Apply for a Grant: Employees Community Fund of Boeing Arizona

Apply for a Grant: Employees Community Fund of Boeing Arizona
The Employees Community Fund (ECF) of Boeing Arizona accepts grant applications based on the Grant
Schedule listed below. If you have any questions, please contact the ECF at
About the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Arizona
The Employees Community Fund (ECF) enables Boeing employees to collectively support the needs of
Arizona Communities through grant funding. Employee contributions to the ECF are made through
payroll deduction and are administered by a volunteer Advisory Board comprised of local Boeing
employees. Arizona ECF funding categories include Health, Education/Community Enrichment, and
Social Services.
Arizona ECF Grant Guidelines and Information
Agencies must fall within the requirements of Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and must
also qualify with the Internal Revenue Service as a Section 501(c)(3) organization. Agencies must be
designated as a 501(c)(3) for at least three years prior to submitting a grant.
Agency must be located in or have significant operations in Arizona to be considered for funding
Agencies may submit only one grant application per calendar year.
Agencies must apply using Boeing’s online grant application. Hard copy submissions will not be accepted.
Arizona ECF funding categories include health, Education/Community Enrichment, and social Services.
Because of the volume of grant proposals received by Arizona ECF, we will only accept
submissions during the timeframe outlined in the Arizona ECF Grant Schedule.
Arizona ECF Grant Schedule
Arizona ECF Category
Applications Accepted
Grants Distributed
January 1 – January 31
Education/Community Enrichment
March 1 – March 31
Social Services
June 1 – June 30
Apply in the category that aligns with your agency’s mission statement, not based on the purpose
of a program. If you are unsure of which category to apply for, please contact ECF at Unless your agency’s mission statement changes dramatically, your
agency should apply in the same category each year.
Your agency may log in and create a grant proposal at any time. However, do not submit your
proposal until the grant application period. Untimely submissions will be declined.
Update your agency’s contact information and login information as necessary each time you apply
for a grant. This will ensure that all communications from ECF about your proposal reach the
appropriate contact person at your agency. Contact so that we may delete
any out of date contacts from your agency profile.
Utilize the “Need Support” link at the bottom of each screen of the online application to help
answer frequently asked questions.
If your agency is part of a national organization, please submit financial documents
reflecting your local operations.
Grant proposals may be funded in full, in part, or declined. Keep in mind that the average funding
amount of successful grant proposals may be $3,000 – $5,000.
Agencies must re-apply for funding each year. The ECF of Boeing Arizona makes no implication
that any agency is guaranteed funding from year to year.
Agencies will be notified when funding decisions have been made.
Grant proposals are due by 11:59 PM, Arizona Time, on the last day of each cycle.
Proposal information should be specific to the requested grant (i.e.; # of people the requested project
will serve, not people the organization serves at large; financial information specific to local
organization, not parent organization).
Proposals will be automatically declined if:
⊗ You apply in a category that does not align with your agency’s mission statement. Your proposal
will be returned and your agency will need to apply in the appropriate category per the Arizona
ECF Grant Schedule.
⊗ Your agency submits a grant application before or after the specified timeframe. Note: you may
log-in and begin your grant proposal at any time, however, do not submit your proposal until the
specified submission timeframe arrives. No late submissions will be accepted. Please retain your
confirmation email from CyberGrants as proof of submittal date.
⊗ Your agency received a grant from the ECF in the previous year and has not submitted a grant
impact report. (Boeing’s CyberGrants system will send the grant requestor an email reminder and
a link to the e-form when the impact report is due. Please email if grant
requestor has changed from previous year.)
ECF Funding Category Definitions
Health: Agency’s mission is focused on general health related to a disease, illness, medical condition
and/or preventive care. Activities include research, education, emotional support and/or treatment
associated with individuals or families.
Education: Agency’s mission is focused on providing occupational, therapeutic, or scholastic education
and/or education resources to people of all ages, also includes educational institutions that are dedicated
solely to people with disabilities.
Community Enrichment: Agency’s mission is to provide cultural experiences to various audiences in the
community. Appropriate agencies include visual and performing arts, cultural and historical preservation
groups, zoos and wildlife/nature preservation groups.
Social Services: Agency’s mission is focused on providing food, shelter, clothing, rehabilitation, improving
the quality of life to include life skills and/or other basic need services to persons/groups in need. Also
includes animal welfare.
Unsure where your agency fits? Please contact ECF at
Note: Crystal Vision Award is an annual invitation only grants cycle. Eligible applicants will be notified.
Types of Organizations/Projects we do NOT Fund:
Political organizations or programs
Organizational activities promoting fraternal, sectarian, social, religious, churches, service
clubs, or similar agendas
Individual public and private schools, except those dedicated solely to the handicapped
Organizations supported in large part by government funding, except joint government and
private enterprise projects
Trips, tours, award ceremonies or fundraising sponsorship (of individuals or groups)
Fundraising, management and general expenses, event expenses including courtesy
advertising, conferences or dinner tickets
Scholarships or endowments
Youth sports groups
Review Process:
Once your electronic grant application is received, the ECF Advisory Board members will review eligible
grant applications. An ECF advisory board member may contact your agency for site/phone evaluations
following the application due date. As such, a representative from your agency must be available to meet
with an ECF representative at your place of business. The ECF Advisory Board allocates funds based on
proposed use, comparative need, and the funds available. Grant decisions will be made approximately
60 days later and agencies will be notified when funding decisions have been made.
Contact Information
Log in and submit a proposal based on the following criteria:
Agency has never applied before: Apply for a grant from ECF of Boeing Arizona
Agency is already registered in the Boeing CyberGrants system: Click here to log in
Not sure if your organization already has a profile? Contact ECF of Boeing Arizona at