Issue 2—December 2015 Dear Parents It seems incredible but another Christmas is almost upon us and I will soon have completed my first year as Headteacher of our remarkable school! Our Christmas tree, beautifully decorated by Miss Kisby and Miss Theobald now takes pride of place in reception and as I write we are getting ready for the students Christmas dinner. The run up to Christmas is officially underway! There are times when one is particularly proud to belong to Southgate School community and two of these were evident last week with our Christmas festival and Christmas Fair. The musical talent of our students can leave one open mouthed; we have truly gifted violinists, pianists, saxophonists, samba players, rock bands and students who can sing very well indeed. They combined, under the auspices of our dedicated Music department, to produce a fantastic musical extravaganza that sent the audience out into the wet gloom of a December evening with a spring in our step! Similarly, the FOSS (Friends of Southgate School) Christmas Fair was another success that owed a great deal to a group of people who are really committed to supporting our school, to raising money to help us in this difficult financial climate and who manage to do both of these things whilst ensuring everyone has a good time. There were numerous stalls, activities and food options and like many others I left with much of my Christmas shopping already done, something of a first for me! But let us spare a thought for those Year 11 students currently sitting their mock exams and the teachers who will spend their Christmas holidays marking them. It is to be hoped that the experience and learning from their mistakes, where the gaps in their learning and understanding are, will help our students be successful in their final exams. Finally, somewhat at odds with the festive flavour of this message, please may I remind parents that safeguarding our children is a real concern for us and something that we take extremely seriously. If you are coming into school may I remind you of the need to sign in at reception and wait until the person you are here to meet is available. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Mr. Martin Lavelle Headteacher Enrichment The trip to Warwick University was a great success. All students were very mature and enthusiastic throughout the day. The day was as enriching as it was beneficial, as it consisted of a study skills workshop held in a lecture theatre, tutorials with their PhD tutor and a tour of the campus. This provided an authentic university experience for our year 7 and 8 students, as well as for our Primary school students from Eversley, Merryhills, DeBohun, Walker and Westgrove. Year 7 & 8 Tutorials The Tutorials have also proven to be a great success with all our students engaging in The Scholars Programme. Their tutors are impressed with their previous knowledge and thoughtful questions. Students will be submitting their final assignment on December 16th and can look forward to their graduation at another top end university soon after. Keep up the hard work! Congratulations to our 3 Jack Petchey Winners this year for their achievements and being inspirational to others: The three winners are: Kerri Nicoloau 13G- Nominated by Alice Waugh and Mr Carrigy (Head of 6th form) for completing her Gold DofE and her positive contribution to the sixth form. Maddy Penn 9L2- Nominated by Ms Kellow for overall dedication to school life and unbelievable commitment to extracurricular activities. Kiran Koppa 7D1- Nominated by Kaan Kartal for being extremely helpful to all of his peers. As well as having a forgiving and trustworthy nature. Students have been rewarded a certificate, pin badge, membership card and a congratulations leaflet during their year group assembly. They now have to make the decision of how they would like to spend £200 each to benefit the school and students. 2 Year 7 have been searching for enrichment opportunities and been filling in their Learning passports. All students must remember they can continue collecting stamps throughout the holiday so the activities they are involved in can be celebrated at the end of year through this scheme The Junior Entrepreneurship Day at Middlesex Congratulations to our five Year 8 students who took part in the competition ‘The Junior Entrepreneurship Day’ in November. Francesca Gallardi, Alyssia Sableski, Amelia Field-Gould, Mina Kashef and Cleo Charalambous. It was the 3rd annual Junior Entrepreneur of the Year Competition and was organised to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week. The primary aim was to introduce students to the concept of entrepreneurship and get them thinking about business, enterprise and their future options. The students were each given a scenario and had three hours to prepare a business plan. With the advice of a 'Business Guru' they then had to present their ideas in the form of a poster to a panel of business experts. They demonstrated great team work and conducted themselves in a mature manner. Amelia Field-Gould stated “From today I have learnt different ways I can work in a team and how to work under pressure.” Mina Kashef stated “How can things change unexpectedly in the business world .” Year 6 Masterclasses and Brilliant Club at Southgate More Able Year 6 students from five of our feeder primary schools - Merryhills, DeBohun, Walker, Westgrove & Eversley have been coming to Southgate every week to do Masterclasses in Numeracy and Literacy. Ms. Hadi, Ms. Lynch & Ms. Devlin who have taught the lessons have been really impressed by the students enthusiasm and hard work. Well done to the students and teachers. We have also had students in working with a PHD tutor as part of the Brilliant Club Scholars Programme. 