PumeFaeGs{i#' Newsletterof the FeingoldoAssociationsof the United States rerncolD@ April, 1994 VoI. 18, No. 3 Smoking Why Wonot They Even Try the Diet? Your child's responseto the FeingoldProgramhasbeenspecEditoriat comments Tobaccoindustrypractices tacular. Teachers,neighborsand relativesare impressed,but havecomerlnderfirefromthe the onepersonyou can't wait to tell is vour friendwho hasalso Food and dD rug Administra- beenlook ng for a wayto helpherchild. To your astonishment, tron, as well as the Surgeon sheis not interested,even after she seesthe changein your child. General. Severaldays before a special report was aired on ABC's Day One,the FDA Commissioner, Dr. David Kessler, leamedofthe show and "scooped"the network by waming that the practrce of addrng nicotrne to cigarettes - presumablyfor tie purposeof creatingan addiction - could causethe agency to regulate cigarettes as an addictive substance, subject to the same restrictions astraditional drugs. Such strongwords took many Feingold members by surprise,given the closecooperationwe haveobservedbetweenthe agencyandthe industriesitis charged with regulating. Tobacco is of interest to Feingold families on many levels; like synthetrc food additives, smoking has an amazing array of harmful effects on health, behavior and leaming . It may be appealing to the hyperactive or 'ADD' child whose self-esteemis shaky and who cravesacceptancefrom peers. Tobaccocompaniesvigorously deny their promotions are directed at childrenandteens,butthe SurgeonGeneral chargesthat the evidenceshows otherwise. A survey of young children found they were able to identifu Joe Camel as readily as lVfickeyMouse. Continued on page 5 a concemedparent would be reluctantto try somethingas simple and fI/hy YV n sk-freeas diet is a puzzlewe've never really understood.Wehave even asked enthusiasticnew members who resistedthe program for many months themselves,but they are not ableto explain. An obviousreason- that the parentbelievesit will requirea lot of cookingand doesn't want to do thrs - is sometimesnot the factor at all. Occasionallywe encountera mom who is disinteresteddespitetle fact that she lovesto cook, and makesmany dishesfrom scratch. What's going on? $/hile we don't have any clear answers,there are a variety ofpossiblities. Someofthese were suggestedby a panel ofsupportive professionals who addressedour 1990conferencein Towson, MD. fNote: This article is for your consideration,we are not suggestingthat anyone 'play therapist' or usethis articleto confrontanotherperson.] Continued on page 2 SupermarketBlues Foods and food companiesare at the heart of the Feingold Association's work. ryhe decisionsmadein companyboard roomshave a direct effect on our lives I and those of our children. But since the Amencan srpermarketcontains thousandsof food choices, surely the competition between so many companes assuresthat we will always have a large and varied selection...orso it seemsuntil you look belund the label to leam who owns who. There really aren't so many competing companies;ratherthere are a few mega corporationswhich dominate the market. This may help explain why we so often have difficulty getting some companiesto provide information on the ingredientsin their products. Seepages 3 and 4 for a look behindthe food industrv. WhyWon'tTheyTry,fromPagel The Exhausted Parent Somepeoplehavetried and failed at so many approachesin helping their child, they are afraid of yet another failure, and the disappointmentit will bring. Even if sheis interestedin trylng diet management,the mom may be tmder such stressthat the idea of taking on another responsibillity could