January, 2015

(714) 834-3397 • FAX (714) 834-4375
Disability insurance -- Law and legislation -- United States.
REFMC: ABA 78 CD 2014
Long-term disability benefits advanced seminar II. [Presented by] ABA Joint Committee
on Employee Benefits; Sections of Business law [et al.]. [Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar
Association, p[2014].
Pension trusts -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Congresses.
REFMC: ABA 79 CD 2014
The ERISA basics series VI. [Presented by] ABA Joint Committee on Employee
Benefits; the sections of Business Law ... [et al.]. [Chicago, Ill.] : American Bar
Association, [2014].
Appellate procedure -- United States.
GEN 4: KF9050 .F43 2013
Federal appellate practice. 2nd ed. Mayer Brown LLP; editor-in-chief Philip Allen
Lacovara; contributing authors, Timothy S. Bishop [et al.]. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg
BNA, 2013.
Band musicians -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF390.E57 S87 2012
Music law: how to run your band's business. 7th ed. Richard Stim. Berkeley, CA : Nolo,
Business planning.
REFSH: HD30.28 .M3839 2014
How to write a business plan. 12th ed. Mike P. McKeever. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
GEN A: HD30.28 .R44 2014
One size never fits all: business development strategies tailored for women (and most
men). Dr. Arin N. Reeves. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, 2014.
Capital investments.
GEN A: HG4028.C4 P7244 2014
The lawyer's guide to the cost of capital: understanding risk and return for valuing
businesses and other investments. Shannon Pratt and Roger Grabowski. Chicago,
Illinois : American Bar Association, Section of Family Law, 2014.
Causes of actions -- United States.
GEN 4: KF8863 .M66 2014
The empowered paralegal cause of action handbook. Robert E. Mongue. Durham,
North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, 2014.
Civil procedure -- California.
GEN 3: KFC995 .S56 2014
California civil procedure in a nutshell. 5th ed. William R. Slomanson. St. Paul, MN :
West Academic Publishing, 2014.
Commercial leases -- United States.
GEN 4: KF593.C6 H38 2014
Commercial retail leases and outlot purchases: a practitioner's guide to forms and
provisions. Mark Dall and Noble C. Hatfield. Chicago, Illinois : Section of Real Property,
Trust & Estate Law, American Bar Association, 2014.
Constitutional history -- England.
GEN A: KD3946 .M33 2014
Magna Carta and the rule of law. Daniel Barstow Magraw, Andrea Martinez, and Roy E.
Brownell II ; foreword by former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Chicago : American Bar
Association, 2014.
Consumer credit -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF1040 .L39 2014
The law of truth in lending. Alvin C. Harrell, editor. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Business
Law Section, 2014.
Contracts for work and labor -- United States.
REFSH, GEN 4: KF898 .F567 2014
Consultant & independent contractor agreements. 8th ed. Stephen Fishman. Berkeley,
CA : Nolo, 2014.
Copyright -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH, GEN 4: KF2995 .F53 2014
The copyright handbook: what every writer needs to know. 12th ed. Stephen Fishman.
Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Covenants not to compete -- United States -- States.
GEN 4: KF3463 .M347 2013
Covenants not to compete: a state-by-state survey. 9th ed. Brian M. Malsberger; Board
of Review Associate Editors, David J. Carr, Arnold H. Pedowitz, and Eric Akira Tate.
Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2013.
Criminal law -- United States -- Encyclopedias.
REFSH: KF9217 .B47 2014
Criminal law: a desk reference. 2nd ed. Paul Bergman. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Criminal procedure -- United States.
GEN 4: KF9656 .M29 2014
Criminal procedure in practice. 4th ed. Paul Marcus, Melanie D. Wilson and Jack B.
Zimmermann. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section,
Criminal procedure -- United States.
GEN 4: KF9619 .F434
Federal criminal practice. 2014-15 ed. Costa Mesa, CA : James Publishing, Inc.,
[2014]Custody of children -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH, GEN 4: KF547 .L97 2014
Building a parenting agreement that works: child custody agreements step by step. 8th
ed. Mimi Lyster Zemmelman. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
REFSH: KF547 .D67 2013
Nolo's essential guide to child custody & support. 2nd ed. Emily Doskow. Berkeley, CA
: Nolo, 2013.
