\ TODAY’S NEWS W i^ tm F o n c a s t G cam ^ f*ir tmlchi aM tetar- d»r. f t nOMtUed a n d cooler t m i f b k - H i t h - j r M t c r d a r ^ . »®» 41. preeipJUIJea .03. U w thU m ornlBf 47.. TODAY Six Ir rig a te d C oantles In Id a h o TW IN FA L L S , ID A H O , F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R 30, 1938 VOL. X X I. NO. 1 4J—6 C EN TS. O E F IC U L COUNTV N E W S P A P B B : CZECHS ACCEPT FOUR-POWER PACT ~ Parley J^hat Changed Map of Eujrope Hope Surges for Settling Of All European Problems Czech Settlement Seen as • Prelude to Eui'opeau Peace LONDON. 8cpL 30 (U.PJ—"8cltlem ent o f the Crccli problem ta only »■ prelude l<r>liie larger settlem ent I n .a ll Europe" Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain told th e counti? tooay In a radio broadci^t ^n his return from Munich. Before leaving Munich afl«r signing th e four-power aBTcement (or partition of CKchoslovakla beginning tom o rro w ,'C h a m b e r!^ Issued with Fuehrer Adolf Hiller a joint sU teraent saylng>tfiby A gard tha four-power agreement and the Britlsh*Oerman naval a g m m e n t "aa symbolic o f a decUloii by our two peopleg Tiever to-ffo to w ar w ith, another again.” GERMAN ARMY WILL MARCH IN SUDETEN OCT. 1 SPEED ASeOPNOMIIIEE ' HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 30 flJ.R)— A n 'I860 railroad train was mad£ ready today to head for tJtah a t a pace of IS miles per hour. T he train Is being sent under Its own power to a movie loca­ tion a t Lyons Springs where Di­ rector CecU B. DeMUle U film ­ ing "Union Pacific.” J t was estimated th a t the trip, a few hours' run for m odem stieamllners, would take four days. Ttie round Urip will coet Wft.OOO. ^ By W E B i MILLEB (Copyright, 1938. United Press.) M U N ICH , G erm any, Sept.. 30 (U.R)— A h isto ric fo u r-p o w e r a g re e m e n t prov id in g fo r th 6 cession to G erm any o f C z k h o S lo v a k ia ’s -S udetenland -w aa-sealed -to d ay w hen P r lm e - B in - i s te r N eville C ham berlain a n d F u e h re r A dolf H itle r a n ­ nounced in a jo in t s ta te m e n t: “W e have determ ined to continue o u r e f fo rts t o re m o v e possible sources o f diffe ren c es e h d a i^ e rin g th e p ea ce o f E u ro p e .” ■ '' ' n “W e re g a rd th e ag reem e n t aigned la s t n ig h t a n d th e A nglo-G erm an nav a l ag reem e n t aa sym bolic o f a decision o f o u r tw o peoples n ever to go to w a r w ith otie a tio th e r a g a in ." A few m in u te s e a rlie r P re m ie r E d o u ard D a la d ie r o f F ra n c e had s a id ; „ “1 believe th a t t h e M unich m eeting, m ay 'm a rk A b is to tio d a te fo r E urope. ' “I am glad to see fo r m y self t h a t G e rm an y .e n te rta in s n o feeling o f h a tre d n o r h o s tility , fie a s s u r ^ t h a t F ra u e e fe e ls no h o stility fo r G erm any. ............... “T h e tw o n a tio n s m u s t agree.* WASHINGt I dN. Sept, 30 (U.WThoinas E. Deiyey, the Owosso, -Mich., boy-w ho got himself elected county altom ey of New York, la the way toward possible Republican nomination and electhn-to the pres­ T h m fM r ncM in c a t WsBlcb, G em anT. ha« ckanged the n a p o t Europe today by annonnclng th a t the Sndeteo area of Cxeeho- idency in IS40. ■lorakla wUl 1w ceded to G e m a ^ betveeo OcL 1 and 10. Left to rig b i they a re: Prime MIoUlcr Neville Chamberlain pt Great B ritain; Premier I f thOM posslbtllUea should de­ A little while before the Ctechoalovak legatlod a t Loodoa h a d a n t B d fln r« D aladier of. Pranee; F w h m Adolf Hitter of Germany a n d Prime U inlster Benito HossoUni of lUly. velop, Dewey will have brought off nounced th a t th e Ciechoalovak lo v en u n en t aocaptecl th e to u r poweT' th e poUUcal parlay of the century— ................................ ____________ agreement. county altomey. governor, president B ut DOW hope surged In all Europe th a t th e Uweat o t a gaw nU v a r . In I h m years. He lookiv to grea t so Imminent yesterday.. m lgtiTbe turned Into « trium ph fo r peace, fo r many persona like the answer to tranquility, for the rig h t to live w ithout fear th a t h ad been denied Republican prayers. 0SO.OOO.OOa people slaee the aasaMtnaUon o f (he Arehduk« P t a n i n r d l * For some six years now th e O. O. n and o f A u i ^ In mid-summer, :|O ll P. has been looking for a m an who O ham berU b him self had announced th a t O erm an troops would m ake can get votes—a great many votes. 'fhelr c e re m o n y entry into Budetenland «vwTnwMwiny a f ta r ' Dewey may have th a t ability. The Members of the board of d i r e c t n o o a or eventA g-alm oet certainly, i t w u understood. v U b B ltla r a t November elections this year wlU of th e Twin Falla Chamber of Com* c------------------------------------------------th e ir head, • ' show him up one way or th e other. merce this noon commended the A fter m aU ns hla a n n o im c e m n t He'w aa nominated by acclamation th e prim e m inister addad: for govenior yesterday by Repub- city adm inistration; for its aqtloo '‘B e r r j a iU e r a n d m iM if Ucana In Mew York sta te convention In takloK the neceoaary ite p s point* • r w d A ttm i .............. ^ a t Saratotk. T o d « y ,^ 36, one year Ing toward purotiase o f 440 «cref for deralo^KBeot older than the d^tfflmum required of sta(« seho^ for a f r a ld e n t^ r im « Unltad Btstes; T he land, which will be purcha««4 l } e # ^ b^H iufatT attem pt to 'take • V-. fleetaad a ^ - th a t d f <_______ _ the state of New Toric away from by t i » city on O o t 14, la now AR LESTO N , S .'C ., S ept. 30 (U,R)— T h is '2 6 8 -y c a r^ ld tared OwehoilOTakla I9 t e r e s New Deal-DemocraUo party. If he aa a n 'airport, having been laaara " By jilN Itm B. WOOD Franca and B raitaln would | o to colonial lan d ih ark s, an c ien t gard en s and w ro u g h t wins-New York slate, which casta :rom year lo year by th e city. >ur» W ork on McClusky memorial (Copyright. 19U, U nited Priaa) w ar agalnat her. the larte st vote In th e electoral col< :ha«e of ihe land, however, will Iron g ate s stru g g led to d ay tq rem ove th e ra v ag es o f two pave the way for Its development, c ^ p ImprovemcnL^ a t Buhl will Alter the dram atlo end to a blH TESCHEN, PolUh-Oaech PronUer, lege, Dewey wUl h a te a vaUd and • tornadoes tfia t s tru clf w ith in a lew m in u te s fro m opposite got underway probably wKhfn a tew persuasive claim on the Republican accordl/w to a report given a ( to­ S e p t 90 ai,ft>-The, PoUih . anny torlo confereoea, first Obamberlata, directions, y e ste rd a y pnd killed 27 perHon.s. day's meeting by Uonel A. Dean, massed on the C zechoalonkla fron* th en DaladUr, left for tb a lr woeka and will be com plete before (by United Prew) presidential nomination In IIHO. a member of the Chamber of Com* • da. F o u r'co m p an ie s o f n atio n al guardsm en and soldier.s and the camp opens ngftln next summer, tier today, determ ined to occupy by I, aon and sec remerce board, * Kodilcr, volunteer backer of tary ot the President, i* eotivalescThey and Prem ier B enito U u i * , tomorrow-~4nd by force, if neceuary m arin e s from tiie fo r ts g u ard ed th e 30-block urea o f dcHtruc- Joe O ther buRliiesfl discussed a t the —the eoo square miles of lower SU* aoUni had coma h ere only jraatatdajr, the Improvement drive, announced ing from a recent opcraUon a t the tion from looters.' this afiernoon. WgA has approved home of his physician, Dr. Howard s ot ready for w ar U I t h a d t o y ^ war. >la. , Of th e 107 severely In ju re d , S8 w ere in a critical condition, a |28;w i project lor a wide variety K.' Gray ot the Mayo Brothers routine nature, according to E^igene Poland's atUtude was th a t the MMMllnl B a tu n a t* B aaw E. Clark, aecretary*mimager. I ^ d C ross w orkers found 72 hom es and buildings dem o lish ed ; of changes, Koehler said. cUnlo . . . Munich agreement among Germany. Added to aie government project ThU molding UuaeoUnl was well m ore th a n 100 d am aged. T he loss w as e.Htimated a t $2,- will Another member of tlw Roosevelt* G reat Britain, Prance a n d Italy may on h is way to Jtom a. h appy, w ith tti* be an o^lD onaJ a s U)o family,'Mrs. Bara Delano Roosevelt, save western Europe from a devasta­ prospect of ranawad friendship w ith 000,000.- Eleven h u n d r e d camp's share nC tlio Improvement the Presldent'fl moUier, Is In Seattle ting war, but her ultim atum to B ritain and France facing Him. cosLi, West mil a?id Twin Falls hom eless w ere sh eltered in CHChoelovakla stood. Ideniji conlrlbuKd much of this for a week's visit with her grand­ And before th a jo in t aUtamanfe WASinNQTON, Sept, 80 (UM-J. arm o ries, schools, th e Y. M. daughter, Mrs, Anna RooMvelt Ciechoslovakla m ust relum lower by Hitler and ObambarbOn, tbinr Itmount, Carter Fort, chief counsel for the C. A .'a n d Y. W. C. A. bu ild ­ Silesia, th a t porUon of Poland which and Daladier, c h a ttin g amUbly> Chief amniiK Uie Improvement-i Boettlgrr, and her great-grandchil­ the Csechs selced on January U , were making a s l g h t ^ l n g tour o( ings and slept last n ig h t on conteniplaled under the project will dren, E3eanor and Curtis Boet- carriers Joint conference committee, 1910, while the Poles were flghUng Munich. told President Roosevelt's emergency be a swlmmlnn pool and wading tlger . . . co ts provided by th e m ilitia. Soviet Russia, by Saturday o r suf­ niU Bobinson, Ihe Negro who fact finding board today th a t a IB pond which will l>c li>rate<l directly Tlie (lend lncludi>(l 10 wliltea niid I t was understood th a t O erm an fer an armed Invasion. ucroM Ihe htiwt. from U)o camp en­ tsp-danees with Hhlriey Temple per cent wage cut for BOO.OOO nUltroops would occupy » "tokan** are a la r ^ r o e s . M(ut or the bodlen were "Poland reaerrcs all right of ac‘ By United Preas trance, T h c« ndilltlnns lo (he vamp in the movies, v^as named In a |IS,- road employes Is necessary to save fouiflT In Ihe vicinity of Ihe clly Coming as awIU nitennnth of dis­ nro Uio ones which wUl bo most O**} damage suU for beailng a col­ railroads from disaster, Uon." one official told tlie UpUed of about 460 square mllaa In south* Tlie sUuallon in Europe: iijarket, where sla v u oncn slowt on trict western Sudetenland, n ear th a Aus< Press, court' arilon throwing ' lege football player ovrr the head "Tills Is not a Un cup esse," said appreclat«l, Koehler suld. tro-D erm an fhsntler, tomorrow aa auction blocks, MUNICH — Prague accepta fourlowrr court nwnrd of $140 In Ohly Comment OUier liniKOvementN will include with a gun during a traffic argu­ Fort. “We are asking for a reduc­ " area No. I**' of th e ir ^progreaslva mls.ilon to two local reiillnrn, null conslructlon ot an addllloiTto the ment. Robinseii, who hae one arm tion because (he general level of power agreement for Qerman a n ­ Cliy Hall tlnroofed Tliat brief statem ent was the only occupation, to be completad by Oct« nexation of Sudeten areas and visit* Usklnu combined sumit lolitllliiK $R,almost paralysed, said he slruck e cenlilry-old clly hall wa.i un- 300 wfts filed here lodiiy by a Twin donnllory building, remodeling of the st-yrar-old student, Paul Mof- railroad wages is unreasonably high Ing statesmen depart; Fuehrer Hit' flfflclsl comment’regardlng the de­ ,10. In the light of existing condlUons cision of U»e four great European other structures Including an Im­ roofe<1: at, Mlchnel'fl Episcopal Falls man and wife. . U ltlw b a d flt'on a n o tb ir . triu m p h ,' which bear upon the question of ler and Prime Minister Chamber- pow era-tn-M unich yesterday. The provement ot the old kitchen, con- fatt, in self defenaer.. . . church nnil St. riilUp'n cliiirch, lain In statem enl declare, "we re ­ Tlie dsnidKr nclloii w»,i filed In Jitructl<in of crnient nldewolks and DrltUh Prime Minister Nevlllo w hat is a reasonable level of Wages," fact th a t the conference foresaw He had said th a t - h e would a atar bolti bulk b e f o r e the Revo­ (JblrJcl coim 1»jU lUDTDUtg hy Jliw. ftirt made h b statem ent as the gard Die Agreement , . .aa eymbolio Poland and Hungary eventuatfy g et­ audetenlsnd lom om nr ere n a t risk lution, were damaged biwlly. Homes sell PeUrson und LouUo Pctflrnon gravel drlvcwayn, landscaiilng and Chamberlain is to rccelve a "sniall, of a decision by our two peoples a world war, and be was gotng simple house near s o m e river in emergency board began hearings to terracing of the grmind/i. ting saUsfsctlon for tlieir territorial th a t Imd hlood more tliiin 100 yenrH agsln»l L. y. Morse and Q. ■ the Justice of the demand never to go to war with one nnoUier claims, wss not commented upon. to do it. a«Mieral imlnUng and decoraUng Prance" an a token of Prcnch thanklay In heaps, some having Illerolly fliirout. Ilie iciilturn wlione iirobnte But European peace hnd been pre« for his efforta In averUng by 139 cla sA 1 railroads for a 15 per again"; Qerman Iroope to enter Hut a foreign office aiwkesman, by exploded Into llie vncuum core of court JiidRmrnt whii reverwd, niul of all hraltti cnmp buildings will fulnesa cent pay out snd the tliresl of their Csechoslovakla tomorrow. be provided for under U»e pro­ war, from subscriptions being teleplione from Warsaw, aaid Uiat served, and nOw the hopa was .that the twlsUng wind. agslntil Arlhur 1.. Bwlm and W. O. niao llclted by the Paris Solr, afU m oon employes to stage a nationwide TraC ilEN , Pollsh-Csech fron­ Poland was n o t obligated by agree- it might be made seeur* fo r a long ’ gram, Koehler pnlntril out. 'Hie first storm rlruck the n o rth ­ Swim. strike. tie r — Polish Iroopa eager to menta made without her participa­ Ume. newspaper . , . ern end of thn city shortly before Daladier had made hts friendship Ask llrnltli l)am a |0 m arrh ln(« CseehMlovokU tomor­ tion, Joa4]uln M. Kliulde, Manila In8 a. m, yesUrday. llie ro woa a lull row lo lake over MO square mUes . Poland is oonfident th a t Adolf lU tement a t iiU iiotel afte r a throng 'llin I’etcrsnur. n!>kpd $1,000 dun), dusiriai and buslncae leader, was of a few mlnulcB, then Ihe other o t l-omtT WUesJaj border rU sbea ' Hitler and Benito Mussoltn) will up­ of Oermans. massed In th a street, ugtw Ui IJieIr ami hii'tUicnn hesa w n Jn ioday aa PhlUppJrie resi­ swooped through the battery and caune iisd clamored for him so anthualaecontinue. an iilturhm rnt nccureil dent commissioner to (he United hold h er demand. buslneaa district. A heavy rain fol­ agitlnBl ofllinn One local resident, described lically th a t he was forced to ap p ia r by Morho iind Uhrout Great Troop Movement BERLIN — O erm nte, rejoicing lowed. The power fulled and for six 111 Uie prolmte rmirt action; la.ooo by pollc« station records an an t a window and wave an d smile. over Munich agreement, hoim H it­ hours all coinmunlcMtlon lines weia for alleged pnnnHnrnl damage Tliere came reports to Teschen "old man." was having a Iinrd Chamberlain had been almllarly mil, time gelling hU nerves qideled ler per<onally will lead m arch Into today of great troop traniportaUon leered a t his own hotel. a n d went Mr. Poteraon’n hm llh brniufx' down early this momtng a i his Cecchoslovakla, niovomeiils in western Pnland, The II lo 'a balcony la T asiw ndi-heldlngIf/ff/t Cottrl Kulcs on Cliy of b h u t c r worry over tlir i ♦J ,000 for "llio home, __ , PAKIN >- Frrnch believe more Iroopn were heading southward. In boiiquet of flowers which liad been FMMK'IT. Ida,, Sept, 30 (U.R)-Tli AhaniP. hunilllnlloii and dlhgrnrr Weather obMrverd suid th a t al­ J u d ic ia l C a ndldalcH four-p9wer talks may be held lo thn direction ot Ihn Cseoholsovak Mil to hini. Antilher l<M-arre>klenl. alho an body (il I', M. Mlnger, 74. Enmiett though the apiwarunce of two torw daprlvntlon jim l liiconvrnlpiicen" popcorn nnd confeetlon merchant, rontolMal* general European border, Tlie Lransportalloiw imjieded I Tlie agreement aigned this mom* BOIflK, Ida , flept, 80 (U.fO—'llie "old man," was atteinpllng lo at<t , JisdOTA aln;o«t wm •3,000 exem|)liiry dsinagen and ISOO will found Kidsy crusited In the rail (raffJo tn targe secClonn a t tho )g a t liie Fuehrer House provided lilm l)y show/ng him (uiw It was peace. for costs aiut lrr:i state siiinruie court rule<l loday lliat unique, tliey evidently were an offiirietly: 'Hie orlglniil dl''|>u(o conrcrned wrrcknKn of hin aulonuiblle nl a diAtrlcl Juilgn randldalen receiving done, ill fact the aecond "old lX)NnON — nrltb.h public Joy­ •ouiilry. ^l^oot of a low prcMurn nrca tlmt I, Cxechoalovakla to evacuate tha Mllllary and government oftlclals man" wus no Innlslrnt on Allow­ ous, Inil detense precaullons are of a dwcllluu In Hlghlaiul View railroad rronning a mile northeast sent a wlndilorm sweeping up thn sale coded Budelen territory beginning who ram e hero from Warsaw confi­ a majorlly of the volrs cnnt in Ihe ing the tlrsl "old man" how to of here, addition. 'Hic iitnlnit*' Jury awarded not yet relaxed. Atlantlo coast tcHlay. The winds here Morse and tilirunl tHO liul Judge Mlnger niipiirrntly was killed when primary rln-llon ini y be cunKlderrct relax Ihul lin was ralxlng his voice dently exiHsded th a t Cl<^chonIovakla tomorrow and t<i complete the e m * were gauged a t Ti mllevi an hour. he <lrove Ills light rouixi Inlo a mov- eleaied wllhout entering Ihe general lo Uio dluiU nractlon ot Uin e n ­ would cede the disputed territory be­ nation by Oct. 10. w ithout destroying J. W. Porler yrnirnlay sustalneil Charlesloii, Milled by ICiiullsh hn> defense niovr I'lr non-null, niul Ing frelKht iralii last night. Police «lectlon. tire nelgliborliowl, fore Halurdajl. (Contli>u«<l on ras* t, C * |aM i) migrants In 1070, In u city of dU> granted the ivicrnoiui t&0.7B hi suld his iKKly had reuiulned In the Tlie njiirt'i* ruling wii« In aimwrr 'Ilnis Ihe police were called. wr^'kiigo lor several hours today lo a contrnMon by Harry I.. Ilnhcr, L u u te r despite Ua historic charm and co su , Holt) the "old men" weVa rrlaxed . ' wiUioijt brJiig nidlcrd. , defeated i'ai>(ljilnte for ft thll'd dl'h- w)ifjj ihn jM>}li-^ Jefl silij ll)o ^'*>*auly. I t was, d»VBslHtciJ by hurrJ(,'Ues lUr(i|toun«l 'llie lid will bn offirially kicked 'llie ear ha<l> been huiled Into a trlut (A<lit <gunly> Judgeiihlp, th a t "tlr^watei" whU'h -cuuscd llie cance In lONi HdlJ nn<l IHM; by epl> Complaint In IIm- .......... action ditch. 'Mm train which he was be­ tiie prlniitiy law It npiilled lo demoiisliallon ot Uie pro|ter melh- off Ihe IDSI) football aeoaon In 'IVIn demlca hi 16M and 1&A4: l>y lire hi Falls'tonlglit when two of the more n io j by earthquake. Aug. 31, IBM. alleges th a t MorM< ler.rlvcd hiting lieved lo ,haV4i strurk passe d 'th e Judicial rln-tlons was unconAtltu- o«l lA rtlax, was dlipoaed ot. tlonal. jMiwrrful soullrcentral Idaho teams I t waa raaod by a comhUird Kngllsh of the dwelling (or mle lust Nov, 'J3 cros;ilnii lit 7;:» last niRlit. _'I'w ln Palls and Oakley—tangle an d Praijch fUet in nofl; by llio but "did not dltcrl Ids rfforta'' to F u th c r ix H eld fo r under Uie floodllghta ol Lincoln Brlllah tn 1710 and in o , At Fori finding a pnrrhxirr. it iiAArrln that flu m p u r on April la and ij. iBOl. last Janliary Uliiiiui. A. 1.. Hwlin and field, ITio game Is srhedulod to sta rt 1 air concert under Prof. J . 'T, WIUi the newest In autum n m er­ W. Cl, Hwlm en triril the nrKoilallnnn ShootiiiK S on w ith il»« OlvU war was atartod. a t 7;46 p. m. ibrldge, chandise on display In mercantile to flnil a buyer. On Krb. I, iiocordA crowd esUnialed al upwards of v-uli awards which aw ait eon> ^(ig (0 Uin eomiilHhii. Mr, jy trrsn d OldJM u z z le -t'o a d c r 1,000 U) a,000 Is expected to attend es(at>Ii»limen(a tlirougtiout the oUy, iesUnU Include'tU grand priaa a M sold the houM Id I' II llrrker wllli-. Police H m t PoaatbCc ■nd seating space In Uie bleaohers contenl windows In the downtown 110 for second pl)ce, plua |SUO f m 'I’OWNBEND, M ont. Uept, 30 out nMUtnnce of llm tralty m rn and a having 1 m—A blast from a n ancient m ut- will Im a t a prendum. ITiIa will be dUtrlRl held top billing' today In the each of the r Vieiim of Drowning on l^b. S Moi'sr nnd Mliiout filed auU dows In the contest. T he tw o grand e-loading plstot‘ of the ra p and Uie first night game here since 168O. annual fall opening event. iCxprrt miirkniiinn relutnlng from the Minidoka d rrr hunt, which U016E, Ida., Atpt. 90 (U.R)--A for I'otnmlMUin. awards .will go to Uia an try who Im iKill type left A. H. CottAii of 'Hie 1700 nllni'lunrnt nrllnn officially opened this m ornldf, rei>ort thit 'drrr pleiiUluV-wUh soma No entry blanks liad y e t . bean th e larges* w»ier-JOg|W ii&IleM ta m A In an ----------llosfinau in a hospital siirterliu Irrigation ditoli b a n today a u rle d I'-Uted by Uie |m lr ntnl nignrd hy Itir ot the iiunter* checkhiK jiut with th rlr limit Jiwt a ttrr dawn, turned in to tha Chamber of Oom- mates most nearly “ * fioni painful face wounds today a in lk e hunt for O onton iJ. 8om - Hwlnui as MKUirlly. HnrnNired t.uiiu First to rlie<-k out of any station were Mr nnd Mrn C, .', Hillard. while authorUles held his father, merce, but the 62 partio . l«rfcr, alm it SO, o{ Seattle, Wash, due from lirrk rr ami llrd up tlio Twin Kails, who wrrn en route homo a t n ;iii a. m afler Kcttlng a reiKirted Uiat hundreda of blanks actual flgura. J. It, Cotton. 7B-year>old rancher, ■nie lultcase fcuplalnwl JortjB i>aj»r«. PeUrsons' bank ncmmiit, thuy cluliu, rJro hitrk ra rh PMNT, Mtrfi.. Wept. 10 {UK — had been taken out. T ha blanks afe awards go tp . on open charges. O. c , Hull h allortiry fur the signed wIUj Bornbarger's iianto, and County Attorney Pred Bchmidi United Automobile Worker* union available s i any of thoag aatabllsli- nearest oorraoi lil>y AtwiHHl lit Twin Falls shol a dne whirli croMed hln piilli In the claimants. faintly photofraphs. today to lake a mentJ, according to OhailM fiblriey, various wlndowi oiMslionid U tf isiwl m an In an <fforest and was bark in ’IVin Palli with It a t 10:30 a, n>. Others, , flnm b en er had r^gutered a t a ••Whera Uwi m l (0 learp ^e ta lls of tiie family atrike vbt« • ( Uie Dulek m otor plant m itohants' bureau chairman, nanien not known, wnrti seen driving through (own near the n<>on hour, hnlel h ire aeptl 38. olteckhig o u t ihe THRKK nilKIKI) .M.IVK A llironi eslimiifad a i several artlolaa In Uia (luarrel th i^ resulted In Uie slipot- tomorrow. Tlie dispute threatened to wilh largo deer riding iheir froiil liumpers, next day. HU signature n t the reglsNAPLEa, llaly, Hrpt. 'M Uiouaand toured Uie downtown area liig. Ho w u undecided wlieUier a disrupt production of i m cara. Kvcnlng 'lim es lelrphojie caIJs lo Filer and Kimberly failed lo reveal llite e persoiu were, burled olive. last night for m e InauguriU avehta. sanity iie a tln | W0UI4 be held or Jack UtUe, Inoal union preald< Were hljlirrd and I'J mlMliig (<KUy any rnrly rrsults iiy himtsinen from th o u rlt4ee. 11 was imrtersiood. formal chargee woidd be preferred charged Uiat Bulck offlOMia hftva A iT ti. m, windows in the 4wtaii-ae« PDltofl feared ho may have com* In the collajtM) of six linmea In ttie however, lh a l aomo Hurley ^nd Rupert hunters bagged their i|Uarry against Cotton, refused lo negotiala on allaged <tto* Vmatlng" contest were unvellld. and ^ . mltteiil suicide or have been the vto- Aversa district nfirr a cloudburtl rally. 'Jim men reportedly quarreled latlons of the aenlorlly eiauae In Uis a t 1-.K p> m . Um Twin P alla b la h 01 Bu attack. 