be more than she can face. In somecases,a mom is advisedto not use the diet becauseit will create more stressfor her. When she realizes that simply buyngthe microwavepopcom in the blue box insteadof the red box will meansheavoids sl,ntheticaddrtives, she sees how little change might be needed. The sadthing is that thesemoms are alreadyworking hard to help their kids. It's just that what they're doing isn't working very well. It's Hard to Change and most Changeis ur.rcomfoftable, more feel ofus resistit. Itmay actually comfortableto staywith the familiarity of the problemsthan to experiencethe drscomfortof change- evenif rt is a changefor the better. Evenifshe is willlingto change,her spousemay not be. In fact he maY be more 'h1per' than l.rerchrld. She may be using food - such as candy - as a reward, and be reluctant to haveto change,evenif it meansonly a changeto a different brand of candy. The "Bad Mothern' Morns of ADD andADHD ki dshave generally been given the messagethat they're doing somethingwrong. Now shegets the messagethat the food she gives her family is pretty bad stuff and it may be more guilt than she can handle. Forget the fact that it's not the consumer'sfault that BI{T is hidden tn so many things,that the fault lies with the industry and the govemment agenci eswho sej ob it i sto regulatethem ; the mom whose krd has problems has becomevery good at believing everything is her fault. 2 Pure FactslApril1994 Help from a PrescriPtion For many distraughtparents,the dlagnosisof ADD/ADHD is a Profound relief. This may betheir first indication that the child's problems are not thelr fault. When the persongiving themtlus comforting information, the first person who really understands what they have been going through, goes on to assurethem that medicatronis the only answer, it carries a lot of clout. To rejectthe adviceto usemedicationthen rs seenasriskinglossof thecomforting support of the professionaland/or the parentgroup which advocatesit. lf the medicinebnngsaboutany improvement at all, parents are lnderstandablyreluctantto considerdiscontinuing it, even if the side effects are considerable. The parent probably doesnot realizethat there is good reasonto avoidfood additrves,whetherthe chrld is on medicineor not. Who's in Charge? Similarly, she may be reluclant to question authority of any krnd. If her doctor says diet is ineffectrve and is wrong, doesthis mean other authonty figures might alsobe wrong aboutwhat they have taught her? FoodhasMany Meanings The Well Educated Parent The parentwho has a degreetn one of the sciencesmay be as resistantas one who simply believeswhat shehas beentaughtin childhood. Ifnew information conflicts with a concept taught by a respectedprofessor,this setsup a hard choice. The parent who conductsher own research on ADD and ADHD will find many negativereferencesto diet management,but is not likelyto understand that most of this information comes from specialrnterests. Money and Credentials When a parentis raisedwith phrases suchas 'you get whatyou pay for'. it's hard to acceptthat a Feingoldmembershin could be more effective than $ 100/hourtherapy. And ifthey areunaware of Dr. Feingold'stmpressive credentials, it's easy to perceive the program as an invention of parents. The parent's authority is then compared to that of the doctor/therapist4eacher. etc. What is the Parent's Philosophyof Life? Shemay have beenraisedto believe that we haveno power to influenceour Ask anyone battling obesity, food lives. Ifwe havea child with problems, has meaningson many levels;itis a lot it's supposedto be that way; it's what more than just the stuff that