Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Trust Diagnostic Survey Report R E S U L T S S U M M A R Y (This is a sample report. Not all the items are included.) Leader: John Doe Unit: Investment Banking London Date Created: July 9, 2013 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Introduction This 62-item on-line survey based on research published in the Harvard Business Review and Oxford University Press measures trust and elements of organizational trustworthiness. Based on confidential feedback from experts in the organization (employees), a diagnostic report is produced that provides feedback including trust promoting or inhibiting factors in: strategy, leadership, culture, HR systems, core operational processes, compliance, and communication. 1 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Introduction The report measures the degree of embeddedness of 6 elements of trustworthiness in the organizational system. The purpose is to learn and increase stakeholder trust over time. Hurley, Robert F. , Nicole Gillespie, Donald L. Ferrin and Graham Dietz. “Designing Trustworthy Organizations.” MIT Sloan Management Review. (2013) 2 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Demographic Overview The data in this report reflect information provided by 150 colleagues in the Investment Banking unit of Company A. They were seletected to be as representative as possible of the entire workforce in their unit. Functional Areas Supervisory status Accounting (6%) Communications (5%) Customer Service (20%) Ethics and Compliance (2%) Engineering (7%) Finance (8%) Human Resources (9%) Internal audit (3%) Legal (8%) Marketing (5%) Manufacturing (10%) Public Relations (2%) Research and Development (1%) Sales (2%) Ombudsman (8%) Others (4%) Geographical Areas Executive (10%) Manager (30%) Supervisor (20%) Team Leader (25%) Non-Supervisor (15%) Age 10% Europe 50% North America 25% Asia 5% Africa < 24 yrs old (5%) 25 - 30 (10%) 31 - 36 (20%) 37 - 42 (15%) 43 - 48 (15%) 49 - 54 (30%) 55 - 60 (2%) 61 - 64 (2%) Gender 10% South America 60% Male 40% Female Racial profile 50% Experience at the company Non-Hispanic White Asian or Asian American 30% 10% 5% 3% 2% More than 20 years 15 to 19 9 to 14 Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic or Latino American Indian or Alaska Native 3 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report 7% 3% 15% 3 to 8 Less than 3 45% 30% > 65 (1%) Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Trust Summary Report Employee Trust 75% Stakeholder Trust 55% Employee Engagement 65% Financial Performance 85% Trustworthiness Factors Values Alignment of Interests Benevolent Concerns Capability Prediction/Integrity Communication Average By Factor Average by Trustworthiness Factor Organizational Factors Mission/Strategy 20 30 40 30 Structure 40 25 80 55 75 55 (All Numbers in Percentages) 4 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report Leadership 35 45 25 75 65 45 48 Culture 72 40 25 63 75 65 57 Systems 49 Processes 55 35 45 46 75 35 55 44 39 25 65 58 53 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Trust and Trustworthiness Summary High trust companies reap many benefits that can lead to competitive advantage Top Two Box Score Percent Outcome measures I can confidently rely on my Company to do what is right in matters that will affect me. The business unit I belong to is more trustworthy than my Company as a whole. I can confidently rely on my direct supervisor to do what is right in matters that will affect me. Stakeholders can confidently rely on the Company to do what is right in matters that will affect them. Employees care enough about the company to speak up if they see something that is wrong. Employees have a strong commitment to our Company. In terms of financial performance, my Company is superior to its nearest competitors. All in all, I am satisfied with my job. In terms of meeting stakeholders’ expectations, my Company is superior to its nearest competitors. I will probably look for a new job in the next year. I am proud to be working for this Company. 65 70 Unit Notes: 5 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Similarities and Values Congruence In high trust organizations, employees share a common identity and set of values which create a platform for trust and cooperation. Top Two Box Score Percent A1. The mission is embraced by employees. B8. Leaders hold employees accountable for acting in accordance with company values. B11. Leaders regularly talk to people about company values, our code of conduct and the importance of ethics and integrity. C7. The culture reinforces being a socially responsible organization. E7. People who join us are taught how we do things here. 65 70 Unit Diagnostic Comment and Notes: A. Mission/Strategy B. Leadership C. Culture D. Structure 6 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report E. Systems F. Processes Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Alignment of Interests In high trust organizations, there is an alignment of interest across stakeholder groups. Top Two Box Score Percent A5. Strategy reflects the interests of all stakeholders, not just a few. A6. Employees understand the strategy and where they fit in its execution. A8. Changes to strategy always consider the impact on all stakeholders. D2. Departments and groups cooperate and work collaboratively to serve stakeholders. 