EGR 278 Digital Logic Lab COURSE INFORMATION Instructor: Paul Gordy Spring 2004 Table of Contents Topic Syllabus Electrical Components and Tools List Retail Electronics Stores Lab Policies Lab Report Format Sample Lab Guide Sample Lab Report Page(s) 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 15 SYLLABUS EGR 278 Digital Logic Lab Pre-requisites: EGR 271 Credits: 2 Co-requisite: EGR 277 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 2 Instructor: Paul Gordy Phone: 822-7175 Office: H-115 (Advanced Technology Center) E-mail: Office Hours: as posted (will also be announced in class) Fax (24 hour): 427-0327 Paul Gordy's Home Page - TCC Engineering Club Page - Course Material: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lecture Notes - This is the primary source of information for this course. Material is presented each week related to the lab topics for that week and the following week. Material covered in lecture may not be found in the reference textbook. If any lectures are missed, the student should try to copy the notes from another student. Reference Digital Logic Textbook - No textbook is required for this course, however, the text used for EGR 277 (Digital Logic) will serve as a reference for this course. The textbook currently used for EGR 277 is M. Moris Mano, Digital Design, 3rd Edition, (ISBN: 0-13-062121-8), Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 2002. Reference PSPICE Textbook - PSPICE will be used in some of the lab assignments in this course. Students unfamiliar with PSPICE might want to obtain a reference PSPICE text. The PSPICE text currently used in EGR 277 is Schematic Capture with Cadence PSPICE, 2nd Edition, by Marc Herniter (ISBN: 0-13-04800-8). Electrical components and tools - Students will be required to purchase some electrical supplies for this course. A detailed parts list is shown on page 4. Lab guides - Detailed guides will be provided by the instructor for each experiment. Grading: Course grades will be computed based on the following percentages: Lab Reports 80 % Preliminary Work 20 % Grades will be assigned according to a standard 10 point scale as follows: 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 0 - 59 A B C D F Page 2 Preliminary Work: Many of the digital circuits to be constructed and tested each week must first be designed. The design problems will be given out the week before the experiment. The student should complete all Preliminary Work before the class begins in which the experiment is to be performed. The instructor will check the Preliminary Work at the beginning of the class and assign a grade based on the work performed. Course Description: EGR 278, Digital Logic Lab, is a lab course intended to be taken simultaneous to or after EGR 277, Digital Logic. EGR 278 will utilize design and modeling techniques learned in EGR 277 as well as expose the student to many practical issues concerning the constructing and testing digital circuits. Detailed experience on the use of programmable logic devices (PLDs) is an important part of the lab, including the use of PLD programmers and designing circuits using the software PLDShell. EGR 277 also covers the use of test equipment, report-writing techniques, and lab safety. Course Objectives: The general objectives of EGR 278 are to be able to: 1. utilize design and modeling techniques for digital circuits 2. gain exposure to different logic families and types of commercial devices 3. gain practical knowledge in the construction and testing of digital circuits 4. develop report-writing techniques 5. gain exposure to the use of PLD programming software and hardware Tentative Schedule: Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Topic Introduction to lab equipment, course procedures, etc. Lab #1: Introduction to Logic Circuits Lab #2: Characteristics of TTL Gates (Week 1 of 2-week lab) Lab #2: Characteristics of TTL Gates (Week 2 of 2-week lab) Lab #3: Open-collector and Driver Gates Lab #4: Implementing Combinational Logic Circuits Lab #5: Designing Combinational Logic Circuits Lab #6: Soldering and 7-Segment Displays Lab #7: Implementing Combinational Logic Circuits using PLDs Lab #8: Decoders and Multiplexers Lab #9: Multivibrators Lab #10: Synchronous Counters Lab #11: Sequential Circuit Design using PLDs Lab #12: Traffic Light Controller using PLDs Make-up lab week if needed Page 3 Cheating: College rules state that a student may be subjected to disciplinary action for academic cheating, plagiarism, or assisting in cheating or plagiarism. Disciplinary penalties include college dismissal or suspension. In addition, cheating, plagiarism, or assisting such activity is a most serious form of academic misconduct, and will in the sole discretion of the faculty member result in a grade of 0 on the work or for the course. A single act of cheating may subject a student to both a failing grade in the course, and student disciplinary action perhaps involving suspension or dismissal from TCC. Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty: A grade of W is awarded to students who withdraw or are withdrawn from a course after the Add/Drop period but prior to the completion of sixty-percent of the session (March 19, 2004 for the Spring 2004 semester). After that time, the student will receive a grade of F except under mitigating circumstances that must be documented. A copy of the documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file. Students are advised to discuss attendance irregularities with the instructor. Do not simply stop your attendance. You may have mitigating circumstances that would preclude you from receiving a withdrawal grade of F. Page 4 Electrical Components and Tools List Quantity 5 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 10 5 30’ 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 Part Number Description 7400 Quad 2-input NAND 74HC00 Quad 2-input NAND (CMOS) 7401 Quad open-collector 2-input NAND 7402 Quad 2-input NOR 7404 Hex Inverter 7408 Quad 2-input AND 7432 Quad 2-input OR 7447 BCD-to-7-segment decoder/driver (common anode) 7476 Dual JK Flip-flop 7486 Quad 2-input Exclusive-OR (XOR) 74151 8 x 1 Data Selector (multiplexer) 74155 Dual 2 x 4 Decoder/Demultiplexer 555 Timer DIP switch (with at least 4 sliding switches) 220 or 270 Ω Resistors (1/4 W) 2.2 kΩ Resistors (1/4 W) #22 wire At least 3 colors (10’ each) - must be SOLID wire or a kit containing a variety of pre-stripped wires of various lengths MAN72 or other common-anode 7-segment display (must be common-anode) Red LED Light-emitting diodes (T-1 ¾ or other) 1 1 breadboard (6 x 2 or larger) Note: It is best if power strips are 2 8 located on both the top and bottom of the breadboard. Wire strippers (Any type is OK, but Radio Shack Cat. No. 64-1922 are good) 5V Voltage Regulator (7805 or similar device) - Radio Shack Cat. No. 276-1770A 9V battery 9V battery clip Optional items (recommended): Small needle-nose pliers Chip extractor Notes: • Students are required to purchase the list of items shown above. • If any of the items cannot be easily found, a limited supply of most of the items are available to be borrowed from the instructor (breadboards and testing equipment cannot be borrowed since they are used by other classes). • Keep in mind that many of the circuits can be built before the lab if the student has the required parts. This becomes a very important factor as the circuits get more complex. Page 5 Retail Electronics Stores (unofficial): Priest Electronics (look for the special display for TCC students and tell them that you are a TCC student in order to receive a discount) 1525 Technology Drive Chesapeake, VA 23320 436-2466 Directions: take I-64 Exit 290A to N. Battlefield Blvd take the 1st left turn on DeBaum Ave proceed to Greenbrier West Business Park turn left on Technology Drive Cain Electronics (they probably only carry some of the parts) 1520 Ingleside Road Norfolk, VA 855-3394 (a block or so north of Princess Anne Rd in Industrial Park) Radio Shack Numerous locations (they stopped carrying most of the TTL devices, but this is a good choice for wire, breadboards, wire strippers, etc) Page 6 Lab Policies: Absence: Attendance is mandatory for all labs. Students will only be allowed to make up missed labs under extreme circumstances. No credit will be given for a lab report unless the student attended the lab and demonstrated the proper operation of the designed circuit(s). In case of emergency, notify the instructor prior by phone, Email, or leave a message in the instructor’s mailbox in Building A (Princess Anne building). Groups: Students may work alone or with a single partner on most of the labs, although some experiments require that students design and their own circuits.. If two students work together as partners, only one copy of the Preliminary Work and one lab report is required. Students may also work together and turn in separate reports. If one student in a team misses a lab for some reason, he/she must perform the lab on his/her own. Lab reports will not be accepted from students who do not perform the required experiment. Preliminary Work: As stated previously, Preliminary Work is assigned with most experiments. This work is crucial since you often must design the circuits that you are to build in lab. The instructor will check the Preliminary Work at the beginning of the class and assign a grade based on the work performed. The instructor will particularly check to see if all circuit documentation has been produced, including a detailed circuit diagram with IC pin numbers labeled, and IC diagram showing IC labeling, and a wiring list. Demonstration of Proper Circuit Operation: Students will not receive credit for lab reports unless they demonstrate