Depositions -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH, GEN 4: KF8900 .B44 2014
Nolo's deposition handbook. 6th ed. Paul Bergman and Albert J. Moore. Berkeley, CA :
Nolo, 2014.
Disability insurance -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
REFSH, GEN A: HD7105.25.U6 M675 2014
Nolo's guide to social security disability: getting & keeping your benefits. 7th ed. David
A. Morton III, M.D. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Dispute resolution (Law) -- Psychological aspects.
GEN A: K2390 .F75 2014
Inside out: how conflict professionals can use self-reflection to help their clients. Gary
J. Friedman. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, 2014.
Divorce -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF535.Z9 G738 2013
Divorce after 50: your guide to the unique legal & financial challenges. 2nd ed. Janice
Green. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2013.
Divorce -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF535.Z9 D67 2014
Nolo's essential guide to divorce. 5th ed. Emily Doskow. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Divorce mediation -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF535 .S76 2012
Divorce without court: a guide to mediation & collaborative divorce. 3rd ed. Katherine
E. Stoner. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2012.
Drugs -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF3133.D78 P74 2014
Pre-ANDA litigation: strategies and tactics for developing a drug product and patent
portfolio. Kenneth L. Dorsney, editor-in-chief. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Section of
Intellectual Property Law, 2014.
Emigration and immigration law -- United States.
GEN 4: KF4819 .W52 2014
What every lawyer needs to know about immigration law. Editors, Jennifer A.
Hermansky, Kate Kalmykov; contributing editors, William S. Jordan, III, Anna Williams
Shavers, Jill E. Family. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Section of Administrative Law and
Regulatory Practice, 2014.
Employee crimes -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
REFSH: HF5549.5.E43 G836 2013
The essential guide to workplace investigations: how to handle employee complaints &
problems. 3rd ed. Lisa Guerin. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2013.
Employees -- Rating of -- United States.
GEN A, DESK: HF5549.5.R3 D44 2007
The performance appraisal handbook: legal & practical rules for managers. 2nd ed.
Amy DelPo. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2007.
Environmental law, International.
GEN A: K3585 .I579 2014
International environmental law: the practitioner's guide to the laws of the planet.
Roger R. Martella, Jr. and J. Brett Grosko, editors. Chicago, Illinois : ABA, Section of
Environment, Energy, and Resources, 2014.
Estate planning -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF750.Z9 C585 2013
Estate planning basics. 7th ed. Denis Clifford. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2013.
Executors and administrators -- United States.
REFSH: KF778.Z9 R36 2014
The executor's guide: settling a loved one's estate or trust. 6th ed. Mary Randolph.
Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Forensic orations.
GEN A: K181 .S53 2014
Lawyers, liars, and the art of storytelling: using stories to advocate, influence, and
persuade. Jonathan Shapiro. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, 2014.
Government Web sites -- United States.
GEN 3: KF27 .H57 2013f
Cyber side-effects: how secure is the personal information entered into the flawed
HealthCare.gov?: hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security. Washington :
U.S. Government Printing Office, 2014.
Health lawyers -- United States.
GEN 4: KF299.M43 S58 2014
Careers in health law. Lawrence Singer, Megan Bess, and Kristin Finn. Chicago, Illinois
: Health Law Section, American Bar Association, 2014.
Husband and wife -- Taxation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF6400 .N33 2014
A practitioner's guide to innocent spouse relief: proven strategies for winning Section
6015 tax cases. 2nd ed. Robert B. Nadler. Washington, DC : American Bar Association
Section of Taxation, 2014.
Independent contractors -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States -- Popular
REFSH: KF390.I54 F57 2014
Working for yourself: law & taxes for independent contractors, freelancers &
consultants. 9th ed. Stephen Fishman. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Individualized education programs -- Law and legislation-- United States -Popular works.
