cylinder pressure characteristics of a Cl engine using blends of diesel fuel and methyl esters of beef tallow. Tf?ANSACT/ONS of the ASAE (accepted). Barbella, R. Bertoli, C. Ciajolo, A. D’Anna, A. and Masi, S. 1989. In-cylinder sampling of high molecular weight hydrocarbons from a D.I. light duty diesel engine. SAE paper No. 890437. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA. Czerwinski, J. 1994. Performance of HD-DI-diesel engine with addition of ethanol and rapeseed oil. SAE paper No. 940545. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA. Fosseen, D., Manicom, B., Green, C. and Goetz, W. 1993. Methyl soyate evaluation of various diesel blends in a DDC 6V-92 TA engine. Fosseen Manufacturing and Development. Radcliff, IA. (Report prepared for National Soydiesel Development Board, Jefferson City, MO.). Gill, A.P. 1988. Design choices for 1990’s low emission diesel engines. SAEpaper No. 880350. society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA. Kittelson, D.B., Pipho, M.J., Ambs, J.L. and Luo, L. 1988. In-cylinder measurements of soot production in a direct injection diesel engine. SAE paper NO. 880344. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA. Niehaus, HA., Goering, C.E., Savage, L.D. and Sorenson, S.C. 1986. Cracked soybean oil as a fuel for a diesel engine. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE, 29(3):683-9. Shundoh, S., Kakegawa, T., Tsujimura, K. and Kobauashi, S. 1991. The effect of injection parameters and swirl on diesel combustion with high pressure fuel injection. SAE paper No. 910489. Sobety of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA. 17 ‘able 1. Engine specifications. Cummins N14-410 engine Specifications Type of engine 6 cylinder, 4-stroke, direct injection Horsepower (Rated) 410 Bore x stroke 140 mm x 152 mm Displacement 14 liters Compression ratio Valves per cylinder Aspiration Turbocharger l&3:1 4 Turbocharged & charge air cooler Holsett type BHT 38 18 able 2 : Pressure transducer, charge amplifier and shaft encoder specification’ Diezoelectric Pressure Transducer Uodel AVL QH3’2C 3ynamic measuring range, (FSO), Mpa 0 - 20 sverload, MPa 30 Sensitivity, pC/MPa’ 2.673 Linearity, % FSO < f 0.2 IMEP reproducibility. % error < 2.0 Lifetime, cycles to failure ,3x107 Charge Amplifier Model KISTLER 5004 me Duel Mode -inearity, % FSO < * 0.05 kale setting 5 user selectable settings Shaft Encoder Wodel 82253600-CDSD-KZ We Optical Signal pulse/revolution 3600 Index pulse/revolution 1 C = micro Coulomb 19 Table 3. Fuel blends tested. Methyl Soyate % Ethanol 0 0 0 80 13 0 7 3 70 19.5 0 10.5 4 60 26 0 14 5 80 6.5 6.5 7 6 70 9.75 9.75 10.5 7 60 13 13 14 8 80 20 0 0 9 70 30 0 0 10 60 40 0 0 11 0 65 0 35 12 0 32.5 32.5 35 Blend Number No. 2 Diesel Fuel % 1 100 2 Methyl Tallowate % % 20 Table 4. Engine speeds and loads used to determine Load % 100 75 50 IO 100 75 50 0 100 100 100 100 21 Table 5 : Peak rate of heat release for each fuel blend at different speeds and the peak rate of heat release with respect to TDC. location of ==7 T Peakr -.