makesand we deserve. repairscells. The newsletter of the Hyperactive Food is part of our earliest expenGroup of South Afnca adSupport ence in life and is intertwined with "...some people make this: dressed memoriesandmores. For mostpeople, their own decisions about what they somefoods evokefamiliarity and comwant to achievein life, decidehowthey fort. One mom who leamed that she are going to do it, use whatever tools would have to switch from the chocothey deem necessary and set about late chipsin the yellow bagto the unfareachingfor their dreams. They arein miliar brown bag was genuinely upset. control oftheir own life and are saidto What memoriesmust havebeentied to have an 'intemal locus of control'. that bright colored bagl "By contast,peoplewith an 'external locus of control' are controlledby Foodis Personal circumstancesbeyondthem. Theseare And it's incredibly subjective.Here people who feel they cannot alter an again, a parent may feel she is being urpleasantsituationbecausethey don't askedto maketoo big a change.particuhave the power to do so." larly rf she recervesmisinformation These suggestions may touch uqon aboutwhatthe FeingoldProgramreally the reason why you hewemet with re' is. (One cntical dietitran claimedthat sistance;or theymaltnot cover it at all. all of the food we eat rs greyl) lVe continue to puzzle. Just Look at AII ThoseFoodCompanies! Therearethousandsof them competingwith eachother,or so it seemswhenyou take a walk throughany supermarket.Well, take a closerlook. y ook all over the packageof a I-.rfood product.look beyondthe ingredientlabel.andfind thetiny print listingtheparentcompany. American Home Products Corp. variouspharmaceuticals Advil Anacrn Chap Stick ChefBoyardee Crunch 'n Munch Dristan Gulden's Jffu Pop Maypo Nursoy infant fomula Pam heparation H Robitussin 1992sales$7,874,000,000 Borden, Inc. AmericanOrigina.l Bama Borden milks Campfire CheezDoodles Classico CoftageFries CrackerJack Creajlrette Cremora Doxsee Eagle Brand Elmer's glues Fisher Glue Colors Jays Kava Krazy Glue Krunchers! Maple Orchards Meadow Gold MountarnHigh Mrs. Grass OceanFresh Prince ReaLemon Ridgres SnackTime! Steero Thirstee Smash Viva Wise Wyler's I 992 sales$7,143,000,000 Campbell Soup Company Bourty Campbell's CandyMan Casera Delacre Early California Exeter Franco-American Freshbake Godiva Granny's GreatStarts HealthyRequest Hungry Man Imperial Lacroix Le Menu Marie's Mrs. Paul's OpenPit Ponmriin- CountrySkillet CountyLine Eckrich HealthyChoice HebrewNational Hunt's La Choy Longmont Manwich Morton NationalDeli OrvilleRedenbacher's Patio PeterPan Reddi-Wip Rosarita Sizzlean SwissMiss TasteO'Sea Wesson 1992sales$21,219,000,000 Fa* Prego Spaghettios Swanson Swift Target V8 Vlasic 1992sales$6,263,000,000 The Coca:Cola Company Bacardi Bright & Early Coca-Cola Fanta Five A.live Fresca Georgrabrandcoffee Hi-C Mello Yello MinuteMaid Mr. PiBB NordicMist PowerAde Ramblin'RootBeer Sprite TAB 1992sales$13,074,000,000 Con Agra, Inc. Act II Armour Banquet Buttetuall Casade Oro ChunKing CountryPride CPC International Inc, Argo Amold BestFoods Bran'nola Brownberry Hellmann's Karo Knorr Le Gout Mazola Skipfty Mueller's Sahara Thomas' 1992sales$6,599,000,000 General Mills, Inc. 17cerealbrands Bac*O's Rafnr Craelrar Bisquick Bugles Fruit Roll-Ups GotdMedal Gorton's Hamburger Helper NatureValley PopSecret PotatoBuds Squeezit Yoplait ChinaCoastrestaurants Olive Gardenrestaurants Red Lobsterrestaurants 1992sales$7,778,000,000 Pare FactslApril 1994 3 H.J.HeinzCompany BagelBits Chef Fruncisco ChicoSan 57 Sauce Heinz ketchup,pickles,rclish Heinz baby food NearEast Ore-Ida StarKist Steak-umn weight