Associate in Arts Community College Curriculum All Degrees Institution NC Wesleyan College Associate in Science Bachelor of Science in Computer Informa;on Technology Bachelor of Arts in Psychology NC Wesleyan College NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Accoun;ng Bryan School of Business & Economics (Any Major) Bachelor of Science in Accoun;ng or Business Administra;on UNC Greensboro NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Associate Degree Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) Bachelor of Science in Public Health Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC CharloJe Associate in Applied Science in Bioprocess Technology Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Bachelor of Science in Computer Informa;on Technology East Carolina University NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Broadcas;ng Bachelor of Arts in Communica;on (concentra;on: Mass Communica;on) FayeJeville State University* Associate in Applied Science in Business Administra;on Bryan School of Business & Economics (Any Major) Bachelor of Science in Accoun;ng or Business Administra;on UNC Greensboro NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Computer Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology East Carolina University Associate in Applied Science in Computer Informa;on Technology Bryan School of Business & Economics (Any Major) Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Bachelor of Science in Computer Informa;on Technology Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (2+2 Program) UNC Greensboro East Carolina University NC Wesleyan College UNC CharloJe Associate in Applied Science in Criminal Jus;ce Technology Bachelor of Science in Public Health Educa;on Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Jus;ce UNC Greensboro NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Culinary Arts Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts & Food Service Mgmt. Johnson & Wales University Associate in Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Bachelor of Science in Public Health Educa;on UNC Greensboro Associate in Applied Science in Early Childhood Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Birth through Kindergarten Bachelor of Science in Early Care & Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Special Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Auditory/Oral B-­‐K Bachelor of Science in Public Health Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Birth-­‐Kindergarten Teacher Educa;on Bachelor of Arts in Educa;on of Young Children Bachelor of Science in Birth through Kindergarten (Teaching) UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro East Carolina University UNC Wilmington FayeJeville State University* July 2013 University/College Curriculum Community College Curriculum University/College Curriculum Bachelor of Science in Birth-­‐K Teacher Cert. Institution Barton College Associate in Applied Science in Electronics Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (2+2 Program) East Carolina University UNC CharloJe Associate in Applied Science in Human Resource Management Bryan School of Business & Economics (Any Major) UNC Greensboro Associate in Applied Science in Human Services Technology Bachelor of Science in Public Health Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Social Work Bachelor of Arts in Psychology UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Industrial Systems Technology Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (2+2 Program) East Carolina University UNC CharloJe Associate in Applied Science in Machining Technology Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology East Carolina University Associate in Applied Science in Network Technology Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Bachelor of Science in Computer Informa;on Technology East Carolina University NC Wesleyan College Associate in Applied Science in Office Administra;on Bryan School of Business & Economics (Any Major) UNC Greensboro Associate in Applied Science in Opera;ons Management Bryan School of Business & Economics (Any Major) UNC Greensboro Associate in Applied Science in School Age Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Middle Grades Educa;on Bachelor of Science in Elementary Educa;on FayeJeville State University* FayeJeville State University* Bachelor of Science in the following majors: Accoun;ng, Applied Heathcare Management, Applied Management, Applied Psychology, Business Administra;on, Business Forensics, Computer Science, Financial Management, Forensic Accoun;ng, Health Informa;on Systems Management, Healthcare Management, Human Resources Management, Informa;on Technology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Management, Management Informa;on Systems, Marke;ng, Opera;on & Supply Chain Management, Organiza;onal Communica;on, Public Rela;ons, Public Safety Management, Safety Security & Emergency Management, Web Development, and eMarke;ng Franklin University Other: Associate in Applied Science (select majors; contact university) July 2013 Community College Curriculum Associate in Applied Science (all majors) July 2013 University/College Curriculum Institution Bachelor's degree in the following majors: Accoun;ng, Adult Educa;on, Behavioral Science, Business, Business Administra;on, Business Analysis and Management, Communica;on Arts, Computer Informa;on Systems, Correc;ons Administra;on and Management, Criminal Jus;ce Administra;on, Early Childhood Program Management, Gaming and Simula;on, Graphic Design, Health Science, Healthcare Management, Human and Social Services Bellevue University Administra;on, Informa;on Technology, Interna;onal Security and Intelligence Studies, Inves;ga;ons, Leadership, Legal Studies, Liberal Studies, Logis;cs Management, Management, Management Informa;on Systems, Management of Human Resources, Marke;ng Management, Organiza;onal Systems Management, Project Management, Security Management, So`ware Development, Systems and Network Administra;on, Web Technologies hJp://­‐University-­‐Central-­‐Carolina-­‐C.C.-­‐sign-­‐agreement Campbell University