'n>o siteclul inuit closes.'J'uesday'ulghl. and floods. over owneialilp ot a log cabli^. company’s eontraot with th e union. •cliool b u d attraotad orowdk a t l u Charleston Removes Ravages of T Two Tornadoes; Death Toll 27 Seriously Repg>] Demetieibed CAW'S P K I A lH T P i iU D K E S 'W W t l c iJ T ira R y , SAYS BAIL HHD Europe's GrIsU At a Glance SU IU FTEilll EnMANIS KILLED IK CRAS INEKVOUS laiB (irld Season Op.cjiB Here T anight Window Displays Attract Throngs to Fall Opening HUNTSMliN FIND DKKR PLENTIFUL IN FOREST a Ituiclt Car W orkers Plan Strike Vote -i IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TW IN FALLS. IDAHO ! S eptem ber 30, 1988 ‘ERT, KIMBERLY HARVEST FESTIVALS DRAW THRONGS mmm ITATO e o M si CZECHS A P ■JVEWS I N B R IE F Seen Today M IT P A C r miES HELD FOR CALLISSUEDFOR flLER PIONEER Why parents buy shoes and more shoes: SlX 'j^ar-old crossing Main avenue a t Second west and- drag­ M n . A lb e rt W a U n , W U m isg to n , Ward Jerom e Blakeslee. for the ging his feet the whole distance (rre n n « « om ) - 1 . ia th e g u u t o f h e r u n c le iQ d “e x istin g In sta lla tio n s’’ su c h a s th e . .. . Local businessman writing o ut past 38 yeera a re-Mdent of Filer, was A unt, M r. a n d M rs. li. L . T h ew lls. S u d e te n m o u n ta in fo rtific a tio n s. An a check to pay the-salary o f-* paid final tribute yesterday after­ ml&slonary-cvangellst In Africa noon a t th e Filer Methodist church. rep rese n t* Two aoutti oantnd Id a h o com- V UiU lo C a llfo m U ing the four big powers <u)dj^secho- fo r'one full year . . . Couple of Rev. I. S. MoU officiated a t the ' misdUea e tn b u te d today on gala M iss I r m a L u ed e rs 1* v isitin g h e r alovakla to lay down conditions for small girls Imngrlly aurveyicg the services. ' giant cooklc.^. done in boy and Rlrl Tlie rites were largely attended, M m s t i o w t n K p e e te a t o i l l r n t t sister. M rs. p h lllp B ailey , i n - S a n evacuation. J’Y anclsco.'3. O erouny to occupy the terrlto o ’ shape, which form the fall opening and guontltles of floral tribute.^ ex­ ’' MVBfU jpecU U m . Th« cflmmnnlUes are Rupert. by progressive stages: Area No. 1 contest display in bakery window pressed th e esteem lo which he was Utata Q ae et on Oct. 1 and 3: area No. 2 on Oct. . . . E arl Bnughman telling Seen regarded. , h e r . U » . n u .l Mr. Blakeslee U survived by two Mr*. O le n n N eilson. E p h raim , 3 and 3; area No. 3 on Oct. 4 and 6; Today th a t he heard somebot^ ins. W ard an d Dean Blakeslee, and U ta h , Is sp e n d in g se v e ra l d a y s v isit­ are a No. 4 on Oct. 6 and 7. Remain­ attem pting to get dito Orpheum ing territories which are predomi­ via the corridor without paying, a daughter by a former marriage, in g frie n d s h e re . nantly German to be'asoertalncd by so he stepped out and found none Mrs. Georgia C hatbum , Jerome. the international commission and to other than four pranksters;— I ...K.tat'Hai crowds Jrom 'Cassia V isit in BoUe Mr. and Mrs. L. O. GHMlan and "Scotty" Smith. Ronald G ravu, Mrs. E. A. Beem sang “His Eye is on ^ < ^ t y were expected to throng RuT ra n sa c tin g b u sin e ss In Boise y es­ be occupied by Oct. 10. Jack Gray and Ous Kelker . . . the Sparrow," "Pace to Face." and ^ to d a y 'in d tomorrow. At m m - te rd a y w ere M r. a n d M n . £>. E . Mar< To Determine PleblMdtn -the celebtauon S. I ^ e lAtematlonid commission And lots of folKs during noon hour "Croaslng the Bar." Mrs. D. H. tin , O. H . S m ith a n d R ic h a rd Seeley. fM M at attendance Twin FalU. will determ ine WrrttorJea in which scanning various and sundry win­ Shower# p J s y e ^ tte ftccompantaents. Pallbearers were F. L. Peterson. Buhl Filer. H a iw n . M urtaugh, and Baptismal Berrlee plebiscites are to be held. In tern a­ dows in hopes of those cash prizes. • f f i e f ^ ' a n d probably th e n e a r Harvey Petera, Vernon Boyd. JohQ Twin Falls-stakc. Ij. D.-S. church, tional "bodies" — n ot necessarily Kerr, Harold M eu and Uo- Rwill conduct 'baptismal servioei to^ troops—will occupy the plebiscite north side. t i _____ would—as he Insisted they would areas until plebiscites are held and Showers. m o r ^ k t a p. m. a t the church. _ — ^ s r iD iv iK T n u T . wiU lU ptebisolte cotuUUons on the even w hen Britain and France • Interm ent was In the Filer Odd basis of the S aar plebiscite. Plebis­ threatened to go to war over Czech­ Fellow cemetery. . HtJPERT. Sept. 3b (Special)—A cites to be held a t a date not inter oslovakia. 'colorful poUkto picking contest fw 3. The agreem ent detailing the S u n .V alley lodge, w h ere h e la em> th a n th e end of NSvember, to be ^ o y e d . 't o e p en d se v eral d a y s w ith fixed by the commission. Minor ex- fate of Czechoslovakia's minority h is p a r e n t^ M r. a n d M n . H . C. c h a n M of territory to be arranged areas was a compromise 1>ctween a by the commission. Czechoslovaks* French-B rltlsh plan of Sept. 10 and D ickerson. ■ in Sudetenland and Oermans in Hitler's ultim atum of Sept. 23, deM k e d « t tlie J . E . H aa u n o m l r t n n . ting surrender o ( the Sudeten Czechoelovak^a areas to transfer. If ■i m » * e d u W . l o in c lu d e fiv e m m OonelBde V b it area by tomorrow. M r. a n d M rs. P . H . P rin g le w ui they desire, within six months. ■ trom Jerom ., 4. CzechosTovakla within four . 4. The peace of Europe had been titro H»n«»in- one from Aceqiua an a leATe to m o rro w f o r th e ir h om e In S a e ra m e n to , Calif., a f te r v isitin g M r, weeks to dlw harge all fiudeton Oer- saved. Italian sources a t Rome had R ecent developments In ^e P rln g le's^ m o th er. M rs. p . J . P rin g le . m ans who wish release^from th e ir, reported th a t until the Munich con­ Czechoslovaklkn situation were ful­ w l u m u m l f t N o v ' ......... . ...... m n y a j l d polIcO orces. and to-re- ference "was arranged Hitler had ly and graphically drawn by Charies .fw T R a T o m e o jiO T r^ “ lease any Budetens who are In pris­ planned to enter Sudetenland by Crav«n Scott for a n interested- au­ h resld en c« h e re . force wlUi &00,000 soldiers and 3,000 on for political offenses. dience of R otaljans, their wives and In an annex, Britain and Prancc fighting airplanes. .Vto c o n te st l>y p ic k in g th e first A lU a it C a ttltn a e t There was one undisputed loser: women g u H ts 'ta s t evening a t the P a u l R . T a b e r le ft th is m o rn in g undertake to stand by their agrccCzechoslovaklo. Nevertheless the P ark hotel. M r.,S co tt, Instructor of modem R u » r t m n « t IOOU1.11 g«m« fo r W h lU S u lp h u r S p rin g s. W . Vb„ m eht to guarantee the new Czech- Munich agreement preserved the m on« 01 tn« top IIm M w • tlr jc - to a tte n d th e a n n u a l c o n v en tio n of ORlovsk frontiers. Germany and I t ­ Integrity of the Csxhoslovak stato. . uropean history a t Stanford uni­ th e H a r tf o rd A ccid en t a n d Indem * aly agree to' Join in this guarantee tlons. S a tu r d a y wlU M e s t o c k ^ d g There was an undisputed material versity, hak Just rttu m e d from a n ity co m p an y . H e w as acco m p an ied when th e Polish and H ungarian mi­ year’s sabbatical leave in England, m i b y 4 -H m e o b w a ; a g la o t p a ­ b y U n , T ab e r. nority problems have been aetlled. gainer: H itler. Re had added 3.&00.- Belgium and O irm any. n t o . f l o t t a . ' w as* t w i n * « w n ts . I t U agreed th a t If the-Pollsh- 000 people to his third relch, having He analyw d the "war conscious" o u t t n g . m U g e t a u to race* a n d D a u th le r Im prO fes ungarian problems are not settled absorbed the 7,500,000 people of attitude he h ad observed abroad, M rs. J . M . L ein en , u p o n h e r r e ­ within three m onths there shall be Austria six m onths ago. Germany and gave first-h an d observations on t v in cioM a t th e tu r n fro m P o catello , s ta te d t h a t h e r anbther four-power conference to now has more people and more tcr- current conditions m Europe, ib e fe(4> - ■ riCor/ Ui Europe Umn II had ln'2914. d a u g h te r, M rs: M a rc u s P rle d e l, h a d Mr. and M rs. Scott, honor guests - A w todow « m t« i t. ba aa d o n m U* Im proved. M rs. L e ln en w as c a lle d to dUcuss them. Map Not Released a t la st evening's dinner, attended th a O a ta o ity b y h e r d a u g h ta r 't UiThe m ap which the conferees drew by 80 persons, are guests of Mr. to ah«w the areas to be ev ^u ated Scott's p arents. Dr. and Mrs. O. R'. >y Czechoslovakia, and occupied Scott, en route to their h(?mo In , FU N a t " 5 5 u i w y in ister A rrlT ie )y G erm an troops, within the next Palo Alto. ' Tsataooi't, Sept ao (specui)- M Rev. lila b e l Sch aM er, U O ra n d e , 10 days was n ot released with the S tu a rt H. Taylor, president of the O re., h k s a rriv e d to aaslst R ev. a n d agreement. Rotary d u b , presltjed a t the meelM n . B . E , A H o flm a n w ]th fu ll Inspired sources said th a t, to em ­ ing. and Edw ard Cooper, program T idin g a n d o o « O ospel w o rk in T w in F a lls a n d v ic in ­ chairm an, introduced the guest ....... s oo n tM t, i p o r t i n i e v e n ts a iu l ity . M le t S o h a e fe r wUl speisk S u n - phasize the peaceful nature of the overturn of fiudetenfand, British and JEROME, Sept. 39 <SpedaJ>-Ber( speaker. -(ta jL tT B o ln H o .th e W . O . W . h a ll ip French World war. veterans would be H. MUler. Democratic eaadldite for ‘^ ‘d » o r * a tn u » " R o e k ii« Chair H an se n , a n d w ill c o n d u c t w eekly utilised a's a "cushion" force to oc­ congrees, will speak a t a meeting of eanrlcea t h e r e . . cupy under th e four-power agree­ m t IUqb «1U ellm tx todky*! ertnU . ment a portion of Sudetenland be­ the Ladies Democratic club ■S S f c X r win th e M g p m d e « t r r o t t I d a h o f a l l s T . G. “Brick" Thompson.,presltween. Germ an and Czechoslovak Jerome cou^ntv Saturday, It was a n ­ » t . t t . -with * « • t t w « m w o t * . R ev. a n d U rs . R o y B a r n e tt, id r. An ain li& e will d n p hand to la re* a n d M ra. S . M . M alon e, M rs. A. S. troops, pending plebiscites In some nounced today by Mrs. A. H. H artj- uent of the Jerom e Lions club, and former secretary of Uie Twin Palls horn, state commltteewoman. , ftC -th« Kimberly M a rty n . M ra. J . A. S hively, M rs. A. "reas.' T he congressional nominee is to Chamber of commerct;. was guest Chamberialn, Daladter, K U er and ftttlldM iw lU :-------- ---- ----------------- O . B o b ler, M iss V iv ian M assey, M lsi spealy*r a t the Lions club luncheon t t t t t Vfli M » f lr e m e B l w a t t r < l ^ t , D o to th y S t r a in a n d R e v . T h o n a s Mussolini signed, the agreement a t talk Kt 3 p. m . S aturday, Mrs. H arts­ this noon a t th e Park hotel. horn said. H . S c ru g g s h a v e r e lu m e d fro m th e I3:SS'A/m. today a t the N ail F uehr­ Announcem ent was made of Ru­ The Bourbon meeting win be held n w l d a o o e «>U cloee th e feaUval er’s house. Thus they ha d settled t r l- s ta te B a p tis t c o n fe rra e e a t Id a h o pert club's c h a rte r night Oct. 6. and In th e room formerly occupied by the most dangerous international FalU. , Jero m e's'charter night Oct. n .R ep Pixton‘8 In Jerome. The-sjsalon will dispute alnce IBU. be open to anyone wishing to a t- resentatlves of the local club will N u rse f lo e a ^ , be present a t' bpth sessions. ' Chamberlain's a n n o u n c e m e n t tend. A rlen e O tb s a n , 38, r e s id e n t o f F i ­ Group pictures were taken during le r a n d a n t n e . to d a y v h a d b een ^ t th e occupation of the first iU the luncheon , session. T l. C. James. Air speed records have advai f i itl d 14 in e h id ln g ooste «e th e •Quare jn lles of Sudetenland wou)d from 47 miles an hour. In looo, to 163 Seattle, guost of O! Verno Yates, and d ed g u U tf to a c h « rg e o f 'f a i l - sta rt tomorrow was made a t a re- In 1S16. 397 in IM9, and 440.63 In Dr. 0. D. Aldridge, Jerome, were oepUon to th e B ritU h-A m erican . . . t o d im h e ad llg h ta. T h e a r r e s t introduoed. IB38. . w as m a d e by » e te te o ffice r, “n i e press. Sitting a t a writing table In y o tm g w o m an p a id h e r fin e a n d -w u his hotel suite, he made Uiis sU tem ent: releM ed. "I always had in mind th a t if we found a peaceful solution- to the A t th e H o ip lia l S r« _ r ( lrnrt'.a ( ' . ar* r *hhg| oe ;m -------u t e r , ok P a U en U a d m itte d t o th e 'T w in Cseoh question it m ight bpsn the B o te U le r M ight a t k n o p e n m e etin g way to general appeasement li\ Eur­ F a lli c o u n ty g e n e r a l h .................... o sp ita l i n ­ “ • • .*Wednaaday e v-enlng en in g ea t th e O d d M is, O liv e r E l: ope. ____________ low f hkl). n t t>y m 0 e m b e rs a n d frien d s "This morning I had a talk with Uson, J e a n e tte G a rd n e r, L o u is W a r ­ p r e e e n t ,. M rs. W . A. P o e gave k b U to ry o f r e n , M lld re d a P a tte r s o n , B e tty W aU, the Fuehrer from U:JO to nearly 1 R o d e tta P e te rs o n . T w in F a lls ; p. m. The only other person pres. th e lo e al O ra o g e a n d j t a acoomp* R oiUns, H a ro ld X rlokM ti. J e w en l was the InU rpnU r, Dr. SchmWt. U ih m e n te. B a r m a . ttk le , eoim ty, a n d M ild re d A n n B riokson, As a result of the cohversatlon, we M e n t. d ls e u tti d t h e a g ric u ltu r a l < boUi signed the present declara­ d y ; M rs. x n e n Boyd, Je ro m e p ortu nlU ee o l T w tn M I1» e o u nty . I. t n w a e A M tt , W a lte r D ick, H a n se n . D lm ls sec tion. L U e t i g tr e ^ k t m u m o f O r* n i|e a re M ary S m ith a n d M rs. L otU e P u t Fragne AoeepU d y , T w in F a lls ; M iss D enoy T elfo rd , "TtnT Prague government has ac­ J e r t tn e ; W . 8 . M eO leary, F ile r ; M rs. cepted the agreemenL The accepspoke o n F . P._A . w ork. tiU lu O rk y tteti, O U U e fd rd ; W i . Uiice was conveyed to me last night R e e o fo lU o n 'w a e g iv e n 'p a s t by the British m inister In Prague." t ^ n a n 4 o h k rte r m e m b era w h o w ere N ettle M oyes, H ag e rm an . Shortly afterwards, Chamberlain I t a t th e s e n lc o . p resid ed over left by a ir for London. f r . l l e t k , ' F a m o iu i O ra n g e They began appolntshent of an V In ( h e a bee nee o f T h o m a s International commission which, u n ­ V O ra n g e m a tte r. F u n e ra lB der their agreement, will arrange id u c ed w ere O tto T . X o ite r details of the evacuation or the Su1 W . F . B ell, p t i t m u u n , a n d r. a n d M rs. 0 . B. M cO ialn a n d 0 . PE T E R S E N ~ M rs. A ne O lse n d e u n area, determine the areas In c h a r te r m e m b e n F e U rs en will be piUd flA al tr ib u te which the plebUcltes are lo be held, a t 10 a. m . tom orrow m o rn in g k t (h e fix conditions and daU of th e pleb­ m O . T . K o ste r, p ro g ra m o h a lr- T w in F a lls m o rtu a ry c h a p e l. T h e iscites and make any minor fron­ m a n . a n n o u n o ed th e sp e ak e ra a n d l^odiy w ill lie In s U te th is ev en ing tier arrangementfl, ■ Members of tlie commission a lso p re e en te d M a ry AUpe B u c h a n ­ a n d tom orrow m o rn in g u n til B a. m. a n , w h o t e v e tw o re a d in g s, a n d A rt a t th e h o m e o f h e r so n , N. A. O lsen, a t onoe by airplane for Beriln, to hold their first meeUn* there to. f t u t i w h o sa n g , a cc o m p an ie d by n k a r K im b erly . day. ' r h le - n o th e r, M ra. W , W . f t a n l a , Members are B a ro n . Kmst von B e tre a h m e n ta w ere se rv e d d u reecreUry of sU te of t a i th e a odlal h o u r. the Germ an fortigu of/lce: air'N e vile *i.v Henderson, A4W.IUV.OU.., Orlt jurtiun anioassaoor to Germany; Andre Francols-PonMln. . SI oet, French am bsuador to Germany, 78 and Dr. Bernardo Attollco, Italian ambassador to Germany F ifth Member h in y im tlar .J h e 'H u s p lc e e Of .. so Dr. Vojteoh Mastny, Cte> ilM A h ^ - B a x m F e d e ra tio n , Brio .. 84 minister to Qennany, was authorB ; d e P e n d le to n , tra v e lle r, e u th o r .;S« Ireil to become a fUth member of a n d le e tt lr ^ . a d d re sse d a re p re si Uie commission with a (ull vote, a m ta tlv e a u d ie n c e la s t evenlni ■M as H iw 'T o?! and he was expected to participate th e Id a h o P o w e r c o m p a n y a u d Omfclu . 14 ill Uiis a»l«moon-s meeting » he idm. ' )4 could reach Berlin from I'ragiw. 7J .10 ‘D u r i n g t h e p a s t tw o d e ca d es n a . U oM h a v e e x p e rim e n te d w ith m any U --------------Uie aubm a t o f g o v e rn m e n t. A b so lu te, a u - n n m nouoo Mrifiifnl progrfMive »Ugea of other U la o n t l a M d e oosU tuU o n al m o n a r.03 mrls of the uren. It was said tliat fiU ea h k v e g iv e n plaoe to d e m o crati: tlio Csochs and Uluvuks who left to lo V w n m e n t: repubU es h a v e ^ n .01 u would have time to remove their l o m e d a n d o v e rth ro w n , a n d b u property, ' •h * v » -« e e n -to U o w e d k y •They w e th e real losers.' .........M , b o th 'W hit*' a n d *r« ‘ ‘ Just wlio was the wimier remaljjha v e' a ll failed,** h e p o in t ed for statesmen tu determine a t their leUure. Tlieae faeU riUiod oilt: ^ n f i d l c t ^ 't h a t a w o rid o o n tllct 1. Oeeehoeiovkkla was to be dlsU tHatiKti in Ffkleetlne: U ia t lembered, as Geriijany and, In .......... wUl Joee B gy p i. th e flUe* turn. Poland and Ifungsry had de­ o th e r v ita l p o b ita , a n d manded It should be. w tu U eU eoted G O O D IN G , S e p t. 30 ( S p e c ia l) 3. HlUer's troops enter oeerhoslop r a m by rojfal C h a rles R eed, a b o u t 40. w hd w as vakla tomorrow, as lie said they fo u n d d ie d in h la bed a t th e R oy ' Niece V UU DUU5 Mlnldokii county«nd fflV E II TELLS FACTS M IS IS X ‘t J S .M " rp .x s’ —a r a O p ^ ln g s for five local experii. . ed m en to be appointed as assistant camp directors for duty In a COO camp In connection with a graslag project, was announced here th is a f­ ternoon by W. Clyde Williams, m an­ ager of th e Tw in Falla office of the Idaho sta te emplomenl service. Williams, in m aking the announce­ m ent. said th a t there were no age requirements but th a t applicants m ust be able to pass a physical ex­ am ination. O ld e r' men with some experience In mechanical, clerical and other sklUed- trade work will be preferred. T he pay for th e Jobs wlU be |30 a m onth to s ta rt., including b o ^ ; room, medical attention and efothIng, b ut c a n Increase to a rating of MB a.m o n th . ^ AppUoaUons for these positions m ust be In th e hands of Mr. WUs by OoL 10. The employment office Is located a t 139 Second street eaat In th e New Rogerson hotel addition. ' Funeral Planned Austrls. He was married to Minnie W alter BCrachek, Star, Ida., For Wendell Man ancmed son. three daughters, Mrs. J . B. Mor« B T O U 8epL 10 (S p e d a l)-Jo se p h Mrachek, 69, Wendell, well- rls and Mrs. John Newbrough, Weh< k n ^ W est Poin t dUtrJct farm er, dell, and Mrs. W. H. Baxter. Colfax, will ^ paid final tribute a t funeral Wash. services Sunday a t a p. m . a t the Wendell Presbyterian Shurch, W . M. Sm ith, pastor, olflclatlng. The body now rests a t th e Albert» n funeral home Ijere. Interm ent VIAR'S SI0 6 EST to Wendell cemeteiy, under the 41recUon of the Buhl m ortuary. Mr. Mrachek, unUl 14 years ago a Buhl district farm er, died T hursday a t 13;:5 p. m. from the effects of typhoid fever. Ha was bom Sept. 14. 1879,.In USEDCAR SALE DEAFNESS MW fail kvtlMMi. FrtiH ar* ««t I*. tb« I* m tU lM»ft liiMi i C«M« la eiHt hMr Kiith M*» fcy iMrlof • »«r turn M * •* / rjM U .Y o tt S bottld Know Raw rmi touaa hearloi MtofMtOT la oour B U now Mlvad b» a r audiel*. o i m jou s .. - .. th u n*w •eiisUflQ The m et«l from which coins are made la eol,d a t the time of stam p­ ing. . . * 87 oidsmobUe Deluxe Coupe, H u te r , Radib, low mileage ....... ................... >>4«9S ; 80 N u h ' e S e d a n ............... 3ft Chevrolet Town Sedan ....IdSS 8S Chevrolet MMter Sedan..$39S 34 Chevrolet Coach J _____ 8380 33 Plymouth C o u p e _______ lU S 31 Chevrfllet Coach . -•1 3 5 87 V-8 flO Coupe —♦460 87 V-8 85 Ooupe ___ _.M 95 37 V-6 U Tudor Sedaa . -..«4GS 80 V-8 Fordor Sedan 84 V-8 Fordor S e d a n ____ |39) 80 V-8 Deluxe Truck, IBl WB, New Motor, Good Tires. Beet B o d y -------- --- 8575 37 V-B Stake Body Pickup ..$450 37 Chevrolet Pickup. 4 Speed ________ ___ _____ .'MSO 34 International P ic k u p ___ |I9S SB V-8 Ptckup ____ 34 V-8 Panel Delivery ......p M 31 Chevrolet Panel DeUvery ............................;,8l25 MILLER TALKS IN WthSS&K^rtoS! W«'r« Ml •• '’ilMr Ml* <Mkt" r« Addresses Lions' M any O th ers, All M akes, AU Models. Ail B areaiiis. I .1 P I K IHiEBOOSIi a ”a s » f . News of Record INSTALL AN IRON^FIREMAN r Temperatures Speaker Predicts War in Palestine f a !! U Mi S H II is MANFOUiDEAD w U 'e i i r t k a g a in th U ev en b tg M N k ra n o h eouthw eet o f O ooding I Z dabo p o w e r a u d K ^ u m o n w h ere h e w as em nloyed, w as b u ried n»irl<l D Ic ltto M ilp .'’ W ed n eed ay m o rn in g . H is body w as d iscovered 'I'u tsd a y I O e f t t e r J . B . M an u el a n d Wayne> F lae k , w h o , w ere . . . . . . i n m t l g a l e , liu llca te d t h a t Utta h a d a p p a r e n u y d ie d tro m a h e a r t k tia o k . N o l u i u e s t w as iw id . CS«r?v'!!Sbr.*;s;3.st ha W b o m l u Jim e s w m ii, U , a itd ha<l llW d to a n d a ro u n d G oodU ig fo r ‘ PM t ornate, y e a rs. H e h a d ti M ip araU d f A m h is w ife. E v elyn V n a w balteved to b e |lv ln g J n NOW Have plenty of heat this W e r ..a n d enjoy the convenience and economy that IRON FIREMAN can bring you • J n ita ll a n I r o n F ire m a n a u to m iilc ' I r o n F i r e m a n 's u n e q u a lle d r e c o r d c o a l b u r n e r in y o u r p r e s e n t fu rn a c e f o r l a t is f a c to r y s e rv ic e e x p lu in i w h y o r b o i l e r i m l f^et ih a f in e s t a n d rh o sl i h is m a c h ln c o u ts e lls e v ery u th e r e c o n o m ic a l h e i t i n e m o n e y c a n buy. a u to m a t ic c o a l b u r n e r e v e ry y e a r. T h e n e w H tsim a ltr m o c ie l Is th e h e s t 'b u l l t . yec ln w c s i> p r ic e d I r o n * H e r e a r e lo m e o f th e s u p e r i o r me* c h a n lc a l f e a ju r e s i h a t m a k e p e o p le F i r e m a n e v e r m a d e . I t ’s a p e rf e c t w a n t I r o n F lre m a n i s e r v s n t 24 hotiri m YouMI alwiyi b« glad you ImUIM a genuine IRON FIREMAN MS M 52 IrMs- nrl» « I fccil w orm »i ........ ..ja n d c o n c llllo n n f 6r« 34 h o u r i • ''c « f h u r « i o r .'’ Selfc ic in l n i curtre*. hulli f o r lo n g Mar. Ai tffKlcni i h u n a o lung. Siippllai lo ftf* se p ro ilm a ia U D p o u n d ia lrto raa cb pound o f (» tl. 9ll«nt. I)abkwCalM«»«4 Mawlla gs. P r a v e n ' do U« an d tlh fsilo n . S S iru o « « ii fu sl c o n . v a v o r a v a r b u iU . . 5m <«>iha»gla*i."H oc.‘ la m p " chr«m a> iit*l fir* (Ip. Vae* Ak rraatura taHrater. Haavy d u i;. Q u ilt uparailOR. S',; f A t i v f t risanl Th* Iros rir*n(n C u l fh » cartlii cod rroa bin li> rm ««Mt im lh« <«mI. Tlia (••d-lxk* o(, Ibi Cm/ r W MB ........... .. o( b«ioo Iki «A«t. M l«UiUtt*l c^a b< (nt4l Irem th« liAal, |14«. Oi ■i«n inslt, ln>fl .a d hcpMr •6<I.I| u >l»< fai «flai koIlM* 4iftteplat Of M -l i w U l l n l O nly « a « « . 0 0 I’llO N R $50 PARISIAN I> A und«rs a n d D r y C ie « n « n / Detweilar Bros. Inc. I*H0NK 80U A 8 S 0 0 IA T B » r ia D K A L M fl C arer MarcanlU* Oemiwnr, Carey Ihes. Oofrdlng W oetlerd Mill, http tri k .r Eag« IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO F rid a y , S eptem lier SO, 1938. , DEATH TAKES TWO IN PLANE ACCIDENT A T PRESTO^ m iO R F U E S eUMED FOR W f f F CRUSH Sizzling Sausages for Real Breakfast OOCL1 PRESENI E lB C allftraU O mc » Shoshone Freight Hagerman Water Calif.. M n . R. X. Hknaen. h o o f Beeeh, Is vUlUng h er m other, Mrfc sawyer, and her lis te n , M n . U Shows Increase System Repaired V.C. Ci«u, Mr*. J . B. Klm es to d U A SHOSHONE. Sept. 3tf (Special)— There is a marked Increase In freight traffic over the main line of the Union Pacific, Frank Ifelley, local railroad agent, slated. The gain appearj) to be general and Is not confined cither to farm prod­ ucts, livestock, merchandise or othitem.i — a step-up all along the shipping line to such a n extent th a t extra freights have been the i-ulo every day for weeks. ' While the fall m onths have shown heavy llvc.siock shipment,s from all Interrnedlatc points to tlie main route, tlie good average is rea.sonably certain to continue for a con­ siderable period, as the sea.son for beet shipments and otlier rural pro­ duction has haidly been reached. Tho movement Is both east and west. Among Uie interesting loads dally noted are the heavy .