proper operation of their circuits constructed in lab. If students have all of the required components needed for a circuit design, they can often construct the circuits ahead of time at home and then bring in the circuits to lab to be verified by the instructor. Also note that circuits should be neatly wired, using a reasonable wire color scheme according to a wire table. The instructor may ask to see the wire table when the circuit is demonstrated. Lab Safety: Students should follow good safety procedures in labs at all times and should carefully handle all test equipment. A portion of each lab grade relates to proper use of lab equipment and the proper use of safety procedures. Late Lab Reports: Lab reports are due at the beginning of the class period following the class where the experiment was performed. Late labs will be penalized 10 points per week (or any fraction of a week). Grading of Lab Reports: Lab reports must be presented in a professional manner. Lab reports will be grades both on technical accuracy and on the presentation of the material. Use good writing style and correct grammar. Be sure to include all required sections of the lab report as described on the following page. Closely examine the Sample Lab Report as you prepare your first lab report. Page 7 Lab Report Format Each lab report submitted should contain the following sections: Title Page The Title Page should contain the following items as a minimum: Lab Number, Lab Title, your name, the course number and name, and the semester. Preliminary Work Even though the Preliminary Work is checked at the beginning of each class, it must also be included in the lab report where it will be graded in detail. Be sure to make the Preliminary Work as readable as possible by including all given information or instructions and by explaining your steps. Preliminary Work will always include a documented circuit layout. This layout must include the following information: A. Pinouts - Include pinouts for all IC’s to be used in the experiment B. Detailed Circuit Diagram - The circuit diagram should include - IC numbers (U1, U2, …) - pin numbers - labeling for all input signals, output signals, and intermediate signals - all input and output devices, such as switches, clocks, LEDs, 7-segment displays, etc. C. IC Diagram - Show each IC to be used, arranged as they will appear on the circuit board. Label each IC (U1, U2, ….). Show the connections for Vcc and ground for each IC. D. Wiring List - Form a list of all wire connections. See the example in the Sample Lab Report. Laboratory Work Clearly present the results of all testing performed in lab. List any changes to the design. Discussion/Conclusion Clearly and specifically state whether the objectives of the lab were accomplished. Did the circuits tested produce the expected results and what design principles were verified by these results? What did you prove or verify in the lab? Discuss any significant design changes. Refer to the Sample Lab and the Sample Lab Report on the following pages. Include all sections indicated in each report. Reports should be presented neatly and professionally. Use proper grammar, employ good writing style, and make the reports as readable as possible. Readability of reports is greatly enhanced by simple techniques such as: • stating what you are about to show or adding comments at various points when you display your results • adding titles or headings before equations, graphs, tables, etc. Page 8 EGR 278 Digital Logic Lab File: SAMPLE_LAB.DOC Lab # ?? (Sample Lab) 2-bit Adder/Subtractor with Carry-in/Borrow-in A. Objectives The objective of this laboratory is the design and realization of adding and subtracting circuits using combinational switching circuits. B. Introduction It is expected that the student reviews those topics relating to modeling switching functions using Karnaugh Maps and Boolean algebra. The student should also review the function definitions of NAND and XOR (exclusive-OR) gates. C. Preliminary Work 1. Construct the truth table for a 2-bit (logic variables B and A) binary adder/subtractor with a carry-in/borrow-in input. An input logic signal called X is to control the circuit to perform either addition or subtraction as follows: if X = 0, perform the addition B + A if X = 1, perform the subtraction B - A Inputs to the circuit include B, A, and X as described above, as well as Cin/Bin, the carryin/borrow-in bit. The circuit should compute the result, referred to as SUM/DIF and the carry-out/borrow-out, referred to as Cout/Bout. 2. Use K-maps and Boolean algebra to simplify the equations for each output signal. 3. Design a reasonably simplified or minimal multilevel realization using only 2-input NAND gates (7400), XOR gates (7486), and inverters (7404). Draw a logic diagram. 