3 Introduction to Oxford and Cambridge University Students from Year 11 and 12 were selected to attend a session focusing on Oxford and Cambridge University. The session was focused on course choices and how to make an application as well as taking part in an A-Level selection workshop and how to select a university. Alex Abberstein stated “This session has made me want to aim higher and achieve the most as I possibly can.” Jaymi Stephen stated “This session has taught me that I need to research more about courses that are available at Oxford” Dominic Dennis stated “I will now look for work experience and start further reading in my subject area.” Careers in Law hosted by Southgate School On Wednesday 9th December 2015 selected students in the 6th form will be invited to attend the Careers In Law session. There will be specifically designed workshops focusing on criminal, media and family law. This will enable students to widen their prospective career pathways and encourage them to work towards a future in law. Medicine Dana Rahimi—Form 13H writes: Prior to the talk on Tuesday regarding Medicine applications, I had many questions about what it feels like to be interviewed for Medicine and people’s individual experiences. Having the opportunity to discuss everything from interview preparation to course structure with two students from UCL was great and the session was very informative. It was interesting to hear about their own personal experiences of the application process and they offered advice and helpful tips in order to help us have the best interviews possible. Their overall and most important message was to be resilient and to not give up! Art Design Media trip Working Men’s College 10 of our 6th form students attended The Working Men’s College. They were: Wiktoria Cwiek, Lucia Papadopoulos, Andreas Halkou, Charlie Petrou, Poppy Blanchard, Anna Peletis, Christos Phouphoullides, Matthew Christou, Talay Cengiz and Yasmin Saffet Marshall. They focused on Art Design and Media pathways. They had a tour of the College and visited all the studios, and spoke to students on various courses. They were also given one to one portfolio advice and attended a presentation on creative careers. The co-ordinator at The Working Men’s College stated that our students were ‘great’ and that they were very impressed with them. Yasmin Saffet Marshall (Yera12) stated “It provided me with more future options.” Talay Cengiz (Year 12) stated “It inspired me to progress within the media.” Wiktoria Cwiek (Year 13) stated “How to improve my portfolio and interview skills.” 4 PE DEPARTMENT Wake up to Southgate Well done to the following students - Amy White, Mina Kasheef , Debra Kato, Charis Morley , Trinity Matthews , Tara Salem , Keshvi Patel Amelia Field Gould , Casey Coggin , Alannah Mimnagh , Shana White , Lucy Walters . They completed a six week leadership course within the Wake up Southgate morning club and successfully became student leaders for the club. They will now continue to run activities for the younger students that attend. Enfield School Cross Country Championships A number of students attended the Cross country championships. The course was very wet and muddy which only added to the challenge of the event. The PE dept are very proud of the effort levels and desire to win which all students showed on the day. A special mention must go to Maja Szymkiewicz and Jacob Alan who will now represent Enfield Schools at the Middlesex Championships. Well done! Students who took part in the Cross Country Championships Year 7 Girls Year 8 Girls Maja Szymkiewicz 3rd Natalie Pitsielis 27th Jessie Zdrava 55th Ciana Woodward 31st Bianca Bari Teixeira 16th Rafaela Morales 33rd Sintija tarvanyta 39th Maddy latham Fox Francesca Newson 58th Tanya Mehmet 59th Amitis Kayvanfar 20th Christine Mukwena 52nd Beril Celikturk 24th Edna Nakatuddle 57th Year 7 Boys nd Jacob Alan 2 Pierluig Castellana 57th Akhil Shah 56th George Prior 10th Ahmad Sesay 12th Matthew Colbeck 34th Krystian Barkiewice 58th Year 8 Boys Harry Lownds 38th Omer Suleman 76th Malakie Jones 65th Berkay Cinwiz 75th Cameron Harold Year 9 Boy George Gorzynsig 57th 5 The boys’ football teams kicked off this seasons campaigns with a number of superb victories in both league and cup matches. The senior team started the year with a loss against Lea Valley, but bounced back with an emphatic 5-0 victory against Edmonton County and a very strong 4-1 victory over Oasis Academy. Year 9’s also lost their opening game to Winchmore, however they then put in two outstanding performances to compensate. They recorded a superb 4-1 victory against local rivals Highlands and a 4-2 victory in the Middlesex cup against St James from Barnet. Highgate await them in the next round after half-term. Year 8’s have recorded 3 wins out of 5 in fixtures so far, including a 10-1 league and cup win against Kingsmead and an excellent 6-3 win over