Power Vocabulary Nutrition WHAT IS POWER VOCABULARY? P ower Vocabulary is a systematic and individualized approach to vocabulary development that enables teachers to assist students to improve their reading comprehension skills. Power Vocabulary consists of two word groups—specialized and general-usage words. Specialized words label concepts that support subject matter. These words are the technical vocabulary of a content area that is used in a particular area. In science, specialized words include biodiversity and predator. In history, specialized words include hieroglyphic and chariot. Specialized vocabulary also includes words we use every day that take on specialized meanings in a particular content area. For example, the word bill takes on different meanings when we talk about money (dollar bill or electric bill) than when we talk about government (a bill that becomes an act or a law). General-usage words are the words that have widely acknowledged meanings and that hold the content of a passage together. These words are selected because some readers may not be familiar with them. Examples of general-usage words are morose and diligent. PA G E S IN THIS POWER VOCABULARY BOOKLET 1 What Is Power Vocabulary? How are the 15 Power Vocabulary words selected from this KIDS DISCOVER title and why should students know them? 2 Word Card Activity Ideas A variety of teaching strategies and great activities students can do with the word cards on pages 3–6. 3–6 Word Cards . . . . . . . . Students can cut out and use these cards to learn more about the 15 Power Vocabulary words. 7–8 Dictionary List . . . . . View the 15 Power Vocabulary words with definitions in one list. 9 Crossword Puzzle . . . In this crossword, the definitions are the clues and the Power Vocabulary words are the answers. 10 Word Find . . . . . . . . . Students can focus on the spellings of the Power Vocabulary words with this word find—plus solve a hidden message! 11 Matching . . . . . . . . . . Students will match each Power Vocabulary word with its definition. 12 Sentences . . . . . . . . . Students will complete each sentence with a Power Vocabulary word. 13–16 Answer Keys . . . . Answer keys for the crossword puzzle, word search, matching, and sentences blackline masters. Fifteen Power Vocabulary words have been identified for this KIDS DISCOVER title. Use the word cards or select a few blackline masters to preview the vocabulary words to help students be more confident and read more fluently as they read these words in context. Or use the cards or masters to review words after students have read KIDS DISCOVER. ......................... www.kidsdiscoverteachers.com ......................... K D • 149 Fifth Avenue, 10th Floor • New York, NY 10010 • T: 212-677-4457 • F: 212-353-8030 IDS ISCOVER © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 1 P OW E R VO C A BU L A RY WO R D C A R D AC T I V I T Y I D E A S se the vocabulary cards (pages 3–6 of this Power Vocabulary U booklet) and the following activities to introduce or review some Power Vocabulary words students will encounter while reading K I D S D I S C OV E R Nutrition. Pe rs o n a l D i c t i o n a r y bizarre ) (bi-zar e adjectiv R COVE KIDS DIS Moon ◆ Copy the word and definition pages back-to-back for each student. Have students cut out the cards and place them in alphabetical order. To make personal dictionaries, students can staple the cards together in a flipbook or place them in a file box. N e w Wo rd C a rd s BIZAR RE: ve ry str ange o ★ The r odd party characte was filled with rs weari b ng black izarre purple ti masks an es. d ★ H ow ever, it takes C to comp ru it hne 770 lete its years bizarre Words You Know and Words to Know ◆ Ask students to draw a four-column chart and label the columns “I don’t Know,” “I’ve seen or heard but don’t know the meaning.” “I think I know the meaning,” and “I know the meaning.” Present each word and its sample sentence to students. Ask them to write the word in the column that shows how well they know the meaning of the word. Memory Game ◆ Copy the word and definition pages on separate sheets of paper. Cut out the cards and place them facedown on a table. Have students play a memory game by matching words and definitions. Students should read the words and definitions aloud each time they have a match to reinforce the pronunciation and definition. Challenge: Use correction fluid or tape to cover the vocabulary words on the definition cards. Matching ◆ Copy the word and definition pages on separate sheets of paper and cut out the cards. Paste the word cards around the edge of tagboard. Ask students to attach the definitions to their words using clothespins. ◆ Have students create their own vocabulary cards for unfamiliar general-usage or content words as they read KIDS DISCOVER. S k i m m i n g t h e Te x t ◆ Help students practice skimming text. Read a sentence or