Internet and I 802 吳仲雨

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802 吳仲雨
Internet and I
The Internet is the most interesting and important thing in my life. I believe it is
one of the best tools when we are trying to find something out. I surf the Net very
often. I use it to find the information that I need. Sometimes, I use it to do my
homework. Also, I read the news on the websites. Some topics, such as the global
warming and the riot in Tibet, have interested me recently. I am interested in what the
worst situations might be in the future and what actions the Chinese government will
take in Tibet. Reading news on the Internet is fun and very helpful for developing my
international sense.
Before, I used Internet almost every day. It was my best friend in my life.
However, I forgot the time when I was on line with my friend. I spent so much time
on it that my mom got angry. Once, she shut down the computer and took it away. I
felt bored when she took ‘my best friend’ away. I felt sad because I had had nothing
to do since I had no computer. I thought of my best friend day and night. I missed it
no matter where I was. Luckily, my mom gave my best friend back to me when I was
sick last time. But she also told me, “You can use the computer, but don’t let it control
your life”. Then she made a list for me. It was a plan. Mom showed me the list and
she hoped I could follow her instructions. I listened to her and did what she told me. I
became efficient and self-controlled.
Now, I am very careful when I am using the Internet. I have experienced
something very bad and good. “He” is still my best friend, but I know I have to be the
owner of my life. Using a computer or surfing the Internet is convenient and fun. But
if we spend too much time on it, we might get lost. We might not even know who we
are and where we are. “Be ourselves”, I have learnt a lot from my previous
The Internet brings us so much fun and tells us many useful things, but it can
also destroy our life. So when we use it, we should make a plan to help ourselves.
I agree that human beings created the computer and the Internet. It might make the
world smaller, it might make our life easier, and it might make people closer to each
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other. However, we have to remember the real meaning of using the Internet. Some
people use computer to do lots of bad things or let the Internet control them. The
Internet still can be our best friend when we use it wisely and skillfully. The Internet
will definitely make our life colorful and beautiful.