Watchen 9 Lives 1992sales$6,582,000,000 Hershey Foods Corporation Hersheyandothercandies PeterPaul Reese's York AmericanBeauty Light 'N Flufly Ronzoni SanGiorgro 1992sales$3,220,000,000 Kellogg Company Kelloggcereals Eggo Mrs. Smith 1992sales$6,191,000,000 Mars, Inc. Combos Dove Kal Kan Kudos M&M's Milky Way Pedigee Sheba Snickers 3 Musketeers Twix Whiskas UncleBen's 1992sales$ 11,000,000,000 NestleUSA numerouscandies Camation Conladirn Chase& Sanborn DaYid'sseedsandnuts Friskies Hills Brothers Kem's Libby's Nescafe Nestea Perugun Stouffer SweetTarts Taster'sChoice 4Pure FnctslAorilI994 also:approx.200foodseruiceprod.rcts, wines, Stouffe$ hotels& resofis 1992salesfiguresnot available. Pepsico,Inc CheeTos Doritos Fritos KentuckyFried Chicken Lay's Lipton teas MountainDew OceanSpray Pepsi-Cola PtzzaHfi Rold Gold Ruffles rup (ourside us) Slice Smar6ood TacoBell Tostitos 1992sales$21,970,000,000 Philip Morris CompaniesInc. 12 cigarettebmnds,includingMarlboro Kraft brands BirdsEye BudgetGourmet Bull's-Eye CheezWhiz Chiffon Claussen Cool Whip CrackerBanel LouisRich Lunchables Miracle Whip OscarMayer Parkay Philadelphia SevenSeas Tombstone Velveeta GcneralFoods Boboli Breyers Brim CoolWhlp CountryTime crystal Light Entenmann's FrusenGladje GoodSeasons Jell-O InternationalCoffees Kool-Aid Lender's Light n' Lively Log Cabin MaxwellHouse Minute Oroweat Postcereals Sanka Shake'n Bake ShreddedWheat StoveTop Tang Yuban also:Miller beers Lowenbrau also:Krd GeneralFoodsIntl. i992 sales$50,095,000,000 The Proctor & GambleCo. laundryproducts personalcarcproducts Crisco DuncanHines FisherNut Folgers HawaiianPunch Jif Pringles SunnyDelight 1992sales$29,362,000,000 RJ. Reynolds Nabisco' Inc. 10 cigarettebrands 18brandsof cookiesandcrackers A.1. Beech-Nut BlueBonnet BreathSavers Brer Rabbit BubbleYum Care*Free CollegeInn Creamof Wheat Davis Fleischmann's Grey Poupon Life Savers Milk-Bone Mr. Phipps My*TxFine Ortega Planter's Regna Royal Toastettes VermontMaid Wright's 1992sales$ 15,734,000,000 SaraLee Corporation Ball Park Galileo HillshireFarm JimrnyDean Mr. Turkey SaraLee Sinai48 also:shoecareproducts,coffeeandtea careprcduts clothing, home/personal Coachleathergoods 1992sales$13,243,000,000 Smoking,lijm page l Half of all Americans who smoke took up the habit before they were l4 yearsold, andeachday 3000 Amencar.r yorxrgstersbecomeaddictedto nicotine, witi half ofthem underthe age of 16. Tobacco rs an extremely profitable business,and suppliesenomous advetising revenues. The TV news show,PrimetimeLive, pointed outthat tobacco companiesspend $4 billion a year on ads,which works out to $ 100a second,24 hoursa day. What's in that little weed? to be foundin clgarette Here is a partiallist of substances smoke: Acetal dehyde Acetone Acetonitrile Acrolein Acrylonitnle Ammorua Wh at is t he wo r l d ' s m o s t widely purchasedproduct? No, it isn't Coca Cola; it's Marlboroclgarettes. Hydrogen Sulphide Hydroqutnone Lutidin Methacrolern Nethylamine Methane Methyl Alcohol Nickel Compor.nds Nicotine Ntric Oxide NrtrogenDioxrde Phenol Pyuridine Pynol Rubidin Viridin Arsenlc Benzene Butylamine CarbonMonoxide CarborucAcid Collidone Corodin Cresol Crotononitrile DDT Dimethylamine Endnn Ethylamine Formaldehyde Furfural Hydrogencyanide Food and Tobacco At first glancefiere doesn't seemto be nruchthat food andtobaccohavein common. But look at who owns some of the largest food companiesin this country: Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds. The tobacco corporations beganbuyng up food companieswhen rr becameapparent thatsmokingwasin a steadydecllne. Cigarettecompaniesusemany additrves.includinganificialfiavonngsin their product. (SeePure FactsforFebruary. 