REFSH: KF4209.3 .S57 2014
The complete IEP guide: how to advocate for your special ed child. 8th ed. Lawrence
M. Siegel. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Judicial process -- United States.
GEN 4: KF8775 .C639 2014
Blindfolds off: judges on how they decide. Joel Cohen; foreword by Hon. Richard
Posner, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, 2014.
Labor laws and legislation -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF3457 .D45 2013
Dealing with problem employees: a legal guide. 7th ed. Amy DelPo and Lisa Guerin.
Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2013.
GEN 4: KF3455 .G835 2013
The essential guide to federal employment laws. 4th ed. Lisa Guerin. Berkeley, CA :
Nolo, 2013.
Landlord and tenant -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF590.Z9 P667 2013
Every landlord's guide to finding great tenants. 3rd ed. Janet Portman. Berkeley, CA :
Nolo, 2013.
Law offices -- United States -- Automation.
GEN 4: KF320.A9 S367 2014
Microsoft Office 365 for lawyers: a practical guide to options and implementation. Ben
M. Schorr. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Law Practice Division, 2014.
Law offices -- United States -- Records and correspondence.
GEN 4: KF320.R42 C86 2014
The lawyer's guide to records management and retention. 2nd ed. George C.
Cunningham. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Law Practice Division, 2014.
Lawyers -- Fees -- United States.
GEN 4: KF316 .L36 2014
Alternative fees for litigators and their clients. Patrick Lamb. Chicago, Illinois : ABA
Law Practice Division, 2014.
Legal aid -- Standards -- United States.
GEN 4: KF336 .A7165 2014
Standards for programs providing civil pro bono legal services to persons of limited
means. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, 2014.
Legal secretaries -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Ref: KF319 .E94
Legal secretary federal litigation. 4th ed. 2014-15. Costa Mesa, California : James
Publishing, 2014Liability insurance -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF1215 .R428 2014
The reference handbook on the commercial general liability policy. 2nd ed. Alan S.
Rutkin and Robert Tugander, editors. Chicago, Illinois : Tort Trial & Insurance Practice
Section, American Bar Association, 2014.
License agreements -- United States.
GEN 4: KF3145 .T435 2014
The technology transfer law handbook. Elizabeth Rodriguez and Sean Solberg, editors.
Chicago, Illinois : ABA, Section of Intellectual Property Law, 2014.
Mass media -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF2750 .M37 2014
Mass communication law in a nutshell. 7th ed. T. Barton Carter, Juliet Lushbough Dee
and Harvey L. Zuckman. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2014.
Mechanics' liens -- California -- Outlines, syllabi, etc.
GEN 3: KFC229 .H86 2014
Handling mechanics liens and related remedies (private works): here's how and when
to do it. Gordon Hunt. Oakland, California : CEB, Continuing Education of the Bar,
California, 2014.
Mediation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF9084 .K678 2014
Mediation in a nutshell. 3rd ed. Kimberlee K. Kovach. St. Paul, MN : West Academic
Publishing, 2014.
Mediation -- United States -- Popular works.
GEN 4: KF9084 .F74 2012
Anatomy of a mediation: a dealmaker's distinctive approach to resolving dollar disputes
and other commercial conflicts. James C. Freund; illustrations by Joe Azar. [New York]
: Practising Law Institute, 2012.
National security -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF4850 .A3 2014
The U.S. intelligence community law sourcebook: a compendium of national security
related laws and policy documents. 2014 ed. Andrew M. Borene, Adam Pearlman, and
Harvey Rishikof, editors. Chicago, Ill. : American Bar Association, 2014.
Nonprofit organizations -- Taxation -- United States -- Popular works.
GEN 4: KF6449 .F57 2014
Every nonprofit's tax guide: how to keep your tax-exempt status & avoid IRS problems.
3rd ed. Stephen Fishman. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Older people -- Long-term care -- Evaluation.
REFSH: RA644.5 .M38 2014
Long-term care: how to plan & pay for it. 10th ed. Joseph L. Matthews. Berkeley, CA :
Nolo, 2014.
Patent laws and legislation -- United States -- Popular works.
GEN 4: KF3114.85 .P737 2012
Nolo's patents for beginners. 7th ed. David Pressman and Richard Stim. Berkeley, CA :
Nolo, 2012.
