View: AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY CREATE view [dbo].[AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY] as -- AECI CUSTOM -- Use this view to identify customizations to PDS base system in order -- to update the exclude list in VistaFresh and avoid overwriting -- customizations during PTF installation. Files that have been customized -- for AECI purposes must contain the string 'AECI' somewhere in them to work. -- VF Files: -DEVHRMS - \\XXXXX-DEV\E$\PDS\VistaFresh\definitions\DEVHRMSAllVista.xml -PRODHRMS - \\XXXXX-PRD\E$\PDS\VistaFresh\definitions\PRODHRMSAllVista.xml -- Look for the <LEAVEFILES> section || SELECT Name, 'Trigger' type FROM sys.triggers WHERE OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) LIKE '%aeci%' and name not LIKE '%aeci%' -- exclude AECI-specific custom tables union SELECT Name, 'Stored Procedure' FROM sys.procedures WHERE OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) LIKE '%aeci%' and name not LIKE '%aeci%' -- exclude AECI-specific custom procedures union SELECT Name, 'View' FROM sys.views WHERE OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) LIKE '%aeci%' and name not LIKE '%aeci%' -- exclude AECI-specific custom views View: AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_XA CREATE view [dbo].[AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_XA] as ---------- AECI CUSTOM Use this view to identify customizations to PDS XA base system in order to update the exclude list in VistaFresh and avoid overwriting customizations during PTF installation. Files that have been customized for AECI purposes must contain the string 'AECI' somewhere in them to work. VF Files: DEVHRMS - \\XXXXX-DEV\E$\PDS\VistaFresh\definitions\DEVHRMSAllVista.xml PRODHRMS - \\XXXXX-PRD\E$\PDS\VistaFresh\definitions\PRODHRMSAllVista.xml Look for the <LEAVEFILES> section || -- EXTERNAL APPLICANTS DB CUSTOMS SELECT a.Name, 'Trigger' type FROM [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.triggers a INNER JOIN [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.sql_modules b ON a.object_id = b.object_id WHERE b.definition LIKE '%aeci%' and not LIKE '%aeci%' -- exclude AECI-specific custom tables union SELECT,'Stored Procedure' FROM [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.procedures a INNER JOIN [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.sql_modules b ON a.object_id = b.object_id WHERE b.definition LIKE '%aeci%' and not LIKE '%aeci%' -- exclude AECI-specific custom procedures union SELECT a.Name, 'View' FROM [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.views a INNER JOIN [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.sql_modules b ON a.object_id = b.object_id WHERE b.definition LIKE '%aeci%' and not LIKE '%aeci%' -- exclude AECI-specific custom views union select name, 'Table' from [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.tables where object_id in ( select object_id from [<external database IP>].ProdXA.sys.columns where name like 'AECI%') Batch File: AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY.bat (located at Server/data on Enterprise Server) echo Searching web tree findstr /S /M "AECI" \\XXXXXX-prd\e$\PDS\Vista41\PRODHRMS\Web\* >> AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_TEMP.TXT aeci_batch_substitute.bat "\\XXXXX-prd\e$" "<FILE>E:" > AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY.txt del AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_TEMP.txt AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_TEMP.txt Batch File: AECI_BATCH_SUBSTITUTE.bat (located at Server/data on Enterprise Server) @echo off REM -- Prepare the Command Processor -SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::BatchSubstitude - parses a File line by line and replaces a substring" ::syntax: BatchSubstitude.bat OldStr NewStr File :: OldStr [in] - string to be replaced :: NewStr [in] - string to replace with :: File [in] - file to be parsed :$changed 20100115 :$source if "%~1"=="" findstr "^::" "%~f0"&GOTO:EOF for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('"type %3|find /n /v """') do ( set "line=%%B" if defined line ( call set "line=echo.%%line:%~1=%~2%%" for /f "delims=" %%X in ('"echo."%%line%%""') do %%~X ) ELSE echo. ) ES Program: AECI – Customs Inventory <COMMAND JobMail="YES"> <SQL RowSeparator="CRLF" ColumnSeparator="COMMA" OutputFile="[ROOTDIR]\[WORKSUBDIR]\AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_TEMP.txt" OverWrite="YES" EsRpt="YES"> select '<FILE>' + name + '</FILE>' name from AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY union select '<FILE>' + name + '</FILE>' name from AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY_XA order by 1 </SQL> <PROGRAM> [ROOTDIR]\[WORKSUBDIR]\AECI_CUSTOMS_INVENTORY.BAT </PROGRAM> </COMMAND>