Aylward, after being 3-1 down at half time. Year 7’s kicked off the season with an encouraging performance against Aylward. Although losing the game, the team showed an excellent attitude to come back from being 3 goals down to eventually lose 5-4. Year 8 Football team (A jubilant Year 8 football team after beating Kingsmead 10-1) GCSE Trip to Spain Over the half-term thirty five Year 10 and 11 students, accompanied by four members of staff, spent a week in Cantabria in the north of Spain. Time flew by on the long coach journey down and Mr Thompson was soon being greeted with a hug by the hotel manager. We had stayed there on a previous trip and he was delighted to see us again. He had been delighted with the behaviour of our group during our first visit and was not to be disappointed with this year’s group either. We were staying in Santillana del Mar, a medieval village which is a UNESCO World Heritage site and we had the first afternoon free to look around. Over the next four days we: Visited a wildlife park where the star attractions were the bears and the birds of prey. Some of the students got up close and friendly with some eagles. Visited some spectacular caves with a multitude of mineral formations, stalagmites and stalagtites. Spent a day in Santander – famous for its bank and beaches. Spent a day in Bilbao – split between the bullring and the Guggenheim Museum Spent half a day in the Picos de Europa mountains (300 bends in 20 kilometres) followed by a visit to El Capricho, one of only three buildings outside Catalonia to be designed by Antoni Gaudi. Many thanks to all involved – staff and students. Neil Thompson MFL department 6 Year 7 & 8 Newsletter Message from Mr Starr This has been a half-term of hard work for Year 8 pupils so I am sure they are looking forward to the break. It is important for pupils to reflect on their learning over the holiday and come back with clear ideas of what they want to achieve over the next term. Pupils must look at the grades they have received on their report and focus on how they are going to make continued progress in the new year. I wish you all a relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing pupils in 2016. Message from Miss Stanford Years 7 have now been here for a whole term of secondary school and I cannot believe how quickly this has gone. It has been a busy term for students and they have risen to the challenges of secondary school as well ensuring they have made the best of all the opportunities we have on offer for them. I do hope they all have a restful time over the holidays and come back refreshed and ready for the new term. I would like to take this opportunity to wish people a very happy new year ! Year 6 Teacher Afternoon Every year Southgate School invites all the primary school Year 6 teachers to an after school event to catch up with their ex-students. This is an opportunity for the Year 6 teachers to see how their former pupils have settled in as well as the students showing their teachers around their new school. We feel it is always important to keep the primary schools informed of how their students have settled and this is one of the best opportunities to do it. This will take place on Tuesday 1st December, and I am sure, like always that it will be a success. Gilwell Park At the end of last term our Year 7 students were out at Gilwell park at an overnight residential as part of our transition process and inducting students into the school. This is always a successful trip, and this was no exception. Not only did we witness determination, bravery and team work from our students but also learnt how many students in Year 7 love washing up! We even celebrated a birthday of one of Year 7s. Students were encouraged to take part in all five activities across the 2 days from 3G Swing to archery to wobbly pole as well as the leap of faith. All activities involved our students cheering and encouraging one another to be involved and it was wonderful to see just how supportive this year group are. It was a trip enjoyed by all students and staff alike, who had worked hard in the lead up to this trip in its preparation, so I would like to thank all those staff again for this. The students haven’t stopped talking about it since and want to know when the next Gilwell park trip is! We are looking forward to next year and the planning has already begun. 7 Year 7 Reports Year 7 will be receiving their first report at the end of this term. Please ensure that you go through it with them as it indicates how students have settled into school so far. Teachers have been very complimentary about how well Year 7 as a whole have been in their first term and I am sure this will be reflected in their effort grade in their reports. I will be looking for students who have made excellent effort as well as those who perhaps need more encouragement to improve their effort. In the new term some students may be on report for their lack of effort as well as attending some workshops to improve moving forward. Please can you ensure that your child’s return slip on their report is bought back in as soon as possible to their tutor. Achievement Assembly At the end of every term each year group holds an achievement assembly where they celebrate the achievements that term. Many awards and certificates will be given to students who have gone above