•shipments of scrap Iron to the Pacific coa.st, which some have suggested will come back In the shape of war mu­ nitions, doubtless basing opinions on Uie sUtlsUcs Uiat Uie United States Is furnishing belllBcrants in the fa r east 51 per cent of their war materials. At any rate the freight movement Is considered more pros­ perous tlian usual. HAGERMAN, Sept. 30 (Special) Artella Telford. Itrconslructlon and replacement of steel pipe for the supply line and portions, of iKft dlstrlbuUon system of the water set-up for the village MERCBK CAFS of Hagerman. will be a major In Jerom e nlclpal improvement this fall. Tho vUlaSe, a t a recent election, Where you get B etter Food 'le d voted a bond Lvue of 17,434.48 to pay Senlce. Private dining xoom w d for 55 per cent of tho Improvements. banquet room in th e rear. PU n Tljc election carried by an 80-to-4 your next banquet there. vote. HAOERMAN. Sept. 30 (Special)— More than 100 women participated In the second annual Achievement day meeting of the Oooding county By NEWELL llAET extciwlon clulis Tuesday at HagerPRESTON. Wa.. 8«pt. 30 (U*)—A mnn Legion hall. tU U during takeoff waa described Members of the Hagerman Circle today a« the cause of an airplane club, the Homemakers and Shoe­ crash near the Prestou airport. The string Study and Ser^’lcc clubs of pilot and his passenger were killed Gooding, and the Bliss Sunshine In the accident. club, in cooperation with Miss MarDead are G arlh Woodward, 22, lou M. White, BoLse, district homo the pilot, and Boyd Adamson, 23, demonstration agent, arranged the both of Franklin. Ida. event. Spina to Ground Alio represented were the W orth­ Their light monoplane spun to the while club of Glenns Ferry an d tlie Elmurc county ckib. ground a t dusk yesterday Just after the two had taken off and p u t the PROGRAM OFFERED ship Intd a climb. T h e craft stalled Welcome was extended by Mrs. F. at an altitude, of approximately 180 Roberts. Goodhig county chairm an; feet, fell off on the left « ln g and Mr5. Gas Conrad H agerm an'C ivic struck the ground 50 feet from a club president nnd Miss M arian M. hlRhtray. White. The accident waa witnessed » Other numbers were a review of Ariel U rso n and M ax Isaacs, wVv the Faslcy vacation camp, Mrs. were driving toward Preston. As John Ayre.'!. Bliss; “A Bargain In their car topped a slight rise, they Sheets," the Homemaker's club. saw the plane in the air. A mo­ Oooding; reading, a e rtn id e Kornment later It nosed down. T hink­ her, Gooding; a children’s style reing the ship would strike-their car, !. Homemaker’s club, Oooding; they stopped and got out. and piano solos by Ardls Tlngwall. Idirson and Isaacs were unable to Joan BtnckharC and Lila Lee Beavey, • K otex stays Wonder soft. take the bodies from the wredkage member of the Harmony Circle, d i­ until they had pulled the tall of the rected by Mrs. Roy Parsons, HagerTwin Falls high school seniors • K otex doesn’t show. ship down from Its aljnost perpen­ man. ere trying to decide tliU alterdicular position. Correct table service was demon­ noon whether the members of the Both Crushed • K otex can be worn on both sides. strated by Mrs. M artin C urran nnd 193B graduating class aliould havo Woodward and Adamson were I f you Uke a lusty breakfast—and m « t m t 1 plus a great many women, do like it—a ln lln t aausates and Mrs. George- M artin, Hagerman cla.'s rings or sweaters. crushed in the fuselage. T he motor o K otex offers three types, Regular, Junior, Civic club. Mrs. O. A. Smlthi BlLw. A general class meeting was call­ was folded back against th eir legs. tasty com meal padlH offer yQU something d illcious. Or you can have hot cakes Instead of paltles. dUcawcd “Plotures In the Home;” ed for this afternootl'ft advisory pe­ Super. Both were badly Ihangled. Death Mrs. Ray Thompson, BUm club, told riod a t which (Ime the m atter was Instantaneous, th e rescuers said, how the members of her club made lo be considered. although they rushed the victims to pictures. % hospital. Musical selections were played by Woodward was described as a pilot 12 to B o x Mrs. John Chapman. BlLss, Marlin of experience. He and Adamson had Tucker, Jean Allen, Florence Mary been flying from tBc airport all a f­ 48 to B o.x......................... 7 5 ^ Joncx. Hagcnnnn, nnd Mrs. J. S. ternoon. The ship apparently Dlvelblvi, and Mrs. Ella Oehrlg, in excellent condition. Oooding. This is delicious f.erved with Breakfast should be a persua&lvc 64 to B o x meal.' I t /should sta rt the day right grape or apple Jelly. Contest W tnnen Showing of “Marie Antolnelte" ■IXin't Ul<« chiBCM «n nraduru you knnw and lift the spirits even of tho.se A style dre.ss revue w ith Ml.w nolhltif »bout or r*1y on M«por»ry r»lW Hominy may be Ufcd Instead, of who “h ate to get up In the m orn­ ,.ie com meal m a'h, if preferred. a t a local Uiealer will be the In- Mar(tarei Hill, district home demon­ when splratlou for a Frcnch club party ing.” The hominy Is heated in the sau­ stration agent-r T«.'ln FalLs, 1. Rikil* tipudilr for ttA V l:" , Now th a t the weather is cooler, it sage fat. of Tft'ln FalU high .■;chool students. Judge and cxteiulon club women wotiwn troo wnoitMmo M rw koo rooi*. Is -frasler to tem pt that Illusive U t Plnkhim'* rompnuBd help hulld up T he event wUl be held' Oct. 12 a t taking part, clojsed the all day Ba:con may be used liwlead qf the morning appetite. And with the sausages. Bacon Is bC5it cooked over fhlch-tlm e the group will attend meeting, Priies were awarded Mrs. nure phyiail rtiUUtir* m d Ihui »M in rtlm lnf j»n|1y n»rv«, UjMti dbtnM Irnm days filled with the activities of n slow heat. It should be turned often the showing of the picture a t the Clyde Allen. BlLss; Mrs. C. A. Little, new season. It is very Important and the fa t drained off frequently Orpheum and- later gather for re ­ Bliss; Mrs. Charles Hobdey, Bliss; worth UvtD(. For OYW ( There Is scsnethlng new under the , th a t the first meal of the day pro­ so th a t th e bottom of the pan Is freshments. Mrs. Lee Clair, Hagerm an; Mrs. •nolh«r how ... |o "•mlUnf thru" »ilh sun and It Li to be found right here vide energy for work nnd play. only well greased. It .<hould t>e All French students a t the high Ethel Stevens. Gooding; Mrs. Em­ rinklum'*—ov«r 1.000,000 «on«n havo Here's Way In Twin Falls. tint ilorlou* It in cooked until it Is a golden brown school and former studenLs arc In­ ma Severe/ Oooding, Mrs. E. L. MUST BE One of the best ways of turning and evenly crisped. Designed and buUl to fill a de­ vited to attend. H iose not taking ChapUn. Hagerman. mand for a more accurate, more ireakfast into a real meal Is to Winners In the Kerr Canning A nother sausage combination for the subjcct a t the present time are nclude bacon or ham or sausages efficient and yet Inexpensive method a tasty breakfa.st is bf\kcd sausages requested 'to contact Marc Feay, contest were Mrs. Ruth Allen, Bliss, the menu. These are not only and apples. Place the link sausages general chairman. for testing w atthour motcrs is the and Mrs. Eva Hamilton, Bliss, for invention of M. E. Shotwell,, service appetite - tempters but they Other.-5 working on tlie arrange­ fruit; Mrs. J. Komher, Oooding and In the center of a roasting pan and foreman for the Idaho Power com­ energy providing foods, giving the let brovm In .modcrniely hot ments with Uie chairm an and the Mrs. C, N. Brcvlck, Wendell, for pany. To the electrical public It will body "fuel" for the wear and. tear Core ta rt apples and place them Instructor. Miss M argaret Seetlioff. vegetables; Mr.s. Brcvlck. Wendell, be known a s the Shotwell ReHecto of the day. around th e sausages. Relvim to the arc Shirley Hutchlr«on, Arleen Eb- and Mrs. J. Komher, Ooodfng, for Variety Is as nece.viary in a break­ oven and cook slowly until the sau­ erhart, Dorothy Davl.s. Meter Tester and th e apparatus meat. designed and built In Shotwell's fast menu a.^ In any other meal of sages and apples are well baked. The club Is scheduled to meet a t Plano music was furnished dur­ home workshop.. the day. and homemakers who real­ Baste them occasionally with drip­ 6:30 p. m. on the designated day. ing the style revue by Mrs. Roy CounU Revolutions ize this are always glad of Ideas .for pings in the pan. Parson.s. Hagerman. Group singing , Generally stated, the new Inven­ quickly and easily prepared break­ One discovery m ade by strato­ wtis lead tliroughout the day by Sausago links and pineapple arc tion comprises a system fo r a u to ­ fasts which ore )ust a lltlJe dif­ served togetfter frequently tor & sphere flJ6ht.i is th a t the a ir a t Mrs. Ejjld Bflptle, Hagerman, and matically counting the revolutions ferent. tasty breakfast combination. The such heights, although much rarer Mrs. Ddnald Dafoe. of th e disc of a w atthour meter, the Little link sauiHge.i, delicately aftuuges are cooked first; then the than th a t near the ground, contains Buffet luncheon was served a t the kind which every house using elec- browned, served with putlles of com pineapple slices are brdwned in the about the same percentage of oxy- Civic club roonu a t noon by the t r i ^ y . has wount«d o n 'o n e side p r meal mush, cooked the day before sausage fat. Hagerman 4-H club girls. gen. the other. I t Is possible to t«st any and then browned In the sau.saee A. C. w atthour m eter which Is fa t Just, before serving, are sug­ equipped with the customary type gested for the family breakfast,' of disc w ithout making any changes This combination, by the way, Is ' T n r. s \ v T. ti T E s r o f a l l s o v n d s i s p r a \i s e " In the meter, by merely adjusting Just as good for a supper dish, 'Hils the apparatus to th e meter. is the way to prepare It. The present trend In consumers SAUSAGE AND CORN MEAL metering Is to the socket type meter. PATTIKS ChuB e a n d S a n b o rn A great many of the bottom con­ Place llitln link sausngcs in a nected meters have been converted cold, frying pan. Cook slawly. If E v e r y P o u n d G iin ra n te c d over to the socket type, which neces­ desired, a tablrs]K>on of water may "Now, th a t’s w h a t I ca/l good co^fft sitates readjusting the m eter and be added, tlie sklliet covered and standardl^ng on full and light loads. the sniL'inBcs allowed to cook until TTie Shotwell Invention h as proven done. Tlien tlir lid U removed and lo be very satisfactory In th is work. the sausages are browned. Tlie accuracy of the device makes it Rtmove the .saiwages and brown possible to make very cl(»e a d jiu t- the slices of corn meal mush In the ments on b o th 'fu ll and light loatls fat. with one revolution of the meter disc, for each load, thereby saving great arnount of time. Havrs Time It iia.n been revealed, while the new tester has been a t use in the JdnJ)o Power compnny bulMIng here. th a t wlUi It .the testing of a meter nverages five and one fiuarter m iniiles from llie time the new meter In taken from the box, mounted Ihe testing board. lMt«d and ... CARtY, Sriil, ■30 (Hpccliil)'—HlKli plnred In the original container, iM'hoOl bund ntnl Junior Ii IkIi acIioiiI Foi:iurrly the oi«>rBlion took twirc ns orchcnlran aro Ik'I uk niUi\i.slnnllrnlly Ion?. In additloix the new device Is orKatilrecI by llvrnn I»euti, dlrr*;toi-, iinl difficult to operate and does not Mihi PlU'llI' yuliicy lia.i btfii cliosreauirn a trained nprrnlor lo net r n dri|fe) iniijnr, and Uiihy H|inrkn, accurale results. Tlie devire U Copy- Jean Adanuou, llciitrlcir I’liikc and rlBht<'d and reglnUrred in tlfe l.lbrnry of CongrrM, tiix'cliil lnu^ll' , . , for the natltninl rdurntliin week lo O u n rl Tlio siicceAS of the invention traceable lo the rleclric rye and the be held In Nuvcmb'T. Now nirmlH-i'.i Imvc Ix’en adilrd lo n|>rratlnn Is simple. The m eter te.^ted is rhecked with a standard meter tho ^inlor liitiKl, nnil it stiliig cuA D e l M onte which U jwrfeclly iiccurnte, An.hiKh srinljlc 1a iM-liiK lUTiitiiif'd. M nrrlin A T w in P cakH as 60 meters ii day have been teatod itiid I'ontr.it iniMilx'rs arn l>rlMK rti* ■ Peas 1 TomutocH by the new devlro and, from Unin hfarfipd. H Rarly 'O a rd e n Variety Halvm or Bllccd ■ Solid Pack to time, every m eter on every house nnd business loratlon in Uils area ' will find lU way to the testing board, i c . .. | 6 c ,. TiiB Idaho Power, for the protection 1 2 4 C an. « 1 .» B 1 2 4 o a iu ........t 2 . t S 24 S3 .S S of the foiiHtimer, demands accuracy 111 tlie met*rs. The new Invrnlliin of Mr. Hhot well Is mounted nn a testing board wJilrh w(u de-fllffiifld and roiistrucled by M, A. Newman, division meterinsn of the Twin Kallii-Jcn)mn divi­ 041 IIRITATIONS DUI TO COIOS sion, Both Uie tenting bourd and the meter tester are the only ones In la your m o u th -a iu l enjoy tlia w on­ USA a t the preseDl time allhougti lit d erfu l relief (lik t cornea aa th e lrrl> the near future they will both be te d m em braiiui a re batlicd w ith .iiopular and well known thrmighout . ta ao o th ln im ed k atlD tifu r D to lS m ln * th# eleclri<^Hl world. 1 ^ 1 R aspy liuikliiBU U cAM d.. .U n - Days of Don’is are Over! Bccause When You Buy . KOTEX You Can Be Sure RINGS Tempting Breakfast Offers Way to Start a Day Right FRENCH CLUB TO SEEIIOINE ............... 20c Do This If You're NERVOUS Local Man’s Device \ i d s Meter Tests ....... .... $1.00 A oC.ld e n R u do.le C, Anderson A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE F A L L FO O D t C O FFE E 2 lb s ... 45C This is the time of year when yoiPlI want to stoclc up on canned goods. . . stap les. . . and this, is your opportunity . to mai<e real savings. Shop - our entire stock . . . and' itnow the satisfaction of b u y i n g w id e ly known brands at prices th a t consti­ tu te true savings! FREE DELIVERY ON LARGE SCALE Phone 2 7 0 -7 5 0 Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING Del M(mte I’cachcH $ 1.00 Medicated bath brings quick relief from DRTCOllGHS FINfiKIU'RINT TKAMPH TOLEDO (U.P.l-I’».llce are llngerprintlng and iphotographhiK resi­ dents of ahanly districts here in effort to prevent an infliiK nf i fortunales from otlier town». wli similar purges of aciuatters caiudng migration, , •■IIC A denoy to coiuiliing ip u m s checked . . . . becauM a V lila Couah D rop t« aetu aliy m « d lca tr(l...in rd fro lfd w lth '* th e throat-#o<ilhliut ’----- — VIoka VapoRut), faiiw disoom forte of colda. M e o ic A T e o VICKS COUGH DROPS Wo Iluvo tllH N j^W VICTO It liADIOH & U A lH o n iO N O G nA P II-C O M m N A T IO N H 49c |3S;.?...39c Sw itrs ROLLED HAMS Oooff Come Wns PiRAise Smr Day Thri'R'is nn(hii)|{ more gratifyuiK hiivc, your r.imily or f^ticab say/'Now, tlial'it whal 1 call f^opd co/fee/’*And you can rxppct thifl ncmiinc praise when you snvr llilh Hros. (lofl'rc. The flavor urvrr H w lfl’H PXlllK LAUD Hcko l.ilv SHORTENING ro&rl Brand HACON Sllcnil o r ill Ih t' plnco 29c 4 57c I l i t l a H ro s. C o f l c c h a s b r o u g h t c o i n p lim r n ts — aj{ain a n d a g a i n — to m illio n s o f w o m e n t i u r i n g t h e p a s t a ix iy y c a ra . .■...X.4SC ------- Aak for Prre D em onftratlon— - - SODEN ELECTRIC Rika liulldlni r h o i i u fiOl HI LL S B R O S C O F F i e Vu Om iu MCMni r«a •*!» iH v iri Attr mirmn • » c o m f . u n M Z I P - W A Y so, 4M9 IPAHQ EVENING TIM ES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO • s e r ia l s t o r y "^HIT-RUN-LOVE TM M Nari T E L E P H O N E 88 Shots ruU K*A m t u » B ftrlci. The G tntlem ui in the Third Row ■im scR irn o N BATta w itk, Ue: X o o ^ 0.33: 1 t«u> --- m uito® tilhe*5l*H le^oe5n51*R eiede 1 mOBUk S e r i nw . ' 1 B o M ^ a o t: s m S u u . « ! « ; l y w . <a.oo (i*}- y liw o r b r ordar of c o u rt o f c eap et« n t lurladlellon to b t ftu rK lij_ __ £ u * o ^ th li p»BOT P iu . I be Dubllibtd In tb a I_______ u uMed «Med tb«ftu> raw tio B sa-iM L o. A. 1S3J. M tb«rtu> b? C&kpier iSi. i«39 Semlon L tw t o t KUho. WATtOHAL R B T tra B ^ A T T T O ShaU We Slick O ur Necks Out? MUSIC DEFT. *H>rcbei(n Leader 8*yi Conecr* tliu - GrMte>t Lf M o tle a l l i u t n t Item. It's t i l accordion to w hat you like. TO ether you do or don’t agree with Upton Close and the foreign policy stand he urged in his Twin Palls address, the emphatic declarations by this vet­ eran international observer should leM you t 6 do ___some-serlous pondering. ^ Mr. Close, Oiundering his assertions in the best of platform style, declared th a t we Americans, should "stick our necks out” for once in a firm stand against smothering of the democracies by dictator nations. He ' machine-gunned U. S. foreign policy in' Europe and How to Foil a . Bandit OB. BE NONCHALANT IN SIX PABTB D ear Sir; Uoabashed ^ the Ironic reply from Professor PUl. who seenu to think m y mcthodj(or_iltopoatn< o(. panhandlers U cruel, I have delved into my system and can re* abominable inconsistency.” He warned that refusal deeper po rt th u s far th a t I have been able to take a stand because some other country might not to extend It to one other clast of unsaTOry person. ’ ■ like it, and might wave its fist a t us,-i* “downright I refer to the.holdiup man. cowardly.” And he painted a grim picture of Amer­ I n th is instance, southern Idaho folk following my eclentlflo adriee ican youth following “an American Hitler on horse­ -would perform In this wise: Let us say you are walking along back” if their elders persist in such cowardice. peacefully when out pops a hold-up T hat’s strong language. Perhaps a vigorous stand n a n from a dark alley. "Dls la a stlck-up," he snaps. by f te United States would frighten Hitler. Perhaps ‘Holse your dukes in the air. Shell it wouldn’t And maybe a hard-boiled attitude to t y our dough. And If ya yelps. 111 ig y » .” Japan would Mow up the Rising Sun. Perhaps not^, W hat do you do then? Elevate Mr. Close did not advocate sending any American your hands and let him have your money you need to pay {im ps abroad. NSTraie inTjis Hglit mind favors that. mooey>-the th e rent? Not a t all. Keep cool. Be A nd I F our troops are not sent to w ar abroad, Mr. no n c h a la n t.. 6peak to him In this vein: Close’s hard-boiled policy wouldn’t bring disastrous ■■My good man." you say. “your 'i.\ iepercusdons and m ight be ju st the medicine needed. technique Is very reprehensible. I t to see you dlft.a ran k am a­ ’w jr h y s t^ tt Mould sweep America once more iste uplain r a t this sort of belligerent p4sf r — sod we sent our troops to foreign lands, the fa t would tlme.” . This o p e u bla eyes very wide but -----------------------'-------------t^ -ls riirlta rflrK — don^t lower your hands y e t first place, you Jumped The noted author’s claim th a t vacillating U. S. o ut“Inof tha edark alley so fast I m ight iB . e n d a n g ^ g our democracy because the have been frightened and screamed subconsciously. T h a t would bring and intolerance of the H itler t ^ e are already th e police. ^AmeiSca—this is something else again. It " I m ight polht oul.” you go on. aa for telling m e to ■hoUf my )> a ] ^ ty we cannot ris k Mr. Close says ■'that bands, th a t’s a te c h n ia l misnomer h w fa tin g foreign policy would bait of which you should be ashamed. olst would Infer outside m echanical to'Am erica’s cherished principles of Haid. Instead, I lift my h a ^ through musculajf interrelation and co or*aUon from within." I there no othec^way to stifle intolerance in H is g un if wavering by now as he amaeement. You can lowby Bttddngflur necks out to d o lt? . , glareajA e f your arms half-way. , <dukea,’ A fter all, we like o u r necks. • ' “As fo r calling my. th a t's alM a most damaging bit of testimony, it-in d ic a te s you have engaged In the a rt of fisticuffs for money. All the police need to do Is h u n t a likely ex-prittflghter. Ergo, ^ 4 W * «t«goof the game i t’s a little difficult to de- you would be incarcerated within Si ju s t M o ’s ahead in the long, uphill fight to hours." A slight fear Is In his eyes now, ' k e ^ fo ifh e s of study an integral part of the Ameri- th e customary fear of the ignorant in th e presence of w hat they believe <an eoUege and high school. is Insanib, You conUnue blithely: tell me to shell out my dough A niWB story arrivra concerning the ingenious tac- - t h"You a t , IncldenUUy. U gram m ar of tlc^ one teahw of Latin has adopted to save the life veiy poor q u # llty -y et all th e time fore* me to keep my hands In hir.courw . She. practically forces the students to you the air. This indicates an extreme* ttu d y their Latin by relating i t to the study of famous ly low caUber of logic. And U your la tnis poor. It U inevlUble th a t 'football CTploits and players. I f the boys don’t learn loglo you will make a «Up sqmewhere to ’tb eir Latin, they,don’t get the football “dope” the bring prom pt arrest." You bring your hands all the way teacher has to offer. down, now, and shake a finger vigor- S L ure fo r Students of This is a clever dodge as a temporary measure, blit ■where do you suppose it’s likely to lead iii the long run? Who’s winning in this g reat American teacherstudent battle? I t looKS as J f ttie students haveuqieee* ■ breach. Isn’t it logical to v i ^ l i z e the teachers of tiu near future frantically s ^ g g lin g to justify the teaching of say,, history or sficiology, as an incidental a g u n c t to courses in fam oui end runs and , triple , .Oh, well, it’s probabfy illogical to object. A fter W , fMtball has long since become a big business, and If .the Ainerican student is going to be getting good boalnew training a man can hardly do much protest­ ing oh th a t score these days. Clues on th e Farm Two stories that have appeared on nature-stunting on the farm may be evidences of nothing but two farm a rt’ hortlculturally adventurous tendencies, "Ur they b« something else again. ^ .One man in the west has been growing more ki nds of iW ta on a tingle tree th a n jo u can count on the fingers -;0r-b0th hands. Another man way over in Now Brunscome througji w ith an appie tree that bears SO xbletIm of appietfSnd two varieties of peats, bet ayeryone hope th a t this ia just good, ciean fun, Jjnaybe. It’ll Jbe lu st th a t The time being one of qm lc« In the field o f speculation, a man cnn’t help qlng himaelf speculating on the poBsibility th at . ie <vai^rtblng-from-one-tree adventures may be a im r *t«p toward universal self-sufficiency, which is t ^ n s n> be theiobiesalon of the age. jn u ra appears the vision not merely of more and iw^i^Belf-aufflcient nations but of highly sclf-sufflIdualawlthln-tlwitations,'fulfilling a llth e ir n jn few .everythlng-trees, a combination j^ g e ta b le -p lo t, and say, a super-machlnedandy if there didn’t also arise the rNU-aufQcIent Individuals following the •motional p a tte m i u m e of the nations btaswra MUIng today.. A man lls 'irorld full of peopla bu«y. a t one another. . a« , an d wipe T ake the pu th e slate clean.. 