Patent practice -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH, GEN 4: KF3114.85 .P74 2014
Patent it yourself: your step-by-step guide to filing at the U.S. patent office. 17th ed.
Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Patent searching.
REFSH: T210 .H58 2013
Patent searching made easy: how to do patent searches on the internet & in the library.
6th ed. David Hitchcock. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2013.
Personnel records -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF3457.5 .F56 2013
Privacy in employment law. 4th ed. Matthew W. Finkin. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg
BNA, 2013.
Photography -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF2042.P45 R53 2014
The photography law handbook. Steven M. Richman. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar
Association, 2014.
Practice of law -- United States.
GEN 4: KF300 .M85 2014
The education of a lawyer: essential skills and uncommon advice for building a
successful career. Gary Muldoon. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Publishing, 2014.
Private companies -- United States -- Popular works.
GEN 4: KF1380 .M364 2015
LLC or corporation?: how to choose the right form for your business. 6th ed. Anthony
Mancuso. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2015.
Public domain (Copyright law) -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF3022 .F575 2014
The public domain: how to find & use copyright-free writings, music, art & more. 7th
ed. Stephen Fishman. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Public housing -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF5729 .M33 2014
Beginner's guide to public housing conversion under RAD. Amy M. McClain. Chicago,
Illinois : Forum on Affordable Housing, American Bar Association, 2014.
Sale of business enterprises -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Popular
REFSH: KF1659 .M36 2013
Business buyout agreements: plan now for retirement, death, divorce or owner
disagreements. 6th ed. Bethany K. Laurence and Anthony Mancuso. Berkeley, CA :
Nolo, 2013.
Same-sex marriage -- Law and legislation -- United States.
REFSH: KF539 .H475 2014
Making it legal: a guide to same-sex marriage, domestic partnerships & civil unions. 3rd
ed. reprint. Frederick C. Hertz with Emily Doskow. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2014.
Sexual harassment -- Law and legislation -- United States -- Outlines, syllabi,
GEN 4: KF3467 .L5
Litigating sexual harassment & sex discrimination cases. 2014 ed. Costa Mesa, CA :
James Publishing, Inc., [2014]Special education -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF4209.3 .W75 2007
Wrightslaw: special education law. 2nd ed., 17th printing. Peter W.D. Wright. Hartfield,
Va. : Harbor House Law Press, 2014.
Tax auditing -- United States -- Popular works.
REFSH: KF6314 D35 2013
Surviving an IRS tax audit. 3rd ed. Frederick W. Daily. Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2013.
Title insurance -- Law and legislation -- United States.
GEN 4: KF1234 .G669 2014
Fundamentals of title insurance. James L. Gosdin. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar
Association, Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law, 2014.
Trade secrets -- United States -- States.
GEN 4: KF3197 .M35 2013
Employee duty of loyalty: a state-by-state survey. 5th ed. Brian M. Malsberger.
Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2013.
Trial practice -- United States.
GEN 4: KF8915 .T79 2014
Trying your first case: a practitioner's guide. Nash Long. Chicago, Illinois : American
Bar Association, Section of Litigation, 2014.
Trials (Rape) -- Wisconsin.
GEN 4: KF225.A84 G75 2013
The innocent killer: a true story of a wrongful conviction and its astonishing aftermath.
Michael Griesbach. Chicago, Illinois : ABA Publishing, 2014.
Trusts and trustees -- United States.
GEN 4: KF730 .G65 2014
Can you trust your trust?: what you need to know about the advantages and
disadvantages of trusts and trust compliance issues. Seymour Goldberg. Chicago,
Illinois : American Bar Association, 2014.
Vendors and purchasers -- United States.
GEN 4, DESK: KF665 .T48 2014
Real estate opinion letter practice. 3rd ed. Robert A. Thompson. Chicago, Illinois :
ABA, Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law, 2014.
Victims of crimes -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States.
GEN 4: KF4819 .S48 2014
Immigration relief: legal assistance for noncitizen crime victims. Rachel Gonzalez
Settlage. Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section, 2014.