word and the page number in the magazine where it is located. (The sentences and page numbers are provided on the definition side of the cards.) Model how to skim the page for the word or sentence. Then have students practice skimming by looking for other words or sentences. Challenge: Give students a sentence without the page number. Encourage them to skim the magazine for the appropriate topic pages and then skim for the word. Dictionary Skills ◆ Practice dictionary skills by asking students to find the guide words on the page where a Power Vocabulary word is located in a dictionary. Also ask students to search for multiple meanings of words, synonyms, antonyms, and other word forms or parts of speech for the word. Jo u r n a l W r i t i n g ◆ After working with the words and definitions, encourage students to use the words when writing essays and in their journals. Dangling Definitions ◆ On sturdy paper, make enlarged copies of the word and definition cards printed back-to-back on study paper. Punch a hole in the top center of each card and attach to the ceiling with string.❖ ......................... www.kidsdiscoverteachers.com ......................... K D • 149 Fifth Avenue, 10th Floor • New York, NY 10010 • T: 212-677-4457 • F: 212-353-8030 IDS ISCOVER © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 2 abundant calorie (uh-bun-duhnt) (kal-uhr-ee) adjective noun KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition convert critic (kuhn-vurt) (krit-uhk) verb noun KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition cuisine distribute (kwi-zeen) (dis-trib-yoot-buhl) noun verb KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition essential glucose (uh-sen-shuhl) (gloo-kohs) adjective noun KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition © KIDS DISCOVER KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition VOCABULARY CARDS CALORIE: energy-producing value of food; unit of energy that food can produce ABUNDANT: being well supplied; having more than enough Unused calories are stored in the body as fat. The farmers harvested an abundant supply of corn and wheat this year. Calories are a way of measuring how much energy a food will give after it has been absorbed by the body. (p. 2) Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. (p. 9) CRITIC: someone who finds fault or disapproves A number of educators are critics of the television-viewing habits of children. Critics of the food industry say that most ads create a desire for unhealthful food. (p. 13) DISTRIBUTE: to give out; to spread CONVERT: to change from one thing to another All sugars and starches are converted to glucose in the body. Some carbohydrates, including sugary snacks, are converted to glucose very quickly in the body. (p. 4) CUISINE: kinds of food; style of preparation Some groups distribute food to people in areas affected by drought. Tomatoes and pasta are important parts of Italian cuisine. The world’s resources are not distributed evenly. (p. 17) Because different food crops did better in different parts of the world, local cuisines developed. (p. 14) GLUCOSE: sugar in the body that is converted to energy In their food-making process, plants produce the sugar glucose. The body breaks down all sugars and starches into glucose. (p. 4) © KIDS DISCOVER ESSENTIAL: being a substance that must be eaten because the body cannot produce it Foods such as fish and eggs are a good source of the essential amino acids the body needs. They have all nine of the essential amino acids. (p. 7) VOCABULARY CARDS incidence nutritious (in-suh-duhns) (noo-tri-shuhs) noun adjective KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition obesity regulate (oh-bee-suh-tee) (reg-yuh-layt) noun verb KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition sparingly specific (sper-uhn-lee) (spuh-si-fik) adverb adjective KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition symptom _________________ (simp-tuhm) _________________ noun _________________ KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition © KIDS DISCOVER KIDS DISCOVER Nutrition VOCABULARY CARDS NUTRITIOUS: having value as food; nourishing Fruits and vegetables are nutritious foods. Eating a lot of calories without nutrients fills you up so you are not hungry for nutritious food. (p. 3) REGULATE: to control or to adjust INCIDENCE: rate of occurrence; the way in which something spreads itself Vaccines can help lower the incidence of diseases such as flu. Despite a diet that is high in fatty foods, they have a low incidence of heart disease. (p. 15) OBESITY: condition of being very overweight or fat Your body needs some sodium chloride to help regulate the amount of water in the body. A person can suffer many health problems including heart disease because of obesity. The pancreas produces digestive fluids and regulates blood sugar levels. (p. 10) With the recent rise in