11 you do th a t you stand a chance of a Iraje n t v e rd ic t You can't He, L arry. You m u stn 't" *• M M r* CHAPTER IX A N innocent m an. T he w ords seemed to echo In th e stillness of the'M cG raw living room aft* r P a t spoke, them. L a rry looked a t her, their eyes m eeting in a gtlll, tense duel. “AU right, let's p u t th® cards on th e table." he said calmly. "Y ou've asked for it. Ob, I know you've been careful, very careful, n e t to come rig h t o ut and asK m e if I h it those people. B u t you’ve looked it,e v e r since I cam e this e v e n i^ . "1 suppose you think I should go down to these papers th a t have been running the siory^ about a h it-ru n driver a ll day an d beg them to •print niy story—th e story of m y driving into th e w om an and child. WeU, I h it them, b u t I ’m not a complete fooL I didn’t de­ liberately drive into them . They shoul<&‘t have been standing out there in th e m iddle of th e i t r e e t I t w as raining. You k^ow t h a t I didn’t see them until too late. • “I'm not taking h it-ru n builn e ss as a recrcatlon. I c ouldn't help w hat happened. I didn't actually know they w ere h u r t W hat good would It have done, anyw ay? Who would have believed me? They'd all b e like you: too anxious to p u t m e in a Jam. W ell, I'm “S ol going'io stick o ut m y chin on this. You m ay as well understand th a t now. I have a rig h t to pro­ te ct myself, and- I ’m going to. I t I s n 't a i though I w ere a gunm an —o u t killing people. This w as an accident I didn't m ean to do it, and I'm n o t going to let an y sm a rt cops and prosecutor h a n d m e a rap ." H is words beat a t h er. W hen he stoppej*, breathless, w hite, tense, she found h e r own breath rasping in h e r th ro a t Subconsciously she had been prepared for th e adm U slon of guilt.' Y et she had felt th a t hU agony o f rem orse, his de­ sire to m ake retrlb u tl6 n ,'to throw him self on the m ercy of th e c o u rt would give h er grounds lo r h e r Isstlng love. /This was too u nex­ pected. ^ "You don’t m ean theae things you're saying. L arry. Y ou c an 't m ean you'll lie o u t of I t . ^ " I ’ll protcct myself,” h e aaid angrily, lighting a clgaret an d flinging the m atch aw ay w ith sud­ den fury. “Anyone else would.'* "Yes—b u t not th is way. Adm it th a t you w ere frightened, d id n 't realize a t th e tim e th e seriousness of w hat had happened, U ll the court you w an t to m ake good, pay th e h ospital blUa—an d aU the rest. T T wM a 0 7 of despair, fo r looking a t him she felt ra th e r than h eard his answer. •■A man’s innocent until' proven guUty," h e told her, " a n d -U they: can prove it—” T hat w as th e w ay It ended. Before she could add m ore of ^ e pleas th a t w ere on h e r Ups he bad gone. Sometimes during the n e x t few days she wondered how she lived through that n ig h t The horrible knowledge th a t L arry w u guilty, th a t he m eant to carry o u t his pretense, formed th e t fo r a reality worse than any nightm are. S h e ' w as sw ept algng on th e routine o2 life, though. T he n e x t morning found h er facing the fam iliar tasks aa before. She w ent to the bfflce, s i t a t h er table in court, took notes, smiled greetings a t police and lawyers. Then th e re w as a sudden flurry of ex citam en t "T hat R ent case,” Sergeant O'Shea explained, straightening th e cards before him. **He*a-got Church for his lawyer." P a t clenched h er hands to stop th e ir trembling. Thoughts m arched dully through h er brain. .Church was a good law yer; good a t find­ ing loopholes, good a t defending guU ty-m an.-U -took all hec-courage to look up a t the m en sta n d ­ ing before the Judge. Larry was there holding his h a t in his hands,~hls h a ir shining like gold, his clean-cut features w hite an d stem . Church w as efficient talking With th e p at phrases of th e c o u rt H er pencil moved across the w hite sheet of the pad w hile th e technical pattern w ent on; The reading of the charge, en ter pica of not guilty, ask for continuation of bond, a week's stay granted, th e consultation of the calendar, flash bulbs crackling, reporters clustering around the bench ' catch the date for trial by Jury. T or a second Larry’s eyes m et P a t’s. They were cool, unem o­ tional. It was only by th e slight twitching of his lips that she, who k new him so well, could re a d his nervousness. She glanced up again and smiled a t him . She m ustn't turn against him now. Surely he would realire before it w as too late. W hen the tria l tually started he would change his mind. I^ow he w as bew il­ dered, c6nfuscd. HISTORY Of Twin Falls City & County As Oleanqd from Plies of The Times 15 YEARfi AGO ^ SEPT. SO^IOZS The bobbed-halfra, frank, clgarette-unoklng dapper who has be­ come the pal of her adm irers is on the wrong track. She'll never get married, and even If she should, somo other woman will cu t h er out. At least so thinks De Bacla Mooers. French screen vamp. J u s t 'a r ­ rived In till* <ountry, under con­ tract to F irst National Ploturea. ' Today .at the Rogerson hotel. Mrs. Charles Neely entertained w ith an eiqulsttely appointed luiKheon, w ith places laid for 50 (tiMAts. I<at«r the group played cards a t the home of Mrs. Neeley. Mrs. Richard WUaon, Seattle, won the high score prise. ously under his nose. ■■And tak, tak," you say, "tailing me not to yelp. My good man, hum an belnga do not yelp. Canines, perhaps, but n o t humans, i f s evident tliat you stopped a tundlng school a t an early age," You reach out and pull his gun away. You waggle It a t him reprov­ ingly and say, "Don't you k n o w -’’ Dut you can go homo wiUi the money to pay Uie rent. He's Uirea blocks away by no«, vowing to him ­ self Uiat something ought to be done U p ul the crasy people over a t Blackfoot - - T h e o p h llu Bqulrt T H E Y RRALLY O lV B Y O U A G O lN G -O V E K t P o l S h e ts i Jo a Bl«w over a l r iv e P a la to sa y s t h a t w h lla a tb r w h ln g m a e h ln a is u su a lly d e fin e d aa a devlea v ia d o n f a m i erope, h e flgorae I b a r e a l Ih re a h in g m aeh lnM a re (h a lo iim e s o f Uia goesipe. -U e e k HNOOrr WE'RJE INBUtTBDI Pol tiholter: I couldn't Ihlnk up five flimsy whimsies on a bet.lind betides, your contest leema to bo ended. But I've got one whimsy th a t I .was told t» lend In to you. Xwas given my orders by the young Isrty who was I ^ t Bhotletl yesterday by one of your contrlbi, "THe Snoop* or." who told about the twi> h and­ kerchiefs th a t formed tlie under----------- a k ln , My flimsy whimsy is: Pol Abota-A ioop —Her Bey Friend P. a.-~8J»a borrowed Uie two h and­ kerchiefs from me. , ^ , ' ^A M O U g LA ST U N I . I. Don't mind lu. b * y » ^ (‘a jjf « oowilry y,n*ra mHUag T H i OBN1XBMAN IN THK THIRD ROW Mrs. n. C. Beach wtll leave soon for several months' stay in Lewis­ ton. Mrs, Beach lived in Lewiston before coming to Twin Falls. 2?' Y E A R S AGO BEFT. SO, 1»11 An exchange says the fellow who gets mad a i a newspaper beoause It tells something on him, ought to give thanks three times a day for the things It knows about him , but does uot t«li. Conurrssnmn Burton K French arrived lu the clly Sunday, and Monday evening delivered a lecture In the Metltodlst church for th e benefit of the ptibllo library. The lecture was a description of the Panam a canal, and was tlliistrated by Innterh slides. The lecture was well attended and a neat sum added to tlie library fund. Mrs. O. 0. 'PraAk,, a prom inent artist of New York City, who haa been standing the i>ast m onth a l the tihothone falls hotel, returned to h er home in New York Monday. During her slay here,M rs. I'raak made a number of tkelohes of the falls and the canyon, both above and below the falls and also Dhie These sketches will be eiir ind plaoed on eahil:----New York City and Paris, You May N ot Know T h at^ By NAOMI R. MARTIN T h e wild h o rs e s ‘ra n irin ir on Qolller m o u o U ln a ro aftid to 1m desc en d an U o f S panish m ustangB . om iffran t Btravs A d d b lu e oloodfld atallionit b ro u g h t A) t h is a r e a by S p ark a a n d H a rre ll, pioneer sto c k m e n 6 t s o u th e rn Idaho. BY MARGUERITE GAHAGAN c o F Y iu a K r. I N C A T lunch down in the cafeteria " w ith Tom' a few m inutes later she tried to m ake herself calm, normaL I t had been easier to nca ■ g i iv ic i. i^ o . lu n ch w ith him than to refuse, she found.' w hen in th e hustle smd b u stle o f th e short recess he asked h e r again to go w ith him. “W e'll be through w ith early sessions In another two days," be rernlnded her. “Then we’ll sta rt on th e trials. M ore w ork for you. A nd w e ll sta rt oft w ith a bang. G e t th e K ent— case on th e 6th. Do -----................you k n o w him? I saw you speak.’ She nodded, studying the m enu. "Yes, I know him. It's h a rd to believe h e could do such\a W henever anyone whc know gets m ixed up in like th is it somehow si beUevable.’ "Yes, th a t’s true. I t seei strik e hom e," Tom replied. J b e hasn’t y e t been found guilty. A lth o u ^ from the flle on him w ith th e re p o rt from the accident in v estigation' bureau there's a tough c ase'against him." X O M V fu talking of the coming ■■■ prim aries. Caglly she w orked th e conversation around to the th o u g h t upperm ost in h er mind. • It's r a th e r a break getting out of early session right now. Isn’t it? You can handle some good Jury tria ls, an d some really im ­ p o rta n t cases w ill be up," she said. *‘I m ean if you could get a few convictions on eases that have been before the public it should h elp w ith th e elec tto T shouldn’t It?” — H e -im lle d -B t- h e r.-“Y o u -h a v e th e picture. I t is a break an d I hope I m ake a good rccord. T h at w ill h elp considerably. Of course e a rly sessions a re easier and th is n e x t m onth w ill mean plenty of h a rd virork. Now I’ll have to study th e cases, prepare talks for the Juries an d build up the prosecu­ tion, b u t as you say. If I m ake a good record w ith convictions it w ill r a te w ith the public. “T he voters w ant results ond th e p a p ers w an t trafnc situations cleancd up. - F ines and fecfiircs tho Judges don’t seem to do the trick . Som e convictions and sen­ tences m ay have a better effect. People w ill be more careful driv­ ing if th e y realize the seriousness o f th e situation. That's why. I'm going to do m y best this n ext m onth. W hen I know a defend­ a n t's g u ilty I'm going to do every­ th in g in my pow er to convince th e ju r y o f th a t fact, and I’m not going to leave a single stone u n ­ turned.- I hope this K ent isn’t a good frie n d of yours because bo’s a n exam ple of w hat I mean. A h it-ru n (klver, a woman killed, a child seriously injured—that sort o f th ih g m ust stop, and such cases a re going to get all I have to give." <To Be CoDtlnned) The Family Doctor (This Is the last of three; a r ­ ticles in which Dr? Flahbeln dbcusses ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.) By DR. MORRIS FiSlIBElN Editor, Jonm al of the American Medical ABtoclallojy and. o: Ilyicia, (he Health Magazine PractlcBlly all medical treatm ents of ulcer of the stomach and duoden­ um are related to protection of the ulcer against further Irritation, clUier by coating It over, by changing th e acid reaction of the stom ach to one th a t Is more alkaline, or By preventing progression and Irrita­ tion o( the ulcer. Certain dleta have been developed which are planned particularly to aid ' In relieving ulcers. These diets consist chiefly of foods th a t are not too coarse and contain only smalt amounts of condlmel^V or apices. They are also supplemented by alk­ alis of various sorts which overcome th e acid of Ute stomach. Ulcers which bleed are, of course, most serious. 11)0 appearance* of blood in the material vomited from th e stomach means a prompt opera tion In most cases. Until the patient Is ready for the operation, It Is ciutomary for him to go to bed. Tlie doctor prescribes th e necessary drugs, the fluids, and th e diet, to make certain th a t Uie condition Is under control. The first and moat urgent m atter is to determine whether the bleed­ ing comes from a superficial ulcer or B (Irrp ulcer. For this reason It la n rrru ary to make repeated x ray plrlures, ualng tlie various m iI>stances used to aid In outlliilnK th e ulcer. There are nov^ sold widely In this country all sorts of patent preparatloiui for the treatm ent of ulrrr, tlie claim th a t tliry are good for Indigestion. Tlia num ­ ber o( so*ca)lR(l Atomach rentrdlM h as Increased Iremsndausly In cent years, perlmiM associated wIlli the Increased amount of ulcer, ihh, In turib being cauMd by Uie worry (ind emoUon of depression associat­ ed with the period ot economic ntrrM throiiRh which our nation passing. Experts in the Mayo dlnlo say Uiat one-half the men 49 years of older who c a m e 'to ihrm y because of dyspepsia were to have uloera of tlie ntoma rh or duodrnum, dUeases or the gallbladder, nr cancer, ra th e r Utan alipple dyspeiisla. Tiiere la a se)lllty th a t neglrr.t or are widely exploited, may bo haiardnus to life Itself. • After having an operation or medical Ueatmenl for ulcer It u im portanl to realise th a t one ia not yel quli of danger. Ulcers somelimes ooma back or new ulrers form. ’Hhirafore, every poaalbln fo­ cus of ihfeeUon should be ellmln ' from the body. T nU ) should always be kept In good pondlMon, r o r a t l e u i twn years the paUenl should watch his atomaob and Intestines earefully, T" SHOSHONE , £ h in d the Scenes In Washington By W n x iS THOBKTON Evening Times WaslUngtoa CorrespoBdtnt WA8H1NOTON. S e p t 30-W hllo pension plans take Ib e center of the aU ge In th e faU campaign in several sU tes, th e fa c t is noUble th a t a t la at every state in th e union la m ak­ ing some provision for th e needy aged. Approval by tl)e social security board o f V l^ ln ^ 's plan made it unanim ous, an d by the end of this m onth when th e Virginia work be­ gins, nearly 1300.000 people over «5 years old wiU be getUng aid from th e JoinUy-flnanced state and fed­ eral program. T h a t Is a sizable b1 an d representa n o t a b u t people actuaUy recel' adequate though It is in I t Is an accompllshm m o n am a d n g when t h e ^ t Itaelf was pai............. . ........... an d validated by the sopreme court in 1837. Many propoaals fo r extending, improving, a n d increaalng t h e old-age benefits of th e act are reD utcher is on vacation. Today's ‘'B ehind th e Scenes in Washington’' U written by WiUls In o m to n . posing in congreaoional pockets aw aiting th e session th a t opens a c t a t th is session ia unlikely, how­ ever, despite pressure from t h e ’Thirty Dollar an d Townsend peo­ ple. primary, can scarcely loee catnpaign f o r a fo u rth term governor. S iik e d efeat w:9 uld a severe sctback to his plans, steam will be Injected in to powerful m achine h e h as in sU te. J his as be full th e the V0LUNTEBB8 FOB C Z C C H O ^V A IU A T he cam paign to -break down the lack bf American Interest in ’E uropean affairs w hich so shocks tb a Intem atlonal-m lnded h a s already uegun. Vojta Benee, b rother of the president of u n fortunate O echoalovakla, has arrived from Prague to begin w hat probably wiU be a n ex­ tensive speaking four. T he 1,W,000 Americans o f Otech and Slovak blood are already w orking on plan s fo r a series o f mass m eeU np such aa they conducted 30 years ago w hen they were a n im ­ p o rtan t facto r in establishm ent of ' th e n e w s U te . A tC hicago,‘#B,OOOat- . tended the firs t such meeting. IncidenU lly, should w ar break out over th e C tech o slo n k crisis, the United S tates would be faced Immediately w ith a problem of the raising of volunteer forces i n th lacountry which would exceed any­ thing incident to th e Spanish and Chinese wars. P lans are belnjr discussed Star' raising a regim ent of Jew ish vol­ unteers In D etroit t o .f ig h t un d er ' Canadian colors if B ritain is In-volved.—M any-A m erlcans o f Crech origin would m ake im m ediate ef­ forts to raise both funds an d troops here, which would p resent a trouble­ some problem if tho U nited SU tes rem ained neutral. (Copyriihi, 19M, NBA S en lee, Inc.) THE PBOQRESSiVES PROGRESS The fa c t th a t you hear UtUe about th e L a Pdllette th ird party move­ m ent (National Progressives) doesn’t m ean th a t It Is entirely quiescent. I t is moving, slowly b u t perqepUbly, in th e direction Oovemor Phil La Fol(Clip for reference. letto h a s already mapped. TtOs will not be repeated) T he California Progressive party h a s pledged its complete support BAIintOAT, O CI. 1 an d co-openition to the movement, an d th a t m ay m ean something In S:00 K n a e m ’ B reakfw t club a state where local politics are in 8:15 ^ e k e y e Buckarooi 0 ^ a a ir a d lo n«w i n tih e a so Jumbled a condiUon th a t such a 8d 8 :« a n a I«aer>l m irk e t party has a better chance of com­ '1:00 Shs^V (Inters ing out on top th a n in m ost states. Canned H eat .Q uiet feelers a i« going out to T:1S T:30 B a lM Uma progressive party organizations in ViS. concert orch«stra several sUtea, anjJ no one need be S«0 MomlDt BulleUn Board ra rtsty surprised to see more of the grad­ «:00 ¥ S ? ’c b u rc b Calendar ual state-by-atate buUd-up which S 'l! 2P«n>ns m arket quouU ona M onitor views tb e news G overnor L a Follette h as pre­ dicted. 10:00 American FUnlly Boblnson Chicago headquarters are ___ 10:13 Dreuncime open, an d tho party will have tick­ 10:30 sven von Hallbers’a O riental oi ets in I d a h o . an d Iowa. Texas, Oregon, and N orth Dakota are being wooed by the N. P. A. La Follette. though he faces a 50,000-vote Bepubllcan gain a t the K T Fl PROGRAM ........Ortran treaaurw 12M O 12:15 Rolio Budw D 's Oanc* oreheitra 12:30 Blue room echoes 12:4S T w u ra d lo new i flia h w 1:00 Dance releaaw l a i Bsrnharci Levltow*! salon orcbtstra ;30 Olosl luolauooa. Bulil M entor club held the first BUHL i It is figured that b ut few more days will be required to complete th e cutoff road connecting with the Richfield highway, and sta rt­ ing In town. The section consists of about four miles, has eliminated one bridge, made a changc In the river channel, a t two points and will n good surfaced highway moving mnny of tV hazards ni'soclnted with thC crooks and turns of Uie former route running through the vlllngc. F. L. Stownrt, local mnnngcr for tho Penney store, returned Tuesday from ORdcn, where ho ottcnded a convention and biiylnR session of tho different stores In Idaho and Utah. nuntllng openUlons for tlie season have tjikeii iiomcthlng i f a slow­ down for a lime, but tho past iiiimm cr hn.H w itn fw d tlie construction of B >, U)0 most rccrnt being those of Claude Wilson and K, L, Oome.i, ai;<l an apartm ent liouse of Frank W, Dice, using a simple diet, always eating alowly,-avoiding foods th a t are too hot o r which are Irritating bcrause of spices or condiments. I t Is nec­ essary In such casos to keep tho bowels regular but n ot to Irritate them by overdoses of cothartlc^. I t ta always well, perhn|w. for such people to take regularly n glas^ of mtlk in the forenoon, the middle of the afternoon, and a t bedtime, a n d ,to have such matorlaln nvnilable a t night a t the bedside In raso the sudden pain of tho ulcer re■tums, m eeting of the year Wednesday, .Tbarrtaodiy Hour-w nour-wtUt O. Benrr :1S Concert m lnlaturci w ith Mrs. Lloyd Byrne. Mrs. P ar­ :3i) K soe'i Rawallans sons, th e new presldftnt, announced :4J Th« M u te r »lnser» #• th e program of th e 'afternoon on :09 The Q u etn 'i Hall orchestra :IS Afternoon request bour “T he American ConsUtuUon,” by :1S Clauleal sems Mrs. Ouy Newman, Mrs. Newman :30 W aiu (elections showed a detailed pam plet of the The HomMDun trio :00 Dance P sataslss constltuUon and discussed Uie ses:l> Band concert qulcentennlal. She also read a poem U sriu i B. W lnU r a n d 'b U orcbMin closing. T he. next meeting wlH ua . be In November a t the home of 9:«S The piano tQ ylit L}Ie B tanton modern itr ln i Mrs. Emil Bordewlck. wlUi Mrs. 6:00 S IS Oonsois. mooda Oeorge Likeness in charge. 0:30 Tbe varle tr dsnos orcbeatra ^ . Miss B ertha Rlpplinger opened 6:4S dema from Robin H o ^ Talk bv H. L. BU ftord ' h e r fall tei?n of kindergarten this 7:00 7!lS W alts time week with tho following children 1:30 T ra u ra d lo n e v i flaabca enrblled; Ormond SmlUi, Betty 7:4S Roiton "Pop*” orcbesui I witb the Old H letbrlnk, K enneth Byland, Robert W alnwrlght, Jim m ie Barron, Col­ leen Stewart. Jackie SmlUi, Bobby 8:30 The Victor ml Will W /lih t a Tuckcr, Teddy Hal), Doreen Low. 8:43 #:30A mbaa * Constance Soom, P h i l l i s Ann Olon Hough, Lucille Slieinore, Margarlte fl:43. liaw alian harm onist 10;00 E ienlnc requeat h o u r phllllps. Tlie class Is being held in 11 «> f ilp iln t otf tim e th e Lincoln school bulldhig. One hundred twenty-five Olrl Reserves wero delightfully enter­ tained a t a Eiekantnny PasUme party this week In the Buhl park. Cleverly written clues led the girls to various place* where .watermel­ ons were hidden. T he girls relum ed to th e park afte r th eir tre u u re h u n t and feasted on tho melons, pep talks were given by the older O lrl Reserves and group singing fol­ lowed. NOWI A RJol e( Laoghs tV E L Y H D A W N O A H im Y .S r . STANiEY n m 1 8 c to s >*■ M / - 2 0 « to 0 P- M. Kiddles l O e nnyilm e Continuous rrom lilS P. M. ------ DNCI.K JOG-K'H -------, NorRn'*Alr CnndUloned JOHN MACK DSOWN In tn d Episode '■FLAMING PRONTIBRS” Cartoon - Comedy - Newt H, TODAY and 'iUittOKROWr Tom orrow a t 11:00 A,'M . In A ddition to AboT« (J re a t P ro g ra m t s S if MICKEY MOUSE lO th B ir th d a y P a rty — IIIO PROORAIVf — T O rw it C arteom i t Mickey l^Dose . . . I Silly Symphony . . , Popeye and Bcreea Bongt IIN p(»V - HTART8 SU N D A Y I MANS, lp(K*rl1lA< I V « A N K to a 7 .A C l/ ftM w , IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO ' <0, 1«M Luncheon Fetes Girls Attending Cabinet Parley Idaho Products Dinner Features Miniature Fair, Poster Contest A pproxim ately 75. cab in et m em bers fro m C irl R eserve clubs in M agic Valley d is tric t a r c cxpected to a tte n d th e luncheon tom orrow noon a t th e P a rk hotel in connection w ith th e d is tric t cabinet m ee tin g ojw ning a t 10 o’clock in th e C hr is tia n church. Calendar Woyside club me«Ung has been postponed untU Oct. 11 and* will be held a t the home of Mrs. Roy Haverland. ¥ ¥ ¥ ' Fidelity class of the MeUiodlst cliurch'w Ul have a picnic supper a t 7 p. m. Sunday at the home of R. E. Joslln, ¥ ¥ ¥ C hapter D. P. E. O. Sisterhood, will entertain all P. E. O. chap­ ters of southern Idaho a t the a n ­ nual Xeunecclesla lunclieon to­ morrow a t 1:30 p. m. in the Presh yt/Tlan fhnrch -parlOTS-All unB invited to Surprise Event l o r , Mrs. Edward Rogel Suburban C hurches U n . Zdward Rogol waa bonored la st erentog a t *n Informal lurprlse party In honor of her b^rUiday a o n i m u r y . 