and beyond to be good role models, have excellent attendance and who have positive feedback from their subjects. Year 7 Homework Students are now set homework in almost all of their subjects. We are working with students to help support them in their organisation and to ensure that they are able to keep up with the expectations we have of them at secondary school. Please can you continue to check your child’s planner on a regular basis to ensure they are getting their homework done and we will of course continue to monitor them in school to ensure homework is being set and completed. Homework it is an important part of their education and helps support them in their progress. The work they do for homework over their time at secondary school equates to an entire year of school so we feel it is important that students put time into and value this opportunity to extend their learning out of the classroom. Year 8 E-Safety Workshops Year 8 pupils were involved in workshops with members of Education Child Protection in order to raise their awareness and give them advice on how to be safe on-line. The workshops were really well received and the pupils gained much from them. The pupils were praised for the excellent behaviour and for their mature input and their positive comments throughout the session. 8 Years 9, 10, & 11 Newsletter Year 9 Focus on E Safety and Cyber Bullying This half term I have been very impressed by the maturity that Year 9 have shown during our focus on E Safety and Cyber Bullying. They have had a series of tutorials and assemblies around the theme of bullying and we also met with PC White, our Safer School’s officer who spoke with them at great length about keeping themselves safe. Furthermore, we were extremely privileged to have CEOP come in and do some invaluable work with the whole year group. With the growth in the use of Social Media and the Internet, we all feel that it is important that young people are educated as to how to protect themselves and use these tools wisely. During these interactive sessions, students showed great awareness and seemed to respond to the programme. Year 9 are settling well into Pathways now and have shown that they have the potential to be extremely successful. After Christmas, we will be beginning the Options Process and students will be starting to think about what subjects they will want to take for their GCSEs. This is a very important time for Year 9 and I am certain that they will approach the challenges ahead with thought and dedication. Debate at the Oxford Union On Thursday 26th November Isla Lockhart, Year 10, was given the incredible honour of being invited to The Oxford Union to watch their famous Thursday night debate. The debate ‘This House Believes The State Should Not Recognise Marriage’ was lively and featured many high profile speakers including Germaine Greer, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Peter Hitchens. The debate has further galvanised Isla’s wish to attend Oxford and to one day take part in debates at the Union. Year 10 Jack Petchey Speakout Challenge Final This term a group of our Year 10 students took part in the Jack Petchey Speakout Challenge Final. Students had to present a short speech in front of the rest of their year group – a daunting task - and were judged on their delivery, content and structure of the speech. Congratulations to Megan Dawson, who won the competition overall with her excellent speech on Insecurities and the Media, with Sam Bampoe-Parry and Sarah Ellenby also deserving recognition for their fantastic speeches on Injustice and Homophobia and Being a Teenager. Megan will now go forward to represent the school at the Borough Final in January. Thank you to Mrs Edwards, Mrs Pilbeam and Ms Brown for agreeing to the difficult job of judging! Year 10 Reports At the end of this term you will be receiving a report showing your child’s Current Working Grade in each of the exam subjects they are studying because it is a current working grade, it can go up or down over time. This is also a great time for students to review their progress and effort levels. You will read below about the Year 11 Mock Examinations taking place at the end of this term – this will be Year 10 students all too soon! Most students are already working well and taking their studies seriously, thinking about revision and ensuring missed work is caught up. The reports will also identify any concerns, and it is important that students act upon these to ensure they reach their full potential. Tutors, teachers and your Head of Year are all here to support, so if you need any help, please ask! 9 Year 11 Revision and Mock Exams Students have been revising for their mock exams. They have been studying revision skills in tutorial since Year 9 and will have more tips from their subject teachers too. We are fortunate to have a full time exams officer here at Southgate and this ensures the smooth running of our exams. This year we are going to give all Year 11s a formal printout of their mock exam grade in each of their subjects so they can experience what it will be like when they get their actual results in August. So Friday 15th January is Year 11 Mock Results Day and students will be given a sealed envelope containing their results sheet. Good Luck Year 11! Exam Stress During tutorials this term students will be looking at how to cope with the stress that can often accompany exams. With the Year 11 mocks coming up, some students will feel under pressure so we hope that the techniques and ideas they will go over will help. We are running a number of supportive groups, using the expertise of our Learning Mentor to help students cope with exam stress and organisation. The best advice for coping with stress is to get organised and prepare! 