childhood obesity, more children are now suffering from Type II diabetes. (p. 3) SPECIFIC: precise; exact Follow the recipe closely, putting in the specific amounts listed for each ingredient. No specific amount is recommended for children, but you can use 2,400 mg as the most you should have each day. (p. 3) SPARINGLY: in very limited or small amounts Most food pyramids recommend using butter sparingly. Meat is eaten sparingly. (p. 14) _________________ SYMPTOM: change in a body that is a sign of disease or illness _________________ A high fever is a symptom of many different illnesses. _________________ One symptom is water retention, which results in swollen bellies. (p. 12) © KIDS DISCOVER VOCABULARY CARDS Nutrition Dictionary List ABUNDANT CUISINE Pronunciation (uh-bun-duhnt) Part of Speech adjective Definition being well supplied; having more than Pronunciation (kwi-zeen) Part of Speech noun Definition kinds of food; style of preparation enough The farmers harvested an abundant supply of corn and wheat this year. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. (p. 9) Tomatoes and pasta are important parts of Italian cuisine. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Because different food crops did better in different parts of the world, local cuisines developed. (p. 14) CALORIE DISTRIBUTE Pronunciation (kal-uhr-ee) Part of Speech noun Definition energy-producing value of food; unit Pronunciation (dis-trib-yoot) Part of Speech verb Definition to give out; to spread of energy that food can produce Unused calories are stored in the body as fat. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Calories are a way of measuring how much energy a food will give after it has been absorbed by the body. (p. 2) CONVERT Pronunciation (kuhn-vurt) Part of Speech verb Definition to change from one thing to another All sugars and starches are converted to glucose in the body. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Some carbohydrates, including sugary snacks, are converted to glucose very quickly in the body. (p. 4) CRITIC Pronunciation (krit-uhk) Part of Speech noun Definition someone who finds fault or disapproves A number of educators are critics of the television-viewing habits of children. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Critics of the food industry say that most ads create a desire for unhealthful food. (p. 13) © KIDS DISCOVER Some groups distribute food to people in areas affected by drought. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER The world’s resources are not distributed evenly. (p. 17) ESSENTIAL Pronunciation (uh-sen-shuhl) Part of Speech adjective Definition being a substance that must be eaten because the body cannot produce it Foods such as fish and eggs are a good source of the essential amino acids the body needs. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER They have all nine of the essential amino acids. (p. 7) GLUCOSE Pronunciation (gloo-kohs) Part of Speech noun Definition sugar in the body that is converted to energy In their food-making process, plants produce the sugar glucose. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER The body breaks down all sugars and starches into glucose. (p. 4) NUTRITION 7 Nutrition Dictionary List (continued) INCIDENCE SPARINGLY Pronunciation (in-suh-duhns) Part of Speech noun Definition rate of occurrence; the way in which Pronunciation (sper-uhn-lee) Part of Speech adverb Definition in very limited or small amounts something spreads itself Vaccines can help lower the incidence of diseases such as flu. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Despite a diet that is high in fatty foods, they have a low incidence of heart disease. (p. 15) NUTRITIOUS Pronunciation (noo-tri-shuhs) Part of Speech adjective Definition having value as food; nourishing Fruits and vegetables are nutritious foods. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Eating a lot of calories without nutrients fills you up so you are not hungry for nutritious food. (p. 3) OBESITY Pronunciation (oh-bee-suh-tee) Part of Speech noun Definition condition of being very overweight or fat A person can suffer many health problems including heart disease because of obesity. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER With the recent rise in childhood obesity, more children are now suffering from Type II diabetes. (p. 3) Most food pyramids recommend using butter sparingly. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER Meat is eaten sparingly. (p. 14) SPECIFIC Pronunciation (spuh-si-fik) Part of Speech adjective Definition precise; exact Follow the recipe closely, putting in the specific amounts listed for each ingredient. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER No specific amount is recommended for children, but you can use 2,400 mg as the most you should have each day. (p. 3) SYMPTOM Pronunciation (simp-tuhm) Part of Speech noun Definition change in a body that is a sign of disease or illness A high fever is a symptom of many different illnesses. