HIS 103Y

HIS 103Y
Students are requested to try to consult some of the readings
recommended for a particular tutorial meeting in advance of its
occurrence. It is hoped that the provision of a number of
possible readings for each weekly tutorial topic may help
distribute our large class across available library resources.
During the first two weeks of the academic session, before
tutoria1 c1asses begin, students can further their understanding
of the subject-matter and ana1ytica1 sty1e of HIS103Y by reading
pp. 1-42 of Derek McKay and H.M. Scott's The Rise of the Great
Powers, 1648-1815 (D273.5 .M36 TRIN) and pp. 1-104 of John Lynn's
The Wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714 (DC127.6 .L86 1999 TRIN).
Week beginning September 22nd, 2008
Theme: Introduction
Week beginning September 29th, 2008
Theme: The Foreign Policy of Louis XIV, to 1697
Recommended Readings
McKay, Derek and
H.M. Scott
The Rise of the Great Powers,
1648-1815, pp. 1-54
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Clark, Sir George
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.6 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Guerlac, Henry
U162 .M25 1986 TRIN – STL
"The Nine Years War, 1688-1697"
in J.S. Bromley (ed.), The New
Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VI,
The Rise of Great Britain and
Russia, 1688-1725, Chapter XXI,
pp. 223-53.
"Vauban: The Impact of Science on
War", in Peter Paret (ed.),
Makers of Modern Strategy: From
Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age,
pp. 64-90.
Hatton, Ragnhild
DC127.3 .L68 1976 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lossky, Andrew
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.6 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lossky, Andrew
DA47.1 .T43 1968 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lynn, John A.
U162 .M254 1994 TRIN – STL
Lynn, John A.
DC127.6 .L86 1999 TRIN – STL
Sonnino, Paul
DC127.3 .L68 1976 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Symcox, Geoffrey
DC127.3 .L68 1976 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Thomson, Mark A.
DA47.1 .T43 1968 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Zeller, G.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.5 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
"Louis XIV and his Fellow
Monarchs" in Idem (ed.), Louis
XIV and Europe, pp. 16-59.
"International Relations in
Europe (1688-1725)" in Bromley
ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. VI, Chapter
V, pp. 154-92.
"Maxims of State in Louis XIV's
Foreign Policy in the 1680s", in
Ragnhild Hatton and J.S. Bromley
(eds.), William III and Louis XIV,
pp. 7-23.
"A Quest for Glory: The Formation
of Strategy under Louis XIV,
1661-1715" in Murray, Knox and
Bernstein (eds.), The Making of
Strategy, pp. 178-204.
The Wars of Louis XIV 1667-1714,
pp. 17-159.
"Louis XIV and the Dutch War" in
Hatton (ed.), Louis XIV and
Europe, pp. 153-78.
"Louis XIV and the Outbreak of
the Nine Years War" in Hatton
ed.), Louis XIV and Europe, pp.
"Louis XIV and William III, 168997" in Hatton and Bromley (eds.)
William III and Louis XIV, pp.
"French Diplomacy and Foreign
Policy in their European Setting",
F.L. Carsten (ed.), The New
Cambridge Modern History, Vol. V,
The Ascendancy of France, 1648-88,
Chapter IX, pp. 198-221.
Week beginning October 6th, 2008
Theme: The War of the Spanish Succession and the Peace of
Recommended Readings
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Clark, Sir George
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.6 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lynn, John A.
DC127.6 .L86 1999 TRIN – STL
Simms, Brendan
DA16 .S53 2007 TRIN – STL
Ogg, David
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.6 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Pitt, H.G.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.6 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Thomson, Mark A.
DA47.1 .T43 1968 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Veenendaal, A. J.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.6 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 5466.
"From the Nine Years War to the
War of the Spanish Succession",
in Bromley (ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol.
VI, Chapter XII, pp. 381-409.
The Wars of Louis XIV 1667-1714,
pp. 266-360.
Three Victories and a Defeat: The
Rise and Fall of the First
British Empire, 1714-1783
(Chapter Two, "Marlborough
Country: Britain and the Empire,
1697-1714"), pp. 44-76.
"The Emergence of Great Britain
as a World Power" in Bromley
(ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. VI, Chapter
VIII, pp. 254-83.
"The Pacification of Utrecht" in
Bromley (ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. VI,
Chapter XIV, pp. 446-79.
