Reactions of Ethers Ethers are relatively unreactive. unreactive. Ethers & Epoxides Ethers are often used as solvents in organic reactions. Ethers oxidize in air to form explosive hydroperoxides and peroxides. “Crown” Crown” ethers are useful as enhancers in nucleophilic substitution and other reactions Crown Ethers structure cyclic polyethers derived from repeating — OCH2CH2— units Crown Ethers properties form stable complexes with metal ions applications synthetic reactions involving anions naming x = total # of atoms in ring: [x] Crown- # of oxygen atoms 18-Crown-6 O O O O O O negative charge concentrated in cavity inside the molecule Question • What is the name of the crown ether show at the right? • A) 12-crown-4 • B) 10-crown-5 • C) 15-crown-5 • D) 18-crown-6 18-Crown-6 Ion-Complexing and Solubility O O O K + F– K+ O not soluble in toluene O O forms stable Lewis acid/Lewis base complex with K+ Ion-Complexing and Solubility Ion-Complexing and Solubility O O O O O O O K + F– F– O O K+ O O toluene O O O Application to organic synthesis O O O O O K+ O O O 18-crown-6 complex of K+ dissolves in benzene Ion-Complexing and Solubility O toluene O add 18-crown-6 O O toluene O F – carried into toluene to preserve electroneutrality O O O + F– Complexation of K+ by 18-crown-6 "solubilizes" potassium salts in toluene Anion of salt is in a relatively unsolvated state in toluene (sometimes referred to as a "naked anion") Unsolvated anions are very reactive Only catalytic quantities of 18-crown-6 are needed Example Question KF CH3(CH2)6CH2 Br 18-crown-6 toluene • Which reaction is the best candidate for catalysis by 18crown-6? (Which reaction proceeds faster in the presence of the crown ether than in its absence?) CH3(CH2)6CH2 F (92%) • • • • A) B) C) D) Bromobutane + KCN (in toluene) Phenol + Br2 (in water) Butanol + H2CrO4 (in water) CH3CH2CH2CHO + H2 (in ethanol) Ion Size & Crown Ether Complexes Question • Which crown ether would provide the fastest rate for the following reaction? K+ CH2 O3SCF3 18-Crown-6 CH2 I toluene Na+ 15-Crown-5 LiI Li+ • • • • A) B) C) D) 12-crown-4 10-crown-5 15-crown-5 18-crown-6 12-Crown-4 Example CH3CH2 CH2CH2ONa + CH3CH2I The Williamson Ether Synthesis Just another SN2 reaction → primary alkyl halide (substrate) + alkoxide (nucleophile) nucleophile) CH3CH2 CH2CH2OCH2CH3 + NaI (71%) 1o Halides & Alkoxides Another Example Alkoxide ion can be derived Alkyl halide must from primary, secondary, or be primary tertiary alcohol CH2Cl + CH3CHCH3 CH3CHCH3 CH2OH HCl or SOCl2 Na (s) CH3CHCH3 CH2Cl + ONa ONa CH2OCHCH3 OH CH2OCHCH3 (84%) CH3 CH3 Question • Which of the following best represents the rate-determining transition state for the reaction shown below? (84%) What if the alkyl halide is not primary? SN 2 vs E2 CH2ONa + CH3CHCH3 Br • A) B) CH2OH • C) + H2 C D) Elimination produces the major product. Question • The most effective pair of reagents for the preparation of tertbutyl ethyl ether is • A) potassium tert-butoxide and ethyl bromide. • B) potassium tert-butoxide and ethanol. • C) sodium ethoxide and tert-butyl bromide. • D) tert-butyl alcohol and ethyl bromide Preparation of Epoxides CHCH3 Preparation of Epoxides Epoxidation of Alkenes O Epoxides are prepared by two major methods. Both begin with alkenes. C C + RCOO RCOOH peroxy acid Reaction of alkenes with peroxy acids Conversion of alkenes to vicinal halohydrins, followed by treatment with base. O C + C RCOH O Stereochemistry of Epoxidation Example O O + CH3 COO COOH C C + syn addition O O RCOO RCOOH + CH3 COH (52%) O C + C RCOH O Example H H OH Conversion of Vicinal Halohydrins to Epoxides NaOH O H2 O H H Br •• – •• O •• via: H H • Br • • • •• (81%) Epoxidation via Vicinal Halohydrins Epoxidation via Vicinal Halohydrins Br Br2 H3C NaOH H2O O OH anti addition H Br H CH3 Br2 H3C H H2O H CH3 Corresponds to overall syn addition of oxygen to the double bond. inversion Corresponds to overall syn addition of oxygen to the double bond. Reactions of Epoxides All reactions