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER One symptom is water retention, which results in swollen bellies. (p. 12) REGULATE Pronunciation (reg-yuh-layt) Part of Speech verb Definition to control or to adjust Your body needs some sodium chloride to help regulate the amount of water in the body. Word Used in KIDS DISCOVER The pancreas produces digestive fluids and regulates blood sugar levels. (p. 10) © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 8 Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Crossword obesity regulate sparingly specific symptom distribute essential glucose incidence nutritious abundant calorie convert critic cuisine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Across Down 1. having value as food; nourishing 2. to control or to adjust 6. sugar in the body that is converted to 3. rate of occurrence; the way in which 7. 4. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. energy kinds of food; style of preparation someone who finds fault or disapproves to change from one thing to another to give out; to spread change in a body that is a sign of disease or illness being a substance that must be eaten because the body cannot produce it © KIDS DISCOVER 5. 7. 8. 11. something spreads itself precise; exact being well supplied; having more than enough energy-producing value of food; unit of energy that food can produce in very limited or small amounts condition of being very overweight or fat NUTRITION 9 Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Word Find Circle each word from the box in the letter grid below. The words are up and down, across, backwards, and diagonal. Then, going across each row starting at the top left, place each unused letter on a blank until you reveal the hidden message. B L C I F I C E P S N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ © KIDS DISCOVER E C O B E S I T Y P U T U N N O I F M R A T OBESITY REGULATE SPARINGLY SPECIFIC SYMPTOM DISTRIBUTE ESSENTIAL GLUCOSE INCIDENCE NUTRITIOUS ABUNDANT CALORIE CONVERT CRITIC CUISINE U I V C U E P H E R R _ _ _ _ B S E E R T O E G I I I I R Y O C R A U N T R N T M D T R L L G I _ _ _ _ T E S S E N T I A L O S C A L O R I E T Y U I N C I D E N C E I S _ _ _ D T N A D N U B A T C A A E S O C U L G H H _ _ _ _ _ _ . NUTRITION 10 Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Matching For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column. Write the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word. ________ abundant 1. to change from one thing to another ________ calorie 2. sugar in the body that is converted to energy ________ convert 3. having value as food; nourishing ________ critic 4. energy-producing value of food; unit of energy that food can produce ________ cuisine 5. to control or to adjust ________ distribute 6. to give out; to spread ________ essential 7. in very limited or small amounts ________ glucose 8. being well supplied; having more than enough ________ incidence 9. change in a body that is a sign of disease or illness ________ nutritious 10. being a substance that must be eaten because the body cannot produce it ________ obesity 11. precise; exact ________ regulate 12. kinds of food; style of preparation ________ sparingly 13. condition of being very overweight or fat ________ specific 14. rate of occurrence; the way in which something spreads itself ________ symptom 15. someone who finds fault or disapproves © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 11 Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Sentences Fill in each blank with the word from the box that best completes the sentence. abundant calories converted critics cuisine distribute essential glucose incidence nutritious obesity regulate sparingly specific symptoms 1. The recipe did not call for ______________________ amounts of chopped vegetables. 2. Insulin helps to ______________________ the level of sugar in the blood. 3. ______________________ foods include those rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. 4. The empty ______________________ in sugary snacks are low in nutrients. 5. A major cause of ______________________ is the lack of physical activity. 6. Through digestion, carbohydrates are ______________________ to a simple sugar. 7. Blood sugar is another name for ______________________. 8. The body cannot produce nine ______________________ amino acids, so people must get them from the foods they eat. 9. Many nutritionists recommend that red meats be used ______________________. 10. East Asian ______________________ is often prepared by stir frying or steaming. 11. Some ______________________ of advertising by the food industry argue that children should not be the target audience of ads. 12. Coughing and sneezing are ______________________ of the common cold. 13. Diet may affect the ______________________ of heart disease in different cultures. 