"Louis XIV and the
War of the Spanish
Hatton and Bromley
III and Louis XIV,
Origins of the
Succession" in
(ed.s) William
pp. 140-61.
"The War of the Spanish
Succession in Europe", in Bromley
(ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. VI, pp.
Week beginning October 13th, 2008
Theme: The Eighteenth-Century Balance of Power to the War
of the Austrian Succession, 1715-48
Recommended Readings
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Scott, H.M.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
Anderson, M.S.
D6 .S798 1970 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Bruford, W.H.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Craig, Gordon A. and
Alexander L. George
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 94137, 162-77 and 201-214.
The Birth of a Great Power System,
1740-1815, pp. 39-71.
"Eighteenth-Century Theories of
the Balance of Power" in Ragnhild
Hatton and Idem (eds.), Studies in
Diplomatic History, pp. 183-98.
"The Organisation and Rise of
Prussia" in J.D. Lindsay (ed.),
The New Cambridge Modern History,
Vol. VII, The Old Regime, 1713-63,
Chapter XIII, pp. 292-317.
Force and Statescraft: Diplomatic
Problems of Our Time, pp. 17-27.
D443 .C73 1995 TRIN – STL
Howard Michael
U43 .E95 H68 2001 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lindsay, J.D.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Mediger, W.
D6 .S798 1970 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Thomson, Mark A.
War in European History, Chapter 4:
"The Wars of the Professionals".
"International Relations (171363)" in Idem (ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol.
VII, Chapter IX, pp. 191-213.
"Great Britain, Hanover and the
Rise of Prussia" in Hatton and
Anderson (eds.), Studies in
Diplomatic History, pp. 199-213.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
"The War of the Austrian
Succession" in Lindsay (ed.),
N.C.M.H., Vol. VII, Chapter XVIII,
pp. 416-39.
Browning, Reed
The War of the Austrian Succession
D292 .B76 1993 TRIN – STL
Anderson, M.S.
The War of the Austrian Succession
D292 .A32 1995 TRIN – STL
Showalter, Dennis
DD403.8 .S54 1996 TRIN – STL
The Wars of Frederick the Great,
pp. 38-89.
Week beginning October 20th, 2008
Theme: The Diplomatic Revolution
Recommended Reading
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Scott, H.M.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
Horn, D.B.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Horn, D.B.
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 181192.
The Birth of a Great Power System,
pp. 72-95.
"The Diplomatic Revolution" in
Lindsay (ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. VII,
Chapter XIX, pp. 440-64.
Available at other U of T Libraries
Frederick the Great and the Rise
of Prussia.
Koch, H.W.
A History of Prussia, pp. 102-139.
Available in the Smyth File – STL
Mediger, W.
D6 .S798 1970 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Showalter, Dennis
DD403.8 .S54 1996 TRIN – STL
"Great Britain, Hanover and the
Rise of Prussia", in Hatton and
Anderson (eds.), Studies in
Diplomatic History, pp. 199-213.
The Wars of Frederick the Great,
Week beginning October 27th, 2008
Theme: The Seven Years War, 1756-1763
Recommended Reading
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 192200.
Scott, H.M.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
Black, Jeremy
DA435 .B53 1991 TRIN – STL
Robson, Eric
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Spencer, F.
Smyth File – STL
Showalter, Dennis
DD403.8 .S54 1996 TRIN – STL
The Birth of a Great Power System,
pp. 96-116.
A System of Ambition: British
Foreign Policy, 1660-1793, pp.
"The Seven Years War" in Lindsay
(ed.) N.C.M.H., Vol. VII, Chapter
XX, pp. 465-86
"The Anglo-Prussian Breach of
1762", History, 41 (1956), pp.
The Wars of Frederick the Great,
See also the title by Riley under week 8, below.
Week beginning November 3rd, 2008
Theme: The Sources of British Strength and Stamina
Recommended Reading
Brewer, John
DA480 .B74 1989 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File -- STL
John, A.H.
Available online
Or Smyth File – STL
Jones, D.W.
Available at other U of T Libraries
Joslin, D.M.
HC253 .S79 1964 TRIN – STL
The Sinews of Power: War, Money
and the English State, 1688-1783,
pp. 64-87, 165-217.
'War and the English Economy,
1700-1763', Economic History
Review, Second Series, Vol. 7
(1955), pp. 329-44.