4. Explain any minimization techniques used. 5. Present a documented circuit layout for your design including pinouts for all IC’s used, a detailed circuit diagram with pin numbers labeled, a diagram showing the ordering of the IC’s on the breadboard and the numbering (U1, U2, … ) of each IC, and a wiring list. D. Laboratory Work 1. Construct your circuit from the wiring list. Note any changes. 2. Test your circuit, filling in a truth table prepared for recording the circuit response for all possible input combinations. Page 9 Lab # ?? (Sample Lab) 2-bit Adder/Subtractor with Carry-in/Borrow-in By: John Doe Partner: Joe Smith EGR 278 Digital Logic Lab Spring 2010 Page 10 Preliminary Work 1. The truth table shown below is for a 2-bit binary adder/subtractor with a carry-in/borrow-in input. The inputs and outputs are described as follows: Inputs: B, A Cin/Bin X Outputs: SUM/DIFF Cout/Bout X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 binary inputs carry input or borrow input input to indicate whether the circuit is to perform addition or subtraction = B + A if X = 0 = B - A if X = 1 carry output or borrow output Inputs Cin/Bin B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Outputs SUM/DIF Cout/Bout F 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Page 11 2. Shown below are the K-maps and logic equations for the two output signals: SUM/DIFF and Cout/Bout. XCin/ Bin BA 00 01 1 00 0 11 1 10 0 XCin/ Bin BA 00 01 1 00 0 11 0 10 0 01 1 0 0 1 01 1 1 1 0 11 0 1 1 0 11 0 1 1 1 10 1 0 0 1 10 0 0 1 0 K-m ap for K-m ap for Logic equations are generated for each output in Sum-Of-Products (SOP) form using the groupings indicated on the K-Maps above. SUM / DIFF = Cin / Bin • B • A + Cin / Bin • B • A + Cin / Bin • B • A + Cin / Bin • B • A Cout / Bout = Cin / Bin • A + X • Cin / Bin • B + X • B • A + X • B • A + X • Cin / Bin • B 3,4. The logic equations generated above are in minimal SOP form (with ANDs, ORs, and inverters only), but they can be further minimized using XOR gates as follows. SUM / DIFF = Cin / Bin • (B • A + B • A) + Cin / Bin • (B • A + B • A ) SUM / DIFF = Cin / Bin • ( B ⊕ A ) + Cin / Bin • ( B ⊕ A ) SUM / DIFF = Cin / Bin ⊕ ( B ⊕ A ) (final minimized result) Cout / Bout = A • (X • B + X • B) + Cin / Bin(X • B + X • B) + Cin / Bin • A Cout / Bout = ( A + Cin / Bin) • (X ⊕ B) + Cin / Bin • A ( ) Cout / Bout = ( A + Cin / Bin) • X ⊕ B + Cin / Bin • A (final minimized result) The two output equations generated above could be implemented using 8 gates (4 IC’s) as shown below. A B SUM/DIFF Cin/Bin X Cout/Bout Page 12 The AND gates and OR gates can easily be replaced by NAND gates in the previous circuit. Shown below are the two ways of drawing a NAND gate: A B A B A B A+B=A B If “bubbles” are added to the circuit on the previous page to change the AND gates and OR gates into NAND gates and then the circuit is “balanced” using inverters, the following circuit is generated. A B 7486 SUM/DIFF 7486 Cin/Bin 7486 X '04 7400 '04 7400 7400 Cout/Bout '04 7400 The circuit above meets the design requirement of using only 2-input NAND gates, XOR gates, and inverters. The total number of gates required is 10, but only 3 IC’s are needed. Page 13 5. Circuit documentation: Pinouts for the required IC’s: 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vcc 7400 Quad 2-input NAND GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vcc 7404 Hex Inverter GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Vcc 7486 Quad Exclusive-OR GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page 14 Adder/Subtractor Circuit Diagram: 1 (Sw_ 1) A U1 (Sw_ 2) B D 3 4 U1 2 Cin/ Bin (Sw_ 3) E U1 10 1 U2 5 8 G 2 4 U2 U2 6 F 10 U3 U3 3 SUM/DIFF (LED_ 1) 5 9 (Sw_ 4) X 6 8 K 9 6 13 J 5 4 H 11 U3 12 1 U3 3 Cout/Bout (LED_ 2) L 2 IC Diagram: Vcc 14 Vcc U1 7486 14 7 Vcc = 5V Vcc U2 7404 14 7 U3 7400 7 Wiring List: A E Sw_1 - U1_1 U1_1 - U2_1 U2_1 - U3_1 B Sw_2 - U1_2 U1_2 - U1_9 Cin/Bin Sw_3 - U1_5 U1_5 - U2_3 U2_3 - U3_2 X Sw_4 - U1_10 D U1_3 - U1_4 K U1_8 - U2_5 F U3_8 - U3_13 L U2_6 - U3_10 G U3_3 - U3_12 U2_2 - U3_4 SUM/DIFF U1_6 - LED_1 U2_4 - U3_5 Cout/Bout U3_11 - LED_2 H J U3_6 - U3_9 Page 15 Laboratory Work 1. The adder/subtractor circuit was constructed according to the wiring list shown previously. No changes were needed. 2. The circuit was tested for all 16 input switch combinations. An output of 1 (HIGH) was indicated by the corresponding LED being lit and a 0 (LOW) was indicated by the LED not being lit. X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Inputs Cin/Bin B 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Outputs SUM/DIF Cout/Bout F 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Discussion/Conclusion The truth table generated from testing the adder/subtractor circuit is identical to the truth table generated in the Preliminary Work, therefore the design presented has been validated. No problems occurred and no design modifications were required.