14. Iron is not as ______________________ as calcium in the body. 15. Food pantries ______________________ food to people in need. © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 12 ANSWER KEY Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Crossword 1 2 N U T R I C U I 8 S A P L A O R I 4 N P B G L U C O S E U U I C N L D I D A E F A T N I N 9 C D I I N E G C R I A T I C E 10 11 C O N V E R T R 12 5 O U S N E T 3 I E 6 7 obesity regulate sparingly specific symptom distribute essential glucose incidence nutritious abundant calorie convert critic cuisine B S T R L I B U T E 13 S Y M P T O M I 14 E S S E N T Y Across I A L Y Down 1. having value as food; nourishing 2. to control or to adjust 6. sugar in the body that is converted to 3. rate of occurrence; the way in which 7. 4. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. energy kinds of food; style of preparation someone who finds fault or disapproves to change from one thing to another to give out; to spread change in a body that is a sign of disease or illness being a substance that must be eaten because the body cannot produce it © KIDS DISCOVER 5. 7. 8. 11. something spreads itself precise; exact being well supplied; having more than enough energy-producing value of food; unit of energy that food can produce in very limited or small amounts condition of being very overweight or fat NUTRITION 13 ANSWER KEY Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Word Find Circle each word from the box in the letter grid below. The words are up and down, across, backwards, and diagonal. Then, going across each row starting at the top left, place each unused letter on a blank until you reveal the hidden message. B L C I F I C E P S N B A L A N C E © KIDS DISCOVER E C O B E S I T Y P U T U N N O I F M R A T OBESITY REGULATE SPARINGLY SPECIFIC SYMPTOM DISTRIBUTE ESSENTIAL GLUCOSE INCIDENCE NUTRITIOUS ABUNDANT CALORIE CONVERT CRITIC CUISINE U I V C U E P H E R R Y O U R B S E E R T O E G I I I I R Y O C R A U N T R N T M D T R L L G I D I E T T E S S E N T I A L O S C A L O R I E T Y U I N C I D E N C E I S F O R D T N A D N U B A T C A A E S O C U L G H H H E A L T H . NUTRITION 14 ANSWER KEY Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Matching For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column. Write the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word. abundant 8 ________ 1. to change from one thing to another calorie 4 ________ 2. sugar in the body that is converted to energy convert 1 ________ 3. having value as food; nourishing critic 15 ________ 4. energy-producing value of food; unit of energy that food can produce cuisine 12 ________ 5. to control or to adjust distribute 6 ________ 6. to give out; to spread essential 10 ________ 7. in very limited or small amounts glucose 2 ________ 8. being well supplied; having more than enough incidence 14 ________ 9. change in a body that is a sign of disease or illness nutritious 3 ________ 10. being a substance that must be eaten because the body cannot produce it obesity 13 ________ 11. precise; exact regulate 5 ________ 12. kinds of food; style of preparation sparingly 7 ________ 13. condition of being very overweight or fat specific 11 ________ 14. rate of occurrence; the way in which something spreads itself symptom 9 ________ 15. someone who finds fault or disapproves © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 15 ANSWER KEY Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Sentences Fill in each blank with the word from the box that best completes the sentence. 1. The recipe did not call for 2. Insulin helps to 3. amounts of chopped vegetables. specific the level of sugar in the blood. regulate foods include those rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Nutritious 4. The empty obesity regulate sparingly specific symptoms distribute essential glucose incidence nutritious abundant calories converted critics cuisine in sugary snacks are low in nutrients. calories 5. A major cause of is the lack of physical activity. obesity 6. Through digestion, carbohydrates are 7. Blood sugar is another name for glucose 8. The body cannot produce nine to a simple sugar. converted essential . amino acids, so people must get them from the foods they eat. 9. Many nutritionists recommend that red meats be used 10. East Asian 11. Some sparingly . is often prepared by stir frying or steaming. cuisine of advertising by the food industry argue that children should not critics be the target audience of ads. 12. Coughing and sneezing are 13. Diet may affect the symptoms incidence of the common cold. of heart disease in different cultures. 14. Iron is not as abundant as calcium in the body. 15. Food pantries distribute food to people in need. © KIDS DISCOVER NUTRITION 16