Character Descriptions

VICTOR/VICTORIA GRANT (late 20s–late 30s): Tall, slender, charismatic actress capable of
playing both a woman and a man convincingly. Victoria is a woman pretending to be a man
performing as a female impersonator. She becomes a star at the cost of possibly losing the
man she loves by not revealing the truth. STRONG ALTO MIX/BELTER WHO POSSESSES
CARROLL TODD (early 40s–mid 50s): A charismatic gay cabaret entertainer. Toddy has
charm, style and wit as well as a warm and loving heart. He comes up with the bright idea of
passing off Victoria as a man and helps her become the world’s greatest female impersonator.
This role requires and actor of great style. STRONG BARITONE.
KING MARCHAN (late 30s–late 40s): A macho, handsome leading man. Tough gangstertype from Chicago who is confused by his strong romantic feelings for Victor. STRONG
NORMA CASSIDY (early 20s–early 30s): King’s loud mouth “moll” from Chicago complete
with a nasal Chicago accent. She is oversexed to say the least. Not the brightest bulb except
when it comes to men. She is the star entertainer at King’s Chicago nightclub. Requires an
actress who is sexy and dances well. STRONG BROADWAY BELTER.
SQUASH BERNSTEIN (mid 30s–late 40s): King’s bodyguard. A former football fullback and
the last person in the world you think would turn out to be a sweet teddy bear who falls in love
with Toddy.
HENRI LABISSE (early 40s–early 50s): An over-curious small-time nightclub owner who fires
Toddy and rejects Victoria. He tries to steal them back at all costs once they become
successful. Requires an actor with expert physical comedy skills.
ANDRE CASSELL (mid 40s–mid 60s): Paris’ most famous agent/producer and nightclub
owner. He is theatrical and flamboyant in everything he does.
MALE CHARACTER ACTORS: each playing multiple featured roles, appearing in almost
every scene, including: Sal Andretti (tough-guy mobster), Richard DiNardo (Toddy’s exboyfriend) and Gregor (know-it-all waiter). Singing/dancing skills a plus.
FEMALE CHARACTER ACTORS: each playing multiple featured roles, appearing in almost
every scene, including: Miss Selmer (haughty secretary to Andre Cassell), Simone Kallisto
(drunk, washed-up actress) and Madame Roget (butch cook at Labisse’s club).
Singing/dancing skills a plus.
PRINCIPAL DANCERS: fluent in various musical theater styles and ballet. All vocal parts
needed. These roles are the “drag” entertainers at Labisse’s underground club as well as the
showgirls and boys at Cassell’s nightclub.
All ethnicities encouraged to audition.