1994.) The same pressuresthat addrct a child to nicotinecome into play when he is offeredfoods with sl,nthetrcaddito leam if tives. It would be interesting 'Feingoldkrds'arelesslikely thantheir peersto becomeaddictedto smokrng Lrke food marufacturers, tobacco companies support'front groups',nonprofit organizatronswhrch appearto be consumer direaed, but which in fact are funded and engineeredby the comparrieswhoseinterestsare represented. Many 'smokers rights' effofis have been successfullypresented as grass roots consumer organtzatsons.[fi"om the Institute Jor Health Policy Studies, Univ. oJ CaliJornia, San Frcmciscol originally reportedby the Feingold Associationofthe Keydone State Money Talks The Public Citizen Health ResearchGroup has long followed the devicesused by tobaccointerests. They have documentedthe correlationbetweenthe amount of money politicians have receivedfrom tobaccolobbies with their voting record on issuesinvolving tobacco.Public Citrzenrs a nonprofit organizationfoundedby Ralph Nader. When Mom or Dad Smoke Secondhandsmokecancausemorethanj ust infection andrespiratoryproblems in children. Researchers at the University ofRochester Schoolof Medicine found that the more cigarettesa mothersmokes,the more behaviorproblemsher children are likely to have. (Reportedin ly'ataralHealth, Jan,{Feb1993.) Pediatrics repoftedin 1992that infantsof motherswho smokearetwice aslikely to die of SIDS (suddenrnfant deathsyndrome)than infants raisedby non-smoking mothers. A reportfrom the EnvironmentalProtectionAgency attributedbefween150,000 and 300,000 cases of childhood bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory infections to exposureto tobacco smoke. The agency also blamed secondhand smokefor many casesofchrldhood asthmaand mrddle ear infection. lRespiratory Health Efects o;fPassive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disordersl As if that werenot enough: Smoking has beenblamed for cat actsAilliam Christen, DSc.,qnd Hctnard Medical Schooll, cavrties[Paul Zitterbard, DDS, MSD, Incliqna University School oJDentistryl, aswell as miscaniagesand infertility fstate Universityof Nev York at Stony Brook and UnhtersiQ of Utah School ofMedicineJ. The Feingold@Associationsdo not endorse,approveot assumeresponsibilityfor aByproduct,brand,mefhodor heatm€nt The presorce(or absenoe) of a prod-ucton a Feingoldfoodlist, or the disiussion of a mdhod or heaanentdoesnot constitde approval(or disapproval).The foodlilsts are based p [rarily uponilformation suppliedby manufactwersandarenot baseduponindependalttesting. Ptre FactslOctober1993 5 ttHuffingtt The practice ofchildren and teens sniff- ing fumesfrom commonhouseholdproducts 1sincreasingdramatically,with devastating results. Some of the effects of the practice, known as thu{fing', simulate a learning disorder. After regr.rlaruse, a child can suffer permanent damage to the bratn, nerves, lungs, kidneys, liver and bones. Hearing and coordination can be impaired, and the child may have difficulty with basic leaming skrlls, according to Neil Rosenbery, a neurologrst with the lntematronal Institute for Inhalant Abuse. The Institute was established by the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Associatlon. The New EnglandJournal of Medicine calls inhalent abusea problem of "epidemic proportions." Sniffrng rn the fumes will provide a 'high' of short duration by causing the heart to beat irregularly and interfering with breathing. Someindil'tduals cantolerate these effects for awhile, but for others the first exposureis fatal. The National Instrtute on Drug Abuse