'n ie m n t took pltoe a t (he ltqgei home, 1U7 N inth avm ua ist. CUURCU OP C B B IB t ‘ Arranging the ooculon were Miss EDEN Eunice Ewer. Mias M argaret Egbert, Orland Wllkerson, evangelist. M iu Velva W »tt. M lu Mary OUlea10:3Q a. m. Bible study. ple. Harley Bmlth, <ierald WaUace 11 a. m. Worship and pretchlns. AutUa Wallace. O rland Wllkerson. evat\g«lUt of Twin Falls, who Is conduollng revival services In Castteford, will hold a special aervlce Sunday a t 8 p. m ASSEMBLY OP GOD Representatives from Girl Resjirve ^ W. O. W. hall. Hansen. du b s Id seven southem 'Idaho tovi-ns. II a- m. Rev. B. E. A. Hoffmaa wUl Twin Palls, Buhl, Eden. Kimberly. REOIONAL MEETING apeak pn “Communion." Burley. Haselton and Filer will be ATTRACTS WOODMEN CIRCLE 1 p. m.' Rev. Mabel Schaefer will seated a t tables attractively decora­ Twenty membera of Supreme apeak. ted in the colors of the organization, Forest Woodmen circle will attend 10 a. m. Sunday school. blue and white. Marine blue crystal' the regional confcrence Oct. 17-lS 7:30 p. m. Children's church, under ware and autum n flowers In blend' In S alt Lake City, according to plana the supervision of Mra. Hoffman. Ing tones «iU be featured. made by the group lost evening a t Services will be held on Tueiday and The luncheon prozram will Include the home of Mrs. Jennie Harral. Thursday nights next week. song fcst directed by Miss DoroUiy Weaver, conference music leader. I. ni the Idaho Power company audi­ Miss Betty Dctweller. Hazelton. torium. Feature will be the presendistrict president, will present a :atlon of the circle quilt. "Who's Who,” making brief intro­ Mrs. Elmer "Addy" Adkins, for­ ductions. merly Miss Mary Sabala, w u feted Tap, soft shoe and acrobatic dance Atkinson served refreshments. a t a mlseellaneoua shower arranged num bers will be presenUd by Miss ¥ ¥ ¥ last evening by a group of friends Helen R uth Hill, Filer, to the melo­ AFTERNOON GUILD a t the homo of Mrs. A. M. Routh, dies of -Heigh-Ho" and "1 Think AtTEN D S LUNCHEON You’re Wonderful." United thank offering service of 301 Lincoln Terrace. Appointments for the evening ta tMrs. Helen Henderson, district sec- Afternoon Oulid of the Ascension rcU ry, will make a few remarks, Episcopal church yesterday morning, rled out a bridal theme through the using “Briefs" as her theme. (flow ed by a no-hostess lunch- use of pink and green colon and th e roses. ¥ ¥ ¥ 9 ^ the group at tlie home of Star checkers and other games Mrs. D. D. Alvord! pm OCHLE DIVERTS Mrs. H. G. Truitt, president of the provided the evening's entertain­ LUCKY TWELVE CLUB ent for chi 18 guests. Prises went Lucky Twelve club members spent Guild, and Mrs. J. S. Sutler presided m to Mrs. Fred Block, Mr*, Alice Tate. pleasant afternoon yesterday o t the services,. The luncheon was Mrs. Jam es AQklns. playing pinochle at the home of Mrs. sirved buffet style. Autumn blooms Highlight of the evening came as were th e decorations. Cecil Brown. Mrs. James Blakeley. the bride opened the numerous gifts. Sigma Delta Psi pledges arc Don Mrs. Charles Sm ith and Mrs. Ed a rt students, will be on display. A Mitchell H unt, theology; Mrs. CHnFeaturing th e -‘program was Refreshments carrying out the prise vUf be aw arded fo r the pos­ ton Luke, literature; Mrs. Juanita M artyn, Lloyd Hannanisn. Charles Crawford won the honors. "united thank conversation." bridal theme were strved a t tlie te r receiving the m ost votes from Hull, social service. SUko board Tbpmas^ Darwin Bell. VlrgU Person¥ ¥ ¥ A short business_sesslon was con­ members present were also Intro­ £lQ se-of-the-evenlng on Individual ette, tlo y d T iy e rs and M erieT esin^ th e dinner guests. ducted by Mrs. S. H. HcOlnnte, pres­ LUTHERAN GROUP--------------duced. trays. ster. A committee from th e Twentieth ident. Mrs. Blakeley won the white CONDUCTS EDEN MEETING Mrs. RU£sell Robertson and Mrs. Hostesses arranging Uie event B ert Sweet, president of the club, elephant. T h r hoste.ss served reCentury club, to be appointed by Melvin Ehlers, Twin Falls, presi­ Leland Newey, soloists, and Miss is chairm an of the mock initiation freahments. The. next meeting will dent of the Utah-Idaho district of were Miss A ltha Wells, .Miss' MarMrs. W. W. Thomas, president, will audit th e ballots to determ ine the June Peck, reader, presented th« which h as been conducted this week. be held a t the home of Mrs, Mc' th e International W alther League lorle Long, Ml$s Flora Sabala nnd program. Mrs. Melford Whc&ler di­ Zu Zum pledges are Bob Coiner. Olnnls, the date to be announced. poster winner. of L utheran young people, con­ Miss M arl Lang. They n-ere assist­ the soclal hour. Jack Smith, Phil Thornburg, Dee Routh and Mrs. Alma The sm aller reception room adja­ rected ¥ ¥ ¥ ducted a meeting thU week a t the ed by N athella Whltehcnd presided Jenkins, John Day. Blaine Athay, WelU. cent to the church parlors, where a tMrs. home of A rthur Bruna of Eden. the refreshm ent table, which was Lou Williams, Harvey Hitt and Dean CAPE REFRESHMENTS th e dinner will be served, wni be attractively FOLLOW BRIDGE GAMES During the session plans were appointed with a lace- Banner. arranged as a “fair in m iniature,” covered cloth, a‘ cut crystal punch Tltursday Night Bridge club was mapped for eondueting .“ talent O, P. Wurster, Jim Powell and Joe aU the products of the orchard and service, and purple dahlias quests” In the societies, and the Ryan have been In charge of tho entertained this week by Miss Irene winners are to participate In the field, together w ith m anufactured orange coamos. mock initiation. Serious Initiation Kolilcs. Honors a t bridge went to Intem ntlonal Talent quest meeting commodities of Idaho, being In evi­ Mrs. Charles Coiner and Mrs. Bruce Second W ard Event will be held Sunday at the Idaho dence. next .summer. Miss Vivian Carlson, Olandon. Power company. ^ Occupying th e center of the Guests were Mrs. George Maxwell, Idaho Falls, was named district INVISIBLB R tSO U N O i: Mrs. ¥' ¥ * ' ^ scene wUl be the horn of plenty. Mrs. Ray Lincoln, Mrs. Clarence Nye, chairman. H. O. Lind, theology; Mrs. Arthur KVENINQ GUILD HAS Will completely recondltioa old Committee on Planning Mrs. Coiner and Miss Flora Hayden A letter' was also read from the Watson, literature; Mrs. Oscar Rob­ sboes for tb e fall teasoo. Mrs. Emma Blodgett ia general ertson, social service; Mrs. Charles ENTHUSIASTIC SESSION A color scheme of blue and gold , international president, W alter Enthusiasm marked Uie meeting chairm an on arrangem ents for this Shirley, teacher training; Mrs. S tan­ NEW BRA SHOE RBFAIR as featured in the floral appoint­ Helmke. and Miss EUtabeth Welck, event, the m ost ambitious undertak­ ley Cockrell, assisted by Mrg. John of the Evening Guild of Ascension ments. Tlie group went to Wray's Pormo. was named district sales Opposite Umbo Theater ing of th e autum n season for club KIrkman, Mrs. Pete Johnston, Mrs Episcopal church last evening at cafe for refreshments late In the m anager for Wheatrldge Christmas members. Assisting h er are Miss B. G rant K llboume and Mrs. Q. s th e home of Mrs. Lester Powell, 1SS3 evening. senls. ¥ ¥ ¥ M arie Aukcrman. president of the Crump, work and business; Mrs. H Maple avenue, Following a report from Miss Mrs. Richard Smith won the prize MEMBERSHIP club; Miss Ixetta McCoy, Mrs. W. Tuckcr. organist, a nd Mrs. Claude Vcrnlca Dlcrker, Clover, editor of in a Bible questionnaire directed OCCUMES RODM MOTHERS , Mabel Belleville, Mrs. Belle Or^ene Brown, chorister. the district Bulletin, Rev. Mr. I and Miss B tU Riley. Musical numbers included a vocal by Mrs. T. J.'H lcks. and Mrs. Guy Renewing memberships and se­ Schultse, Eden pastor, gave an in ­ T hroughout the dinner hour a duet by Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Rymah was winner In the contest curing ^ e w members In P.,T. A. spirational talk and Rev. W. F. T ot Iran Firem aa Pnrebasenl games, in charge of Miss Florence program of background, music will Brown; two accordion solos, Mrs. formed the topic for dlscu.'alon yes­ Dannenfeldt, Clover, pastor mem­ be provided,'consisting of violin and Mary Rogers: two vocal solos. Mrs. Lusk. You C an Now Own And terday ftt a meeting of thfi-room ber of the board, directed the clos­ Autumn flowers in profusion m ade m others of the Lincoln (‘‘P ire n t- ing prayer. piano num bers to be arranged by Robertson. The group sang “One U se A n Iro n F irem an 1 attractive background for the T cacher association. Plans tS n t pre­ Hundred Thousand Strong,” theme Miss Bessie Carlson. H e a ttn a k e r W ith for the year. evening's program. Mrs. Powell was sented by Mrs. Ralph E„ Smith Mrs. Cockrell and Mrs. Johnston assisted in serving refreshments by when the group'm et a t the home of N O T H IN G DOWN PAPER TABLECLOTHS presided a t the punch service during Mrs. Harold Hoover nnd Mrs. Tom Mrs. Earl Johnson. • o d Qnly U .I1 per mentta Mrs. Milton Powell, chairm an of FEATURE LEA13UE BANQUET th e guardians group', spoke -a t a LetY ear S a v ln p Make Tear Seated a t tables sporting wrapping the refreshm ent hour. The Uble Elness. Room mothers wlU be- presented Paymeots. Enjoy Iron firem aa paper cloths and napkins, and dec­ was covered with a Chinese Jace Preceding the social evening. Mrs. a t the generki P.-T. A. meeting in meeting of mothers and girls a t the orated with red flowers an d tapers, cloth and centered with asters. R eat'N ew l Nealo Hazard presided a t a busi­ October. Mrs. Sm ith and Mrs. N. Blckel school yesterday aft m oon. Quilt Display Following Uie session announce­ ness session. membera of th e High an d Wesleyan ...............................In serving D E T W E IL B R BROS. INC. r A display of ............................. leagues of the M ethodist church held m ent was made of tliree Camp Pires freshmenta. Tlio first grade room P hone 609 a. “Little red school house" dinner contributed interest to th e afternoon, SUNDAY EVENING mothers will be In charge of the to be sponsored at- the Blckel school ;and tho room waa elaborately d e m ­ PROGRAM ANNOUNCED a t the church J a s t evening. by tho Parent-'l'eachcr •ossoclatlon next meeting. Oct. 27/ An-evenlng of games followed tbe ated with lato autum n blooms. with Mrs. Edward Rogel, Mrs, Wil­ P, L. Lawrencc la announced ai ¥ ¥ ¥ Mrs. L. O ^ r k m a n and-M ra. W. banquet w ith Bruce Evans serving liam Morgan and Mrs. Richard Rob­ as the schoolmaster a n d toastmaster. W. T h o m a/ stake board members the principal speaker for the S un­ ANNUAL BENEFIT ertson as guardians. Studies in readln’, w rltln ' and 'rith- were present. Mrs. Roy Jenkins and day evening services ot the oecond DANCE SCHEDULEp Tickets for the annual benefit m atlc carried out th e school days Mrs. W, F. Salmon were In charge ward. M. I. A„ nt the L. D. S. New officers were electhlJat the church. Tlieroii KnlRht, era repre­ dance of General Lawton camp No. meeting of the decorations. theme. of the Wahtooheye Camp Mrs. Fred Shipley of Stoke-on- sentative, h In charge of the pro- * United Spanish War Veterans, Fire held a t the home of Oene'vlve Discussion of the N ational Youth movement was conductcd by Edgar Trent, England, house guest of Mrs. grnm. ave been placed on sale. Benoit tills week. Mary Anne Downs Ml&a Stcl'ln Potter and'MLss Mar­ White, who attended a meeting of Shirley, and Mrs. G lenn Nellson, The event will take ploce Friday was taken In as a new member. the group dUrlng the summer a t the Ephraim, Utah, were out-of-town garet Vance will- present retold sto­ evening. Oct. 14, a t the American Next meeting will be a t tho home guests. ries. Instrum enini selections will be Legion hall. University of Colorado. of Joan Benoit, ¥ » ¥ presented by George Gates. Mrs. R. The ceremony was concluded with L. Orchard and Mlsa Pauline Moyes the serving of the birthday cake and u e rA o n u n it wishes conducted by each member ON PALL OUTING will read poemx. with a n individual candle, Miss Phil Bell 1.1 rhnlrnian of the ac­ Accompanied by Mrs. Rose M. Nortlt, spon.inr. nnd Miss Helen Mln- tivities of the Young Men's M. I. A. ¥ ¥ ¥ and Miss Mnclcllne OarvU), about Present in addition to a large num ­ ler 85 PRESENT AT ber of guests and members were the M senior gU-ls from the Girls’ BIRTHDAY SURPRISl: a t the Ii IkIi hchool wont on sponsors, Mrs, 11. Q, McCftlllster, aleague Tlilrty-(lvo Kuestvi uttenrfed the hike and oiitliiR ln»t evening. Miss W Innlfrcd Pryer and Miss T he group Journeyed down Rock birthday ,'!iirprl.ie uurty for A. J. Josephine Throckmorton. H i g h tliln wgcK-^at the Becher league, and Harold Fisher, We.-i)eyan. creek and ntc supper around a Bocher honi<>, 1^20 Fourth aveiuie easts camu fire. Mi\ry .E. W rlaht. rpresir - Arrangements for n h o attractive and novel event were carried out by dent, and Jenii McGtivln directed Varied Ki'nich w n e ' the dlvertl.iecommunity .^lllglng and Shirley Van menls of tlio evening, and refresh­ a group of committees, Virgil Jean ments were served. K night and Loreen Puller served on Hamm the camp (Ire activities. the menu group; Anna R uih aood". ding a n d Duane Toler. Invitations' M ajgaret Ankeny, decoratloni; Vir­ Tlic “ biKirer thoy are, th e ginia Ann Ohaae, programs, C om bining a n u m b e r o f novel le a tu r e s , T w lnrt-F alls B ualness a n d P ro fe ssio n a l W om en’a d u b s w ill e n te rta in a t an a n Id a h o P ro d u c ts Din* n e r F rid a y ev ening, O ct. 14, R elief Societies o f th e f i r s t and Becoiid wnrils of th e a t th e M e th o d ist Episcopal c h u rch . A ll civic x lu b s o f th e L a tte r D ay S ain ts ch u rch in a u g u ra te d th e w in te r's activi­ c ity w ill be in v ite d to cooper­ tie s w ith tw o deliR htfui re ceptions th is week, both urate. A hu ge.^orn o( plenty, formed ra h g cd a t th e L . D. S. re cre atio n hall. R eception of the firs t entirely of Idaho product?, and a r ­ w ard, of w hich M rs. E d n a A rrin g to n is p re sid e n t, took place ranged by a profCBSional decorator, th is a fte rn o o n and w as a tte n d e d by 100 g u e sts. Second ward, will eom prbe th e background theme for th e event. Numeroim w ith M rs. G eorge W a rd as p re sid e n t, held th e opening r e ­ builness houses are contributing ception y e s te rd a y afte rn o o n , displays and conunodltles. M rs. A rrin g to n , assisted by The dinner will be the major M rs. S ap h ro n a L araon and obserrance of N ational Business and Professional Women’s week. M r s . ^ s l i e H yde, received th e Tbe event Is scheduled from 0:30 g u e s ts th is afte rn o o n . A f­ to 7:30 o'clock, an d tickets fo rd in g an a ttra c tiv e back­ N eo p h y tes o f Sigm a D elta placed on sale yesterday by mem­ ground f o r th e reception w ere P s i and Zu Zlm will be rebers of th e club. th e n um erous W a tte a u b as­ ceived in to full m em bership P orter Contest k e ts o f la te a u tu m n flow ers. O u e ts attending th e dinner will in th e clubs a t serious in itia ­ O t/leen Introduced ' be invited to participate In a poster* Officers were presented by Mrs. tio n cerem onies Sunday a f t ­ Judging contest. Posters advertising home products, the work of Twin Arrlngtdn as follows: Mrs. Bertha ernoon, a s a finale to a series Falls Junior and senior high school Mae Hansen, membership; Mrs. o f m ock in itia tio n s this w eek. Receptions Introduce R elief Society Events Mr^. Adkins Feted At Bridal Shower tb e p m U e n t l baU lu M ID Vc n o slu m l a a t ' w e t k . A f t « r - t M ' tntro da etS ona w ere miO», i n tb e d a n c m t ir tik t t T he tree fro i h u th e p 0 « tr ^ . changing color to r«M(nbM closely tb e surface opoq « lU d | t t ' deairea to be Ineonapkmoui. ' . M J B’s RICHER ROAST GUARANTEES YOU FINER COFFEE F U V O R D ^ U y t M 'J-B! Sigma B elts and Zu Zim s Pledge GOOD NEWS CAMP FIRE GIRLS M-J-P is equally delicious made 1^ , m ^ u m or strong—m th Drip or Regular grind. Vbu'll th it M>J‘B Ml/M thananvothercofieeyou 'e fe r have tried. M-J'B ii t rcsit o f coSee,' the m u lt o f double.................. •blendlfl Ing—yEn/blendedgrecn, o f a g e lo ff^ w h i^ p en n iu a p*rfie»Jmi*n o f fa«oft| io in the th e to . e id o c .. aavor-faaoft H iu i M i s s i v e * m oit M tit^iog fiill coffee tr to r itrengtb. leixM ofw iiarK rrooiitba ' " — r f w a - ---- ------------- GUARANTEE - M 'j'B C o ^ U g u a n u ite e d to make th* best coffee fou e m tasted or youf,moQey will W refunded. ' ' , v THI c o ^ f The Accent is on SPEED CLASS B hnrd o r th e y fall" g am e. ThAt'fl tho ajipcnl thcno Hmaller teum s will Imvo fo r thouanndn o f football fnna In floiith-ccntral Idaho. FahI action, quick tiiinkinff, deception . . . . IhfHo tonniH really have HumothinK in thcHn (lepnrtm cnln to offer. And (h u rt iuIhh ncclnR footl)ali'R ncw cnt innovntion ’ . Hix-ninn team sM 'Jie niakcra o f B U T i’En* K R U ST com m cnd thcne s a m e s fo r re al e n te r­ ta in m e n t. j CAN THEM NOW! SOM E FRUITS will b e o f f f h . m arkat i o p n . D E M A N D lu g a r grown «nd m a d e In U ta h — b y U ta h farm ori and w orkert. ring Pura, axfra-fine, p a iie d . la c k i. .-„n. ih«r«t Oet. •• homa) Nov. I, opi ----- coacli~ *— borne. KlloaimNI, L. I.. Doipbia. CMck— R«e(. » , JMsmc, bom«i Oct. T. ridr< ll«ld, homti OtU 1«, op«ai Ot«. II. HalNor. II, Oliau Wktj. heiM. OLSNNB r a a a v , Kta sam ii, cMth fltpr M, Buhl. beiMi OM. f, Aiblen. hointt 0«t. M, ojMni Oet. tl, MounUIn Homo, hemoi dec. tt, WMd«)l, lh«roi Nov. 4, HaOty, iboNi Kej; ■iiwh' ' IIAoaaMAN, CIM rrtncf, TWIN r a i x a c » B a, Je h a r u it, cMeh>^>ct. «. aMaiDi. boM i o tt. 11. Albion, hoinsi o c l. if . lUnMn, hoaiet h«m«i Not. You'll Kcl p le n ty of Iiiuk I«h If y o u c om e lo th e II. Hslu. hnu*. m c r r ltn n l’N l>ull ritic a n d w ild c n w m ilk in g c o n le n t a t CLASS B 6.M AN TEAM S Kimberly, Friday Nigjii i i , r f ! ‘- .} :'^ u 4 o „ .V ( g h t ------------ IT 'S I'K EK ANI> YOU’R E A I.L WKIXIOME FolfmvliiK tho o|HintnK cvoiitn of Klinborly'H Second A im iin l’ Harvcnl,4C(iAtlvftl,Hnd M9cr Shown will bo llio biu (Iniicii uuil MSer alm aH phcre n t tho Uocitliiif Clinlr, U ' h nil fo r fu n a n d fu n fo r all Harvest Festival — Spon«or» — K im borly'e Not. I u o im W . beai^ e .tw x T .'i S e p t. 30 a t 7 oV Iock. PloodliK hts. lit tlic o r ig in a l in te r iR O U iita ln BntSuqarCoinpaales VKNDII.L. ClM ahortbsus*, ihH «| N or. 4. ralrttoM , bMB*. Wanna Laugh? C u m m e rfta l C lu b l.U i a muslo. -F O O tB A L L SCHEDULES . . . , rikI tlio fimnller th ey are, th e Hpecdier tho nEPARTURE PARTIES COMPLIMENT MRS; B E tL Mrs. p . 8, Bell, who is leaving soon with h e r luisbund 'f o r lowa, where Uiey will m ake their home has been tlio liwplrnllon tor attractive affnlr.i Ihls week un fashioned shighig achool" party last evening, and a luncheon Wedne*. day afternoon. M e t e r s of tlio choir of the Pres­ byterian clmrch, -ttielr wives and husband r^atten d ed last evenlna’s t*® choir director. M ill Dorothy Call wrote an origi­ nal play for Uio oocaslon, which Inoluoed old favorllo songs and n u ­ merous parodies by M lis Call. Ployd Nealo waa spokesman; Miss Eunice Ewer, leader, and Mrs. J. A. Dygert. plan u t. Mrs. P. p . Bracken I wlUi a gift. fU freshm ents were aerved to the ao giiesU attending. Mrs, H. N. W agner was her hos­ tess Wednesday afternoon, ami membera of Uie B. and T. olulj were .U ie guesta, Mrs. Bell was presented "lUi an alU actlve girt, Uardeii flowers decorated the rooms and luncheon Ublea, * ¥ ¥ i R IK IR U " PLAN UNUSUAL KNTBKTAINMENT It) to Ui4 novel invltaHo^ - J u it^ g m a li) U » cast-offs of y e a rn rtJF d o n 't forget the bed roll, aa no ehalra will bo available; to Plodgo your a t: tendance a t tlw wintor m eetlnss or tiie prloe of admission will beaal’sed . f o r ^ u . - M-Men and Q Jeam r o " u of Twin ^ l U <Miii . “ J O T y ^ ^ r f y tf tls evanhig a t oclook a t tha L. D, 8 , recreation nail, _ “ ™-. King, M n . Zelplia, I and Ollfford Barrow, stake board m em ben. are re sponsorIng tho «T«nt: M uilo by Twln ' Palls and Buiil m usloiaiu wIlP be played d u rin f ^ •■fishing from Um old hole- Hunt., Thuipblng for in lh«i« B U TTER.K RU ST F r i d a y / ^ p t e m b e r 30, ] IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO LEAD WITH THREE GAMES TO GO^ Chicago Nearly Clinches National Flag All Prophet—No Loss Bjr GBOBG^ KIRKSEY . (U BiM r r e « sta ff OoTTMiMndenU Tbe excitlDii MaUon&l league penn u t t n e e entered l u fln&l phase today with the Ohlcago Cuba the i l k ^ v k to n . They were In St. Louis beginning a thne>game series wlUi the .St. LouU Cardinal*—their last games of the »e«on. A month ago they were aeemlngly out of it, but they had won 20 of th eir last 23 games an d now were a game and a half In front. The Pittsburgh Pirates. In second p liM afte r holding onto the lead slcice mid-season and having given every appearance of certain victors, were in Cincinnati to play their last four games bgalnst the Reds. Pittsburgh's cause was a forlorn one; If the Cubs win all three of their games, the Pirates couldn't finlih first e v e n 'If they won ail four of theirs. If the Cubs lose one game. theyTl have to win four; if ,.the Cube loerf-'two out of three: they’ll have to win three out of • four. New Cub Hero Every day It’s been a new Cub hero. -Tueeday U was D la y Dean, who came off the shelf w ith hU limp arm to conquer^ th e P jn tes. •The next day U was fwo favored •< Charlie Root and —T Jittr-Y erterd ay CruUber U e , Jr., ........ - land-of Louisiana, who roM to-new and greater height* to enable the Oubs to lick the P irates for the third consecutive time. Lee now has 33 triumphs, nine of them ahutouta. ouUtrlpplng all oth­ er m ajor league hurlera, and w h ats 'm ore, ha h as been a t h b best^when • th e h e at was on. He was the big im­ petus of thb Cubs' sizzling drive. He pitched four ahutouU in 17 days to tie th e NaUonal league record. He was In every game during the 2 (him. ■■ The'O U bs p a y have niffered a Manytgfaw loss When H u t a e t t had ttn ie r of .bis bare hand by a foul from Rlzao's bat - l a l M nin th . He h ad to R tlra and 'o t t j liQk be abte to catch In the awies.' rScttM of other N aU onal' league t O la a tt Phils R«to 7. _____ ^4T*Beia B nJoayn l .* . <n>e Boston Red Sok clinched toeo i4 plaeei In th e American league h r beating- W ashington IS-B. The n tik M S won one game from the AthleUcs, 'J-4r and played them to • l - I tie In tho second which waa halted by wet grounds. Cleveland beat the W hite Sox, 8-8; D etroit beat th e Browns, 1-3. CUBS'!*. PIRATBB 1 a; ..... ............... .........JO 2M 02*-»0 I m n — RISM 1. Vtuihftisi two hlU — V»u*hM, t#f: ihJM bM« h iu «»ynol<to. Jun«i. Lm Idi p lttb tr Usuers. __________ _ J W ith just City league teams in ae* UoQ laal night, Kimberly took two out of three games from tlie Twin PalU Lumber bowling club, aTRM>etw ^ e r 's won three straig h t fron\. Plrutone. Roy Weller topped the Kimberly club with a three>game total of dOe, but high Individual game Went to Frank Voalka, who rolled a 310 In his first game .out. T iw Kimberly club had r'th tee-g am B to u t of 3 .3 ia UfMond highest ot the week In UtU l o ^ . Miller a nd Klmes tied tor hlgli on the Lumber club with 480 each. BUI Long of D^tweiler’s turned In tha beat Individual pertormance oi avanlfli with a Uiree-game total of > «0-alter hia second game of 214. Bob W arher topped the losing FireitOM ou tfit with a 4fl9, n iB S T O N B W»mar ........137 IBO 173 40B MOOarthr _ 103 140 n a a«o « 1 B | -------------- ISO IM 100 444 ■ S i S d a r a ____ - ifis 14S 1S7 i h .. ... .........110 190 170 400 .......* 7 OBTWBIUB'B Low . 173 314 O. Oetwciler....100 138 WandUng isa ,i40 0 . Blabar lU 133 ^ . :flt>ber...... H i m .TO tfU . 4 3 , ai«o 173 143 m 140 lu .. iiz «07 404 487 ^ F R E D STO N E The Dctwcller team came In all blossofned out In new blacic shlrU and really did themselves proud. Bill Long a t lead checked in wl-.h a snappy 560 total—nol only top­ ping the City league, but the entire week’s play. His 314 middle gam>: was Uic top single, also. John Sleber was the next best Iron Firem an with 467.-* George Uetweiler, the papa of the team,had 437, Wendllng and Charles Sleber 407 and 404 respectively. And speaking of black shirts. George OetweUer looks like a mUllon in his. __B ob-W am er,toppcd Uie-Pircatoncwllh his 469. while Timmons with 175 took the high single. By JAMES A. SULLIVAN SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 30 lU.P.J— Six Pacific Coast confcrencc football teams play among themselves and two others go outside for their foes Saturday In a program ttint promises to clarify somewhat the muddled tflvatlon created by Inst week's resulU. The answer to one o( tlie biggest questions—how strong Is Stanford? —will come from the Indians' game with S anta Clara, winner of 17 of Its last 18 games, including two over tomorrow’s opApent. I f Stanford can get by the Santa Clara team . Sugar Bowl champions, and betting odds are at even rnoney for the game, the Indians will rate as formidable contenders for the coast crown. California Breather California has a breather in Washington State unle.v; Babe Holllngbery has performed mlraclcs within a week. Washington, beaten by Mlnne'BOta, atso draws a compitralivcly easy foe in Idaho, a good im ic team out not big enough for a team like Jimmy Phelan's at Scntlle. U. S. C. also should regain some of Its prestige against Oregon State, whom Idaho defealed. The dark horses, Oregon and U. C. L. A., Ungle a t Eugene in the third conference engagement of the day. I t ’s a tossup between two elev­ ens th a t were the only ones In the conference to do better than ex­ pected in their openln? games. U. S. F, Tackles Montana University of Snn Francisco, ex­ periencing Its m ost lush season, went against Montana tonight. Other F ri­ day games were Portland-W illamette; W hltman-W hltwortli: San Jose State-Cal Tech; Loyoln-College of Pacific: Greeley-Santa Barbara; W hlttler-Laverne: Pasadena - V en­ tura; and Monmouth-PacKlc L uth- AMERICAN LEAGUE W L New York ............. ..........98 52 Boston ............................. 