3 rd Entertainer of the Year
11 th Kids for Kids, Charity Concert
24th-25th Tauranga Star Awards
December 2015
13th Little Tennessee CM Awards Nth
January 2016
15 th -17 th Marton Country Music Festival
30th Phoenix Classic Gold Awards
February 2016
19 th -20 th Country Magic Awards
April 2016
9 th -10 th Auckland Awards
16 th Red Star Awards
July 2016
Eastern Bay Awards
Cambridge 1 st Fri of month 7.30pm
Forestland 1 st Sun of month 1.00pm
Mt Maunganui 1 st Sun of month 1.30pm
Fountain City 1 st Sun of month 12.30pm
Morrinsville 2 nd Fri of month 7.30pm
Tauranga 2 nd Sun of month 1.30pm
Phoenix 2 nd Sun of month 1.00pm
Matamata 3 rd Fri of month 7.30pm
Te Puke 3 rd Sun of month 1.00pm
Hauraki 3 rd Sun of month 1.00pm
Sth Waikato 4 th Fri of month 7.30pm
Papamoa 4 th Sun of month 1.00pm
Te Aroha 4 th Sun of month 12.30pm
Huntly 4 th Sun of month 7.30pm
How did you all enjoy our annual “Spectacular.”? I thought it was another fabulous show, with a fantas>c range of ar>sts who never failed to please our wonderful audiences. We have had a great feedback on the shows and it won’t be long before the commiDee will be thinking of ar>sts for next year. It was good to catch up with people I haven’t seen for years and mee>ng new people is always a good part of the weekend.
To Marilyn and her team, you should be proud of your well-‐organized show, with loads of talent on stage. This was Marilyn’s last produc>on of our
“Spectacular.” She will be missed and we are grateful for all the years she has put towards this show. Karina Hart will be our next convenor.
Our October club night is a tribute show to the Grand Ole Opry. I have chosen songs for our members to learn based on songs that would have been sung at the Opry. They have been asked to come along dressed as that person on the night. It promises to be a great show. Everyone I heard prac>cing at the first workshop sounded great, can’t wait to hear more! So come along for a great nights entertainment, you could even dress as your favourite ar>st if you like!!
I am looking forward to everyone singing this month and seeing you all there.
Someone to be our newsleDer editor, no experience needed, but computer skills essen>al along with your great ideas and enthusiasm for our clubs informa>on to be put out there, and to keep our members in touch with what is happening in the New Zealand Country Music scene.
Please let myself or anyone on commiDee know if you are interested.
On that note, I will say goodbye for now and I look forward to seeing you all at
October Club night. Yours in Country Music
Pam Findlay (President)
At The Morrinsville Country Music Club
7.30pm Friday 14 th October – Senior Citizens Hall, Canada St Morrinsville
This October Club Night will be a showcase of songs and artists who were either guests or inducted into the Grand Ole Opry. Some of the artists include Johnny Cash, Ronnie Milsap, Reba McEntire, Cowboy Copas and
Cousin Minne Pearl, just to name a few. This will be a show not to be missed, our members are really getting behind the idea and becoming their chosen singer for the night.
The Grand Ole Opry began its life as a radio station on Nov 28 th 1925, when a radio announcer introduced fiddle player Uncle Jimmy Thompson as the first performer on a new show called “The
WSM Barn Dance.” This grew into the now famous “Grand Ole Opry” Thus making Nashville the capital of country music.
Among the artists appearing was a special band all the way from little old Hamilton NZ. Yes you guessed right “The Hamilton County Bluegrass Band” appeared on the show in June 12 th 1971. Paul still has the programme.There will be a wide range of songs for you all to enjoy, you could even come along as your favourite singer!! We are very excited about this show and look forward to seeing you there.
Pam Findlay
Kids for Kids Country Music Charity Concert
Raising funds for Starship Hospital.
11 th of October 2015, Cosmopolitan
Club Cambridge, 11am – 4.30pm
Compere: Molly G
Featuring artists from the North and the
South Island. Plus special guests artists.
This is a concert not to be missed!
Steve Ward
Becky Cole
Phoebe Ball
Dakota Kingi
Haley C
Jasmine Kaylee Amelia James
Amelia is 18 years of age and stems from Ashburton. With her stunning voice this young talented women will be sure to delight your ears. We are very lucky to have Amelia participating.