estimatesthe incidencein 1975at 100/oof hrgh school seniors,which increasedto 17% in 1992. Children as young as five have been found huffrng. The Institrne estimatesmorethan60 Americanchildren died last year after sniffing suchp roducts. But researcherswriting in the New Englarul Journal of Medicine in 7990 believe the number is higher sinceinhalent abuse is notgenerally consideredwhen a child's deathis investrgated. It canappearto be a leaming disability. Becausethe products wfuch produce the 'high' are legal, they are easily obtained,and storesreportthe briskestsales on Friday nigbt. Products which are used and can result in damageinclude: aerosolsprays,glues, nail polish remover, lighter fluid, gasoline, bubne and propane gases, freon, paint thinner, magic markers and nitrous oxide canisters- called 'whippets'. VegetarianJournal's Guide to Nalural Restaurants Justasorganicwinesarelikely to be free of spthetic colors and flavors, vegetariannafuralfood restaurantsarelikely to havemany selectionsFeingoldmemberscanenjoy. This is an ambitiousbook.covering 1500 diningspo* in the United StatesandCanada. The priceof the bookis $13.00 (whrchincludesshipping).It is availablefrom: The VegetananResourceGroup PostOfficeBox 1463 Baltimore,l\tD 21203 (410)366-\'EGE. Natural Linens who have exThoseFeingolders may have diffitreme sensitivitres culty finding untreated cotton fabrics. FAUS recently received a little catalogcalledMother Hart's Natural Productsfor Home and Body. For morethan a decadethiscompanyhas been providing natural bedding and personalcare rtems. To receive a copy oftheir current r a@' uB, !uU Ldr L MotherHart's P.O.Box 4229 Boyton Beach,FL 33424-4229 (407)738-s866 Dear Feingold Association: Thank you for your good work! We have discoveredwe have a complete family of Feingolders! Our eight year old son,Daniel, was the reasonfor our first contact with you. School was a dreaded event each day, with continual notes and conferencesaboutour son'sbehaviorandlack of performance. To receive a completed assignmentwith a grade of "C" was a blessingthat did not come often. This year is different; we havejust received our first repod card with all "A's" and "B's". His behaviorgrade has gone from "unsatisfactory" to "needs to improve" and "satisfactory". What a difference in .1ustfour months timel While starting this program for Daniel we noticed our three year old daughter's behavior has changed for the better. Shenow sleepsthroughthe night and doesn'tthrow fits or fight for no reason.My husbandandI no longer have grumpy attitudes or rmexplained headaches. We are now trying to introducesalicylates,but everythingwe've tried has brought a reaction. Sincemy husband is highly allergic to aspirinwe feel this may be part of the problem. Please sendusthe F,AUSSalicylateBook ($5) so we can researchavailableinformation. Debbie Sitter Oahuood, GA Moving? Pleasesendusyour new address.The post office will not forward your newsletter. Pure Facts Pure Facts is published ten timesa yearandis a portionofthe matenalprolededto membersof the Feingold Association of the United Stares. For more informa. tion contact FAUS, P.O. Bor 6550, Afexandria, YA 22306 (703) 768-FAUS. 6 PweFactslApril 1994 { F-ingotd 'tffiXiNe-'ws ^ott:^-\ vA 22306 (703)768-FAUS of theuniredstates,Inc.,P.O.Box6550,Alexandria, Association Pubtishsdby the Feingold@ April1994 ThankYou!ThankYou!ThankYou! Whenthe phonelinesstaftringingoff the hook, it meansFAUShasreceivedpublicity,oftenasa resultof a letterone of our membershaswrittento a newspaper your lettersmake! or magazine.What a difference Thanksto CarolTardifffor her letterto