87 60 Cleveland ........................85 64 D etroit ............................82 6D ....73 74 Washington ......... Chicago . .......... ...82 81 ...53 Of St. Louis .............. ...52 98 NA-flONAL LEAGUE W L Chicago ..........................88 61 Pittaburgh ....................... 85 61 New ^ o rk .......- ............. 81 67 Clncinnall ....................... 70 67 Boston .............................77 73 SL Louis ..............- .........B9 79 Brooklyn .................-...... 67 80 PhlUdelphfa . .. .45 103 Buhl Golfers Open Match PlayiiiMget Pet. .053 J92 .570 J43 .407 .434 .381 J47 Pet. J91 .582 J41 .513 .468 .456 .304 Coastal Tennis Tourney-in-----Quarter-Finals Game Baylor-Oklabema A. u d M. a t WiehlU n o is. Tex. CeriMll-Celgate a t Ithaea Harvard-Brown a t Cambridge tehlgpa B I Arbor MlnneseU-Nebrasiu Mlsseuri-Celorado a t C oluabla 'Navy»Vlr|lnla Milliary Inst, a t Annapolis N. Carolina Btate>N. Carolina a i Raleigh ‘ orthwestem-Kansas SUt« a t Evanston Notre D ane-K ansas j t N olr^ D m e phio S tfte-lndlana a( Columbus OregoB-u. 0. L. A. a i Bugene rhlladeiphU Rloe-Oklahoma a t Uouston Benthero Callf.-Oregen 8U te at Los Angelei •Southern ftlethodis4-Arlsona at Dallas Slanrerd-SanU Clara ' a t ralo Alto Temple-nitsUurgh at PhlU ddphla TenMessee-Clemton a i Knosvllle a i Austin J Texas ChristUn-Arkansaa / a t ro rl Worih -X Taiane-Aubam ^ at New Orleans W ashlnilon-ldaho a t Kealtle Washington Hlate-Callfomla a i Fullman W lseansln-Marsu«tti a t Madison Yale-Columbla a t New llBTen •Nlgbi Game. Harry Grayson NBA Bports Editor PJeks Cornell *J,7 lUrVard 18-8 Michigan fiUle 14-13 MinneioU 18-7 Missouri 10-8 Navy • 13-7 North Carolina 14-8 i8-7 'N otre D a n e . .......m . Ohio HUte 13-0 • , V . c . u 'a . , »3-7 U fayette 7-6 Rlee tO-0 Southern Calif. 23-0 So. Methodist tO-8 'Sianford 10-7 Pittsburgh ZO-7 Tennessee 14-8 Tie 13-lS Texas ChrlslUn 18-0 Auburn 14-7 Washington 18-7 California lS-0 WIseeiwIn 14-0 ' Cnlumbla 13-10 RIFLES RIFLE SHELLS schools yesterdsy afternoon as the seventh grade Imya under the dlreotldti of Iiernard Miirtyn and Austin Wallace completed two games. Rwni 318 nosed out 218 A by one point, the final score itamling 4 to 4r~w>aia-Mg-«*m*-«ui-«n-top wiUt^ a 0-to-l win over 310. 143 133 101 487 •tunt. BUI Folsom and Waynd Slokei. 14» 103 133 434 m . IN iM eoe bolh members ot tl)e lo.t.1 squad, shorl Ulks. A fter a number o f aongi with Uie band itnder the dlrMttun of J . T. Balnbrldge, each oUsn president |« v « a brief resume of Uio ticket Ml8 p ro c rm .M id m ad e -a number O rM n b erg , T lgera . P&xadt fitks, K a d .la a - OtI, GUiiU .... — O m t B ritain every oUier home CUft, Browni , AMlit n o io 8«t. T lg era .. s;r......$1.35 Ericks Indiana To Upset Ohio State Bruin BackerB Hold S p eed B all C o n te sts jGet U n d e r W ay H. S. Pep Rally Intra-m ural speed ball eonteata got tmderway a t the junior high P«p rally to liintll entiiuslasm, fof UiB Bruin game with Oaklfiy undn.* the floAdltfhts at Lincoln field t > night w u held tAla' morning a t I'w ln m u high'school. Following tlia routine of th e |iep assembly kchedulq the yell leaders Y e s te rd a y ’s S c o re s C lose O u t Sports Expert Sees Washington Winner Over Idaho by 10 Points PIGSKIN PICKS BUHL, Sept. 30 ( S p c " ^ ) — W ith first round m ^ h e s scheduled to sta rt on SundajCOct. 2,27 golfers to­ day had paid th eir entrance f e e s ' and oUiers were cxpectcd to have entered before th e deadline. Three • qualifying rounds luc necessary. First round m atches m ust be com­ pleted by Saturday. Oct. 8. Those who have qualified Include H arry Barry 83. H arry Wilson. 88. Lee ‘ Howard 88. E. MuUhis 83. Boy Day 86, Fred Lalng, H arold Packer, P rank Squires, Herman Voss 93. Jack TlnRcy 77, Jim Pence 94, Ted Pence 92. Venler 92, Joe Prllucek 88. Webb Cox 75, Ray Wilkinson 82, Jess East- . m an 97, L. Van Riper 70, O. Sm ith 78. Jim Shields 80. A. Flnke 88. P. Boyd. K. CurlLs 85. G. Howard, B. Hustcad 85. J. Fisher, P. Heffelflnger '1, M1S.S Ada Marie Ripley was win:r of the ladles’ flag tournam ent held lOst'Saturdoy. -■ • AMERICAN LEAGUE New. York 7-1. PhlladclphU 4-1. (Second game called 6th, wet -.B y JACK GUENTHER ^ LOS ANGELES. Sept. 30 (U.R)— grounds). Washlnglon S, Boston 13, Casualties among tlie top-fllght St. Louis 2, DetroU 6. players will be numerou.'i today as Chicago 8, Cleveland 9. the Pacific southwest tennis to u r­ nam ent reaches the quarter and semi-final rounds. . Two of the women's singles m atches were of prime Importance. Roy Weller a t anchor look high Dorothy Workman of Santa-M onica total for Kimberly with 508. Frank meets Mme. Simone M athlew of Voslka, wlUi 210 ills first game, got France and Qracyn Wheeler of tlieir high single. Santa Monica faces M argot Lumb of England. Ben Bailey geU the $1.00 weekly Donald Budge was expected to prise for the high single for the lead the m en's.parade by defeating City league with his 22ft—which Ronald Lubln of Loo Angeles. Ad­ was plenty good. Flour Mills get rian Quist. who hopes to be Budge’s free bowling nest week with their nexf opponent, first m ust whip Ow­ 2423 toUl. en Andefson, .who already has knocked off a seeded American and COMMEBCIAL LEAGUE . Saturday also offers. Llndfleld- a'foreigner. (Alleys 1 and 2) Cheney; Puget Sound-Pacific Univ.; Budge moved ahead easily a t Los Utah-M ontana State; U tah Aggles- Angeles (ennls elub yesterday, de-. Sepi. 30-Sego Milk vs. Elks. CoUege of Idaho; Cal. Aggles-San featlng Leonard Schwartz of the Francisco State; Cal. Poly-Chlco CITY LEAGUE Australian Davis cup team, 6-2, 6-3, J 2 Remington A A m ‘ State; Flagstaff Teachers-Nevada; while hU doubles partndr. G ene Ma^ (Alleys 3 and 4) .\u to m tlc Shells ... 7 7 ^ Humboldt-Southern ' Oregon; PoSept. 30—Detweiler's- vs. Fire­ mona-Rcdlands; Tempe Tcashers- ko, disposed of two opponents. Mako ousted George P. Hughes of Eng­ JO-06 Remington Shells. 100 stone.. . New Mexico; San Diego State-Occl- land In the morning, 6-4, 6-3. and dental; Fresno S tate-San Diego Ma­ outplayed Yasumlno K uram ltsu of rines; Arizona-Southern Methodist; Ja p a n lato In the afternoon, 8-3, vote for Georgia: but why did you Central W ashlngton-Idaho Normal; 6-3. iU Remington have to bring this tough one up? Aatomatic Shells . . . . V ^ W . Cal. Frosh-UCLA Frosh; Stanford Johil Bromwich, favored to ineet SUnford - SanU Clara—Stanford, Frosh-Pomona J. 0 .; and U. S. C. Budge In Ufc finals, dlsplay.ed tlie 1-JO -.30 Caliber RlHe »nd after a game th a t will turn loU of Frosh-QlciMtAle. , strokes tliat jn a d e him A uauollan IS-gaage S h o tg n ^ , . hair gray around Palo Alto. mday Slip Madlgan pits his St. cliamplon, eliminating Ted W ellman Pittsburgh-T em ple — Pittsburgh, Mary's Gaels against G o n u g a a t San of Los Angeles and.Q ordon Qlles of - Close Oui no m atter which of Its three back- Francisco. S alt Lake City b / the Identical By HARRY FERGUSON flclds play.s. scores of 8-2. 6-1. His team mate, (United Press Sporta Edllor.) Tennessee r Clenuoh — Let’s settle Harry Hopman. defeated Julius NEW YORK. Sept. 30 OJ.PJr-Pccr- )r a tie .' t - .270 W inchester B o l t Hcldman of Los Angoles, 4-8. 6-4, Louisiana Slale-Tcxas-LoUlslana Ing Into a crystal ball purchased at Action Rifle, with peep sight, 6-4. a rummage sale and choosing to­ The only surprises occurred In morrow's winners on college football the women's doubles, where the d(iand experienced for n Tulane team fields: fendlng champions, MLss B undy nnd 1 - .30-00 WinehcRter -BoUl Alabama-Hownrd — Tlie Crimson still dazed by the Clcmson defeat. SACRAMENTO, Calif,, Sept. 30 Miss Workman were defeated In a Arllon ^ in e , with peep sig h t 'Hde goes to flood stage and wins as. (U.P)—The Pacific Const league play­ quarter-final m atch by MIm Whee­ Vale Wins! U pleases. off series wan a ll'tv e n ' a t one game ler and Mrs. Sarah Fabyan of BosYale -Columbia — B o o fa -b o o la , § '; r $ 6 1 .5 0 Corneil-Colgnte—Cornell easily In eoch today after Son Francisco beat to?i. 7-5, 3-8. 6-4; and In Uie ml):ed a game th a t will unveil one of the boola-booltti doubles, where Mtw Bundy nnd Jaqk 1 - J18 Winchester lUfle, with Ohio S U te-In d lan a-H ere y’ar, Sacramento last night, 0-4. great teams or the east. Stutz Wax the w inning pltchcr, Tldball eliminated Ml.« Coyne n)iil peep sight and sling strap. the day's ujuet. Indiana wins H a rv a r d - B r o w n —Harvard, but (oiks, holding Uie Scions to 10 hits, whllo Bromwich, 6-3, 1-6, C-4. v J likely to b# closer than anybody after a collLilon that will be heard the Seals pounded tlic three Sacrnall the way to the Ea.'^lcr Islands. seems to think. meiilo j)ltchers for 17 safeties. San Mlclilgan-Mlchlgnn 8 la te -U p In Maybe the best game of Uie day. Notre D am e-K ansas-Soiith Lend Frnnclsco wan charged wltli four the air goes a nickel and It comes Player and errors. down heads, so—Mlchlgon S ta ta by watches tlie Irish get off to the I03S Club-< G AB R H Pet. 'Die teamn rc.it toplghL and play season with a victory, a whisker. California - Washington S t a t e — the tiilrd gnme iiero tomorrow FOM, Red Ho* 147 S8S 137 195 .347 M innesota- Nebraivka - Nebraska California 13, wa«hingu>n sta le o, nighr. The rrries 1b th e best four Ilealh, Indlani 133 490 lOZ 168 J I3 did it, 14 to 0. la d year but time Chapman, of seven games. * Northwestern K a n s a s State — marches on; Minnesota by R H E Bed Sox 120 475 02 162 .341 Northwestern, but watch out (or San Frnnql-sco 300 110 130—0 17 4 Mrcr, Senators IZ5 429 78 148 .340 sleeper. OHC Drubbing Rlce-Oklalioma—Uoiigh and tough Sacramento . 010 000 120—4 10 r Lombardi, Reds 125 473 50 160 .338 Stutz nnd Hprlnr.; Walker, NcW' North Carolina - N orth Carolina all the way. with Rice winning, may somr. Plppen and Franks, S la te-A b o u t 20 to 7, with North be by a field goal. • Carolina on the long end of the Washington - Idaho - A b o u t 10 YESTERDAY'S HERtf score. points In (Avor o( Waslilngton. UIg Bill Lee. Cubs' pitching ace, Southern Cnllfornta-Oregon State Penn-L afayette-P enn gels olf on who won his 33nd gam i In beat­ —U.8C. bounces back from the Ala- the right foot. iKima shellacking and (ILitrlbuten M ls s o u r l- C n lo r n d o - W hlm r ing PltUiburgh 10-1, and gave Ohlnigo a game nnd a half lead Oregon State All over the lamlscnpe. Wlille has gone, so a firm volt In tlie prnnant chase. S o u u r C aro lin a -G eo rg la-A thin Missouri. Kimberly fell 11 pins short of the high total for the week, get­ ting 2,312 to Flour MUIs' 2.323. Ace Miller and John Kimes tied for high three games with 485 ^ k c h on the Twin Falls Lumber Uam. Miller with 205 took high single game. . - Kimberly and Detwieiler’s Bowlers Win Vandals Given Little Chance With Huskies Everything last night wns City league—with some r ijh t good botrling, and some th a t wasn’t quite so good. — c M U c a l - p j n tte - 8 e r t e s .- f e tti n ^ - th B l u t m an out In Dean's game Tuesd«y. pitching an inning Wednesday and than going the rout« y e s t« - - day when he gave but sow n hits - and woo. 10 to 1. - - 4 - - B r t m to Tw* EuM ’ ! « • was n o t only a pitcher but a ' ' h itte r In the final Pittsburgh rout. — frtWnf-*-<loubte-tbaV-.drove-to- two r u u . Oabby H artn ett’s alngle In th e flrai inning drove In two rans which proved enough- to win. The only Pirate ru n resulted f{pm four w a lb when Lee ^ost control In the Six Teams in Coast Gridiron Loop WULPlay Conference Games $M.9« Coast Play-off Series Tied o r .. $59.95 League Leaders oT . $46.98 PSampnd Hardware C O U N T E R F E IT M O N EY G O IN G A R O U N D ■W n tc h y o u r $100 bills. ALSO W A T C H FO K T H K N E W 1939 S lL v liK A N N IV K R SA R Y D O D G E. W e sa w it a t a D e alo ra ’ sliow inp: in S u it L a k e C ity th is w e ek — a n d we" a r e te llin g ' you wc will h a v e a p le a s a n t s u rp ris e f o r you. I t iTas e v e r y th in g In N E W S T Y L E , N E W E N G IN E E R IN G A N D N E W V A L U E . H u n d re d s h a v e b e e n In to see th e new P ly m o u th a n d p r o ­ c la im It th e s m a r te s t, m o s t stu n n iiiR lookinif e a r P lyn> outh h a s e v e r tu r n e d o ut. M A G E L A U T O M O B IL E C O . . - ............... O fig in a l .D o d g e a n d P ly m o u tli D aalerR ________ 1 IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FA L IS, IDAHO S q rtim te M, Riere Is No Mistake About The Bargains In The Classified Ad SectKil CANADIAN POET Hold Everything! L BOARD AND ROOM W A N T AD RATES R EA L ESTA TE FOR 8A L E U S E D R A D IO S F O R S A L E FOUR room house for sale 1300. BATTERY or electrio i« u 'o ffe re d Phone 11, Roberson, Id a h a a t bargain prices. Table.or cabinet models. &Uke your cbolae now. NEW 4 rm. house 3 bedrooms, ga­ Priced from IS up.'Moon's. Pbooe rage. 1310 eth Ave. E. after 6 p. m. HM. A BD. o r meals, sa i Main W. For pubUeaUoo In Both < n u B 8 and NEWS t i u . & BD. >15 2Dd ATe. No. 8D . A RM- lao 6Ui Ave. No. BATES m UNB PEB DAT: I t e n . ^ Una per t e j — -1 * « RM . & bd. O a r ite . Ph. S90-W. ii^ iS jrp e rU n e P W ^ V -J S o . tm U j . p a line-------^--------- **« ROOM an d board. Mrs. David P. d a r t Ph. 667. 117 Shoshone No. ■■ W 1 / 3 D is c o u n t RM . St Bd. Good C0UQU7 cooUnf. F o r C ash bouse opp. Co. O olf links. oiMOunt lUowed If ftdr«r> ROOM an d board fo r stud«ht In'eX' U p ild for w ltu a t m a change fo r farm p roduct 173 d k jn of fliBl inafrUnn. Adams. Mo .olMiifl«<* *«* BOARD a n d roam for 4 men. Fur­ tb a o flOc, Including dl»count nace, ahower. 187 4th Ave. No, Line o f o luslfled adTertlsing comPhone ia#0-W. mt*d oo b u ls of f i n medium* ttC tb word! per line. F O R R E N T — ROOM S ZIf T W m PALLS j. 313 6th E « L PHONE 33 or 88 FOR ADTAKBl IN BUHL 3 HEATED bedims. 346 7th E. L n n A d a a t Vftrnqr'i Candy Store b e d r o o m ', g a r a i ^ 1337 «th h n . K. ' C O M PL E T E COVERAGE BLESPINO room BOl Main B. a t O N E COST RQOM w ith bath. SO ACRES, eait o( Hansen. Well Im­ BE SURE to aee the seleetlec of proved. Lovely 3-room house. Inused radloa offered a t Meoa'a. <)ulre 1343 7th East. B a tte rr or electrio set*. Full selec­ tion priced up from |5 . Uoon*a. 40 A. B rm. house, other bldgs. 11 Phone B. milk cows, 3 horses, all farm i m . chinery, crops. Immed. possess. L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S Earl Murray. FUer. Ph. 347J9. “F landera Flelds.9 ^far«otfe. I t Into. 13 Red vegatablaa. I S E s U m a te d sissr S flM d g r n t s i - ssvm r. M A ad. p e r f e c t g o lt 160 A. stock and poultry ranch. NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE • e o r« . SET FOB HEABDiQ PETITION Houses for 1300 hens. Shade, g n ss, 15 R oad. FO B PROBATE OF FOEEION water, 4 rm. dwelling. 700 1 and r .WILL, AND FOB THE IBBUI« T o vie w ith. yr. old hens go with place. tS^K 10 M usical note. ANCB OF LETTEB8 O F AD­ cash. Box 607. Shoahone, IdahQ. 10 H eavenly MINISTRATION WITH T H E W ILL ANNEXED TBEBEON. NEW 6 rm. modem home, ready for 44 T itle , m is te r . e O H e w a a « p o « t 3 « L o a t t o v le if . body. occupancy. Hdwd. flra. through­ I n th e Probate Court of Twin Falla a iS e sa m * . «« M ather. o f ------ . F orm of Oountj’, S tate of Idaho. out, /Jre^sce, cement basement, S i T o u a ta hie. 47 L a r g e p a r r o t 40T h«aoul • deep sewer, comer lot. Priced to In th e M atter of the EsU te of V E W IC A L 4 1 W * ra . 33 R id ic u le d . « T h in g . MARTHA A. TAYLOR. Deceased. sell. John S. Klmes. Phone 398 26 T alism ans. BO D e p u ty . tP o a lU o n . 4 3 T o e fl« . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, or 543. 10 F u ll. S3 P Ip « o u t l e t 3 D ra m a H tto 498ua«M L th a t a peUtlon for tb s probate of 31 T o w a r d . *4 N otions. R tu sie. 4«M otm taU >. |7S PER A., 80 A. on Twin Falls th e wiU 01 M artha A. Taylor, de­ S R a f t. 32 D ressm aker. U C u sto m . tract, with good Improvements, ceased, and for the issuance of let­ 4 # T » d f« o p . pavement, telephone and electric te rs of administration w ith the will 34 F orm o f “a." 8 7 B e e a u s e o f h I s 4 W o o d ISOommoQ poem , th e — 8 F o rm 81 O a t service. 11.000 cash, remainder aanexed th e re o n Jo Je a n G rinim an, Pleaa. _____________ _____ l a t b e a o W e n r S______ F u e l. U F i_ b trlu ^ long Ume. 8 par c e n t Bwlm In ^ b a a been Hied In ^ lh ls Court, and r a O N T txjoa. outaWfc entrance. - - *O- k4 5. a r ^ 17 S o u th A f r i c a .' flower. T—B loth. t- O PER SO N A LS veatment Oa th a t th e 6th day of October. 1988. lO H u m o r. O araga. 663 M ain West. n H a w a g iB S L e t t f r N v w .'M E i E i t g : a t 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of I TAILORINO and alteration. 8p 40 P e r. a r m y -----in 10 M uscld Ay. 85 S o u th a u t »S6 PER A., 130 A. near Castlaford, BEDRM. furnace heat. 336 4th B. cialty on fu r coats. 13 yrs. exp. P wheat yield 70 bu. per A. this year, aald day a t the court room of said 41 P o in t th e World 11 T o m u rm u r BT It<lU n H n a Court* In said County and State, 1715-M. 606 4Uj Ave. X ._____ 42 SnakelUce flsh. W ar. aa • e a trM You. bard surfaced road, electric and have BLEEPINO room, private entrance. l>een set as the time and 1' telephone service, about half the By day o r week. 438 Bo. Main. RETIRED buslneta man will help th e hearing of said Pet! acreage now In red clover. Terms. tor you Install complete heating Job BOOM n e x t to beth, suiUbie toe 2. when and where any person-Inter­ Swim to m tm e n t Co. In your home, easy m o n ^ly p ^ ested may appear and contest the t l 6 p er mO. 330 7th A re. B. m ents. Give lull Information. Bo* SELECT your Blue Lakes residence same, and show cause, If any they 13, News-Tlme».________ ______ T p A R T M E N T S f o r R E N T location now while prices are have, why said Petition should not low. Some as low as 8160 per lo t be granted. Said will Is a foreign LICENSED aucUoneer—Exp. In sell- F U R N ..apt. 60S 2nd Ave. N. so were apples In th e garden of Edenl” “Yes. Ups are 110 down and 110 per mo. S tart will heretofore admitted to probate - g cars, farm and stock sales, also your trees and shrubbery ^ e a d In th e SU te of Nebraska. » J cUon b o i S ^ o ia g o o a rif-y o O f FORN. apt., close In. Phone 63. D ated thU 33nd day of of-TOur-buUdlag-Dtogram. Bwlm FO R SA L E — HOU SEH O LD U V E S T O C K an d PO U L T R Y home. T en dollars cash each of ber, 1938. Investm ent Co. f irs t 6 salea turned me. G raduate A p t AdulU only 353'6th E F U R N IS H IN G S GUY L. KINNEY. FRIERS. Phone 0483-R3. K rn sas City. Mo. AucUon college. PORN. apt*. 11M Oxford Apta. 330 acres, fair buildings. Price 840 Probate Judge and Ex.officlo Clark, R E P O S S ^ O living room suite In WEAKER pigs. Phone 0490-J3. 30 yw. taep. Write 319 Sboahona S a per acre. Federal loan ( 9 ^ . WUI (SeaD. good condition, $36. Falk Merc. Co. P h . leiS, Twin Falls. J. Z. Moon. 3-ROOM a p t 369 7th Ave. E a st trade equity for reaidence In Twin WEANER pigs and milk cows. 3 ml. Falls. ^ S ROOM fum . Bungalow a p t 3nd E W , \ Bo. of So. Park c o r., ISl acres, good house an d bam . All STEA M ^A T H S good land. Lies weU for Irrigation. OASIS. Justam era Inn. Ph. 4W -«7l. Price 87,000. Federal loan 13,000. MAS8AOK. 114 Main No. Ph. IIS-R. 81000 cash, balance terms. (LACK Poland China boar. M aur- ISO acres In Eden country. Priced B E A U T Y SHOPS OOOD sm all coal range for aale. worth the money. Will trade equity k e 'C apps, R t 3. Inq. City Fuel Co. for clear forty on Twin Falls tract. „aR A W FO R D BeautJ Salon. Two 3 ROOM fu m . apt., 610 2nd Ave. % SALE or Uade: lOO head good 5 acres near Twin Falla, fa ir buUd^ 0 . P h . 1496-J. ■ IT one special. OU permanenta Iture exchanged, bought a e d ln g .e « ^ 6 a .3 n d ^ v e ,- W ,— ;J 0 - u p r - ll3 M aln-S^PlL-W I*. Ingfc-Price 83460.—»800-caahi-bal —L ate-threshing and.com bining.Of grains and threshing of . seed crops, terms. Poasesslon any time. F O R R E N T — H O U SES r PiyCB finger waves and marcels. ■ ' ;e." and hay'F . C . GRAVES at SONS CIRCULATORS, Kanges and Stove l3H ml. E. o f Buhl. P h. 333-Jl. * P tim a n e n ta •IJM and up. Bpectel- «-RM . mod. house. #30. ph. P37. Jng was active in southern Idaho repairs, a t s w e ^ P umlture Store, ty School of Beauty Culture. during the week ending Tuesday, a c­ F R U I T S Biid V E G E T A B L E S 3 ROOM house unfuro., »9 month. (J BRED gUta. 3 ml. E. of Castlecording to th e weekly summary of i800“Chldkortni^*rand piano, fine 393 W. H eybum .. ford on Buhl Hy. W. R. Haught. JONATHAN ai pies, 1% ml. E Kim- w eather and crop conditions as r e ­ IDAHO B arber & Beauty S h o p -M a n d $6 oil permanents. 3 fo r 1. • berly road. I B. Voaburg. ceived here from th e USDA w eatbtf o b o D young Guernsey bull, hi mL to n a tu ra l for tl.50. Ph. 43C |W. 3 U '8 o . of Haselton. P h.il3-J4, PRUNES Ste. Bring contabwrs. bureau a t Boise. The climatic conditions for t£ 3 V LEGAL ADVCKTISBHKirrB HEATROLA, oventuffed set. rock­ ^laseltox. F ran k Howsroon, PBRRZNE -B etel Beauty Bi BcoU, 563 3;d Ave. E a st wisek were term ed unusually favor­ 0-RM. mod. unfum . house, double ers, cupbwwd. breakfast set, etc. P b ttia 333-W. Oil pennananta able for manuring of late crops and garage, basement. 1350 6th Ave. E. SADDbBrhorse for aale. 3 ‘ml. W. 1 m l. E on Ellz. o . P. Hess. an d op. __________ for seasonal farming activities. 3 & of W. 6 pts. Bill Blssonnette, 5 RM. fu m . house, garage. Adults. SLIOHTLY used Charter Oak circu­ care Qlorm Andrews. Beet Harvest S ta rta ' i i m a n o Beauty Salon. 136 i Inquire 389 8th Ave. e a st lating heater. 7 others like new. See PRUNES and McIntosh Cooking Sugar beet harvost in th e south w e st Phone 199. OU permanenta. H arry Musgrave. 4 A-1 Guernsey cows, heavy spring­ apples. E L. Wonacott, Klmbercentral area 1s getting underway, ilA ) an d up. MODERN except heat 6 rooms with ers; 1 reg. Jersey; 3 brood sows; with the harvesting operations iy. sleeping porch, fumfahecj, electric 1937 KelPlnator refrigerator, like 3 horses. H. L. Clark, SS9 M ain W. BEAUTV ARTS ACAD8M7 scheduled to be a t full blast by Mon­ range and frig. 333HiOeujt St. new. Cost 8160. Will seU for ilOO. Twin Falla, Idaho GRAPES—Red, white, and blue. Any day. Some of the Amalgamated o n perm anm U aa low aa ItiX t 06xnm t READY to breed. Purebred Po­ 151 3rd AVe. No. quantity. Vi mi. So. Kimberly. Sugar company's beet dumps will September 19. i m C urrant Ju n io r Stad en t work free. Pb. 800. FO R ^A L E ^ land C hina gilts. 3 mL W., H S , John Baisch Orchard. \ ___ 10:00 o'clock a. ra, G e n e ra l be opened on th a t day to reoelve the u e Main Wert. NEW BED davenoes, $29.50, sitin g U W. or B. Park. OUbert Hull. M IS C E L L A N E O U S R ro U L A B JVLT tlEltaiON Acrloulb beetj. full mattresses, 8iail5. walnut bed­ JONATHAN apples, 35c bu. or U A R d L L E 'e . 736 Mam E The abop T he Board m at a t thU time Poor 1 Indications point to good yields pf 1,300 Oregon ewes, bred to lam b In room suites. 849.50. Cummins30-4 0 'C R A ia rifle. 398 FlUmore. for I I on the tree. Fisher O rchard, of unuiual permanenta and lastth e beets, the USDA nummary said. auant to reosat, a ll n a m b e h a nd the Feb. Priced r ig h t A rt Henry. My­ Briggs Co.. 436 Main S. 3H ml. S. of E. Main. finger w a rn . Oil si . W ith digging of potatoea started clerk p reaen t .TRUCK bodies. Gem T railer Co. ers Hotel. Eden, Ida. dn g e r wave 50e. Bvenlngs by apF ld o f T ax Lerlee o m w JCms voLAOMt j 1 UBRARY tAblc, 1 dining Uble, 3 y d n tm e n t Pbooa 383. T h e B b u il a t thU tlm e ~ 'a iln OO O D h u n te r’s teat. Cheap, phone O e o a ra lO U rM tl rockers, 3 sccUonal book cases, loe HIGHEST prices paid for your fat Small cling and fi'esestone peaches. e.’. aa "only fair" In a n u m b e r____ 445 . chickens and turkeys. Independ­ Bring yourow n containers an d pick tors. Melons and truck crops, how­ took u p th e m a tte r o t t«x lerlea fer T * ln F a U a 0 1 t3 r- .4 1 « » l l . u r « . T » box, electric washing machine. 