War and the Economy in the Age of
William III and Marlborough, pp.
'London Bankers in Wartime, 173984', in L.S. Pressnell (ed.)
Studies in the Industrial
Revolution, pp. 156-77.
Duffy, Michael
U39 .M548 1986 TRIN – STL
Kennedy, Paul
VA454 .K424 1986 TRIN – STL
O'Brien, Patrick K.
DA16 .O95 1998 TRIN V.2 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Rodger, N.A.M.
DA16 .O95 1998 TRIN V.2 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
'The Foundations of British Naval
Power' in Idem (ed.) The Military
Revolution and the State, 15001800, pp. 49-85.
The Rise and Fall of British Naval
Mastery, pp. 69-147.
'Inseparable Connections: Trade,
Economy, Fiscal State and the
Expansion of Empire, 1688-1815' in
P.J. Marshall (ed.) The Oxford
History of the British Empire, vol.
II: The Eighteenth Century, pp.
'Sea-Power and Empire, 1688-1793'
in P.J. Marshall (ed.) The Oxford
History of the British Empire, vol.
II: The Eighteenth Century, pp.
Blanning, Tim
The Pursuit of Glory: Europe,
D273 .B58 2007 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
1648-1815, pp. 595-610.
Simms, Brendan
D286 .C85 2007 TRIN – STL
'"Ministers of Europe": British
Strategic Culture, 1714-1760', in
Hamish Scott and Brendan Simms
(eds), Cultures of Power in Europe
during the Long Eighteenth Century,
pp. 110-32.
Week beginning November 10th, 2008
Theme: The Eclipse of France
Recommended Reading
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Anderson, M.S.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.8 – STL
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 253271.
"European Diplomatic Relations,
1763-1790", in A. Goodwin (ed.)
Or Smyth File – STL
Scott, H.M.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
Blanning, T.C.W.
DC148 .R535 1991 TRIN – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Jones, M.A.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.8 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Schroeder, Paul W.
D295 .S45 1994 TRIN – STL
Also available online
Riley, James.C.
HC275 .R54 1986 TRIN – STL
N.C.M.H., Vol. VIII, The American
and French Revolutions, 1763-93,
pp. 252-278.
The Birth of a Great Power System,
pp. 222-43.
"The French Revolution and Europe",
in Colin Lucas (ed.) Rewriting the
French Revolution, pp. 183-206.
"American Revolution in its
Imperial, Strategic and Diplomatic
Aspects" in Goodwin (ed.),
N.C.M.H., Vol. VIII, pp. 480-508.
The Transformation of European
Politics, pp.3-52.
The Seven Years War and the Old
Regime in France: The Economic and
Financial Toll
Week beginning November 17th, 2008
Theme: The French Revolutionary Wars
Recommended Reading
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Scott, H.M.
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 272302.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
The Birth of a Great Power System,
pp. 244-301.
Blanning, Tim
The Pursuit of Glory, pp. 610-53.
D273 .B58 2007 TRIN – STL
Best, Geoffrey
D299 .B484 1982 TRIN – STL
Bertaud, Jean-Paul
War and Society in Revolutionary
Europe, 1770-1870, Chapters 5-7.
DC151 .B4313 1988 TRIN – STL
The Army of the French Revolution:
From Citizen Soldiers to
Instrument of Power, pp. 97-267.
Blanning, T.C.W.
Origins of the French
DC220 .B63 1986 TRIN – STL
Revolutionary Wars, pp. 36-211.
Blanning, T.C.W.
The French Revolutionary Wars,
1787-1802, pp. 96-130.
DC151 .B62 1996 TRIN – STL
Bruun, Geoffrey
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.9 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Frey, Linda and Marsha
Available online
Or Smyth File – STL
Howard, Michael
U43 .E95 H68 2001 TRIN V.7 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lynn, John A.
UA702 .L95 1996 TRIN – STL
Ross, Steven T.
Available at other U of T Libraries
Sherwig, J.M.
Available at other U of T Libraries
Schroeder, Paul W.
D295 .S45 1994 TRIN – STL
Also available online
"The Balance of Power during the
Wars, 1793-1814", in C.W. Crawley
(ed.), The New Cambridge Modern
History, Vol. IX, War and Peace in
an Age of Upheaval, 1793-1830, pp.