ChristianParentingandto CynthiaSuftonfor her letterin lhe BayCity, tX OailyTribune.Thefollowingis fromCynthia'sletter: After readingthe articlein Ioday'sDaily Tribune,I iust feh I hadto respond.Asthe motherof a hyperkinetic (that'swhat it wascalledbackthen)20 yearold, I felt kidsthat compelledto tell parentsof thesediagnosed drugssuchas Ritalinand Cylertdo not HAVEto be the answer. when he wasfour years My son,Steve,wasdiagnosed old and wasput on Ritalin.The resulGwereagonizing. Ritalinturnedhim intoa zombiewho gotverydepressed, even criedfor no reasonand hadtenibleheadaches, afterhisdosagewascut in half. Iflushedthem down the toiletandtook him to anotherdoctor,who also Cylert. him ashyperand prescribed diagnosed asRitalinaswell Cylertcausedhim to be aslethargic assuffering terriblestomachachesand insomnia.Liver enzymecdunb hadto be doneeverysixweekslo theseaswell, liverdamage.I woundup flushing monil.or and mv husbandaridI decidedwb wouldiatherhave him hvoerthana zombie. six We livedwith Dennisthe Menacefor approximately where I in kindergarten, he was By then, months. more spentasmuchtime asthe principal.Everysixweeks,l'd practically cry whenthe littleguybroughthisreport nome. fifteenyearsagowhile Our liveschangeddramatically a co-worker.Her with problems Steve's discussing angel. I conlacted qrandson, now an alsohyper,was the verydetailed and was sent ihe feingoldAssociation a godsend lt was newsletter. dietaswell asa monthly in the getting up nol hate that madehisleachers little boy. morning.Within 72 hourswe hada sweet results, he Mv d6ctorwasso impressedwith Steve's for his calledwhile I wasin hisofficeto orderthe diet Datients. ' TodaySteve'sattentionspanis great. He is the second youngestEagleScoutin the historyof Troop45, in July graduating fromSpartanSchoolof Aeronautics iuith ntt, attendsschoolfull-time,worksfull'timeasa bank"ll tellerat Bankof Oklahoma,isworkingon his commercialpilot'slicenseaswell ashisflightinstructor's in time for a girlfriend. license, and squeezes l'd stakemy lifeon the factthatwithoutthe Feingold in 4th grade Diet,il wouldneverhavebeendiscovered that Stevewasgiftedand talented. Believeme, moms and dads,the extraeffort is betterthan drugs! "IUSTSAYNO". Remember. BayCity,Texas Cynthiawould liketo begina supporlgroupo[ Feingold or momsin the BayCity,I X area. lf you areinterested, Feingold just an experienced speak with liketo would . mom,you arewelcometo callherat (409)244-5841 NorthernMaryland Our Marchmeetingwasthe annualfamilynightwith from Don Mullinsof "Motionsof Mime". entertainment for candysaleand refreshments We hadan Easter parentsand kids. enjoyedhostinga sell-outperformance Theassociation of the "TownMouseand CountryMouse"at Coucher Collegeon March21 and22. (Editor's nationwideare note: lf anyof our volunteers in learningabouthow they canraisefundsby interested pleasecall theatreperformances, for childrens arranging the New Yorkofficeat (515) 369-9340.\ with children | spokeaboutfood additives In February from 5th to Bth gradesat two differentschools.Our waswell received.Thiswould be a good information to try. CallLeslieFowlerat ideafor othervolunteers (410)252'5717if youwouldlikemoreinformation aboutit. AIaska who livesin Assistanl ColleenKoplin,a Proqram welcomes l-airbanks, lour telephonecalls.Colleenis a longtime Feingoldmember,and can be reachedat (9O7)479-8404. Latitudes a new issueof PureFactsdescribed TheFebruary Latitudes, whichdevelopedasa resultof publication, interestin finding Association's the TouretteSyndrome for wasestablished non drugtherapies.The newsletter the purposeof exploringall of the optionsopento familiesdealingwith TS. hastold