6th Form & College There is a clear focus on the next stage of education for all of Year 11. We had a very successful and informative 6th form open evening last month. Year 11 students have been given lots of information about what they can do after GCSEs and how to apply for various colleges and 6th Forms. Students are encouraged to look at the best options for them and how they can make the right decisions for their futures. For a great many students, that will be here at our 6th Form. Students in Year 11 are having their 6th form interviews this half term and have an opportunity to ask about the best choices and what steps they should be taking to secure a place. We have an excellent track record in securing all students a place in education or in training following on from their GCSEs. If you have any questions about this please do get in touch Mrs. Dey, Head of Year 11. Careers Fair In November, we invited a number of local and national employers, apprenticeship providers and colleges, into school to speak to a selected number of students in Years 10 – 13. The students had a chance to speak to our guests, ask relevant questions about courses and employment opportunities and to pick up some literature for future reference. Mobile Phones We have had a number of queries about mobile phones and would like to make the policy for Pathways students clear. Mobile phones are NOT allowed to be used in school time. They should be switched off and in the student’s bag. Parents should not expect to be able to contact students during school time; any emergency messages can be relayed via the School Office if necessary. If a phone is confiscated between Monday and Wednesday, it can be collected by the student on Friday at the end of the day. If it is confiscated on Thursday or Friday it can be collected by the student the following Friday. Have a lovely Christmas break and a Happy New Year. Ms Hussein, Ms Lingley and Mrs Dey 10 A Fond Farewell! On behalf of all the students in Pathways past and present, we would like to pay tribute to Mrs Edwards, who is sadly leaving us at the end of this term. Students will know Mrs Edwards for many reasons. If they have been in trouble they have appreciated her fairness and straight manner, they know where they stand, what the expectations are and what will happen if they don’t meet them! This has helped many student turn things around and go on to great success. They will also know her as a teacher of Food Technology and PSR, which has provided her with endless anecdotes from lessons gone by – as her modules included sex education and drugs, many of which are not suitable for publication here! What most students won’t have seen is the tireless work done behind the scenes on behalf of Pathways students. Mrs Edwards has been an integral part of developing pastoral and behaviour systems within the school which have underpinned the school’s success, supporting students and colleagues to help students reach their potential. As Heads of Year we have certainly appreciated her support and sound advice! It hasn’t all been dealing with negatives – Mrs Edwards has over the years thrown herself into all the fun aspects at Southgate, whether its judging talent contests, awarding prizes, or organising charity events. We would like to wish Mrs Edwards all the very best in her retirement, we hope you enjoy all the extra time you will be able to spend with your family, and we know you will stay in touch! Mrs. Dey, Ms. Lingley & Ms. Hussein Christmas Concert Thursday 3rd December saw our annual Christmas Concert in the newly refurbished hall with the brand new sound and light system. A small group of students had been training hard to learn how to use this equipment in time for the concert. A huge effort was made by the Sound and Light Crew both in the tricky set-up and during the concert itself, and they did an extremely good job. The new system made a big difference to the overall sound in the audience and that’s a rather important thing! A big thank you to the stars of the event - the many performers who took part and made it a wonderful concert, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. There were so many talented performers across ensembles of such differing genres and sizes, and all year groups of the school were represented. The newly formed ukulele group have grown dramatically in size, performing beautifully, and in addition to our regular ensembles, there were performances of exam pieces and classwork, which was a pleasure to hear performed to such a high level. 