involve nucleophilic attack at carbon and lead to opening of the ring. Reactions of Epoxides An example is the reaction of ethylene oxide with a Grignard reagent as a method for the synthesis of alcohols. Reaction of Grignard Reagents with Epoxides R MgX MgX CH2 H2 C O CH2 Example CH2MgCl MgCl R CH2 + H2 C O CH2 OMgX MgX H3 O+ RCH2CH2OH H CH3 O OH anti addition inversion H3C H NaOH 1. diethyl ether 2. H3O+ CH2CH2 CH2OH (71%) In General... In General... Reactions of epoxides involve attack by a nucleophile and proceed with ring-opening. For ethylene oxide: + H2 C Nu— Nu—H CH2 For epoxides where the two carbons of the ring are differently substituted: Anionic nucleophiles attack here. (less hindered) Nucleophiles attack here when the reaction is catalyzed by acids. O R CH2 C H O Nu— Nu—CH2CH2 O—H Example H2 C CH2 O Nucleophilic Ring-Opening NaOCH2 CH3 Reactions of Epoxides CH3CH2 OH CH3CH2 O CH2CH2 OH (50%) CH3CH2 Mechanism •• – O •• •• H2 C H2 C CH2 O •• CH3CH2 O •• CH2CH2 •• – O •• •• CH2CH3 KSCH2CH2CH2 CH3 ethanol-water, 0°C H CH3CH2 CH2CH2S CH3CH2 •• O •• CH2CH2 •• O •• H CH2 O – •• •O • •• •• Example – •• •O • •• CH2CH3 CH2CH2 OH (99%) Stereochemistry H H NaOCH2 CH3 O CH3CH2 OH Anionic Nucleophile Attacks Less-crowded Carbon OCH2CH3 H H3 C CH3 C C H OH (67%) H CH3 O CH3CH CCH3 OH Stereochemistry What is the product isolated when the epoxide below reacts with NaOCH3 in CH3OH? H3 C H R A) CH3 Consistent with SN 2-like transition state Question • CH3OH CH3O (53%) Inversion of configuration at carbon being attacked by nucleophile. Suggests SN 2-like transition state. • NaOCH NaOCH3 H3 C H B) R O CH3 NH3 H2 O H2 N H S R H OH CH3 (70%) • C) D) Inversion of configuration at carbon being attacked by nucleophile. Suggests SN 2-like transition state. Stereochemistry H3 C H R Question • What is the product of the reaction shown? CH3 R NH3 H2 O O H3 C H H2 N H S R H OH CH3 δ+ H3 N (70%) H3 C H O H3 C H δ- • A) B) • C) D) Anionic Nucleophile Attacks Less-crowded Carbon MgBr MgBr + H2 C Lithium Aluminum Hydride Reduces Epoxides H2 C CHCH3 O O 1. diethyl ether 2. H3O+ CH(CH2)7CH3 Hydride attacks less-crowded carbon CH2CHCH3 H3 C OH 1. LiAlH4, diethyl ether 2. H2O CH(CH2)7CH3 OH (60%) (90%) Example Acid-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Reactions of Epoxides CH2 H2 C O CH3CH2 OH H2 SO4, 25°C CH3CH2 OCH2 CH2O H (87-92%) CH3CH2OCH2CH2OCH2 CH3 formed only on heating and/or longer reaction times. Mechanism Example H2 C CH2 H2 C O HBr 10°C BrCH BrCH2 CH2 O H (87-92%) BrCH2CH2 Br formed only on heating and/or longer reaction times. •• • Br • •• CH2 + • O• •• – • Br • • • •• H2 C •• H CH2 + O •• H •• • Br • • • CH2CH2 •• O •• H Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Ethylene Oxide Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Ethylene Oxide Step 1 H Step 2 O •• H H2 C H CH2 H2 C + O •• H •• •• O + + H •• O •• H + O •• Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Ethylene Oxide H H + • H O• CH2CH2 •• •• Inversion of configuration at site of nucleophilic attack. •• O •• H H Stereochemistry Nucleophile Attacks More-substituted Carbon H H H3 C CH3 C C H O CH3OH H2 SO4 CH3 H Nucleophile attacks more substituted carbon of protonated epoxide. H •O• • • O •• Characteristics: H CH2CH2 •• O Acid-Catalyzed Ring Opening of Epoxides H + H O •• H CH2 + • O• H CH2CH2 O •• •• H2 C H + • H O• H H Step 3 •• CH2 OCH3 CH3CH OH CCH3 CH3 (76%) Consistent with carbocation character at transition state O H HBr OH H Br (73%) Inversion of configuration at carbon being attacked by nucleophile Stereochemistry H3 C H R H3 C H R O Stereochemistry CH3 CH3OH H2 SO4 CH3O H3 C R H H S OH CH3 H CH3 R CH3OH O R H2 SO4 H3 C H H3 C H δ+ δ+ CH3O H H3 C δ+ O H H anti-Hydroxylation of Alkenes Question • H S CH3 (57%) Inversion of configuration at carbon being attacked by nucleophile CH3O R H What is the product isolated when the epoxide at the right reacts with CH3OH and H2SO4? H O H CH3COO COOH O H • A) H B) H2 O H • C) OH D) H (80%) OH HClO4 OH