!"#$%&'()*+,%-+%./+#','"(#%"(*% 0"/#'1/#% 2+3$%-41%5(-4/+6+'*#7% 5(-4/+6+'*#% •! •! •! •! 5898"8:%-41%4"6;+/4'(1#% </=:%>(?+((1?-1*%(+#1#@%;'91%=+>/#% 5A/'?":%5#'":%B+>-4%5,1/'?"%C+/')'(";;=D% E+(91=#:%"61#%"(*%4>,"(#% –! FFF6/+#','"(#%"/1%!"#%G,+(91=#H% •! 03+%)/+>6#% –! I"-"//4'(1#%C,+(91=#%"(*%"61#%'(%-41%J;*%!+/;*D% –! .;"-=//4'(1#%CK>#-%,+(91=#:%"(*%'(%-41%213%!+/;*%+(;=D% L4'(1%M%(+#1% I"-"//4'(1$%J;*%!+/;*%./',"-1% 2+#-/';#%+/'1(-1*%*+3(3"/*% .;"-=//4'(1$%213%!+/;*%./',"-1% 2+#-/';#%+/'1(-1*%#'*13"=#% J;*N213%!+/;*% <'O1/1(?1#%P1-311(%% .;"-=//4'(1#%"(*%I"-"//4'(1#% Platyrrhini Catarrhini Nostrils Large, separated by wide septum Small, separated by narrow septum Premolars Three (2133 or 2132) Two (2123) Arboreal only Habitat U s e (only capuchin monkey terrestrial at times) Both arboreal & terrestrial forms Diurnal only Diurnal & Nocturnal forms Carry Infants Dorsally Ventrally Infant Care by Adult Ma l e s Sometimes Very Rarely .;"-=//4'(1%Q#8%I"-"//4'(1%<1(RR+($% STUU%Q#8%STSU% C>#>";;=D% 213%!+/;*%E+(91=#% I1V+'*1"% Family Subfamily Cebidae Common Names Body size General Social Pattern Squirrel monkey Small Large, multi-male, multi-female groups Some Special Features - strictly seasonal breeding _______________________ _______________ Capuchin monkey - large brain _________ - tool use Medium -adaptable & resourceful (like Old World macaques) - weakly prehensile tail Callitrichidae small polyandry tamarins, twins, high paternal investment, reproductive suppression marmosets Atelidae Pithecinae Uakaris & Sakis Medium Socially monogamous Other? Alouattinae Atelinae Howler monkeys Spider monkey, wooly monkey, woolly spider monkey Large Very large One-male, multifemale groups ("harems") Large fusion-fission communities red-faced uakari:sexual selection? Swamp dwellers (hard to study) - LOUD howling - prehensile tail (strong!) - prehensile tails (strong & dextrous!) Interesting social patterns (kind of like chimps and bonobos) I1V'*#%Q#8%I";;'-/'?4'*#% Contrasts with the the Cebidae: Gross Characterization Cebida e Callitrichidae "true" monkeys "squirrel-like" monkeys Tiny Body Size Medium Dental Formul a 2133 / 2133 "phyletic dwarfism" 2132 / 2132 = molar reduction! Nails & Claws Nails on all digits Clas on all digits except hallux Births Singletons Twins Male Care of Infant s Rare & indirect Direct & present in most species Alloparental Care of Infant s Absent Present in most species I";;'-/'?4'*#% K>Q1(';1%)+;*1(%;'+(%-","/'(% .=),=%,"/,+#1-%C#,";;1#-%6/',"-1D% I";;'-/'?4'*#% W+;*1(% X'+(% 0","/'(#% E+>#-"?41*%0","/'(% I+Y+(%0+6% 0","/'(% I+,,+(%E"/,+#1-% I";;'-/'?4'*#$%213%<'#?+Q1/=% •! •! •! •! !'1*Z#%,"/,+#1-%C$%&&'()*'+,-.)&''D% [#>";;=%V+/(%"#%-3'(#% I4',1/'#,$%"(%1\?4"()1%+A%?1;;#% V1-311(%-3'(#%1"/;=%*>/'()%1,V/=+('?% *1Q1;+6,1(-@%/1#>;-%'#%-4"-%,+#-%+A% -41#1%,+(91=#%4"Q1%R##>1#%)/+3(% A/+,%-41'/%-3'(]#%?1;;#% W1/,%;'(1%-++$%,"/,+#1-%A"-41/#%?"(% #'/1%-41'/%+3(%?4';*/1(%"(*%-41'/% (16413#% 5-1;'(1#% L1*_A"?1*%>"9"/'% ^+3;1/%,+(91=% 5-1;'(1#$%6/141(#';1%-"';#% B6'*1/%,+(91=#% I1V'*#% B`>'//1;%,+(91=% I"6>?4'(%,+(91=% I"-"//4'(1#% •! I1/?+6'-41?+'*#$%-41%J;*%!+/;*%,+(91=#% –! I1/?+6'-41?'(1#% –! 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I+;+V'(1#$%)>-%3'-4%"*"6-"R+(#%A+/%*')1#R()% ?1;;>;+#1% •! ^+3;1/#$%(+-%#+@%+-41/%"*"6-"R+(#%C#+,1% V14"Q'+/";%+(1#7D%'(#-1"*% ^+,'(+'*1"$%-41%561#% Hylobatidae Hominidae Category The “lesser” apes The “great” apes The “human” apes Common names Gibbons and siamangs Orangutans Gorillas Chimpanzees Bonobos humans Distribution Southeast Asia Borneo, Sumatra -Lowland gorilla in West Central Africa -Mountain gorilla in volcanic mountains bordering Rwanda, Uganda, and Congo Tropical rainforests and tropical forests of West, East, and North-central Africa Central African Rainforests South of the big bend of the Congo River Global (plus?) Size Large (5-11 kg) Huge (35-70 kg) Huge (90-150 kg) Huge (30-45 kg) Huge (30-45 kg) Huge Grouping Pattern Socially monogamous Solitary Group (1 alpha male, his ‘harem,’ and their kids) Large fissionfusion communities Large fissionfusion communities Large multimal/ multifemae communitie s 561%<'#-/'V>R+(% P/"?4'"R+(% )'VV+(% #'","()% P/"?4'"R+(% )'VV+(% #'","()% <>1b()%C-1//'-+/'";'-=D% E+(+)",=% J/"()>-"(% J/"()>-"(% W+/';;"% W+/';;"$%,+>(-"'(%Q#8%;+3;"(*% I4',6"(c11% I4',6"(c11% 4 short Goodall films shown in class; soon to be online… P+(+V+% ^>,"(% JQ1/Q'13% J/*1/$%./',"-1#% ./+#','"(#% 5(-4/+6+'*#% 0"/#'1/#d% X1,>/%W/+>6%X+/'#%W/+>6% .;"-=//4'(1#% C2!ED% ?";;'-/'?4'*#% I"-"//4'(1#% CJ!E%"(*%"61#D% "-1;'*#% ?1/?+6'-41?+'*#% ?1V'*#% ?1/?+6'-41?'(1#% X+-#%+A%A+##';#% g1/=%A13%-+%(+%A+##';#% 4+,'(+'*#% ?+;+V'(1#% G;1##1/%"61#H% 4=;+V"-% G)/1"-%"61#H% I4',6%4>,"(%?+,,+(%"(?1#-+/%C;'Q1*%e_f%,="D% ?4',6% V+(+V+% 4>,"(% )+/';;"#% +/"()>-"(#% ./',"-1#$%g"/'"V;1#% •! 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