304 B U S I N E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y th e y ear 1938 for tba oountr. atate. ever, are plentiful and of good qual­ B u b lO ity .._______ IM IM “ 7th East. Ph. 153B-M. en t Meat Company. them for 36c bu. Crystal Springs Or. NEW Goodrich Deluxe girl’s bicycle. and varioua tfxln g unlU, as FUar OUy _____ IM ity. UO chard. Filer, Idaho. FO R SALE-Servloe sUUon. Ph. 71, W rite Box 13. care Tlm H-Newt vlded in SeoUco 81-801, Idaho Uvestoek Qood Klinbarly vuiaga I M iM ___ Kimberly. AnnoUted. an d made the follovlag H anaen Vltlaga . .1.00 Uveitock in southern Idaho con­ » IM ♦30 CASH Ukes 12 watt public adITALIAN PRUNES, any grade tax levlea; H o U later_______ tu ' m tinues hi good condition. RTABLE motion picture theater dre&s nystem. Has new ' crystal or quantity. West Ranch. 1 mi. M u rta i« h . Specific county reports listed lo r T | ^ Falls Coonly Levlea, Bai ^ tor sale. Netting about IlOO week. mike. Phone 303. ^ e n E«ob |1M ValoaUen E. 4 So. of Kimberly. Twin F a l l a l the week include: Buhl—Beana and flmall down paym ent S. D. WallBuhl Bond . 1.38 IM alfalfa and clover seed being - tag. Eden.— JERSEY sweet apples for splolng threshed; th ird crop of alfalfa out; HIGHWAYS: .Sink aood I m ACRES, gas pumps, compressor, some early potatoes du^.v-ooodlng— and preserves. Also Grime's R oad B rid ie n a a l a t i t M . aervloe station with living rooms W eatlier favorable for c a n , beeta Golden Jonathan an d Dehclous. Twin Falla Highway _ - f I I I $40 • A above, other bldgs. Highway 30 DOUBLE dump truck, beet bed. 9 26o to 11. Bring containers. K en­ and potatoes but too dry Buhl Highway .......... .08 ’ Al M M near Boise. Renting for $ 7 ^ ^ ^ ml. So. VA W. Bo. Park. Phone lures and ranges. Burley—I Building Contracting Floor Sanding yon Green. M M M M Price »4M0. 13,000 down, ‘l 0393-J3, warm all week; third crop of ajfalfa Filer Highway ............ M urU ugh Highway .... Ploar . .n d l n r H. A. Hclder. Oaei-Jl. FO R R E N T — M lacellaneoua In sU ck; heavy demands for Irriga­ on bal. ^ 01^ 681. Rock Creak H ighw ay.. OOLD Seal Congoleum rugs. 81.00 tion water. FO R SALE—Oompleuly equipped down. flOo ft WMk. Sweefs ^iral* G ifts INDEPENDENT SCHOOL C « i n .H a 4 0 JO garage. Parta and acc. invoice ture. Building Material DISTRICTS: C om . N o. 41 'J O 16,000. Due to sickness will sacri­ Hooked rug patterns. The Window Oocn. N o. U .60 I n t and fice for $3,600. T em u to right ELEOTRIO fence, t makes and 80 Twin Falla Lumber Company, Com­ Shop, 603 Main So. W A NTED— MlBCCltancous Slnkinc models to select from. 818 BhoO om . Mo.- 48 .40 party. Town o f 400 cm m ain h ig h ­ plete lines lumber, builder's h ard ­ General Fund O thar Total C om . N o. 47 N one ahone No. Mtea way. Irrigated farm d ist, ample K ey Sh op ware,- paints, cvmenl, plaatar. WANTED—Used care and trucks Ind. No. 1 .a JO 1 .83 8 ,38 1141 O fim .M o .4 8 . water, good fishing. Write Box 10, to sell oh commission. Jno. B. NUMBER 14 rubber covered SafeInd. No, a .. IJO .10 1,40 N o. 40 .80 8 .10 i j e • Newa-nmta. Schade Key Shop, 138 3nrt S t S. cote electrto wire. 7&o per 100 feet. White. 117 3nd No. Chlldren't N u n e r y Ind, No. 3 _ .70 .40 JO 1,40 N o. 51 JO JO Back or Idaho Dept. Store, All wiring materials a t lowest Ind. No. 4 .. JO JO 1.00 O om . N o. 53 JO 0 . JO IJO M ALE H ELP W ANTED Oare for children. 414 6th Ave. E. prices. K rengd’s Hdw. M ISC ELLA N EO U S JO .70 C om . N o. 64 .80 , .10 .10 BOISE, Sept. 30 (UR)-ACtlng Ind. No. 6 _ .40 Mimeographing Ind. No. 8 .. BXP. ‘butcher, good .70 3.10 JO 8.0Q .80 ^ JO JO Jovernor Charles QosMtt said toFO R BALE—Sewer tile and fittings; Kiddles Country Club. Ph. 0366-Jl. We fcpwlallse fn mlmeograpli prlntChristensen’s Marke Ind, No. 7 .. .70 JO JO IJO N o. 69 .70 JO IJO SURE WE CLEAN FURNACES Ind, No. 8 .. IJO hig. AUKERMAN LETTER SHOP, .40 3.40 O om . N o. 81 70 JO IJO And neatly done with no ChiropractorB J YOUNO mail about » , ambll Ind. N a 0 .. JO FMeHty Bank BMg. Phone 418,__ v60 JO JJO O om . N o. . JO IJO conildcr reJJef problems. Try us, then let us f|U . L ^ . i n U educated, neat appearing, free B ee T a x , ------------ 1 M OoeMtt, who will be governor u n ­ R ural H. S. Dr. Hardin, 130 Main N. Ph. 1«43. bln too with good, clean, extra Moving to traVel; tranjiporUtlon and No, 1 ....... .80 .10 .70 T . d t A. NEWLY built house tmller. Maclntil Oct. 6, whm Govenior Darzllla lildh quality ABERDEEN COAL. drawing ao c t turn. Rapid P r e d a to r y A n im a l T a x (S heep) Clark 1a ncheduled to return from Rural H. S. lt« outalde, lined wlU> ply board, None better, Cyclery vancement (or right boy. See Mr. No. 3 ....... JO JO S h e e p I n s p e c tio n T a x .70 .......... . as Mslno where Ite went for a spud finished w ith lurdwood. 167 Ad­ INTERMOUNTAIN SEED AND Johnson, 7 to 9 p. m. Hotel Per, S a le a f O e a n ly F m M ^ picking contest wIUj Governor Lew ams. Bicycle sales and servloe. Blaslui FUEL 0 0 . ! COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICTS! L o u 18 a n d 18, Block 8 f HoUlater Oyclery. Phone 181. Phone 143 o r 130 Photographers G RAIN baga of all kinda. Blanket*, Sinking T o w n slte , h a v U it b een o ffe iw l f p r FEM A LE H ELP W ANTED quilts, shoea, kitchen alnks, eto. •G eneralFund H, S,ToU l sa le a t re g u la r ta x a ale o n O ito b a r sesnlon, Morrison Studlp. We m ake the orig­ Coal and Transfer Idaho Junk House, 183 3nd Ave. 1 Oom, No. 1 8 JO 8 « JO 81J0 18. 1838. a n d n o t h a v in g b e en aold. “Until aurriclent Information inal Hollywood pictures one-hal( I O I R L for gen, housework mornings. W A N TED TO R E N T .80 1J6 th e B o a rd a t th is tim e aooeptad th e M prraented to me for calling a ip< Com. No. 4 .80 doa. for OOo. 13V T hird Ave. No. Wartoerg Bros. Phone 346. Oo home nights. P. O. Box B30. JO •JO o f fe r of M rs. O asper N y g ^ f o r la id . Com. No. 8 .60 clal seulon, I will take no action 180-AOnE farm. Have full line Com, No. 8 .60 .10 JO lo ts In th e a m o u n t o f ilO JO plu a lY O O N O lady about 30 to i Home Lbr. and Coal Co, Ph, 84. one way or Uie oUier," Ite aald. Pfdnting-Decorating equipm ent M. Mltanl, R t 3, J e r­ window''giaas. Bring your sash > Com. No, II JO JO I liM re c o rd in g fee, m anager. Must be neat, have ome, No charge for setting. Phone 6, , Oom. No. 1« JO JO .60 Ifig p a id In fu ll aa e r t d m ^ pleasing peraonallty, free to trav ­ DoctorM’D entht$ Lee Burka. Phone 1436«J. WMooh-a. Com. No. 17 .80 ,18 1.00 dito r-s o e rtlC ca te No. 3105, el. One who can drive car nreferM tello, a refloluUon drmanding a spe­ FAKM IM P L E M E N T S . Oonj. No. 18 .40 .40 C a o e e lia tlo n « f T ax t a l e , > retf; Tram portation and w a r y If ONB 1 0 -(t Blngle duty meat caae. Dr. a . L. Boyenger, Foot Specialist k. iu 's h a ife rV h o n e IM K cial sesiilon to appropriate additionover 0. O. Anderson Store. Phone ■ Oom. No. It) .to J6 J6 M rs. CaAper N ygord req u a ita d Qualified. See Miai Raybuhg, 6 to I irlirr fundu waa paiiMd, b ut II Colls, expanxlcm valves qomplele, 1101 Eleventh Ave. Bast, Ph. 578-J. BRAND new Inlem atlonnl power a 'JO t h e t h e r> c o n tr a c t f o r t t u p u ic h aa a 363-J. 7 p, M. Hotel Perrlne. potato (tlgfer for sale a t a dis­ wnn ordfrtsl tliat tlia resolution b<1 Oom. No. 30 JQ A-1 shape, 87B. Nell’a Groo. Five J5 J6 of L oU 1». 90 a n d 31, B lock 77 Of AUbmlltM to Clark, not to G ossett Oom, No. 33 .80 count, Everett Hager, Kimberly, P ft. W. Plumhing^Heating Oom. No. 33 JO .10 . .40 1.3d " IllsU r T ow nslU , d a te d B aptem bar Bleclrlcttt ContractB .36 ,65 ‘ Oom. No, 34 .40 1033, b e o a n c a lM , a n d f l n i p a y t JO-40 ORAIGB, 4 J0>30'a, « H W A N TED TO nU Y .10 .70 Oom. No. 35 .60 a t o n aam e f o rn lte d . T h e Boaxd« riflea, 4 pump sliotguns, 6 .410 tin ­ J. W, Sm ith Home Electric. 39 yra. .40 .70 a f t e r ' d u e oonskleraU on, c an o M a d exp. In 'rwin I^ lls vicinity. Shop Com, No, 37 .80 I 180 WEEK. Grow I gle barrel shotRuns. 1 Remington Oom. No. 38 38 a t SIS Harrison. Phono 931-J. .80 1,05 sa id o o n tr a o t a a requsated. ^ lar. abed. We buy lOo lb. P m autom allo shotgun, and other A T T E N T IO N Oom. No. 10 1,00 JO JO A t th e h o u r o f 8:00 o'olook p. m . I book. WrIU Uushrooma, 30U guns. 348 Main Bo. Phone 383, Home Plumbing and Oom. No. 83 JO ,10 JO a raoeas w as ta k e n < m tu 10;00 o U ook Fur Repairing ST O C K M E N ’ UTUi;^n. la e c o n d . a e a ^ a , W a Heating Co. JO Oom. No. 84 JO a . m ., B e p U m b er 88. 18M, T (R E 8 ,80 1.30 Fura repaired, restyled and rellned Oom, Nn. 30 JO S JA M B S L . BA RN ES. W ill C all F o r T U A T IO N S W A N T E D Radio RepoAring by exp, furrier, Mrs. Wlnans, ISO JO A tte it: Oom. No. 18 .30 O baln& aa . BEFORE you buy new l l m count SPOT caih paid for uied atoves and A lid P a y C ash e th Ave. East, phone 614. JO F R A N K J . S M IT H . C lark. Oom. No. 88 JO the coat of trading in your prei-, furniture. I'hone 6, Moon'a. Ml Biakee radio* repaired and a«rvFor D u d or Wortblesi e n t tires. If Uie c»i>li)g Is In good .loed. FaoUiry Radio Service. Phone condition It can t>e HS-OM>l>Kl} LOST A N D FO U N D Uoraee-Oews-flbeep-llon Ineurance 3M. 138 SMOnd North. Ut give you UiouUiidi of mlMs ot OR STRA Y ED -Froih Hailey, safe dependable Mrvica a t 1 Peavey-Tal>er Co., Inc. Phone 361. ID A H O H ID E & Real Eatate^insuranee 1/)ST 3 yr, old English Pointer hunting PR A C m o N of new tire cntti Re­ P O H 8 A LB OR TR A D E Ftre, Auto, I m Heller. Ph. 606. dog. White with brown markUigs. T A L L O W C6 : capped Tires, ino., 135 and B. F . O. Graves and Sons. Phone 818. AnAwers to name of Chief. U bsral 4-Y OfW beet bed for P h . 8 1 4 -€ o )Ie ct IHonumentB reward. Call, News-Tlmss, or iM kett, FUer. Sew ing Machine Service Prank Unamuno, Hailey. TRY RETREAD TIKES . . .Bring B e it Dumpti Will B « O pen to Rocelva Jelllaon Drtie. U6 Main E a st your smooUi tires to us for re­ B eats on th e F o llo w in g D a te s: M ONEY T O LO A N treading. Makes them grip like . 130 am Av.. E ..t. lUoney to Loan O P E N IN G D A TE new. FARM and city loans, 4H% to 6%. 40 ACVUDB for aati, o r axohange for fflJQART MOnillQON Trailem O ctober 3rd Bwlm Inveitm ent Oo. 0 . Jones for loans on lioniea. 133 . t U u city property. Pb; 04lS-R>. 0 0 tb s Uuck lane M«ln BMl. I’hono 437, TV allera to r r e n t 361 F o u r th W e s t LOANS a t low i n t v a s t r a te e oa W l i l < im p . A A , oloae b>. foe to w n unES 5T ST Proceedings of the B oard of Commu. sionera, Twin Falls County, Idaho Business and Professional DIRECTORY G O M H C IS SPECt SESSION Sugar B««t Orowara Notfee! ' ,p ro p erg r. » « c 7, N ewa-Tlm ee. w n i 1 89 aerei, eash, eity ------ »a*e. A. cf. f M m b e m ^ u r e iprei o rirU «rtUi t n__________ d a Mr itoek. o . L 1 A U TO S FOR SA LE 3^ Iniok. beet M , i k nn good. W5. M. A Rds, l-i « h . Ura. 110 to 0 0 . O'Connor. Uaed cars bpught and sold. mm p u u . 10 Uade lot p Ip iM r^ BOX 14, News- AWOMAftT •rd Bi. a t 'trd Are, W, pti. 871 Q U IC K L O A N S FA R M S, M O O O tN H O M E S a n d tnalde B U a iN B W P H O P B R T lB ft. P ro m p t a e tlo o . F re d P . B ataa. Box m . T V tn .P a U a P h . U T t. ThOlar bousas. Gem Trailer O a | 5 s n d U P on Typewriters Y O U tt S IG N A T U R E O N t Y I m p l i e d people who need oaab. Bftlaa. rtn tA U a n d aarvloe. P h o ite 80. SAVE in la ra a t a n d raduo* y o u r m o n th ly tn iU lln a Q U by U k ln g a n solve your problems bere. PH A lo a n . Aak u a f o r fu ll d a BU Y I SCHOOL B U PPU K S talla. Sw im I n v a a to e n t Oo. Ho endoTMra. No m o tty e a . V a n te d ; U p h o lste rln c. r e p ttrln g , Repay «a «ou F A R M .lo a o s .-n o -se m t-a n n u a l h . M n l t u r a r tf ln la h lo if eat, n o ‘m u tu a l f u a r a n t y f e a tu re , CASH CREDIT ^ O U P A N Y a b a d a w ork. Crasa a n d B ruley ' Rooi^i 1 and 3 F u r n itu re Oo. P h o n e 886, ISO Seo- , U b e r a l r a p a y m m t te rm s, Pbooa ' 8%, Swim inveatment Oo. Dldg. 978 o n d a t K aa t FA B M E R ftRANCHERS W* Do CUSTOM KILLING. CURING spA CUTTJNG EXCEL BRAND HEAT PRODUCTS Bring Your H o n uid C«(ll« .(0 tlio Idaho-Packinf-Cki.. A C B O II- r M H tO O A t rA O T O R T > > n iO N I I IM ^Stptaiiiliv S0. .19M IDAHO EVENING TIM ES, TW IN F A m , IPABi? SCREEN J S ]^ )te b a n I iC liu r c lie s f i m m t E F iB o o p A i. B o m , ■jtev; J i a m 'B . BuU ir; PMtor In , , '., ' • cluurge. TbB l ^ 'Bunaay ftUer Trinity. ; \ | p. HI.' Holy communion u id >erp H -p U jttm o iiiiM d ““ ..........H ) ^ - | i | s kiSS^& xoot n t f . K « n . ‘T ' ■ B U B ^ NAZABENC; ..............-O.-A- Orof/ord ' 4 a«>^in. Sunday acbooL 11 ft. m. M omlni-worship. - t p. m. Junlpr tn d Senior N. jT. •/p..W -.B vatoU *U c «rvlcc»,. , 8 p. m.;Wednesday. Prayer mc«lr. j— 'i' FlLKBjfAZABENE James Barr, pastor. JO a. m. Sunday s c h o ^ xi a. m. Moriilng vohlUp. > i p; oi.'Ju n i6 r and Senior N. S . P .B . ■ • 8 p . m. Evangcllatlc lervlcea. ^ p. m . T h u r s d ^ Prayer m ee^ three weeks re^ v al wlU begto Bitaday. Nov. 13. Rev. and Uri..J& » McCart or lA Junta. Cola, wAl b* with lb th e l i n t two veeks. ^ Otv. c u £ n OrUflth of N a m ^ NlUKOM district su p e rin te n d ^ , Wui pteacb the last week and wOl -r B o n a ty * , ; m o re r B w r t l . w y . " _ . . dedlcali th e new church bulldiilg ^B tam p a a td . 'tio o d lU a n s w h lo h toy- the last Sunday of tlie revival. OFFERINGS PresinUUon of a '19,000 note marked “paid In full" will form a hlghli«ht'o{ ,the rally day arranged lere Sunday by the First Christian church.' Clarence Allen, chairman of the church's building fund, wlU prceent the pald'Off note a t th« morning worship hour. Walter R. Hays, chairman of the official board, will receive th e canceUed document, and WlU frame It and present It to the congregation as one of the achieve­ m ents lii w hat Is termed “a most successful year” for the local church. Q rtetings wUl be read from the departm ent of . church extension of th e D lsclplu of Christ, which was holder of the 19,000 note. At the Bible school hour a t 0:4S , m. the Youth Conference group will present a .special prosram and each attandant will receive a sou> venlr. Another unusual cercmony Sunday will be a pledge by a t least 100 per* sons “to win one soul to Christ and His church" during the coming year, Rev. Mark '0 . Cronenberger said. This wlD be dona as a ' p art of the interulve evangelistic drive of the Disciples of Christ. Sermon a l the Sunday morning- services will be “Social - Functions t h a t Manor Jesus." mABO Fri.. Sat.—“Panam lnt's Bad Man," Sm ith Ballow, SUn., M oa, Tues.—"Touchdown Army," Jo h n Howard. W ed, Thurs.—"Farewell to Arms," Oary cooper. ORPHECM Frl,, 6 a t - “Hold T hat Co-ed," John Barrymore. ‘ Bun., M on, Tues.—“£ly Lucky Star," Sonja Henle. Wed. through Sat.—“Boy’s Town," Mickey Rooney. : BOXY Prl„ flat..—‘T h e Painted Deaert," George O W e n . Bun., M on, Tues.—"Man's Castle,^ Loretta Young. Wed.. Thurs.—"Life Returns," On­ slow Stevens; "M an in Blue," Rob­ e rt Wilcox. ■ day e r e D ^ 'O ot. *. In tfte aebool ccimiMtelal rooAi. ran____ Oeorge E. O eunaO i s c h o o l 's t 9 ^ BtfRLEY. Sept. 30 ( B p e c la l) - ^ tc ndest. A t- th a t time. reglstrftOac adults who wish to U ke VP work in ta t th e a d u lt education program commercUl subjecU, French, o r cor­ here will be taken care of. respondence courses from the Uni­ versity of Idaho m ust enrolf MonREAD TH E TIMES WANT ADS. A dult Education LEG A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S NoUee of Pending Issue of Tax Deed STATE OP IDAHO ) County of Twin Falls ) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, T h at under th e provisions Of Revenue Laws of ih e SU te of Idaho, the County’ T reasurer, as Tax Collector of Twin F alb County. In said SU te, is deemed to be the purchaser, in trust, of cer­ tain property described ii> respect of unpaid taxes, and In respect of which the tim e for redemption will expire on Jan u a ry 0. 1039. YOU ARC p Or THER NOTIPIED, T h a t tf said delinquency entry, and all orlor Hi.iinf|ii>mrv entries w hich jiave not been cancelled, are not re» deemed on or before January f 1B3», by paym ent of said u x and aU cosU and exnenses to me a t my offlM a t Tw in Falls. Idaho, I shall thereupon, as required by law, Issue to tJie «aid County of Twin Falls, as grantee, a T ta Deed conveilng to tiie said c ^ t y absolute title to th e property d w r lb r t m said delinquency entry. of all Incumbrances, except any ^ n for taxes which may have a tta c h ^ subsequently to the assessment herein- SHEEPMysm n s ISG O O D Amount I b ia s lt.13 7.16 33.83 26837 1050 3.58 1030 Assessed to L. T. W right . 1378 144'7 leM 17S3 1805 1839 -.27 to 33 inc. Cleo B. Christianson _ Johanna Theresa Aim SHOSHONE. Sept. 30 (Special)— G rant BlUIer OenersUy estim ated from all view­ Boena VUU AddtUon points with the possible exception of Geo. F. R a u c h ..................... W t^> W inc. m arket price th e sheep Industry of . c m U w b M ltb o r K h e o l ' - Btoa U k e a AddiUon this section of Idaho came through Km O EB LY NAZABENE Leais C. Q utU ry --------- ,.31 to 3d Inc. th e past year In very satisfactory Clive WUllama, p a sto r.. Lewis C. O u tte iy ........... J.37 to 39 Inc. m anner, declare flockmasters. 10 a. m. Sunday school. The winter ahead Is regarded as 11 a. m . Momlng worship. ■ a problematical m atter, as little can ^ ^ ^ p .,m . Junior and Senior N. be foretold from the m arket situa­ tion as it affecta both finished stock Golden Bole AddlUon i p. m. EvangelUtte services. and fodder. The sheep loaded In this -3639— > p. m. Wednesday. Praver n district during the fall reached a W. J. H u tc h in g s -----------4 W E N D ^ , Sept. 30 (SpecUl) 3«li high number, Ketchum taking the Q m er Rousseau ________ 13 and 14 2631 p. m. Fklday. N, Y. P. 8. cbttage Approximately 125. attended tl M artha M. Snow ..... ....... 1 welcome home pBrty Tuesday In lead, although many were loaded a t 3630 m e r m eetlnf. Holbrook hall, given for Rev. Cas* laB W tirse in w rA d d itio B Sheepmen generally are arranging M. Davidson family, and th e teach' Florence M rlCnelghton.......11 for winter feeding, and the price of ers of the local school system. Mary Fay ..........- ...............-13 hay is not exactly In keeping with Mrs. T ted Baton was master of Mortasgfa O rchard A dditim .jremo^iiea.. opening th e program th e present down in grain. T he ear­ HatUe M. Crater ...............H and I ------whh a soclal.hour. Mrs. D. R. Oates ly crop of hay was not so good, states M. M. MurUugh- - ........— 14 gave -the welcome address for the one prom inent sheepman, and In M otnal Snbdlvialon iher.and his family, who have some Instances was sUcked w ith the O. J. Johnson — ..... .......... 1 w i^ the local Methodist Epis­ second crop, because of the short­ copal cQUrch tor the past five years age a t the time. W eather and other 3966 David Jinks . and who will be >wlth th e organiza­ conditions will bear upon the situa­ purpose AddiUon tion for a n o th » ^ear. . tion. -------------rr ----------------------Anna L.- B asconT^em lng.. 8 ■■O flw ^features.of tfie program: "Road work has progressed In the Sebth Pailt Addition Plano solo, Thelma.OaldweU; a wel­ state in good shape, and a great deal U lllan B. Glenn _______#' and 10 SOM come to th e school teachers, by Dr. of money has been expended by the Carrie J. Low e---------------- 6 and 7 3000 E. L. SImOQton; .two' vocal highway departm ent, apparently for T. A. A llm a n ---------------- I I 3004 bers. Melvin Davidson, accom generaK advancement of the high­ T. A. AJlman ---------------- 13 3109 by R ^ .'D avidioa; two quartet num- ways. t a t w hat we need-mcetly now -;-l5 . Minnio .Carson .................... 3178 b rn , rendered by Charmion Baton; In every livestock and farming : ly rra n e e Park. Place .J A N 8 1 K COMMlOnTY Valene Olson, LeooArd Hoaklns, f d - of. Idaho are decent m arket roads," U. J.- Alger ........... ...........- 8 j H d g ar L W h ite , n ln U te t wa^d. H e ^ b a u m ; humorous read­ said Ben D arrah, one of the leading .........6 . Minnie. M.,Plnkley w arsh ip w iib ings,— V er«--M aurer; - sousaphone ^ t i a l raU y d a y fe r m o n b y th e p i< - •Otoa, Paul HoeUos; piano duet, sheepmen o f th e state. ."It means development of, every portion of the Mrs. H. J.-B arto n and Mrs. Pred Inland territory, creates better m ar­ Baton; response, Supt. Ralph T, keting- faclUUea and establishes v ii i .* ’ N ybW for the teachers. < • more satisfactory domestic condi­ v o r th .le ag u e d evotions and more nearly fixes an ideal L e a d e r, H 'a r o l d trading situation. The state depart3427 E. J. Ahem . P a u tV a g ls . S c rliK MUner AddiUon m m ^ slwuld advance the m arket Lessc^, roactviBgram on the basis of a good H az^’ Mahaffey .............. —W H lo te North View Addition inveatm int for th e state and a good W wK lay “ jm n i n g io f f ic e rs a n d ‘Yvonne Laurent ................. 7 Sept. .)9 (Sptelal) - piece ot-bvialneas for communities in Wni. L. Secord .. ............— fall harvest fesUval, general" Suburban Park B x m s o ^ t e tl» 7 « d le s’ Aid society 3662 Rllla R. S U r r . - ....- ....... 7 and 8 r iTOT.*- ^ t ^ l ^ O f l M t 'ehuich. will be held ...,11. 13. 13, 3693 Edna Zahlten . n u H d j^ , c o t. II, In H olbnok haU. BURLS^r. S ^ p t SO (S p e d a l)-A Snyder Tr««l ‘Die- program is being tt l s B 3709 - Claiborne M. Acuff ..........: 8 year for the U)^ entire eoopi(uAiy.'an(^ call for enrollment of CCO.boys for Wedsesday* Oct. 9. has been issued. Twin Fans Helgbia Sens of relief ellenta, WPA workers 3726 Charlie V.’S lm o n s...... - ..... 38 receive preference, ^ lough boys from 3727 T. Geo. HWoj WUW u ;#U j 1 » A lla y e d for ;% o w M . ^ _______ a low income family are- eligible, u rg « a U m t t a b e n a n d work, fkaqr w o rl^ a ^ tiq M . now m , ooolted .fbods, o ^ e d fniita and re n a rk e d W. P. Homan, county .. b f tp n a o ti^ v . Thos. G. Davies ................. 30. 3i •, As yet the Burley office vegeUbles. Displays of exhibits are Bnhl Towositj open, to th« l o ^ oommunity. Prises has no information' as to the Quota Eljra Voyce .........................21 , T h a ; H u r U ^ g r o u p ttT th e a ic and dbbons lOT.be glven. The com­ of boys th a t may go from Cassia EmeUnti 8. McCabe _____ 3 3S13 fouQty, b u t ts expected th a t liocn m i t U» c h a i ^ of th t'a lta lr U Mr,' W a w r t w ith .M n . Braadtt^tM U tAlbert T vrdy_____ ______.19 3060 eight-to ten may be choaen. D .R . Oates FnedXaton.— a - h L I t o . ■£^.O^Datis-,iHrf^-»to. C. D. Scott ................. -_..2B 3967 Emellne S. McCabe ...........13, 14 4124 Pennsylvania leads all states in ^ 0 U t.O le n d a le g r o u p w iu 'm e e t w ith 4147 0 . D. Scott ...................... 6 th e Union in the number of motor ^ R . B . R aiA bo, « s s l i t « l to . M rs. 4278 jio lld ^ e n , the roster showing 1008 a n d H IM R u t h B r a w ^ .................14 4314 acUve officers. DeNeal Tract ^ J i t a w .M rtn and son Lee, . 1 and 3 4417 L. D. Johnson .. JU6tf.'|<kb„ « o visiting relaUves Inreslors First Addition here. . . Western Loan St Build­ n ie re is .io b^:« booster meeting ing Co. ......................... 13 f t»e Or4nge « ( the FWrvlew haU T h e N u m b e r U f K eg u la r u s r c l s e s .fo r Fecks AddiUon f i ^ , , Sept. 30. i t 4s a n open Lewis W. Hohblns ......... ...,8',4 35 t U B c r^ o f . t e e i ^ and all InUrcsted .m'v M t WllUsms AddUlon diatirlnvited (b attend. 7 ^ O r iS S 4740 K athern Durfee ..................8 are ^ e d to bring extra Caktieford M k j or, sandwiches, . 4843 Ted Csnnon .............. ..........8 Artton-and Ed Kodesh a)bd V * v ± 4B23 . Robt. Dopson ;...................... 8 POiD^y were overnight guests a t Filer Townslte w ; » a n k Kodesh home, and left 4927 Loranda 0. H ulls . ........16, 17 J ^ d a y morning for their home MlUleG. Tanner E#l............ B 4934 ill Red Rock, Okla., after a couple I s S lc a d il)' ijncreasinK 4969 H. Murj)hy ........................ 1. 