65 70 Unit Diagnostic Comment and Notes: A. Mission/Strategy B. Leadership C. Culture D. Structure 7 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report E. Systems F. Processes Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Benevolent Concern High trust organizations demonstrate benevolent concern and care for all stakeholders. Top Two Box Score Percent B5. leaders demonstrate by their behaviors that they care about employees. B7. Leaders are good at listening to others. C8. The culture reinforces supporting each other as a team. C9. The culture reinforces serving our external stakeholders before we serve ourselves 65 70 Unit Diagnostic Comment and Notes: A. Mission/Strategy B. Leadership C. Culture D. Structure 8 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report E. Systems F. Processes Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Capability High trust organizations are competent and deliver on commitments. Top Two Box Score Percent D4. Employees are given the resources and equipment they need to do their jobs. B15. Leaders carefully consider all types of risks when making decisions. C2. The culture reinforces delivering on commitments we make. C6. The culture reinforces excellence and being the best at whatever we do. C13. Learning and continuous improvement is a way of life. C14. Innovation and adaptation is managed to avoid rash moves that might put our reputation at risk. E6. Critical jobs are filled with competent people. F3. product and service repair corrects any failures that might occur. F4. products and services are carefully tested before they are launched. F5. external or third party agents that might affect our reputation are carefully selected and monitored. F7. processes that affect stakeholders are monitored so we learn about failures. 65 70 Unit Diagnostic Comment and Notes: A. Mission/Strategy B. Leadership C. Culture D. Structure 9 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report E. Systems F. Processes Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Prediction/Integrity High trust organizations are reliable, predictable and practice what they preach. Top Two Box Score Percent D6. There are adequate controls and checks to make sure that no one puts the company’s reputation at risk. B1. Leaders deliver on their promises. C1. The culture reinforces living our values with integrity. E2. There is an effective system for detecting violations of our values and unethical or illegal conduct. E4. Employees whose performance is poor are developed or removed on a timely basis. 65 70 Unit Diagnostic Comment and Notes: A. Mission/Strategy B. Leadership C. Culture D. Structure 10 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report E. Systems F. Processes Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Communication High trust organizations listen to stakeholders and engage and communicate openly. Top Two Box Score Percent D5. Employees are able to report wrongdoing without fear of retaliation. B16. Leaders can hear bad news without punishing the messenger. C5. The culture reinforces always being candid and speaking the truth as you see it. E3. There is frequent and candid upward and downward communication. F6. Processes for listening to and responding to all stakeholders are excellent. 65 70 Unit Diagnostic Comment and Notes: A. Mission/Strategy B. Leadership C. Culture D. Structure 11 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report E. Systems F. Processes Enterprise 75 80 85 90 95 Copyright © 2013 Dr. Robert Hurley [SAM P L E ] Open-ended questions 1. What are the biggest risks of major stakeholder trust violations at your Company? • Failure to deliver on promises in spite of best efforts on our end • Higher ups only look at for themselves and the bottom line, like cost cutting and saving and not what is really right for the business. • Lack of strong leadership / Lack of strategy / Lack of focus • Inconsistencies with what we tell people we do and what actually is going on behind the scenes. 2. What are the most important things you would change about your Company to make it more trustworthy? • Lack of a communicated vision. • Allow employees to be more rewarded on performance and other factors of the job. • Increase the disclosure and transparency. • Better faith and reliance on senior management. Diagnostic Comment and Notes: 12 | Trust Diagnostic Survey Report