Urology CPT Codes: Adult & Pediatric Procedures

52000 Cystourethroscopy
52005 Cystourethroscopy with retrograde
52204 Cystourethroscopy, with biopsy
52224 TURBT (lesions <0.5 cm)
52276 Cystourethroscopy, with direct vision
internal urethrotomy
52281 Cystourethroscopy, with dilation of
urethral stricture
52310 Cystourethroscopy, with removal of
ureteral stent, foreign body or calculus from
bladder (simple)
52317 Litholapaxy in bladder (simple or <2.5 cm)
52318 Litholapaxy in bladder (complic., >2.5 cm)
52332 Cystourethroscopy with insertion of
indwelling ureteral catheter
ESWL -- 50590 ESWL
Female incontinence
51840 Anterior vesicourethropexy or
urethropexy (eg, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz,
Burch) -- simple
51845 Abdomino-vaginal vesical neck
suspension (eg, Stamey, Raz, modified
57288 Sling operation for stress incontinence
(eg, fascia or synthetic)
57320 Closure of vesicovaginal fistula, vaginal
57330 Closure of vesicovaginal fistula,
transvesical and vaginal approach
Laparoscopy, other -- pls see other categories
Lymphadenectomy, retroperitoneal
38780 RPLND
Lymphadenectomy, pelvic
38770 Pelvic lymphadenectomy
38571 Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy
– bilateral and total
Renal surgery
50220 Nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy
50230 Nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy,
with lymph node dissection and/or venal caval
50236 Nephrectomy with total ureterectomy
and bladder cuff; through separate (second)
50240 Partial nephrectomy
50320 Donor nephrectomy (open), living donor
50360 Renal allotransplantation, implantation
of graft, excl. donor or recipient nephrectomy
50400 Pyeloplasty (Foley Y-pyeloplasty),
plastic operation on renal pelvis – simple
50405 Pyeloplasty (Foley Y-pyeloplasty),
plastic operation on renal pelvis – complex
50546 Laparoscopic nephrectomy
50547 Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy from
living donor
50548 Laparoscopically-assisted
Penile surgery (excluding circumcision)
54100 Biopsy of penis
54120 Partial penectomy
54400 Insertion of non-inflatable (semi-rigid)
penile prosthesis
54401 Insertion of inflatable (self-contained)
penile prosthesis
54402 Removal or replacement of noninflatable (semi-rigid) or inflatable (selfcontained) penile prosthesis
54405 Insertion of inflatable (multi-component)
penile prosthesis
54407 Removal, repair or replacement of
inflatable (multi-component) penile prosthesis
Percutaneous renal surgery
50080 PCNL (<2.0 cm)
50081 PCNL (>2.0 cm)
Prostatectomy, radical
55840 Retropubic radical
55845 Retropubic radical with bilateral pelvic
lymph node dissection
55810 Perineal radical
55815 Perineal radical with bilateral pelvic
lymph node dissection
Radical cystectomy
51590 Cystectomy with ureteroileal conduit
51595 Cystectomy with ureteroileal conduit,
with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection
51596 Cystectomy with continent diversion
Scrotal surgery
54500 Biopsy of testis, needle
54505 Biopsy of testis, incisional
54530 Orchiectomy, radical, for tumor –
inguinal approach
54660 Insertion of testicular prosthesis
54600 Reduction (surgical) of testis torsion
54800 Biopsy of epididymis, needle
54900 Epididymovasostomy (unilateral)
55040 Excision of hydrocele (unilateral)
55250 Vasectomy (unilateral or bilateral)
55400 Vasovasostomy
55530 Excision of varicocele or ligation of
spermatic veins for varicocele
Transrectal ultrasound / Prostate biopsy
55700 Needle bx of prostate, single or multiple
55859 Transperineal catheter placement into
prostate for brachytherapy
76872 Echography, transrectal
Transurethral prostate surgery
52450 TUIP
52601 TURP (simple)
52648 Contact laser vaporization of prostate
Transurethral resection, bladder tumor
(lesions <0.5 cm listed under cystoscopy)
52351 TURBT (lesions 0.5-2.0 cm)
52352 TURBT (lesions 2.0-5.0 cm)
52353 TURBT (lesions >5.0 cm)
52335 Cystourethroscopy with ureteroscopy
and/or pyeloscopy
52336 Cystourethroscopy with ureteroscopy
and/or pyeloscopy, with removal or
manipulation of calculus (incl. ureteral stent)
52337 Cystourethroscopy with ureteroscopy
and/or pyeloscopy, with lithotripsy (includes
ureteral stent)
Urethroplasty / Urethral surgery
53200 Biopsy of urethra
53210 Total urethrectomy, female
53215 Total urethrectomy, male
53410 Urethroplasty, one-stage, of male
anterior urethra
53445 Operation for correction of urinary
incontinence with placement of inflatable
urethral or bladder neck sphincter
53447 Removal, repair or replacement of
inflatable urethral or bladder neck sphincter
Urinary Diversion
50800 Ureteroenterostomy, direct anastomosis
of ureter to intestine
51590 Cystectomy with ureteroileal conduit
51595 Cystectomy with ureteroileal conduit,
with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection
51596 Cystectomy with continent diversion
Bladder augmentation
51960 Enterocystoplasty, including bowel
Hydrocelectomy, herniorrhaphy
49495 Repair initial inguinal hernia (age <6mo),
49500 Repair initial inguinal hernia (age 6mo –
5yrs), reducible
49505 Repair initial inguinal hernia (age >5yrs),
55040 Excision of hydrocele (unilateral)
54322 One stage distal hypospadias repair
with simple meatal advance (eg, Magpi, V-flap)
54324 One stage distal hypospadias repair
with urethroplasty by local skin flaps (eg, flipflap, prepucial flap)
54326 One stage distal hypospadias repair
with urethroplasty by local skin flaps and
mobilization of urethra
54328 One stage distal hypospadias repair with
extensive dissection to correct chordee and
urethroplasty with local skin flaps, skin graft
patch and/or island flap
54332 One stage proximal penile or
penoscrotal hypospadias repair requiring
extensive dissection to correct chordee and
urethroplasty by use of skin graft tube and/or
island flap
54560 Abdominal exploration for undescended
54640 Orchiopexy, inguinal approach, w/ or
w/o hernia repair
54650 Orchiopexy, abdominal approach, for
intra-abdominal tes tis (eg, Fowler-Stephens)
54692 Laparoscopy, surgical; orchiopexy for
intra-abdominal testis
Renal surgery
50220 Nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy
50240 Partial nephrectomy
50320 Donor nephrectomy (open), living donor
50360 Renal allotransplantation, implantation
of graft, excluding donor or recipient
50400 Pyeloplasty (Foley Y-pyeloplasty),
plastic operation on renal pelvis – simple
50405 Pyeloplasty (Foley Y-pyeloplasty),
plastic operation on renal pelvis – complex
Ureteroneocystostomy (UNC)
50780 UNC, anast. of single ureter to bladder
50782 UNC, anast. of duplic. ureter to bladder
50783 UNC, with extensive ureteral tailoring
Urinary diversion
50800 Ureteroenterostomy, direct anastomosis
of ureter to intestine
50845 Cutaneous appendico-vesicostomy
51980 Cutaneous vesicostomy
Note: This is a partial list of the index
cases for urology and their corresponding
CPT codes. Please see the complete CPT
code listings at the ACGME USOL website
for details of each procedure.
Compiled June 2001