2, 3, 4, B w day Honoring D w n _________ ^ m onths spent vliU lnr .teUtlve^ 8114 Geo. W, Blakeslee Est...... 9 to 14 inc. who Is liMvltb hU homar tn K anAdded numbers dally -^ove to Kimberly Townslte Mrs. M attie Ward and Mrs. Anna their own saUsfoc^lDn th a t the B2D1 .....................4. B. 6. Edna J o h n so n Z illa apd L o m a Kidd,, who have Smith are spending this week a t' same price sighs don't al-. SS31 Mrs. Anna J. Webster ....^..19. 16 M*glc Hot Sprlnfi. 9333 Anna J. W ebster........ ;____n to 32 Inc, ways mean Uie 'aame quality. ----------- lew boyi ______ _____ .................la n n a r, th e p a s t .tw o yi 6339 Orace H. P ra tt ............. 3 to 6 Inc. One of our V-8 po sedan cus­ ........... basebalL boys a t Wllh a r * g o n e to B u rle y to be w ith l 6469 Tom Warner, j r .....-............. 3. 4. 8, tomers reports 86 miles per: n o th f r .. t o w ^ e ^ i d a y by a 34-4 soore. The gaUon. i ' J Albert Tract M rs. BUis B u r n e tt e n te r U in e d WUlowdaie girls won by a 1.4-0 m ar8497 Juana 'H emandes ..............6, 8 gin. Next Friday both teaipa go to Ju st> a-M ere c lu b a t lunchi - Q u a lily a t C ost ' Burrlngton AddiUon Deep Creek for a return game. WMii. M n . R e ed M cB ride. _ 0914 Hannah Elgnor . Mr. and Mrs Maurice Ostendorph a ^ te d in se rv in g . 'M n . B a rah Pre; crankoase] service B a u f r. D w lo , wUl b e th e n e i r h o s - and famUy and M h. William Baker Turner's AddiUon PBitMoii, a w m left ..Friday for Alton, III.', Where BOSS F Dank Of Kimberly ..... -.„-;..Lot2 Sxcei fipttax M l» Penn — therf were called by the d*ath of No.'s 374, 37S, 379, bulk oils. U v a UUs w eek t M r i Baker's b ^ e r . SBB, 410 Mr, and Mrs. p, B. Johnstdn speht 2 ' 8939 T, O. Neely .................... The P U it' ' • ‘g j ' - e n a vUiUng a t 'a n m e t t B isk i a n Hansen Townslte owned - Ifldcpei S u h d a y m n l n g h o n o rin g U ie blrU i6901 Hoyt D, Sm ith ...................... 1, 3, 3. 4. In BOO Sloek 4 t( Ave. Sodth d a y a n n iv e rs a rie s o f h e r so n , Ja c k Mas Joseph Emery OlUUple 9 Tm oh U n e ^ U. B. 10 a n d d a u g h te r . B a r b a r a . 9949 Henry Jordine . ...7 .6 . . ^ . ^ a n d Mrs. 8. B. Blatr enUr8663 J. A. Felton ... » f » P*onlo S«w l«^ In honor B0B3 H. A. Whismore . 0 ( ^ 6 birthday annivtrsary of their B71B Anna 8, Lewis Arlesian City M t o A iin a P to lio h * i ' l o n e to Orson Strong 1, 3 Po rU an d , O re,, to e n i « r '\ S e U n iFred G oebel........................ l i to jm e d t o a i d iv ision , p r e p a ta te r y to Huborban Tract Np. 1 • w m i n g a n u rse , ■ ^ • Mary Honioth Est................7 bikj g Mary Honroth E st.. ....... u Buburben T ract No. I T H i T ® S r S 6 n ; ads. Geo. L. Bailey . i Della Marshr^ll ................. 3. 4, MUner TownaiU J. H. Radollffe 1.2. W, Levin W. Levin 0, 10, W. Levin . P. W. Meachan . ......... 6 Berger Townail* T. a ! Sanderson 1 i> 4 inc. T. A..Sanderson ... — ..... - t W 11 Ino. . T. A. Sanderson - .............1 to 4 inc. * T. A. Sanderson 3 4 T, A. Sanderson ...........- r «. 7. 8. T. A. Sanderson T. A. Si T, A. Bandi 1 to II in e , li-# 1 to 33 in c . . 30.93 38J8 8.10 G h^ch A rr^ g e s est Festival r c c c ’Enrollment !. FAUtVlEW. 4061 U.M 34.10 12.09 92.27 9.00 31.09 30.72 * UNITY W oodlawn; Aero Bronze 7( Octane GASOLINE — U t o aft Jnp., 1 to IB ino. 17 18 13 13 .16 S3 'JSI 9 ' 14 14 17 37 llJi7 d.B4 4400 3 7.81 91.63 T J lif-V H eQ M erToireslt* « 01 noB 610« No. Assessed to DescrlpUon SW 8W 33 0 14 R w NR nr. NW, NE SW. 814 SW NW SE, 8 '4 SB 13 9 13 ,6307 Marcia B. B riggs......... „ .NE14. NW U, E',4 SE 34 9 136324 B0 Ross B. D a v is ----------___ LoU 3, 3, 4, 8«4 NW 8 9 14 6398 B 9 14 M elissa-I. FalxchUd .„....... NE SW, SEU 9469 34 <9 14 0. F. Johnson .......... i...___ E ’,4 NE SW 0473 Mary E n n is -------------- ...... flW « acres NW SW 34 9 14 Henry A. l^rsen ____N>4 -W',4 NE 8E 26 9 14 6581 34 9 14 Franklin Duffleld — ____NW NE 0863 7 9 -16 H. M u rp h ey — . ;.„-..I-ot 10 0872 18 9 16 H. M u rp h ey------------ ....... Ixit 13 09)2 B AUle B o b b ................. - ___.N',4 NW NE 8W NW NE, SW N EW 4N ESE SE NW NE 31 9 10 93 9 16 0968 W>4 NW H. B. Gregory ___ ___ 7037 RW SW 1 10 13 7089 O. A. K r a m e r............. EH NW. NE a w 31 10 13 7315 A. J. M Uner_____________SE NE 15 10, 14 7831 Oliver Burris ............. NE NE 17 10 14 7415 Josephine 8. W a r r e n -----NW SW 28 10 14.MBS B. B. T a y lo r ______ ....... SR. NW 4 10- 16 7749 Julius Pufahl ... .......B v r 2^4 acres of SW NW NW 34 10 16 ■r m C lara H o w ard _____ !. center line of R O in s w s i: 1 10 16 __________ — 15. acres east of . 17“ - EUa centcr line of H 0 aw sE 1 10 7853 Fred M u n g e r ---------- — -Tax No. 106 8 10 I k 7924 R. S. Holtzman .......W>.4 SE 14 10 16 8107 J. ,C. B rid e h o e lt......... .......E«,4 SW NE 31 10 16 8334 Henry Overberg Trustee ..NW SW 14 10 17 8303 Ella P. B w eett.............. W 3U acres 8. of lateral SE 8W SE 19 10 17 8462 Nellie B. C U rk ............. ..8E NE N of R R 23 .10 17 8902 'Angelihe C. H ouse___ ......11 acres In Can­ yon of R C in SW SW 35 10 17 8513 .............NH SW ; SW SW HatUe Schlff NW SE 36 10 17 8793 John W. H a rd in ---------_....8W SE except 1 4/10 acres of R. R. 21 10 18 S970 David F. Clark ..... NE SE except N 20 ft. 35 10 18 9051 John C. H aney _ NW SW 26 10 19 0000 Frank K e n n e d y __ _ ........SW SE 32- 10 19 9103 H. M u r i ^ ------------- ----- SH NW; N>4 SW SE SW W H 6E: SE SE W of Canal 34 10 19 9144 Edith P e n i n e ------ -- -----i o t 1 N. of R R NE NW N of R R N W N E N o r R R 3 1 10 31 9186 . Fannie Oliver .......... ----- NE SW ; NH BE S E SE 13 11 13 9346 Emma M. G ilflllan__ ----- N ‘4 SE NW; NH Lot 9; 6 11 10 9403 Thos. S a n d e n o n __— — SW except 8 acres R R 16 11 16 9410 Mary O. Abrainson _ ___ SE SW 17 11 16 9493 Flora J. Hall ............. ___ E*4 SW 27 11 16 9703 Clara D. Manly ...... ----- N E N W E o f R C 7 11 IB J, M. G ro v e ------------------ 9.8 acres E of Canal In NE NW 13 11 18 9843 Gaylord L. N o rto n.....----- NE NE; SE NE: 27 11 18 99U Jam es B. WelU Est. *.------SE SW 6 11 19 Jam es B. Wells I^t. -"•»N E NW; Lot 2; 9915 i ’­ SE NW .1 l l 19 Jam es B. T a p t______ ------E 30 acres of 8 9933 26 acres of SW NE 8 11 19 0924 E. J. D o y J.............. ......;.W',4 NE SE 8 11 19 9977. Bank of K Jm berly...... ....... W>4 NE; BE NE; E 'i N W ;L o U l and 2: E li 8E; SW SE 19 u 16 A. C. Burlialter ....... 9985 ...E'4 8E 20 n 19 10019 • Alice E. RuUedge - .............NWU 27 I t 19 10038 w . H. T u r n e r ............ ...... ...NE’i 31 11 19 10047- Eugene H:^Pomeroy........ .flW '4 32 11 19 10069 John . E. Ooldsmlth. . . ... ...Lot 1 . 3 11 20 10076 J. B, L o g a n .................... . ...SE!4 3 11 30 10107 Frank K ennedy........... .... -T a x No. 41 6 11 20 10108 Heber. Nielson ... . . ...Tax No. 134 6 11 20 F rank Decker .....— 10121 ...Tax No. 267 6 11 20 10122 T hur u n Classon ... T ax No. 230 6 11 20 10041 Alta Verglnla Lee ........... Tax No. 237 6 11 20 10307 Thos, H icks'.......... - ....... ...SE SE IS 11 20 10200 B May A. Hale................. ...- S E NW: NH SW 20 11 20 10319 Thos. Hicks ................... ......NE NE 30 11 20 • 10280 LewU P. W arner ............ ...8>4 N E :N W U : N E SW ; N W 8E ; 34 12 16 L, H, Hankey . . 10323 ..jBW NE; 8 E NE 18 13 IS Henry Overgard 10334 ...NE SE SE 20 13 18 0 . G. Rothsrmel 10365 ...E>.4 NE SE 27 12 16 10409 Robert Brose. Jr ...SE SE 10 12 17 10412 Robert Broei. Jr....................SW SW a la n 10413 Robert Brose, Jr............ _......NW NW 14 la. 17 10414-16 Robert Brose, J r .,____ ...NE NE! SH NE; 8 4 NW; SW U: 8E ; 8W 8E IB 13 IT Robert Brose, Jr., _ ... S E N E ; N E SE 31 13 17 Robert Btose, Jr., _ - .. — 22. 12 17 10439 Robert Broae, Jr..... — ..„-.W S NE; SE NEN 4 NW N 'i SB 37 12 17 10467 Robert Brose, Jr., ---------- NW SB; 8>i SB 38 12 17 104(8 Andrew A n d irs o n ----------^ e 14: 33 13 ij 10498 Ohas. O. Morell ---------- —.LoU 3 and 4; BE NW; NE 8W 13 16 10431 Harley N. B u tle r... •..N>4 SE 13 16 Ohas. Odell - ....... 10607 .N ‘,i8 W ;S E 8 W a ■ 13 10 Frank ^ a r k -----10694 N a w : 8 ‘,4 a w 14 13 B 'i NE; BE NW: B E 'i I 14 13 10668 Fred S. I - L o l a J .a , 3 :E S NW; K \i BW i 18 14 13 ■8W 8W 27 14 13 10^4 B Chas. North Est. .. - W ' i NE 11 14 18 ‘6391 MOt Ross B. D a v js-----M u c U E. Briggs Robert Brose, Jr., _ nobert Brose. jr., ...... Oora E. Vanderpool 10H4 ' Oora E. Vandeijjool . 10047 10963 11034 lio n 1106S C era E. Vanderpool . Oora E. Vandenwol . Robe/l Brose. Jr......... Robert Brose, Jr....... . Robert BroK, Jr...... Robert Brose, Jr....... .. 1107ft lio n R ^ r t B'roee, Jr., Robert Brose, Jr., — 11113 Ohas. E. B rack ett----- HlSl is r 9 e i» o lv ^ Samuel 0. Sexton . — 1 to 30 Ino. —a. *. 1 t« 4 tiM. tao.o« 406.0T 656.38 6U0 38.16 13.83 1.55 19J9 66.39 .98 1.W 150.63 742.30 1.45 1BJ3 110.09 64.68 79.33 137M 18.40 31.07 16.81 2341 86.10 34.99 167J89 16.41 38.81 S.IB 167J 6 : ^ 188.67 14 18 --Tax. No. 387 14 16 —Lots 3 and 4; BW NW: SB NW; W>,i 8W ^ E BW; 8«t SB ‘-■N'4 NE; SW NE; SB NW H -N 5 4 N H ; BW NW; SW!4 I 1« IT - N W NW 0 U 17 -- SW NE; E U 8W: W S B8 13 18 18 -N B N W i BW NW l SW U 11 18 10 - K % SB 14 IB 18 - E M NE; NE BE 31 IB 18 - A l l Of Section 24 18 16 - N h : N li S 'i 3S 1» 17 - E H ; SW U 24 16' 17 - E ', 4; LOU 3, 3, 4; SB BW IB IB U ~ W 'i NW 39 IB- U • “ N E U lN E NW; I<ots I, 3. I: M IB 11 • BW NW B U 14 W H SW B IB 14 NB^ 4 tl ii U U 1 ,8 ,0 : N i l . < 0 II U -N W »* M 10 10> -lA U Ia n d J jS ^ HE, I II » 8>4 NE: NU SB 0 i j II - L o U 9 .« .l:B B N W i t tq 93 in c . 1 to .i I n ^ _ Amount Bogersoa Towosita ’ 6170% B. F. I OharloUfl J. M cCorkle___ 19 AU ao,.31 10618 l.li Block Donald Dingwall . 9 . A . Switzer u :_ - E . A. M e n o n ___ Robert Brose, Jr„ . 3M 33.40 . LKGAL ADVERT1SBMENT8 O ounS *T ?euiirir UA H u 61.56 1.48 3.20 .11J7 33.71 '38.41 13.69 8.16 14.00 19.81 65.59 .69 49.37 3.M 0.18 1.33 U4 4M fl.Q0 sa.69 0.63 21.97 68.13 3.06 4 il. 10,73 4.66 6.68 38.62 116.88 16.78 14.76 43.63 6.16 4.30 1.60 1.63 1.60 19.38 63 4.14 8.73 10.31 80.36 ai.iB 13.38 0.03 37.69 l l IIJI 1.77 b;00 W Jl 14.40 14.40 lito 1.41 market; bulk Ko. I <0o to JOo; 2 13c to 30c; ,»lilpplDS. p o in t tonntU o a. SO-drftCM mlDlmum. B3 d e g ten m ixU num , PMlly r^ H |* < e c i? Sl.23. WIs. Cobbltra, 3 W iin tti mlntmum II, 7 T tboi Rut»i»," 1 c if 'aOcV N. D»k. D fK T ri­ umph*. 1 CM- »l.07\i. 3 e»r» ll.OS. 3 ; can II. 1 car U per cen t U. B.. No. 1 Me: Cobblers BO per cen t tT. B / m . I. i e*r SSo: 1 o r Ko. 1 90c. Uint^.. Ilol' tendale itc tlo n , a c tm dark color 80c; unclaMltled, 1 car fl7>tc. - B r United Prew NATIONAL LEAGUE F l n t Gnmc R .H .E . PUU burgh........000 ODO OiO-1 5 OlnclimRll ...... 012 030 Olx—7 13 Tobin, Bwlft. Urown and Todd; Derringer nnd Lombiirdl. 'llUburgh .................... 010 101 1 Clnclnnotl ......................010,000 0 -1 Biiucrs And Todd; Moore hiid Lombnrdl, OhlcsgQ ..... 8t, LouU ................................................ Phltadelpliln a t New Y o rk -c a n ­ celled, rain. Doatoli at Brooklyn played In double-lieader yenterdny. AMEItlCAN LKAUUE (First Oame): n i!E Sf,Loulfl.......,.-.O03 030 000—0 13 2 Chicago ........ Ijo 000 03X -7 0 1 'rroiicr and Siilllviui; Lyons and ■Treali. New York n t Plillndclpliln-cancelled by afrecm cn t of bolb cliiba, , WMhlngton a t noaton-caiicclled. threatening weatlter. Delroil a t Olnvnliind « lll be played M part ol doublcheadcr Biinday. boleman In fan t Dies [Shortly A fter*B irth Oravealde rlt«« were held u l 4 p. I- today a t the Twin Palln rrm elery for the Infant daughter of Mr. and K r r Craw Ooleman. Durley. 1^8 ChlW died m u mornlnir a t the Twin'Falla county general hoap lu l • e m a l h o u n a fte r blrUi. in term en t ^ under the dtreolinn of th e Twin r a u mortuwy. d b m o b im z e ao lu.ro-Beiw Ul* ffmt luktlon to alarl — g today. T he requUltlon* Ing of vehkiiea atopped an d men In d T iW 'so, lesi IDAHO EVENING TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO ZECHS EXPRESS DISTRUST ON FUTURE HI Japan’s Foreign B and L ead er Graders A W «ES DTO Wendell Miiiister Resigns Join School Band PROfESSlSTO iM tO rA L L PLAy FOR DANCE LISICANDIDAIES royalKtl i l M ’S RAILS Jack Mills end his orchestra will' play In Twin Falla a t the Radio­ land ballroom on Saturday, Oct. 19. a t a Bpcclal NBC celebration dnnce. it was announced lhl&.altcmoon by John Gardner, manager of K T7I. Plana are now bctnR made lo have a hookup with KSEI In. Pocatello so th a t a special broadcast during the dance can be released through the Gate City aa a part of the • cal station's celebrwlon. The' station here, by the time the celebration dance l*-held. will be an outlet for NBC progranu. G ardner said. Mills' orchestra of 11 plecca has filled contracts for botfl the NBC and the CBS systems from Wichita. S alt Lake City. Los Angeles, San Francisco. Seattle, Denver and Omaha. m UU will be here In p er­ son to. lead his group during the celatraa^ly i .'dance._________ fir m v o u a rAOKASD PBAOOK, 8 « it. 30 (U .B -M iau iy aatheriUM u iu m e d t u l l cantrDl of n n m y t t<XU7 u th o cabinet m et to consider,.the four-pow er Budetn ilin d M n e m e n t flgned a t U u Qlcb. O n d to a lo n U a received vfUi eIo6m and xuaplclon th e details of how It to to be dtomembered to save tUi< peace of Zorope. l^iH itily gauge of oatlona] sentlmea fr-waa -th e d ovneaat eyes of the - n u n on the BtrieU. These men askpeac»>-« jnat c m p e n sa tio n for the loH o f ecenomlc, n i u t i r r and poUtleal Independence In th e ir *Ut«? P rle e to o H if b ? T b n wew a peaU nr of -what would be left of th eir country ^ t e r Oer> manjr. ■Bungarj', a n d P ^ a n d had taken th e territory they claimed, and which th eir negotiator*, G reat Britain and Prance, signed away a t y, th e four>p6wer conference In MU' nieh yesterday. T h ^ was a strong feeling here th a t the price of peace n a y have, been too high, u d a deep distrusti o f AOOU HlUer’a future course after. hia amnv hai4 Aiii4«f«n ^ f f ,. to » .v -, — • «r r wr heretofore had proivlded n a tu ra l defense against loraalon from th e west. W oaU B ath er Flgbt ■U M obnoilous to CMchoslovaks was th e plan lo r sending a n ln te n a > tlonal army ' pending the tran sfer to Germany. Tliey beUered th a t such, a n arm y would underm ine th e sovereignty of .the gonm m en t, even 4 houili the . troops toeluded n o O e ra a n s. JA C K M IL L S . WIU ■bring fa m e o s re c o rd -' G i ^ ’. t « a g u e U n its ' (id on-Jfflll O u tin g s W ENDELL I Mrs. Manuel Porter h as been elected a s lecturer of the Wendell Orange, Uklng the place of Mrs. Ray Tener. Kenneth Lohner, former Wendell .I.I M b . ; . l.« t .Ith Kenneth U now w ith the . con divi­ sion a t Sacramento, C allfarH e is also a n amateur radio operator and h as arranged to work signals with Bob Guimlng. Wendell, on his re­ tu rn to Sacramento. Junior and senior units of the Twtn F ills high sciiool Q kls' league were to hold the first annual fall outing today. Featuring a Gypsy trail theme the Junior class girls accompanied by the sponsor, Ml&s Bernice Babcock, will iu*e hike lo to m thee nome home of Doris Reed wiu lo r jm jiu tiiw ju p p tr . nrmrram program. Supper In Rock creek canyon near the hosplUl with an evening of games dlrecUd by Miss Madeline Garvin Is the program planned by the senior unit. .Mrs. Rose M. North Is sponsor of this group. WENDEIX. Sept. 30 <8peclal) Tw enty-three students are enrolled In the grade school beglnnlnr band being Instructed by Ralph Adrian Rose. O ther pupils will Join as soon as they get inatnmienu. The Instruments and . students playing them a t present are: clarlnets,-ArvB'Nlelson. Phyllis Caldwell, Beverly Simon, Leone Wlnegar, Anna Belle Note. Edgar Yo;^g, Marilyn Hoskins, Phyllis Zblncfen, and Lorraine Huffaker: trumpets, LuclUe Guimlng and Johnny S to a baritone, Violet Olson; trombom Hollis Flelachman; tuba. Don K ick' m an; saxophone, Glen Malone. R. V. Strickland; snare drum, Steve B artlett and Bertha Rost: drum, Fenton Haya and Junior Mc­ Nutt: cello, Louise King. M argaret B arrett Is accompanist for the new musical organliaUon. R e c e p tio n P la n n e d F o r N ew T e a c h e rs New Junior and ‘senior high school Uachers will be honorees a t a re­ ception next Oct. 4, a t the high school auditorium, the JuniorSenior Parent-Teacher association presiding as hosts. PJans lor the event were made at an exccutlvc board meeting yester­ day afternoon. Homer M. Davis, superintendent, and Edward Rogel, principal, will deliver th e addresses. Mrs. J. D. Sinema, Mrs. George Davidson, Mrs. Paul Taber and Mrs, - . BOISE, Sept. 30 (U .»-The state's ewly-formed Progressive party waited today for a filing fee fronl V. A. Vcrhel of. SagJe,-Jta-cholce for U, S. senator, in order to com ­ plete the party's general election ticket. Verhei had until five p. m. to­ day to telegraph the money neces­ sary for his formal filing an d oeruricatlon as a candidate a t th e sec­ t a r y of stale's office. ‘ A shift occurred In tho party's 41neup when Mrs. M ayte Flack of Meridian declined to run for lieu­ tenant-governor. E ugene,O ooia of Wendell, candidate for secretary of slate, withdrew from th a t office and filed for lieutenant-governor. The party will have no candidate for secretary of state. Other candidates on the Progresalve list are: Governor, State Senator R. B. Wilson of Emmett. Lewiston.^ State auditor. Eliza Buckland, Thorn ton. TOKYO, Sept. 30 (aW -Oen Karushlge Dgakl, foreign minister, re­ 5 s s i signed today as tho result of disa­ I t of a 4 greement with other cabinet min­ p t p e r / j isters’ on the-creation of a special lUl committee to lake charge of Japanese affairs In China. -Government elrclc* said Japan's foreltn policy would not be chang­ ed essentially by Ugakl's resigna­ tion. • ble with th« govemmisnt »nd ta on th e ^ o ly Bee's Index of p ro h ib its ; reading. Wlne-cork moths lay their eggs » and accusing on the corks' of wins b o t t l e aiid T h e news- th e caterpillars live on * diet of , 1 Id trou- cork. P h y sic al E x a m s ALBION. Sept. 30 (Special)—Dr. Sater. assisted by Miss ESfle Hug­ gins, school nurse, ond Irene Buck­ ley. physical education director for women, has been conducting phy­ sical examinations for the normal school studenta. This work was started Thursday. MEN OUTNUMBEB WOMEN CANBERRA. Australia (U.R) EVery state' in A ustralia continues predontlnantly male. Out i p f a total population for tho c o A 4 | g of 6,66l.MS, rhales number 3.481,871 and females, 3,3W,#77. Gwendolyn H crtzog ^ ANNODNCES D em onstration and Sales of the M erle N o rm a n C osm etics T h u i Accronns boconslderodatdliortaniaeroxbanlshM IdarAdaidliottaniCloroxbanlUtM scorch ond tnlldaw oailly from your wfilla ond eotor-foit coWoni and llnani ... olio ramovat fruit, btrry, bavaraga. Aowar, g ra ii, bloodi many Ink, dy». madleint ond othar itolns. Yoo con treif your tTMiurad llnans to Clorox. . . no lima or odds to waokan fabric*. Cloro* hoi many panonoi ond other utat. Simply follo« diractlont on tha lobat .1 a t tfie EUGENE BEAUTY STUDIO Phone 69 Appointments _____r-commlttee.. will be in charge. , Mrs. W, R. Chase was elected vice president, filling a vacancy crei by the resignation of Mrs. Clapde Detweller. Junior high school students and senior high school students will be entertained a t a skating party Oct. Beavers wer? located within 30 7, Mrs. John Rasmussen, chslrm an Bowever careful th e w riter may "bt. signatures are never written miles of New York's Broadway in of th e recreation committee, a n ­ 1933. nounced. twice exactly the Same. W E CONTINUE" OUR PRE-INMNTORY : E v sry o n e w ith w h o m I ta U u d , -from Id lers t o p o litic a l le a d e rs , eon* wouH r a i& e r ^ v e fought th an feied dlamemberment, a n d th a t the •orreoder of territonr was a aacri* Um th a t it B ad e n o t f o r lU own w elare, b u t to aava Uw re s t of B uro p t Irom war. Tbey believed th a t ~ tl»-«W rB iU o » u l Of S u w p e did not^ STO CK -liilb ’ *lW6dale.tltii H IC K B IL R :^ A a -^ o q trta a d liig h e r d s ir e fro ia U te L . J . I to c k lQ c k H o ls te in h e rd . .m ill U ft f v u b r o th e r t o C o lo n y F lood .< M a n tb t, g r e a t b ro o d oow a n d '' ttB u r ^ r tf ii.' w ln n tt i n 'Um C olony i low , U m • 1^1 NOMIEBLASTS AI I D E PACTS , CANDY Regular Be bara go In this clear­ ance I ProducU of General Foods ^ ^ ^ O to h a n acc u sed t h e N ew D eal u rM ponalble f o r th e p lig h t o f th e I m r u n d e r th e p r e a e n t low prioea. B o a sse rte d t h a t r e s to ra tio n Q ( 'h l |h e r fa rm p rle e a “ is th e o nly m a th o d ” by w h ic h tn d u s l r U l a n d w e n jB lo y m e n t p ro b le m s c a n be O ii CMiifiMIng IM M from MUNNV c | i O CLEARANd O O O D m O . S e p t; 30 (S p eelaU R e p ea l o f th e rec ip ro c a l tr a d e tr e a ty a c t « s a d e trim e n t to A a w rlo a n farm * a n w a r 'a d v o c a te d h e r e y e sterd a y )9 D o n ald A. C a lla h a n , R e p u b lic an M o a to fla l c a n d id a te , a t a n open raa atfB f sp o n so red b y R e p u b lic an ' H en ry D w o n h a k , O . O . k co n g re ssjo n a l D ominee, r a p p e d th e New D eal f o r c u ttin g do w n p ro d y c ilo n o f . f U |a r b a ats, a n im p o r ta n t c a sh crop U IdAho. " w l« n o n ly 33 p e r c e n t ,» f, s u g a r uaed In th is c o u n try ' U i m m in th « U n ite d a u t e a . D w cr. .U u ltR liQ d a n a n d s d t h a t n o A m e r. i o u ^ p a s h a ll in v a d e fo re ig n to il. B o th O aU ahan a n d D w o rsiiak o O Q duoted.a one> day o o n u c t tr ip t h r ^ t a th is c o u n ty y e s te r d a y . TliBy • •p o to -.-a fr-ie v e ra l r u r a l - s p o u , in ' (U udli^ th e BIU p y ia r a n c h . T h e spon so red bjr O . O , P . w o; jw M w as a t m o n I n Q o o d ln g . U N Shop Early » u r d a y a v e ra g e ln Idaho. m ily a rt B w ith re d u c e d p r ic ^ g h f it will m a in ta in th e m e m m n d is in g leadership ofyou rSafm ay Stores! f k a a d rS unU U ne" e o « . w h o h a s six « s e e i i o f '6 0 0 p o u n d s 'o f i c M - d u m U k ln g . S h e c ld th e n t i n g o T ^ U i .... „ p o r d in g .t o M . B . N k . . - . .o f Y p rU w id . O r e , is . t h e h ig h e st ty p i o la a ilfk a tio n a n a n im a l c a n • rao a iv t fi« iA -U ie N a t io n a l BcOsUtln b m E —every one of them tasty, de­ licious and nutritious. L ucky , lndcc(|, those people for whom life hiis n evrr lost ila rom ontic, <9vor>chniiging Uirills. Fresli, vital, youth­ fu l In m ind and b o d y . . . ihey enjoy each d ay lo.ihe fullcsi. Yo\i know th at vitalily gives a zosl to living. You know, too, that ry e is a g ra in rich In nourishm ent. W ouldn’t it be w onderful to Itnjto (Iuh wholesom e grain in a hew a n d le m p U n g re a d y -to -c a l c e r e a l? T b a l’e exactly whqt K ellogg now gives you I J u st think! Y ou can s it down l» a m ln tra ti) .......... ... 3.6 Careat oili (for fuaU 1.1 PEA NU T BUTTER IJ lb. jar a now bank-note. W ith « tangy rye flavor, th a t m ak e s y o u th in k o f Your F a v o rite llninil ■■^ ra g ra a t, am n m t . }•,]■ C .p |» r ..tJ > n | . p . r l | . ‘■I.UNCir IIO X " YouMl enjoy this delicioua ce rea l with m ilk 6 r o re a ^ . M ad e b y K e llo g g in B alllo Creek; FOOD fOa-^riTNISS ALURYE FLAKES ■ U - 2if! *11te FumouH H evtrly Mrand Ca1orl«tper«B, 107 Mlneralii \ I1io*phorw ....... OJSS% % Iron ...................0.0017% ^ ^ C a ld a n ...............OM.1?; S A N D W IC H SPREAD bowlful of toasted flakes as crinp ns RS m lection includes; Pepperttloa; Pluffa; G iant Penfa; S lu ters; Double Dure.t; lars. Shop early — they Check these other Wvings! A v e ra a a f e r s e a f a f t CSBptilffaa «f K allaii'i A L l.R ri ffalM Pratain (io balM ■nd rrintlr i 1hh«>. Carbobydrila ( f o r W i y ) ........ . 82.S Fiber (« «our«« o f - b a lk - ) ............... U Alfa (Miih vatnabU ' Moiiiurw................. 3 c »F S A Airway COFFEE (.’round to S u it Y our Needs 15/ QUAUT \RSHLLOWS l ‘O U N t> I^ L A D SSIN G . D ran d " 29f! Q U A lW