-a of heat ,rankAn !ase at e ATDC) speed ) A 1100 revlmin 1200 revlmin 1400 rev/min 1600 revimin 1800 rev/min 1900 rev/min No.2 diesel fuel (1oo:o) 0.288 (10.8) 0.287 (10.6) 0.285 (14.0) 0.271 (15.8) 0.250 (18.6) 0.224 (21.2) D:MT (80 : 20) 0.286 (9.8) 0.284 (10.6) 0.284 (13.8) 0.275 (15.8) 0.248 (18.6) 0.226 (21.2) D:MT (70 : 30) 0.284 (94 0.291 (10.6) 0.284 (13.8) 0.268 (16.0) 0.248 (19.0) 0.227 (21.4) D:MT (60 : 40) 0.283 (10.0) 0.289 (11.2) 0.278 (13.8) 0.268 (16.0) 0.247 (19.0) 0.219 (20.8) D:MT:E (80:13:7) 0.282 (10.4) 0.285 (10.0) 0.281 (13.8) 0.269 (15.6) 0.247 (18.6) 0.221 (21.2) D:MT:E (70 : 19.5 : 10.5) 0.282 (10.4) 0.282 (10.0) 0.281 (13.8) 0.269 (15.6) 0.245 (18.3 0221 (21.0) D:MT:E (60 : 26 : 14) 0.276 (9.0) 0.276 (9.6) 0.272 (13.4) 0.261 (15.0) 0.243 (18.0) 0.240 (17.8) D:MT:MS:E (80 : 6.5 : 6.5 : 7) 0.283 (10.0) 0.283 (10.4) 0.281 (13.6) 0.268 (152) 0.247 (18.0) 0.223 (204 D:MT:MS:E (70 : 9.75 : 9.75 : 10.5) 0.275 (10.4) 0.278 (10.4) 0.273 (13.4) 0.263 (152) 0.244 (17.6) 0.219 (19.8) D:MT:MS:E (60:13:13:14) 0.275 (11.0) 0.278 (9.6) 0.278 (13.2) 0.268 (15.0) 0.246 (17.8) 0.219 (20.0) MT:E (65 :35) 0.248 C3.6) 0.262 (8.4) 0.253 (12.2) 0.242 (13.8) 0.222 (15.8) 0.199 (20.0) tiT:MS:E 32.5 : 32.5 : 35) 0.261 (9.0) 0.269 (9.4) 0.262 (12.4) 0.249 (14.0) 0.225 (16.8) 0.203 (19.6) - - - Fuel Blends = Diesel MT = Methyl Tallowate MS = Methyl Soyate E = Ethanol 22 Table 6 : Ignition delay (ID) and bum duration (BD) of each fuel blend at different engine speeds. Fuel Blends / - M eqreeS - 1100 revlmin 1200 revlmin 1400 .evlmin 1600 revimin 1800 revlmin 1900 revlmlr No.2 diesel fuel (100 :O) ID Em 19.4 51.4 20.8 49.4 22.2 46.4 23.0 43.2 24.6 42.6 26.8 43.6 D:MT ID BO 20.0 51.0 20.6 40.0 22.2 45.6 23.0 43.2 24.6 424 26.8 43.2 D:MT ID 80 20.2 50.6 20.4 47.6 22.2 45.2 22.8 43.0 24.6 43.2 26.6 43.4 D:MT ID BD 19.6 50.6 20.2 49.0 22.2 45.8 23.0 43.0 24.6 42.8 27.0 43.6 20.0 51.0 20.4 40.4 22.0 45.2 22.8 41.6 24.6 42.4 26.8 41.6 20.0 51.0 20.6 48.2 220 45.2 22.8 41.6 24.4 42.6 26.8 41.6 19.8 49.8 20.4 48.0 21.6 44.6 22.6 41.8 24.4 42.6 24.4 42.0 D:MT:E (80 : 13 : 7) D:MT:E (70 : 19.5 : 10.5) ID BD rl:MT:E (60:26:14) D:MT:MS:E (80 : 6.5 : 6.5 : 7) ID 3D 20.0 50.8 20.6 49.4 22.0 45.4 23.0 43.4 24.6 42.6 26.8 43.2 D:MT:MS:E (70 : 9.75 : 9.75 : 10.5) ID BD 51.4 19.6 20.4 50.4 21.8 46.4 22.8 43.8 24.6 43.6 26.6 43.8 D:MT:MS:E (60: 13 : 13 : 14) ID BD 19.8 51.0 20.4 48.8 21.8 45.2 22.8 42.6 24.6 42.2 26.6 42.6 MT:E (65 : 35) ID BD 18.8 52.2 48.2 19.6 21.0 46.4 21.8 41.4 23.6 41.2 26.2 42.8 MT:MS:E ID 3D 19.2 50.8 20.0 47.6 21.0 42.8 22.0 39.8 23.6 39.8 26.2 41.6 32.5 :32.5 : 35) - - 23 mature for each fuel blend at different speeds and its location nL. Fuel Blends Peakch, “K atI argf atemoerature @ gle ,hspeed, 1100 revlmin 1200 revlmin 1400 revlmin 1600 revlmin 1800 revlmin 1900 revlmir No.2 diesel fuel (100 : 0) 1330 (32.6) 1359 (28.8) 1373 (31.6) 1359 (33.0) 1284 (34.6) 1171 (35.6) D:MT (80 : 201 1325 (31 .O) 1340 (29.0) 1325 (31.0) 1361 (33.4) 1281 (34.4) 1166 (35.8) D:MT (70 :30) 1324 (30.4) 1355 (29.8) 1363 (31.4) 1350 (33.2) 1272 (34.4) 1177 (35.2) D:MT (60 : 40) 1329 (31.2) 1349 (31.4) 1367 (31.6) 1351 (33.0) 1275 (35.2) 1147 (35.4) D:MT:E (80:13:7) 1313 (31.8) 1351 (26.6) 1364 (31.4) 1346 (32.8) 1273 (34.4) 1160 (35.4) D:MT:E (70.19.5 : 10.5) 1313 (31.6) 1345 (28.6) 1364 (31.4) 1346 (32.8) 1269 (34.4) 1160 (35.4) D:MT:E (60:26:14) 1293 (30.6) 1328 (28.6) 1337 (31.0) 1315 (32.8) 1254 (34.4) 1244 (34.2) D:MT:MS:E (60 : 6.5 : 6.5 : 7) 1305 (31.0) 1334 (28.6) 1358 (31.2) 1340 (33.0) 1262 (35.0) 1156 (35.6) D:MT:MS:E (70 : 9.75 : 9.75 : 10.5) 1286 (32.2) 1321 (28.6) 1335 (31.0) 1326 (32.8) 1246 (34.8) 1150 (35.4) D:MT:MS:E (60:13:13:14) 1295 (33.0) 1319 (26.6) 1339 (31.0) 1330 (32.8) 1259 (34.8) 1145 (35.4) MT:E (65 :35) 1204 (30.2) 1261 ew 1255 (30.0) 1240 (31.8) 1170 (31.6) 1059 (34.3 tiT:MS:E 32.5 :32.5 :35) 1236 (30.2) 1293 (26.4) 1282 (30.4) 1263 (31.8) 1194 (31.8) 1079 (34.0) - - - - I I - - 0