PureFactsthatsheis Editor,SheilaRogers, includeautismand the scopeof Latitudeslo expanding attentiondeficitd isorder. (6 issues) is $24in the U.S., Theannualsubscription and $29 in Canadaand $36 elsewhere.Forinformation writeto: a samplenewsletter Latitudes 1120 RoyalPalmBeachBlvd. Suite283 RoyalPalmBeach,FL 33411 PIGNotes LoisMiele,who chairsthe ProductInformation writes:"ARCHWAYMolasses HomeStyle Committee, Cookieshaveraisinsand shouldbe movedto StageTwo. CO. hasinformedusthat CUITTARDCHOCOLATE TOUCHVanillaMilk theirCUITTARD COURMET Vanilla Chipsare now calledCHOC-AU-LAIT Chocolate of CHOC-AULAIT MilkChips.Their1985formulation had BHAin the crearnpowder;now they use tocopherols andsodiumascorbate." Clarification:When a companymakesproducts whileothers whicharesimilar,and someareacceptable for the Feingold aren't,it can be veryconfusing rnemDer. chipsin the familiaryellowbagare Nestlechocolate theycontainimitationvanilla. NOT acceptable, because The NestleCompanyhasfilledout our inquiryform, and indicates that theirMilk ChocolateChips(in the bag) do not containvanillin.lf you choosethis brown product,pleasebe sureto selectthe brownbag,not the yellowone. If you seeanychangein the ingredient labels,pleaselet FAUSknowassoonaspossible. Nabiscomakestwo similarproducts:BUCSBUNNY CraharnSnacks and BUCSBUNNYCrahamCookies. and approved Theproductwhichhasbeenresearched for useisthe the BugsBunnyCrahamCookie(ina small produce box). Untilthe day arrivesthatfood companies uniformproductsFeingoldmemberswill haveto be foods. (We hopetheywill verycarefulin selecting eventually getrid of the imitationvanillaand petroleum in all of their products!Please basedpreservatives considerusingthe 800 phonenumberson food knowwhatyou want.) packages to let companies 2 FeingofdNewslApil1994 PIC Report from the Product Information Committee or Thefollowingproductshavebeeneitherresearched and maybe addedto your Foodlist. re-researched StageOne (non-salicylate) (bulk- usedby bakeries, etc.) BBSShortening (bulk usedby bakeries, etc.) Shortening HYTEX BISONAll NaturalSoftFrozenVanillaYogurt(CS) (available in NY,NJ,Ml, PA) Whole BREADFORLIFESproutedRyeBread,Sprouted (Wl, MN) lt, Ml, lA, lN, WheatBread CHUN KINCChowMein Noodles.SovSauce (C5,SB,MSC/HVPJ, ls WaterChestnu frozen concentrate DOLEPinePassion-Banana Juice Oil DYNASry Sesame ENER-C InstantSoyMilk Powder,PureRiceBran(HFS) (HFS) OF EATINCorntillas CARDEN FluorideCel CEL-KAMNon flavoredStannous American MilkChocolate Bar,Premium CHIRARDELLI Mint ChocolateBar CoveredEgg, CIAMBRI'S PeanutButterChocolate (CS)(mail order) Marshmallow Squares Toasted KadotaFiglam, Lemon CRABER CrapefruitMarmalade, Marmalade, Olives,Pomegranate Jelly VeggieBurger.VeggiePockes: KEN& ROBERT'S Broccoli& Cheddar,Creek,Oriental(HFS) McKENZIES CourmetCorn,Whole KernalCorn(South and Southeast US) SouDMix MISOCUPNaturallnstant MRS.WACESLightHomeJell(CS) MONK'S100%StoneCroundWholeWheatBread, & Bran StoneCroundWhite Bread(CP),Sunflower in NY,New England Bread(Thesebreadsareavailable andFlorida.) SCHWEPPES ClubSoda SUNBEAM Mini FrenchRolk(CS,CP) Unsweetened PinkCrapefruit TEXSUN Juice Stage Two (salicylate) (CS,Red & ChineseStyleStirFryVegetables BIRDSEYE bellpepper,wine) Tea SEASONINCS MorninsThunder CELESTIAL Oil rchilipepper) HOUSEOF TSANCHot ChiliSesJme DREAMPUDDINCAlmond VeggiePockets:BarB Que (tomato), KEN& ROBERT'S (clove, red pepper),PizzaStyle(tomato), lndian (tomato, TexMex red pepper)(HFS) KRUSTEAZ All PurposeBake& FryMix (paprika) MONK'SRaisinBread Not Acceptable FrostedButterCookies(vanillin) LANDO' LAKES Chips Chocolate VAN HOUTENPureSemi-Sweet (artificial flavorine vanillin)