Clark Reid
Door Sales: $10.00 Adults $5.00 Snr
Citz and Kids
Dennis August
Tony Bramsen entered into the Te Awamutu
Competitions Society of the performing arts on
Saturday. He walked away with a HC, VHC, and a
3rd place, and on Sunday a 2nd place for a Vocal
Duet again with his 11 year old grand daughter
Natalie who lives in Wellington, and had just come up from the Wanganui "Muddy River" country music awards.
Congratulations Tony and Natalie!
Although we did not quite fill all the seats for both shows this year, we were delighted with the feed back that we have received for the 2015 Spectacular.
All the ar>sts invited to perform were excep>onal.
Our audience le] cri>quing who was their favourite act, many could not decide, because the standard was so high. Congratula>ons to all the ar>sts, and a huge thank you for taking part in our show. To the wonderful audience thank you for suppor>ng us once again, and we look forward to seeing you next year!
‘Another excellent concert last Saturday. Brilliant performers and top entertainment. Professionally produced and very well organised. We have been to several now and will be back again next year.
Well done to your club.’
Lindsay Crawford
‘Hi Marilyn, Ron & I just want to say a big congratula>ons to you and your team for a fantas>c Spectacular. So many complimentary comments from people who aDended.
Thank you’ Sheryl
To the 2015 Spec commiDee, the Morrinsville
Country Music Club CommiDee, to everyone who played a role in gedng the concerts up and running, all those happily working in the back ground, a huge thank you to you all. And lastly a very big thank you to our band ‘Bacchus’ and ‘Echo and Harmony’ for their outstanding performances under the guidance and exper>se of Renny Hantler.
Ryan was extremely good playing in the band, it was great to see Phillip on drums and Catherine back on stage as part of the band. Tom, our compere for the night, was dressed for the occasion and introduced the ar>sts very well. The Sept guest ar>st, Gary Steele’s introduc>on to his songs was excellent.
A visitor from Auckland was impressed and amazed at the standard of our club night.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all the helpers at our club nights each month.
Our inten>on as a Club is to provide an opportunity for the enjoyment of Country Music, for performers and audience alike.
We will endeavour to give to Members an opportunity to play, sing, or otherwise par>cipate in the presenta>on of the music, and we will encourage each par>cipant to develop their full poten>al in this expression. We hold two ‘prac>ce’ workshops, and a ‘Club’ night, every month. The prac>ce nights are to give performers the opportunity to prac>ce the song they have selected to sing with the band, so that the performance at Club night is the best it can be.
Our aim is to foster, encourage and provide an interest in
Country Music.
I have had a blast, and now it is >me to hand over the convenors posi>on to Karina Hart. I know she will bring a new and fresh approach to the next chapter of the ‘Morrinsville Country Music
Spectacular’ Th ank you! Marilyn Holmes
Singers workshop & Jam session -‐ Last Friday night of the month.
Band workshop -‐ First Friday night of the month
Club Night -‐ 7.30pm. 2nd Friday of the month, Senior Ci>zens Hall,
Canada Street, Morrinsville.
Disclaimer: The Morrinsville Country Music Club Inc. will not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury incurred whilst aDending club func>ons. Children are the responsibility of their parents or guardians while at club events
If you have any problems, complaints or sugges>ons on club maDers please put it in wri>ng, signed and dated. Either pass to a commiDee member or send to P.O. Box 240, Morrinsville 3340 so these can be discussed at our commiDee mee>ng.
Any member of our club has the right to aDend our mee>ngs, which are held on the Monday night a]er the Club nigh t concert at
Pam Findlay 7 889 0926 - Public Relations
Vice President: Anne McFall 7 887 5766 - Raffles
Barbara Dalziel 7889 6208 - Reg Delegate
Treasurer: Liz Bowater 7 887 3595
Next Committee Meeting to be held in the Morrinsville
Museum, Conference Room
Allan Findlay 7 889 7727 - Trailer
Renny Hantler
Marilyn Holmes
Paul Trenwith
7 846 1991 - Website
7 889 4497 - Newsletter
7.30pm Monday 12 th October 2015
Life members:
Lyn Torstonson, John and Lyn Stewart,
Doris Trubshaw
Peter Williamson
Jan Cooper, Bernie Eva
Renny and Jenny Hantler
7 856 3963
7 889 0032 - Kitchen
7 834 1106
Sharon McIntyre 7 889 3498 - Band Roster