Stony Brook University Oracle Site License Fact Sheet

Stony Brook University
Oracle Site License Fact Sheet
Current Version
Oracle DBMS software is on campus and available for the following platform:
Sun Solaris
Oracle tools are available for the following platforms: Windows, Macintosh, Sun Solaris.
Other Platforms and Versions
Oracle is presently implemented on about 128 different computing platforms. Most of these are available to us.
If the particular product is not already on Campus, the license manager, Sanjay Kapur, will request the
appropriate software from the Common SUNY Support Center at Buffalo State. If the software exists at
Buffalo, it will be shipped to us over the SUNY DECNET network that night. If Buffalo does not have it, and it
is determined that we are entitled to it under the terms of the SUNY-Wide Site License, the Common SUNY
Support Center (CSSC) will request it from Oracle and send it on to us as soon as possible.
How to Obtain Oracle
To obtain Oracle, an Oracle Campus-Wide Site License Agreement form must be completed and submitted for
each participating CPU/Operating System. The agreement forms should be sent to Systems Support,
see address on License Agreement page 2. Upon receipt of signed agreement, the software will be released.
Sanjay Kapur has been designated License Manager for Stony Brook. As such, he will accept and fulfill
requests for the Oracle software products. In addition, he is required to report to the Common SUNY Support
Center, on a quarterly basis, the CPU serial numbers of all CPU's with Oracle installed.
The large amount of different platforms and operating systems make local support extremely difficult. The
CSSC has instituted a system on electronic mail request for answering questions concerning the various
software products. They keep questions and answers in a searchable database that can be referred to by support
center personnel. They require e-mail questions and will respond with e-mail answers. The CSSC has the
ability to go directly to Oracle for questions it cannot answer.
Documentation is available directly from Oracle at about a 40% discount. There are prepackaged collections of
documentation for various platforms that are not discounted but are attractively priced as compared to individual
manual purchase. An almost complete list of Oracle Documentation is available in the Oracle publication
"Oracle Technical Publications Catalog and Price Guide" 3903-50-0192. Additional information and ordering
can be done by calling Hallie R. Alderman at Oracle (415) 506-6822.
Stony Brook University
Oracle Campus-Wide Site License Agreement
SUNY-Wide/Oracle Corporation Software Agreement, Contract #CM00211
In order to receive software and license for the use of any Oracle product under the SUNYWide/Oracle Corporation Software Agreement, the following information must be provided here for
each CPU/Operating System and reported quarterly to the Common SUNY Support Center (CSSC):
Department Name: ___________________________________
Department Address: _________________________________Zip+4 ____________
System Manager: ______________________________ Phone Number: ___________
System Manager E-mail addresses: __________________________________________
Oracle Software Required for:
Operating System: _____________________________________
Version: __________
CPU Make: _________________________________ Model: ________________
CPU Serial Number: ________________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________ _______________
The signature below acknowledges the terms and conditions of the Oracle program as noted on page 2
of this form:
Chair/Director: _________________________________________ _______________
_________________________________________ _______________
Oracle Campus-Wide Site License Agreement
Page 2
It is Stony Brook University's policy to prohibit software piracy, copyright infringements and
unauthorized use of any software product.
1. Oracle products obtained will be used solely for internal data processing operations.
2. Oracle programs acquired under this contract are to be installed exclusively on CPU's owned, leased
to or under the sole control of the University or an Affiliate.
3. I acknowledge the acquisition of only the right to use the programs and not the right of ownership.
4. I agree not to cause or permit the reverse engineering, disassembly, or recompilation of the
5. I agree to copy software only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and
administrative procedures.
6. If agreement is terminated by Department, SUNY, or Oracle, I will cease using the applicable
programs and certify within one month that programs have been destroyed or returned to Oracle.
7. I will provide the campus License Manager with a quarterly report of any change in usage status or
8. I acknowledge that the campus License Manager has the right and authorization to encumber the
yearly license fee for this year and each subsequent year that the software is used. This process will be
administered by the Business Office.
9. I understand that I have the right to resign from this agreement at the end of each yearly term.
Upon surrender of the software or certification of its deletion from the systems, all future
encumbrances of license fee will be reversed.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return completed agreement forms to:
Division of Information Technology
Systems Support
Computing Center
Zip = 2410