"The Reign of the Charlatans is
Over: The French Revolutionary
Attack on Diplomatic Practice",
Journal of Modern History, LXV,
No.4 (1993).
War in European History, Chapter 5,
"The Wars of the Revolution".
The Bayonets of the Republic:
Motivation and Tactics of the Army
of Revolutionary, 1791-94.
Quest for Victory: French Military
Strategy, 1792-1799.
Guineas and Gunpowder: British
Foreign Aid in the Wars with
France, 1793-1815.
The Transformation of European
Politics, pp. 53-230.
Week beginning November 24th, 2008
Theme: The Napoleonic Revolution in Warfare and
Recommended Readings
McKay and Scott
Rise of the Great Powers, pp. 303-
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Scott, H.M.
The Birth of a Great Power System,
pp. 302-28.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
Best, Geoffrey
D299 .B484 1982 TRIN – STL
Connelly, Owen
War and Society in Revolutionary
Europe, Chapters 9, 11 and 12.
DC203.9 .C647 1999 TRIN – STL
Blundering to Glory: Napoleonic
Military Campaigns, pp. 77-132.
Creveld, Martin van
Command in War, pp. 58-102.
UB212 .V36 1985 TRIN – STL
Gibbs, N.H. and
Lloyd, C.C.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.9 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Lefebvre, Georges
Available at other U of T Libraries
Paret, Peter
U162 .M25 1986 TRIN – STL
Rothenberg, Gunther E.
U39 .R65 1980 TRIN – STL
Markham, Felix
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.9 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
Ross, Steven T.
D308 .R67 1981 TRIN – STL
Schroeder, Paul W.
D295 .S45 1994 TRIN – STL
Also available online
Chandler, David G.
"Armed Forces and the Art of War
(1793-1830)", in Crawley (ed.),
N.C.M.H., Vol. IX, pp. 60-91.
Napoleon, Vol. I, pp. 214-231,
"Napoleon and the Revolution in
War: in Idem (ed.), Makers of
Modern Strategy, pp. 123-42.
The Art of Warfare in the Age of
"The Napoleonic Adventure" in
Crawley (ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. IX,
pp. 307-36.
European Diplomatic History, 17891815: France Against Europe.
The Transformation of European
Politics, pp. 231-395.
DC151 .C48 1998 TRIN – STL
The Campaigns of Napoleon, pp.
381-439, 739-861.
Esdaile, Charles J.
The Wars of Napoleon
DC151 .E7 1995 TRIN – STL
Week beginning December 1st, 2008
Theme: The Awakening of Europe
Recommended Readings:
McKay and Scott
D273.5 .M36 TRIN – STL
Scott, H.M.
D299 .S33 2006 TRIN – STL
The Rise of the Great Powers, pp.
The Birth of a Great Power System,
pp. 329-54.
DC151 .C48 1998 TRIN – STL
The Campaigns of Napoleon, pp.
Connelly, Owen
Blundering to Glory, pp. 133-222.
Chandler, David
DC203.9 .C647 1999 TRIN – STL
Craig, Gordon A.
Smyth File – STL
Gulick, E.V.
"Problems of Coalition Warfare:
The Military Alliance against
Napoleon, 1813-14" in Idem (ed.)
War, Politics and Diplomacy, pp.
D208 .N4 1957 TRIN V.9 – STL
Or Smyth File – STL
"The Final Coalition and the
Congress of Vienna, 1813-15" in
Crawley (ed.), N.C.M.H., Vol. IX,
pp. 639-67.
Lefebvre, Georges
Napoleon, Vol. I.
Available at other U of T Libraries
Markham, Felix
Napoleon, Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15.
DC203 .M26 1963 TRIN – STL
Bartlett, C.J.
DA522 .L8 B37 1966 TRIN – STL
Palmer, Alan
Alexander I
DK191 .P34 1997 TRIN – STL
Palmer, Alan
Available at other U of T Libraries
Yorck and the Era of Prussian
Paret, Peter
Napoleon in Russia
Available at other U of T Libraries
Schroeder, Paul W.
D295 .S45 1994 TRIN – STL
Also available online
Chandler, David G.
DC151 .C48 1998 TRIN – STL
Esdaile, Charles
DC151 .E69 2007 TRIN – STL
The Transformation of European
Politics, pp. 396-516, 548-559.
The Campaigns of Napoleon, pp.
Napoleon's Wars: An International
History, 1803-1815.