11 Sixth Form The second half of term has been another busy time for all the students in the Sixth Form. We are delighted to announce that the new Sixth Form Study Centre is up and running and being enthusiastically used by the students. This new base means that we can accommodate all our students for private study. The room is based on a university theme with the inspiring city of London as a backdrop. Students have the opportunities to sit in comfy seats, around tables or in more private study ‘booths’. The next stage of our plan is to redevelop the downstairs common room. Already this is beginning to take shape with the coffee shop, an information TV and high tables. Students can use this area for group work as well as socialising at break and lunch times. Please see the enrichment section for all the exciting Sixth Form extra-curricular activities that have been taking place. Year 12s are now all settled onto their courses and working towards their AS exams. They will be having mock exams in January. Now is also the time for Year 12s to start considering their options for university. They have just had an assembly and some tutorial work and all have access to unifrog (a university search system). In the New Year open days will be announced as will applications for summer schools and masterclasses. Year 12s should be taking the opportunity to maximise their understanding of the universities and courses on offer. We will of course be guiding them in school. Year 13s are mostly completing their university applications. It really pleases us that over 90% of our students are applying to Higher Education. Our students are applying to the best universities but also the universities that are best for them – this is important. At least 10 of our students have actually received unconditional offers from universities. This shows the outstanding nature of their applications. We also have 12 students who have applied for Oxford or Cambridge. We now know that four students have interviews. They are: Lola Scriven, Elsie Hellyer, Daniel Smyth and Jayoti Shah. Five of our students have applied for Medicine and are preparing for the interviews they expect to have in the New year. We also have students who are considering school leavers programmes and apprenticeships. The applications for apprenticeships are in the New Year and we aim to provide all these students with a careers interview. 12 Art Workshop for Parents/Carers Parents were invited to a print making workshop on the first Saturday of half-term. This proved to be highly creative, making lovely prints and building links. ‘Many, many thanks for organising the parent's art workshop which took place on Saturday morning. It was a complete pleasure for two hours to focus on something which had nothing to do with your 'outside' life but gave you a glimpse of the 'inside' life of Southgate school. I sincerely hope that this is the beginning of a series of workshops which enables parents to connect with the school and each other.’ ‘I just wanted to say thank you for a very interesting and enjoyable morning. I learnt a lot and look forward to participating in future sessions.’ Annabelle Dawson 60 x 60 Parent/Staff Art Exhibition Just a reminder that we will be holding the annual parent/staff exhibition in the new year for all those creative members of the school community. Dates and times will be released at the beginning of next term. Friends of Southgate School It has been another full on year for FOSS! A very big thank you to all of you who have contributed to, attended and worked on all our events in 2015. We have had two great bingo nights, the quiz night and of course the christmas market at the weekend and winners of the grand draw are listed on the FOSS website. We are very grateful for the generosity of the companies who supported us and likewise to the parents who made cakes and donated items for the event. The current FOSS committee is made up of some eight core member parents have worked tirelessly all throughout the year to organise these events which raise valuable funds for the school and pupils. Special thanks go to the departing Chair of FOSS, Pamela Kalotychos and Mary Daby our former Treasurer. After many years serving FOSS we wish them all the best in the future. We would also like to thank Headmaster Mr. Martin Lavelle and his staff for their commitment and involvement with FOSS. FOSS thank you all for supporting our causes and attending our events and we look forward to seeing you at our next event the quiz night on Saturday 12th March, please put the date in your diary and more details will be advertised in the New Year. Please do look at the Southgate School website for a list of FOSS projects which we have supported. Have a very Happy Christmas and see you all in 2016! FOSS Committee. 13 Monday 4th January School re-opens after Christmas to Week 1 Tuesday 19th January Year 13 Parents Evening Wednesday 27th January Inset Day—School closed Tuesday 2nd February Year 8 Parents Evening Tuesday 9th February Year 9 Options Evening Friday 12th February Futures Day Friday 12th—Friday 19th February Ski Trip Monday 15th—Friday 19th February Half Term Please take note that: The careers newsletter is now on the website. Please raise student awareness of this publication and encourage them to make the most of the opportunities outlined in there. It has some useful advice for students in Years 10-13 on a range of issues including work experience, post-16 choices and apprenticeships. “Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dream that you dare to dream Really does come true” Don’t forget to book your tickets for this spectacular show, featuring a talented cast from Years 7 – 13 14